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European Identity: Conflicting Perspectives, Current Evaluations and Anxieties

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9, 31 - 58, 01.01.2011


As shown by the ideas that are scattered to a wide spectrum, of ordinary people and academicians, who come from a variety of socialization backgrounds, defining Europe and the Europeans is not easy. Still, analyses on the historical and current shaping of European Identity, based upon views of the politicians, thinkers and academicians, information and views of the ordinary citizens collected through surveys, are necessary. This study aims for a better understanding of European Identity, by drawing attention to the views of experts and current anxieties of Europeans. The proposed models for creating a stronger European Identity and different perspectives with regard to the current problems are touched upon in order to show how European Identity is perceived from within and outside of Europe. Given the very different views of key figures and ordinary citizens with regard to the desired form of European Identity, it could be concluded that the glue keeping Europe together is not a shared identity but shared projects and targets.


  • ALTES, E. K. “What is it ? Why do we need it ? Where do we find it ?” T. Jansen, (Der.), “Reflections on European Identity” içinde, 1999, ss. 51-56
  • ANTONISCH, M. “National identities in the age of globalisation: The case of Western Europe”, National Identities, Cilt.11 Sayı. 3, 2009, ss.281 — 299
  • ASH, T. G. “America and Europe: The Future of the West”, Konferans, (11 Kasım, 2004) Düzenleyen: Council on Foreign Relations, america_and_europe.html
  • ASH, T. G. “Europe’s true stories”, 200, 7 europestruestories/
  • ASH, T. G. “With this timid choice of leaders, the EU may have the faces it deserves”,, 25 Kasım 2009 78 Bkz. K. Nicolaidis, “We, the Peoples of Europe ...” Foreign Affairs, Cilt 8, Sayı 6, 2004, s. 97-110.
  • AVRUPA KOMİSYONU, “How Europeans See Themselves” Brüksel, 2001 http://
  • BAUMAN, Z. Globalization: The Human Consequences, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998.
  • BENEDICT XVI “Europe and Its Discontents” First Things, Sayı.159, 2006, ss.16-22.
  • BERGER, P. L. “Secularism in Retreat” National Interest, Sayı. 46, 1996/97, ss.3-13.
  • BRUCKNER, P “Avrupa: Pişmanlık ve Bitkinlik” Cogito, Sayı 39, 2004, ss.256-267.
  • BRYDER, T. “A contribution from political psychology”, Jansen, T. (Der..), 1999 içinde, ss. 37-49.
  • CHABAN, N. vd. “The European Union As Others See It” European Foreign Affairs Review Cilt.11, 2006, ss.245-262,.
  • DAVIES, N. “Europe” Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996.
  • DELANTY, G. “The Idea of a Cosmopolitan Europe: On the Cultural Significance of Europeanization”, International Review of Sociology, Cilt.15, Sayı. 3, 2005, ss.405-421
  • DE WECK, R “Neither Reich nor Nation - another future for the European Union”, içinde Jansen, T. (Der.) 1999, ss.107-110.
  • DUPRE, L. “Does Christianity have a role to play?” (The Idea of Europe) Commonweal (26. 3. 2004), s. 11-14.
  • EB 64 TR] Avrupa Komisyonu “Eurobarometer 64: AB Kamuoyu Araştırması: Türkiye”) 2006.
  • EB 64 ] Eurobarometer 64, Public Opinion In The European Union. 2006
  • (EB 65 ] Eurobarometer 65, Public Opinion In The European Union First Results. 2006
  • EB 67] Eurobarometer 67, Public Opinion In The European Union First Results, 2007
  • EB 251] Avrupa Komisyonu “Future of Europe” Special Eurobarometer 251 , 2006
  • EB 255] Avrupa Komisyonu “Attitudes towards European Union Enlargement” Special Eurobarometer 255, 2006
  • ERLANGER, S. “Europe’s Identity Crisis” New York Times, Mayıs 2, 2002
  • FLASH Eurobarometer 151b “Globalisation”
  • FLOCKHART, T. “The Europeanization of Europe: The transfer of norms to Europe, in Europe, from Europe” International Studies Association Annual Convention San Diego 22 March – 25 March 2006 http://convention2.
  • FUTHER ENLARGEMENT] Evidence given to the House of Lords EU Select Committee, ‘The further enlargement of the EU: threat or opportunity?’,2006, www. (18.3.2008). GELLNER, E. “Encounters with Nationalism” Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
  • GROOTHUES, F. “Imagine: a European identity”, 2002 http://www.
  • HABERMAS, J. “Avrupa’nın Niçin Bir Anayasaya Gereksinmesi Var?” Cogito, sayı 39, 2004, s. 302-322.
  • HUNTINGTON, S. “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking Of World Order”, London: Touchstone Books, 1998 [1996].
  • JANSEN, T “European Identity and /or the Identity of the European Union”, JANSEN, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde, ss. 27-36.
  • JANSEN, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” European Commission Forward Studies Unit Working Paper, 1999. working-paper/european_identity_en.pdf
  • KUPCHAN, C. A. “The End of the West” Atlantic Monthly, 2002, Kasım.
  • KUPCHAN, C. A. “Europe’s Constitutional Crisis: Lessons Learned”, 2005.
  • LEHNING P.B “European Citizenship: Towards a European Identity?” Law and Philosophy, Cilt. 20, Sayı. 3, 2001, ss.239-282.
  • LEWIS, B. “The Roots of Muslim Rage” Atlantic Monthly, Eylül 1990, ss. 47-60.
  • MAYER, F. C. ve J. PALMOWSKI, “European Identities and the EU – The Ties that Bind the Peoples of Europe”, Journal of Common Market Studies Cilt.42, Sayı 3, 2004 ss.573–98.
  • McLAREN, L. “Opposition to European integration and fear of loss of national identity: Debunking a basic assumption regarding hostility to the integration project” European Journal of Political Research Sayı.43, 2004, ss.895–911.
  • MENENDEZ, A. J. “A Christian or a Laic Europe? Christian Values and. European Identity,” Ratio Juris, Cilt. 18, Sayı.2, 2005, ss.179-205
  • NICOLAIDIS, K. “We, the Peoples of Europe ...” Foreign Affairs, Cilt.83, Sayı. 6, 2004, ss. 97-110.
  • OLSEN, J. “The many faces of Europeanization.” Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt.40, Sayı.5, 2002, ss. 921-952.
  • PACE, M. “Notions of ‘Europe’ Where does Europe’s Southern Periphery Lie?” Paper for presentation at the WD25 panel on Playing the Margin: Power, Agency and Resistance away from the Centre of Power, 47th Annual ISA Convention, San Diego, CA,22-25 March, 2006.
  • PAVLOVAITE, I. “Being European by Joining Europe: Accession and identity politics in Lithuania” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cilt.16, Sayı. 2, 2003, ss.239-255.
  • PIROTH, S. “Explaining Opposition to European Integration in Britain, Denmark, and Ireland” Paper Prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 15-18, 2004), 1-28.
  • SASSATELLI, M “An interview with Jack”Goody: Europe, identity thefts and missed Renaissances” European Journal of Social Theory, Cilt.13, Sayı.4, 2010, ss. 539–548.
  • SCHENEIDER H. “The dimensions of the historical and cultural core of a european identity”, Jansen, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde, ss. 7-19.
  • SCHÖPFLIN, G. ‘Central Europe: Definitions Old and New’, , G. Schöpflin ve N. Wood (der.) In Search of Central Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989 içinde ss. 7–29.
  • SMITH, A. “LSE Centennial Lecture: The resurgence of nationalism? Myth and memory in the renewal of nations”, British Journal of Sociology, Cilt.47, Sayı. 4, 1996 , ss. 575-598.
  • STARK, R. “Secularization, R.I.P.”, Sociology of Religion, Cilt.60, Sayı.3, 1999, ss. 249-273.
  • STROSCHEIN, S. ve A. Ford “What’s In and Out? Social Identity Theory, Group Conflict, and Multiple Loyalties” 2003 p62812_index.html
  • THE FUTURE OF EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION, House Of Commons Library Research Paper, 05/45, 2005.
  • TOURAINE, A. “Avrupa’nın Geleceği İslam Dünyasıyla İlişkisine Bağlı”, Cogito, sayı 39, 2004, ss. 269-281.
  • TRAUSCH, G. “Consciousness of European identity after 1945”, Jansen, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde; s. 21-26.

Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler

Yıl 2011, Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9, 31 - 58, 01.01.2011


Avrupa’nın ne olduğunun veya Avrupalıların kim olduğunun tanımlanması, çeşitli sosyalleşme arka planından gelen sıradan insanların ve akademisyenlerin geniş bir yelpazeye dağılmış fikirlerinin gösterdiği gibi kolay değildir. Yine de siyasilerin, düşünürlerin ve akademisyenlerin konu hakkındaki fikirleri, yapılan kamuoyu araştırmaları yoluyla sade vatandaşlardan gelen bilgiler ve görüşler çerçevesinde, Avrupa Kimliği’nin tarihsel ve güncel şekillenmesi konusunda analizler yapmak gereklidir. Bu çalışmada, uzmanların görüşleri yanında Avrupalıların güncel kaygılarına da dikkat çekilerek, Avrupa Kimliği’nin daha iyi anlaşılması amaçlamaktadır. Daha güçlü bir Avrupa kimliğinin yaratılabilmesi için ileri sürülen modellere; güncel sorunlara bakış açılarına değinilerek, Avrupa kimliğinin içerden ve dışarıdan nasıl algılanmakta olduğu gösterilmeye çalışılacaktır. Hem önemli mevkilerde bulunanların hem de sıradan vatandaşların, Avrupa kimliğinin ne olması hakkındaki çok farklı görüşleri dikkate alındığında, Avrupa’yı bir arada tutan çimentonun, paylaşılan kimlik değil, paylaşılan projeler ve hedefler olduğu sonucuna ulaşılabilir. 


  • ALTES, E. K. “What is it ? Why do we need it ? Where do we find it ?” T. Jansen, (Der.), “Reflections on European Identity” içinde, 1999, ss. 51-56
  • ANTONISCH, M. “National identities in the age of globalisation: The case of Western Europe”, National Identities, Cilt.11 Sayı. 3, 2009, ss.281 — 299
  • ASH, T. G. “America and Europe: The Future of the West”, Konferans, (11 Kasım, 2004) Düzenleyen: Council on Foreign Relations, america_and_europe.html
  • ASH, T. G. “Europe’s true stories”, 200, 7 europestruestories/
  • ASH, T. G. “With this timid choice of leaders, the EU may have the faces it deserves”,, 25 Kasım 2009 78 Bkz. K. Nicolaidis, “We, the Peoples of Europe ...” Foreign Affairs, Cilt 8, Sayı 6, 2004, s. 97-110.
  • AVRUPA KOMİSYONU, “How Europeans See Themselves” Brüksel, 2001 http://
  • BAUMAN, Z. Globalization: The Human Consequences, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1998.
  • BENEDICT XVI “Europe and Its Discontents” First Things, Sayı.159, 2006, ss.16-22.
  • BERGER, P. L. “Secularism in Retreat” National Interest, Sayı. 46, 1996/97, ss.3-13.
  • BRUCKNER, P “Avrupa: Pişmanlık ve Bitkinlik” Cogito, Sayı 39, 2004, ss.256-267.
  • BRYDER, T. “A contribution from political psychology”, Jansen, T. (Der..), 1999 içinde, ss. 37-49.
  • CHABAN, N. vd. “The European Union As Others See It” European Foreign Affairs Review Cilt.11, 2006, ss.245-262,.
  • DAVIES, N. “Europe” Oxford: Oxford University Press,1996.
  • DELANTY, G. “The Idea of a Cosmopolitan Europe: On the Cultural Significance of Europeanization”, International Review of Sociology, Cilt.15, Sayı. 3, 2005, ss.405-421
  • DE WECK, R “Neither Reich nor Nation - another future for the European Union”, içinde Jansen, T. (Der.) 1999, ss.107-110.
  • DUPRE, L. “Does Christianity have a role to play?” (The Idea of Europe) Commonweal (26. 3. 2004), s. 11-14.
  • EB 64 TR] Avrupa Komisyonu “Eurobarometer 64: AB Kamuoyu Araştırması: Türkiye”) 2006.
  • EB 64 ] Eurobarometer 64, Public Opinion In The European Union. 2006
  • (EB 65 ] Eurobarometer 65, Public Opinion In The European Union First Results. 2006
  • EB 67] Eurobarometer 67, Public Opinion In The European Union First Results, 2007
  • EB 251] Avrupa Komisyonu “Future of Europe” Special Eurobarometer 251 , 2006
  • EB 255] Avrupa Komisyonu “Attitudes towards European Union Enlargement” Special Eurobarometer 255, 2006
  • ERLANGER, S. “Europe’s Identity Crisis” New York Times, Mayıs 2, 2002
  • FLASH Eurobarometer 151b “Globalisation”
  • FLOCKHART, T. “The Europeanization of Europe: The transfer of norms to Europe, in Europe, from Europe” International Studies Association Annual Convention San Diego 22 March – 25 March 2006 http://convention2.
  • FUTHER ENLARGEMENT] Evidence given to the House of Lords EU Select Committee, ‘The further enlargement of the EU: threat or opportunity?’,2006, www. (18.3.2008). GELLNER, E. “Encounters with Nationalism” Oxford: Blackwell, 1994.
  • GROOTHUES, F. “Imagine: a European identity”, 2002 http://www.
  • HABERMAS, J. “Avrupa’nın Niçin Bir Anayasaya Gereksinmesi Var?” Cogito, sayı 39, 2004, s. 302-322.
  • HUNTINGTON, S. “The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking Of World Order”, London: Touchstone Books, 1998 [1996].
  • JANSEN, T “European Identity and /or the Identity of the European Union”, JANSEN, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde, ss. 27-36.
  • JANSEN, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” European Commission Forward Studies Unit Working Paper, 1999. working-paper/european_identity_en.pdf
  • KUPCHAN, C. A. “The End of the West” Atlantic Monthly, 2002, Kasım.
  • KUPCHAN, C. A. “Europe’s Constitutional Crisis: Lessons Learned”, 2005.
  • LEHNING P.B “European Citizenship: Towards a European Identity?” Law and Philosophy, Cilt. 20, Sayı. 3, 2001, ss.239-282.
  • LEWIS, B. “The Roots of Muslim Rage” Atlantic Monthly, Eylül 1990, ss. 47-60.
  • MAYER, F. C. ve J. PALMOWSKI, “European Identities and the EU – The Ties that Bind the Peoples of Europe”, Journal of Common Market Studies Cilt.42, Sayı 3, 2004 ss.573–98.
  • McLAREN, L. “Opposition to European integration and fear of loss of national identity: Debunking a basic assumption regarding hostility to the integration project” European Journal of Political Research Sayı.43, 2004, ss.895–911.
  • MENENDEZ, A. J. “A Christian or a Laic Europe? Christian Values and. European Identity,” Ratio Juris, Cilt. 18, Sayı.2, 2005, ss.179-205
  • NICOLAIDIS, K. “We, the Peoples of Europe ...” Foreign Affairs, Cilt.83, Sayı. 6, 2004, ss. 97-110.
  • OLSEN, J. “The many faces of Europeanization.” Journal of Common Market Studies, Cilt.40, Sayı.5, 2002, ss. 921-952.
  • PACE, M. “Notions of ‘Europe’ Where does Europe’s Southern Periphery Lie?” Paper for presentation at the WD25 panel on Playing the Margin: Power, Agency and Resistance away from the Centre of Power, 47th Annual ISA Convention, San Diego, CA,22-25 March, 2006.
  • PAVLOVAITE, I. “Being European by Joining Europe: Accession and identity politics in Lithuania” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Cilt.16, Sayı. 2, 2003, ss.239-255.
  • PIROTH, S. “Explaining Opposition to European Integration in Britain, Denmark, and Ireland” Paper Prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association Annual National Conference, Chicago, Illinois, April 15-18, 2004), 1-28.
  • SASSATELLI, M “An interview with Jack”Goody: Europe, identity thefts and missed Renaissances” European Journal of Social Theory, Cilt.13, Sayı.4, 2010, ss. 539–548.
  • SCHENEIDER H. “The dimensions of the historical and cultural core of a european identity”, Jansen, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde, ss. 7-19.
  • SCHÖPFLIN, G. ‘Central Europe: Definitions Old and New’, , G. Schöpflin ve N. Wood (der.) In Search of Central Europe, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989 içinde ss. 7–29.
  • SMITH, A. “LSE Centennial Lecture: The resurgence of nationalism? Myth and memory in the renewal of nations”, British Journal of Sociology, Cilt.47, Sayı. 4, 1996 , ss. 575-598.
  • STARK, R. “Secularization, R.I.P.”, Sociology of Religion, Cilt.60, Sayı.3, 1999, ss. 249-273.
  • STROSCHEIN, S. ve A. Ford “What’s In and Out? Social Identity Theory, Group Conflict, and Multiple Loyalties” 2003 p62812_index.html
  • THE FUTURE OF EUROPEAN CONSTITUTION, House Of Commons Library Research Paper, 05/45, 2005.
  • TOURAINE, A. “Avrupa’nın Geleceği İslam Dünyasıyla İlişkisine Bağlı”, Cogito, sayı 39, 2004, ss. 269-281.
  • TRAUSCH, G. “Consciousness of European identity after 1945”, Jansen, T. (Der.) “Reflections on European Identity” 1999 içinde; s. 21-26.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Cengiz Dinç Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2011
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2011 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 9

Kaynak Göster

APA Dinç, C. . (2011). Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler. Gazi Akademik Bakış, 5(9), 31-58.
AMA Dinç C. Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler. Gazi Akademik Bakış. Ocak 2011;5(9):31-58.
Chicago Dinç, Cengiz. “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler Ve Endişeler”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5, sy. 9 (Ocak 2011): 31-58.
EndNote Dinç C (01 Ocak 2011) Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5 9 31–58.
IEEE C. . Dinç, “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler”, Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 5, sy. 9, ss. 31–58, 2011.
ISNAD Dinç, Cengiz. “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler Ve Endişeler”. Gazi Akademik Bakış 5/9 (Ocak 2011), 31-58.
JAMA Dinç C. Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2011;5:31–58.
MLA Dinç, Cengiz. “Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler Ve Endişeler”. Gazi Akademik Bakış, c. 5, sy. 9, 2011, ss. 31-58.
Vancouver Dinç C. Avrupa Kimliği: Çatışan Perspektifler, Güncel Değerlendirmeler ve Endişeler. Gazi Akademik Bakış. 2011;5(9):31-58.

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