Araştırma Makalesi
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Effect of post space treatment with adhesives on the push-out bond strength of fiber posts luted with self-adhesive resin cements

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 24 - 30, 02.01.2017


Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the push-out bond strength of fiber posts used in the restoration of endodontically-treated teeth with extreme material loss, luted with two different self-adhesive resin cements alone or with the combination of an adhesive.

Materials and Method: The post spaces of 80 extracted mandibular first premolar roots were prepared and divided into 4 experimental groups according to fiber post (RelyX Fiber Post) luting material. Group 1 was luted with RelyX Unicem, Group 2 was luted with RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One, Group 3 was luted with Clearfil SA Cement, and Group 4 was luted with Clearfil SA Cement + S3 Bond. After 24 h and 1 month, horizontal sections of 1 mm thickness were made from the coronal, middle and apical root parts of the fiber posts, and push-out tests were performed. Groups were compared by using one way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey’s HSD post hoc tests and storage periods were compared by using independent samples t-test (α=0.05).

Results: For both evaluation time periods, RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One showed the highest bond strength. Regarding the 24 h period, the lowest bond strength values were found for the apical sections followed by middle and coronal sections. One month results revealed similar bond strength values for the middle and apical sections (p>0.05) which were significantly lower than the values found for the coronal sections (p<0.05). RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One exhibited greater push-out bonding strength compared to other groups in the middle and apical sections (p<0.05).

Conclusion: According to the results of this in vitro study it can be concluded that, using an adhesive system in combination with a self-adhesive resin cement during post cementation may improve the bond strength.


  • Perdigão J, Gomes G, Augusto V. The effect of dowel space on the bond strengths of fiber posts. J Prosthodont 2007;16:154-64.
  • Huang TJ, Schilder H, Nathanson D. Effects of moisture content and endodontic treatment on some mechanical properties of human dentin. J Endod 1992;18:209-15.
  • Sedgley CM, Messer HH. Are endodontically treated teeth more brittle? J Endod 1992;18:332-5.
  • Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT. Intracoronal reinforcement and coronal coverage: a study of endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1984;51:780-4.
  • Goracci C, Ferrari M. Current perspectives on post systems: a literature review. Aust Dent J 2011;56:77-83.
  • Boschian Pest L, Cavalli G, Bertani P, Gagliani M. Adhesive post-endodontic restorations with fiber posts: push-out tests and SEM observations. Dent Mater 2002;18:596-602.
  • Rosentritt M, Behr M, Lang R, Handel G. Influence of cement type on the marginal adaptation of all-ceramic MOD inlays. Dent Mater 2004;20:463-9.
  • Fernandes AS, Shetty S, Coutinho I. Factors determining post selection: a literature review. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:556-62.
  • Lamichhane A, Xu C, Zhang FQ. Dental fiber-post resin base material: a review. J Adv Prosthodont 2014;6:60-5.
  • Chieruzzi M, Pagano S, Pennacchi M, Lombardo G, D’Errico P, Kenny JM. Compressive and flexural behaviour of fibre reinforced endodontic posts. J Dent 2012;40:968–78.
  • Ricketts DN, Tait CM, Higgins AJ. Post and core systems, refinements to tooth preparation and cementation. Br Dent J 2005;198:533-41.
  • Coelho CS, Biffi JC, Silva GR, Abrahão A, Campos RE, Soares CJ. Finite element analysis of weakened roots restored with composite resin and posts. Dent Mater J 2009;28:671-8.
  • da Silva NR, Raposo LH, Versluis A, Fernandes-Neto AJ, Soares CJ. The effect of post, core, crown type, and ferrule presence on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated bovine anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 2010;104:306-17.
  • Duret B, Reynaud M, Duret F. New concept of coronoradicular reconstruction: the Composipost. Chir Dent Fr 1990;60:131-41.
  • Ferrari M, Vichi A, García-Godoy F. Clinical evaluation of fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts and cast post and cores. Am J Dent 2000;13:15B-18B.
  • Novais VR, Quagliatto PS, Bona AD, Correr-Sobrinho L, Soares CJ. Flexural modulus, flexural strength, and stiffness of fiber-reinforced posts. Indian J Dent Res 2009; 20:277-81.
  • Skupien JA, Sarkis-Onofre R, Cenci MS, Moraes RR, Pereira-Cenci T. A systematic review of factors associated with the retention of glass fiber posts. Braz Oral Res 2015;29:1-8.
  • Erdemir U, Mumcu E, Topcu FT, Yildiz E, Yamanel K, Akyol M. Micro push-out bond strengths of 2 fiber post types luted using different adhesive strategies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:534-44.
  • Bouillaguet S, Troesch S, Wataha JC, Krejci I, Meyer JM, Pashley DH. Microtensile bond strength between adhesive cements and root canal dentin. Dent Mater 2003;19:199-205.
  • Montanari M, Prati C, Piana G. Differential hydrolytic degradation of dentin bonds when luting carbon fiber posts to the root canal. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16:e411–7.
  • Mallmann A, Jacques LB, Valandro LF, Mathias P, Muench A. Microtensile bond strength of light- and self-cured adhesive systems to intraradicular dentin using a translucent fiber post. Oper Dent 2005;30:500-6.
  • Lopes GC, Ballarin A, Baratieri LN. Bond strength and fracture analysis between resin cements and root canal dentin. Aust Endod J 2012;38:14–20.
  • Ryou H, Romberg E, Pashley DH, Tay FR, Arola D. Importance of age on the dynamic mechanical behavior of intertubular and peritubular dentin. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2015;42:229–42.
  • Muniz L, Mathias P. The influence of sodium hypochlorite and root canal sealers on post retention in different dentin regions. Oper Dent 2005;30:533-9.
  • Bitter K, Meyer-Lueckel H, Priehn K, Kanjuparambil JP, Neumann K, Kielbassa AM. Effects of luting agent and thermocycling on bond strengths to root canal dentine. Int Endod J 2006;39:809-18.
  • Bolhuis P, de Gee A, Feilzer A. The influence of fatigue loading on the quality of the cement layer and retention strength of carbon fiber post-resin composite core restorations. Oper Dent 2005;30:220-7.
  • Ferrari M, Mannocci F, Vichi A, Cagidiaco MC, Mjör IA. Bonding to root canal: structural characteristics of the substrate. Am J Dent 2000;13:255-60.
  • Ho YC, Lai YL, Chou IC, Yang SF, Lee SY. Effects of light attenuation by fibre posts on polymerization of a dual-cured resin cement and microleakage of post-restored teeth. J Dent 2011;39:309–15.
  • Goracci C, Tavares AU, Fabianelli A, Monticelli F, Raffaelli O, Cardoso PC, et al. The adhesion between fiber posts and root canal walls: comparison between microtensile and push-out bond strength measurements. Eur J Oral Sci 2004;112:353-61.
  • Forough Reyhani M, Ghasemi N, Rahimi S, Milani AS, Omrani E.Effect of Different Endodontic Sealers on the Push-out Bond Strength of Fiber Posts. Iran Endod J 2016;11:119-23.
  • Goracci C, Fabianelli A, Sadek FT, Papacchini F, Tay FR, Ferrari M. The contribution of friction to the dislocation resistance of bonded fiber posts. J Endod 2005;31:608-12.
  • Victorino KR, Kuga MC, Duarte MA, Cavenago BC, Só MV, Pereira JR.The effects of chlorhexidine and ethanol on push-out bond strength of fiber posts. J Conserv Dent 2016;19:96-100.
  • Helvacıoğlu Kıvanç B, Deniz Arısu H, Uçtaşlı MB, Okay TC. The effect of different adhesive system applications on push-out bond strengths of glass fiber posts. J Adv Prosthodont 2013;5:305-11.
  • Ozcan S, Aktuna S, Nayır Y, Yaman S, Bala O. Push-out bond strength of fiber posts luted using different adhesive resin cements. J Rest Dent 2013;1:75-80
  • Leme AA, Coutinho M, Insaurralde AF, Scaffa PM, da Silva LM. The influence of time and cement type on push-out bond strength of fiber posts to root dentin. Oper Dent 2011;36:643-8.
  • Kurtz JS, Perdigão J, Geraldeli S, Hodges JS, Bowles WR. Bond strengths of tooth-colored posts, effect of sealer, dentin adhesive, and root region. Am J Dent 2003;16:31A-36A.

Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri

Yıl 2017, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1, 24 - 30, 02.01.2017


Amaç: Aşırı kron harabiyeti gösteren endodontik tedavili dişlerin restorasyonunda kullanılan fiber post sisteminin post boşluğuna bağlayıcı rezin uygulanarak ya da uygulanmadan iki farklı kendinden bağlanabilen rezin simanla yapıştırılmasının, push-out bağlanma dayanımı üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesidir.

Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada kullanılan çekilmiş 80 adet 1. küçük azı dişi kök kanal preparasyonları yapıldıktan sonra fiber postun (RelyX Fiber Post) yapıştırılmasında kullanılan materyallere göre 4 gruba ayrıldı. Grup 1 RelyX Unicem, Grup 2 RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One, Grup 3 Clearfil SA Cement, Grup 4 Clearfil SA Cement + S3 Bond kullanılarak yapıştırıldı. Örnekler 24 saat ve 1 aylık sürelerde etüvde bekletildikten sonra fiber postun apikal, orta ve koronal bölgelerinden 1 mm’lik horizontal 6 kesit alındı ve push-out bağlanma dayanımları değerlendirildi. Grupların karşılaştırılmasında tek yönlü varyans analizi ve Tukey HSD testleri, bekletme sürelerinin karşılaştırılmasında bağımsız değişkenler t-testi kullanıldı (α=0.05).

Bulgular: Hem 24 saat hem de 1 aylık ölçüm sonuçlarına göre en yüksek bağlanma dayanım değerleri Rely X Unicem + Adper Easy One grubunda gözlendi. En zayıf bağlantı 24 saat sonrasında postun apikal bölgesinden alınan kesitlerde görüldü, bunu orta ve koronal bölgeler izledi. 1. ay sonunda, apikal ve orta bölge kesitleri benzerlik gösterirken (p>0.05), her iki bölge de koronal bölgeden daha düşük değerler gösterdi (p<0.05). Apikal ve orta bölgelerde RelyX Unicem + Adper Easy One diğer gruplara göre daha yüksek bağlanma dayanımı değerleri gösterdi (p<0.05).

Sonuç: Bu in vitro test koşulları altında post simantasyonunda, kendinden bağlanabilen rezin simanların uygun bağlayıcılar ile birlikte kullanımının bağlanma dayanımını arttırdığı söylenebilir.


  • Perdigão J, Gomes G, Augusto V. The effect of dowel space on the bond strengths of fiber posts. J Prosthodont 2007;16:154-64.
  • Huang TJ, Schilder H, Nathanson D. Effects of moisture content and endodontic treatment on some mechanical properties of human dentin. J Endod 1992;18:209-15.
  • Sedgley CM, Messer HH. Are endodontically treated teeth more brittle? J Endod 1992;18:332-5.
  • Sorensen JA, Martinoff JT. Intracoronal reinforcement and coronal coverage: a study of endodontically treated teeth. J Prosthet Dent 1984;51:780-4.
  • Goracci C, Ferrari M. Current perspectives on post systems: a literature review. Aust Dent J 2011;56:77-83.
  • Boschian Pest L, Cavalli G, Bertani P, Gagliani M. Adhesive post-endodontic restorations with fiber posts: push-out tests and SEM observations. Dent Mater 2002;18:596-602.
  • Rosentritt M, Behr M, Lang R, Handel G. Influence of cement type on the marginal adaptation of all-ceramic MOD inlays. Dent Mater 2004;20:463-9.
  • Fernandes AS, Shetty S, Coutinho I. Factors determining post selection: a literature review. J Prosthet Dent 2003;90:556-62.
  • Lamichhane A, Xu C, Zhang FQ. Dental fiber-post resin base material: a review. J Adv Prosthodont 2014;6:60-5.
  • Chieruzzi M, Pagano S, Pennacchi M, Lombardo G, D’Errico P, Kenny JM. Compressive and flexural behaviour of fibre reinforced endodontic posts. J Dent 2012;40:968–78.
  • Ricketts DN, Tait CM, Higgins AJ. Post and core systems, refinements to tooth preparation and cementation. Br Dent J 2005;198:533-41.
  • Coelho CS, Biffi JC, Silva GR, Abrahão A, Campos RE, Soares CJ. Finite element analysis of weakened roots restored with composite resin and posts. Dent Mater J 2009;28:671-8.
  • da Silva NR, Raposo LH, Versluis A, Fernandes-Neto AJ, Soares CJ. The effect of post, core, crown type, and ferrule presence on the biomechanical behavior of endodontically treated bovine anterior teeth. J Prosthet Dent 2010;104:306-17.
  • Duret B, Reynaud M, Duret F. New concept of coronoradicular reconstruction: the Composipost. Chir Dent Fr 1990;60:131-41.
  • Ferrari M, Vichi A, García-Godoy F. Clinical evaluation of fiber-reinforced epoxy resin posts and cast post and cores. Am J Dent 2000;13:15B-18B.
  • Novais VR, Quagliatto PS, Bona AD, Correr-Sobrinho L, Soares CJ. Flexural modulus, flexural strength, and stiffness of fiber-reinforced posts. Indian J Dent Res 2009; 20:277-81.
  • Skupien JA, Sarkis-Onofre R, Cenci MS, Moraes RR, Pereira-Cenci T. A systematic review of factors associated with the retention of glass fiber posts. Braz Oral Res 2015;29:1-8.
  • Erdemir U, Mumcu E, Topcu FT, Yildiz E, Yamanel K, Akyol M. Micro push-out bond strengths of 2 fiber post types luted using different adhesive strategies. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2010;110:534-44.
  • Bouillaguet S, Troesch S, Wataha JC, Krejci I, Meyer JM, Pashley DH. Microtensile bond strength between adhesive cements and root canal dentin. Dent Mater 2003;19:199-205.
  • Montanari M, Prati C, Piana G. Differential hydrolytic degradation of dentin bonds when luting carbon fiber posts to the root canal. Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2011;16:e411–7.
  • Mallmann A, Jacques LB, Valandro LF, Mathias P, Muench A. Microtensile bond strength of light- and self-cured adhesive systems to intraradicular dentin using a translucent fiber post. Oper Dent 2005;30:500-6.
  • Lopes GC, Ballarin A, Baratieri LN. Bond strength and fracture analysis between resin cements and root canal dentin. Aust Endod J 2012;38:14–20.
  • Ryou H, Romberg E, Pashley DH, Tay FR, Arola D. Importance of age on the dynamic mechanical behavior of intertubular and peritubular dentin. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2015;42:229–42.
  • Muniz L, Mathias P. The influence of sodium hypochlorite and root canal sealers on post retention in different dentin regions. Oper Dent 2005;30:533-9.
  • Bitter K, Meyer-Lueckel H, Priehn K, Kanjuparambil JP, Neumann K, Kielbassa AM. Effects of luting agent and thermocycling on bond strengths to root canal dentine. Int Endod J 2006;39:809-18.
  • Bolhuis P, de Gee A, Feilzer A. The influence of fatigue loading on the quality of the cement layer and retention strength of carbon fiber post-resin composite core restorations. Oper Dent 2005;30:220-7.
  • Ferrari M, Mannocci F, Vichi A, Cagidiaco MC, Mjör IA. Bonding to root canal: structural characteristics of the substrate. Am J Dent 2000;13:255-60.
  • Ho YC, Lai YL, Chou IC, Yang SF, Lee SY. Effects of light attenuation by fibre posts on polymerization of a dual-cured resin cement and microleakage of post-restored teeth. J Dent 2011;39:309–15.
  • Goracci C, Tavares AU, Fabianelli A, Monticelli F, Raffaelli O, Cardoso PC, et al. The adhesion between fiber posts and root canal walls: comparison between microtensile and push-out bond strength measurements. Eur J Oral Sci 2004;112:353-61.
  • Forough Reyhani M, Ghasemi N, Rahimi S, Milani AS, Omrani E.Effect of Different Endodontic Sealers on the Push-out Bond Strength of Fiber Posts. Iran Endod J 2016;11:119-23.
  • Goracci C, Fabianelli A, Sadek FT, Papacchini F, Tay FR, Ferrari M. The contribution of friction to the dislocation resistance of bonded fiber posts. J Endod 2005;31:608-12.
  • Victorino KR, Kuga MC, Duarte MA, Cavenago BC, Só MV, Pereira JR.The effects of chlorhexidine and ethanol on push-out bond strength of fiber posts. J Conserv Dent 2016;19:96-100.
  • Helvacıoğlu Kıvanç B, Deniz Arısu H, Uçtaşlı MB, Okay TC. The effect of different adhesive system applications on push-out bond strengths of glass fiber posts. J Adv Prosthodont 2013;5:305-11.
  • Ozcan S, Aktuna S, Nayır Y, Yaman S, Bala O. Push-out bond strength of fiber posts luted using different adhesive resin cements. J Rest Dent 2013;1:75-80
  • Leme AA, Coutinho M, Insaurralde AF, Scaffa PM, da Silva LM. The influence of time and cement type on push-out bond strength of fiber posts to root dentin. Oper Dent 2011;36:643-8.
  • Kurtz JS, Perdigão J, Geraldeli S, Hodges JS, Bowles WR. Bond strengths of tooth-colored posts, effect of sealer, dentin adhesive, and root region. Am J Dent 2003;16:31A-36A.
Toplam 36 adet kaynakça vardır.


Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Özgün Araştırma Makalesi

Tufan Can Okay Bu kişi benim

Mine Betül Üçtaşlı

Hacer Deniz Arısu

Yayımlanma Tarihi 2 Ocak 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Okay, T. C., Üçtaşlı, M. B., & Deniz Arısu, H. (2017). Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri. Acta Odontologica Turcica, 34(1), 24-30.
AMA Okay TC, Üçtaşlı MB, Deniz Arısu H. Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri. Acta Odontol Turc. Ocak 2017;34(1):24-30. doi:10.17214/gaziaot.277728
Chicago Okay, Tufan Can, Mine Betül Üçtaşlı, ve Hacer Deniz Arısu. “Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının Kendinden bağlanabilen Rezin Siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan Fiber postların Push-Out bağlanma dayanımlarına Etkileri”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34, sy. 1 (Ocak 2017): 24-30.
EndNote Okay TC, Üçtaşlı MB, Deniz Arısu H (01 Ocak 2017) Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34 1 24–30.
IEEE T. C. Okay, M. B. Üçtaşlı, ve H. Deniz Arısu, “Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri”, Acta Odontol Turc, c. 34, sy. 1, ss. 24–30, 2017, doi: 10.17214/gaziaot.277728.
ISNAD Okay, Tufan Can vd. “Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının Kendinden bağlanabilen Rezin Siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan Fiber postların Push-Out bağlanma dayanımlarına Etkileri”. Acta Odontologica Turcica 34/1 (Ocak 2017), 24-30.
JAMA Okay TC, Üçtaşlı MB, Deniz Arısu H. Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri. Acta Odontol Turc. 2017;34:24–30.
MLA Okay, Tufan Can vd. “Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının Kendinden bağlanabilen Rezin Siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan Fiber postların Push-Out bağlanma dayanımlarına Etkileri”. Acta Odontologica Turcica, c. 34, sy. 1, 2017, ss. 24-30, doi:10.17214/gaziaot.277728.
Vancouver Okay TC, Üçtaşlı MB, Deniz Arısu H. Post boşluğuna bağlayıcı uygulamalarının kendinden bağlanabilen rezin siman kullanılarak yapıştırılan fiber postların push-out bağlanma dayanımlarına etkileri. Acta Odontol Turc. 2017;34(1):24-30.