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Köpek serumlannın Lestospirozis yönünden Mikroskopik Aglütinasyon Testi ve ELISA ile incelenmesi.

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 1 - 17, 01.12.1999


Bu çalışmada, MAT ve ELISA ile sokak köpeklerindeki leptospirozisin
yaygınlığı, dominant seratipler ve aşılı köpeklerdeki antikor
titreleri incelendi. Çeşitli illerden toplanan 286 adet sokak köpeğinde
dört ayrı seragruba karşı (L. grippotyphosa; Duyster, L.icterohaemorrhagiae;
Kantorowics, L.ballum; Mus 127, L.canicola; Hond Utrecht
IV) antikor taraması yapıldı.
İncelenen serumların% 26.9'sı leptospira antikorları yönünden
pozitif bulundu. Dominant seratip olarak ilk sırada canicola, daha
sonra sırasıyla grippotyphosa ve icterohaemorrhagiae belirlendi. İnfeksiyon
oranı erkek köpeklerde% 30.2, dişilerde % 19.5 olarak bulundu.
Bir yaşından büyük köpeklerin% 27.5'inde, bir yaşından küçük
köpeklerin % 24.0'ünde infeksiyon saptandı.
İncelenen 182 adet aşılı hayvandaki antikorların tespitinde
MAT ve ELISA arasında belirgin bir farklılık gözlenmedi.


  • ARIMITSU Y (1988). A new method for diagnosis of Leptospirosis: A microcapsule agglutination (MCA) Test. Isr J Vet Med, 44, 1-8 .
  • ARIMITSU Y, FUKUMURA K, SHINGAKI Y (1989a). Distrubution of leptospirosis among stray dogs in the Okinawa islands, Japan: Companson of the microcapsule and microscopic agglutınatıon tests. Br Vet J, 145, 473-477.
  • ARIMITSU Y, KOBAYASHI S, AKAMA K, MATURASI T (1982) . Development of a simple serological method for diagnosing Leptospirosis: a Microcapsule Agglutination Test. J Clin Microbiol, 15, 835-841.
  • BABUDIERI B (1971). Proposed standardization of the agglutinin- absorption test for Leptospira, Bull Wld Healt Org, 44, 795- 810. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen b ei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC (1978a). Protein- free and law- protein media for the cultivation of leptospira, J Clin Microbiol, 19,562- 569.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC ( 1982). Immunogenicity and humoral and cell-mediated immune respanses to leptospiral whole cell,outer envelope, and protoplasmic cylinder vaccines in hamsters and dogs, Am J Vet Res, 43,835-840.
  • BIRNBAUM S, SHENBERG E, TüRTEN M (1972). The influence of maternal antibodies on the epidemiology of leptospiral carrier state in mice. Am J Epidemiol 96, 313-317. Blobel H. Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Irıfektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BISHOP L, STRANDBERG JD, ADAMS RJ, BROWNSTEIN DG, PATTERSON R (1979).Chronic active hepatitis in dogs associated with leptospires, Am J Vet Res, 40, 839-844.
  • BLOBEL H, SCHLIEBER T (1985) . Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BLOOD DC, HENDERSON JA (1979). Dıseases caused by leptospira spp, Vet Med. 5, 565-572.
  • BORG-PETERSEN C, FENNESTAD KL (1962) . Ineidence of canine leptospirosis in Denmark, Nord Vet Med, 14, 609-619.
  • BREM S, KOPP H, MEYER P (1990). Leptospira antibody detection in dog semm in the years ı 985 to ı 988, Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr, ı , 6-8.
  • BROUGHTON ES, SCARNELL J (1985) . Prevention ofrenal carriage of leptospirosis in dogs by vaccination. Vet Rec, ı ı 7, 307- 311.
  • COLE JR, SULZER CR, PURSELL AR (1973). Improved microtechnique for the leptospiral microscopic agglutination test, Appl Microbiol. 25, 976-980.
  • COUSİNS DV, ROBERTSON GM, HUSTAS L (ı985). The use of the enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the IgM and IgG antybody response to Leptospira interrogans serovars hardjo, pomona and tarassavi in cattle, Vet Microbiol, ıo. 439- 450.
  • DICKESON D, LOVE DN (ı993). A serological survey of dogs, cats and horses in south-eastern Australia for leptospiral antibodies, Aust Vet J , 70, 389-390.
  • DIKKEN H, KMETY E (ı978) . Serological typing methods for leptospires. Blobel, H., Schlieber, T . (ı985) . Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V. 90- ı54.
  • ELLINGHOUSEN HC, McCULLOUGH WG (1965) . Nutrition of L.pomona and growth of ı3 other serotypes: Fractionation of oleic albumin complex and a medium of bovine albumin and polysorbate 80, Am J Vet Res ı ıo. 45-51.
  • EVERARD COR, JONES CJ, INNISS VA, CARRINGTON DG, VAUGHAN AW (ı987). Leptospirosis !n dogs on Barbados. Isr. J Vet Med, 43, 288-295.
  • FACH P, TRAP D, GUILLOU JP (ı991). Biotinylated probes to detect Leptospira interrorgans on dot blot hybridization or by .in situ hybrization. Lett. in Appl Microbiol, ı2. ı 7ı-ı 76.
  • FAINE S (1982). Guidelines for the control of Leptospirosis, World Health Organisation-Geneva.
  • GODDARD RD, LUFF PR, THORNTON DH (ı99ı) . The serological response of calves to Leptospira interrogans seravar hardjo vaccines and infection as measured by the microscopic agglutination test and anti-IgM and anti-IgG enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay, Vet Microbiol, 26, ı91-201.
  • GSELL O (1984). The history of Leptospirosis: 100 Years, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 257, 473-478.
  • HANSON LE ( 1 982). Leptospirosis in domestic animals: The public health perspective, J Am Vet Med Assoc, 181, 1505-1509.
  • HARTMAN EG (1984a). AnIgM-and IgG- specific enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti-leptospiral immunoglobulins in dogs, Zbl Bakt Hyg A 257, 508-510.
  • HARTMAN EG (1984b). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 258A, 350-359.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN DEN INGH TSGAM, ROTHUIZEN J (1986). Clınıkal, pathologıcal and serologıcal features of spontaneous canıne leptospirosis. An evalıatıon of the IgM- and IgG -specıfıc elısa. Vet Immun Immunpathol, 13, 261-271.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984a). Seradiagnosis of canine leptospirosis by solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Vet Immuno! Immunopathol, 7, 33-42.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984b). Determination of specific anti-leptospiral immunoglobulins M and G in sera of experimentally infected dogs by solid fı phase enzyme fı linked immunosorbent assay, Vet Immuno! Immunopathol, 7, 43-5 ı.
  • JOHNSON RC, FAINE S (1984). Leptospira, Bergeyis Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 1, 62-67.
  • JOHNSON RC, HARRIS VG (1967) . Differentiation of pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospires, J Bacteriol, 94, 27-31.
  • JOHNSON RC, ROGERS P (1964a). 5 -Fluorouracil asa selective agent for growth of Leptospirae, J Bacteriol, 87, 422-426.
  • KEENAN KP, ALEXANDER AD, MONTGOMERY CA ( 1978). Pathogenesis of experimental leptospira interrogans, seravar bataViae, infection in the dog: Mikrobiological, clinical, hematologic, and biochemical studies, Am J Vet Res, 39,449-453.
  • KIKTENKO VS (1985) . Influence of the mechanısm of transmıssıon of the infective agent on the aetıologıcal structure of leptospiral foci, J Hyg Epidemi Microbiol Immuno!, 29, 77-82.
  • KLARENBEEK A, SCHİFFNER WAP (1933). Het voorkomen van een afwijkend leptospiraras in Nederland, Ned Tijdschr Ge- neesk, 77, 4271. Hartman EG (1984b). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 258A, 350-359.
  • KMETY E (1966). Main antigens as eriterian for differentiating leptospiral serotypes, Ann Soc Belge Med Trop, 46, ıo3. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • KRUMBEIN R, FRIELING B (1916) . Zur Weilschen Krankheit, Dtsch Med Wschr, 42, 564-566. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90- 154 .
  • MARSHALL RB, WILTON BE, ROBINSON AJ (1981). Identification of leptospira serovars by restriction-endonuclease analysis, J Med Mikrobiol, 14, 163-166.
  • MEYER KF, STEWART-ANDERSON B, EDDIE A (1939). Canine leptospirosis in the United States, JA VMA, 95 , 710-729 . Blobel H, Schliebe, T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90- 154.
  • MICHNA SW (1970). Leptospirosis, Vet Rec, 86, 484-496.
  • MYERS DM (1980). Leptospiral antibodies in stray dogs of Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rev Argent Microbiol, ı, 18-22 .
  • OKELL CC, DALLING T, PUGH LP (1925). Leptospiral jaundice in dogs, Vet J, 81, 3-35. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • PRESCOTT J (ı 991). Treatment of Leptospirosis, Comelle Vet, 81. 7-12.
  • PRESCOTT JF, FERRIER RL, NICHOLSON VM, JOHNSTON KM, HOFF B (1991). Is canine leptospirosis underdiagnosed in southern Ontario? A case report and serological survey, Can Vet J, 32, 481-486.
  • ROTHWELL JT (ı 990). Serum agglutinating antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar cank ola presumed due to serovar robinsoni infection in an Aus tr.-ıkm dog, Aust Vet J, 67, 232.
  • TERPSTRA WJ, LIGTHART GS, SCHOONE GJ (ı980). Serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent- assay (ELISA), Zbl Bakt Hyg, A 247, 400-405.
  • TERPSTRA WJ, SCHOONE GJ, TER SCHEGGET J (1986). Detection of leptospiral DNA by nucleic acid hybridisation with 32Pand biotin- labelled probes, J Med Microbiol, 22. 23-28.
  • THIERMAN AB (1980). Canine leptospirosis in Detroit. Am J Vet Res, 41, 1659-1661.
  • THIERMAN AB, GARRET LA (1983). Enzym-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovars hardjo and pomona in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 44, 884- 887.
  • ULAŞ H, ALVER H (1973). Batı Anadolu ve Trakya'da sığırlarda leptospira insidensi ve etken izolasyonu üzerine araştırma. Pendik Vet Kont Arşt Enst Derg. VI . 41-49.
  • UNAT EK, GÜRTÜRK S (1954). Türkiyede Leptospira canicola infeksiyonu. Mikrobiyal Derg. 5, 179-182.
  • ÜLGEN M, ÇETİN C, ÖZDEMİR V, BÜYÜKÇOBAN M (1997). Bursa ilindeki sokak köpeklerinde leptospirozisin seroprevalansı. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyal Derg. 9, 108-114.
  • VAN EYS GJJM, GERRITSEN MJ, KORVER H, SCHOONE GJ, KROON CCM, TERPSTRA WJ (1991). Characterization of serovars of the genus Leptospira by DNA hybridization with Hardjobovis and lcterohaemorrhagiae recombinant probes with special attention to seragroup Sejroe, J Clin Mikrobio .. 29, 1042-1048.
  • VAN EYS GJJM, ZAAL G, SCHOONE GJ, TERPSTRA WJ (1988). DNA hybridization with Hardjobovis-specific recombinant probes as a method for type discrimination of leptospira interrogans seravar hardjo. J Gen Microbiol. 134, 567-574.
  • VARDAR T ( 1974-1976). 1963-1974 yılları arasında yurdumuz e'-:cil hayvanlarında görülen leptospirosis olayları. Etlik Vet Bakt Enst Derg. 4. 147-162.
  • VENKATARAMAN KS, NEDUNCHELLIYAN S (1992). Epidemiology of an outbreak of leptospirosis in man and dog, Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis, 15, 243-247.
  • VENKATARAMAN KS, NEDUNCHELLIYAN S (1993). Seroepidemiology of canine leptospirosis in Madras city, Ind J Anim Sci. 63, 150-152.

The examination of dogs for Lestospirosis by Microscopic Agglutination Test and ELISA

Yıl 1999, Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2, 1 - 17, 01.12.1999


In the present study, MAT and ELISA were used to detect the
prevalance of leptospirosis in stray do gs. dominant serotypes and the
antibody levels of vaccinated dogs. The sera collected from 286 stray dogs from different proVinces were examined for four different serogroups,
L. grippotyphosa; Duyster. L. icterohaemorrhagiae; KantoroWics,
L.ballum; Mus 127, L. canicola; Hond Utrecht IV.
Leptospiral antibodies were detected in 26.9 % of sera examined.
The most prevalant serotype was canicola. followed by grippotyphosa
and icterohaemorrhagie. Infection rate was found to be
30.2% in male dogs and 19.5% in female dogs,
27.5% in the dogs olderthan one year of age and 24.0% in the
dogs younger than one year of age.
No difference was found between MAT and ELISA results of 182
vaccinated animals.


  • ARIMITSU Y (1988). A new method for diagnosis of Leptospirosis: A microcapsule agglutination (MCA) Test. Isr J Vet Med, 44, 1-8 .
  • ARIMITSU Y, FUKUMURA K, SHINGAKI Y (1989a). Distrubution of leptospirosis among stray dogs in the Okinawa islands, Japan: Companson of the microcapsule and microscopic agglutınatıon tests. Br Vet J, 145, 473-477.
  • ARIMITSU Y, KOBAYASHI S, AKAMA K, MATURASI T (1982) . Development of a simple serological method for diagnosing Leptospirosis: a Microcapsule Agglutination Test. J Clin Microbiol, 15, 835-841.
  • BABUDIERI B (1971). Proposed standardization of the agglutinin- absorption test for Leptospira, Bull Wld Healt Org, 44, 795- 810. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen b ei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC (1978a). Protein- free and law- protein media for the cultivation of leptospira, J Clin Microbiol, 19,562- 569.
  • BEY RF, JOHNSON RC ( 1982). Immunogenicity and humoral and cell-mediated immune respanses to leptospiral whole cell,outer envelope, and protoplasmic cylinder vaccines in hamsters and dogs, Am J Vet Res, 43,835-840.
  • BIRNBAUM S, SHENBERG E, TüRTEN M (1972). The influence of maternal antibodies on the epidemiology of leptospiral carrier state in mice. Am J Epidemiol 96, 313-317. Blobel H. Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Irıfektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BISHOP L, STRANDBERG JD, ADAMS RJ, BROWNSTEIN DG, PATTERSON R (1979).Chronic active hepatitis in dogs associated with leptospires, Am J Vet Res, 40, 839-844.
  • BLOBEL H, SCHLIEBER T (1985) . Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • BLOOD DC, HENDERSON JA (1979). Dıseases caused by leptospira spp, Vet Med. 5, 565-572.
  • BORG-PETERSEN C, FENNESTAD KL (1962) . Ineidence of canine leptospirosis in Denmark, Nord Vet Med, 14, 609-619.
  • BREM S, KOPP H, MEYER P (1990). Leptospira antibody detection in dog semm in the years ı 985 to ı 988, Berl Munch Tierarztl Wochenschr, ı , 6-8.
  • BROUGHTON ES, SCARNELL J (1985) . Prevention ofrenal carriage of leptospirosis in dogs by vaccination. Vet Rec, ı ı 7, 307- 311.
  • COLE JR, SULZER CR, PURSELL AR (1973). Improved microtechnique for the leptospiral microscopic agglutination test, Appl Microbiol. 25, 976-980.
  • COUSİNS DV, ROBERTSON GM, HUSTAS L (ı985). The use of the enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay (ELISA) to detect the IgM and IgG antybody response to Leptospira interrogans serovars hardjo, pomona and tarassavi in cattle, Vet Microbiol, ıo. 439- 450.
  • DICKESON D, LOVE DN (ı993). A serological survey of dogs, cats and horses in south-eastern Australia for leptospiral antibodies, Aust Vet J , 70, 389-390.
  • DIKKEN H, KMETY E (ı978) . Serological typing methods for leptospires. Blobel, H., Schlieber, T . (ı985) . Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V. 90- ı54.
  • ELLINGHOUSEN HC, McCULLOUGH WG (1965) . Nutrition of L.pomona and growth of ı3 other serotypes: Fractionation of oleic albumin complex and a medium of bovine albumin and polysorbate 80, Am J Vet Res ı ıo. 45-51.
  • EVERARD COR, JONES CJ, INNISS VA, CARRINGTON DG, VAUGHAN AW (ı987). Leptospirosis !n dogs on Barbados. Isr. J Vet Med, 43, 288-295.
  • FACH P, TRAP D, GUILLOU JP (ı991). Biotinylated probes to detect Leptospira interrorgans on dot blot hybridization or by .in situ hybrization. Lett. in Appl Microbiol, ı2. ı 7ı-ı 76.
  • FAINE S (1982). Guidelines for the control of Leptospirosis, World Health Organisation-Geneva.
  • GODDARD RD, LUFF PR, THORNTON DH (ı99ı) . The serological response of calves to Leptospira interrogans seravar hardjo vaccines and infection as measured by the microscopic agglutination test and anti-IgM and anti-IgG enzyme-liked immunosorbent assay, Vet Microbiol, 26, ı91-201.
  • GSELL O (1984). The history of Leptospirosis: 100 Years, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 257, 473-478.
  • HANSON LE ( 1 982). Leptospirosis in domestic animals: The public health perspective, J Am Vet Med Assoc, 181, 1505-1509.
  • HARTMAN EG (1984a). AnIgM-and IgG- specific enzymelinked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect anti-leptospiral immunoglobulins in dogs, Zbl Bakt Hyg A 257, 508-510.
  • HARTMAN EG (1984b). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 258A, 350-359.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN DEN INGH TSGAM, ROTHUIZEN J (1986). Clınıkal, pathologıcal and serologıcal features of spontaneous canıne leptospirosis. An evalıatıon of the IgM- and IgG -specıfıc elısa. Vet Immun Immunpathol, 13, 261-271.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984a). Seradiagnosis of canine leptospirosis by solid-phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Vet Immuno! Immunopathol, 7, 33-42.
  • HARTMAN EG, VAN HOUTEN M, VAN DER DONK JA, FRIK JF (1984b). Determination of specific anti-leptospiral immunoglobulins M and G in sera of experimentally infected dogs by solid fı phase enzyme fı linked immunosorbent assay, Vet Immuno! Immunopathol, 7, 43-5 ı.
  • JOHNSON RC, FAINE S (1984). Leptospira, Bergeyis Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 1, 62-67.
  • JOHNSON RC, HARRIS VG (1967) . Differentiation of pathogenic and saprophytic Leptospires, J Bacteriol, 94, 27-31.
  • JOHNSON RC, ROGERS P (1964a). 5 -Fluorouracil asa selective agent for growth of Leptospirae, J Bacteriol, 87, 422-426.
  • KEENAN KP, ALEXANDER AD, MONTGOMERY CA ( 1978). Pathogenesis of experimental leptospira interrogans, seravar bataViae, infection in the dog: Mikrobiological, clinical, hematologic, and biochemical studies, Am J Vet Res, 39,449-453.
  • KIKTENKO VS (1985) . Influence of the mechanısm of transmıssıon of the infective agent on the aetıologıcal structure of leptospiral foci, J Hyg Epidemi Microbiol Immuno!, 29, 77-82.
  • KLARENBEEK A, SCHİFFNER WAP (1933). Het voorkomen van een afwijkend leptospiraras in Nederland, Ned Tijdschr Ge- neesk, 77, 4271. Hartman EG (1984b). Epidemiological aspects of canine leptospirosis in the Netherlands, Zbl Bakt Hyg, 258A, 350-359.
  • KMETY E (1966). Main antigens as eriterian for differentiating leptospiral serotypes, Ann Soc Belge Med Trop, 46, ıo3. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • KRUMBEIN R, FRIELING B (1916) . Zur Weilschen Krankheit, Dtsch Med Wschr, 42, 564-566. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90- 154 .
  • MARSHALL RB, WILTON BE, ROBINSON AJ (1981). Identification of leptospira serovars by restriction-endonuclease analysis, J Med Mikrobiol, 14, 163-166.
  • MEYER KF, STEWART-ANDERSON B, EDDIE A (1939). Canine leptospirosis in the United States, JA VMA, 95 , 710-729 . Blobel H, Schliebe, T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90- 154.
  • MICHNA SW (1970). Leptospirosis, Vet Rec, 86, 484-496.
  • MYERS DM (1980). Leptospiral antibodies in stray dogs of Moreno, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina, Rev Argent Microbiol, ı, 18-22 .
  • OKELL CC, DALLING T, PUGH LP (1925). Leptospiral jaundice in dogs, Vet J, 81, 3-35. Blobel H, Selılieber T (1985). Leptospira, Handbuch der bakteriellen Infektionen bei Tieren, V, 90-154.
  • PRESCOTT J (ı 991). Treatment of Leptospirosis, Comelle Vet, 81. 7-12.
  • PRESCOTT JF, FERRIER RL, NICHOLSON VM, JOHNSTON KM, HOFF B (1991). Is canine leptospirosis underdiagnosed in southern Ontario? A case report and serological survey, Can Vet J, 32, 481-486.
  • ROTHWELL JT (ı 990). Serum agglutinating antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar cank ola presumed due to serovar robinsoni infection in an Aus tr.-ıkm dog, Aust Vet J, 67, 232.
  • TERPSTRA WJ, LIGTHART GS, SCHOONE GJ (ı980). Serodiagnosis of human leptospirosis by enzyme-linked-immunosorbent- assay (ELISA), Zbl Bakt Hyg, A 247, 400-405.
  • TERPSTRA WJ, SCHOONE GJ, TER SCHEGGET J (1986). Detection of leptospiral DNA by nucleic acid hybridisation with 32Pand biotin- labelled probes, J Med Microbiol, 22. 23-28.
  • THIERMAN AB (1980). Canine leptospirosis in Detroit. Am J Vet Res, 41, 1659-1661.
  • THIERMAN AB, GARRET LA (1983). Enzym-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovars hardjo and pomona in cattle. Am J Vet Res, 44, 884- 887.
  • ULAŞ H, ALVER H (1973). Batı Anadolu ve Trakya'da sığırlarda leptospira insidensi ve etken izolasyonu üzerine araştırma. Pendik Vet Kont Arşt Enst Derg. VI . 41-49.
  • UNAT EK, GÜRTÜRK S (1954). Türkiyede Leptospira canicola infeksiyonu. Mikrobiyal Derg. 5, 179-182.
  • ÜLGEN M, ÇETİN C, ÖZDEMİR V, BÜYÜKÇOBAN M (1997). Bursa ilindeki sokak köpeklerinde leptospirozisin seroprevalansı. Etlik Vet Mikrobiyal Derg. 9, 108-114.
  • VAN EYS GJJM, GERRITSEN MJ, KORVER H, SCHOONE GJ, KROON CCM, TERPSTRA WJ (1991). Characterization of serovars of the genus Leptospira by DNA hybridization with Hardjobovis and lcterohaemorrhagiae recombinant probes with special attention to seragroup Sejroe, J Clin Mikrobio .. 29, 1042-1048.
  • VAN EYS GJJM, ZAAL G, SCHOONE GJ, TERPSTRA WJ (1988). DNA hybridization with Hardjobovis-specific recombinant probes as a method for type discrimination of leptospira interrogans seravar hardjo. J Gen Microbiol. 134, 567-574.
  • VARDAR T ( 1974-1976). 1963-1974 yılları arasında yurdumuz e'-:cil hayvanlarında görülen leptospirosis olayları. Etlik Vet Bakt Enst Derg. 4. 147-162.
  • VENKATARAMAN KS, NEDUNCHELLIYAN S (1992). Epidemiology of an outbreak of leptospirosis in man and dog, Comp Immun Microbiol Infect Dis, 15, 243-247.
  • VENKATARAMAN KS, NEDUNCHELLIYAN S (1993). Seroepidemiology of canine leptospirosis in Madras city, Ind J Anim Sci. 63, 150-152.
Toplam 57 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Vildan Özdemir Bu kişi benim

K. Serdar Diker Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 1999
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Özdemir, V., & Diker, K. S. (1999). Köpek serumlannın Lestospirozis yönünden Mikroskopik Aglütinasyon Testi ve ELISA ile incelenmesi. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 10(2), 1-17.