Araştırma Makalesi
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Yıl 2020, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 518 - 528, 30.09.2020


In recent years, people have been impulsively irrational in purchasing decisions with greater emotional orientation rather than utility maximization. For this reason, there are many studies investigating the factors affecting the irrational decisions of consumers / investors in behavioral finance and consumer behavior sub-disciplines. However, the emergence of studies revealing that hidden drives or subconscious processes are more effective in the decisions of consumers / investors has led to innovative studies. The most frequently used innovative data collection methods to investigate hidden drives or subconscious processes that affect the decisions of consumers / investors are electroencephalography (EEG), eye tracking (eye tracker), facial expression recognition, heart rate (HR) and galvanic skin response ( EDA, GSR) devices and software. These studies, which have been conducted with the data obtained from brain and body responses in recent years, are called neuromarketing and neurofinance. In this study, suggestions will be made to theorists and practitioners by making sample applications on how to measure the hidden motives and subconscious processes that are effective in investors' decisions with these innovative devices and software.


  • BASARIR, C., YILMAZ, O. (20199. Herd Behavior and its Effects on the Purchasing Behavior of Investors. In: S. GRIMA, E. OZEN, H. BOZ, J. SPITERI AND E.I. THALASSINOS, (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Behavioral Finance, Emerald Series, Contemporary Issues in Economics and Financial Analysis, Volume 101, 217-228, UK:Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • BOZ, H. (2015). Turistik ürün satın alma karar sürecinde itkiselliğin rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Social Sciences, Balikesir, Turkey
  • BOZ, H & YILMAZ, Ö. (2017). An eye tracker analysis of the influence of applicant attractiveness on employee recruitment process: A neuromarketing study. Ecoforum Journal, 6(1).
  • BOZ, H., ARSLAN, A., & KOC, E. (2017). Neuromarketing aspect of tourısm pricing psychology. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • BOZ, H VE KÖSE, U. (2018). "Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9.1, 5-16.
  • BOZ, H. (2019). Mobil Pazarlamada Nöropazarlama Uygulamaları. Cop, Ruziye ve Eru, Oya (Ed.), A1dan Z’ye Mobil Pazarlama. İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık, 173-190.
  • BOZ, H. VE ÖZEN, E. (2019). The Relationship Between Customers’ Tendency to Risk Avoidance and Preferring Online Banking Services. Gümüshane University Electronic Journal of the Institute of Social Science/Gümüshane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 10(1), 220-230.
  • BOZ, H. ve KOC, E. (2019). Service quality, emotion recognition, emotional intelligence and Dunning Kruger syndrome. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-14.
  • BOZ, H, (2019). Anchoring Effect: A Myth or Reality?. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 15(1), 33-47.
  • KAHNEMANN, D. ve TVERSKY, A. (1979). Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291
  • KOC, E., & BOZ, H. (2014a). Psychoneurobiochemistry of tourism marketing.Tourism Management, 44, 140-148.
  • KOC, E., & BOZ, H. (2014b). Triangulation in Tourism Research: A Bibliometric Study of Top Three Tourism Journals. Tourism Management Perspectives, 12, 9–14.
  • KOÇ, E. VE BOZ, H. (2018). How Can Consumer Science Be Used for Gaining Information About Consumers and the Market?: The Role of Psychophysiological and Neuromarketing Research. Case Studies in the Traditional Food Sector, Alessio Cavicchi Cristina Santini (Der.), Woodhead Publishing, 129-152.
  • KOC, E. AYDIN, F. AR, A. AYBENİZ VE BOZ, H. (2017). “Emotions and Emotional Abilities in Service Failures and Recovery”. Koc, Erdoğan. (Ed.), Service Failure and Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality: A Practical Manual. CABI Publishing, 42-55.
  • KOC, E., ve BOZ, H. (2019a). Emotions and developing emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality businesses. In E. Koc (Ed.), Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality (pp. 15–35) Wallingford, Oxford: CABI.
  • KOC, E. ve BOZ, H. (2019b). Emotions and developing emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality businesses. In E. Koc (Ed.), Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality (pp. 15–35) Wallingford, Oxford: CABI
  • KOÇ, E. (2019). Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım: Pazarlama ve Tüketici Davranışı Kavramlarının İngilizceleriyle. İstanbul:
  • LEHRER, J. (2009). How we decide. Houghton: Mifflin Harcourt.
  • ÖZKUL, E., BOZ, H., BİLGİLİ, B. VE KOC, E. (2020). What colour and light do in service atmospherics: a Neuro-Marketing perspective, in Volgger, M. and Pfister, D. (Ed.), Atmosferic Turn in Culture and Turism. Place, Design and Process Impacts on Customer Behaviour, Marketing and Branding, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, pp. 223-244.
  • SLOVIC, P. ve LICHTENSTEIN, S. (1968). Relative importance of probabilities and payoffs in risk taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 78(3p2), 1-18.
  • TAŞKIN, Ç. KOÇ, E. BOZ, H. (2017). Perceptual Image of Conflict-Ridden Destinations: An EEG and Eye Tracker Analysis. Business and Economics Research Journal, 8(3), 533-553.


Yıl 2020, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3, 518 - 528, 30.09.2020


Son yıllarda insanlar satın alma kararlarında fayda maksimizasyonu yerine daha fazla duygusal oryantasyon ile dürtüsel olarak irrasyonel davranmaktadır. Bu nedenle günümüzde davranışsal finans ve tüketici davranışı alt bilim disiplinlerinde tüketicilerin/yatırımcıların irrasyonel kararlarına etki eden faktörleri araştıran çok sayıda çalışma bulunmaktadır. Bununla birlikte yakın zamanda tüketicilerin/yatırımcıların kararlarında gizli güdülerin veya bilinçaltı süreçlerin daha çok etkili olduğunu ortaya koyan çalışmaların da ortaya çıkması yenilikçi çalışmalara öncülük etmiştir.
Tüketicilerin/yatırımcıların kararlarında etkili olan gizli güdüleri veya bilinçaltı süreçleri araştırmak için en sık kullanılan yenilikçi veri toplama yöntemleri ise elektroansefalografi (EEG), göz izleme (eye tracker), yüz kaslarından duygu tanıma, kalp atım hızı ölçme (HR) ve galvanik deri tepki (EDA, GSR) cihaz ve yazılımlarıdır.
Son yıllarda beyin ve beden tepkilerinden elde edilen veriler ile yapılan bu çalışmalar nöropazarlama ve nörofinans olarak adlandırılmaktadır. Bu çalışmada bu yenilikçi cihaz ve yazılımlar ile yatırımcıların kararlarında etkili olan gizli güdüleri ve bilinçaltı süreçleri nasıl ölçebileceğine dair örnek uygulamalar yapılarak teorisyenlere ve pratisyenlere önerilerde bulunulacaktır.

Destekleyen Kurum

Human Behavior Lab

Teşekkür’un değerli yöneticilerine çalışmaya katkıları ve desteklerinden dolayı teşekkür ederiz. Çalışmanın deneysel uygulamalarında Human Behavior Praxeology ( Laboratuvarı’ndaki yazılım ve cihazlar kullanılmıştır.


  • BASARIR, C., YILMAZ, O. (20199. Herd Behavior and its Effects on the Purchasing Behavior of Investors. In: S. GRIMA, E. OZEN, H. BOZ, J. SPITERI AND E.I. THALASSINOS, (eds.), Contemporary Issues in Behavioral Finance, Emerald Series, Contemporary Issues in Economics and Financial Analysis, Volume 101, 217-228, UK:Emerald Publishing Limited.
  • BOZ, H. (2015). Turistik ürün satın alma karar sürecinde itkiselliğin rolü: Psikonörobiyokimyasal Analiz. Unpublished Doctoral Thesis, Balikesir University, Institute of Social Sciences, Balikesir, Turkey
  • BOZ, H & YILMAZ, Ö. (2017). An eye tracker analysis of the influence of applicant attractiveness on employee recruitment process: A neuromarketing study. Ecoforum Journal, 6(1).
  • BOZ, H., ARSLAN, A., & KOC, E. (2017). Neuromarketing aspect of tourısm pricing psychology. Tourism Management Perspectives, 23, 119-128.
  • BOZ, H VE KÖSE, U. (2018). "Emotion Extraction from Facial Expressions by Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques”. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 9.1, 5-16.
  • BOZ, H. (2019). Mobil Pazarlamada Nöropazarlama Uygulamaları. Cop, Ruziye ve Eru, Oya (Ed.), A1dan Z’ye Mobil Pazarlama. İstanbul: Beta Yayıncılık, 173-190.
  • BOZ, H. VE ÖZEN, E. (2019). The Relationship Between Customers’ Tendency to Risk Avoidance and Preferring Online Banking Services. Gümüshane University Electronic Journal of the Institute of Social Science/Gümüshane Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Elektronik Dergisi, 10(1), 220-230.
  • BOZ, H. ve KOC, E. (2019). Service quality, emotion recognition, emotional intelligence and Dunning Kruger syndrome. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 1-14.
  • BOZ, H, (2019). Anchoring Effect: A Myth or Reality?. Ekonomik ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 15(1), 33-47.
  • KAHNEMANN, D. ve TVERSKY, A. (1979). Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometrica, 47(2), 263-291
  • KOC, E., & BOZ, H. (2014a). Psychoneurobiochemistry of tourism marketing.Tourism Management, 44, 140-148.
  • KOC, E., & BOZ, H. (2014b). Triangulation in Tourism Research: A Bibliometric Study of Top Three Tourism Journals. Tourism Management Perspectives, 12, 9–14.
  • KOÇ, E. VE BOZ, H. (2018). How Can Consumer Science Be Used for Gaining Information About Consumers and the Market?: The Role of Psychophysiological and Neuromarketing Research. Case Studies in the Traditional Food Sector, Alessio Cavicchi Cristina Santini (Der.), Woodhead Publishing, 129-152.
  • KOC, E. AYDIN, F. AR, A. AYBENİZ VE BOZ, H. (2017). “Emotions and Emotional Abilities in Service Failures and Recovery”. Koc, Erdoğan. (Ed.), Service Failure and Recovery in Tourism and Hospitality: A Practical Manual. CABI Publishing, 42-55.
  • KOC, E., ve BOZ, H. (2019a). Emotions and developing emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality businesses. In E. Koc (Ed.), Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality (pp. 15–35) Wallingford, Oxford: CABI.
  • KOC, E. ve BOZ, H. (2019b). Emotions and developing emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality businesses. In E. Koc (Ed.), Emotional intelligence in tourism and hospitality (pp. 15–35) Wallingford, Oxford: CABI
  • KOÇ, E. (2019). Tüketici Davranışı ve Pazarlama Stratejileri: Global ve Yerel Yaklaşım: Pazarlama ve Tüketici Davranışı Kavramlarının İngilizceleriyle. İstanbul:
  • LEHRER, J. (2009). How we decide. Houghton: Mifflin Harcourt.
  • ÖZKUL, E., BOZ, H., BİLGİLİ, B. VE KOC, E. (2020). What colour and light do in service atmospherics: a Neuro-Marketing perspective, in Volgger, M. and Pfister, D. (Ed.), Atmosferic Turn in Culture and Turism. Place, Design and Process Impacts on Customer Behaviour, Marketing and Branding, Emerald Publishing, Bingley, pp. 223-244.
  • SLOVIC, P. ve LICHTENSTEIN, S. (1968). Relative importance of probabilities and payoffs in risk taking. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 78(3p2), 1-18.
  • TAŞKIN, Ç. KOÇ, E. BOZ, H. (2017). Perceptual Image of Conflict-Ridden Destinations: An EEG and Eye Tracker Analysis. Business and Economics Research Journal, 8(3), 533-553.
Toplam 21 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular İşletme
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Hakan Boz 0000-0002-9905-8573

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 3 Ağustos 2020
Kabul Tarihi 30 Eylül 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Boz, H. (2020). NÖROPAZARLAMA ARAÇLARI FİNANSAL PİYASALARA NASIL ADAPTE EDİLİR: NÖROFİNANS. Finans Ekonomi Ve Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 5(3), 518-528.