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Girişimcilik Niyetlerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 18, 61 - 78, 01.01.2019


Girişimcilik faaliyetleri Türkiye ekonomisinin gelişimi için önemlidir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, üniversitede okuyan öğrencilerin girişimcilik niyetlerine etki eden faktörleri belirlemektir. Bu bağlamda, 332 üniversite öğrencisinden anket formu aracılığıyla veriler toplanmıştır. Önceki çalışmalara dayalı olarak oluşturulan model, SPSS programı aracılığıyla yapılan parametrik istatistikî analizler ile test edilmiştir. Analiz sonuçları incelendiğinde, kişisel tutum, algılanan davranışsal kontrol ve öznel normların girişimcilik niyeti üzerinde olumlu ve anlamlı bir etkiye sahip olduğu ortaya çıkarken, özyeterlik, eğitim desteği, ilişkisel destek ve yapısal destek faktörlerinin girişimcilik niyeti üzerinde bir etkisine rastlanmamıştır


  • • Achchuthan, S., and Balasundaram, N. (2014). Level of entrepreneurial intention of the management undergraduates in the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka: scholars and undergraduates perspective.
  • • Adekiya, A. A., and Ibrahim, F. (2016). Entrepreneurship intention among students.The antecedent role of culture and entrepreneurship training and development. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(2), 116-132.
  • • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • • Ajzen, I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self-efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 665-683.
  • • Akanbi, P. A., and Ofoegbu, O. E. (2011). An examination of the influence of some selected situational factors on entrepreneurial intentions in Nigeria. International Business and Management, 3(1), 189-196.
  • • Aldrich, H., Zimmer, C., Sexton, D., & Smilor, R. (1986). The art and science of entrepreneurship. Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 3-23.
  • • Autio, E., H. Keeley, R., Klofsten, M., GC Parker, G., and Hay, M. (2001). Entrepreneurial intent among students in Scandinavia and in the USA. Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2), 145-160.
  • • Aziz, N., Friedman, B., and Sayfullin, S. (2014). Motives and perceived problems of students as aspiring entrepreneurs: Differences across the Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States.
  • • Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4(3), 359-373.
  • • Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287.
  • • Bird, B. (1988). Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention. Academy of Management Review, 13(3), 442-453.
  • • Boyd, N. G., and Vozikis, G. S. (1994). The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18(4), 63-77.
  • • Bozkurt Çetinkaya, Ö. (2014). Planlanmış davranışlar teorisi çerçevesinde öğrencilerin girişimci olma niyetlerinin incelenmesi, Journal of Economic Research, Vol: 3, No: 1.
  • • Chen, C. C., Greene, P. G., and Crick, A. (1998). Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers? Journal of Business Venturing, 13(4), 295-316.
  • • De Clercq, D., and Rangarajan, D. (2008). The role of perceived relational support in entrepreneur– customer dyads. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(4), 659-683.
  • • Deakins, D., Bensemann, J. and Battisti, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial skill and regulation: Evidence from primary sector rural entrepreneurs, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior &Research, 22(2), 234-259.
  • • Delmar, F., & Davidsson, P. (2000). Where do they come from? Prevalence and characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional development, 12(1), 1-23.
  • • Denanyoh, R., Adjei, K., and Nyemekye, G. E. (2015). Factors that impact on entrepreneurial intention of tertiary students in Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 5(3), 19-29.
  • • Díaz-Casero, J. C., Hernández-Mogollón, R., and Roldán, J. L. (2011). A structural model of the antecedents to entrepreneurial capacity. International Small Business Journal.
  • • Dınc, M. S., and Budıc, S. (2016). The impact of personal attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control on entrepreneurial intentions of women. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 9(17), 23-35.
  • • Dzomonda, O., Fatoki, O., and Oni, O. (2015). The effect of psychological and contextual factors on the entrepreneurial intention of university students in South Africa. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1), 1297-1303.
  • • Ekici, E., and Turan, M. (2017). Üniversite öğrencilerinin girişimcilik eğilimi: planlanmış davranışlar teorisi ve girişimcilik eğitiminin rolü. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), 201-215.
  • • Esfandiar, K., Sharifi-Tehrani, M., Pratt, S., and Altinay, L. (2017). Understanding entrepreneurial intentions: A developed integrated structural model approach. Journal of Business Research. 94, 172-182.
  • • Fatoki, O. (2014). Parental and Gender Effects on the Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(7), 157-162.
  • • Fayolle, A., and Gailly, B. (2005). Using the theory of planned behaviour to assess entrepreneurship teaching programmes. Center for Research in Change, Innovation and Strategy of Louvain School of Management, Working Paper, 5, 2005.
  • • Fayolle, A., Gailly, B., and Lassas-Clerc, N. (2006). Effect and counter-effect of entrepreneurship education and social context on student’s intentions. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 24(2).
  • • Fizza, S. (2017). Measuring Entrepreneurial Intentions: Role of Perceived Support and Personality Characteristics.
  • • Gem Consortium. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Global Report. Retrieved Jun 7, 2018 from
  • • Gulmez, M., Sağtaş, S., Kahyaoğlu,D.Y. (2016). The effects of technoparks on absorptive capacıity and the role of gatekeepers in this process, Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 13 (2), 92-102.
  • • Gurbuz, G., and Aykol, S. (2008). Entrepreneurial intentions of young educated public in Turkey. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 4(1), 47-56.
  • • Gurbuz, S. and Sahin F. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, felsefe-yöntem-analiz. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • • Hmieleski, K. M., and Corbett, A. C. (2006). Proclivity for improvisation as a predictor of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1), 45-63.
  • • Hofstede, G. (2003). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and organizations across nations. Sage publications.
  • • Isiwu, P. I., and Onwuka, I. (2017). Psychological Factors that Influences Entrepreneurial Intention Among Women in Nigeria: A Study Based in South East Nigeria. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 26(2), 176-195.
  • • Kalkan, A. (2011). Kişisel tutum, öznel norm ve algılanan davranış kontrolünün girişimcilik niyeti üzerindeki etkisi: Üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir uygulama. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute Of Social Sciences Year, 2(14), 189-206.
  • • Kautonen, T., Van Gelderen, M., and Tornikoski, E. T. (2013). Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a test of the theory of planned behaviour. Applied Economics, 45(6), 697-707.
  • • Keat, O. Y., Selvarajah, C., and Meyer, D. (2011). Inclination towards entrepreneurship among university students: An empirical study of Malaysian University students. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(4).
  • • Kennedy, J., Drennan, J., Renfrow, P., and Watson, B. (2003). Situational factors and entrepreneurial intentions. In Proceedings of SEAANZ 2003 Conference. University of Ballarat (Online).
  • • Kickul, J., Gundry, L. K., Barbosa, S. D., and Whitcanack, L. (2009). Intuition versus analysis? Testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the new venture creation process. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(2), 439-453.
  • • King, R. G., and Levine, R. (1993). Finance, entrepreneurship and growth. Journal of Monetary economics, 32(3), 513-542.
  • • Koe, W. L., Sa’ari, J. R., Majid, I. A., and Ismail, K. (2012). Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among millennial generation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 40, 197-208.
  • • Kolvereid, L. (1996). Prediction of employment status choice intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 21(1), 47-58.
  • • Kolvereid, L., and Moen, Ø. (1997). Entrepreneurship among business graduates: does a major in entrepreneurship make a difference?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 21(4), 154-160.
  • • Krueger Jr, N. F. (2007). What lies beneath? The experiential essence of entrepreneurial thinking. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31(1), 123-138.
  • • Krueger Jr, N. F., Reilly, M. D., and Carsrud, A. L. (2000). Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing, 15(5-6), 411-432.
  • • Krueger, N. (1993). The impact of prior entrepreneurial exposure on perceptions of new venture feasibility and desirability. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18(1), 5-21.
  • • Linan, F. (2008). Skill and value perceptions: how do they affect entrepreneurial intentions?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4(3), 257-272.
  • • Liñán, F., and Chen, Y. W. (2009). Development and Cross-Cultural application of a specific instrument to measure entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(3), 593-617.
  • • Malebana, M. J., and Zindiye, S. (2017). Relationship between Entrepreneurship Education, Prior Entrepreneurial Exposure, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention. In 12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2017 (p. 392).
  • • Moriano, J. A., Gorgievski, M., Laguna, M., Stephan, U., and Zarafshani, K. (2012). A cross-cultural approach to understanding entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Career Development, 39(2), 162-185.
  • • Mueller, S. L., and Thomas, A. S. (2001). Culture and entrepreneurial potential: A nine country study of locus of control and innovativeness. Journal of Business Venturing, 16(1), 51-75.
  • • Muhammad, A. D., Aliyu, S., and Ahmed, S. (2015). Entreprenuerial Intention among Nigerian University Students. American Journal of Business Education (Online), 8(4), 239.
  • • Nadim Ahmad and Richard G. Seymour, (2006) Defining Entrepreneurial Activity: Definitions Supporting Frameworks for Data Collection. Retrieved Sep 17, 2018 from stats/39651330.pdf,
  • • Naktiyok, A., Karabey, C. N., and Gulluce, A. C. (2010). Entrepreneurial self-efficacy and entrepreneurial intention: The Turkish case. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 6(4), 419-435.
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Determining the Factors that Affect Entrepreneurial Intention: A Research on University Students

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 7 Sayı: 18, 61 - 78, 01.01.2019


Entrepreneurial activities are important for the economy of Turkey as an upper-middle income country. The main purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect entrepreneurial intention of higher education students in Turkey. In this context, the data were gathered from 332 university students through a questionnaire form. The model was empirically tested with parametrical statistical analysis. The results showed that personal attitude, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm had a positive and significant effect on entrepreneurial intention. However, entrepreneurial intention was not significantly affected by the remaining factors measured, namely self-efficacy, educational support, relational support and structural support


  • • Achchuthan, S., and Balasundaram, N. (2014). Level of entrepreneurial intention of the management undergraduates in the University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka: scholars and undergraduates perspective.
  • • Adekiya, A. A., and Ibrahim, F. (2016). Entrepreneurship intention among students.The antecedent role of culture and entrepreneurship training and development. The International Journal of Management Education, 14(2), 116-132.
  • • Ajzen, I. (1991). The theory of planned behavior. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 179-211.
  • • Ajzen, I. (2002). Perceived behavioral control, self-efficacy, locus of control, and the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 32(4), 665-683.
  • • Akanbi, P. A., and Ofoegbu, O. E. (2011). An examination of the influence of some selected situational factors on entrepreneurial intentions in Nigeria. International Business and Management, 3(1), 189-196.
  • • Aldrich, H., Zimmer, C., Sexton, D., & Smilor, R. (1986). The art and science of entrepreneurship. Ballinger, Cambridge, MA, 3-23.
  • • Autio, E., H. Keeley, R., Klofsten, M., GC Parker, G., and Hay, M. (2001). Entrepreneurial intent among students in Scandinavia and in the USA. Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies, 2(2), 145-160.
  • • Aziz, N., Friedman, B., and Sayfullin, S. (2014). Motives and perceived problems of students as aspiring entrepreneurs: Differences across the Kyrgyzstan, Georgia, and the United States.
  • • Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy theory. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 4(3), 359-373.
  • • Bandura, A. (1991). Social cognitive theory of self-regulation. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 50(2), 248-287.
  • • Bird, B. (1988). Implementing entrepreneurial ideas: The case for intention. Academy of Management Review, 13(3), 442-453.
  • • Boyd, N. G., and Vozikis, G. S. (1994). The influence of self-efficacy on the development of entrepreneurial intentions and actions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18(4), 63-77.
  • • Bozkurt Çetinkaya, Ö. (2014). Planlanmış davranışlar teorisi çerçevesinde öğrencilerin girişimci olma niyetlerinin incelenmesi, Journal of Economic Research, Vol: 3, No: 1.
  • • Chen, C. C., Greene, P. G., and Crick, A. (1998). Does entrepreneurial self-efficacy distinguish entrepreneurs from managers? Journal of Business Venturing, 13(4), 295-316.
  • • De Clercq, D., and Rangarajan, D. (2008). The role of perceived relational support in entrepreneur– customer dyads. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 32(4), 659-683.
  • • Deakins, D., Bensemann, J. and Battisti, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial skill and regulation: Evidence from primary sector rural entrepreneurs, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior &Research, 22(2), 234-259.
  • • Delmar, F., & Davidsson, P. (2000). Where do they come from? Prevalence and characteristics of nascent entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship & Regional development, 12(1), 1-23.
  • • Denanyoh, R., Adjei, K., and Nyemekye, G. E. (2015). Factors that impact on entrepreneurial intention of tertiary students in Ghana. International Journal of Business and Social Research, 5(3), 19-29.
  • • Díaz-Casero, J. C., Hernández-Mogollón, R., and Roldán, J. L. (2011). A structural model of the antecedents to entrepreneurial capacity. International Small Business Journal.
  • • Dınc, M. S., and Budıc, S. (2016). The impact of personal attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control on entrepreneurial intentions of women. Eurasian Journal of Business and Economics, 9(17), 23-35.
  • • Dzomonda, O., Fatoki, O., and Oni, O. (2015). The effect of psychological and contextual factors on the entrepreneurial intention of university students in South Africa. Corporate Ownership & Control, 13(1), 1297-1303.
  • • Ekici, E., and Turan, M. (2017). Üniversite öğrencilerinin girişimcilik eğilimi: planlanmış davranışlar teorisi ve girişimcilik eğitiminin rolü. Çukurova Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 26(1), 201-215.
  • • Esfandiar, K., Sharifi-Tehrani, M., Pratt, S., and Altinay, L. (2017). Understanding entrepreneurial intentions: A developed integrated structural model approach. Journal of Business Research. 94, 172-182.
  • • Fatoki, O. (2014). Parental and Gender Effects on the Entrepreneurial Intention of University Students in South Africa. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 5(7), 157-162.
  • • Fayolle, A., and Gailly, B. (2005). Using the theory of planned behaviour to assess entrepreneurship teaching programmes. Center for Research in Change, Innovation and Strategy of Louvain School of Management, Working Paper, 5, 2005.
  • • Fayolle, A., Gailly, B., and Lassas-Clerc, N. (2006). Effect and counter-effect of entrepreneurship education and social context on student’s intentions. Estudios de Economía Aplicada, 24(2).
  • • Fizza, S. (2017). Measuring Entrepreneurial Intentions: Role of Perceived Support and Personality Characteristics.
  • • Gem Consortium. (2017). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Global Report. Retrieved Jun 7, 2018 from
  • • Gulmez, M., Sağtaş, S., Kahyaoğlu,D.Y. (2016). The effects of technoparks on absorptive capacıity and the role of gatekeepers in this process, Cag University Journal of Social Sciences, 13 (2), 92-102.
  • • Gurbuz, G., and Aykol, S. (2008). Entrepreneurial intentions of young educated public in Turkey. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 4(1), 47-56.
  • • Gurbuz, S. and Sahin F. (2016). Sosyal bilimlerde araştırma yöntemleri, felsefe-yöntem-analiz. İstanbul: Seçkin Yayıncılık.
  • • Hmieleski, K. M., and Corbett, A. C. (2006). Proclivity for improvisation as a predictor of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Small Business Management, 44(1), 45-63.
  • • Hofstede, G. (2003). Culture’s consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and organizations across nations. Sage publications.
  • • Isiwu, P. I., and Onwuka, I. (2017). Psychological Factors that Influences Entrepreneurial Intention Among Women in Nigeria: A Study Based in South East Nigeria. The Journal of Entrepreneurship, 26(2), 176-195.
  • • Kalkan, A. (2011). Kişisel tutum, öznel norm ve algılanan davranış kontrolünün girişimcilik niyeti üzerindeki etkisi: Üniversite öğrencileri üzerine bir uygulama. Journal of Süleyman Demirel University Institute Of Social Sciences Year, 2(14), 189-206.
  • • Kautonen, T., Van Gelderen, M., and Tornikoski, E. T. (2013). Predicting entrepreneurial behaviour: a test of the theory of planned behaviour. Applied Economics, 45(6), 697-707.
  • • Keat, O. Y., Selvarajah, C., and Meyer, D. (2011). Inclination towards entrepreneurship among university students: An empirical study of Malaysian University students. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2(4).
  • • Kennedy, J., Drennan, J., Renfrow, P., and Watson, B. (2003). Situational factors and entrepreneurial intentions. In Proceedings of SEAANZ 2003 Conference. University of Ballarat (Online).
  • • Kickul, J., Gundry, L. K., Barbosa, S. D., and Whitcanack, L. (2009). Intuition versus analysis? Testing differential models of cognitive style on entrepreneurial self-efficacy and the new venture creation process. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(2), 439-453.
  • • King, R. G., and Levine, R. (1993). Finance, entrepreneurship and growth. Journal of Monetary economics, 32(3), 513-542.
  • • Koe, W. L., Sa’ari, J. R., Majid, I. A., and Ismail, K. (2012). Determinants of entrepreneurial intention among millennial generation. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 40, 197-208.
  • • Kolvereid, L. (1996). Prediction of employment status choice intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 21(1), 47-58.
  • • Kolvereid, L., and Moen, Ø. (1997). Entrepreneurship among business graduates: does a major in entrepreneurship make a difference?. Journal of European Industrial Training, 21(4), 154-160.
  • • Krueger Jr, N. F. (2007). What lies beneath? The experiential essence of entrepreneurial thinking. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 31(1), 123-138.
  • • Krueger Jr, N. F., Reilly, M. D., and Carsrud, A. L. (2000). Competing models of entrepreneurial intentions. Journal of Business Venturing, 15(5-6), 411-432.
  • • Krueger, N. (1993). The impact of prior entrepreneurial exposure on perceptions of new venture feasibility and desirability. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 18(1), 5-21.
  • • Linan, F. (2008). Skill and value perceptions: how do they affect entrepreneurial intentions?. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 4(3), 257-272.
  • • Liñán, F., and Chen, Y. W. (2009). Development and Cross-Cultural application of a specific instrument to measure entrepreneurial intentions. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 33(3), 593-617.
  • • Malebana, M. J., and Zindiye, S. (2017). Relationship between Entrepreneurship Education, Prior Entrepreneurial Exposure, Entrepreneurial Self-Efficacy and Entrepreneurial Intention. In 12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship ECIE 2017 (p. 392).
  • • Moriano, J. A., Gorgievski, M., Laguna, M., Stephan, U., and Zarafshani, K. (2012). A cross-cultural approach to understanding entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Career Development, 39(2), 162-185.
  • • Mueller, S. L., and Thomas, A. S. (2001). Culture and entrepreneurial potential: A nine country study of locus of control and innovativeness. Journal of Business Venturing, 16(1), 51-75.
  • • Muhammad, A. D., Aliyu, S., and Ahmed, S. (2015). Entreprenuerial Intention among Nigerian University Students. American Journal of Business Education (Online), 8(4), 239.
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Toplam 84 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makalesi

Eda Yaşa Özeltürkay Bu kişi benim

Emre Kadir Özekenci Bu kişi benim

Deniz Yalçıntaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ocak 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 7 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

APA Özeltürkay, E. Y., Özekenci, E. K., & Yalçıntaş, D. (2019). Girişimcilik Niyetlerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Belirlenmesi: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma. Gençlik Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(18), 61-78.