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Investigation of the levels of nitra te, nitrite, tannin and eyanide which are im portant from the po int of view of animal health and productivity in domestic and imported feed and feedstuff samples

Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 57 - 88, 01.12.1997


The levels of nitrate, nitrite, tanin and cyanide which may cause deleterious
effects to livestock, were determined in feeds and feedstuffs . The determined
levels of nitrate, nitrite in feeds and feedstuffs for livestock, and tannin for large
animals would not to cause health problems However, same of the feeds and feedstuffs, which were contained harmful levels of tannin, would exceeded the
tolerance limits ( 10 ppm for chick feeds, 50 ppm for other feeds and feedstuffs)
the determined levels of cyanide in some feeds and feedstuffs which would result
any hazard to animals, but levels of cyanide in 3 cotton seed bagasses would
give rise health problems for animals (above 200 ppm cyanide).


  • ADAMS., W., EMERİCK, R. J. and CARLSON, C. W. (1966) : Effects of nitrate and nitrite in the dirinking water on chinks, poults and laying hens. Poult.Sci.45: 1215-1222
  • ADAMS, A. W., WEST, J. L.and KAHRS, E. J. ( 1969) : Some effects on turkeys of nitrate in the dirinking water. Poult.Sci. 48:1222-1229.
  • AKAR, F., KAYA, S., FİLAZİ, A. ve YARSAN, E.(l994): Yem ve yem hammaddelerinde bulunan bazı doğal olumsuzluk faktörleri.1.Tanen ve siyanür düzeyleri A. Ü.Vet.Fak. Derg.41 : 119- ı 31
  • ANDRADE, S. 0., RETZ, L. and MARMO, O. (1971): Studies on brachiarjaps (Tanner grass).lll. Incidence of cattle poisoning, 1970-1971 and nitrate levels in the plant. Arquivos Do Instituto Biologica.38:239-252
  • ANON.(l990) : 20 Eylül 1990 tarih ve 20997sayılı Resmi Gazate,S.4 ı
  • BAKER, J. M. and TUCKER, B. B. (197ı): Effects ofrate on and P on the accuınulation ofNO"-N in wheat, oats, rye and barley on different samling dates.Agron.J .63 :204-207.
  • BARTİK, ·M. (1981):Intoxication of animals by inorganic. in. Veterinary Toxicology.Eds. Bartik, M. and Piskac, A. Elsevier Scientific Company, Amsterdam, Oxford-New York.pp.39-128.
  • BLOOMFİELD, R. A.- WELSCH, C. W., GARDNER, G.B. and MUHRER, M. E. (1961): Effect of dietary nitrate on thyroid function . Science. 134:1690 .
  • BONDİ, A., and ALUMOT, E. (1987): Anti-nutritive factors in animal feedstuffs and their effects onliverstock. Progress in Food and Nut .Sci. 1 ı : ı ı 5- ısı
  • BUCK, W. B. (1970): Laboratory toxicologic tests and their intcrpretation .J .A. V.M .A. 155: 1928- 1941.
  • BUCK, W. B. (1970) : Diagnosis of feed-relate toxicoses J.A.V.M .A. 156: 1434-1443
  • CASE, A. A. (1957) : Some aspects of nitrate intoxicationin livestock.J .A. V.M.A.130:323-329
  • CLARKE, J. M. L., HARVEY, D. G. and HUMPHREYS, D. J. (1981) : Veterinary Toxicology. 2 nd. Ed., Bailiere Tindal. London.
  • CONN, E. E. (1973) : Cyanogenetic glycosides ın Toxicants occuring naturally in foods National Academy ofsciences Washington, D.C.pp 299-309.
  • CRAWFORD, R. F., KENNEDY, W. K. and DAVİSON, K. L. ( 1966):Factors influencing the toxicity offorages that contain nitrate when fed to cattle Comeli Vet (6:3- ı 7)
  • DAVİSON, K. L., HANSEL W.M., KROOK, L., Mc ENTEE, K. and WRİNGHT, M. J. (1964): Nitrate Toxicitiy in dairy heifers ı . Effect on reproduction, growth, lactation and vitamin A nutrition J. Dairy Sci. 47: 1065- 073
  • DOLLAHİTE, J. W. and HOLT, E. C.(l970): Nitrate poisoninig. S.Afr. Med. J.44:171-174
  • EGYED, M. N. and HANJİ, V. (1987): Factors contibuting to recent outbeaks of acute nitrate poisoning in farm ruminants Isr. J. Vet. Met.43 :50-55
  • EGYED, M.N., SHLOSBERG, A. and NERİA, A.(l980) : Anunoniuın nitra te poisoning in a herd of cattle Refuah Vet 3 7: 1 O 1-1 03.
  • ENGEL, R. E and ZUBRİSKİ J. C. (1982) : Nitrogen concentrations in spring wheat at severat growth stages. Commun . In Soil Sci . Plant Anal 13 :531-544
  • FEDTKE, C. (1981) : Nitrate metabol is m iı1 photosy1ıthetically inhibited plants in Biology of inorganik nitrogen and sulfur. Eds Bothe, H. and Trebst, A Springer-Verlang, Berlin Heidberg New York . pp 260-265 .
  • FROTA, J. N. E. and TURKER, T. C. (1972): Teınpcrature influence on aınınonium and nitrate absorption by lettuce. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 36:97-100.
  • GEURINK, S.H., MALESTEIN, A. KEMP, A. and KLOOSTER, A. TH. VANT. (1 979): Nitrata poisoning in cattle. 3. The relationship between nitrate in take with hay or fresh raughage and the speed of in take onthe formantion of methemoglobin. Net. J. Agric. Sci. 30 : 105-113.
  • GEURİNK, S. H .. , MALESTEİN, A., KEMP, A., KORZENİOWSKİ, A. and VAN'T KLOOSTER, A. T. ( 1 982) : Nitrate poisoning in cattle 7 prevetinon. Neth J. Agric. Sci. 30:105-113 .
  • GİANNAPOLİTİS, C., VASSİLİOU, G. and VİZANTİNOPOULUS, S. (1989): Effects ofinterference and herbicides on nitratc and carotene accuınulation in lctuce. J. Agric . Food Chem 37: 312-315.
  • GONSKE, R. G. and KEENEY , D. R . ( 1 969) : Efect of fertilizer nitrogen, variety and maturity on the dry matter yield and nitrogen fractions of com grown for silage. Agron. J. 61. :72-76.
  • GRİMM, R. ( 1 974) : Akute nitratvergiftung bei rindem auf der weide. Tierarztl . Umschau 29:647-650.
  • HALIBDRTON J.C. and ED W ARDS, W. C. ( 1978) : Nitrate poisoning in Oklahama cattle during the winter of 1977-1978. Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 20 : 401-403.
  • HATCH, R.C. ( 1 987): Poisons causing respiratory insufficiency . .In. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapcutics. Erds Sooth, N.H and McDonald, L. E. Sixth ed., lowa State University Press/Ames pp. 1001-1131.
  • HORİO, M. ( 1 982) : Poisoning in ruıninants . 1. Changes in ınethaeınoglobin forınation and so me medico-chemical properties of goats after adıninistration with KNOY Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical Collage 31 :75-87.
  • HORN, F. P., REİD, R. L. and JUNG, G. A. (1975) : Vitamin A status of ewes and laınbs grazing nitrogen fertilized orchardgrass pastures J. Anim Sci. 41 : 635-640 .
  • HORWİTZ , W. ( 1970) : Official methods of the essociatinon of agricultural chemists. Washington.
  • KAYA, S. (1985): Yem ve yem hammaddelerinde nitrat ve nitritler A. Ü. Vet . Fak. Derg. 32:507-517.
  • KAYA, S., BİLGİLİ, A., LİMAN, B.C. ve DOGAN, A. (1 989) : Çeşitli yem ve yem hammaddekrindeki nitrat ve nitrit düzeyleri üzerine bir araştımıa .A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 36:455-466.
  • KAYA, S. ve YAVUZ, H. (1993) :Yem ve vem hammaddelerinde bulunan olumsuzluk faktörleri ve hayvaniara yönelik etkileri 1. Orgaanik nilteliki i olumsuzluk faktörleri. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 40:586-614.
  • KEMP, A., GEURİNK, J. H., HAALSTRA, R. T. and MALESTEİN, A. ( 1977) : Nitrate poisoiningin cattle 2. Changes in nitrite in rumen fluid and methemolobin formatian in blood after high nitrate intake Neth. J. Agric. Sci . 25 :51-62 .
  • KİN, W. K. L and MAC KENZİE, A. F. ( 1970) : Effcct of time and rate of N applications on yied nutritive value index crude protein and nitrate content ofbromengrass.Agron. J. 62:442-444 J. Agric. Food Chem 32:447-453
  • KUMAR, R. and SINGH, M. (1984) Taııniııs: Their advarse role in nıın inant nutrition. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32 : 447-453 .
  • LEE, C., WEİSS, R. and HORVATH, D. J. ( 1 970) : Effects ofnitrogcn fertilization on the thyroid function of rast fed 40'% orclıard grass diets J. Nu tr. 100: ı 121-1126.
  • LİEBENOW, H. ( 1 972) : Nitrate und nitrite in ihrer beziehung zu ınensch und tier Tieremahrg 22 :281-293 .
  • LORENZ, O, A. ( 1978) : Potential nitrate leves in edi b le plant paıts In Nitrogcn in the Environmcnt Vol. Eds Nielsen D.R. and McDonalld, J.G. Acadcmic Press Ine London pp . 201-219.
  • LOVELACE, D. A., HOLT. E. C. and ANDERSON, W. B. (ı 968): Nitrate and nutrient accuımııatinon in two varictiesofberınudagrass (Cynodon dactyıon L) as influenced by soil-appıied fertilizer nutrinents ArgonJ. 60:551- 554.
  • MANEVİCS, Z. and LEİTE, L. (ı 967): Changes in the concentration of methaemoglobin and same clinical indication in cows during expermental methaemoglobinemia Latv. Lavksaimm. Akad. Raksti20: I 81- I 87.
  • MARRETT, L. E. and SUN DE, M. L. (ı 968) : The use of turkey poults and chickcns as testsanimals for nitrate and nitrite toxiciy. Poult.sci. 47:511-519.
  • MİTARU, B. N., REİCHERT, R.D. and BLAiR, R. (1983) : Impravement of the nutritive value of hingn tannin sorghum for broibler chincks by hingh mousturc storagc (reconstitution) poultry Sci. 62:2065-2072.
  • MONTGOMERY, R. D. (I 969): Cyanogens ın toxic constituents of plant foodstuffs . Ed Licner, I. E. Acadcmic Press New York pp. 143-157.
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  • PİRİNÇCİ, İ. ve ACET, A. ( 1984): Yemlerde nitrat ve nitrit düzeyleri ile ilgili çalışmalar A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Dcrg. 3 I :41-52.
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Türkiye'de Üretilen veya İthal Edilen Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinin Hayvan Sağlığı ve Verimliliği Yönünden Önem Taşıyan Nitrat-Nitrit, Tannik Asit ve Siyanür İçerikleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar

Yıl 1997, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 57 - 88, 01.12.1997


Bu çalışmada, yem ve yem hammaddelerinde, hayvanlarda istenmeyen
etkilere yol açan olumsuzluk faktörlerinden nitrat, nitrit, tanen ve siyanür
düzeyleri ölçülmüştür. Yem ve yem hammaddelerinde ölçülen nitrat ve nitrit
düzeyleri tüm hayvanlarda, tanen düzeyleri de büyükbaş hayvanlarda sağlık
problemi oluşturacak boyutta bulunmamıştır. Bununla beraber, bazı yem ve
yem hammaddelerinde bulunan tanen düzeylerinin kanatlılarda istenmeyen
etkilere yol açabilecek seviyede olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bazı yem ve yem
hammaddelerinde ölçülen siyanür düzeyleri tolerans limitlerini (civciv yemi için
lüppm, diğer yem ve yem hammaddeleri için 50 ppm) aştığı halde, hayvanlar
yönünden tehlikeli olabilecek seviyelerde olmadığı , bununla beraber sadece 3
pamuk tohumu küspesinde ölçülen siyanür düzeylerinin (200ppm' in üzerinde)
hayvanlarda sağlık sorunlarına yol açabileceği sonucuna varılmıştır.


  • ADAMS., W., EMERİCK, R. J. and CARLSON, C. W. (1966) : Effects of nitrate and nitrite in the dirinking water on chinks, poults and laying hens. Poult.Sci.45: 1215-1222
  • ADAMS, A. W., WEST, J. L.and KAHRS, E. J. ( 1969) : Some effects on turkeys of nitrate in the dirinking water. Poult.Sci. 48:1222-1229.
  • AKAR, F., KAYA, S., FİLAZİ, A. ve YARSAN, E.(l994): Yem ve yem hammaddelerinde bulunan bazı doğal olumsuzluk faktörleri.1.Tanen ve siyanür düzeyleri A. Ü.Vet.Fak. Derg.41 : 119- ı 31
  • ANDRADE, S. 0., RETZ, L. and MARMO, O. (1971): Studies on brachiarjaps (Tanner grass).lll. Incidence of cattle poisoning, 1970-1971 and nitrate levels in the plant. Arquivos Do Instituto Biologica.38:239-252
  • ANON.(l990) : 20 Eylül 1990 tarih ve 20997sayılı Resmi Gazate,S.4 ı
  • BAKER, J. M. and TUCKER, B. B. (197ı): Effects ofrate on and P on the accuınulation ofNO"-N in wheat, oats, rye and barley on different samling dates.Agron.J .63 :204-207.
  • BARTİK, ·M. (1981):Intoxication of animals by inorganic. in. Veterinary Toxicology.Eds. Bartik, M. and Piskac, A. Elsevier Scientific Company, Amsterdam, Oxford-New York.pp.39-128.
  • BLOOMFİELD, R. A.- WELSCH, C. W., GARDNER, G.B. and MUHRER, M. E. (1961): Effect of dietary nitrate on thyroid function . Science. 134:1690 .
  • BONDİ, A., and ALUMOT, E. (1987): Anti-nutritive factors in animal feedstuffs and their effects onliverstock. Progress in Food and Nut .Sci. 1 ı : ı ı 5- ısı
  • BUCK, W. B. (1970): Laboratory toxicologic tests and their intcrpretation .J .A. V.M .A. 155: 1928- 1941.
  • BUCK, W. B. (1970) : Diagnosis of feed-relate toxicoses J.A.V.M .A. 156: 1434-1443
  • CASE, A. A. (1957) : Some aspects of nitrate intoxicationin livestock.J .A. V.M.A.130:323-329
  • CLARKE, J. M. L., HARVEY, D. G. and HUMPHREYS, D. J. (1981) : Veterinary Toxicology. 2 nd. Ed., Bailiere Tindal. London.
  • CONN, E. E. (1973) : Cyanogenetic glycosides ın Toxicants occuring naturally in foods National Academy ofsciences Washington, D.C.pp 299-309.
  • CRAWFORD, R. F., KENNEDY, W. K. and DAVİSON, K. L. ( 1966):Factors influencing the toxicity offorages that contain nitrate when fed to cattle Comeli Vet (6:3- ı 7)
  • DAVİSON, K. L., HANSEL W.M., KROOK, L., Mc ENTEE, K. and WRİNGHT, M. J. (1964): Nitrate Toxicitiy in dairy heifers ı . Effect on reproduction, growth, lactation and vitamin A nutrition J. Dairy Sci. 47: 1065- 073
  • DOLLAHİTE, J. W. and HOLT, E. C.(l970): Nitrate poisoninig. S.Afr. Med. J.44:171-174
  • EGYED, M. N. and HANJİ, V. (1987): Factors contibuting to recent outbeaks of acute nitrate poisoning in farm ruminants Isr. J. Vet. Met.43 :50-55
  • EGYED, M.N., SHLOSBERG, A. and NERİA, A.(l980) : Anunoniuın nitra te poisoning in a herd of cattle Refuah Vet 3 7: 1 O 1-1 03.
  • ENGEL, R. E and ZUBRİSKİ J. C. (1982) : Nitrogen concentrations in spring wheat at severat growth stages. Commun . In Soil Sci . Plant Anal 13 :531-544
  • FEDTKE, C. (1981) : Nitrate metabol is m iı1 photosy1ıthetically inhibited plants in Biology of inorganik nitrogen and sulfur. Eds Bothe, H. and Trebst, A Springer-Verlang, Berlin Heidberg New York . pp 260-265 .
  • FROTA, J. N. E. and TURKER, T. C. (1972): Teınpcrature influence on aınınonium and nitrate absorption by lettuce. Soil. Sci. Soc. Amer. Proc., 36:97-100.
  • GEURINK, S.H., MALESTEIN, A. KEMP, A. and KLOOSTER, A. TH. VANT. (1 979): Nitrata poisoning in cattle. 3. The relationship between nitrate in take with hay or fresh raughage and the speed of in take onthe formantion of methemoglobin. Net. J. Agric. Sci. 30 : 105-113.
  • GEURİNK, S. H .. , MALESTEİN, A., KEMP, A., KORZENİOWSKİ, A. and VAN'T KLOOSTER, A. T. ( 1 982) : Nitrate poisoning in cattle 7 prevetinon. Neth J. Agric. Sci. 30:105-113 .
  • GİANNAPOLİTİS, C., VASSİLİOU, G. and VİZANTİNOPOULUS, S. (1989): Effects ofinterference and herbicides on nitratc and carotene accuınulation in lctuce. J. Agric . Food Chem 37: 312-315.
  • GONSKE, R. G. and KEENEY , D. R . ( 1 969) : Efect of fertilizer nitrogen, variety and maturity on the dry matter yield and nitrogen fractions of com grown for silage. Agron. J. 61. :72-76.
  • GRİMM, R. ( 1 974) : Akute nitratvergiftung bei rindem auf der weide. Tierarztl . Umschau 29:647-650.
  • HALIBDRTON J.C. and ED W ARDS, W. C. ( 1978) : Nitrate poisoning in Oklahama cattle during the winter of 1977-1978. Vet. Hum. Toxicol. 20 : 401-403.
  • HATCH, R.C. ( 1 987): Poisons causing respiratory insufficiency . .In. Veterinary Pharmacology and Therapcutics. Erds Sooth, N.H and McDonald, L. E. Sixth ed., lowa State University Press/Ames pp. 1001-1131.
  • HORİO, M. ( 1 982) : Poisoning in ruıninants . 1. Changes in ınethaeınoglobin forınation and so me medico-chemical properties of goats after adıninistration with KNOY Bulletin of the Nippon Veterinary and Zootechnical Collage 31 :75-87.
  • HORN, F. P., REİD, R. L. and JUNG, G. A. (1975) : Vitamin A status of ewes and laınbs grazing nitrogen fertilized orchardgrass pastures J. Anim Sci. 41 : 635-640 .
  • HORWİTZ , W. ( 1970) : Official methods of the essociatinon of agricultural chemists. Washington.
  • KAYA, S. (1985): Yem ve yem hammaddelerinde nitrat ve nitritler A. Ü. Vet . Fak. Derg. 32:507-517.
  • KAYA, S., BİLGİLİ, A., LİMAN, B.C. ve DOGAN, A. (1 989) : Çeşitli yem ve yem hammaddekrindeki nitrat ve nitrit düzeyleri üzerine bir araştımıa .A.Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 36:455-466.
  • KAYA, S. ve YAVUZ, H. (1993) :Yem ve vem hammaddelerinde bulunan olumsuzluk faktörleri ve hayvaniara yönelik etkileri 1. Orgaanik nilteliki i olumsuzluk faktörleri. A. Ü. Vet. Fak. Derg. 40:586-614.
  • KEMP, A., GEURİNK, J. H., HAALSTRA, R. T. and MALESTEİN, A. ( 1977) : Nitrate poisoiningin cattle 2. Changes in nitrite in rumen fluid and methemolobin formatian in blood after high nitrate intake Neth. J. Agric. Sci . 25 :51-62 .
  • KİN, W. K. L and MAC KENZİE, A. F. ( 1970) : Effcct of time and rate of N applications on yied nutritive value index crude protein and nitrate content ofbromengrass.Agron. J. 62:442-444 J. Agric. Food Chem 32:447-453
  • KUMAR, R. and SINGH, M. (1984) Taııniııs: Their advarse role in nıın inant nutrition. J. Agric. Food Chem. 32 : 447-453 .
  • LEE, C., WEİSS, R. and HORVATH, D. J. ( 1 970) : Effects ofnitrogcn fertilization on the thyroid function of rast fed 40'% orclıard grass diets J. Nu tr. 100: ı 121-1126.
  • LİEBENOW, H. ( 1 972) : Nitrate und nitrite in ihrer beziehung zu ınensch und tier Tieremahrg 22 :281-293 .
  • LORENZ, O, A. ( 1978) : Potential nitrate leves in edi b le plant paıts In Nitrogcn in the Environmcnt Vol. Eds Nielsen D.R. and McDonalld, J.G. Acadcmic Press Ine London pp . 201-219.
  • LOVELACE, D. A., HOLT. E. C. and ANDERSON, W. B. (ı 968): Nitrate and nutrient accuımııatinon in two varictiesofberınudagrass (Cynodon dactyıon L) as influenced by soil-appıied fertilizer nutrinents ArgonJ. 60:551- 554.
  • MANEVİCS, Z. and LEİTE, L. (ı 967): Changes in the concentration of methaemoglobin and same clinical indication in cows during expermental methaemoglobinemia Latv. Lavksaimm. Akad. Raksti20: I 81- I 87.
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Toplam 68 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hidayet Yavuz Bu kişi benim

Ferda Akar Bu kişi benim

Rauf Akkaya Bu kişi benim

Metin Kerman Bu kişi benim

Yusuf Şanlı Bu kişi benim

Ender Yarsan Bu kişi benim

Ayhan Filazi Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1997
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1997 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Yavuz, H., Akar, F., Akkaya, R., Kerman, M., vd. (1997). Türkiye’de Üretilen veya İthal Edilen Yem ve Yem Hammaddelerinin Hayvan Sağlığı ve Verimliliği Yönünden Önem Taşıyan Nitrat-Nitrit, Tannik Asit ve Siyanür İçerikleri Üzerinde Araştırmalar. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 9(1), 57-88.