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Erzurum İline Ait Bal Örneklerinin Mikrobiyolojik ve Fizikokimyasal Karakterizasyonu

Yıl 2023, , 28 - 33, 28.09.2023


Bu çalışmada, oda sıcaklığında saklanan ve Erzurum ilinden toplanan 20 adet bal örneğinin fizikokimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Örneklerin nem içeriği %13,80 ile %20,60 arasında, kırılma indisi 1,4850 ile 1,5023 arasında, kül değeri %0,026 ile %0,495 arasında, pH 3,11 ile 4,58 arasında, toplam asitlik 14,61 meq/kg ile 53,44 meq/kg arasında, toplam şekerler %63,89 ile %86,49, indirgen şekerler %53,38 ile %78,29 ve sükroz %0,45 ile %21,66, diastaz aktivitesi 0 ile 38,5 °G, 5-Hidroksimetilfurfural 0,77 ile 5,76 mg/kg arasında değiştiği tespit edilmiştir. L*, a*, ve b* renk parametreleri sırasıyla 36,04-57,12-1,92 ile 7,46 ve 2,69-22,91 aralığında belirlenmiştir. Toplam aerobik mezofilik bakteri, maya ve küf ve ozmofilik maya sayılarının en az ve en yüksek değerleri sırasıyla 1,5 × 10 ile 1,3 × 103, <10 ile 2,6 × 102, <10 ile 4,0 × 102 cfu/g olarak belirlenmiştir. Diğer taraftan analiz edilen örneklerde termofilik Bacillus sporları ve koliform bakteri sayılarının <10 kob/g olarak belirlenmiştir.


  • Andrade, P. B., Amaral, M. T., Isabel, P., Carvalho, J. C. M. F., Seabra, R. M., & Proença da Cunha, A. P. (1999). Physicochemical attributes and pollen spectrum of Portuguese heather honeys. Food Chemistry, 66(4), 503–510.
  • Anklam, E. (1998). A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey. Food Chemistry, 63(4), 549–562.
  • AOAC (1984). Official methods of analysis (14th ed.). Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Azeredo, L. da C., Azeredo, M. A. A., De Souza, S. R., & Dutra, V. M. L. (2003). Protein content and physicochemical properties in honey samples of Apis mellifera of different floral origins. Food Chemistry, 80(2), 249–254.
  • Baumgart, J., Eigener, U., Firnhaber, J., Hildebrant, G., Reenen-Hoekstra, E. S., Samson, R. A., Spicher, G., Timm, F., Yarrow, D., & Zschaler, R. (1993). Mikrobiologische Untersuchung von Lebesmitteln (3., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl.). Hamburg, Germany.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. (2010). Gıda analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları (vol. 34, s. 634). Ankara.
  • Corbella, E., & Cozzolino, D. (2006). Classification of the floral origin of Uruguayan honeys by chemical and physical characteristics combined with chemometrics. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 39(5), 534–539.
  • Costa, L. S. M., Albuquerque, M. L. S., Trugo, L. C., Quinteiro, L. M. C., Barth, O. M., Ribeiro, M., & De Maria, C. A. B. (1999). Determination of nonvolatile compounds of different botanical origin Brazilian honeys. Food Chemistry, 65(3), 347–352.
  • de Rodríguez, G. O., Sulbarán de Ferrer, B., Ferrer, A., & Rodríguez, B. (2004). Characterization of honey produced in Venezuela. Food Chemistry, 84(4), 499–502.
  • Downey, G., Hussey, K., Daniel Kelly, J. D., Walshe, T. F., & Martin, P. G. (2005). Preliminary contribution to the characterisation of artisanal honey produced on the island of Ireland by palynological and physico-chemical data. Food Chemistry, 91(2), 347–354.
  • Fallico, B., Zappalà, M., Arena, E., & Verzera, A. (2004). Effects of conditioning on HMF content in unifloral honeys. Food Chemistry, 85(2), 305–313.
  • Fathy, H. M., & Ashour, H. (1997). Effect of some antibiotics on brood rearing activity in honey bee colonies and the microflora in the produced honey. Apiacta, XXXII, 119–125.
  • Fernández-Torres, R., Pérez-Bernal, J. L., Bello-López, M. A., Callejón-Mochón, M., Jiménez-Sánchez, J. C., & Guiraúm-Pérez, A. (2005). Mineral content and botanical origin of Spanish honeys. Talanta, 65(3), 686–691.
  • Golob, T., Doberšek, U., Kump, P., & Nečemer, M. (2005). Determination of trace and minor elements in Slovenian honey by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 91(4), 593–600.
  • Iurlina, M. O., & Fritz, R. (2005). Characterization of microorganisms in Argentinean honeys from different sources. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 105(3), 297–304.
  • Kokuba, Y., Jinbo, K., Kaneko, S., & Matsumoto, M. (1994). Prevalence of spore-forming bacteria in commercial honey. Annual Report of Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health, 35, 192–196.
  • Kus, S., Gogus, F., & Eren, S. (2005). Hydroxymethyl furfural content of concentrated food products. International Journal of Food Properties, 8(2), 367–375.
  • Lani, M. N., Zainudin, A. H., Razak, S. B. A., Mansor, A., & Hassan, Z. (2017). Microbiological quality and pH changes of honey produced by stingless bees, Heterotrigona itama and Geniotrigona thoracica stored at ambıent temperature. Malaysian Applied Biology, 46(3), 89–96.
  • Lazaridou, A., Biliaderis, C. G., Bacandritsos, N., & Sabatini, A. G. (2004). Composition, thermal and rheological behaviour of selected Greek honeys. Journal of Food Engineering, 64(1), 9–21.
  • Migdał, W., Owczarczyk, H. B., Kędzia, B., Hołderna-Kędzia, E., & Madajczyk, D. (2000). Microbiological decontamination of natural honey by irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 57(3–6), 285–288.
  • Turkish Food Codex, Honey Notification (2000). No. 25347. T.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
  • Muñoz, E., & Palmero, S. (2006). Determination of heavy metals in honey by potentiometric stripping analysis and using a continuous flow methodology. Food Chemistry, 94(3), 478–483.
  • Ouchemoukh, S., Louaileche, H., & Schweitzer, P. (2007). Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honeys. Food Control, 18(1), 52–58.
  • Özcan, M., Arslan, D., & Ali Ceylan, D. A. (2006). Effect of inverted saccharose on some properties of honey. Food Chemistry, 99(1), 24–29.
  • Piana, M. L., Pado, G., Cesaroni, D., Cuetti, L., Bucci, M. A., & Gotti, P. (1991). Research on microbial characteristics of honey samples of Udine province. Rivista della Società Italiana di Scienze dell’Alimentazione, 20, 293–301.
  • Rall, V. L. M., Bombo, A. J., Lopes, T. F., Carvalho, L. R., & Silva, M. G. (2003). Honey consumption in the state of São Paulo: A risk to human health? Anaerobe, 9(6), 299–303.
  • Sanz, M. L., Gonzalez, M., de Lorenzo, C., Sanz, J., & Martínez-Castro, I. (2005). A contribution to the differentiation between nectar honey and honeydew honey. Food Chemistry, 91(2), 313–317.
  • Spano, N., Casula, L., Panzanelli, A., Pilo, M. I., Piu, P. C., Scanu, R., Tapparo, A., & Sanna, G. (2006). An RP-HPLC determination of 5-hyd roxym ethyl furfu ral in honey: The case of strawberry tree honey. Talanta, 68(4), 1390–1395.
  • SPSS (1999). SPSS for Windows Release 10.01, SPSS inc. Terrab, A., Díez, M. J., & Heredia, F. J. (2002). Characterisation of Moroccan unifloral honeys by their physicochemical characteristics. Food Chemistry, 79(3), 373–379.
  • Tosun, M., & Keleş, F. (2002). Erzurum ve ilçelerinde üretilen balların analitik özellikleri. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi; 2002.
  • Yanniotis, S., Skaltsi, S., & Karaburnioti, S. (2006). Effect of moisture content on the viscosity of honey at different temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering, 72(4), 372–377.
  • Yılmaz, H., & Yavuz, Ö. (1999). Content of some trace metals in honey from south-eastern Anatolia. Food Chemistry, 65(4), 475–476.
  • Zamora, M. C., Chirife, J., & Roldán, D. (2006). On the nature of the relationship between water activity and % moisture in honey. Food Control, 17(8), 642–647.
  • Zappalà, M., Fallico, B., Arena, E., & Verzera, A. (2005). Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: A comparison. Food Control, 16(3), 273–277.

Microbiological and Physicochemical Characterization of Honey Samples from Erzurum

Yıl 2023, , 28 - 33, 28.09.2023


In this study, the physico-chemical and microbiological characteristics of 20 honey samples stored at room temperature and collected from Erzurum province (Turkey) was studied. Moisture content varied from 13.80% to 20.60%, refractive index from 1.4850 to 1.5023, ash value from 0.026% to 0.495%, pH from 3.11 to 4.58, total acidity from 14.61 meq/kg to 53.44 meq/kg, total sugars from 63.89% to 86.49%, reducing sugars 53.38% to 78.29% and sucrose from 0.45% to 21.66%, diastase activity from 0 to 38.5 °G, 5-Hyd roxym ethyl furfu ral from 0.77 to 5.76 mg/kg. The color parameters L*, a*, and b* determined using a colorimeter were within the range of 36.04–57.12, −1.92 to 7.46, and 2.69–22.91, respectively. The least and the highest of total aerobic mesophilic bacteria, fungi (yeasts and molds), and osmophilic yeast counts were determined to be 1.5 × 10 to 1.3 × 103, <10 to 2.6 × 102, <10 to 4.0 × 102 cfu/g, respectively. However, thermophilic Bacillus spores and coliform bacteria counts were found to be <10 cfu/g in analyzed samples.


  • Andrade, P. B., Amaral, M. T., Isabel, P., Carvalho, J. C. M. F., Seabra, R. M., & Proença da Cunha, A. P. (1999). Physicochemical attributes and pollen spectrum of Portuguese heather honeys. Food Chemistry, 66(4), 503–510.
  • Anklam, E. (1998). A review of the analytical methods to determine the geographical and botanical origin of honey. Food Chemistry, 63(4), 549–562.
  • AOAC (1984). Official methods of analysis (14th ed.). Association of Official Analytical Chemists.
  • Azeredo, L. da C., Azeredo, M. A. A., De Souza, S. R., & Dutra, V. M. L. (2003). Protein content and physicochemical properties in honey samples of Apis mellifera of different floral origins. Food Chemistry, 80(2), 249–254.
  • Baumgart, J., Eigener, U., Firnhaber, J., Hildebrant, G., Reenen-Hoekstra, E. S., Samson, R. A., Spicher, G., Timm, F., Yarrow, D., & Zschaler, R. (1993). Mikrobiologische Untersuchung von Lebesmitteln (3., aktualisierte und erw. Aufl.). Hamburg, Germany.
  • Cemeroğlu, B. (2010). Gıda analizleri. Gıda Teknolojisi Derneği Yayınları (vol. 34, s. 634). Ankara.
  • Corbella, E., & Cozzolino, D. (2006). Classification of the floral origin of Uruguayan honeys by chemical and physical characteristics combined with chemometrics. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 39(5), 534–539.
  • Costa, L. S. M., Albuquerque, M. L. S., Trugo, L. C., Quinteiro, L. M. C., Barth, O. M., Ribeiro, M., & De Maria, C. A. B. (1999). Determination of nonvolatile compounds of different botanical origin Brazilian honeys. Food Chemistry, 65(3), 347–352.
  • de Rodríguez, G. O., Sulbarán de Ferrer, B., Ferrer, A., & Rodríguez, B. (2004). Characterization of honey produced in Venezuela. Food Chemistry, 84(4), 499–502.
  • Downey, G., Hussey, K., Daniel Kelly, J. D., Walshe, T. F., & Martin, P. G. (2005). Preliminary contribution to the characterisation of artisanal honey produced on the island of Ireland by palynological and physico-chemical data. Food Chemistry, 91(2), 347–354.
  • Fallico, B., Zappalà, M., Arena, E., & Verzera, A. (2004). Effects of conditioning on HMF content in unifloral honeys. Food Chemistry, 85(2), 305–313.
  • Fathy, H. M., & Ashour, H. (1997). Effect of some antibiotics on brood rearing activity in honey bee colonies and the microflora in the produced honey. Apiacta, XXXII, 119–125.
  • Fernández-Torres, R., Pérez-Bernal, J. L., Bello-López, M. A., Callejón-Mochón, M., Jiménez-Sánchez, J. C., & Guiraúm-Pérez, A. (2005). Mineral content and botanical origin of Spanish honeys. Talanta, 65(3), 686–691.
  • Golob, T., Doberšek, U., Kump, P., & Nečemer, M. (2005). Determination of trace and minor elements in Slovenian honey by total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy. Food Chemistry, 91(4), 593–600.
  • Iurlina, M. O., & Fritz, R. (2005). Characterization of microorganisms in Argentinean honeys from different sources. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 105(3), 297–304.
  • Kokuba, Y., Jinbo, K., Kaneko, S., & Matsumoto, M. (1994). Prevalence of spore-forming bacteria in commercial honey. Annual Report of Tokyo Metropolitan Research Laboratory of Public Health, 35, 192–196.
  • Kus, S., Gogus, F., & Eren, S. (2005). Hydroxymethyl furfural content of concentrated food products. International Journal of Food Properties, 8(2), 367–375.
  • Lani, M. N., Zainudin, A. H., Razak, S. B. A., Mansor, A., & Hassan, Z. (2017). Microbiological quality and pH changes of honey produced by stingless bees, Heterotrigona itama and Geniotrigona thoracica stored at ambıent temperature. Malaysian Applied Biology, 46(3), 89–96.
  • Lazaridou, A., Biliaderis, C. G., Bacandritsos, N., & Sabatini, A. G. (2004). Composition, thermal and rheological behaviour of selected Greek honeys. Journal of Food Engineering, 64(1), 9–21.
  • Migdał, W., Owczarczyk, H. B., Kędzia, B., Hołderna-Kędzia, E., & Madajczyk, D. (2000). Microbiological decontamination of natural honey by irradiation. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 57(3–6), 285–288.
  • Turkish Food Codex, Honey Notification (2000). No. 25347. T.C. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs.
  • Muñoz, E., & Palmero, S. (2006). Determination of heavy metals in honey by potentiometric stripping analysis and using a continuous flow methodology. Food Chemistry, 94(3), 478–483.
  • Ouchemoukh, S., Louaileche, H., & Schweitzer, P. (2007). Physicochemical characteristics and pollen spectrum of some Algerian honeys. Food Control, 18(1), 52–58.
  • Özcan, M., Arslan, D., & Ali Ceylan, D. A. (2006). Effect of inverted saccharose on some properties of honey. Food Chemistry, 99(1), 24–29.
  • Piana, M. L., Pado, G., Cesaroni, D., Cuetti, L., Bucci, M. A., & Gotti, P. (1991). Research on microbial characteristics of honey samples of Udine province. Rivista della Società Italiana di Scienze dell’Alimentazione, 20, 293–301.
  • Rall, V. L. M., Bombo, A. J., Lopes, T. F., Carvalho, L. R., & Silva, M. G. (2003). Honey consumption in the state of São Paulo: A risk to human health? Anaerobe, 9(6), 299–303.
  • Sanz, M. L., Gonzalez, M., de Lorenzo, C., Sanz, J., & Martínez-Castro, I. (2005). A contribution to the differentiation between nectar honey and honeydew honey. Food Chemistry, 91(2), 313–317.
  • Spano, N., Casula, L., Panzanelli, A., Pilo, M. I., Piu, P. C., Scanu, R., Tapparo, A., & Sanna, G. (2006). An RP-HPLC determination of 5-hyd roxym ethyl furfu ral in honey: The case of strawberry tree honey. Talanta, 68(4), 1390–1395.
  • SPSS (1999). SPSS for Windows Release 10.01, SPSS inc. Terrab, A., Díez, M. J., & Heredia, F. J. (2002). Characterisation of Moroccan unifloral honeys by their physicochemical characteristics. Food Chemistry, 79(3), 373–379.
  • Tosun, M., & Keleş, F. (2002). Erzurum ve ilçelerinde üretilen balların analitik özellikleri. Türkiye 7. Gıda Kongresi; 2002.
  • Yanniotis, S., Skaltsi, S., & Karaburnioti, S. (2006). Effect of moisture content on the viscosity of honey at different temperatures. Journal of Food Engineering, 72(4), 372–377.
  • Yılmaz, H., & Yavuz, Ö. (1999). Content of some trace metals in honey from south-eastern Anatolia. Food Chemistry, 65(4), 475–476.
  • Zamora, M. C., Chirife, J., & Roldán, D. (2006). On the nature of the relationship between water activity and % moisture in honey. Food Control, 17(8), 642–647.
  • Zappalà, M., Fallico, B., Arena, E., & Verzera, A. (2005). Methods for the determination of HMF in honey: A comparison. Food Control, 16(3), 273–277.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Bilimleri (Diğer)
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Memnune Şengül 0000-0003-3909-2523

Mustafa Şengül 0000-0001-8447-2256

Ahmet Dodoloğlu 0000-0002-9424-4887

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

APA Şengül, M., Şengül, M., & Dodoloğlu, A. (2023). Microbiological and Physicochemical Characterization of Honey Samples from Erzurum. Gıda Bilimi Ve Mühendisliği Araştırmaları, 2(2), 28-33.

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