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Yıl 2005, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2, 57 - 62, 01.12.2005


İlerleyen teknoloji ve yeni üretim teknikleri biyokimyasal kirlenmeyi de beraberinde getirmiştir. Birçok toksik maddenin çevre ve canlı organizmalar üzerine etkileri tespit edilmekle birlikte bu maddeler içerisinde dioksin ve dioksin benzeri maddeler en çok karşılaşılan ve en çok toksisiteye sahip olanlar arasındadır. Kimyasal ve tıbbi artıkların toplu yakma fırınlarında yakılması, polivinilklorür plastik üretimi, çiftliklerde, meyve bahçelerinde ve kağıt endüstrisinde kullanılan klorlu pestisidlerin ve herbisidlerin üretimi sonucu ortaya çıkan diosin ve diosin benzeri maddeler, 1. sınıf kansorejen maddeler içerisinde yer almaktadır. Bu makalede dioksin ve dioksin benzeri maddeler hakkında genel bilgi verilecektir.


  • AGRAMUNT MC, SCHUHMACHER M, HERNANDEZ JM; DOMİNGO JL (2005). Levels of dioxins and fiırans in plasma of nonoccupationally exposed subjects living near a lıazardous waste mcmerator. 1 Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol. Jan; 15(1 ):29-34.
  • AHLING B, AND LINNDKOP A (1997). Formatian of Pol\'clılorinated dibe11zo-p-dio.ı:ins cmd Dibenzofurans Du;·ing Combustion of A 2,4,5-T Formatio11. Chemosphere.8: 461-468.
  • BADAWI AF, CA VALIERI EL, ROGAN EG (2001). Role of human cytoclırome ?450 !Al, JA2, iBI, and 3A4 in the 2-, 4-, and 16alpha-hydro:ı.ylation of 17betaestradiol. Metabolism 50,1001-1003.
  • BOENING DW (1998). Toxicity of 2,3,7, 8-tetraclılorodibenzo- p-dioxin to several ecological receptar groups: a slıort review. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 39:155-163.
  • CHAMPOUX L (1996). PCBs, dioxins and furans in Hooded Merganser ( Loplıodytes cucu/latus), Comman Merganser (Mergus merganser) and mink (Mustela vison) collected along the St. Maurice River near La Tuque, Quehec. Env;ron. Pollut. 92:147-153.
  • DANN T (1998). Ambient air measurements of polycyclic aramatic lıydrocarbons ( PAH), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins ( PCDD) and polyclılorinated dibenzofurans in Canada ( 1987-1997). Report Series Number AAQD 98-3. Analy~is and Air Quality Division, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa.
  • DEMERS A, AYOTTE P, BRISSON J, DODIN S, ROBERT J, DEWAILLY E (2002). ?/asma concentrations of polyc!ı.forinated biplıenyls and the risk of breası cancer: a congener-specific analysis. Am. 1. Epidemiol. 155, 629-635.
  • DEVITO MJ, MENACHE MG, DILIBERTO JJ, ROSS DG BIRNBAUM LS (2000). Dose-response relationslıips for induction of CYPIAJ and CYPIA2 enzyme activity in liver, lung, and skin in female mice following subclıronic exposure to polyclılorinated biplıenyls. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 167, 157-172.
  • EGELAND GM, SWEENEY MH, FINGERHUT MA, WILLE KK, SCHNORR TM, HALPERIN WE (1994). Total serımı testosterone and gonadotropins in workers exposed to dioxin. Amer. J Epidemiol. 139, 272- 281.
  • EPA (1994). Dioxin Reassessment Summary 4/94- Vol.l, 37-38.
  • ESKENAZI B, MO CARELLl P, WARNER M, SAMUELS S, NEEDHAM L, . PATTERSON D, BRAMBILLA P, GERTHOUX PM, TURNER W, CASALINI S, CAZZANIGA M, CHEE WY (2001). Seveso Women 's Health Study: does zone of residence predict individual TCDD exposure? Chemosphere. Vol. 43, Issues 4-7,937-942.
  • FEELEY MM, GRANT DL (1993). Approaclı to Risk Assessment of PCDDs and PCDFs in Canada Regulaıory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Vol. 18, lssue 3,428-437.
  • GIESY JP, KANNAN K, BLANKENSHIP AL, JONES PD, HILSCHEROV A K (2000). Dioxin-like and 1ıon-dioxbı-like toxic effects of polyclılorinated biplıenyls (PCBs): implications for risk assessment. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health. 8, 43-45 (Suppl.).
  • GRAY LJ, KELCE W, MONOSSON E, OSTBY J, BIRNBAUl\tl L (1995). Exposure to TCDD during development permanently alters reproducıive fwıction in ma/e Long Evans rats and !ıamsters: reduced ejacu/ated and epididymal spemı nwn~~.-·rs and sex access01:v g/and weiglıts in offspring ıvith normal androgenic staws. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 131, I 08-118.
  • IARC (INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER) (1997). IARC Monograplıs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk to lıumans: polyclılorinated dibenzo-para-dio.ı:ins and polyclılorinated dibenzofi.trans. 69. ISBN 92 832 1269 X. Lyon, France.666
  • KAYA S, B İLGİLİ A (1999). Dioxin ve Dioxin-Benzeri Maddeler. Türk Vet Hek Derg. ll, (3-4), 42-47.
  • KITAMURA K, KIKUCHI Y, WATANABE S, WAECHTER G, SAKURAl H, TAKADA T (2000). Health effects of clıronic exposure to polyclılorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins ( PCDD ), dibenzofiırans ( PCDF) and coplanar PCB (Co-PCB) of mwıicipal waste ineineratar workers. 1 Epidemiol. 10, 262-270.


Yıl 2005, Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2, 57 - 62, 01.12.2005


New production techniques and advancing technology are caused biochemical polution along with
their progress. Additionaly, the toxic effects of many kind of substances to environment and to living organisms
are determined. dioxins and dioxin like substances are among the most toxic substaiıces. Dioxins and
dioxin !ike substances wlıich are aris e from the buming of industrial trash and medical waste in mass-bımı
incinerators, the production . of polyvinyl chloride plastic or clılorinated pesticides and herbicides where
those pesticides and lıerbicides have be en heavily us ing, such as fanns, apple orchards, paper company forests
are included in 1 Class cancerogenic substances. The primary objective of this, a.rticle is to give a general
information about dioxin and dioxin !ike substances.


  • AGRAMUNT MC, SCHUHMACHER M, HERNANDEZ JM; DOMİNGO JL (2005). Levels of dioxins and fiırans in plasma of nonoccupationally exposed subjects living near a lıazardous waste mcmerator. 1 Expo Anal Environ Epidemiol. Jan; 15(1 ):29-34.
  • AHLING B, AND LINNDKOP A (1997). Formatian of Pol\'clılorinated dibe11zo-p-dio.ı:ins cmd Dibenzofurans Du;·ing Combustion of A 2,4,5-T Formatio11. Chemosphere.8: 461-468.
  • BADAWI AF, CA VALIERI EL, ROGAN EG (2001). Role of human cytoclırome ?450 !Al, JA2, iBI, and 3A4 in the 2-, 4-, and 16alpha-hydro:ı.ylation of 17betaestradiol. Metabolism 50,1001-1003.
  • BOENING DW (1998). Toxicity of 2,3,7, 8-tetraclılorodibenzo- p-dioxin to several ecological receptar groups: a slıort review. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 39:155-163.
  • CHAMPOUX L (1996). PCBs, dioxins and furans in Hooded Merganser ( Loplıodytes cucu/latus), Comman Merganser (Mergus merganser) and mink (Mustela vison) collected along the St. Maurice River near La Tuque, Quehec. Env;ron. Pollut. 92:147-153.
  • DANN T (1998). Ambient air measurements of polycyclic aramatic lıydrocarbons ( PAH), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins ( PCDD) and polyclılorinated dibenzofurans in Canada ( 1987-1997). Report Series Number AAQD 98-3. Analy~is and Air Quality Division, Environmental Technology Centre, Environment Canada, Ottawa.
  • DEMERS A, AYOTTE P, BRISSON J, DODIN S, ROBERT J, DEWAILLY E (2002). ?/asma concentrations of polyc!ı.forinated biplıenyls and the risk of breası cancer: a congener-specific analysis. Am. 1. Epidemiol. 155, 629-635.
  • DEVITO MJ, MENACHE MG, DILIBERTO JJ, ROSS DG BIRNBAUM LS (2000). Dose-response relationslıips for induction of CYPIAJ and CYPIA2 enzyme activity in liver, lung, and skin in female mice following subclıronic exposure to polyclılorinated biplıenyls. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 167, 157-172.
  • EGELAND GM, SWEENEY MH, FINGERHUT MA, WILLE KK, SCHNORR TM, HALPERIN WE (1994). Total serımı testosterone and gonadotropins in workers exposed to dioxin. Amer. J Epidemiol. 139, 272- 281.
  • EPA (1994). Dioxin Reassessment Summary 4/94- Vol.l, 37-38.
  • ESKENAZI B, MO CARELLl P, WARNER M, SAMUELS S, NEEDHAM L, . PATTERSON D, BRAMBILLA P, GERTHOUX PM, TURNER W, CASALINI S, CAZZANIGA M, CHEE WY (2001). Seveso Women 's Health Study: does zone of residence predict individual TCDD exposure? Chemosphere. Vol. 43, Issues 4-7,937-942.
  • FEELEY MM, GRANT DL (1993). Approaclı to Risk Assessment of PCDDs and PCDFs in Canada Regulaıory Toxicology and Pharmacology. Vol. 18, lssue 3,428-437.
  • GIESY JP, KANNAN K, BLANKENSHIP AL, JONES PD, HILSCHEROV A K (2000). Dioxin-like and 1ıon-dioxbı-like toxic effects of polyclılorinated biplıenyls (PCBs): implications for risk assessment. Cent. Eur. J. Public Health. 8, 43-45 (Suppl.).
  • GRAY LJ, KELCE W, MONOSSON E, OSTBY J, BIRNBAUl\tl L (1995). Exposure to TCDD during development permanently alters reproducıive fwıction in ma/e Long Evans rats and !ıamsters: reduced ejacu/ated and epididymal spemı nwn~~.-·rs and sex access01:v g/and weiglıts in offspring ıvith normal androgenic staws. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, 131, I 08-118.
  • IARC (INTERNATIONAL AGENCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER) (1997). IARC Monograplıs on the evaluation of carcinogenic risk to lıumans: polyclılorinated dibenzo-para-dio.ı:ins and polyclılorinated dibenzofi.trans. 69. ISBN 92 832 1269 X. Lyon, France.666
  • KAYA S, B İLGİLİ A (1999). Dioxin ve Dioxin-Benzeri Maddeler. Türk Vet Hek Derg. ll, (3-4), 42-47.
  • KITAMURA K, KIKUCHI Y, WATANABE S, WAECHTER G, SAKURAl H, TAKADA T (2000). Health effects of clıronic exposure to polyclılorinated dibenzo-P-dioxins ( PCDD ), dibenzofiırans ( PCDF) and coplanar PCB (Co-PCB) of mwıicipal waste ineineratar workers. 1 Epidemiol. 10, 262-270.
Toplam 18 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Veteriner Cerrahi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Feride Koç Bu kişi benim

Fikrullah Kısa Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2005
Gönderilme Tarihi 1 Aralık 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 16 Sayı: 1-2

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, F., & Kısa, F. (2005). Dioksinler. Etlik Veteriner Mikrobiyoloji Dergisi, 16(1-2), 57-62.