In this study a spectrofluorimetric method has been developed for assay of mebendazole (MBZ) drug active compound in tablets. For this purpose; taking measured fluorescence intensities of mebendazole drug active compound in various solvents, it was determined that suitable solvent was dimethyl sulfoxide and the wavelengths of excitation and emission were 390 nm and 473,6 nm, respectively. Calibration graphs were drawn and the fluorescence intensity was linearly related to the drug concentration which is between 0-2,5 mg/L (R2= 0,9993). Mebendazole in Vermazol tablet was determined both from calibration graph and from standard addition method. The validity of the method was tested by the recovery studies of standard addition to pharmaceuticals and the result was found to be satisfactory. The results obtained from spektrofluorometric method were compared with official USP 24 method and weSpektroflorimetri, tayin, benzimidazol, mebendazol, ilaçSpectrofluorimetry, assay, benzimidazole, mebendazole, pharmaceuticals Tam Metin
Spectrofluorimetry assay benzimidazole mebendazole pharmaceuticals
Bu çalışmada, tabletlerde mebendazol (MBZ) ilaç etken maddesinin tayini için spektroflorimetrik bir yöntem geliştirildi. Bu amaçla, mebendazol ilaç etken maddesinin çeşitli çözücülerde floresans spektrumları alınarak en uygun çözücünün dimetil sülfoksit ve bu çözücü ortamında uyarma (λuy) ve emisyon (λem) dalga boylarının sırasıyla 390 nm ve 473,6 nm olduğu belirlendi. Kalibrasyon grafikleri çizildi ve bunların 0-2,5 mg/L derişim aralığında doğrusal olduğu görüldü (R2= 0,9993). Doğrudan kalibrasyon grafiklerinden ve standart katma yöntemiyle Vermazol tabletindeki mebendazol miktarı tayin edildi. Geliştirilen spektroflorimetrik yöntemle elde edilen sonuçlar, standart USP 24 yöntemi ile elde edilen sonuçlarla karşılaşIn this study a spectrofluorimetric method has been developed for assay of mebendazole (MBZ) drug active compound in tablets. For this purpose; taking measured fluorescence intensities of mebendazole drug active compound in various solvents, it was determined that suitable solvent was dimethyl sulfoxide and the wavelengths of excitation and emission were 390 nm and 473,6 nm, respectively. Calibration graphs were drawn and the fluorescence intensity was linearly related to the drug concentration which is between 0-2,5 mg/L (R2= 0,9993). Mebendazole in Vermazol tablet was determined both from calibration graph and from standard addition method. The validity of the method was tested by the recovery studies of standard addition to pharmaceuticals and the result was found to be satisfactory. The results obtained from spektrofluorometric method were compared with official USP 24 method and weSpektroflorimetri, tayin, benzimidazol, mebendazol, ilaçSpectrofluorimetry, assay, benzimidazole, mebendazole, pharmaceuticals Tam Metin
Birincil Dil | Türkçe |
Bölüm | Makaleler |
Yazarlar | |
Yayımlanma Tarihi | 1 Eylül 2004 |
Yayımlandığı Sayı | Yıl 2004 Cilt: 24 Sayı: 3 |