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Biyolojik Meteryalde Değişik Metotlarla Striknin Aranması

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5, 79 - 98, 01.12.1994


Bu çalışmada ülkemizdeki toksikoloji laboratuvarlarında striknin analizi
için kullanılabilecek en çabuk, kolay, güvenilir ve ucuz yöntemin seçilmesi
amacıyla ince tabaka kromotografi, kağıt kromotografi, renk testi ve
GC/MS yöntemleri karşılaştırmalı olarak çalışıldı.Ince tabaka kromotografi Rf değeri, 0.22, yarı-nieel olarak gerçekleştirilen
rekoveri oranı % 78 ve hassasiyet sınırı 0.1 ppm olarak, kağıt kromotografi
yöntemi Rf değeri 0.30 ve hassasiyet sınırı 1 ppm olarak, renk
testi hassasiyet sınırı 0.5 ı-ıg olarak ve GC/MS sisteminde nice! rekoveri
oranı % 88, hassasiyet sınırı ise 1 O ppb olarak belirlendi.
Ülkemizdeki toksikoloji laboratuvarlarında bulunabilecek alet ve malzeme
ile yapılabilmesi, çabuk, ucuz, kolay ve güvenilir olması nedeniyle ince
tabaka kromotografi yönteminin rutin olarak kullanılabileceği kanaatine
varılmıştır. Ayrıca GC/MS sistemi de aynı anda birçok maddenin analizinin
gerçekleştirilebilmesine olanak sağladığından rutin doping analizlerinde tercih edilebilecek bir metot olarak görünmektedir.


  • ALEXANDER, F. : Veteriner Farmakoloji. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yay. No. 308. Yardımcı Ders Kitabı No. 209. s. 136-139. "Çeviri" Özkazanç, A.N. ve Ceylan, S. 1969.
  • AKMAN, M.S., GÜRTUNCA, Ş. , OZAN, K. ve CEYLAN, S. : Letal doz tayini yoluyla eski bir striknin sülfat numunesinde aktivitenin incelenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 19 (3): 413-418. 1972.
  • BOOTH, N.H. and McDONALD, l.E. : Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Sixth Edition. Oowa State University Press. pp. 1073-1075. 1988.
  • CLARKE, E.G.C. : Isolation and ıdentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Material. the Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 33-37
  • CZARNY. R.J. and HORNBECK, C.l. : Quantitation of methamphetamine and amphetamine in urine by capillary GS/MS Part ll: Derivatization with 4-carbethoxyhexafluorobutyrly chlorid. J. Anal. Tox. 13: 257-262. 1989.
  • DONIKE, M. : The detection of doping agents in blood. Br. J. Sports Med., 10 (3): 147- 154. 1976.
  • EHRESMAN, J.D., PRICE, M.S. and LAKATUS, J.D. : Screning biological samples for underivatized drugs using a splitless injection technique on fused slica capillary column gas chromatography. J. Anal. Tox., 9: 55-62. 1985.
  • ELSOHL Y, M.A., ELSOHLY, H.N. JONES, A.B. , DIMSON, P.A. and WELLS, K.A. : GC/MS canfirmation of stimulats. J. Anal. tox. 1983.
  • FOLTZ, R.L., FENTIMAN, A.F. and FOLTZ, R.B. : GC/MS assays for abused drugs in body fluid. Nationalinstitute on Drug abuseResearch Monograph 32. pp. 175. 1980.
  • FOX, R.H. : Paper Chromatography. In: Clarke, E.G.C.: Isolation and ldentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Material. The Pharmceutical Press. pp. 31-42. 1969.
  • GRADWOHL, R.B.H. : Clinical Laboratory Methods and Diagnosis. Fifth edition. the C. V. Mosby Com. s. 2320-2323. 1956.
  • GILMAN, A.G., GOODMAN, L.S. and GILMAN, A. : Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Sixth edition. MacMillan Publishing Co., pp. 1072-1075.1980.
  • KANDEMIR, 1. : Tıbbi toksikoloji. Ankara Üniv. Tıp Fak. Yay. s. 158-164. 1960.
  • KENYON, C.N., MELERA, A. and ERNI , F. : Use of the direct liquid inlet LC/MS system for the analysis of complex mixtures of biologica origin. J. chromatogr. Sci., 18: 103-104. 1980.
  • MAYLIN, A.G., DEWEY, A.E. and HANION, D.J. : Determination of drugs in equine urine by gas chromatography-fourier transform infrarred spectroscopy. Equine Drug Teslig and Toxicology, New York State College of Veterinary MediCine, Comeli Universty. 1986.
  • MOFFAT, A.C., JACSON, J.V. MOSS, M.S. and WIDDOP, B.: Clarke's Isolation and ldetification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids ad Post-mortam Material. Second Edition. London Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 976,977. 1986.
  • NıCHOLSON, J.A. : Lander's Veterinary Toxicology. Third Edition. Bailliere, Tındali andCox. pp. 123-124. 1947.
  • OGURI, K., TANIMOTO, V., MISHIMA, M. and VOSHIMURA, H. : Matabolic fate of strychnine in ra ts, Fa c. Pharma. Sci., Kyushu Univ. 19 (2): 171-178. 1989.
  • STHAL, E. : Thin-Layer Chromotography. A Laboratory. Handbook. Second edition. Springer-Verlag Berlin. pp. 446-449. 1969.
  • SUNSHINE, 1. : CRC Handbook Series in Analytical Toxicology. CRC press. pp. 771. 1979.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S. : Veteriner Farmokoloji ve Ilaçla Sağıtım Seçenekleri. Medisan Yay. No. 4 s. 247-249. 1991.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S.: Veteriner Klinik Toksikoloji. Medisan Yay. No. 5. s. 175-178.
  • WATTS, V. and SIMONICK, F.T. : Screning of basic durgs in biological samples using dual column capillary chromatography and nitrogen-phoshorus detectors. J. Anal. Tox. 10: 198-204. 1986.
  • WIDDOP, B. : Hospital toksikology and drug abuse screning. In: Moffat, A.C., Jacson, J.V., Mess, M.S. and Widdop, 8.: Clarke's Isolatic and ldentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Matarial Second Edition. London Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 3-20.

«Detection of strychnine in biological materials by using various techniques»

Yıl 1994, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5, 79 - 98, 01.12.1994


In this study, the analysis of strychnine was carried out by using thnilayer
chromotography, paper chromotography, colour test and GC/MS system
to determine a rapid, easy, reliable and cheap method applicable to to-xicology laboratories.
lt was found that the Rf, semi-quantitative recovery and detection limit
for thi-lyaer chromotography were 0.22, 78 % and 0.1 ppm, and for paper
chromotography Rf and detection limit were 0.30 and 1 ppm respectively.
Colour test's detetion limit was 0.5 μg . Ouantitative recovery and
detection limit for GC/MS were 78% and 10 ppb respectively.
lt is concluded that thin-layer chromotography is applicable to toxicology
laboratories, because it is rapid, easy to perform, reliable and applicable
with the equipment and glassware present in all toxicology laboratories.
In addition, GC/MS system which enables the analysis of many
substances at the same time can be preferrev for routine doping analysis.


  • ALEXANDER, F. : Veteriner Farmakoloji. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Yay. No. 308. Yardımcı Ders Kitabı No. 209. s. 136-139. "Çeviri" Özkazanç, A.N. ve Ceylan, S. 1969.
  • AKMAN, M.S., GÜRTUNCA, Ş. , OZAN, K. ve CEYLAN, S. : Letal doz tayini yoluyla eski bir striknin sülfat numunesinde aktivitenin incelenmesi. Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 19 (3): 413-418. 1972.
  • BOOTH, N.H. and McDONALD, l.E. : Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Sixth Edition. Oowa State University Press. pp. 1073-1075. 1988.
  • CLARKE, E.G.C. : Isolation and ıdentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Material. the Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 33-37
  • CZARNY. R.J. and HORNBECK, C.l. : Quantitation of methamphetamine and amphetamine in urine by capillary GS/MS Part ll: Derivatization with 4-carbethoxyhexafluorobutyrly chlorid. J. Anal. Tox. 13: 257-262. 1989.
  • DONIKE, M. : The detection of doping agents in blood. Br. J. Sports Med., 10 (3): 147- 154. 1976.
  • EHRESMAN, J.D., PRICE, M.S. and LAKATUS, J.D. : Screning biological samples for underivatized drugs using a splitless injection technique on fused slica capillary column gas chromatography. J. Anal. Tox., 9: 55-62. 1985.
  • ELSOHL Y, M.A., ELSOHLY, H.N. JONES, A.B. , DIMSON, P.A. and WELLS, K.A. : GC/MS canfirmation of stimulats. J. Anal. tox. 1983.
  • FOLTZ, R.L., FENTIMAN, A.F. and FOLTZ, R.B. : GC/MS assays for abused drugs in body fluid. Nationalinstitute on Drug abuseResearch Monograph 32. pp. 175. 1980.
  • FOX, R.H. : Paper Chromatography. In: Clarke, E.G.C.: Isolation and ldentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Material. The Pharmceutical Press. pp. 31-42. 1969.
  • GRADWOHL, R.B.H. : Clinical Laboratory Methods and Diagnosis. Fifth edition. the C. V. Mosby Com. s. 2320-2323. 1956.
  • GILMAN, A.G., GOODMAN, L.S. and GILMAN, A. : Goodman and Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Sixth edition. MacMillan Publishing Co., pp. 1072-1075.1980.
  • KANDEMIR, 1. : Tıbbi toksikoloji. Ankara Üniv. Tıp Fak. Yay. s. 158-164. 1960.
  • KENYON, C.N., MELERA, A. and ERNI , F. : Use of the direct liquid inlet LC/MS system for the analysis of complex mixtures of biologica origin. J. chromatogr. Sci., 18: 103-104. 1980.
  • MAYLIN, A.G., DEWEY, A.E. and HANION, D.J. : Determination of drugs in equine urine by gas chromatography-fourier transform infrarred spectroscopy. Equine Drug Teslig and Toxicology, New York State College of Veterinary MediCine, Comeli Universty. 1986.
  • MOFFAT, A.C., JACSON, J.V. MOSS, M.S. and WIDDOP, B.: Clarke's Isolation and ldetification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids ad Post-mortam Material. Second Edition. London Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 976,977. 1986.
  • NıCHOLSON, J.A. : Lander's Veterinary Toxicology. Third Edition. Bailliere, Tındali andCox. pp. 123-124. 1947.
  • OGURI, K., TANIMOTO, V., MISHIMA, M. and VOSHIMURA, H. : Matabolic fate of strychnine in ra ts, Fa c. Pharma. Sci., Kyushu Univ. 19 (2): 171-178. 1989.
  • STHAL, E. : Thin-Layer Chromotography. A Laboratory. Handbook. Second edition. Springer-Verlag Berlin. pp. 446-449. 1969.
  • SUNSHINE, 1. : CRC Handbook Series in Analytical Toxicology. CRC press. pp. 771. 1979.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S. : Veteriner Farmokoloji ve Ilaçla Sağıtım Seçenekleri. Medisan Yay. No. 4 s. 247-249. 1991.
  • ŞANLI, Y. ve KAYA, S.: Veteriner Klinik Toksikoloji. Medisan Yay. No. 5. s. 175-178.
  • WATTS, V. and SIMONICK, F.T. : Screning of basic durgs in biological samples using dual column capillary chromatography and nitrogen-phoshorus detectors. J. Anal. Tox. 10: 198-204. 1986.
  • WIDDOP, B. : Hospital toksikology and drug abuse screning. In: Moffat, A.C., Jacson, J.V., Mess, M.S. and Widdop, 8.: Clarke's Isolatic and ldentification of Drugs in Pharmaceuticals Body Fluids and Post-mortam Matarial Second Edition. London Pharmaceutical Press. pp. 3-20.
Toplam 24 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Niyazi Savaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1994
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1994
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1994 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Savaş, N. (1994). Biyolojik Meteryalde Değişik Metotlarla Striknin Aranması. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 7(5), 79-98.