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The Effects of Gender on Conceptual Knowledge Level Assessed by Using Different Assessment Techniques on Motion and Motion Laws

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 39 - 59, 01.03.2008


In this study, the effects of gender on high school students\' conceptual understandings of major concepts of motion and motion laws measured by using different assessment techniques were examined. Participants were 136 students (Male=87, female=49) from various high schools in Bolu. The subjects of this study were taught motion and motions laws in high school physics course in the spring semester of 2003-2004. After completing the spring semester, students\' conceptual understandings of major concepts of motion and motion laws were assessed by using three tests developed in different formats. Data collected in this study were analyzed by using Ancova techniques. Results of Ancova techniquies showed that there was statistically significant difference between male and female students\' conceptual understanding levels when used multiple choice test technique, but there were not significant Ölçme Teknikleri, Cinsiyet, Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyi, Hareket, Hareket YasalarıAssessment Techniques, Gender, Conceptual Understanding, Motion, Motion Laws Tam Metin Arşiv Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:2Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:1Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:3Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:2Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:1Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:3Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:2Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:1Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:3Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:2Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:1Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:3Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:2Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:1Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:3Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:2Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:1Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:3Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:2Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:1Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:3Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:2Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:1Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:3Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:2Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:1Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:3Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:2Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:1Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:3Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:2Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:1Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:3Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:2Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:1Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:3Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:2Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:1Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:3Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:2Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:1


  • Bahar, M. &, Hansell, M. H. (2000). The Relationship between some psychological factors and their effect on the performance of grid questions and word association tests. Educational Psychology, c. 20 n. 3, s. 346 – 364.
  • Bennett, R. E., Rock, D. A., Braun, H. I., Frye, D., and Sophrer, E. (1990). The relationship of expert-system scored constrained free-response items to multiplechoice and open ended items. Applied Psychological Measurement, c. 14, s. 151-162.
  • Bolger, N. and Kellaghan, T. (1990). Method of Measurement and gender differences in Scholastic Achievement. Journal of Educational Measurement, c. 27, s. 165- 174.
  • Bransky, J., & Qualter, A. (1993). Applying Physics Concepts-Uncovering the Gender Differences in Assessment of Performance Unit Result. Research in Science and Technological Education, c. 11, n. 2, s. 141-156.
  • Breland, H., Danos, D., Kahn, H., Kubota, M., & Sudlow, M. (1991). A study of gender and performance on advenced placement history examinations (College Board Rep. No. 91-4; ETS RR No. 91-61). New York: College Entrance Examination Board.
  • Browne, N. and Ross, C. (1991). Girls’ stuff, Boys’ stuff: Young children talking and playing. In N. Browne (Ed.), Science and technology in the early years. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Burkam, D. T., & Burkam, A. S. (1995). Is Item Format Important? In D. R. Baker, & K. Scantlebury (Eds.), Science “coeducation”: Viewpoints from gender, Race and Ethnic Perpectives. NARTS monograph No. 7, 140-151.
  • Burton, N. W. (1996). How have changes in the SAT’s affected women’s math scores. Educational Researcher, c. 15, n. 4, s. 5-9.
  • Cataloğlu, E. (1996). Promoting teachers’ awareness of students’ misconceptions in introductory mechanics. Unpublished Master Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
  • DeMars, C. E. (1998). Gender differences in mathematics and science on a high school proficiency exam: the role of responce format,” Applied Measurement in Education, c. 11, n. 3, s. 279-299.
  • Dimitrov, M. D. (1999). Gender differences in science achievement: Differential effect of ability, response format, and strands of learning outcomes. Gender Differences in Science Achievement, c. 99, n. 8, s. 445-450.
  • Egan, K. (1972). Structrul communication – a new contribution to pedagogy. Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, c. 1, s. 63 – 78.
  • Harding, J. (1979). Sex differences in examination performance at 16. Physics Education, c. 14, s. 280-84.
  • Hestenes, D, Wells, M., & Swachhamer, G. (1992). Force Concept Inventory. Physics Teacher, 30, 141-153.
  • Johnson, S. (1987). Gender differences in science: parallels in interest, experience and performance. International Journal of Science Education, c. 9, n. 4, s. 467-481.
  • Johnstone, A. H. (1981). Diagnostic Testing in Science. In Evaluation Roles in Education, Eds. Lewy, A. And Nevo, D. London: Gordon and Breach.
  • Johnstone, A. H., Morrison, T. L., and Reid, N. (1981). Chemistry About us. London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • Jovanic, J., Solano-Flores, G. and Shavelson, R. J. (1994). Performans-based assessments: Will gender differences in science achievement be eliminated? Education and Urban Society, c. 26, s. 352-366.
  • Kahle, J.B & Meece, J. (1994). Research on gender issue in the classroom. In D. L. Gabel (eds). Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning (p. 542- 558). New York, NY, USA: Macmillan.
  • Karaçam, Sedat (2005). Farklı bilişsel stillerdeki lise öğrencilerinin hareket ve hareket yasaları konularındaki kavramları anlama düzeyleri ile ölçme teknikleri arasındaki ilişki. (AİBÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mayıs, 2005).
  • Kelly, A. (1988). Sex Stereotypes and School Science, A Three-Year Follow-up,” Educational Studies, c. 14, s. 151-163.
  • Mazzoe, J., Schmitt, A., & Bleistein, C. (1992). Sex-related differences on constructedresponces and multiple-choice sections of advenced pacement examinations: Three exploratory studies. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service
  • Meece, J. L. & Holt, K. (1993). A Pattern Analysis of Students’ Achievement Goals.
  • Journal of Educational Psychology, c. 85, n. 4, s. 582-590.
  • Morrell, P. D., & Lederman, N. G. (1998). Students’ Attitudes Towards Shool and Classroom Science: Are They Independent Phenomena? School Science and Mathematics, c. 98, s. 76-82.
  • O’Neil, H. F. Jr., & Brown, R. S. 1998. Differential effects of question formats in math assessment on metacognition and affect. Applied in Education, c. 11, n. 4, s. 331- 351.
  • Otto, P. B. (1991). One Science, One Sex? School Science And Mathematics, c. 91, n. 8, s. 367-372.
  • Scottish Exam Board (1997). Hidher Grade Biology Examination Papers. Glasgow: Gibson.
  • Sencar, S., & Eryılmaz, A. (2004). Factors Mediating the Effect of Gender on NinthGrade Turkish Students’ Misconceptions Concerning Electric Circuit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, c. 41, n. 6, s. 603-616.
  • Stobart, G., Elwood, J., and Quilan, M. (1992). Gender Bias in Examinations: How Equal are the Opportunities? British Educational Research Journal, c. 18, n. 3, s. 261-276.
  • Yıp, D. Y., Chıu, M. M. and Chu Ho, E. S. (2004). Hong Kong student achievement in OECD-PISA study:Gender differences in science content, literacy, skills, and ıtem formats. Ijma:humnfam, c. 1, n. 2, s. 1-15.
  • Whitehouse, H. and Sullivan, M. (1992). Girls and year 12 science examinations.
  • Adelaide: Science Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Zhang, L. & Manon, J. (2000). Gender and achievement—Understanding gender differences and similarities in mathematics assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 24-28, 2000.

Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi

Yıl 2008, Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1, 39 - 59, 01.03.2008


Bu çalışmada cinsiyetin farklı ölçme teknikleri kullanılarak belirlenen hareket ve hareket yasaları konularındaki kavramsal bilgi düzeyine etkisi incelenmiştir. Çalışmaya Bolu ilindeki değişik liselerden 136 öğrenci (erkek=87, kız=49) katılmıştır. Bu çalışmaya katılan öğrencilerin tamamı 2003-2004 eğitim ve öğretim yılının güz döneminde hareket ve hareket yasaları ile ilgili konuları kapsayan dersleri tamamlamışlardır. Bu öğretim yılının bahar döneminin başında öğrencilerin hareket ve hareket yasaları konularındaki kavramsal bilgi düzeyleri farklı üç test tekniği (çoktan seçmeli, açık uçlu ve yapılandırılmış iletişim gridi) kullanılarak belirlenmiştir. Çalışmada elde edilen verilerin Ancova teknikleri kullanılarak analizi sonucunda, kız ve erkek öğrencilerin çoIn this study, the effects of gender on high school students\' conceptual understandings of major concepts of motion and motion laws measured by using different assessment techniques were examined. Participants were 136 students (Male=87, female=49) from various high schools in Bolu. The subjects of this study were taught motion and motions laws in high school physics course in the spring semester of 2003-2004. After completing the spring semester, students\' conceptual understandings of major concepts of motion and motion laws were assessed by using three tests developed in different formats. Data collected in this study were analyzed by using Ancova techniques. Results of Ancova techniquies showed that there was statistically significant difference between male and female students\' conceptual understanding levels when used multiple choice test technique, but there were not significant Ölçme Teknikleri, Cinsiyet, Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyi, Hareket, Hareket YasalarıAssessment Techniques, Gender, Conceptual Understanding, Motion, Motion Laws Tam Metin Arşiv Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:2Yıl :2014 Cilt :34 No:1Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:3Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:2Yıl :2013 Cilt :33 No:1Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:3Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:2Yıl :2012 Cilt :32 No:1Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:3Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:2Yıl :2011 Cilt :31 No:1Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:3Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:2Yıl :2010 Cilt :30 No:1Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:3Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:2Yıl :2009 Cilt :29 No:1Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:3Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:2Yıl :2008 Cilt :28 No:1Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:3Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:2Yıl :2007 Cilt :27 No:1Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:3Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:2Yıl :2006 Cilt :26 No:1Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:3Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:2Yıl :2005 Cilt :25 No:1Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:3Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:2Yıl :2004 Cilt :24 No:1Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:3Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:2Yıl :2003 Cilt :23 No:1Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:3Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:2Yıl :2002 Cilt :22 No:1Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:3Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:2Yıl :2001 Cilt :21 No:1


  • Bahar, M. &, Hansell, M. H. (2000). The Relationship between some psychological factors and their effect on the performance of grid questions and word association tests. Educational Psychology, c. 20 n. 3, s. 346 – 364.
  • Bennett, R. E., Rock, D. A., Braun, H. I., Frye, D., and Sophrer, E. (1990). The relationship of expert-system scored constrained free-response items to multiplechoice and open ended items. Applied Psychological Measurement, c. 14, s. 151-162.
  • Bolger, N. and Kellaghan, T. (1990). Method of Measurement and gender differences in Scholastic Achievement. Journal of Educational Measurement, c. 27, s. 165- 174.
  • Bransky, J., & Qualter, A. (1993). Applying Physics Concepts-Uncovering the Gender Differences in Assessment of Performance Unit Result. Research in Science and Technological Education, c. 11, n. 2, s. 141-156.
  • Breland, H., Danos, D., Kahn, H., Kubota, M., & Sudlow, M. (1991). A study of gender and performance on advenced placement history examinations (College Board Rep. No. 91-4; ETS RR No. 91-61). New York: College Entrance Examination Board.
  • Browne, N. and Ross, C. (1991). Girls’ stuff, Boys’ stuff: Young children talking and playing. In N. Browne (Ed.), Science and technology in the early years. Buckingham: Open University Press.
  • Burkam, D. T., & Burkam, A. S. (1995). Is Item Format Important? In D. R. Baker, & K. Scantlebury (Eds.), Science “coeducation”: Viewpoints from gender, Race and Ethnic Perpectives. NARTS monograph No. 7, 140-151.
  • Burton, N. W. (1996). How have changes in the SAT’s affected women’s math scores. Educational Researcher, c. 15, n. 4, s. 5-9.
  • Cataloğlu, E. (1996). Promoting teachers’ awareness of students’ misconceptions in introductory mechanics. Unpublished Master Thesis, METU, Ankara, Turkey.
  • DeMars, C. E. (1998). Gender differences in mathematics and science on a high school proficiency exam: the role of responce format,” Applied Measurement in Education, c. 11, n. 3, s. 279-299.
  • Dimitrov, M. D. (1999). Gender differences in science achievement: Differential effect of ability, response format, and strands of learning outcomes. Gender Differences in Science Achievement, c. 99, n. 8, s. 445-450.
  • Egan, K. (1972). Structrul communication – a new contribution to pedagogy. Programmed Learning and Educational Technology, c. 1, s. 63 – 78.
  • Harding, J. (1979). Sex differences in examination performance at 16. Physics Education, c. 14, s. 280-84.
  • Hestenes, D, Wells, M., & Swachhamer, G. (1992). Force Concept Inventory. Physics Teacher, 30, 141-153.
  • Johnson, S. (1987). Gender differences in science: parallels in interest, experience and performance. International Journal of Science Education, c. 9, n. 4, s. 467-481.
  • Johnstone, A. H. (1981). Diagnostic Testing in Science. In Evaluation Roles in Education, Eds. Lewy, A. And Nevo, D. London: Gordon and Breach.
  • Johnstone, A. H., Morrison, T. L., and Reid, N. (1981). Chemistry About us. London: Heinemann Educational Books.
  • Jovanic, J., Solano-Flores, G. and Shavelson, R. J. (1994). Performans-based assessments: Will gender differences in science achievement be eliminated? Education and Urban Society, c. 26, s. 352-366.
  • Kahle, J.B & Meece, J. (1994). Research on gender issue in the classroom. In D. L. Gabel (eds). Handbook of Research on Science Teaching and Learning (p. 542- 558). New York, NY, USA: Macmillan.
  • Karaçam, Sedat (2005). Farklı bilişsel stillerdeki lise öğrencilerinin hareket ve hareket yasaları konularındaki kavramları anlama düzeyleri ile ölçme teknikleri arasındaki ilişki. (AİBÜ, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, Mayıs, 2005).
  • Kelly, A. (1988). Sex Stereotypes and School Science, A Three-Year Follow-up,” Educational Studies, c. 14, s. 151-163.
  • Mazzoe, J., Schmitt, A., & Bleistein, C. (1992). Sex-related differences on constructedresponces and multiple-choice sections of advenced pacement examinations: Three exploratory studies. Princeton, NJ: Educational Testing Service
  • Meece, J. L. & Holt, K. (1993). A Pattern Analysis of Students’ Achievement Goals.
  • Journal of Educational Psychology, c. 85, n. 4, s. 582-590.
  • Morrell, P. D., & Lederman, N. G. (1998). Students’ Attitudes Towards Shool and Classroom Science: Are They Independent Phenomena? School Science and Mathematics, c. 98, s. 76-82.
  • O’Neil, H. F. Jr., & Brown, R. S. 1998. Differential effects of question formats in math assessment on metacognition and affect. Applied in Education, c. 11, n. 4, s. 331- 351.
  • Otto, P. B. (1991). One Science, One Sex? School Science And Mathematics, c. 91, n. 8, s. 367-372.
  • Scottish Exam Board (1997). Hidher Grade Biology Examination Papers. Glasgow: Gibson.
  • Sencar, S., & Eryılmaz, A. (2004). Factors Mediating the Effect of Gender on NinthGrade Turkish Students’ Misconceptions Concerning Electric Circuit. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, c. 41, n. 6, s. 603-616.
  • Stobart, G., Elwood, J., and Quilan, M. (1992). Gender Bias in Examinations: How Equal are the Opportunities? British Educational Research Journal, c. 18, n. 3, s. 261-276.
  • Yıp, D. Y., Chıu, M. M. and Chu Ho, E. S. (2004). Hong Kong student achievement in OECD-PISA study:Gender differences in science content, literacy, skills, and ıtem formats. Ijma:humnfam, c. 1, n. 2, s. 1-15.
  • Whitehouse, H. and Sullivan, M. (1992). Girls and year 12 science examinations.
  • Adelaide: Science Secondary Assessment Board of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia.
  • Zhang, L. & Manon, J. (2000). Gender and achievement—Understanding gender differences and similarities in mathematics assessment. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (New Orleans, LA, April 24-28, 2000.
Toplam 34 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Salih Ateş Bu kişi benim

Sedat Karaçam Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2008
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2008 Cilt: 28 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Ateş, S., & Karaçam, S. (2008). Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 28(1), 39-59.
AMA Ateş S, Karaçam S. Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi. GEFAD. Mart 2008;28(1):39-59.
Chicago Ateş, Salih, ve Sedat Karaçam. “Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket Ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 28, sy. 1 (Mart 2008): 39-59.
EndNote Ateş S, Karaçam S (01 Mart 2008) Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 28 1 39–59.
IEEE S. Ateş ve S. Karaçam, “Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi”, GEFAD, c. 28, sy. 1, ss. 39–59, 2008.
ISNAD Ateş, Salih - Karaçam, Sedat. “Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket Ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi 28/1 (Mart 2008), 39-59.
JAMA Ateş S, Karaçam S. Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi. GEFAD. 2008;28:39–59.
MLA Ateş, Salih ve Sedat Karaçam. “Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket Ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi”. Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, c. 28, sy. 1, 2008, ss. 39-59.
Vancouver Ateş S, Karaçam S. Cinsiyetin Farklı Ölçme Teknikleri Kullanılarak Ölçülen Hareket ve Hareket Yasaları Konularındaki Kavramsal Bilgi Düzeyine Etkisi. GEFAD. 2008;28(1):39-5.