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Kalinda’dan Hellenistik Dönem Amphora Mühürleri

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 26, 141 - 161, 12.11.2023


Bu makalede, 2022-2023 yıllarında Kalinda antik kentinde yapılan kazılarda bulunan yirmi altı amphora mührü analiz edilmektedir. Yirmisinin Rhodos, beşinin Knidos kökenli olduğu mühürlerin birisi tanımlanamamıştır. Bu buluntular, yerleşimin Hellenistik tarihini anlamamıza katkıda bulunduğu gibi aynı zamanda Küçük Asya’nın güneybatısındaki mühürlü amphora kulplarının dağılımı ve istatistikleri hakkında bazı yeni bilgiler sağlamaktadır. Kalinda yerleşiminde kısa bir kazı dönemi içinde bu miktarda mühürlü amphora kulpunun bulunması, yerleşimin Hellenistik dönemde yakın bölgelerle ticari ilişkiler gerçekleştirdiğini göstermektedir. Ele geçen mühürlerin yaklaşık %85'i MÖ 3. yüzyıla tarihlendirilmekte, bu durum edebi metinler ve epigrafik belgelerle de desteklendiği üzere, kentin o dönemde işlek bir ticaret yolu üzerinde yer aldığını doğrulamaktadır. Bu bağlantılar Kalinda ile Ptolemaios yönetimi arasında önemli bir ilişki olduğunu göstermektedir.


  • D. T. Ariel, Imported Stamped Amphora Handles, Coins, Worked Bone and Ivory, and Glass, Excavations at the city of David 1978-1985, Qedem 30, Jérusalem 1990.
  • D. T. Ariel, Stamped Amphora Handles and Unstamped Amphora Fragments from Acre (‘Akko), ‘Atiqot 50, 2005, 181-193.
  • W. Arkwright, The Frontier of Lycia and Caria, JHS 15, 1895, 93-99.
  • N. Badoud, Amphores Rhodiennes vues à Damas par Henri Seyrig, Syria 87, 2010, 165-172.
  • C. Barker, The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus, in: J. Eiring – J. Lund (eds.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5, Athens 2004, 73-84.
  • G. E. Bean, Notes and Inscriptions from Caunus, JHS 73, 1953, 10-35.
  • G. E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London 1978.
  • A.-M. Bon – A. Bon, Les Timbres Amphoriques de Thasos, Étude Thasiennes 4, Paris 1957.
  • C. Börker – J. Burow, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon, PF 11, Berlin 1998.
  • C. Börker, Griechische Amphorenstempel vom Tell Halaf bis zum Persischen Golf, BaM 7, 1974, 31-49.
  • Y. Calvet, Les timbres amphoriques (1965-1970). Salamine de Chypre 3, Paris 1972.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde Bulunan Rhodos Amphora Mühürleri (M.A. diss. Ege University, İzmir 1995).
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, İskenderiye Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora mühürleri (PhD diss. Ege University, İzmir 2000).
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönem’de Mühürlü Amphora Üreten Merkezler ve Mühürleme Sistemleri, İstanbul 2006.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. I, Eponyms A, Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie 2015.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, ASTOS: A Wine Amphora Producer in the Rhodian Peraia, in: A. Diler – A. K. Şenol – Ü. Aydinoğlu (eds.), Olive Oil and Wine Production in Eastern Mediterranean During Antiquity, İzmir 2015, 233-241.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Early Cinidian Amphora Exports to Alexandria, Egypt, in: E. Laflı – S. Patacı (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BARIntSer 2750, Oxford 2015, 169-192.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. III, Eponyms Λ to Σ, Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie 2016.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Database Studies of Amphora Stamps, in: Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage the Case of Transport Amphorae, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Rhodes, September 30, 2017, Rhodes 2017, 215-223.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. IV, Eponyms T-X, Études Alexandrines 39, Alexandrie 2017.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Stamped Amphora Handles from the Karian Chersonesos: Loryma and Bybassos, in: W. Held (ed.), Die Karische Chersones vom Chalkolithikumbis in die byzantinische Zeit. Beiträge zu den Surveys in Loryma und Bybassos, Marburg 2019, 119-431.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol – E. Canoğlu, Mısır-Alexandria Greko-Romen Müzesi’nde Bulunan Düğme Formlu Mühürler, ADerg 14, 2009, 109-164.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol – A. K. Şenol – E. Doğer, Amphora Production in the Rhodian Peraea in the Hellenistic Period, in: J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5, Athens 2004, 353-359.
  • M. Coja, Les Centres de Production Amphorique Identifiés À Istros Pontique, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 417-450.
  • N. Conovici – M. Irimia, Timbres Amphoriques et Autres Inscriptions Céramiques Découverts À Satu Nou (Comm. D’Oltina, Dép. De Constantza), Dacia 35, 1991, 139-175.
  • E. Doğer, Rodoslu Çömlekçi Hieroteles, ADerg 2, 1994, 195-218.
  • E. Doğer – G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Batı Anadolu’da Bulunan Bir Grup Amphora Mühürü, ADerg 5, 1997, 33-50.
  • E. Dündar, Transport Jars and Stamped Amphoras from Patara, 7th to 1st Centuries BC. The Maritime Trade of a Harbor City in Lycia, Patara IV.3, İstanbul 2017.
  • E. Dündar – A. Gerçek, Imported Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles from Tatarlı Höyük (in the Province of Adana-Turkey), Gephyra 15, 2018, 153-174.
  • E. Dündar – Ö. Tatar, A Hellenistic Context from Ptolemaic Patara: Remarks on Amphora Stamps and Coins, forthcoming.
  • G. Elmalı, Alexandria (Mısır) Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Knidos Amphora Mühürleri Işığında Alexandria-Knidos Ticari İlişkileri (M.A. diss. Ege University, İzmir 2018).
  • J.-Y. Empereur, Producteurs d’amphores dans les ateliers de Reşadiye (Péninsule de Datça), AST 6, 1988, 159-163.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, Une Banque de Données Sur Les Vases Conteneurs - Amphores et Lagynoi - Dans Le Monde Grec et Roman, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10-12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 127-141.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – M. Picon, A la recherche des fours d’amphores, J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 103-126.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – A. Hesnard, Les Amphores Hellénistiques, Céramiques Hellénistiques et Romaines II, Paris 1987, 9-70.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – N. Tuna, Zénon de Caunos et l'épave de Serçe Limanı, BCH 112, 1988, 341-357.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – N. Tuna, Hiérotélès, Potier Rhodien de la Pérée, BCH 113, 1989, 277-299.
  • G. Finkielsztejn, Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ, BAR IntSer 990, Oxford 2001.
  • G. Gentili, I timbri anforari rodii nel museo nazionale di Siracusa, Archivio Siracusano 4, 1958, 18-95.
  • V. Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles Found in 1931-1932, Hesperia 3, 1934, 197-310.
  • V. Grace, The Stamped Amphora Handles, in: H. Goldman (ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, Princeton 1950, 135-148.
  • V. R. Grace, Stamped Wine Jar Fragments, in: L. Talcott – B. Philippaki – G. R. Edwards – V. Grace (eds.), Small Objects from the Pnyx: II [Hesperia Suppl. 10], Princeton, N.J. 1956, 116-189.
  • V. R. Grace, Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula, Hesperia 32, 1963, 319-334.
  • V. R. Grace, Some Amphoras from a Hellenistic Wreck, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 551-565.
  • V. Grace – M. Savvatianou-Pétropoulakou, Les Timbres Amphoriques Grecs, in: P. Bruneau et al. (eds.), L'îlot de la maison des comédiens, Délos XXVII, Paris 1970, 277-382.
  • N. Jefremow, Керамические клейма позднеклассического-раннеэллинистического Книда. «Протокнидские» клейма и клейма с «носом корабля», Вопросы эпиграфики 7/1, 2013, 405-451.
  • N. Jefremow – A. B. Kolesnikov – J. V. Bolonkina, Zur Chronologie der Amphorenstempel des frühhellenistischen Knidos. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Stempeln der Zenon-Gruppe, AA 2021/1, 283-295.
  • G. Jöhrens, Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais, EurAnt 7, 2001, 367-479.
  • V. Keleş – E. Alkaç – İ. Akkaş, Parion’dan Amphora ve Lagynos Mühürleri, Graffito ve Dipinto Yazıtlar, Parion Studies IV, İstanbul 2019.
  • C. G. Koehler – M. B. Wallace, Appendix. The Transport Amphoras: Description and Capacities, in: C. Pulak – R. F. Townsend (eds.), The Hellenistic Shipwreck at Serçe Limanı, Turkey: Preliminary Report, AJA 91, 1987, 49-57.
  • H. Kökmen-Seyirci, A Thorough Typological Study on the Stamped Amphora Handles Found During the 2013 Excavation Season from the Western Area of Lycian Structure in Xanthos, Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 22/3, 2022, 281-302.
  • M. L. Lawall, Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles, in: V. Mitsopoulos-Leon – C. Lang-Auinger (eds.), Die Basilika am Staatsmarkt in Ephesos, 2. Teil: Funde klassischer bis römischer Zeit, FiE IX/2/3, Wien 2007, 28-60.
  • M. L. Lawall, Early Hellenistic Amphoras from Two Closed Contexts: Kerynia Shipwreck and Ephesos Well LB, in: Ζ΄ Επιστημονική Συνάντηση για την Ελληνιστική Κεραμική. Αίγιο 4–9 Απριλιου 2005 Πρακτικά, Athens 2011, 673-682.
  • H. Lohmann, Zwischen Kaunos und Telmessos. Reisenotizen aus dem karischlykischen Grenzgebiet, Orbis Terrarum 5, 1999, 43-83.
  • K. Madzharov – T. Stoyanov, New Evidence on the Chronology of the So-Called Zenon B Group Amphorae of Knidos, in: I. Valchev (ed.), Stephanos archaeologicos ad 80 annum professoris Ludmili Getov, Studia Archaeologica Universitatis Serdicensis Suppl. VI, Sofia 2018, 141-149.
  • I. Nicolaou – J.-Y. Empereur, Amphores Rhodiennes du Musée de Nicosie, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10-12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 515-533.
  • I. Nicolaou, The Stamped Amphora Handles from the House of Dionysos, Paphos V, Nicosia 2005.
  • F. Onur, Parerga to the Stadiasmus Patarensis (16): The Roads, Settlements and Territories, Gephyra 13, 2016, 89-118.
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  • E.M. Pridik, Аталогъ Клеймъ На Амфорныхъ Ручкахъ И Горлышкахъ И На Черепинахъ Эрмитажнаго Собранія, Petrograd 1917.
  • L. Ross, Kleinasien und Deutschland. Reisebriefe und Aufsätze mit Bezugnahme auf die Möglichkeit Deutscher Niederlassungen in Kleinasien, Halle 1850.
  • M.-L. Säflund, Stamped Amphora Handles, Labraunda II/2, Stockholm 1980.
  • B. Schmaltz, Die hellenistischen Amphorenstempel von Kaunos, AMS 79, Bonn 2016.
  • F. Şahin – E. Alkaç, Adana/Tepebağ Amphora Mühürleri, TÜBA-AR 24, 2019, 111-132.
  • A. K. Şenol, Erken Knidos Amphoraların (İ.Ö. 3. Yüzyıl) Monogram Mühürler (M.A. diss. Ege University, İzmir 1995).
  • Z. Sztetyłło, Les Timbres Céramiques (1965-1973), Nea Paphos I, Warsaw 1976.
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  • N. Tuna – J.-Y. Empereur, Datça / Reşadiye Antik Seramik Atölyeleri Kazısı, 1988, AST 7, 1990, 555-567.
  • N. Tuna – J.-Y. Empereur – M. Picon – E. Doğer, Rapport Préliminaire de la Prospection Archéologique Turco-Française des Ateliers d’amphores de Reşadiye-Kiliseyanı, sur la Péninsule de Datça, Anatolia Antiqua 1, 1988, 47-52.
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Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 26, 141 - 161, 12.11.2023


This article analyzes twenty-six amphora stamps found during the excavations at the ancient city of Kalynda in 2022-2023. Twenty are identified as being of Rhodian origin, five are from Knidos, and one is unidentified. These finds not only contribute to our understanding of the Hellenistic history of the settlement but also provide some new information on the distribution and statistics of stamped amphora handles in southwestern Asia Minor. The quantity of stamped amphora handles found in Kalynda during a brief excavation period suggests that the settlement engaged in commercial relations with neighboring regions in the Hellenistic era. About 85% of the stamps found relate to the 3rd century BC, verifying the locality’s situation on a bustling trade path as backed by epigraphic documents and literary sources. These connections indicate an important relationship between Kalynda and the Ptolemaic administration.


  • D. T. Ariel, Imported Stamped Amphora Handles, Coins, Worked Bone and Ivory, and Glass, Excavations at the city of David 1978-1985, Qedem 30, Jérusalem 1990.
  • D. T. Ariel, Stamped Amphora Handles and Unstamped Amphora Fragments from Acre (‘Akko), ‘Atiqot 50, 2005, 181-193.
  • W. Arkwright, The Frontier of Lycia and Caria, JHS 15, 1895, 93-99.
  • N. Badoud, Amphores Rhodiennes vues à Damas par Henri Seyrig, Syria 87, 2010, 165-172.
  • C. Barker, The Use of Rhodian Amphorae in Hellenistic Graves at Nea Paphos, Cyprus, in: J. Eiring – J. Lund (eds.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5, Athens 2004, 73-84.
  • G. E. Bean, Notes and Inscriptions from Caunus, JHS 73, 1953, 10-35.
  • G. E. Bean, Lycian Turkey: An Archaeological Guide, London 1978.
  • A.-M. Bon – A. Bon, Les Timbres Amphoriques de Thasos, Étude Thasiennes 4, Paris 1957.
  • C. Börker – J. Burow, Die Hellenistischen Amphorenstempel aus Pergamon, PF 11, Berlin 1998.
  • C. Börker, Griechische Amphorenstempel vom Tell Halaf bis zum Persischen Golf, BaM 7, 1974, 31-49.
  • Y. Calvet, Les timbres amphoriques (1965-1970). Salamine de Chypre 3, Paris 1972.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, İstanbul Arkeoloji Müzesi’nde Bulunan Rhodos Amphora Mühürleri (M.A. diss. Ege University, İzmir 1995).
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, İskenderiye Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Hellenistik Dönem Amphora mühürleri (PhD diss. Ege University, İzmir 2000).
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Klasik ve Hellenistik Dönem’de Mühürlü Amphora Üreten Merkezler ve Mühürleme Sistemleri, İstanbul 2006.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. I, Eponyms A, Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie 2015.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, ASTOS: A Wine Amphora Producer in the Rhodian Peraia, in: A. Diler – A. K. Şenol – Ü. Aydinoğlu (eds.), Olive Oil and Wine Production in Eastern Mediterranean During Antiquity, İzmir 2015, 233-241.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Early Cinidian Amphora Exports to Alexandria, Egypt, in: E. Laflı – S. Patacı (eds.), Recent Studies on the Archaeology of Anatolia, BARIntSer 2750, Oxford 2015, 169-192.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. III, Eponyms Λ to Σ, Études Alexandrines 33, Alexandrie 2016.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Database Studies of Amphora Stamps, in: Protection and Enhancement of Cultural Heritage the Case of Transport Amphorae, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference Rhodes, September 30, 2017, Rhodes 2017, 215-223.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Lexicon of Eponym Dies on Rhodian Amphora Stamps Vol. IV, Eponyms T-X, Études Alexandrines 39, Alexandrie 2017.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Stamped Amphora Handles from the Karian Chersonesos: Loryma and Bybassos, in: W. Held (ed.), Die Karische Chersones vom Chalkolithikumbis in die byzantinische Zeit. Beiträge zu den Surveys in Loryma und Bybassos, Marburg 2019, 119-431.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol – E. Canoğlu, Mısır-Alexandria Greko-Romen Müzesi’nde Bulunan Düğme Formlu Mühürler, ADerg 14, 2009, 109-164.
  • G. Cankardeş-Şenol – A. K. Şenol – E. Doğer, Amphora Production in the Rhodian Peraea in the Hellenistic Period, in: J. Eiring – J. Lund (edd.), Transport Amphorae and Trade in the Eastern Mediterranean. Acts of the International Colloquium at the Danish Institute at Athens, September 26-29, 2002, Monographs of the Danish Institute at Athens 5, Athens 2004, 353-359.
  • M. Coja, Les Centres de Production Amphorique Identifiés À Istros Pontique, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 417-450.
  • N. Conovici – M. Irimia, Timbres Amphoriques et Autres Inscriptions Céramiques Découverts À Satu Nou (Comm. D’Oltina, Dép. De Constantza), Dacia 35, 1991, 139-175.
  • E. Doğer, Rodoslu Çömlekçi Hieroteles, ADerg 2, 1994, 195-218.
  • E. Doğer – G. Cankardeş-Şenol, Batı Anadolu’da Bulunan Bir Grup Amphora Mühürü, ADerg 5, 1997, 33-50.
  • E. Dündar, Transport Jars and Stamped Amphoras from Patara, 7th to 1st Centuries BC. The Maritime Trade of a Harbor City in Lycia, Patara IV.3, İstanbul 2017.
  • E. Dündar – A. Gerçek, Imported Hellenistic Stamped Amphora Handles from Tatarlı Höyük (in the Province of Adana-Turkey), Gephyra 15, 2018, 153-174.
  • E. Dündar – Ö. Tatar, A Hellenistic Context from Ptolemaic Patara: Remarks on Amphora Stamps and Coins, forthcoming.
  • G. Elmalı, Alexandria (Mısır) Kurtarma Kazılarında Ele Geçen Knidos Amphora Mühürleri Işığında Alexandria-Knidos Ticari İlişkileri (M.A. diss. Ege University, İzmir 2018).
  • J.-Y. Empereur, Producteurs d’amphores dans les ateliers de Reşadiye (Péninsule de Datça), AST 6, 1988, 159-163.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – A.-M. Guimier-Sorbets, Une Banque de Données Sur Les Vases Conteneurs - Amphores et Lagynoi - Dans Le Monde Grec et Roman, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10-12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 127-141.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – M. Picon, A la recherche des fours d’amphores, J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 103-126.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – A. Hesnard, Les Amphores Hellénistiques, Céramiques Hellénistiques et Romaines II, Paris 1987, 9-70.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – N. Tuna, Zénon de Caunos et l'épave de Serçe Limanı, BCH 112, 1988, 341-357.
  • J.-Y. Empereur – N. Tuna, Hiérotélès, Potier Rhodien de la Pérée, BCH 113, 1989, 277-299.
  • G. Finkielsztejn, Chronologie détaillée et révisée des éponymes amphoriques rhodiens, de 270 à 108 av. J.-C. environ, BAR IntSer 990, Oxford 2001.
  • G. Gentili, I timbri anforari rodii nel museo nazionale di Siracusa, Archivio Siracusano 4, 1958, 18-95.
  • V. Grace, Stamped Amphora Handles Found in 1931-1932, Hesperia 3, 1934, 197-310.
  • V. Grace, The Stamped Amphora Handles, in: H. Goldman (ed.), Excavations at Gözlü Kule, Tarsus I, Princeton 1950, 135-148.
  • V. R. Grace, Stamped Wine Jar Fragments, in: L. Talcott – B. Philippaki – G. R. Edwards – V. Grace (eds.), Small Objects from the Pnyx: II [Hesperia Suppl. 10], Princeton, N.J. 1956, 116-189.
  • V. R. Grace, Notes on the Amphoras from the Koroni Peninsula, Hesperia 32, 1963, 319-334.
  • V. R. Grace, Some Amphoras from a Hellenistic Wreck, in: J.-Y. Empereur – Y. Garlan (eds.), Recherches sur les Amphores Grecques. Actes du Colloque International Organisé par le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, L’Université de Rennes II et L’École Française D’Athènes, 10–12 Septembre 1984, Athènes, BCH Suppl. 13, Athens 1986, 551-565.
  • V. Grace – M. Savvatianou-Pétropoulakou, Les Timbres Amphoriques Grecs, in: P. Bruneau et al. (eds.), L'îlot de la maison des comédiens, Délos XXVII, Paris 1970, 277-382.
  • N. Jefremow, Керамические клейма позднеклассического-раннеэллинистического Книда. «Протокнидские» клейма и клейма с «носом корабля», Вопросы эпиграфики 7/1, 2013, 405-451.
  • N. Jefremow – A. B. Kolesnikov – J. V. Bolonkina, Zur Chronologie der Amphorenstempel des frühhellenistischen Knidos. Einige Bemerkungen zu den Stempeln der Zenon-Gruppe, AA 2021/1, 283-295.
  • G. Jöhrens, Amphorenstempel hellenistischer Zeit aus Tanais, EurAnt 7, 2001, 367-479.
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Toplam 70 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Yunan ve Roma Dönemi Arkeolojisi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Erkan Dündar 0000-0002-7907-1260

Yayımlanma Tarihi 12 Kasım 2023
Gönderilme Tarihi 18 Eylül 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 26

Kaynak Göster

APA Dündar, E. (2023). Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda. Gephyra, 26, 141-161.
AMA Dündar E. Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda. GEPHYRA. Kasım 2023;26:141-161. doi:10.37095/gephyra.1362218
Chicago Dündar, Erkan. “Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda”. Gephyra 26, Kasım (Kasım 2023): 141-61.
EndNote Dündar E (01 Kasım 2023) Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda. Gephyra 26 141–161.
IEEE E. Dündar, “Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda”, GEPHYRA, c. 26, ss. 141–161, 2023, doi: 10.37095/gephyra.1362218.
ISNAD Dündar, Erkan. “Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda”. Gephyra 26 (Kasım 2023), 141-161.
JAMA Dündar E. Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda. GEPHYRA. 2023;26:141–161.
MLA Dündar, Erkan. “Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda”. Gephyra, c. 26, 2023, ss. 141-6, doi:10.37095/gephyra.1362218.
Vancouver Dündar E. Hellenistic Amphora Stamps from Kalynda. GEPHYRA. 2023;26:141-6.