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Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Bütçeleme TCDB Yazınına Kuşbakışı

Yıl 2011, , 84 - 100, 01.06.2011


TCDB yazını, etkileşim ve ilişki içinde iki ana hatta gelişmektedir. Biri, toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifinden devlet bütçesi veya yerel yönetim bütçelerinin analizine dönük çalışmalardır. Bu çalışmalar, bütçe konusunda anaakım yaklaşımların ve hatta diğer heterodoks yaklaşımların eleştirel analizlerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu bağlamda bütçe politikalarının kadın/kız çocukları ve toplumsal cinsiyet ilişkileri üzerine etkilerini değerlendirmek için farklı kavramlar ve metotlar geliştirilmektedir.Diğer hat ise bütçenin uygulamalı ve politik müzakere boyutlarına odaklanmaktadır. TCDB inisiyatifleri bir dizi ülkede yakın yıllarda toplumsal cinsiyet perspektifin bütçe sürecinin hazırlanması, kanunlaşması, uygulanması ve denetimi aşamalarına dâhil edilmesine dönük çalışmalardır. TCDB inisiyatifleri cari bütçe sürecinin tüm aşamalarında toplumsal cinsiyetin anaakımlaştırılmasını dönük çaba içindedir


  • Antonopoulos, Rania, (2008) “The Unpaid Care Work-Paid Work Connection,” Working Paper No. 541, New York: The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.
  • Bakker, Isabellla, (2002), “Fiscal Policy, Accountability and Voice: The Example of Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives,” Occasional Paper, Background paper for HDR 2002.
  • Erişim adresi:
  • Barnett, Kathleen and Caren Grown, (2004), Gender Impacts of Government Revenue Collection: The Case of Taxation, Commonwealth Economic Paper Series, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Batandynowicz, Katarzyna and Panfil Urszula Opacka, (2005), Gdansk Gender Budget Initiative, translation. Adam Jagusiak, Report, The Network of East-West Women (NEWW), Polska. Bellamy, Kate, Fran Bennett and Jane Millar, Who Benefits? A gender analysis of the UK benefits and tax credits system. (London: Fawcett Society, 2006)
  • Blöndal, Jon R.,“Budget Reform in OECD Member Countries: Common Trends,” OECD Journal on Budgeting, (2003), 2(4): 7-25.
  • Budlender, Debbie, (2001), Review of gender budget initiatives, Community Agency for Social Enquiry. Erişim adresi:
  • Budlender, Debbie and Rhonda Sharp with K. Allen, How to do a gender-sensitive budget analysis: Contemporary research and practice, Commonwealth Secretariat, AusAID, (1998).
  • Byanyima, W., J. Wehner, (2004), Parliament, the Budget and Gender, Handbook for Parliamentarians.
  • Çağatay, Nilüfer, “Engendering Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies,” October 1998, UNDP.
  • ____________ “Gender Budgets and Beyond: Feminist Fiscal Policy in the Context of Globalization,” Gender and Development, Vol. 11, No. 1, (2003):15-24.
  • Canadian Center For Policy Alternatives (CCPA),“Gender Budget Initiatives Why They Matter in Canada,” by Isabellla Bakker in cooperation with the Gender Budget Analysis Committee of the Alternative Federal Budget, Alternative Federal Budget 2006, technical paper 1, Erişim adresi: %20Budget%20Initiatives,%20I_%20Bakker.pdf
  • Chakraborty, Lekha S, “Public Investment and Unpaid Work in India: Selective Evidence from Time-Use Data,” in Unpaid Work and the Economy: Gender, Time-Use and Poverty in Developing Countries, ed. Rania Antonopoulos and Indira Hirway, (Palgrave Macmillan:2010).
  • Debski, M., B. Erbe, W. Fröhlich, E. Klatzer, Z. Lapniewska, M. Mayrhofer, M. Neumayr, M. Pichlbauer, A. Rothe, M Tarasiewicz, J. Zebisch, Development of Instruments for Gender Budgeting at Universities, Development of Tools and Instruments for Gender Budgeting (WP 11). Erişim adresi: erişim tarihi: 8/5/2010
  • Demery, L., “Gender and Public Spending: Insights from Benefit Incidence” in Gender Budget Initiatives: Strategies, Concepts and Experiences, Papers from a High Level International Conference ‘Strengthening Economic and Financial Governance through Gender Responsive Budgeting’, Brussels, 16-18 October 2001.
  • Elson, Diane, Nilüfer Çağatay, “The Social Content of Macroeconomic Policies,” World Development, Vol.28, No.7, (2000): 1347-1364.
  • Elson, Diane, Nilüfer Çağatay and Caren Grown, “Introduction,” World Development, Vol.23, No.11, (1995): 1827-1836.
  • Elson, Diane, “Gender Awareness in Modeling Structural Adjustment,” World Development, Vol.23, No. 11, (1995): 1851–1868.
  • ____________. “Integrating gender issues into national budgetary policies and procedures: Some policy options,” Journal of International Development, Vol.10, (1998a): 929-941
  • ____________. “The Economic, the Political and the Domestic: Business, States and Households in the Organization of Production,” New Political Economy, Vol.3, No.2, (1998b): 198-208
  • ____________. “International Financial Architecture: A view from the kitchen”. Fema Politica, (2002), erişim adresi:
  • ____________. “Engendering government budgets in the context of globalization(s),” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 6, No.4, (2004):.623-642.
  • ____________. Budgeting for Women’s Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW, UNIFEM, New York, (2006).
  • Elson, Diane and Andy Norton, What's Behind the Budget? Politics, Rights and Accountability in the Budget
  • Process, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), (London: 2002)
  • Equality Division Directorate General Of Human Rights,Gender Mainstreaming, (Strazburg: 2004)
  • Fragoso, L., P., and R. L. R. Granados, Guide for the formulation of public budgets in the health sector using a gender perspective, first edition, Ministry of Health, (Mexico City: 2004) (şim tarihi:3/3/2010).
  • Fraser, Nancy,“Feminizm, Kapitalizm ve Tarihin Oyunu,” çev. Gizem Kurtsoy, Kültür ve Feminist Yaklaşımlar
  • içinde, sayı 9, ekim, bgst yayınları, (2009).
  • Himmelweit, Susan, “Making visible the hidden economy: the case for gender-impact analysis of economic policy,” Feminist Economics, 8 (1), (2002): 49-70.
  • McKay, Ailsa, Rona Fitzgerald, K., Simpson, “Gender Impact Analysis and the Scottish Budget Sport and Health Pilots,” Report prepared for the Equality Unit, (2006)
  • McKay, Ailsa, (2004), “Developing a Gender Budget Initiative A Question of Process or Policy? Lessons Learned from the Scottish Experience,” Chapter prepared for Vol 4 of University of Linz, Gender Studies Series, Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow, Scotland and Scottish Womens Budget Group 1 1. erişim adresi
  • Nanda, Priya, “Gender Dimensions of User Fees: Implications for Women’s Utilization of Health Care,” Reproductive Health Matters, 10(20), (2002): 127-134.
  • Rake, Katherine, (2001), “Introducing a Human Dimension to the Economy: Engendering the Budget” Paper prepared for: A Gender Agenda Asia-Europe Dialoque New Visions and Perspectives for Women and Men, Chiba, Japan. Erişim adresi:'A%20human%20dimension'.pdf
  • Rake, Katherine, (2002), “Gender Budgets: The Experience of the UK’s Women’s Budget Group” Basel Switzerland, Paper Prepared for the conference ‘Gender Balance-Equal Finance’ erişim adresi:
  • Republic Of Uganda, Ministry Of Local Government, Gender Budgeting Guidelines and Analytical Tools for Lower Local Governments, (2005), erişim adresi:, erişim tarihi: 6/6/2010
  • Robeyns, Ingrid, (2000), “Is There a Feminist Economic Methodology,” 3rd version. Erişim adresi:
  • Sen, Gita, Gender Mainstreaming in Finance, (London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999)
  • Sharp, Rhonda and Ray Broomhill, “Budgeting for equality: The Australian experience,” Feminist Economics, 8 (1), (2002): 25-47.
  • Sharp, Rhonda, Budgeting for equity. Gender budget initiatives within a framework of performance oriented budgeting. (UNIFEM/New York: 2003) Stotsky, Janet Gale, “Gender Bias in Tax Systems,” Tax Notes, June 9, (1997): 1913-1923
  • Varjonen, Johanna and Kristiina Aalto, Household Production and Consumption in Finland 2001:Household Satellite Account, (Helsinki:Statistics Finland and National Consumer Research Centre, 2006)
  • Varjonen, Johanna and Yvonne Rüger, Value of Household Production in Finland and Germany: Analysis and Recalculation of the Household Satellite Account System in both countries,(Helsinki: 2008), National Consumer Research Centre.

Gender Sensitive Budgeting: A Review

Yıl 2011, , 84 - 100, 01.06.2011


Gender Sensitive Budgeting: A Review Gender sensitive budgeting GSB literature has been improved in two areas which are in interaction and relation with each other. One of them is the analysis of the state budget or the local government budget from a gender perspective. This literature, in the light of feminist political economics criticizes gender blind mainstream or heterodox economy approaches on budgeting. In this context, different concepts and methods have been developed for examining the impacts of budget policies on women/girls and gender relations. The other main area is focusing on applied and political negotiation aspects of budgeting. GSB initiatives are the studies that aim to incorporate a gender perspective into the preparation, adoption, implementation and control stages of all budgetary processes in a range of countries in recent years. They are not aiming to allocate a separate budget for women and girls. GSB initiatives seek to create enabling mainstreaming the gender perspective into all stages of the current budget cycle


  • Antonopoulos, Rania, (2008) “The Unpaid Care Work-Paid Work Connection,” Working Paper No. 541, New York: The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College.
  • Bakker, Isabellla, (2002), “Fiscal Policy, Accountability and Voice: The Example of Gender Responsive Budget Initiatives,” Occasional Paper, Background paper for HDR 2002.
  • Erişim adresi:
  • Barnett, Kathleen and Caren Grown, (2004), Gender Impacts of Government Revenue Collection: The Case of Taxation, Commonwealth Economic Paper Series, London: Commonwealth Secretariat.
  • Batandynowicz, Katarzyna and Panfil Urszula Opacka, (2005), Gdansk Gender Budget Initiative, translation. Adam Jagusiak, Report, The Network of East-West Women (NEWW), Polska. Bellamy, Kate, Fran Bennett and Jane Millar, Who Benefits? A gender analysis of the UK benefits and tax credits system. (London: Fawcett Society, 2006)
  • Blöndal, Jon R.,“Budget Reform in OECD Member Countries: Common Trends,” OECD Journal on Budgeting, (2003), 2(4): 7-25.
  • Budlender, Debbie, (2001), Review of gender budget initiatives, Community Agency for Social Enquiry. Erişim adresi:
  • Budlender, Debbie and Rhonda Sharp with K. Allen, How to do a gender-sensitive budget analysis: Contemporary research and practice, Commonwealth Secretariat, AusAID, (1998).
  • Byanyima, W., J. Wehner, (2004), Parliament, the Budget and Gender, Handbook for Parliamentarians.
  • Çağatay, Nilüfer, “Engendering Macroeconomics and Macroeconomic Policies,” October 1998, UNDP.
  • ____________ “Gender Budgets and Beyond: Feminist Fiscal Policy in the Context of Globalization,” Gender and Development, Vol. 11, No. 1, (2003):15-24.
  • Canadian Center For Policy Alternatives (CCPA),“Gender Budget Initiatives Why They Matter in Canada,” by Isabellla Bakker in cooperation with the Gender Budget Analysis Committee of the Alternative Federal Budget, Alternative Federal Budget 2006, technical paper 1, Erişim adresi: %20Budget%20Initiatives,%20I_%20Bakker.pdf
  • Chakraborty, Lekha S, “Public Investment and Unpaid Work in India: Selective Evidence from Time-Use Data,” in Unpaid Work and the Economy: Gender, Time-Use and Poverty in Developing Countries, ed. Rania Antonopoulos and Indira Hirway, (Palgrave Macmillan:2010).
  • Debski, M., B. Erbe, W. Fröhlich, E. Klatzer, Z. Lapniewska, M. Mayrhofer, M. Neumayr, M. Pichlbauer, A. Rothe, M Tarasiewicz, J. Zebisch, Development of Instruments for Gender Budgeting at Universities, Development of Tools and Instruments for Gender Budgeting (WP 11). Erişim adresi: erişim tarihi: 8/5/2010
  • Demery, L., “Gender and Public Spending: Insights from Benefit Incidence” in Gender Budget Initiatives: Strategies, Concepts and Experiences, Papers from a High Level International Conference ‘Strengthening Economic and Financial Governance through Gender Responsive Budgeting’, Brussels, 16-18 October 2001.
  • Elson, Diane, Nilüfer Çağatay, “The Social Content of Macroeconomic Policies,” World Development, Vol.28, No.7, (2000): 1347-1364.
  • Elson, Diane, Nilüfer Çağatay and Caren Grown, “Introduction,” World Development, Vol.23, No.11, (1995): 1827-1836.
  • Elson, Diane, “Gender Awareness in Modeling Structural Adjustment,” World Development, Vol.23, No. 11, (1995): 1851–1868.
  • ____________. “Integrating gender issues into national budgetary policies and procedures: Some policy options,” Journal of International Development, Vol.10, (1998a): 929-941
  • ____________. “The Economic, the Political and the Domestic: Business, States and Households in the Organization of Production,” New Political Economy, Vol.3, No.2, (1998b): 198-208
  • ____________. “International Financial Architecture: A view from the kitchen”. Fema Politica, (2002), erişim adresi:
  • ____________. “Engendering government budgets in the context of globalization(s),” International Feminist Journal of Politics, Vol. 6, No.4, (2004):.623-642.
  • ____________. Budgeting for Women’s Rights: Monitoring Government Budgets for Compliance with CEDAW, UNIFEM, New York, (2006).
  • Elson, Diane and Andy Norton, What's Behind the Budget? Politics, Rights and Accountability in the Budget
  • Process, Overseas Development Institute (ODI), (London: 2002)
  • Equality Division Directorate General Of Human Rights,Gender Mainstreaming, (Strazburg: 2004)
  • Fragoso, L., P., and R. L. R. Granados, Guide for the formulation of public budgets in the health sector using a gender perspective, first edition, Ministry of Health, (Mexico City: 2004) (şim tarihi:3/3/2010).
  • Fraser, Nancy,“Feminizm, Kapitalizm ve Tarihin Oyunu,” çev. Gizem Kurtsoy, Kültür ve Feminist Yaklaşımlar
  • içinde, sayı 9, ekim, bgst yayınları, (2009).
  • Himmelweit, Susan, “Making visible the hidden economy: the case for gender-impact analysis of economic policy,” Feminist Economics, 8 (1), (2002): 49-70.
  • McKay, Ailsa, Rona Fitzgerald, K., Simpson, “Gender Impact Analysis and the Scottish Budget Sport and Health Pilots,” Report prepared for the Equality Unit, (2006)
  • McKay, Ailsa, (2004), “Developing a Gender Budget Initiative A Question of Process or Policy? Lessons Learned from the Scottish Experience,” Chapter prepared for Vol 4 of University of Linz, Gender Studies Series, Glasgow Caledonian University Glasgow, Scotland and Scottish Womens Budget Group 1 1. erişim adresi
  • Nanda, Priya, “Gender Dimensions of User Fees: Implications for Women’s Utilization of Health Care,” Reproductive Health Matters, 10(20), (2002): 127-134.
  • Rake, Katherine, (2001), “Introducing a Human Dimension to the Economy: Engendering the Budget” Paper prepared for: A Gender Agenda Asia-Europe Dialoque New Visions and Perspectives for Women and Men, Chiba, Japan. Erişim adresi:'A%20human%20dimension'.pdf
  • Rake, Katherine, (2002), “Gender Budgets: The Experience of the UK’s Women’s Budget Group” Basel Switzerland, Paper Prepared for the conference ‘Gender Balance-Equal Finance’ erişim adresi:
  • Republic Of Uganda, Ministry Of Local Government, Gender Budgeting Guidelines and Analytical Tools for Lower Local Governments, (2005), erişim adresi:, erişim tarihi: 6/6/2010
  • Robeyns, Ingrid, (2000), “Is There a Feminist Economic Methodology,” 3rd version. Erişim adresi:
  • Sen, Gita, Gender Mainstreaming in Finance, (London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1999)
  • Sharp, Rhonda and Ray Broomhill, “Budgeting for equality: The Australian experience,” Feminist Economics, 8 (1), (2002): 25-47.
  • Sharp, Rhonda, Budgeting for equity. Gender budget initiatives within a framework of performance oriented budgeting. (UNIFEM/New York: 2003) Stotsky, Janet Gale, “Gender Bias in Tax Systems,” Tax Notes, June 9, (1997): 1913-1923
  • Varjonen, Johanna and Kristiina Aalto, Household Production and Consumption in Finland 2001:Household Satellite Account, (Helsinki:Statistics Finland and National Consumer Research Centre, 2006)
  • Varjonen, Johanna and Yvonne Rüger, Value of Household Production in Finland and Germany: Analysis and Recalculation of the Household Satellite Account System in both countries,(Helsinki: 2008), National Consumer Research Centre.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Bölüm Research Article

Mustafa Şahin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Şahin, Mustafa. “Toplumsal Cinsiyete Duyarlı Bütçeleme TCDB Yazınına Kuşbakışı”. Fe Dergi 3, sy. 2 (Haziran 2011): 84-100.