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Paternalistic Leadership and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work

Yıl 2017, , 81 - 113, 29.12.2017


This article probes into the meaningfulness of work as a potential mediator between

paternalistic leadership and well-being as well as an outcome, being one of the dimensions

of psychological empowerment. This is addressed in this preparatory study. According

to hypothesis, leadership behavior, ahead of that of other influential variables,

can contribute to the prediction of psychologic well-being at work. In order to measure

paternalistic leadership behaviour, we have used a questionnaire-based instrument whose

validity and reliability of the instrument have already been proven by Aycan in Turkey.

The research hypothesis was tested using single and multiple regression by the mediating

model of Baron and Kenny within a convenience sample consisting of 77 males and

females working in a variety of organizations, occupations, and industries in Turkey. The

results of the analyses conducted have revealed that benevolent paternalistic leadership

and executive/authorized paternalistic leadership factors have significant effects on positive

effect and negative effect factors of well-being construct and the work meaningfulness

variable has a mediating role on these effects. In addition, it has been exhibited that

executive/authorized benevolent leadership has a significant effect on fulfillment factor

of well-being construct and the variable work meaningfulness has a mediating role on

this effect. Additional evidence is provided herein, with respect to the fact that leadership

behaviour can affect employee well-being and it is suggested that the individuals that

seek creating healthier workplaces should not neglect supervision. It is argued that, for

those concerned with psychosocial working conditions, it is now sufficiently justifiable

to consider supervisor behaviour as a potentially influential variable. Moreover, a new

model is presented in the study for assessing the supervisor behavior with the potential

value for the future studies.


  • Aryee, S., Chen, Z. X., “Leader-Member Exchange in a Chinese Context: Antecedents, the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment and Outcomes”, Journal of Business Research, vol. 59 (7), 2006. Arnold, K., Barling, J., Mckee, M., “Transformational Leadership and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, vol. 12 (3), 2007. Ashmos, D., Duchon, D. “Spirituality at work: A conceptualization and measure”, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 9 (2), 2000. Aycan, Z., Kanungo, R. N. “Paternalism: towards conceptual refinement and operationalization”, 14th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, USA, August 1998. Aycan, Z. “Human resource management in Turkey, current issues and future challenges”, International journal of manpower, vol. 22 (3), 2001. _________, “Paternalism, towards conceptual refinement and operationalization”, Indigenous and cultural psychology: understanding people in context, 2006. Baron, Reuben M., Kenny, David A., “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 51 (6), 1986. Bennis, W., Old dogs, new tricks, Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Publishing, 1999. Bennett, T., “A study of the management leadership style preferred by it subordinates”, Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, vol. 13, no. 1, 2009. Blustein, D. L., The psychology of working: A new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy, Mahwah, NJ, Erlbaum, 2006. Bowie, N. E. “A Kantian Theory of Meaningful Work”, Journal of Business Ethics, ol. 17, 1083-1092, 1998. Cenkseven, F., Akbaş, T. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Öznel Ve Psikolojik İyi Olmanın Yordayıcılarının İncelenmesi”, Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, cilt 3, sayı 27, 2007. Chen, H., Kao, H. S., “Chinese paternalistic leadership and non-Chinese subordinates’ psychological health”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 20 (12), 2009. Cheney, G., Zorn E. T., Planalp S., Lair, D. J., “Meaningful Work and Person al/Social Well-Being Organizational Communication Engages the Meanings of Work”, Annals of the International Communication Association, vol. 32 (1), 2008. Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wu, T. S., Huang, M. P., Farh, J. L., “Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, 2004. Çağlar, E. S., “The impact of empowerment on work engagement mediated through psychological empowerment: Moderating roles of leadership styles and work goals”, (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis), Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Organizational Behavior, İstanbul, 2011. Çetin, C., Elmalı E. D., Arslan, M. L., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, İstanbul, Beta Basım A. Ş., 2017. Demo, G., Paschoal, T. “ Well-Being At Work Scale: Exploratory and Confirmatory Validation in the United States Comprising Affective and Cognitive Components”, 37th EnANPAD September 2013, Rio De Jenario, 2013. Duchon, D., Plowman, D. A., “Nurturing the spirit at work: Impact on work unit performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, vol. 16 (5), 2005. Duyan, E. C., Aytaç, S., Akyıldız, N., Laar, D. V., “Measuring Work Related Quality of Life and Affective Well-being in Turkey”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 4 (1), 2013. Erkutlu, Hakan, Chafra, Jamel, “Benevolent leadership and psychological well-being”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 37, Iss. 3, 2016. Farh, J. L., Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Chu, X P., “Authority and benevolence: Employees’ responses to paternalistic leadership in China”, China’s domestic private firms: Multidisciplinary perspectives on management and performance, ed. A. S. Tsui, Y. Bian, L. Cheng, , New York, Sharpe, 2006. Gilbreath, B., Benson, P. G. “The contribution of supervisor behaviour to employee psychological well-being”, Work & Stress, vol. 18 (3), 2004. Göcen, G., “Pozitif psikoloji düzleminde psikolojik iyi olma ve dini yönelim ilişkisi: Yetişkinler üzerine bir araştırma”, Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7 (13), 2013. Gurt, J., Schwennen, C., Elke, G., “Health-specific leadership: Is there an association between leader consideration for the health of employees and their strain and well-being?”, Work & Stress, vol. (25) 2, 2011. Hackman, J. R., Oldham, G. R., “Motivation through the Design of Work: Test of a Theory”, Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, vol. 16, 1976. Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., Black, W. C., Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th ed., New Jersey, Printence Hall, 1998. Harpaz, I., Fu, X. “The structure of the meaning of work: A relative stability amidst change”, Human Relations, vol. 55 (6), 2002. Harris, K. J., Wheeler, A. R., Kacmar, K. M., “Leader Member Exchange and Empowerment: Direct and Interactive Effects on Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intentions, and Performance”, Leadership Quarterly, vol. 20 (3), 2009. Kabasakal, H., Dastmalchian, A., “Introduction to the special issue on leadership and culture in the Middle East”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, vol. 50 (4), 2001. Kara, D., Uysal, M., Sirgy, M. J., Lee, G., “The effects of leadership style on employee well-being in hospitality”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 34, no. 1, 2013. Kanungo, R. N., Aycan, Z., “Organizational cultures and human resources practices from a cross cultural perspective”, Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Toronto (verbal paper), 1997. Kuoppala, J., Lamminpa, A., Liira, J., Vainio, H., “Leadership, Job Well-being, and Health Effects: A Systematic Review and a Meta-analysis”, CME Available for this Article at, 2008. Liu, J., Siu, O. L., Shi, K., “Transformational leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of trust in the leader and self-efficacy”, Applied Psychology, vol. 59 (3), 2010. May, D. R., Gilson, R. L., Harter, L. M., “The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 77, 2004. Nielsen, K., Randall, R., Yarker, J., Brenner, S., “The effects of transformational leadership on followers’ perceived work characteristics and psychological well-being: A longitudinal study”, Work & Stress, vol. 22 (1), 2008. Nunnally, J. C., Bernstein, I. H., Psychometric Theory, 3rd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994. Oner, Z. H., “Servant leadership and paternalistic leadership styles in the Turkish business context: A comparative empirical study”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 33 (3), 2012. Önhon, Ö., “The Relationship Between Organizational Climate for Innovation and Employees’ innovative work behavior; the moderating effects of leadership behavior; Ict sector in Turkey”, (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration in English, Discipline of Organizational Behavior, İstanbul, 2016. Pasa, F. S., “Leadership influence in a high-power distance and collectivist culture”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 21 (8), 2000. Pellegrini, E. K., Scandura, T. A., “Leader-member exchange (LMX), Paternalism and delegation in the Turkish business culture: an empirical investigation”, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 37, 2006. Soylu, S., “Creating a Family or Loyalty-Based Framework: The Effects of Paternalistic Leadership on Workplace Bullying”, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 99, 2011. Sparks, K., Faragher, B., Cooper, C. L., “Well-being and occupational health in the 21st century workplace”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 74 (4), 2001. Tummers, L. G., Knies, E., “Leadership and Meaningful Work in the Public Sector”, Public Administration Review, vol.73 (6), 2013. Tuomi, K., Vanhala, S., Nykyri, E., Janhonen, M., “Organizational Practices, Work Demands and the Well-Being of Employees: A Follow-Up Study in the Metal Industry and Retail Trade”, Occupational Medicine: Oxford, vol. 54 (2), 2004. Vaill, P., “Introduction to spirituality for business leadership”, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 9 (2), 2000. Wang, A., Cheng, B., “When does benevolent leadership lead to creativity? The moderating role of creative role identity and job autonomy”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 31, 2010.

Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü

Yıl 2017, , 81 - 113, 29.12.2017


Bu makale, paternalist liderlik ile psikolojik iyi olma durumu arasında potansiyel

bir arabulucu olarak, psikolojik güçlenmenin boyutlarından biri olan iş anlamlılığını

analiz etmektedir. Çalışmada belirlenen hipoteze göre, liderlik davranışı, diğer etkili

değişkenlerin ötesinde, işyerinde psikolojik refahın tatmini için katkıda bulunabilir.

Babacan liderlik davranışını ölçmek için, “Aycan” tarafından Türkiye’de geçerliliğini ve

güvenilirliğini ispatlamış olan bir ölçek kullanılmıştır. Araştırma hipotezi tek ve çoklu

regresyon kullanılarak Baron ve Kenny aracı etki modeliyle test edilmiştir. Türkiye’de

çeşitli organizasyonlar, meslekler ve endüstrilerde çalışan 77 erkek ve kadın araştırmanın

örneklemini oluşturmaktadır. Yapılan analizler sonucunda; iyiliksever babacan liderlik

ve icracı/yetkili babacan liderlik faktörlerinin, iyi olma yapısının altında yer alan pozitif

etki ve negatif etki boyutları üzerinde anlamlı etkilere sahip olduğu ve işin anlamlılığı

değişkeninin bu etkiler üzerinde kısmi aracılık rolünün bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca;

icracı/yetkili babacan liderliğin, iyi olma yapısının altında yer alan gerçekleşme boyutu

üzerinde anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu ve işin anlamlılığı değişkeninin bu etki üzerinde

tam aracılık rolünün bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları, liderlik davranışının

çalışanların refahını etkileyebileceği ve sağlıklı işyeri yaratmaya çalışan kişilerin bunu

göz ardı etmemesi gerektiği konusunda ilave kanıtlar sağlamaktadır. Psikososyal çalışma

koşullarıyla ilgilenen kişiler için yöneticilerin davranışlarını, çalışanlar üzerinde etkili bir

değişken olarak ele almak gerekebilir. Bu çerçevede, gelecekteki çalışmalar için önemli

bir potansiyele sahip olan yöneticilerin davranışını değerlendirmek için yeni bir model



  • Aryee, S., Chen, Z. X., “Leader-Member Exchange in a Chinese Context: Antecedents, the Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment and Outcomes”, Journal of Business Research, vol. 59 (7), 2006. Arnold, K., Barling, J., Mckee, M., “Transformational Leadership and Psychological Well-Being: The Mediating Role of Meaningful Work”, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, vol. 12 (3), 2007. Ashmos, D., Duchon, D. “Spirituality at work: A conceptualization and measure”, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 9 (2), 2000. Aycan, Z., Kanungo, R. N. “Paternalism: towards conceptual refinement and operationalization”, 14th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, USA, August 1998. Aycan, Z. “Human resource management in Turkey, current issues and future challenges”, International journal of manpower, vol. 22 (3), 2001. _________, “Paternalism, towards conceptual refinement and operationalization”, Indigenous and cultural psychology: understanding people in context, 2006. Baron, Reuben M., Kenny, David A., “The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, vol. 51 (6), 1986. Bennis, W., Old dogs, new tricks, Provo, UT, Executive Excellence Publishing, 1999. Bennett, T., “A study of the management leadership style preferred by it subordinates”, Journal of Organizational Culture Communications and Conflict, vol. 13, no. 1, 2009. Blustein, D. L., The psychology of working: A new perspective for career development, counseling, and public policy, Mahwah, NJ, Erlbaum, 2006. Bowie, N. E. “A Kantian Theory of Meaningful Work”, Journal of Business Ethics, ol. 17, 1083-1092, 1998. Cenkseven, F., Akbaş, T. “Üniversite Öğrencilerinde Öznel Ve Psikolojik İyi Olmanın Yordayıcılarının İncelenmesi”, Türk Psikolojik Danışma ve Rehberlik Dergisi, cilt 3, sayı 27, 2007. Chen, H., Kao, H. S., “Chinese paternalistic leadership and non-Chinese subordinates’ psychological health”, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 20 (12), 2009. Cheney, G., Zorn E. T., Planalp S., Lair, D. J., “Meaningful Work and Person al/Social Well-Being Organizational Communication Engages the Meanings of Work”, Annals of the International Communication Association, vol. 32 (1), 2008. Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Wu, T. S., Huang, M. P., Farh, J. L., “Paternalistic leadership and subordinate responses: Establishing a leadership model in Chinese organizations”, Asian Journal of Social Psychology, vol. 7, 2004. Çağlar, E. S., “The impact of empowerment on work engagement mediated through psychological empowerment: Moderating roles of leadership styles and work goals”, (Unpublished Doctorate Thesis), Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Organizational Behavior, İstanbul, 2011. Çetin, C., Elmalı E. D., Arslan, M. L., İnsan Kaynakları Yönetimi, İstanbul, Beta Basım A. Ş., 2017. Demo, G., Paschoal, T. “ Well-Being At Work Scale: Exploratory and Confirmatory Validation in the United States Comprising Affective and Cognitive Components”, 37th EnANPAD September 2013, Rio De Jenario, 2013. Duchon, D., Plowman, D. A., “Nurturing the spirit at work: Impact on work unit performance”, The Leadership Quarterly, vol. 16 (5), 2005. Duyan, E. C., Aytaç, S., Akyıldız, N., Laar, D. V., “Measuring Work Related Quality of Life and Affective Well-being in Turkey”, Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol. 4 (1), 2013. Erkutlu, Hakan, Chafra, Jamel, “Benevolent leadership and psychological well-being”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 37, Iss. 3, 2016. Farh, J. L., Cheng, B. S., Chou, L. F., Chu, X P., “Authority and benevolence: Employees’ responses to paternalistic leadership in China”, China’s domestic private firms: Multidisciplinary perspectives on management and performance, ed. A. S. Tsui, Y. Bian, L. Cheng, , New York, Sharpe, 2006. Gilbreath, B., Benson, P. G. “The contribution of supervisor behaviour to employee psychological well-being”, Work & Stress, vol. 18 (3), 2004. Göcen, G., “Pozitif psikoloji düzleminde psikolojik iyi olma ve dini yönelim ilişkisi: Yetişkinler üzerine bir araştırma”, Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, vol. 7 (13), 2013. Gurt, J., Schwennen, C., Elke, G., “Health-specific leadership: Is there an association between leader consideration for the health of employees and their strain and well-being?”, Work & Stress, vol. (25) 2, 2011. Hackman, J. R., Oldham, G. R., “Motivation through the Design of Work: Test of a Theory”, Organizational Behaviour and Human Performance, vol. 16, 1976. Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., Black, W. C., Multivariate Data Analysis, 5th ed., New Jersey, Printence Hall, 1998. Harpaz, I., Fu, X. “The structure of the meaning of work: A relative stability amidst change”, Human Relations, vol. 55 (6), 2002. Harris, K. J., Wheeler, A. R., Kacmar, K. M., “Leader Member Exchange and Empowerment: Direct and Interactive Effects on Job Satisfaction, Turnover Intentions, and Performance”, Leadership Quarterly, vol. 20 (3), 2009. Kabasakal, H., Dastmalchian, A., “Introduction to the special issue on leadership and culture in the Middle East”, Applied Psychology: An International Review, vol. 50 (4), 2001. Kara, D., Uysal, M., Sirgy, M. J., Lee, G., “The effects of leadership style on employee well-being in hospitality”, International Journal of Hospitality Management, vol. 34, no. 1, 2013. Kanungo, R. N., Aycan, Z., “Organizational cultures and human resources practices from a cross cultural perspective”, Canadian Psychological Association Annual Conference, Toronto (verbal paper), 1997. Kuoppala, J., Lamminpa, A., Liira, J., Vainio, H., “Leadership, Job Well-being, and Health Effects: A Systematic Review and a Meta-analysis”, CME Available for this Article at, 2008. Liu, J., Siu, O. L., Shi, K., “Transformational leadership and employee well-being: The mediating role of trust in the leader and self-efficacy”, Applied Psychology, vol. 59 (3), 2010. May, D. R., Gilson, R. L., Harter, L. M., “The psychological conditions of meaningfulness, safety and availability and the engagement of the human spirit at work”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 77, 2004. Nielsen, K., Randall, R., Yarker, J., Brenner, S., “The effects of transformational leadership on followers’ perceived work characteristics and psychological well-being: A longitudinal study”, Work & Stress, vol. 22 (1), 2008. Nunnally, J. C., Bernstein, I. H., Psychometric Theory, 3rd ed., New York, McGraw-Hill, 1994. Oner, Z. H., “Servant leadership and paternalistic leadership styles in the Turkish business context: A comparative empirical study”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 33 (3), 2012. Önhon, Ö., “The Relationship Between Organizational Climate for Innovation and Employees’ innovative work behavior; the moderating effects of leadership behavior; Ict sector in Turkey”, (Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation), Marmara University, Institute of Social Sciences, Department of Business Administration in English, Discipline of Organizational Behavior, İstanbul, 2016. Pasa, F. S., “Leadership influence in a high-power distance and collectivist culture”, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 21 (8), 2000. Pellegrini, E. K., Scandura, T. A., “Leader-member exchange (LMX), Paternalism and delegation in the Turkish business culture: an empirical investigation”, Journal of International Business Studies, vol. 37, 2006. Soylu, S., “Creating a Family or Loyalty-Based Framework: The Effects of Paternalistic Leadership on Workplace Bullying”, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 99, 2011. Sparks, K., Faragher, B., Cooper, C. L., “Well-being and occupational health in the 21st century workplace”, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 74 (4), 2001. Tummers, L. G., Knies, E., “Leadership and Meaningful Work in the Public Sector”, Public Administration Review, vol.73 (6), 2013. Tuomi, K., Vanhala, S., Nykyri, E., Janhonen, M., “Organizational Practices, Work Demands and the Well-Being of Employees: A Follow-Up Study in the Metal Industry and Retail Trade”, Occupational Medicine: Oxford, vol. 54 (2), 2004. Vaill, P., “Introduction to spirituality for business leadership”, Journal of Management Inquiry, vol. 9 (2), 2000. Wang, A., Cheng, B., “When does benevolent leadership lead to creativity? The moderating role of creative role identity and job autonomy”, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 31, 2010.
Toplam 1 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Araştırmalar ve İncelemeler

Canan Çetin

Nilüfer Vatansever Toylan Bu kişi benim

Öznur Aydıner Çakırel Bu kişi benim

Yasin Çakırel

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Aralık 2017
Kabul Tarihi 29 Aralık 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017

Kaynak Göster

APA Çetin, C., Vatansever Toylan, N., Aydıner Çakırel, Ö., Çakırel, Y. (2017). Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi(10), 81-113.
AMA Çetin C, Vatansever Toylan N, Aydıner Çakırel Ö, Çakırel Y. Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. Aralık 2017;(10):81-113. doi:10.16947/fsmia.372604
Chicago Çetin, Canan, Nilüfer Vatansever Toylan, Öznur Aydıner Çakırel, ve Yasin Çakırel. “Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, sy. 10 (Aralık 2017): 81-113.
EndNote Çetin C, Vatansever Toylan N, Aydıner Çakırel Ö, Çakırel Y (01 Aralık 2017) Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi 10 81–113.
IEEE C. Çetin, N. Vatansever Toylan, Ö. Aydıner Çakırel, ve Y. Çakırel, “Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü”, FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, sy. 10, ss. 81–113, Aralık 2017, doi: 10.16947/fsmia.372604.
ISNAD Çetin, Canan vd. “Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (Aralık 2017), 81-113.
JAMA Çetin C, Vatansever Toylan N, Aydıner Çakırel Ö, Çakırel Y. Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017;:81–113.
MLA Çetin, Canan vd. “Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü”. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan Ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi, sy. 10, 2017, ss. 81-113, doi:10.16947/fsmia.372604.
Vancouver Çetin C, Vatansever Toylan N, Aydıner Çakırel Ö, Çakırel Y. Babacan Liderliğin Psikolojik İyi Olmaya Etkisinde İşin Anlamlılığının Aracılık Rolü. FSM İlmi Araştırmalar İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Dergisi. 2017(10):81-113.