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Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3, 1437 - 1454, 07.04.2020


Bu çalışmada EURO 5 emisyon standartlarını sağlayan 1,5 litrelik dizel
motora sahip Ford Fiesta üzerinde biyodizelin emisyonlara, performansa ve yanma
karakteristiğine olan etkilerini incelemek için şasi dinaomometresinde deneyler
yapılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında kanola yağından elde edilen biyodizel ile
harmanlanmış 4 farklı yakıt ve saf biyodizel kullanılmıştır. Deneyler esnasında
egzoz emisyonları, araç üstü hata denetleme portu üzerinden motor sensor
verileri, motorun ikinci silindirinden silindir içi basınç ve enjektör akım
sinyali bilgileri sürekli olarak ölçülmüştür. Biyodizelin yanma karakteristiği
üzerindeki etkisini inceleyebilmek için indikatör diagramı kullanılarak ısı
yayılım oranı, silindir içi ortalama sıcaklık, yanma başlangıç zamanı, tutuşma
gecikmesi ve yanma süresi hesaplanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre biyodizel katkılı
yakıt saf dizele göre daha düşük sıcaklık ve basınç altında tutuşmaya başladığı
gözlemlenmiştir. Dizele biyodizel eklenmesi yanma tutuşma gecikmesini azaltmış
ve püskürtülen yakıtın daha erken yanmasına sebep olmuştur. Ek olarak biyodizel
katkısı HC, CO ve kurum emisyonlarını iyileştirmiştir,
ancak düşük ısıl değeri nedeniyle yakıt tüketiminin artmasına neden olmuştur.
Ayrıca artan biyodizel miktarı ile NOx emisyonlarında artış


  • 1. Lim C., Lee J., Hong J., Song C., Han J., Cha J., Evaluation of regulated and unregulated emissions from a diesel powered vehicle fueled with diesel / biodiesel blends in Korea, Energy, 77, 533–541, 2014.
  • 2. Sezer İ. S., Dizel yakıtı bi̇yodi̇zel yakıtı ve karışımlarınn içten yanmalı motorla etki̇leri̇ni̇n teori̇k incelenmesi̇, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Derg, 31(4), 799-812, 2016.
  • 3. Ashraful A.M., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Rizwanul Fattah I.M., Imtenan S., Shahir S.A., Mobarak H.M., Production and comparison of fuel properties, engine performance, and emission characteristics of biodiesel from various non-edible vegetable oils: A review, Energy Convers Manag, 80, 202–228, 2014.
  • 4. Speidel H.K., Lightner R.L., Ahmed I., Biodegradability of new engineered fuels compared to conventional petroleum fuels and alternative fuels in current use, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 84–86, 879–897, 2000.
  • 5. Gokalp B., Buyukkaya E., Soyhan H.S., Performance and emissions of a diesel tractor engine fueled with marine diesel and soybean methyl ester, Biomass and Bioenergy, 35, 3575–3583, 2011.
  • 6. Bermúdez V., Lujan J.M., Ruiz S., Campos D., Linares W.G., New European Driving Cycle assessment by means of particle size distributions in a light-duty diesel engine fuelled with different fuel formulations, Fuel, 140, 649–659, 2015.
  • 7. Lapuerta M., Herreros J.M., Lyons L.L., García-Contreras R., Briceño Y., Effect of the alcohol type used in the production of waste cooking oil biodiesel on diesel performance and emissions, Fuel, 87, 3161–3169, 2008.
  • 8. Pinto AC, Guarieiro L.L.N., Rezende M.J.C., Ribeiro N.M., Torres E.A., Lopes W.A., Biodiesel: An overview. J Braz Chem Soc, 16, 1313–1330, 2005.
  • 9. Serrano L., Lopes M, Pires N, Ribeiro I, Cascão P, Tarelho L, et al. Evaluation on effects of using low biodiesel blends in a EURO 5 passenger vehicle equipped with a common-rail diesel engine. Appl Energy, 146, 230–238, 2015.
  • 10. Aldhaidhawi M., Chiriac R., Badescu V., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of Diesel engine fueled with rapeseed biodiesel - A literature review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 178–186, 2017.
  • 11. Datta A., Mandal B.K., Engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine operating on different biodiesel-alcohol blends. Energy, 125,470–483, 2017.
  • 12. Özener O., Yüksek L., Ergenç A.T., Özkan M., Effects of soybean biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics. Fuel,115,875–883, 2014.
  • 13. Wei L., Cheung C.S., Ning Z., Influence of waste cooking oil biodiesel on combustion, unregulated gaseous emissions and particulate emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine. Energy, 127, 175–185, 2017.
  • 14. Wan Ghazali W.N.M., Mamat R., Masjuki H.H., Najafi G., Effects of biodiesel from different feedstocks on engine performance and emissions: A review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 51, 585–602, 2015.
  • 15. Özçelik A.E., Aydoğan H., Acaroğlu M., Determining the performance, emission and combustion properties of camelina biodiesel blends. Energy Convers Manag, 96, 47–57, 2015.
  • 16. Yılmaz İ.T., Gümüş M., Biyogaz-di̇zel çi̇ft yakıtlı di̇zel motor üzeri̇ne bi̇r araştırma. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Derg, 32 (3), 919–92, 2017.
  • 17. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen A.C., Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 15, 1098–1116, 2011.
  • 18. Armas O., García-contreras R., Ramos Á., Impact of alternative fuels on performance and pollutant emissions of a light duty engine tested under the new European driving cycle. Appl Energy, 107, 183–190, 2013.
  • 19. Lopes M., Serrano L., Ribeiro I, Cascão P, Pires N, Rafael S, et al., Emissions characterization from EURO 5 diesel / biodiesel passenger car operating under the new European driving cycle. Atmos Environ, 84, 339–348, 2013.
  • 20. Imtenan S., Varman M., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Sajjad H., Arbab M.I. et al., Impact of low temperature combustion attaining strategies on diesel engine emissions for diesel and biodiesels: A review. Energy Convers Manag, 80, 329–356, 2014.
  • 21. Heywood J. B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Automotive Technology Series, Singapore, 1988.
  • 22. Cinar C., Uyumaz A., Solmaz H., Sahin F., Polat S., Yilmaz E., Effects of intake air temperature on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a HCCI engine fueled with the blends of 20% n-heptane and 80% isooctane fuels. Fuel Process Technol, 130, 275–281, 2014.
  • 23. Ryu K., Effects of pilot injection pressure on the combustion and emissions characteristics in a diesel engine using biodiesel-CNG dual fuel. Energy Convers Manag 76, 506–516, 2013.
  • 24. Can Ö., Öztürk E., Solmaz H., Aksoy F., Çinar C., Yücesu H.S., Combined effects of soybean biodiesel fuel addition and EGR application on the combustion and exhaust emissions in a diesel engine. Appl Therm Eng, 95, 115–124, 2016.
  • 25. Alptekin E., Emission, injection and combustion characteristics of biodiesel and oxygenated fuel blends in a common rail diesel engine, Energy, 119, 44–52, 2017.
  • 26. Brace C.J., Burke R., Moffa J., Increasing accuracy and repeatability of fuel consumption measurement in chassis dynamometer testing. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part D J Automob Eng, 223,1163–1177, 2009.
  • 27. Alleman T.L., McCormick R.L., Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide (Fifth Edition), U.S. Deparment of Energy, A.B.D., 2016.
  • 28. Bär F., Hopf H., Knorr M., Schröder O., Krahl J., Effect of hydrazides as fuel additives for biodiesel and biodiesel blends on NOx formation. Fuel, 180, 278–288, 2016.
  • 29. Türköz N., Erkuş B., İhsan Karamangil M., Sürmen A., Arslanoğlu N., Experimental investigation of the effect of E85 on engine performance and emissions under various ignition timings. Fuel, 115, 826–832, 2014.
  • 30. Lapuerta M., Armas O., Rodriguez-Fernandez J., Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions. Prog Energy Combust Sci, 34, 198–223, 2008.

The effects of biodiesel obtained from canola on performance, emissions and combustion characteristics under NEDC and cruise speeds

Yıl 2020, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3, 1437 - 1454, 07.04.2020


In this experimental study, the effects of biodiesel on emissions,
performance and combustion characteristics on the Ford Fiesta, which provides
EURO-5 emission standards with 1.5 liters of diesel engine, were investigated
by performing tests on chassis dynamometer. 4 different blends of diesel and
biodiesel and pure diesel were used at the experiments. Biodisel used in the
experiments were derive from canola oil. The exhaust emissions, engine sensors’
data via the on-board error monitoring port, the in-cylinder pressure and injector
current signal of the second cylinder of the engine were continuously measured
during the experiments. In order to investigate the effects of biodiesel on the
combustion characteristics, the heat release rate, average in-cylinder
temperature, start of combustion, ignition delay and combustion duration were
calculated by using the indicator diagram. According to the obtained results,
biodiesel-added fuel ignites under lower temperature and pressure in-cylinder
condition compared to pure diesel. Therefore, addition of biodiesel to diesel
reduced ignition delay duration and injected fuel burned faster than diesel
fuel. Besides, the biodiesel additive has improved HC, CO and soot emissions,
however fuel consumption increased due to biodiesel’s lower calorific values
than diesel. Moreover, NOx emissions were also increased with
increasing biodiesel blend ratio. 


  • 1. Lim C., Lee J., Hong J., Song C., Han J., Cha J., Evaluation of regulated and unregulated emissions from a diesel powered vehicle fueled with diesel / biodiesel blends in Korea, Energy, 77, 533–541, 2014.
  • 2. Sezer İ. S., Dizel yakıtı bi̇yodi̇zel yakıtı ve karışımlarınn içten yanmalı motorla etki̇leri̇ni̇n teori̇k incelenmesi̇, Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Derg, 31(4), 799-812, 2016.
  • 3. Ashraful A.M., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Rizwanul Fattah I.M., Imtenan S., Shahir S.A., Mobarak H.M., Production and comparison of fuel properties, engine performance, and emission characteristics of biodiesel from various non-edible vegetable oils: A review, Energy Convers Manag, 80, 202–228, 2014.
  • 4. Speidel H.K., Lightner R.L., Ahmed I., Biodegradability of new engineered fuels compared to conventional petroleum fuels and alternative fuels in current use, Appl Biochem Biotechnol, 84–86, 879–897, 2000.
  • 5. Gokalp B., Buyukkaya E., Soyhan H.S., Performance and emissions of a diesel tractor engine fueled with marine diesel and soybean methyl ester, Biomass and Bioenergy, 35, 3575–3583, 2011.
  • 6. Bermúdez V., Lujan J.M., Ruiz S., Campos D., Linares W.G., New European Driving Cycle assessment by means of particle size distributions in a light-duty diesel engine fuelled with different fuel formulations, Fuel, 140, 649–659, 2015.
  • 7. Lapuerta M., Herreros J.M., Lyons L.L., García-Contreras R., Briceño Y., Effect of the alcohol type used in the production of waste cooking oil biodiesel on diesel performance and emissions, Fuel, 87, 3161–3169, 2008.
  • 8. Pinto AC, Guarieiro L.L.N., Rezende M.J.C., Ribeiro N.M., Torres E.A., Lopes W.A., Biodiesel: An overview. J Braz Chem Soc, 16, 1313–1330, 2005.
  • 9. Serrano L., Lopes M, Pires N, Ribeiro I, Cascão P, Tarelho L, et al. Evaluation on effects of using low biodiesel blends in a EURO 5 passenger vehicle equipped with a common-rail diesel engine. Appl Energy, 146, 230–238, 2015.
  • 10. Aldhaidhawi M., Chiriac R., Badescu V., Ignition delay, combustion and emission characteristics of Diesel engine fueled with rapeseed biodiesel - A literature review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev 178–186, 2017.
  • 11. Datta A., Mandal B.K., Engine performance, combustion and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine operating on different biodiesel-alcohol blends. Energy, 125,470–483, 2017.
  • 12. Özener O., Yüksek L., Ergenç A.T., Özkan M., Effects of soybean biodiesel on a DI diesel engine performance, emission and combustion characteristics. Fuel,115,875–883, 2014.
  • 13. Wei L., Cheung C.S., Ning Z., Influence of waste cooking oil biodiesel on combustion, unregulated gaseous emissions and particulate emissions of a direct-injection diesel engine. Energy, 127, 175–185, 2017.
  • 14. Wan Ghazali W.N.M., Mamat R., Masjuki H.H., Najafi G., Effects of biodiesel from different feedstocks on engine performance and emissions: A review. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 51, 585–602, 2015.
  • 15. Özçelik A.E., Aydoğan H., Acaroğlu M., Determining the performance, emission and combustion properties of camelina biodiesel blends. Energy Convers Manag, 96, 47–57, 2015.
  • 16. Yılmaz İ.T., Gümüş M., Biyogaz-di̇zel çi̇ft yakıtlı di̇zel motor üzeri̇ne bi̇r araştırma. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Derg, 32 (3), 919–92, 2017.
  • 17. Xue J., Grift T.E., Hansen A.C., Effect of biodiesel on engine performances and emissions. Renew Sustain Energy Rev, 15, 1098–1116, 2011.
  • 18. Armas O., García-contreras R., Ramos Á., Impact of alternative fuels on performance and pollutant emissions of a light duty engine tested under the new European driving cycle. Appl Energy, 107, 183–190, 2013.
  • 19. Lopes M., Serrano L., Ribeiro I, Cascão P, Pires N, Rafael S, et al., Emissions characterization from EURO 5 diesel / biodiesel passenger car operating under the new European driving cycle. Atmos Environ, 84, 339–348, 2013.
  • 20. Imtenan S., Varman M., Masjuki H.H., Kalam M.A., Sajjad H., Arbab M.I. et al., Impact of low temperature combustion attaining strategies on diesel engine emissions for diesel and biodiesels: A review. Energy Convers Manag, 80, 329–356, 2014.
  • 21. Heywood J. B., Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Automotive Technology Series, Singapore, 1988.
  • 22. Cinar C., Uyumaz A., Solmaz H., Sahin F., Polat S., Yilmaz E., Effects of intake air temperature on combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a HCCI engine fueled with the blends of 20% n-heptane and 80% isooctane fuels. Fuel Process Technol, 130, 275–281, 2014.
  • 23. Ryu K., Effects of pilot injection pressure on the combustion and emissions characteristics in a diesel engine using biodiesel-CNG dual fuel. Energy Convers Manag 76, 506–516, 2013.
  • 24. Can Ö., Öztürk E., Solmaz H., Aksoy F., Çinar C., Yücesu H.S., Combined effects of soybean biodiesel fuel addition and EGR application on the combustion and exhaust emissions in a diesel engine. Appl Therm Eng, 95, 115–124, 2016.
  • 25. Alptekin E., Emission, injection and combustion characteristics of biodiesel and oxygenated fuel blends in a common rail diesel engine, Energy, 119, 44–52, 2017.
  • 26. Brace C.J., Burke R., Moffa J., Increasing accuracy and repeatability of fuel consumption measurement in chassis dynamometer testing. Proc Inst Mech Eng Part D J Automob Eng, 223,1163–1177, 2009.
  • 27. Alleman T.L., McCormick R.L., Biodiesel Handling and Use Guide (Fifth Edition), U.S. Deparment of Energy, A.B.D., 2016.
  • 28. Bär F., Hopf H., Knorr M., Schröder O., Krahl J., Effect of hydrazides as fuel additives for biodiesel and biodiesel blends on NOx formation. Fuel, 180, 278–288, 2016.
  • 29. Türköz N., Erkuş B., İhsan Karamangil M., Sürmen A., Arslanoğlu N., Experimental investigation of the effect of E85 on engine performance and emissions under various ignition timings. Fuel, 115, 826–832, 2014.
  • 30. Lapuerta M., Armas O., Rodriguez-Fernandez J., Effect of biodiesel fuels on diesel engine emissions. Prog Energy Combust Sci, 34, 198–223, 2008.
Toplam 30 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Mühendislik
Bölüm Makaleler

Tolgahan Kaya 0000-0002-9010-4182

Osman Akın Kutlar 0000-0002-4795-3541

Özgür Oğuz Taşkıran Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-9403-2884

Yayımlanma Tarihi 7 Nisan 2020
Gönderilme Tarihi 12 Temmuz 2018
Kabul Tarihi 1 Şubat 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2020 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Kaya, T., Kutlar, O. A., & Taşkıran, Ö. O. (2020). Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, 35(3), 1437-1454.
AMA Kaya T, Kutlar OA, Taşkıran ÖO. Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi. GUMMFD. Nisan 2020;35(3):1437-1454. doi:10.17341/gazimmfd.443102
Chicago Kaya, Tolgahan, Osman Akın Kutlar, ve Özgür Oğuz Taşkıran. “Kanoladan Elde Edilen Biyodizelin Performansa, Emisyonlara Ve Yanma karakteristiğine Etkilerinin NEDC Ve Sabit Seyir hızlarında Incelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 35, sy. 3 (Nisan 2020): 1437-54.
EndNote Kaya T, Kutlar OA, Taşkıran ÖO (01 Nisan 2020) Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 35 3 1437–1454.
IEEE T. Kaya, O. A. Kutlar, ve Ö. O. Taşkıran, “Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi”, GUMMFD, c. 35, sy. 3, ss. 1437–1454, 2020, doi: 10.17341/gazimmfd.443102.
ISNAD Kaya, Tolgahan vd. “Kanoladan Elde Edilen Biyodizelin Performansa, Emisyonlara Ve Yanma karakteristiğine Etkilerinin NEDC Ve Sabit Seyir hızlarında Incelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi 35/3 (Nisan 2020), 1437-1454.
JAMA Kaya T, Kutlar OA, Taşkıran ÖO. Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi. GUMMFD. 2020;35:1437–1454.
MLA Kaya, Tolgahan vd. “Kanoladan Elde Edilen Biyodizelin Performansa, Emisyonlara Ve Yanma karakteristiğine Etkilerinin NEDC Ve Sabit Seyir hızlarında Incelenmesi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 35, sy. 3, 2020, ss. 1437-54, doi:10.17341/gazimmfd.443102.
Vancouver Kaya T, Kutlar OA, Taşkıran ÖO. Kanoladan elde edilen biyodizelin performansa, emisyonlara ve yanma karakteristiğine etkilerinin NEDC ve sabit seyir hızlarında incelenmesi. GUMMFD. 2020;35(3):1437-54.