KOBİ'lerde Yazılım Süreç İyileştirme Faaliyetlerinin Analizi: Sistematik Literatür Taraması
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 411 - 423, 31.10.2021
Suna Durmuş
Özden Özcan Top
Sevgi Özkan Yıldırım
Yazılım firmaları güzümüz ekonomisinin çok önemli bir dişlisidir. Bu kuruşların çoğunluğu küçük ve orta ölçekli işletmelerden (KOBİ) oluşmaktadır. Bu firmalar, rekabetçi iş ortamlarında yüksek kaliteli ürün ve hizmet üretebilmek için Yazılım Süreç İyileştirme (YSİ) çalışmalarından faydalanmayı hedeflemektedir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda, KOBİ’lerin şirket yapısına uygun olarak YSİ modelleri geliştirilmektedir. Bu çalışmada, geliştirilen YSİ modellerinin özelliklerini, KOBİ'lerde YSİ faaliyetlerini gerçekleştirmenin zorluklarını ve YSİ faaliyetleri için kritik başarı faktörlerini analiz etmek için sistematik bir literatür taraması gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu kapsamda, 2007'den 2020'ye kadar yayınlanan 61 makale incelenmiş, bunun sonucunda KOBİ’lerde kullanılan 28 YSİ modeli tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, KOBİ’lerde YSİ uygulamalarını zorlaştıran 10 farklı durum ve çalışmalarının başarısını etkileyen yedi faktör raporlanmıştır.
- R. V. Solingen, "Measuring the ROI of software process improvement", IEEE software, 21(3), 32-38, 2004.
- M. Zarour, A. Abran, & J. M. Desharnais, "Software Process Improvement for Small and Very Small Enterprises”, In Software Process Improvement and Management: Approaches and Tools for Practical Development, 183-204, 2012.
- Internet: CMMI® Development Version 2.0, https://cmmiinstitute.com/cmmi, 20.09.2019.
- Internet: ISO/IEC 33001 Information technology - Process assessment - Concepts and terminology, https://www.iso.org/standard/54175.html, 20.09.2019.
- S. Kar, S. Das, A. K. Rath, & S. K. Kar, "Self-assessment model and review technique for SPICE: SMART SPICE", In International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 222-232, 2012.
- A. R. C. da Rocha, M. Montoni, K. C. Weber & E. E. R. de Araujo, "A nationwide program for software process improvement in Brazil", 6th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 167-176, 2007.
- M. Habib, S. Ahmed, A. Rehmat, M. J. Khan & S. Shamail, “Blending six sigma and CMMI-an approach to accelerate process improvement in SMEs”, INMIC Multitopic Conference, 386-391, 2008.
- J. Iqbal, R. B. Ahmad, M. H. N. M. Nasir, M. Niazi, S. Shamshirband & M. A. Noor, "Software SMEs’ unofficial readiness for CMMI®-based software process improvement", Software Quality Journal, 24(4), 997-1023, 2016.
- T. J. Bilan and S. A. McCord, A Process Improvement Framework for Information Technology Management in Small to Medium Enterprises (PI4IT), PhD Thesis, Lawrence Technological University, 2010.
- F. J. Pino, F. García & M. Piattini, "Software process improvement in small and medium software enterprises: a systematic review", Software Quality Journal, 16(2), 237-261, 2008.
- D. Mishra & A. Mishra, "A study of software process improvement in small and medium organizations”, Software Process Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises: Techniques and Case Studies, 140-157, 2008.
- K. Melendez, A. Dávila & M. Pessoa, "Information technology service management models applied to medium and small organizations: A systematic literature review", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 47, 120-127. 2016.
- M. N. Khokhar, K. Zeshan & J. Aamir, "Literature review on the software process improvement factors in the small organizations", 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science, 592-598, 2010.
- A. A. Khan, J. Keung, M. Niazi & S. Hussain, "Towards a hypothetical framework of humans related success factors for process improvement in global software development: systematic review", In Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 180-186, 2017.
- A. A. Khan, J. Keung, S. Hussain, M. Niazi & S. Kieffer, "Systematic literature study for dimensional classification of success factors affecting process improvement in global software development: client–vendor perspective", IET Software, 12(4), 333-344, 2018.
- M. Suganya & K. Alagarsamy, "A review on software process improvement methodologies for small and medium enterprises", IJSTE-International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 2, 284-290, 2016.
- T. Tahir, G. Rasool & C. Gencel, "A systematic literature review on software measurement programs", Information and Software Technology, 73, 101-121, 2016.
- M. A. T. Almomani, S. Basri, S. Mahamad & A. O. Bajeh, "Software process improvement initiatives in small and medium firms: a systematic review”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, 162-167, 2014.
- M. Sulayman, C. Urquhart, E. Mendes & S. Seidel, “Software process improvement success factors for small and medium Web companies: A qualitative study”, Information and Software Technology, 54(5), 479-500, 2012.
- M. L. Sánchez-Gordón, R. Colomo-Palacios, A. de Amescua Seco & R. V. O’Connor, "The route to software process improvement in small-and medium-sized enterprises", Managing software process evolution, 109-136, 2016.
- K. Zahra, F. Azam, F. Ilyas, H. Faisal, N. Ambreen & N. Gondal, "Success factors of organizational change in software process improvement: A systematic literature review", 5th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 155-160, 2017.
- M. Bano & N. Ikram, "Software process improvement: a systematic literature review", 15th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan, 459-464, 2012.
- D. Budgen & P. Brereton, "Performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering", 28th international conference on Software engineering, Shanghai, China, 1051-1052, 2006.
- B. Kitchenham, “Procedures for performing systematic reviews", Keele, UK, Keele University, 33, 1-26, 2004.
- T. Dyba, T. Dingsoyr & G. K. Hanssen, "Applying systematic reviews to diverse study types: An experience report", First international symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement, Madrid, Spain, 225-234, 2007.
- F. J. Pino, F. García, M. Piattini & H. Oktaba, "A research framework for building SPI proposals in small organizations: the COMPETISOFT experience", Software Quality Journal, 24(3), 489-518.
- D. Tadić, M. Misita, D. D. Milanovic, T. Djukic & G. Senussi, "A novel approach to process improvement in small and medium manufacturing enterprises", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 228(5), 777-789.
- M. Staples, M. Niazi, R. Jeffery, A. Abrahams, P. Byatt & R. Murphy, "An exploratory study of why organizations do not adopt CMMI", Journal of systems and software, 80(6), 883-895.
- M. Niazi & M. A. Babar, "Identifying high perceived value practices of CMMI level 2: an empirical study", Information and software technology, 51(8), 1231-1243.
- A. Tosun, A. Bener & B. Turhan, "Implementation of a software quality improvement project in an SME: a before and after comparison", 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Patras, Greece, 203-209, 2009.
- D. B. Huang & W. Zhang, "CMMI in medium & small enterprises: Problems and solutions". 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 171-174, 2010.
- M. A. T. Almomani, S. Basri, A. K. B. Mahmood & A. O. Bajeh, “Software development practices and problems in Malaysian small and medium software enterprises: A pilot study", 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-5, 2015.
- I. Garcia, C. Pacheco & J. Calvo-Manzano, "Using a web-based tool to define and implement software process improvement initiatives in a small industrial setting", IET software, 4(4), 237-251.
- M. Sivashankar, A. M. Kalpana & A. E. Jeyakumar, "A framework approach using CMMI for SPI to Indian SME'S", 2010 International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies (ICICT), 1-5, 2010.
- J. GarzáS, F. J. Pino, M. Piattini & C. M. FernáNdez, "A maturity model for the Spanish software industry based on ISO standards", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 35(6), 616-628.
- Z. Alshaikh, M. Alsaleh, A. Alarifi & M. Zarour, "Process improvement in governmental agencies: Toward CMMI certification", IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 168-173, 2015.
- L. Zhang & D. Shao, "Software process improvement for small and medium organizations based on CMMI", 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC), 2402-2405, 2011.
- A. M. Kalpana & A. E. Jeyakumar, "Software process improvization framework using fuzzy logic based approach for Indian small scale software organization", International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, 10(3), 111-118, 2010.
- H. Min, Z. Peien, Y. Zhuguo & P. Dingding, “Application and research of process improvement based on SPP Model of CMMI level 3”, 3rd IEEE International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT), Chengdu, China, 5, 598-601, 2010.
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Analysis of Software Process Improvement Activities in SMEs: A Systematic Literature Review
Yıl 2021,
Cilt: 14 Sayı: 4, 411 - 423, 31.10.2021
Suna Durmuş
Özden Özcan Top
Sevgi Özkan Yıldırım
This Software industry is a very significant cog in today’s economic landscape. The majority of these organizations mainly comprise small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These enterprises aim to benefit from Software Process Improvement (SPI) activities in producing high-quality products and services in competitive business environments. For this purpose, SPI models have been developed for specific SME characteristics. In this study, we performed a systematic literature review to analyze the characteristics of these SPI models, the challenges of performing SPI activities in SMEs, and the critical success factors for SPI activities. In this context, 61 articles published from 2007 to 2020 were examined, as a result, 28 SPI models used in SMEs were found out. In addition, ten different situations that make SPI implementations challenging in SMEs and seven factors that affect the success of SPI studies in SMEs were reported.
- R. V. Solingen, "Measuring the ROI of software process improvement", IEEE software, 21(3), 32-38, 2004.
- M. Zarour, A. Abran, & J. M. Desharnais, "Software Process Improvement for Small and Very Small Enterprises”, In Software Process Improvement and Management: Approaches and Tools for Practical Development, 183-204, 2012.
- Internet: CMMI® Development Version 2.0, https://cmmiinstitute.com/cmmi, 20.09.2019.
- Internet: ISO/IEC 33001 Information technology - Process assessment - Concepts and terminology, https://www.iso.org/standard/54175.html, 20.09.2019.
- S. Kar, S. Das, A. K. Rath, & S. K. Kar, "Self-assessment model and review technique for SPICE: SMART SPICE", In International Conference on Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 222-232, 2012.
- A. R. C. da Rocha, M. Montoni, K. C. Weber & E. E. R. de Araujo, "A nationwide program for software process improvement in Brazil", 6th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 167-176, 2007.
- M. Habib, S. Ahmed, A. Rehmat, M. J. Khan & S. Shamail, “Blending six sigma and CMMI-an approach to accelerate process improvement in SMEs”, INMIC Multitopic Conference, 386-391, 2008.
- J. Iqbal, R. B. Ahmad, M. H. N. M. Nasir, M. Niazi, S. Shamshirband & M. A. Noor, "Software SMEs’ unofficial readiness for CMMI®-based software process improvement", Software Quality Journal, 24(4), 997-1023, 2016.
- T. J. Bilan and S. A. McCord, A Process Improvement Framework for Information Technology Management in Small to Medium Enterprises (PI4IT), PhD Thesis, Lawrence Technological University, 2010.
- F. J. Pino, F. García & M. Piattini, "Software process improvement in small and medium software enterprises: a systematic review", Software Quality Journal, 16(2), 237-261, 2008.
- D. Mishra & A. Mishra, "A study of software process improvement in small and medium organizations”, Software Process Improvement for Small and Medium Enterprises: Techniques and Case Studies, 140-157, 2008.
- K. Melendez, A. Dávila & M. Pessoa, "Information technology service management models applied to medium and small organizations: A systematic literature review", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 47, 120-127. 2016.
- M. N. Khokhar, K. Zeshan & J. Aamir, "Literature review on the software process improvement factors in the small organizations", 4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science, 592-598, 2010.
- A. A. Khan, J. Keung, M. Niazi & S. Hussain, "Towards a hypothetical framework of humans related success factors for process improvement in global software development: systematic review", In Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 180-186, 2017.
- A. A. Khan, J. Keung, S. Hussain, M. Niazi & S. Kieffer, "Systematic literature study for dimensional classification of success factors affecting process improvement in global software development: client–vendor perspective", IET Software, 12(4), 333-344, 2018.
- M. Suganya & K. Alagarsamy, "A review on software process improvement methodologies for small and medium enterprises", IJSTE-International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering, 2, 284-290, 2016.
- T. Tahir, G. Rasool & C. Gencel, "A systematic literature review on software measurement programs", Information and Software Technology, 73, 101-121, 2016.
- M. A. T. Almomani, S. Basri, S. Mahamad & A. O. Bajeh, "Software process improvement initiatives in small and medium firms: a systematic review”, 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies, 162-167, 2014.
- M. Sulayman, C. Urquhart, E. Mendes & S. Seidel, “Software process improvement success factors for small and medium Web companies: A qualitative study”, Information and Software Technology, 54(5), 479-500, 2012.
- M. L. Sánchez-Gordón, R. Colomo-Palacios, A. de Amescua Seco & R. V. O’Connor, "The route to software process improvement in small-and medium-sized enterprises", Managing software process evolution, 109-136, 2016.
- K. Zahra, F. Azam, F. Ilyas, H. Faisal, N. Ambreen & N. Gondal, "Success factors of organizational change in software process improvement: A systematic literature review", 5th International Conference on Information and Education Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 155-160, 2017.
- M. Bano & N. Ikram, "Software process improvement: a systematic literature review", 15th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC), Islamabad, Punjab, Pakistan, 459-464, 2012.
- D. Budgen & P. Brereton, "Performing systematic literature reviews in software engineering", 28th international conference on Software engineering, Shanghai, China, 1051-1052, 2006.
- B. Kitchenham, “Procedures for performing systematic reviews", Keele, UK, Keele University, 33, 1-26, 2004.
- T. Dyba, T. Dingsoyr & G. K. Hanssen, "Applying systematic reviews to diverse study types: An experience report", First international symposium on empirical software engineering and measurement, Madrid, Spain, 225-234, 2007.
- F. J. Pino, F. García, M. Piattini & H. Oktaba, "A research framework for building SPI proposals in small organizations: the COMPETISOFT experience", Software Quality Journal, 24(3), 489-518.
- D. Tadić, M. Misita, D. D. Milanovic, T. Djukic & G. Senussi, "A novel approach to process improvement in small and medium manufacturing enterprises", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 228(5), 777-789.
- M. Staples, M. Niazi, R. Jeffery, A. Abrahams, P. Byatt & R. Murphy, "An exploratory study of why organizations do not adopt CMMI", Journal of systems and software, 80(6), 883-895.
- M. Niazi & M. A. Babar, "Identifying high perceived value practices of CMMI level 2: an empirical study", Information and software technology, 51(8), 1231-1243.
- A. Tosun, A. Bener & B. Turhan, "Implementation of a software quality improvement project in an SME: a before and after comparison", 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications, Patras, Greece, 203-209, 2009.
- D. B. Huang & W. Zhang, "CMMI in medium & small enterprises: Problems and solutions". 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME), Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 171-174, 2010.
- M. A. T. Almomani, S. Basri, A. K. B. Mahmood & A. O. Bajeh, “Software development practices and problems in Malaysian small and medium software enterprises: A pilot study", 5th International Conference on IT Convergence and Security (ICITCS), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 1-5, 2015.
- I. Garcia, C. Pacheco & J. Calvo-Manzano, "Using a web-based tool to define and implement software process improvement initiatives in a small industrial setting", IET software, 4(4), 237-251.
- M. Sivashankar, A. M. Kalpana & A. E. Jeyakumar, "A framework approach using CMMI for SPI to Indian SME'S", 2010 International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies (ICICT), 1-5, 2010.
- J. GarzáS, F. J. Pino, M. Piattini & C. M. FernáNdez, "A maturity model for the Spanish software industry based on ISO standards", Computer Standards & Interfaces, 35(6), 616-628.
- Z. Alshaikh, M. Alsaleh, A. Alarifi & M. Zarour, "Process improvement in governmental agencies: Toward CMMI certification", IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering Workshops (ISSREW), 168-173, 2015.
- L. Zhang & D. Shao, "Software process improvement for small and medium organizations based on CMMI", 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Management Science and Electronic Commerce (AIMSEC), 2402-2405, 2011.
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