Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 19.02.2013
Abdullah Sofiyev
Polat Özyiğit
Bu çalışmada sürekli homojen olmayan sığ küresel kabuğun termal burkulma analizi incelenmektedir. Önce,kalınlık doğrultusunda sürekli değişen izotrop malzeme özellikleri ve uygun termal genleşme katsayısınınanalitik modelleri oluşturulmaktadır. Problemin formülasyonunda Kirchhoff-Love’nin birinci mertebeden kabukteorisi kullanılmakta ve gerilme-deformasyon bağıntılarında Hooke kuralı dikkate alınmaktadır. Donnell–Mushtari–Vlasov (DMV) varsayımları ve doğrusal gerilme-yer değiştirme bağıntıları kullanılarak kuvvet vemoment bileşenleri bulunmakta ve stabilite denklemlerinde yerine yazılarak üç yer değiştirmeye bağlıdiferansiyel denklemler elde edilmektedir. Stabilite denklemleri basit mesnetli sınır koşuluna göre çözülerek sığküresel kabuğun boyutsuz kritik üniform sıcaklık artışı için analitik ifade bulunmaktadır. Sayısal hesaplardamalzemenin elastisite modülü ve uygun termal genleşme katsayısının kalınlık koordinatlarına bağlı kuvvetfonksiyonu şeklinde değişimi ve kürenin geometrik parametreleri değişiminin kritik uniform sıcaklık artışınaetkileri incelenmektedir. Elde edilen sonuçlar literatürde sunulan çözümlerle karşılaştırılarak çalışmanındoğruluğu teyit edilmiştir.
- Ogibalov, P.M. ve Gribanov, V.F., Thermoelastic
- Stability of Plates and Shells, Moscow
- State University, Rusya, 1968.
- Kaplan, A., “Buckling of Spherical Shells”, Thin
- Shell Structures. Theory, Experiment and
- Design, Editörler: Fung, Y.C., ve Sechler, E.E.,
- Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 247-288, 1974.
- Khoroshun, L.P., Kozlov, S.Y., Ivanov, Y.A. ve
- Koshevoi, I.K., The Generalized Theory of
- Plates and Shells Non-homogeneous in
- Thickness Direction, Naukova Dumka, Kiev,
- -
- Ootao, Y. ve Tanigawa, Y., “Three-dimensional
- Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of a
- Nonhomogeneous Hollow Sphere with Respect to
- a Rotating Heat Source”, Bulletin of the Japan
- Society of Mechanical Engineers, Cilt 460,
- -2279, 1994.
- Sofiyev, A.H. ve Schnack, E., “The Buckling of
- Cross-ply Laminated Non-homogeneous
- Orthotropic Composite Conical Thin Shells
- Under a Dynamic External Pressure”, Acta
- Mechanica, Cilt 162, 29-40, 2003.
- Shen, H.S. ve Noda, N., “Post-buckling of
- Pressure-loaded FGM Hybrid Cylindrical Shell in
- Thermal Environments”, Composite Structures,
- Cilt 77, 546-560, 2007.
- Budiansky, B., “Buckling of Clamped Shallow
- Spherical Shells”, Proc. IUTAM Symp. on the
- theory of thin elastic shells, Delft, Netherlands,
- -94, 1959.
- Aggarwala, B.D. ve Saibel, E., “Thermal
- Stability of Bimetallic Shallow Spherical Shells”,
- International Journal of Non-linear
- Mechanics, Cilt 5, 49-62, 1970.
- Jianping, P. ve Harik, I.E., “Thermal Stresses in
- Spherical Shells”, Journal of Aerospace
- Engineering, Cilt 6, 106-110, 1993.
- Eslami, M.R., Ghorbani, H.R. ve Shakeri, M.,
- “Thermo-elastic Buckling of Thin Spherical
- Shells”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Cilt 24,
- -1198, 2001.
- Batista, M. ve Kosel, F., “Thermoelastic Stability
- of Bimetallic Shallow Shells of Revolution”,
- International Journal of Solids Structures, Cilt
- , 447-464, 2007.
- Shahsiah, R., Eslami, M.R. ve Naj, R., “Thermal
- Instability of Functionally Graded Shallow
- Spherical Shell” Journal of Thermal Stresses,
- Cilt 29, 771-785, 2006.
- Ganapathi, M., “Dynamic Stability
- Characteristics of Functionally Graded Materials
- Shallow Spherical Shells”, Composite
- Structures, Cilt 79, 338-343, 2007.
- Akış, T., “Yielding of Functionally Graded Long
- Tubes under Thermal Loading”, Journal of the
- Faculty of Engineering Architecture of Gazi
- University, Cilt 21, 737-743, 2006.
- Sofiyev, A.H., Özyiğit, P., Avcar, M. ve Zerin,
- Z., “The Stability of Continuously Nonhomogenous
- Spherical Shells Subjected to
- External Pressure”, 9th International Congress
- on Advances in Civil Engineering, KATU,
- Trabzon, 303, 27-30, Eylül 2010.
- Timoshenko, S. ve Woinoswsky-Krieger, S.,
- Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill,
- -
- Flügge, W., Stresses in Shells, (second ed.),
- Springer, Berlin, 1973.
Yıl 2012,
Cilt: 27 Sayı: 2, 0 - , 19.02.2013
Abdullah Sofiyev
Polat Özyiğit
- Ogibalov, P.M. ve Gribanov, V.F., Thermoelastic
- Stability of Plates and Shells, Moscow
- State University, Rusya, 1968.
- Kaplan, A., “Buckling of Spherical Shells”, Thin
- Shell Structures. Theory, Experiment and
- Design, Editörler: Fung, Y.C., ve Sechler, E.E.,
- Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 247-288, 1974.
- Khoroshun, L.P., Kozlov, S.Y., Ivanov, Y.A. ve
- Koshevoi, I.K., The Generalized Theory of
- Plates and Shells Non-homogeneous in
- Thickness Direction, Naukova Dumka, Kiev,
- -
- Ootao, Y. ve Tanigawa, Y., “Three-dimensional
- Transient Thermal Stress Analysis of a
- Nonhomogeneous Hollow Sphere with Respect to
- a Rotating Heat Source”, Bulletin of the Japan
- Society of Mechanical Engineers, Cilt 460,
- -2279, 1994.
- Sofiyev, A.H. ve Schnack, E., “The Buckling of
- Cross-ply Laminated Non-homogeneous
- Orthotropic Composite Conical Thin Shells
- Under a Dynamic External Pressure”, Acta
- Mechanica, Cilt 162, 29-40, 2003.
- Shen, H.S. ve Noda, N., “Post-buckling of
- Pressure-loaded FGM Hybrid Cylindrical Shell in
- Thermal Environments”, Composite Structures,
- Cilt 77, 546-560, 2007.
- Budiansky, B., “Buckling of Clamped Shallow
- Spherical Shells”, Proc. IUTAM Symp. on the
- theory of thin elastic shells, Delft, Netherlands,
- -94, 1959.
- Aggarwala, B.D. ve Saibel, E., “Thermal
- Stability of Bimetallic Shallow Spherical Shells”,
- International Journal of Non-linear
- Mechanics, Cilt 5, 49-62, 1970.
- Jianping, P. ve Harik, I.E., “Thermal Stresses in
- Spherical Shells”, Journal of Aerospace
- Engineering, Cilt 6, 106-110, 1993.
- Eslami, M.R., Ghorbani, H.R. ve Shakeri, M.,
- “Thermo-elastic Buckling of Thin Spherical
- Shells”, Journal of Thermal Stresses, Cilt 24,
- -1198, 2001.
- Batista, M. ve Kosel, F., “Thermoelastic Stability
- of Bimetallic Shallow Shells of Revolution”,
- International Journal of Solids Structures, Cilt
- , 447-464, 2007.
- Shahsiah, R., Eslami, M.R. ve Naj, R., “Thermal
- Instability of Functionally Graded Shallow
- Spherical Shell” Journal of Thermal Stresses,
- Cilt 29, 771-785, 2006.
- Ganapathi, M., “Dynamic Stability
- Characteristics of Functionally Graded Materials
- Shallow Spherical Shells”, Composite
- Structures, Cilt 79, 338-343, 2007.
- Akış, T., “Yielding of Functionally Graded Long
- Tubes under Thermal Loading”, Journal of the
- Faculty of Engineering Architecture of Gazi
- University, Cilt 21, 737-743, 2006.
- Sofiyev, A.H., Özyiğit, P., Avcar, M. ve Zerin,
- Z., “The Stability of Continuously Nonhomogenous
- Spherical Shells Subjected to
- External Pressure”, 9th International Congress
- on Advances in Civil Engineering, KATU,
- Trabzon, 303, 27-30, Eylül 2010.
- Timoshenko, S. ve Woinoswsky-Krieger, S.,
- Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill,
- -
- Flügge, W., Stresses in Shells, (second ed.),
- Springer, Berlin, 1973.