Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 5, 337 - 344, 01.10.2016
Y Sedat Velioğlu
Ergün Cönger
Pelin Aksu
Domateslere laboratuvar koşullarında iki farklı pestisit (azoxystrobin ve chlorpyrifos) uygulanmıştır. Budomatesler daha sonra suda veya ozon uygulanan suda yıkanmıştır. Uygulamaların pestisit giderimi,askorbik asit düzeyi ve renk üzerine olan etkileri incelenmiştir. Yapılan uygulamaya bakılmaksızınchlorpyrifosun azoxystrobine göre çok daha kolay giderildiği görülmüştür. Azoxystrobinde su, çalkalamalısu ve ozonlu su ile yapılan 5 dakikalık yıkama işlemi sırasıyla %4.4, %13 ve %39 oranında giderim sağlarkenaynı uygulamalar 30 saniye süreli chlorpyrifos uygulamasında sırasıyla %74, %77 ve %86 oranında giderimsağlamıştır. Renk ve askorbik asit içerikleri açısından suyla ve ozonlu suyla yapılan yıkama uygulamalarıarasında önemli bir fark görülmemiştir. Yıkama işlemleri askorbik asitte %7-13’lük, a/b değerinde %2-5’likbir azalmaya yol açmıştır. Askorbik asitte görülen kayıp yapılan uygulamadan çok vitaminin sudakiçözünürlüğü ile ilgilidir
- Aksu P. 2007. Meyve ve Sebzelerdeki Pestisit Kalıntılarının Tayininde Gaz Kromatografisi/ Kütle Spektrofotometresi (GC/MS) ile Çoklu Kalıntı Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi, (Doktora Tezi, basılmamış), Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği ABD, İzmir.
- Holland PT, Hamilton D, Ohlin B, Skidmore W. 1994. Effects of storage and processing on pesticide residues in plant products. Pure and Appl Chem. 66:335-356.
- Guzel-Seydim ZB, Grene AK, Seydim AC. 2004. Use of ozone in the food industry. Lebensm. Wiss- u Tech. 37:45-460.
- Karaca H, Velioglu YS. 2009. Effects of some metals and chelating agents on patulin degradation by ozone. Ozone Sci Eng. 31:224-231.
- Karaca H, Velioglu YS, Nas S. 2010. Mycotoxins: contamination of dried fruits & degradation by ozone. Toxin Rev. 29:51-59.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2001. Postharvest treatments for the reduction of mancozeb in fresh apples. J Agric Food Chem. 49: 3127-3132.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2001. Ozone and hydrogen peroxyacetic acid treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. J Agric Food Chem. 49:5689-5694.
- Wu JG, Luan TG, Lan CY, Lo WH, Chan GYS. 2007. Efficacy evaluation of low-concentration of ozonated water in removal of residual diazinon, parathion, methyl-parathion and cypermethrin on vegetable. J Food Eng. 79: 803-809.
- Kim JG, Yousef AE, Dave S. 1999. Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. J Food Protect. 62:1071-1087.
- Kim JG, Yousef AE, Khadre MA. 2003. Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Adv Food Nutr Res. 45:167-218.
- Chu W, Ching MH. 2003. Modeling the ozonation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid through a kinetics approach. Water Res. 37:39-46. 12. Ku Y, Lin HS. 2002. Decomposition of phorate in aqueous solution by photolytic ozonation. Water Res. 36:4155-4159.
- Chen WR, Sharpless C, Linden KG, Suffet IH. 2003. Treatment of organophosphate pesticides on the EPA contaminant candidate list using ozonation, International Ozone Assoc. 16th World Congress 31 Aug -5 Sept. Las Vegas Nevada USA. pp: 261-274.
- Masten SJ, Tian M, Upham BL, Trosko JE. 2001. Effect of selected pesticides and their ozonation by products on gap junctional intercellular communication using rate liver epithelial cell lines. Chemosphere 44:457-465.
- Ma J, Graham NJD. 2000. Degradation of atrazine by manganase-catalysed ozonation-influence of radical scavenges. Water Res.34:3822-3828.
- Çizelge 4. Ozonlama işleminin domateslerde askorbik asit üzerine etkileri
- Table 4. Effects of ozonation on ascorbic acid contents in tomatoes Askorbik asit (mg/kg) Ascorbic acid (mg/kg) (mg/kg DM) Azoxystrobin
- İlaçsız domates Untreated tomatoes
- Suda 5 dakika ozon uygulaması 5 min ozone treatmnt in water
- Suda 5 dakika azot uygulaması 5 min nitrogen treatment in water
- dakika suda bekletme uygulaması 5 min soaking
- İlaçlı kontrol Pesticide applied control 121.9±1.41 112.7±0.33 113.4±0.97 111.7±1.39 1110±4.57 2093.9±86.36 8.94±3.76A Chlorpyrifos
- İlaçsız domates Untreated tomatoes
- Suda 30 saniye ozon uygulaması 30 sec ozone treatment in water
- Suda 30 saniye azot uygulaması 30 sec nitrogen treatment in water
- saniye suda bekletme uygulaması30 sec soaking
- İlaçlı kontrol Pesticide applied control 162.8±4.02 147.3±3.96 151.0±2.43 148.1±0.57 141.4±2.22 2667.9±41.78 13.14±1.36C
- A-C Her bir aktif madde için aynı sütundaki farklı harfler istatistiki olarak farklılığı göstermektedir (P<0.05).
- A-C: Different letters in columns indicating a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) for each active ingredient (P<0.05).
- Ku Y, Chang JL, Shen YS, Lin SY. 1998. Decomposition of diazinon in aqueous solution by ozonation. Water Res. 32:1957-1963.
- Chiron S, Rodriguez A, Fernandez-Alba A. 1998. Application of gas and liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry to the evaluation of pirimiphos methyl degradation products in industrial water under ozone treatment. J Chromatogr A. 823:97-107. 18. Tahmasseb LA, Nelieu S, Kerhoas L, Einhorn J. 2002. Ozonation of chlorophenylurea pesticides in water: reaction monitoring and degradation pathways. Sci Total Env. 291:33-44.
- Aguera A, Almansa E, Tejedor A, Fernández- Alba A. 2000. Photocatalytic pilot scale degradation study of pyrimethanil and of its main degradation products in waters by means of solid-phase extraction followed by gas and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection. Env Sci Tech. 34:1563-1571.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2002. Degradation of mancozeb and ethylenethiourea in apples due to postharvest treatments and processing. Food Chem Tox. 67:3295-3300.
- Ölmez T, Tünay O, Bahnemann D. 2006. Çoklu substrat sistemlerinde bentazonun ozon oksidasyonu ile giderim mekanizmasının incelenmesi. İTÜ Dergisi 16:103-114.
- Ikeura H, Kobayashi F, Tamaki M. 2011. Removal of residual pesticide, fenitrothion, in vegetables by using ozone microbubbles, J Food Eng. 103:345-349.
- Ikeura H, Kobayashi F, Tamaki M. 2013. Ozone microbubble treatment at various water temperatures for the removal of residual pesticides with negligible effects on the physical properties of lettuce and cherry tomatoes. J Food Sci. 78:350-355.
- Ikeura H, Hamasaki S, Tamaki M. 2013. Effects of ozone microbubble treatment on removal of residual pesticides and quality of persimmon leaves. Food Chem. 138:366-371.
- Lin L, Xie M, Liang Y, He Y, Chan GY, Luan T. 2012. Degradation of cypermethrin, malathion and dichlorovos in water and on tea leaves with O3/UV/TiO2 treatment. Food Control 28:374-379.
- Kuşvuran E, Yıldırım D, Mavruk F, Ceyhan M. 2012. Removal of chlorpyrifos ethyl, tetradifon and chlorothalonil pesticide residues from citrus by using ozone. J Hazard Mat. 241-242: 287-300. 27. Chen JY, Lin YJ, Kuo WC. 2013. Pesticide residue removal from vegetables by ozonation. J Food Eng. 114:404-411.
- Karaca H, Walse SS, Smilanick JL. 2012. Effect of continuous 0.3 µL gaseous ozone exposure on fungucide residues on table grape berries. Postharvest Biol Technol. 64:154-159.
- Metzger C, Barnes JD, Singleton I, Andrews P. 2007. Effect of low level ozone-enrichment on the quality and condition of citrus fruit under semi-commercial conditions. IOA Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, pp: 5.11:1-7.
- Tomlin CDS. 2003. The e-Pesticide Manual (13thed. ver. 3.0 2003-04) British Crop Protection Council, UK.
- Lehotay SJ, Kok A, Hiemstra M, Bodegraven P. 2005. Validation of a fast and easy method for the determination of residues from 229 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric detection. JAOAC Int. 88:595-614.
- Reyes LF, Villareal JE, Zevallos LC. 2007. The increase in antioxidant capacity after wounding depends on the type of fruit and vegetable tissue, Food Chem. 101:1254-1262.
- SPSS Statistics Data Editor 17.0 License Authorization Wizard http://cs.its.uiowa.edu/ software/documents/SPSS17.0MacintoshSiteLicense Installation Instructions.pdf
- Duirk SE, Collette TW. 2006. Degradation of chlorpyrifos in aqueous chlorine solutions: Pathways, kinetics, and modeling, Environ Sc. Technol. 40: 546-551.
- Heleno FF, de Queiroza ME, Neves AA, Fre- itas RS, Faroni LR, DeOliviera AF. 2014. Effects of ozone fumigation treatment on the removal of residual difenoconazole from strawberries and on their quality. J Environ Sci Health B. 49:94-101.
- Rodoni L, Casadei N, Concellon A, Alicia ARC, Vicente AR. 2010. Effect of short-term ozone treatments on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit quality and cell wall degradation. J Agric Food Chem. 58:594-599.
- Aguayo E, Escalona VH, Artes F. 2006. Effect of cyclic exposure to ozone gas on physicoche- mical, sensorial and microbial quality of whole and sliced tomatoes. Postharvest Biol Technol. 39:169-177.
Yıl 2016,
Cilt: 41 Sayı: 5, 337 - 344, 01.10.2016
Y Sedat Velioğlu
Ergün Cönger
Pelin Aksu
Tomatoes were treated with two different pesticides (azoxystrobin and chlorpyrifos) in a lab scalestudy followed by washing in water and ozone bubbled water. The effects of these treatments onpesticide removal, color (a/b values) and ascorbic acid losses were evaluated. Chlorpyrifos was degraded more easily compared to azoxystrobin regardless of treatments.Water and nitrogen or ozone bubbled water treatments resulted in 4.4, 13 and 39% reduction inazoxystrobin content after 5 min treatment time while same treatments resulted in 74, 77 and 86% chlorpyrifos reduction in 30 s of treatment time, respectively. The giventreatments had no significant effect on ascorbic acid losses and color changes. The ascorbic acid lossesand color changes were 7 to 13 and 2 to 5%, respectively. Ascorbic acid losses were assumed to be dueto the higher water solubility of it other than the applied treatments
- Aksu P. 2007. Meyve ve Sebzelerdeki Pestisit Kalıntılarının Tayininde Gaz Kromatografisi/ Kütle Spektrofotometresi (GC/MS) ile Çoklu Kalıntı Analiz Yönteminin Geliştirilmesi, (Doktora Tezi, basılmamış), Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği ABD, İzmir.
- Holland PT, Hamilton D, Ohlin B, Skidmore W. 1994. Effects of storage and processing on pesticide residues in plant products. Pure and Appl Chem. 66:335-356.
- Guzel-Seydim ZB, Grene AK, Seydim AC. 2004. Use of ozone in the food industry. Lebensm. Wiss- u Tech. 37:45-460.
- Karaca H, Velioglu YS. 2009. Effects of some metals and chelating agents on patulin degradation by ozone. Ozone Sci Eng. 31:224-231.
- Karaca H, Velioglu YS, Nas S. 2010. Mycotoxins: contamination of dried fruits & degradation by ozone. Toxin Rev. 29:51-59.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2001. Postharvest treatments for the reduction of mancozeb in fresh apples. J Agric Food Chem. 49: 3127-3132.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2001. Ozone and hydrogen peroxyacetic acid treatment to reduce or remove EBDCs and ETU residues in a solution. J Agric Food Chem. 49:5689-5694.
- Wu JG, Luan TG, Lan CY, Lo WH, Chan GYS. 2007. Efficacy evaluation of low-concentration of ozonated water in removal of residual diazinon, parathion, methyl-parathion and cypermethrin on vegetable. J Food Eng. 79: 803-809.
- Kim JG, Yousef AE, Dave S. 1999. Application of ozone for enhancing the microbiological safety and quality of foods: A review. J Food Protect. 62:1071-1087.
- Kim JG, Yousef AE, Khadre MA. 2003. Ozone and its current and future application in the food industry. Adv Food Nutr Res. 45:167-218.
- Chu W, Ching MH. 2003. Modeling the ozonation of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid through a kinetics approach. Water Res. 37:39-46. 12. Ku Y, Lin HS. 2002. Decomposition of phorate in aqueous solution by photolytic ozonation. Water Res. 36:4155-4159.
- Chen WR, Sharpless C, Linden KG, Suffet IH. 2003. Treatment of organophosphate pesticides on the EPA contaminant candidate list using ozonation, International Ozone Assoc. 16th World Congress 31 Aug -5 Sept. Las Vegas Nevada USA. pp: 261-274.
- Masten SJ, Tian M, Upham BL, Trosko JE. 2001. Effect of selected pesticides and their ozonation by products on gap junctional intercellular communication using rate liver epithelial cell lines. Chemosphere 44:457-465.
- Ma J, Graham NJD. 2000. Degradation of atrazine by manganase-catalysed ozonation-influence of radical scavenges. Water Res.34:3822-3828.
- Çizelge 4. Ozonlama işleminin domateslerde askorbik asit üzerine etkileri
- Table 4. Effects of ozonation on ascorbic acid contents in tomatoes Askorbik asit (mg/kg) Ascorbic acid (mg/kg) (mg/kg DM) Azoxystrobin
- İlaçsız domates Untreated tomatoes
- Suda 5 dakika ozon uygulaması 5 min ozone treatmnt in water
- Suda 5 dakika azot uygulaması 5 min nitrogen treatment in water
- dakika suda bekletme uygulaması 5 min soaking
- İlaçlı kontrol Pesticide applied control 121.9±1.41 112.7±0.33 113.4±0.97 111.7±1.39 1110±4.57 2093.9±86.36 8.94±3.76A Chlorpyrifos
- İlaçsız domates Untreated tomatoes
- Suda 30 saniye ozon uygulaması 30 sec ozone treatment in water
- Suda 30 saniye azot uygulaması 30 sec nitrogen treatment in water
- saniye suda bekletme uygulaması30 sec soaking
- İlaçlı kontrol Pesticide applied control 162.8±4.02 147.3±3.96 151.0±2.43 148.1±0.57 141.4±2.22 2667.9±41.78 13.14±1.36C
- A-C Her bir aktif madde için aynı sütundaki farklı harfler istatistiki olarak farklılığı göstermektedir (P<0.05).
- A-C: Different letters in columns indicating a statistically significant difference (P<0.05) for each active ingredient (P<0.05).
- Ku Y, Chang JL, Shen YS, Lin SY. 1998. Decomposition of diazinon in aqueous solution by ozonation. Water Res. 32:1957-1963.
- Chiron S, Rodriguez A, Fernandez-Alba A. 1998. Application of gas and liquid chromatography- mass spectrometry to the evaluation of pirimiphos methyl degradation products in industrial water under ozone treatment. J Chromatogr A. 823:97-107. 18. Tahmasseb LA, Nelieu S, Kerhoas L, Einhorn J. 2002. Ozonation of chlorophenylurea pesticides in water: reaction monitoring and degradation pathways. Sci Total Env. 291:33-44.
- Aguera A, Almansa E, Tejedor A, Fernández- Alba A. 2000. Photocatalytic pilot scale degradation study of pyrimethanil and of its main degradation products in waters by means of solid-phase extraction followed by gas and liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry detection. Env Sci Tech. 34:1563-1571.
- Hwang ES, Cash JN, Zabik MJ. 2002. Degradation of mancozeb and ethylenethiourea in apples due to postharvest treatments and processing. Food Chem Tox. 67:3295-3300.
- Ölmez T, Tünay O, Bahnemann D. 2006. Çoklu substrat sistemlerinde bentazonun ozon oksidasyonu ile giderim mekanizmasının incelenmesi. İTÜ Dergisi 16:103-114.
- Ikeura H, Kobayashi F, Tamaki M. 2011. Removal of residual pesticide, fenitrothion, in vegetables by using ozone microbubbles, J Food Eng. 103:345-349.
- Ikeura H, Kobayashi F, Tamaki M. 2013. Ozone microbubble treatment at various water temperatures for the removal of residual pesticides with negligible effects on the physical properties of lettuce and cherry tomatoes. J Food Sci. 78:350-355.
- Ikeura H, Hamasaki S, Tamaki M. 2013. Effects of ozone microbubble treatment on removal of residual pesticides and quality of persimmon leaves. Food Chem. 138:366-371.
- Lin L, Xie M, Liang Y, He Y, Chan GY, Luan T. 2012. Degradation of cypermethrin, malathion and dichlorovos in water and on tea leaves with O3/UV/TiO2 treatment. Food Control 28:374-379.
- Kuşvuran E, Yıldırım D, Mavruk F, Ceyhan M. 2012. Removal of chlorpyrifos ethyl, tetradifon and chlorothalonil pesticide residues from citrus by using ozone. J Hazard Mat. 241-242: 287-300. 27. Chen JY, Lin YJ, Kuo WC. 2013. Pesticide residue removal from vegetables by ozonation. J Food Eng. 114:404-411.
- Karaca H, Walse SS, Smilanick JL. 2012. Effect of continuous 0.3 µL gaseous ozone exposure on fungucide residues on table grape berries. Postharvest Biol Technol. 64:154-159.
- Metzger C, Barnes JD, Singleton I, Andrews P. 2007. Effect of low level ozone-enrichment on the quality and condition of citrus fruit under semi-commercial conditions. IOA Conference and Exhibition, Valencia, Spain, pp: 5.11:1-7.
- Tomlin CDS. 2003. The e-Pesticide Manual (13thed. ver. 3.0 2003-04) British Crop Protection Council, UK.
- Lehotay SJ, Kok A, Hiemstra M, Bodegraven P. 2005. Validation of a fast and easy method for the determination of residues from 229 pesticides in fruits and vegetables using gas and liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric detection. JAOAC Int. 88:595-614.
- Reyes LF, Villareal JE, Zevallos LC. 2007. The increase in antioxidant capacity after wounding depends on the type of fruit and vegetable tissue, Food Chem. 101:1254-1262.
- SPSS Statistics Data Editor 17.0 License Authorization Wizard http://cs.its.uiowa.edu/ software/documents/SPSS17.0MacintoshSiteLicense Installation Instructions.pdf
- Duirk SE, Collette TW. 2006. Degradation of chlorpyrifos in aqueous chlorine solutions: Pathways, kinetics, and modeling, Environ Sc. Technol. 40: 546-551.
- Heleno FF, de Queiroza ME, Neves AA, Fre- itas RS, Faroni LR, DeOliviera AF. 2014. Effects of ozone fumigation treatment on the removal of residual difenoconazole from strawberries and on their quality. J Environ Sci Health B. 49:94-101.
- Rodoni L, Casadei N, Concellon A, Alicia ARC, Vicente AR. 2010. Effect of short-term ozone treatments on tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) fruit quality and cell wall degradation. J Agric Food Chem. 58:594-599.
- Aguayo E, Escalona VH, Artes F. 2006. Effect of cyclic exposure to ozone gas on physicoche- mical, sensorial and microbial quality of whole and sliced tomatoes. Postharvest Biol Technol. 39:169-177.