Yoğurt dondurması ilk olarak 1960’lı yıllarda Kuzey Amerika’da geliştirilmiş ve ticari gelişimini 1980’liyıllarda New England’da kazanmış bir süt ürünüdür. Bu amaçla üretilen yoğurt dondurması; yoğurtkültürü olan Lactobacillus bulgaricus ve Streptococcus thermophilus’un dondurma teknolojisi ilebütünleştirildiği ve dondurmanın yapısal özellikleri ile yoğurdun asidik tadının birleştirildiği, tüketenlerdeserinletici bir etki uyandıran özel bir gıdadır. Yoğurt dondurması üretiminin olduğu ülkelerin çoğundaürün standartlarının bulunmaması ve ayrıca kimyasal kompozisyonunun üretim teknolojilerine göreçeşitlilik göstermesi, yoğurt dondurması üretiminde ve lezzetinde farklılıklar gösterebilmektedir. Genelolarak yoğurt dondurması üretim prosesi, pıhtısı kırılmış doğal yoğurt ile soğuk meyve şurubu karışımı,stabilizör/ emülgatör ve şekerin karıştırılması ve sonrasında dondurulması esaslarına dayanır. Uygunkoşullarda üretilen yoğurt dondurmaları -18/ -35 °C’ler arasında soğuk hava depolarında 12 ay süre ilede saklanabilmektedir. Bu derlemede ülkemiz için yeni bir tat olan yoğurt dondurmasının tanımı, tarihçesi,tüketimi, bileşimi, üretim teknolojisi, depolama koşulları ve beslenmedeki önemi hakkında bilgilerverilmiştir
Coşkun H. 1998. Yoğurt dondurması. Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Der. 29 (2), 354-358.
Anon. 2014. How frozen yogurt is made ? Erişim adresi: [http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/ Frozen-Yogurt.html] Erişim Tarihi: 03.01.2014.
Agarwal S, Prasad R. 2013. Efect of stabiliser on sensory characteristics and microbial analysis of low-fat frozen yogurt incorporated with carrot pulp. Int J Agr Food Sci Tech 4 (8) 797-806.
Anon 2014. United States Departman of Agriculture Erişim adresi: [http://usda.mannlib. cornell.edu/ ] Erişim tarihi: 02.02.2014.
Davis CG, Yen ST, Dong D, Blayney DP. 2011. Assessing economic and demographic factors that influence United States dairy demand. J Dairy Sci 94 3715-3723
Anon 2013. Marketline industry profile, ice cream in Europe, Temmuz 2013
Anon 2013. Marketline industry profile, ice cream in Asia – Pacific.
Miao YZ, Lin Q, Cao Y, He GH, Qiao DR, Cao Y. 2011. Extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS) from Chinese truffle and its application in frozen yogurt. Carbohydrate Polymers 86 566-573 14. Masson J. 2011. Probiotics and prebiotics. Erişim adresi: https://harmonsgrocery.zaneray.com/ images/pdfs/ProbioticsPrebiotics.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.06.2014
Shah NP. 2007. Functional cultures and health benefits, Int Daıry J. 17 1262-1277.
Mahdian E, Tehrani MM, Nobahari M. 2012. Optimizing yoghurt-ice cream mix blend in soy based frozen yoghurt. J Agr Sci Tech. 14: 1275-1284 17. Alves AL, Richards NSPS, Becker LV, Andrade DF, Milani LI, Rezer APS, Scipioni GC. 2009. Sensorial acceptance and characterization of goat’s milk frozen yogurt with addition of probiotic culture and prebiotic. Ciencia Rural, 39 2595-600.
Martins CM, Block LG, Dahl DW. 2009. A disregard for calories during sampling: Exploring the "samples don’t count" effect. Health 6 218-222
Kosikowski F. 1977. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. By FV Kosikowski and Associates Brooktondale, New York, 1st Ed., 87-109.
Sanabria LAA. 2012. Development of a frozen yogurt fortified with a nano-emulsion containing purple rice bran oil. B.S., Zamorano University, Honduras.
Anon. 2009. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Fermente Süt Ürünleri Tebliği RG Tarihi: 16.02.2009 Sayı: 27143. 22. Işık U, Boyacıoğlu D, Çapanoğlu E, Nilüfer Erdil D. 2011. Frozen yogurt with added inulin and isomalt. J Dairy Sci. 94 :1647-1656
Arbuckle WS, Marshall RT. 1986. Ice Cream. By Van No Strand Rein Hold Company, New York. Pp.711, 5th Ed.
Rezaei R, Khomeiri M, Aalami, M, Kashaninejad M. 2012. Effect of inulin on the physicochemical properties, flow behavior and probiotic survival of frozen yogurt. J Food Sci Technol ISSN: 0022-1155. 25. Tieszen KM. Baer RJ. 1989. Composition and microbiological quality of frozen yogurts. Cultured Dairy Products Journal, 24 (4) 11.
Ahmadi A, Milani E, Madadlou A, Mortazavı SA, Mokarram RR, Salarbashi D. 2014. Synbiotic yogurt-ice cream produced via incorporation of microencapsulated lactobacillus acidophilus (la-5) and fructooligosaccharide. J Food Sci Technol 51 (8) 1568-1574
Lyck S, Nilsson LE, Tamime AY. 2006. In Fermented Milks, Edited by Tamime, A.Y., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,, 217-236.
Hancock J. 2014. Method of making frozen confections. United States Patent, Patent No: US 8679566 B1 Date of Patent: March, 25, 2014
Pannell LK, Merkwae LM. 2014. Bite sized refrigerated yogurt products. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20140234491 A1 Date of Patent: May, 1, 2014
Anon. 2014. Microbiological requirements for ice cream, ice milk, ice cream mix, and frozen yogurt Erişim adresi: [http://www.legis.nd.gov/ i n f o r m a t i o n / a c d a t a / p d f / 7 - 0 3 . 2 - 0 9 . p d f ? 20140203034241] Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2014.
Soodbakhsh S, Gheisari HR, Aminlari M, Dehnavi T. 2012. Viability of encapsuled Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis in synbiotic frozen yogurt and their survival under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Int J Probiotics Prebiotics 7 (3/4) 121-128.
Pinto SS, Fritzel-Freire CB, Munoz IB, Berreto PLM, Prudencio ES, Ambani RDM. 2012. Effects of the addition of microencapsulated Bifidobacterium BB-12 on the properties of frozen yogurt. J Food Eng 111 563-569
Ho DT, Schaffer-Lequart C, Dose S, Tournade S. 2012. Fermented frozen dessert. United States Patent, Patent No: US 8,273,392 B2 Date of Patent: Sep. 25, 2012.
Anon 2013. About yoğurt, National yogurt association. Erişim adresi: [http://www.aboutyogurt. com/ ] Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2013.
Grossi M, Pompei A, Lanzoni M, Lazzarini R, Matteuzzi D, Riccò B. 2009. Total bacterial count in soft-frozen dairy products by impedance biosensor system, IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (10) 1270-1276.
Amer AEA, Shalaby SA. 2012. Preperation and use of exopolysaccharides in the manufacture of probiotic frozen yogurt. Egyptian J Dairy Sci. 40 25-34 37. Lallemand MI, Gutierrez AMB, Le Borgne NF, Penet S, Puaud MM, Heng L, Lacout JM. 2013. Frozen confectionery product with a natural stabiliser. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20130129897 A1 Date of Patent: May, 24, 2013
Jones S, Jones C, Jones K, Lynn R. 2012. Particulate frozen yogurt-based product. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20120183667 A1 Date of Patent: July, 19, 2012
Anon 2013. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Katkı Maddeleri Yönetmeliği RG Tarihi : 30.6.2013 Sayı: 28693.
Sharma S, Wilkens LR, Shen L, Kolonel LN. 2013. Dietary sources of five nutrients in ethnic groups represented in the Multiethnic Cohort. Brit J Nutr 1479-1489
Chandan RC. Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks, Ed: White CH, Kilara A, Hui YH. 2006, 1st Ed., Blackwell Pub., Oxford, UK.
Gürsoy A. 2013. Dondurma Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Süt Teknolojisi Bölümü Erişim Tarihi: 26.11.2013 Erişim adresi: [http://www.agri.ankara.edu.tr/sut/1334__ Dondurma.pdf ]
Anon 2007. Mesleki eğitim ve öğretim sisteminin güçlendirilmesi projesi, Gıda teknolojisi, Dondurma üretimi, (10-25).
Tayar M, Çıbık R. 2013. Gıda Kimyası., Katkı Maddeleri, 195-272., 3. Baskı, Dora Basım-Yayın Dağıtım Ltd.Şti., Bursa., 233-257.
Hui YH. 2012. Handbook of Animal-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology. 2nd Ed., CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
Weinbrenner DR, Barefoot SF, Grinstead DA. 1997. Inhibition of yogurt starter cultures by jenseniin G, Propionibacterium bacteriocin. J Dairy Sci. 80 (7) 1246-1253.
Grossi M, Lanzoni M, Lazzarini R, Riccò B. 2012. Automatic ice-cream characterization by impedance measurements for optimal machine setting. Measurement 45 1747-1754
Lopez MC, Medina LM, Jordano R. 1998. Survival of lactic acid bacteria in commercial frozen yogurt. J Food Sci 63 (4) 706-708.
Frozen yogurt was produced for the first time in North America in the 1960s and it had gained itscommercial development in New England in the 1980s. Frozen yogurt is a special product which is preparedby integrating yogurt culture which are Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus withice cream technology. It is a refreshing dessert has the ice cream texture and the acidic taste of yogurt.There are many different production methods due to lack of legal standards and legislations in manycountries. The chemical composition and the taste of frozen yogurt varies according to this productionmethods. The production process based on mixing and then freezing the natural stirred yogurt, coldfruit syrup mix, stabilizer/emulsifier and sugar. Frozen yogurts which are produced under the properconditions can be store between -18/ -35 °C for 12 months. In this review some information about theconsumption, composition, production techniques, storage conditions of frozen yogurt which is a newtaste for our country and the importance for nutrition are discussed
Coşkun H. 1998. Yoğurt dondurması. Atatürk Üniv Zir Fak Der. 29 (2), 354-358.
Anon. 2014. How frozen yogurt is made ? Erişim adresi: [http://www.madehow.com/Volume-2/ Frozen-Yogurt.html] Erişim Tarihi: 03.01.2014.
Agarwal S, Prasad R. 2013. Efect of stabiliser on sensory characteristics and microbial analysis of low-fat frozen yogurt incorporated with carrot pulp. Int J Agr Food Sci Tech 4 (8) 797-806.
Anon 2014. United States Departman of Agriculture Erişim adresi: [http://usda.mannlib. cornell.edu/ ] Erişim tarihi: 02.02.2014.
Davis CG, Yen ST, Dong D, Blayney DP. 2011. Assessing economic and demographic factors that influence United States dairy demand. J Dairy Sci 94 3715-3723
Anon 2013. Marketline industry profile, ice cream in Europe, Temmuz 2013
Anon 2013. Marketline industry profile, ice cream in Asia – Pacific.
Miao YZ, Lin Q, Cao Y, He GH, Qiao DR, Cao Y. 2011. Extraction of water-soluble polysaccharides (WSPS) from Chinese truffle and its application in frozen yogurt. Carbohydrate Polymers 86 566-573 14. Masson J. 2011. Probiotics and prebiotics. Erişim adresi: https://harmonsgrocery.zaneray.com/ images/pdfs/ProbioticsPrebiotics.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.06.2014
Shah NP. 2007. Functional cultures and health benefits, Int Daıry J. 17 1262-1277.
Mahdian E, Tehrani MM, Nobahari M. 2012. Optimizing yoghurt-ice cream mix blend in soy based frozen yoghurt. J Agr Sci Tech. 14: 1275-1284 17. Alves AL, Richards NSPS, Becker LV, Andrade DF, Milani LI, Rezer APS, Scipioni GC. 2009. Sensorial acceptance and characterization of goat’s milk frozen yogurt with addition of probiotic culture and prebiotic. Ciencia Rural, 39 2595-600.
Martins CM, Block LG, Dahl DW. 2009. A disregard for calories during sampling: Exploring the "samples don’t count" effect. Health 6 218-222
Kosikowski F. 1977. Cheese and Fermented Milk Foods. By FV Kosikowski and Associates Brooktondale, New York, 1st Ed., 87-109.
Sanabria LAA. 2012. Development of a frozen yogurt fortified with a nano-emulsion containing purple rice bran oil. B.S., Zamorano University, Honduras.
Anon. 2009. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Fermente Süt Ürünleri Tebliği RG Tarihi: 16.02.2009 Sayı: 27143. 22. Işık U, Boyacıoğlu D, Çapanoğlu E, Nilüfer Erdil D. 2011. Frozen yogurt with added inulin and isomalt. J Dairy Sci. 94 :1647-1656
Arbuckle WS, Marshall RT. 1986. Ice Cream. By Van No Strand Rein Hold Company, New York. Pp.711, 5th Ed.
Rezaei R, Khomeiri M, Aalami, M, Kashaninejad M. 2012. Effect of inulin on the physicochemical properties, flow behavior and probiotic survival of frozen yogurt. J Food Sci Technol ISSN: 0022-1155. 25. Tieszen KM. Baer RJ. 1989. Composition and microbiological quality of frozen yogurts. Cultured Dairy Products Journal, 24 (4) 11.
Ahmadi A, Milani E, Madadlou A, Mortazavı SA, Mokarram RR, Salarbashi D. 2014. Synbiotic yogurt-ice cream produced via incorporation of microencapsulated lactobacillus acidophilus (la-5) and fructooligosaccharide. J Food Sci Technol 51 (8) 1568-1574
Lyck S, Nilsson LE, Tamime AY. 2006. In Fermented Milks, Edited by Tamime, A.Y., Blackwell Publishing, Oxford,, 217-236.
Hancock J. 2014. Method of making frozen confections. United States Patent, Patent No: US 8679566 B1 Date of Patent: March, 25, 2014
Pannell LK, Merkwae LM. 2014. Bite sized refrigerated yogurt products. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20140234491 A1 Date of Patent: May, 1, 2014
Anon. 2014. Microbiological requirements for ice cream, ice milk, ice cream mix, and frozen yogurt Erişim adresi: [http://www.legis.nd.gov/ i n f o r m a t i o n / a c d a t a / p d f / 7 - 0 3 . 2 - 0 9 . p d f ? 20140203034241] Erişim Tarihi: 01.02.2014.
Soodbakhsh S, Gheisari HR, Aminlari M, Dehnavi T. 2012. Viability of encapsuled Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis in synbiotic frozen yogurt and their survival under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Int J Probiotics Prebiotics 7 (3/4) 121-128.
Pinto SS, Fritzel-Freire CB, Munoz IB, Berreto PLM, Prudencio ES, Ambani RDM. 2012. Effects of the addition of microencapsulated Bifidobacterium BB-12 on the properties of frozen yogurt. J Food Eng 111 563-569
Ho DT, Schaffer-Lequart C, Dose S, Tournade S. 2012. Fermented frozen dessert. United States Patent, Patent No: US 8,273,392 B2 Date of Patent: Sep. 25, 2012.
Anon 2013. About yoğurt, National yogurt association. Erişim adresi: [http://www.aboutyogurt. com/ ] Erişim Tarihi: 02.12.2013.
Grossi M, Pompei A, Lanzoni M, Lazzarini R, Matteuzzi D, Riccò B. 2009. Total bacterial count in soft-frozen dairy products by impedance biosensor system, IEEE Sensors Journal 9 (10) 1270-1276.
Amer AEA, Shalaby SA. 2012. Preperation and use of exopolysaccharides in the manufacture of probiotic frozen yogurt. Egyptian J Dairy Sci. 40 25-34 37. Lallemand MI, Gutierrez AMB, Le Borgne NF, Penet S, Puaud MM, Heng L, Lacout JM. 2013. Frozen confectionery product with a natural stabiliser. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20130129897 A1 Date of Patent: May, 24, 2013
Jones S, Jones C, Jones K, Lynn R. 2012. Particulate frozen yogurt-based product. United States Patent, Patent No: US 20120183667 A1 Date of Patent: July, 19, 2012
Anon 2013. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Katkı Maddeleri Yönetmeliği RG Tarihi : 30.6.2013 Sayı: 28693.
Sharma S, Wilkens LR, Shen L, Kolonel LN. 2013. Dietary sources of five nutrients in ethnic groups represented in the Multiethnic Cohort. Brit J Nutr 1479-1489
Chandan RC. Manufacturing Yogurt and Fermented Milks, Ed: White CH, Kilara A, Hui YH. 2006, 1st Ed., Blackwell Pub., Oxford, UK.
Gürsoy A. 2013. Dondurma Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Süt Teknolojisi Bölümü Erişim Tarihi: 26.11.2013 Erişim adresi: [http://www.agri.ankara.edu.tr/sut/1334__ Dondurma.pdf ]
Anon 2007. Mesleki eğitim ve öğretim sisteminin güçlendirilmesi projesi, Gıda teknolojisi, Dondurma üretimi, (10-25).
Tayar M, Çıbık R. 2013. Gıda Kimyası., Katkı Maddeleri, 195-272., 3. Baskı, Dora Basım-Yayın Dağıtım Ltd.Şti., Bursa., 233-257.
Hui YH. 2012. Handbook of Animal-Based Fermented Food and Beverage Technology. 2nd Ed., CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
Weinbrenner DR, Barefoot SF, Grinstead DA. 1997. Inhibition of yogurt starter cultures by jenseniin G, Propionibacterium bacteriocin. J Dairy Sci. 80 (7) 1246-1253.
Grossi M, Lanzoni M, Lazzarini R, Riccò B. 2012. Automatic ice-cream characterization by impedance measurements for optimal machine setting. Measurement 45 1747-1754
Lopez MC, Medina LM, Jordano R. 1998. Survival of lactic acid bacteria in commercial frozen yogurt. J Food Sci 63 (4) 706-708.