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Yiyecek İmajı, Memnuniyet ve Sadakat Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Alaçatı Ot Festivali Örneği

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 57 - 69, 31.03.2020


9. Alaçatı Ot Festivali’ne katılan ziyaretçilerin festivale yönelik algıladıkları yiyecek imajının festival memnuniyetleri ve festival sadakati üzerindeki etkileri araştırılmıştır. Bu bağlamda 6-8 Nisan 2018 Alaçatı Ot Festivali alanında maksimum çeşitlilik örnekleme yöntemi ile 9 kişi ile görüşme tekniği kullanılarak veriler toplanmıştır. Görüşmeler araştırmacılar tarafından yazılı ve sesli kayıt altına alınmıştır. Yapılan araştırma sonucunda ziyaretçilerin festivale yönelik algılarının olumlu yönde olduğu belirtilmektedir. Ayrıca festival sadakatinin, festivali başkalarına tavsiye etme ve tekrar ziyaret etme niyeti açısından etkili olduğu ancak festival organizasyonunda farklı rekreatif faaliyetler eklenmesi ile festival memnuniyeti üzerinde daha olumlu etki yaratacağı elde edilen bulgular arasında yer almaktadır.


  • Agyeiwaah, E., Otoo, F. E., Suntikul, W. ve Huang, W. J. (2019). Understanding culinary tourist motivation, experience, satisfaction, and loyalty using a structural approach. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing, 36(3), 295-313. doi: 10.1080/10548408.2018.1541775
  • Anıl, N.K. (2012). Festival visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty: An example of small, local, and municipality organized festival. Tourism. 60(3), 255-271.
  • Ardabili, F.S., Rasouli, E., Daryani, S.M., Molaie, M. ve Sharegi, B. (2011). The role of food and culinary condition in tourism industry. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 9(6): 826-833.
  • Baloglu, S ve McCleary, K.W. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research. 26(4): 868–897. doi: 10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00030-4
  • Baker, D.A., ve Crompton, J.L. (2000). Quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Annals of Tourism Research. 27 (3), 785-804. doi: 10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00108-5
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). Nitel Araştırmalarda Örnekleme Yöntemleri ve Örnek Hacmi Sorunsalı Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. BEÜ SBE Derg.,7(1), 231-274.
  • Benli, S. ve Yenipınar, U. (2018). Yerel yiyecek deneyiminin destinasyon imajı ve destinasyon sadakati üzerine etkisi: Mersin’i ziyaret eden yerli turistler üzerinde bir araştırma. The Journal of Academic Social Science. 6(82), 658-685.
  • Bukharov, I., Berezka, S. (2018) The role of tourist gastronomy experiences in regional tourism in Russia, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 10 (4), 449-457. doi: 10.1108/WHATT-03-2018-0019
  • Chang, M., Kim, J. H., ve Kim, D. (2018). The Effect of Food Tourism Behavior on Food Festival Visitor’s Revisit Intention. Sustainability, 10(10), 3534. doi: 10.3390/su10103534
  • Chi, C., Chua, B., Othman, M., ve Karim, M. (2013). Investigating the structural relationships between food image, food satisfaction, culinary quality, and behavioural intentions: The case of Malaysia. International Journal of Hospitality ve Tourism Administration. 99-120. doi: 10.1080/15256480.2013.782215
  • Çela, A., Knowles-Lankford, J. and Lankford, S. (2007) Local food festivals in northeast Iowa communities: a visitor and economic impact study. Managing Leisure, 12(2/3): 171–186. doi: 10.1080/13606710701339470
  • Eren, R. (2016). Türkiye’nin gastronomi imajı, ziyaretçilerin bilgi kaynakları ve harcamaları. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Turizm İşletmeciliği Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Frochot, I (2003). An analysis of regional positioning and its associated food images in French tourism regional brochures. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing. 14(3–4): 77–96. doi: 10.1300/J073v14n03_05
  • Hall, C. M., ve Sharples, L. (Eds.). (2008). Food and wine festivals and events around the world. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., (2003). The consumption of experiences or the experience of consumption? An introduction to the tourism of taste. Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., Mitchell, R., Macionis, N., ve Cambourne, B. (Eds.) In Food tourism around the world: Development, management and markets. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2005.04.009 Hanan, H. ve Hamid, Z.A. (2017). Tourist perception towards Kelantanese food image. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts. 9 (2), 443-452.
  • Henderson, J.C. (2009). Food tourism reviewed. British Food Journal. 111(4), 317-326. doi:
  • Horng, J.S. ve Tsai C.T.S. (2012). Exploring Marketing Strategies for Culinary Tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 17:3, 277-300. doi: 10.1080/10941665.2011.625432
  • Karim, M., ve Chi, C. (2010). Culinary tourism as destination attraction: an empirical examination of destinations' food image. Journal of Hospitality Marketing ve Management. 19(6), 531-555. doi: 10.1080/19368623.2010.493064
  • Karim, M., Chu, B., ve Salleh, H. (2009). Malaysia as a culinary tourism destination: International tourists’ perspective. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts. 4, 63–78.
  • Karim, M., Chua, B., Aman, R., Othman, M., ve Salleh, H. (2011). Food image, satisfation and behaviorall intentions: The case of Malaysia's Portugese cuisine. International CHRIE conference-refereed track. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Denver, Colorado USA.
  • Karsavuran, Z. (2018). Sokak yemekleri: farklı disiplinlerin yaklaşımı ve gastronomi turizmi alanında sokak yemeklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies. 6/1, 246-265. doi: 10.21325/jotags.2018.185
  • Kim, Y.H., Duncan, J. ve Chung, B.W. (2015). Involvement, Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Revisit Intention: A Case Study of a Food Festival. Journal of Culinary Science ve Technology. 13(2), 133-158. doi: 10.1080/15428052.2014.952482
  • Kozak, M., ve Rimmington, M. (2000). Tourist satisfaction with Mallorca, Spain as an off-season holiday destination. Journal of Travel Research. 38, 260-269. doi: 10.1177%2F004728750003800308
  • Lin, Y., Pearson, T.E. ve Cai, L.A. (2011). Food as a form of destination identity: A tourism destination brand perspective. Hospitality ve Tourism Research. 11,30-48. doi: 10.1057%2Fthr.2010.22
  • Ling, Q., Karim, M., Othman, M., Adzahan, N., ve Ramachandran, S. (2010). Relationships between Malaysian food image, tourist satisfaction and behavioural intention. World Applied Sciences Journal. 164-171.
  • Lertputtarak, S (2012). The relationship between destination image, food image, and revisiting Pattaya, Thailand. International Journal of Business and Management. 7(5): 111–222.
  • Mitchell, R. ve Hall, M.C. (2003). Consuming tourists: food tourism consumer behaviour. Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., Mitchell, R., Macionis, N., ve Cambourne, B. (Eds.) In Food tourism around the world: Development, management and markets. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2005.04.009
  • Mohi, Z., Wuand, H. C. ve Wong, W. C. (2013). A study of food festival loyalty. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts (JTHCA), 5(2), 30-43.
  • Morgan, D. L. & Morgan, R. K. (2008). Single-Case Research Methods For The Behavioral And Health Sciences. SAGE Publications.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty. Journal of Marketing. 63, 33-44.
  • Oliver, R.L. ve Burke, R.R. (1999). Expectation Processes in Satisfaction Formation. Journal of Service Research. 1(3), 196-214. doi: 10.1177/109467059913002
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J. & Collins, K. M. (2007). A Typology Of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs İn Social Science Research.The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 281-316.
  • Park K., Reisinger, Y. ve Kang, H. (2008). Visitors' Motivation for Attending the South Beach Wine and Food Festival, Miami Beach, Florida. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing. 25(2), 161-181. doi: 10.1080/10548400802402883
  • Peštek, A ve Činjarević, M (2014). Tourist perceived image of local cuisine: The case of Bosnian food culture. British Food Journal. 116(11): 1821–1838. doi: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2014-0046
  • Povey, G. (2011). Gastronomy and tourism. In Robinson, P., Heitmann, S. ve Dieke, P.(Eds.) Research Themes for Tourism. Oxford: CABI.
  • Richards, G. (2001). Gastronomy: an essential ingredient in tourism production and consumption?. In A.Hjalager, ve G. Richards (Eds.). Tourism and gastronomy. (3-21). London: Routledge.
  • Quan, S., ve Wang, N. (2004). Towards a structural model of the tourist experience: An illustration from food experiences in tourism. Tourism Management, 25, 297-305. doi: 10.1016/S0261-5177(03)00130-4
  • Sims, R. (2009). Food, place and authenticity: Destination food and the sustainable tourism experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 17(3), 321–336. doi: 10.1080/09669580802359293
  • Stanley, J. ve Stanley, L. (2015). Food Tourism. Oxford: CABI.
  • Tellström, R., Gustafsson, I.B. ve Mossberg, L. (2006). Consuming heritage: The use of local food culture in branding. Place Branding. 2(2),130-143. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.pb.5990051
  • Toudert, D., & Bringas-Rábago, N. L. (2019). Destination food image, satisfaction and outcomes in a border context: tourists vs excursionists. British Food Journal, 121(5), 1101-1115.
  • Tsai, C.T.S ve Wang, Y.C. (2016). Experiential value in branding food tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing ve Management. 6(1):1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2016.02.003
  • Yeoman, I. ve McMahon-Beatte, U. (2016). The future of food tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures. 2(1), 95 – 98. doi: 10.1108/JTF-12-2015-0051
  • Yoon, Y., Lee, J. ve Lee, C. (2010). Measuring festival quality and value affecting visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty using a structural approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 29, 335-342. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2009.10.002

An Investigation on Food Image, Festival Satisfaction and Loyalty: Example of Alaçatı Herb Festival

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1, 57 - 69, 31.03.2020


In order to measure the perceptions of the visitors attending the 9. Alaçatı Herb Festival, the effects on the product, experience, satisfaction, image and loyalty were investigated. In this context, data were collected by interviewing 9 people using maximum diversity sampling method in Alaçatı Herb Festival 6-8 April 2018. The interviews were written and verbally recorded by the researchers. As a result of the research, it is stated that the perceptions of the visitors towards the festival are positive. In addition, it is found that festival loyalty is effective in recommending the festival to others and intending to visit again, but it will have a more positive effect on satisfaction by adding different recreational activities in the festival organization.


  • Agyeiwaah, E., Otoo, F. E., Suntikul, W. ve Huang, W. J. (2019). Understanding culinary tourist motivation, experience, satisfaction, and loyalty using a structural approach. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing, 36(3), 295-313. doi: 10.1080/10548408.2018.1541775
  • Anıl, N.K. (2012). Festival visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty: An example of small, local, and municipality organized festival. Tourism. 60(3), 255-271.
  • Ardabili, F.S., Rasouli, E., Daryani, S.M., Molaie, M. ve Sharegi, B. (2011). The role of food and culinary condition in tourism industry. Middle East Journal of Scientific Research. 9(6): 826-833.
  • Baloglu, S ve McCleary, K.W. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research. 26(4): 868–897. doi: 10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00030-4
  • Baker, D.A., ve Crompton, J.L. (2000). Quality, satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Annals of Tourism Research. 27 (3), 785-804. doi: 10.1016/S0160-7383(99)00108-5
  • Baltacı, A. (2018). Nitel Araştırmalarda Örnekleme Yöntemleri ve Örnek Hacmi Sorunsalı Üzerine Kavramsal Bir İnceleme. BEÜ SBE Derg.,7(1), 231-274.
  • Benli, S. ve Yenipınar, U. (2018). Yerel yiyecek deneyiminin destinasyon imajı ve destinasyon sadakati üzerine etkisi: Mersin’i ziyaret eden yerli turistler üzerinde bir araştırma. The Journal of Academic Social Science. 6(82), 658-685.
  • Bukharov, I., Berezka, S. (2018) The role of tourist gastronomy experiences in regional tourism in Russia, Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, Vol. 10 (4), 449-457. doi: 10.1108/WHATT-03-2018-0019
  • Chang, M., Kim, J. H., ve Kim, D. (2018). The Effect of Food Tourism Behavior on Food Festival Visitor’s Revisit Intention. Sustainability, 10(10), 3534. doi: 10.3390/su10103534
  • Chi, C., Chua, B., Othman, M., ve Karim, M. (2013). Investigating the structural relationships between food image, food satisfaction, culinary quality, and behavioural intentions: The case of Malaysia. International Journal of Hospitality ve Tourism Administration. 99-120. doi: 10.1080/15256480.2013.782215
  • Çela, A., Knowles-Lankford, J. and Lankford, S. (2007) Local food festivals in northeast Iowa communities: a visitor and economic impact study. Managing Leisure, 12(2/3): 171–186. doi: 10.1080/13606710701339470
  • Eren, R. (2016). Türkiye’nin gastronomi imajı, ziyaretçilerin bilgi kaynakları ve harcamaları. Gazi Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Turizm İşletmeciliği Eğitimi Anabilim Dalı. Yayımlanmamış Doktora Tezi.
  • Frochot, I (2003). An analysis of regional positioning and its associated food images in French tourism regional brochures. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing. 14(3–4): 77–96. doi: 10.1300/J073v14n03_05
  • Hall, C. M., ve Sharples, L. (Eds.). (2008). Food and wine festivals and events around the world. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann.
  • Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., (2003). The consumption of experiences or the experience of consumption? An introduction to the tourism of taste. Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., Mitchell, R., Macionis, N., ve Cambourne, B. (Eds.) In Food tourism around the world: Development, management and markets. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2005.04.009 Hanan, H. ve Hamid, Z.A. (2017). Tourist perception towards Kelantanese food image. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts. 9 (2), 443-452.
  • Henderson, J.C. (2009). Food tourism reviewed. British Food Journal. 111(4), 317-326. doi:
  • Horng, J.S. ve Tsai C.T.S. (2012). Exploring Marketing Strategies for Culinary Tourism in Hong Kong and Singapore. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research. 17:3, 277-300. doi: 10.1080/10941665.2011.625432
  • Karim, M., ve Chi, C. (2010). Culinary tourism as destination attraction: an empirical examination of destinations' food image. Journal of Hospitality Marketing ve Management. 19(6), 531-555. doi: 10.1080/19368623.2010.493064
  • Karim, M., Chu, B., ve Salleh, H. (2009). Malaysia as a culinary tourism destination: International tourists’ perspective. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts. 4, 63–78.
  • Karim, M., Chua, B., Aman, R., Othman, M., ve Salleh, H. (2011). Food image, satisfation and behaviorall intentions: The case of Malaysia's Portugese cuisine. International CHRIE conference-refereed track. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Denver, Colorado USA.
  • Karsavuran, Z. (2018). Sokak yemekleri: farklı disiplinlerin yaklaşımı ve gastronomi turizmi alanında sokak yemeklerinin değerlendirilmesi. Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies. 6/1, 246-265. doi: 10.21325/jotags.2018.185
  • Kim, Y.H., Duncan, J. ve Chung, B.W. (2015). Involvement, Satisfaction, Perceived Value, and Revisit Intention: A Case Study of a Food Festival. Journal of Culinary Science ve Technology. 13(2), 133-158. doi: 10.1080/15428052.2014.952482
  • Kozak, M., ve Rimmington, M. (2000). Tourist satisfaction with Mallorca, Spain as an off-season holiday destination. Journal of Travel Research. 38, 260-269. doi: 10.1177%2F004728750003800308
  • Lin, Y., Pearson, T.E. ve Cai, L.A. (2011). Food as a form of destination identity: A tourism destination brand perspective. Hospitality ve Tourism Research. 11,30-48. doi: 10.1057%2Fthr.2010.22
  • Ling, Q., Karim, M., Othman, M., Adzahan, N., ve Ramachandran, S. (2010). Relationships between Malaysian food image, tourist satisfaction and behavioural intention. World Applied Sciences Journal. 164-171.
  • Lertputtarak, S (2012). The relationship between destination image, food image, and revisiting Pattaya, Thailand. International Journal of Business and Management. 7(5): 111–222.
  • Mitchell, R. ve Hall, M.C. (2003). Consuming tourists: food tourism consumer behaviour. Hall, C. M., Sharples, L., Mitchell, R., Macionis, N., ve Cambourne, B. (Eds.) In Food tourism around the world: Development, management and markets. Oxford: Butterworth-Heinemann. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2005.04.009
  • Mohi, Z., Wuand, H. C. ve Wong, W. C. (2013). A study of food festival loyalty. Journal of Tourism, Hospitality ve Culinary Arts (JTHCA), 5(2), 30-43.
  • Morgan, D. L. & Morgan, R. K. (2008). Single-Case Research Methods For The Behavioral And Health Sciences. SAGE Publications.
  • Oliver, R.L. (1999). Whence consumer loyalty. Journal of Marketing. 63, 33-44.
  • Oliver, R.L. ve Burke, R.R. (1999). Expectation Processes in Satisfaction Formation. Journal of Service Research. 1(3), 196-214. doi: 10.1177/109467059913002
  • Onwuegbuzie, A. J. & Collins, K. M. (2007). A Typology Of Mixed Methods Sampling Designs İn Social Science Research.The Qualitative Report, 12(2), 281-316.
  • Park K., Reisinger, Y. ve Kang, H. (2008). Visitors' Motivation for Attending the South Beach Wine and Food Festival, Miami Beach, Florida. Journal of Travel ve Tourism Marketing. 25(2), 161-181. doi: 10.1080/10548400802402883
  • Peštek, A ve Činjarević, M (2014). Tourist perceived image of local cuisine: The case of Bosnian food culture. British Food Journal. 116(11): 1821–1838. doi: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2014-0046
  • Povey, G. (2011). Gastronomy and tourism. In Robinson, P., Heitmann, S. ve Dieke, P.(Eds.) Research Themes for Tourism. Oxford: CABI.
  • Richards, G. (2001). Gastronomy: an essential ingredient in tourism production and consumption?. In A.Hjalager, ve G. Richards (Eds.). Tourism and gastronomy. (3-21). London: Routledge.
  • Quan, S., ve Wang, N. (2004). Towards a structural model of the tourist experience: An illustration from food experiences in tourism. Tourism Management, 25, 297-305. doi: 10.1016/S0261-5177(03)00130-4
  • Sims, R. (2009). Food, place and authenticity: Destination food and the sustainable tourism experience. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. 17(3), 321–336. doi: 10.1080/09669580802359293
  • Stanley, J. ve Stanley, L. (2015). Food Tourism. Oxford: CABI.
  • Tellström, R., Gustafsson, I.B. ve Mossberg, L. (2006). Consuming heritage: The use of local food culture in branding. Place Branding. 2(2),130-143. doi: 10.1057/palgrave.pb.5990051
  • Toudert, D., & Bringas-Rábago, N. L. (2019). Destination food image, satisfaction and outcomes in a border context: tourists vs excursionists. British Food Journal, 121(5), 1101-1115.
  • Tsai, C.T.S ve Wang, Y.C. (2016). Experiential value in branding food tourism. Journal of Destination Marketing ve Management. 6(1):1–10. doi: 10.1016/j.jdmm.2016.02.003
  • Yeoman, I. ve McMahon-Beatte, U. (2016). The future of food tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures. 2(1), 95 – 98. doi: 10.1108/JTF-12-2015-0051
  • Yoon, Y., Lee, J. ve Lee, C. (2010). Measuring festival quality and value affecting visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty using a structural approach. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 29, 335-342. doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2009.10.002
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Gaye Kızılcalıoğlu 0000-0003-2995-6105

Dilek Hale Aybar 0000-0002-1335-3601

Özlem Şen 0000-0001-6506-170X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Mart 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 27 Aralık 2019
Kabul Tarihi 5 Mart 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 4 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Kızılcalıoğlu, G., Aybar, D. H., & Şen, Ö. (2020). Yiyecek İmajı, Memnuniyet ve Sadakat Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Alaçatı Ot Festivali Örneği. Gastroia: Journal of Gastronomy And Travel Research, 4(1), 57-69.