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The Prevalance Of Sarcocystis Species On Sheep Slaughtered At Elazığ Meat and Fish Company Abottoir

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 74 - 83, 01.12.1996


The examination of 2417 sheep for macroscopic cysts of Sarcocystis were,
performed at The Meat and Fish Company of Elazığ abattoir from March 1993
to February 1994 of these 6.8% animals were found to be infected with Sarcocystis
(S. ovifelis). The oesophagi, diaphrama, and intercostal muscle
speciınens with or without macrocyst were examined for the presence of microscopic
cysts using the COONS solution. In addition, histopathological examinations
were performed. Microscopic cysts of Sarcocystis tenella and Sarcocystis
were present in 56.3 %and 18.8% of sheep respectively.
The cellular response was seen around cysts in the histopathological section. The
high prevalence of pathogenic species S.tenella was found 56.3 %.


  • BOCH,J.und SUPPERER,R. (1977). Veterinermedizinische Parasitologie, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlinund Hamburg, 356-357.
  • BRIIT,D.P.and BAKER, J.R. (1990).Causes ofDeath and Illness in the Native Sheep of North Ronaldsay, Orkney,İ . Adult sheep, Brith. Vet.J., 146:2,129-142.
  • DUBEY,J.P. (1988). Lesions in Sheep Inoculated with Sarcocystis tenella Sporocysts from Cannine Feces, Vet. Parasit 26:3-4,237-252 . .
  • ERBER,M. (1977) . Möglichkerten des Nachweises und der Differenzlerung von zwei Sarcocystis-Arten des Schweines, Ber i. Münch.Tierarztl.Wschr., 90,480-482.
  • FASSİ-GEHRİ,N . , CABARET,J., AMAQDOUF, A.and DARDAR,R. (1978). Sarcosporidiosis inRuminants in Morocco, Epidemiological Study by Two Histological Tecniques, Annales de Recherches Veterinaries, 9:3,409-41 7).
  • GÖKSU,K.(1975). Koyunlarda Sarcosporidiosisin Yayılışı Üzerine Araştırmalar, İ.Ü .Vet.Derg . , 1(1), 110-127.
  • HEYDORN,A.O.und K..ARER,z. (1986). Zur Schizogonie von Sarcocystis ovicanis, Berl.Münch. Tierarztl.Wschr.,99,185-189.
  • HEYDORN,A.O., GESTRİCH;R.,MEHLORN,H. and ROMMEL,M. (1975). Proposal for a New N omendatüre of the Sarcosporidia, 2. Parasitenkd, 48: 73-82.
  • JENSEN,R., ALEXANDER; AF., DAHLGREN, R.R., JOLLEY, W.R., MARQUARDT, W. C., FLACK, D.E., BENNEIT, B.W., COX, M.F., HARRİS, C.W., HOFFMANN, G.A., TROUTMAN, R.S ., HOFF, R.L., JONES, R.L., COLLİNS,J.K., HAMAR, D.W and CRAVANS, R.L. (1986). Eosinophilic Mycositis and Musculer Sarcocystosis in dhe Carcasses of Slau~tered Cattle and Lambs., Am.J.Vet. Res., 47:3, 587-593.
  • MUNDAY,B.L. (198ı) . Premature Partrution in Ewes Inoculated with Sarcocystis, Vet. Parasitol., 9: 1, 1 7-26.
  • 0'TOOLE, D.(1987). Experimental Ovine Sarcocystosis: Squential Ultrastructural Pathology in Skeletal Muscle, J.Comp. Path., 97:1 , 5 1-60.
  • RETZLAF, N. (1972) . Uber das Verkommen von Sarkosporidien bei Schlachtschafen und Shlachtziegen inder Türkei, Tierantzti,. 72 ( 6}, 192-196.
  • JUBB,K.VF.and KENNEDY, P:C. (1970). Pathology of Domestic Animals, 2.Ed., Academic Press., Newyork, 480. ·
  • JUBB,K.VF.and KENNEDY, P:C. (1970). Pathology of Domestic Animals, 2.Ed., Academic Press., Newyork, 480. ·
  • KEPKA,O. und Ostereicher, H.D. (1977). Zur Haefrykeit von Sarkoskoridien in Rindem der Stimark, Wein. Tierarzt.Wschr. 5,184-185.
  • KEPKA,O. und Ostereicher, H.D. (1977). Zur Haefrykeit von Sarkoskoridien in Rindem der Stimark, Wein. Tierarzt.Wschr. 5,184-185.
  • LEVİNE, N.D. (1985). Veterinary Protozoology, Iowa State Univ.Press., Ames Iowa, 233-247.
  • LEVİNE, N.D. (1985). Veterinary Protozoology, Iowa State Univ.Press., Ames Iowa, 233-247.
  • MASKAR, U., ÖZDEN, M. ve DİKMEN, S. (1975). Çeşitli Kasaplık Hayvan Türleri ile Et Müstahzarlannda Sarkoskondi Bakımından Histolojik Araştırma, Mikrobiol. Derg., 24(3-4), 86-104 .
  • MASKAR, U., ÖZDEN, M. ve DİKMEN, S. (1975). Çeşitli Kasaplık Hayvan Türleri ile Et Müstahzarlannda Sarkoskondi Bakımından Histolojik Araştırma, Mikrobiol. Derg., 24(3-4), 86-104 .
  • Mc MANUS, J.F.A. and MOWRY,R.W. (1960). Staining Methods, Histologic and Histochemical, Paul B. Hoeber Ine. Newyork
  • Mc MANUS, J.F.A. and MOWRY,R.W. (1960). Staining Methods, Histologic and Histochemical, Paul B. Hoeber Ine. Newyork
  • MİMİOGLU, M., GÖKSU, K. ve SAYIN, F. (1969). Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji ·2,A.Ü.Vet. Fak. Yay. 248, Ankara, 1124.
  • MİMİOGLU, M., GÖKSU, K. ve SAYIN, F. (1969). Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji ·2,A.Ü.Vet. Fak. Yay. 248, Ankara, 1124.
  • MUNDAY,B.L. (198ı) . Premature Partrution in Ewes Inoculated with Sarcocystis, Vet. Parasitol., 9: 1, 17-26.
  • O'TOOLE, D.(1987). Experimental Ovine Sarcocystosis: Squential Ultrastructural Pathology in Skeletal Muscle, J.Comp. Path., 97:1 , 5 I-60.
  • O'TOOLE,D., DUFFELL,S.J., UPCOTT, D:H. and FREWİN, D. (1986). Experimental Microcyst Sarcocystis Infection in Lambs: Pathology, Vet.Rec., 119 : 21, 525-535.
  • ÖZER,E. (1988). Elazığ Mezbahasında Kesilen Sığır ve Mandalarda Sarcocystis Türleri ve İnsidensi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doğa Derg., 12:2, 130- 139.
  • ÖZER,E. (1988). Elazığ Mezbahasında Kesilen Sığır ve Mandalarda Sarcocystis Türleri ve İnsidensi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doğa Derg., 12:2, 130- 139.
  • POZOV, S.A. (1981): New Data on Sarcocystosis in Sheep, NauchnyeTrudy Stavrapol skoga, Sel skokhozyaistvennago Instituta, 44,96-98.
  • POZOV, S.A. (1981): New Data on Sarcocystosis in Sheep, NauchnyeTrudy Stavrapol skoga, Sel skokhozyaistvennago Instituta, 44,96-98.
  • RETZLAF, N. (1972) . Uber das Verkommen von Sarkosporidien bei Schlachtschafen und Shlachtziegen inder Türkei, Tierantzti,. 72 ( 6},192-196.
  • REZAKHANİ, A., CHEEMA, AH., and EDJTEHADİ, M. (1977). Second Segree Atrioventricular B lock and Sarcosporidiosis in Sheep, Zentralblatt fur Veterinermedizin, A., 24:3, 258-262.
  • REZAKHANİ, A., CHEEMA, AH., and EDJTEHADİ, M. (1977). Second Segree Atrioventricular B lock and Sarcosporidiosis in Sheep, Zentralblatt fur Veterinermedizin, A., 24:3, 258-262.
  • ROMMEL,M., HEYDORN, A.O. und ERBER, M. (1979). Die Sarcosporidiose der Haustiere und des Menshes. Berl. Münch. Tierarztl. Waschr., 92 (23), 457-464.
  • ROMMEL,M., HEYDORN, A.O. und ERBER, M. (1979). Die Sarcosporidiose der Haustiere und des Menshes. Berl. Münch. Tierarztl. Waschr., 92 (23), 457-464.

Elazığ Et ve Süt Kurumu Mezbahasında Kesilen Koyunlarda Sarcocystis Türlerinin Yayılışı

Yıl 1996, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3, 74 - 83, 01.12.1996


Mart 1993-Şubat 1994 tarihleri arasında, bir yıl süreyle; her hafta bir kez
Elazığ Et ve Balık Kurumu Mezbahası'na gidilerek, 2417 koyun Sarcocystis
makrokİstieri yönünden muayene edilmiştir. %6.8'i Sarcocystis gigantea
(S.ovifelis) ile enfekte bulunmuştur. Makroskopik kist bulunan ve bulunmayan
özefagus, diyafram ve interkostalkas örnekleri laboratuvarda COONS solusyonu
ile mikrokistler yönünden incelenmiştir. Ayrıca bu dokuların histopatolojik
muayenesi yapılmıştır. Mikrokistler yönünden yapılan muayenelerde ortalama
%56.3 Sarcocystis tenella ve % 18.8 Sarcocystis arieticanis kistleri görülmüştür.
Histopapolojik muayenelerde kistin çevresinde hücresel yanıt saptanmış olup,
Elazığ yöresinde patojen tür olan Sarcocystis tenella'ya % 56.3 oranında rastlanmıştır.


  • BOCH,J.und SUPPERER,R. (1977). Veterinermedizinische Parasitologie, Verlag Paul Parey, Berlinund Hamburg, 356-357.
  • BRIIT,D.P.and BAKER, J.R. (1990).Causes ofDeath and Illness in the Native Sheep of North Ronaldsay, Orkney,İ . Adult sheep, Brith. Vet.J., 146:2,129-142.
  • DUBEY,J.P. (1988). Lesions in Sheep Inoculated with Sarcocystis tenella Sporocysts from Cannine Feces, Vet. Parasit 26:3-4,237-252 . .
  • ERBER,M. (1977) . Möglichkerten des Nachweises und der Differenzlerung von zwei Sarcocystis-Arten des Schweines, Ber i. Münch.Tierarztl.Wschr., 90,480-482.
  • FASSİ-GEHRİ,N . , CABARET,J., AMAQDOUF, A.and DARDAR,R. (1978). Sarcosporidiosis inRuminants in Morocco, Epidemiological Study by Two Histological Tecniques, Annales de Recherches Veterinaries, 9:3,409-41 7).
  • GÖKSU,K.(1975). Koyunlarda Sarcosporidiosisin Yayılışı Üzerine Araştırmalar, İ.Ü .Vet.Derg . , 1(1), 110-127.
  • HEYDORN,A.O.und K..ARER,z. (1986). Zur Schizogonie von Sarcocystis ovicanis, Berl.Münch. Tierarztl.Wschr.,99,185-189.
  • HEYDORN,A.O., GESTRİCH;R.,MEHLORN,H. and ROMMEL,M. (1975). Proposal for a New N omendatüre of the Sarcosporidia, 2. Parasitenkd, 48: 73-82.
  • JENSEN,R., ALEXANDER; AF., DAHLGREN, R.R., JOLLEY, W.R., MARQUARDT, W. C., FLACK, D.E., BENNEIT, B.W., COX, M.F., HARRİS, C.W., HOFFMANN, G.A., TROUTMAN, R.S ., HOFF, R.L., JONES, R.L., COLLİNS,J.K., HAMAR, D.W and CRAVANS, R.L. (1986). Eosinophilic Mycositis and Musculer Sarcocystosis in dhe Carcasses of Slau~tered Cattle and Lambs., Am.J.Vet. Res., 47:3, 587-593.
  • MUNDAY,B.L. (198ı) . Premature Partrution in Ewes Inoculated with Sarcocystis, Vet. Parasitol., 9: 1, 1 7-26.
  • 0'TOOLE, D.(1987). Experimental Ovine Sarcocystosis: Squential Ultrastructural Pathology in Skeletal Muscle, J.Comp. Path., 97:1 , 5 1-60.
  • RETZLAF, N. (1972) . Uber das Verkommen von Sarkosporidien bei Schlachtschafen und Shlachtziegen inder Türkei, Tierantzti,. 72 ( 6}, 192-196.
  • JUBB,K.VF.and KENNEDY, P:C. (1970). Pathology of Domestic Animals, 2.Ed., Academic Press., Newyork, 480. ·
  • JUBB,K.VF.and KENNEDY, P:C. (1970). Pathology of Domestic Animals, 2.Ed., Academic Press., Newyork, 480. ·
  • KEPKA,O. und Ostereicher, H.D. (1977). Zur Haefrykeit von Sarkoskoridien in Rindem der Stimark, Wein. Tierarzt.Wschr. 5,184-185.
  • KEPKA,O. und Ostereicher, H.D. (1977). Zur Haefrykeit von Sarkoskoridien in Rindem der Stimark, Wein. Tierarzt.Wschr. 5,184-185.
  • LEVİNE, N.D. (1985). Veterinary Protozoology, Iowa State Univ.Press., Ames Iowa, 233-247.
  • LEVİNE, N.D. (1985). Veterinary Protozoology, Iowa State Univ.Press., Ames Iowa, 233-247.
  • MASKAR, U., ÖZDEN, M. ve DİKMEN, S. (1975). Çeşitli Kasaplık Hayvan Türleri ile Et Müstahzarlannda Sarkoskondi Bakımından Histolojik Araştırma, Mikrobiol. Derg., 24(3-4), 86-104 .
  • MASKAR, U., ÖZDEN, M. ve DİKMEN, S. (1975). Çeşitli Kasaplık Hayvan Türleri ile Et Müstahzarlannda Sarkoskondi Bakımından Histolojik Araştırma, Mikrobiol. Derg., 24(3-4), 86-104 .
  • Mc MANUS, J.F.A. and MOWRY,R.W. (1960). Staining Methods, Histologic and Histochemical, Paul B. Hoeber Ine. Newyork
  • Mc MANUS, J.F.A. and MOWRY,R.W. (1960). Staining Methods, Histologic and Histochemical, Paul B. Hoeber Ine. Newyork
  • MİMİOGLU, M., GÖKSU, K. ve SAYIN, F. (1969). Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji ·2,A.Ü.Vet. Fak. Yay. 248, Ankara, 1124.
  • MİMİOGLU, M., GÖKSU, K. ve SAYIN, F. (1969). Veteriner ve Tıbbi Protozooloji ·2,A.Ü.Vet. Fak. Yay. 248, Ankara, 1124.
  • MUNDAY,B.L. (198ı) . Premature Partrution in Ewes Inoculated with Sarcocystis, Vet. Parasitol., 9: 1, 17-26.
  • O'TOOLE, D.(1987). Experimental Ovine Sarcocystosis: Squential Ultrastructural Pathology in Skeletal Muscle, J.Comp. Path., 97:1 , 5 I-60.
  • O'TOOLE,D., DUFFELL,S.J., UPCOTT, D:H. and FREWİN, D. (1986). Experimental Microcyst Sarcocystis Infection in Lambs: Pathology, Vet.Rec., 119 : 21, 525-535.
  • ÖZER,E. (1988). Elazığ Mezbahasında Kesilen Sığır ve Mandalarda Sarcocystis Türleri ve İnsidensi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doğa Derg., 12:2, 130- 139.
  • ÖZER,E. (1988). Elazığ Mezbahasında Kesilen Sığır ve Mandalarda Sarcocystis Türleri ve İnsidensi Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Doğa Derg., 12:2, 130- 139.
  • POZOV, S.A. (1981): New Data on Sarcocystosis in Sheep, NauchnyeTrudy Stavrapol skoga, Sel skokhozyaistvennago Instituta, 44,96-98.
  • POZOV, S.A. (1981): New Data on Sarcocystosis in Sheep, NauchnyeTrudy Stavrapol skoga, Sel skokhozyaistvennago Instituta, 44,96-98.
  • RETZLAF, N. (1972) . Uber das Verkommen von Sarkosporidien bei Schlachtschafen und Shlachtziegen inder Türkei, Tierantzti,. 72 ( 6},192-196.
  • REZAKHANİ, A., CHEEMA, AH., and EDJTEHADİ, M. (1977). Second Segree Atrioventricular B lock and Sarcosporidiosis in Sheep, Zentralblatt fur Veterinermedizin, A., 24:3, 258-262.
  • REZAKHANİ, A., CHEEMA, AH., and EDJTEHADİ, M. (1977). Second Segree Atrioventricular B lock and Sarcosporidiosis in Sheep, Zentralblatt fur Veterinermedizin, A., 24:3, 258-262.
  • ROMMEL,M., HEYDORN, A.O. und ERBER, M. (1979). Die Sarcosporidiose der Haustiere und des Menshes. Berl. Münch. Tierarztl. Waschr., 92 (23), 457-464.
  • ROMMEL,M., HEYDORN, A.O. und ERBER, M. (1979). Die Sarcosporidiose der Haustiere und des Menshes. Berl. Münch. Tierarztl. Waschr., 92 (23), 457-464.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

G. Öztürk Bu kişi benim

N. Küçükerden Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1996
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1996 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Öztürk, G., & Küçükerden, N. (1996). Elazığ Et ve Süt Kurumu Mezbahasında Kesilen Koyunlarda Sarcocystis Türlerinin Yayılışı. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 8(3), 74-83.