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Unutulan bir Göç ve Yurttaşlık Deneyimi: İlk Kuşak Göçmen Kadınlar ve Hollanda Türkiyeli Kadınlar Birliği

Yıl 2010, , 31 - 49, 01.06.2010


Günümüzde “göçün kadınsılaşması” olgusunun kabulüne rağmen, ana akım göç araştırmalarında toplumsal cinsiyeti analitik bir kavram olarak kullanan ve göç alıcı ülke bağlamında göçmen kadınların deneyimlerine ışık tutan çalışmalar çok yaygın değildir. Özellikle misafir işçilik rejimlerinin geleneksel “aile birleşimi” temelli göç şemalarında kadınların göçü halen “ikincil” ve “bağımlı” göç olarak tanımlanmaya devam etmekte, göçmen kadınların iş piyasası, siyasal katılım ve yurttaşlık gibi konularda katkıları ihmal edilmektedir. Bu makalede kadınların özellikle topluluk hizmetlerinin örgütlenmesi ve yurttaşlık mücadelesi açısından oynadıkları rolleri 1974 yılında kurulan Hollanda Türkiyeli Kadınlar Birliği HTKB ve birliğin faaliyetlerine aktif olarak katılan kadınların deneyimleri üzerinden incelemeyi hedefliyorum. Çalışma, 2007-2008 yıllarında Hollanda’da gerçekleştirilen, eski HTKB’li kadınlarla yapılan derinlemesine görüşmeler ve HTKB arşivinden elde edilen verileri de içeren daha geniş bir nitel alan araştırmasına dayanmaktadır. Makalenin giriş bölümünde göç ve toplumsal cinsiyet ilişkisi üzerinde duracağım. İkinci bölümde, Hollanda’da ilk kuşak Türkiye kökenli kadınların iş piyasası ve topluluk hizmetlerindeki deneyimlerine, bunu takip eden bölümde ise özel olarak HTKB deneyimine odaklanacağım. Bu deneyimlerden hareketle makale, son dönemlerde göçmen kökenli kadınları neoliberal bir yurttaşlık çerçevesinden bir “problem kategorisi” olarak inşa eden entegrasyon ve özgürleşim perspektifine yönelik eleştiriler ile son bulacaktır


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Batı Almanya’daki Türk İşçileri ve Sorunları, (Ankara: Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 1964).
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, “Federal Almanya’nın 1966-67’de Geçirdiği Ekonomik Buhran Açısından Yabancı İşgücü ve Türk İşçilerinin Durumu”, A.Ü. S.B.F. Dergisi, 26, no.4 (1971):159-180.
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal, (Leiden: E. J Brill, 1975).
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, “Implications of Migration on Emancipation and Pseudo-Emancipation of Turkish Women”, International Migration Review, 11, no.1 (1977): 31-57.
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-ötesi Yurttaşlığa (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2002).
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet, Labor migration from Turkey to Western Europe, 1960-1974. A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Doktora Tezi, (Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2006).
  • Anthias, Floya ve Yuval-Davis, Nira, Racialized boundaries : race, nation, gender, colour, and class and the anti- racist struggle (London ; New York: Routledge, 1992).
  • Brouwer, Lenie ve Marijke Priester, “Living in between: Turkish women in their homeland and in the Netherlands”, der. Annie Phizacklea, One-Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983): 113-129.
  • Castles, Stephen ve Miller, Mark J., The Age of Migration, International Population Movements in the Modern World (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1993).
  • Engin, Hatice Can ve Can, Murat, Siyah Lale. Göçün 40. Yılında Hollanda'da Türkler, (Rijen: Dizayn, 2003)
  • Erder, Sema, “Uluslararası Göç Sürecinde Kadının Gündeme Gelişi ve 'Getto'daki Kadın”, Refah Toplumunda Getto (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2006): 299-320.
  • Essed, Philomena, Diversity: gender, color, and culture (University of Massachusetts Pres, 1996)
  • Fortuijn, Joos D. “City and Suburb: Contexts for Dutch Women's Work and Daily Lives”, Women of the European Union: The Politics of Work and Daily Life der. J. M. J. Momsen (London & NY: Routledge, 1996), 217- 228.
  • Hendessi, Mandana, “Fourteen Thousand Women Meet: Report from Nairobi, July 1985. Feminist Review, 23 (1986), 147-156.
  • Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette ve Cranford, Cynthia, Gender and migration (California: Springer, 1999).
  • Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette, “Gender and Immigration. A Retrospective and Introduction” Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends der. P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (California: University of California Pres, 2003), 3-19.
  • HTKB, 'Sesini Yükselt ' Türkiyeli Göçmen Kadınlar Avrupa Konferansı Raporları ve Önerleri, (Amsterdam, Ekim 1986).
  • Jacobs, Dirk , “Discourse, politics and Policy. The debate over voting rights for foreign residents in The Netherlands (1970-1996)” International Migration Review, 32, no. 2 (1998): 350-73.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Ayhan Aksu-Koç, External Labour Migration from Turkey and Its Impact, (Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 1988).
  • Knijn, Trudie ve Frits van Wel, Alleenstaande ouders over Zorgen en Werken, ('s Gravenhage: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid/Elseviers Bedrijfsinformatie, 2000).
  • Kofman, Eleonore, “Female' birds of passage'a decade later: Gender and immigration in the European Union” International Migration Review 33, no. 2 (1999): 269-299.
  • Kosack, Godula, “Migrant Women: the Move to Western Europe – a step towards Emancipation?”, Race and Class, 17, no.4 (1976): 369-380.
  • Mahler, Sarah ve Pessar, Patricia, “Gender matters: ethnographers bring gender from the periphery toward the core of migration studies”, International Migration Review 40, no. 1 (2006): 27-63.
  • Merens, Ans ve Hermans, Birigette, Emancipatiemonitor 2008 (Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2009).
  • Miller, Jennifer A. Postwar Negotıatıons: The Fırst Generatıon Of Turkısh ―Guest Workers in West Germany, 1961- 1973, Doktora Tezi, (Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey: 2008).
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana. “Women in migration: beyond the reductionist Outlook” One way ticket: Migration and female labour, der. A. Phizacklea (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1983): 13-31.
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana, “The overview: Birds of Passages are also Women”, International Migration Review. Women in Migration. Special Issue 18, no. 4 (1984): 886-907.
  • Özdoğan, Zülfikar, “Bir Zamanlar HTKB Vardı ”, HTIB, 8 Mart 2008, , (erişim: 05.06.2010).
  • Öztan, Ece, Göç Bağlamında Yurttaşlık ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Türkiye Kökenli Amsterdamlı Kadınların Yurttaşlık Deneyimleri, Doktora Tezi, (İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi, 2009).
  • Öztan, Ece, “Göçmen Kadınlar ve Anneliğin Düzenlenmesi: Amsterdamlı Türkiye Kökenli Kadınların Annelik Deneyimleri, Toplum ve Bilim, 119 (2010): 111-140.
  • Pessar, Patricia P., “Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States”, Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends der. P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (California: University of California Pres, 2003), 20-42.
  • Phizacklea, Annie (der.), One-Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983)
  • Radtke, Frank-Olaf , “The formation of ethnic minorities and the transformation of social into ethnic conflicts in a socalled multi-cultural society: the case of Germany”. Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-cultural Europe der. J. Rex & B. Drury (Aldershot: Avebury, 1994): 30-37.
  • Schrover, Marlou, “Family in Dutch migration policy 1945-2005”. The History of the Family 14, no.2 (2009): 191-202
  • Vermeulen, Hans ve Penninx, Rinus, Immigrant Integration The Dutch Case, (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000).
  • Yalım, Özden , “Passing on 'Invisible' Histories- New Media and the Cultutal Heritage of Immigrant Women in the Netherlands”, Traveling Heritages der. S. E. Wieringa (Amsterdam: Aksant, 2008), 185-198.

A forgotten migration and citizenship experience: First generation immigrant women and The Netherlands Union of Women from Turkey

Yıl 2010, , 31 - 49, 01.06.2010


A forgotten migration and citizenship experience: First generation immigrant women and The Netherlands Union of Women from Turkey Despite acknowledging the feminization of immigration there are a few studies giving immigrant and ethnic minority women greater visibility within receiving country context and using gender as an analytic concept in migration researches. Particularly, there is a tendency that women’s migration has still been acknowledged as “dependant” or “secondary” migratory movement in guest worker regimes’ traditional “family reunion” schemas and issues such as immigrant women’s participation in labour markets, politics and citizenship have been ignored. In this article, I aim to examine immigrant women’s role especially in community services and citizenship struggles focusing on Hollanda Türkiyeli Kadınlar Birliği The Netherlands Union of Women from Turkey founded in 1974 and participant women’s experiences. This study is based on a larger fieldwork conducted in 2007-2008 in the Netherlands including in-depth interviews with women who were previously active in HTKB and the data review from HTKB archives. In the introduction chapter, I review gender and migration relationship in literature. In the second chapter, I focus on first generations Turkish immigrant women’s experiences in labour market and community organization in Dutch context and following chapter specifically their experiences in HTKB. Finally, from the vantage point of immigrant women’s experiences, the article concludes with critics on current political frameworks in the Netherlands based on a neoliberal citizenship perspective that construct immigrant women as a “problem category”


  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Batı Almanya’daki Türk İşçileri ve Sorunları, (Ankara: Başbakanlık Devlet Planlama Teşkilatı, 1964).
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, “Federal Almanya’nın 1966-67’de Geçirdiği Ekonomik Buhran Açısından Yabancı İşgücü ve Türk İşçilerinin Durumu”, A.Ü. S.B.F. Dergisi, 26, no.4 (1971):159-180.
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Turkish Workers in Europe, 1960-1975: A Socio-Economic Reappraisal, (Leiden: E. J Brill, 1975).
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, “Implications of Migration on Emancipation and Pseudo-Emancipation of Turkish Women”, International Migration Review, 11, no.1 (1977): 31-57.
  • Abadan-Unat, Nermin, Bitmeyen Göç: Konuk İşçilikten Ulus-ötesi Yurttaşlığa (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2002).
  • Akgündüz, Ahmet, Labor migration from Turkey to Western Europe, 1960-1974. A Multidisciplinary Analysis. Doktora Tezi, (Amsterdam: Universiteit van Amsterdam, 2006).
  • Anthias, Floya ve Yuval-Davis, Nira, Racialized boundaries : race, nation, gender, colour, and class and the anti- racist struggle (London ; New York: Routledge, 1992).
  • Brouwer, Lenie ve Marijke Priester, “Living in between: Turkish women in their homeland and in the Netherlands”, der. Annie Phizacklea, One-Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983): 113-129.
  • Castles, Stephen ve Miller, Mark J., The Age of Migration, International Population Movements in the Modern World (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 1993).
  • Engin, Hatice Can ve Can, Murat, Siyah Lale. Göçün 40. Yılında Hollanda'da Türkler, (Rijen: Dizayn, 2003)
  • Erder, Sema, “Uluslararası Göç Sürecinde Kadının Gündeme Gelişi ve 'Getto'daki Kadın”, Refah Toplumunda Getto (İstanbul: İstanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2006): 299-320.
  • Essed, Philomena, Diversity: gender, color, and culture (University of Massachusetts Pres, 1996)
  • Fortuijn, Joos D. “City and Suburb: Contexts for Dutch Women's Work and Daily Lives”, Women of the European Union: The Politics of Work and Daily Life der. J. M. J. Momsen (London & NY: Routledge, 1996), 217- 228.
  • Hendessi, Mandana, “Fourteen Thousand Women Meet: Report from Nairobi, July 1985. Feminist Review, 23 (1986), 147-156.
  • Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette ve Cranford, Cynthia, Gender and migration (California: Springer, 1999).
  • Hondagneu-Sotelo, Pierrette, “Gender and Immigration. A Retrospective and Introduction” Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends der. P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (California: University of California Pres, 2003), 3-19.
  • HTKB, 'Sesini Yükselt ' Türkiyeli Göçmen Kadınlar Avrupa Konferansı Raporları ve Önerleri, (Amsterdam, Ekim 1986).
  • Jacobs, Dirk , “Discourse, politics and Policy. The debate over voting rights for foreign residents in The Netherlands (1970-1996)” International Migration Review, 32, no. 2 (1998): 350-73.
  • Keyder, Çağlar ve Ayhan Aksu-Koç, External Labour Migration from Turkey and Its Impact, (Ottawa: International Development Research Centre, 1988).
  • Knijn, Trudie ve Frits van Wel, Alleenstaande ouders over Zorgen en Werken, ('s Gravenhage: Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid/Elseviers Bedrijfsinformatie, 2000).
  • Kofman, Eleonore, “Female' birds of passage'a decade later: Gender and immigration in the European Union” International Migration Review 33, no. 2 (1999): 269-299.
  • Kosack, Godula, “Migrant Women: the Move to Western Europe – a step towards Emancipation?”, Race and Class, 17, no.4 (1976): 369-380.
  • Mahler, Sarah ve Pessar, Patricia, “Gender matters: ethnographers bring gender from the periphery toward the core of migration studies”, International Migration Review 40, no. 1 (2006): 27-63.
  • Merens, Ans ve Hermans, Birigette, Emancipatiemonitor 2008 (Den Haag: Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau / Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, 2009).
  • Miller, Jennifer A. Postwar Negotıatıons: The Fırst Generatıon Of Turkısh ―Guest Workers in West Germany, 1961- 1973, Doktora Tezi, (Rutgers-The State University of New Jersey: 2008).
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana. “Women in migration: beyond the reductionist Outlook” One way ticket: Migration and female labour, der. A. Phizacklea (London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1983): 13-31.
  • Morokvasic, Mirjana, “The overview: Birds of Passages are also Women”, International Migration Review. Women in Migration. Special Issue 18, no. 4 (1984): 886-907.
  • Özdoğan, Zülfikar, “Bir Zamanlar HTKB Vardı ”, HTIB, 8 Mart 2008, , (erişim: 05.06.2010).
  • Öztan, Ece, Göç Bağlamında Yurttaşlık ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet: Türkiye Kökenli Amsterdamlı Kadınların Yurttaşlık Deneyimleri, Doktora Tezi, (İstanbul: Marmara Üniversitesi, 2009).
  • Öztan, Ece, “Göçmen Kadınlar ve Anneliğin Düzenlenmesi: Amsterdamlı Türkiye Kökenli Kadınların Annelik Deneyimleri, Toplum ve Bilim, 119 (2010): 111-140.
  • Pessar, Patricia P., “Engendering Migration Studies: The Case of New Immigrants in the United States”, Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends der. P. Hondagneu-Sotelo (California: University of California Pres, 2003), 20-42.
  • Phizacklea, Annie (der.), One-Way Ticket: Migration and Female Labour, (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1983)
  • Radtke, Frank-Olaf , “The formation of ethnic minorities and the transformation of social into ethnic conflicts in a socalled multi-cultural society: the case of Germany”. Ethnic Mobilisation in a Multi-cultural Europe der. J. Rex & B. Drury (Aldershot: Avebury, 1994): 30-37.
  • Schrover, Marlou, “Family in Dutch migration policy 1945-2005”. The History of the Family 14, no.2 (2009): 191-202
  • Vermeulen, Hans ve Penninx, Rinus, Immigrant Integration The Dutch Case, (Amsterdam: Het Spinhuis, 2000).
  • Yalım, Özden , “Passing on 'Invisible' Histories- New Media and the Cultutal Heritage of Immigrant Women in the Netherlands”, Traveling Heritages der. S. E. Wieringa (Amsterdam: Aksant, 2008), 185-198.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Kadın Araştırmaları
Bölüm Research Article

Ece Öztan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Öztan, Ece. “Unutulan Bir Göç Ve Yurttaşlık Deneyimi: İlk Kuşak Göçmen Kadınlar Ve Hollanda Türkiyeli Kadınlar Birliği”. Fe Dergi 2, sy. 2 (Haziran 2010): 31-49.

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