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The Influence of Mitochondrial Mutants on the Production of Aroma Compounds of Beer (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5, 251 - 257, 01.10.2007


Brewer's yeast plays an important role on the production of flavour compounds. There are many organelles inside the cytoplasmic cell of brewers' yeast and mitochondrion is one of them. Mitochondrion consists of enzymes of tricarboxylic acid cycle and electron transport chain and therefore generates energy for cell. The most frequently identified spontaneously arising mutation in brewing yeast is mitochondrial mutation. Such mutations can range from partially mutations to complete lost of mitochondria. Mitochondrial mutation in brewers' yeast affects fermentation rate, flocculation and production of flavour compounds and therefore beer quality. For that reason, it is preferred in brewing that mitochondrial mutation should not occur in brewers' yeast. In this paper, the effect of mitochondrial mutation on the production of flavour compounds of beer was discussed.


  • Lewis JM, Young TW. 1995. Brewing. Chapman and Hall, 252 p, London.
  • Young TW. 1996. The biochemistry and physiology of yeast growth, In Brewing Microbiology, FG Priest and I Campbell (eds), pp. 13-42, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Türker İ, Canbaş A. 2001. Malt ve Bira Teknolojisi. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Genel Yayın No: 4, Ders Kitapları Yayın No : A-2, 300 s. Adana.
  • Stewart GG, Russell I. 1998. Brewing Science and Technology-Brewers Yeast, The Institute of Brewing, 108 p, London.
  • Guido, LF, Rodrigues PG, Rodrigues JA, Goncalves CR, Barros AA. 2003. The impact of the physiological condition of the pitching yeast on beer flavour stability: an industrial approach. Food Chem, 87: 187-193.
  • Walker G. 2004. The 4th brewing yeast fermentation performance congress, FEMS Yeast Res, 4 (4-5): 567-570.
  • Silhankova L, Mostek J, Savel J, Salinova H. 1970 (b). Respiratory deficient mutants of bottom brewer’s yeast. II. Technological properties of some Rd mutants. J Inst Brew, 76: 289-295.
  • Pearson S. 1996. Fermentation with Petite Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Honours Project, Heriot-Watt University, 47 p.
  • Arda M. 1995. Biyoteknoloji: Bazı Temel İlkeler. Kükem Derneği Bilimsel Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Bernardi G. 1979. The petite mutation in yeast. Trends in Biochem Sci, 4:197-201.
  • Ernandes JR, Williams JW, Russell, Stewart GG. 1993. Respiratory deficiency in brewing yeast strains- effects on fermantation, flocculation and beer flavor components. J Am Soc Brew Chem, 51:16-20.
  • Silhankova L, Savel J, Mostek J. 1970 (a). Respiratory deficient mutants of bottom brewer’s yeast. I. Frequencies and types of mutant in various strains. J Inst Brew, 76 280-288.
  • Boekhout T, Robert V. 2003. Yeast in Food: Beneficial and Detrimental Aspects. Chapman and Hall, pp. 347-383, New York.
  • Şahin İ. 1995. Endüstriyel Mikrobiyoloji. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notları, No:64, 151s, Bursa.
  • Tuiete MF. 1989. Protein synthesis. In The Yeasts: Metabolism and Physiology, Second Edition, AH Rose and JS Harrison (eds), pp. 194-199, Academic Press, London,.
  • Walker GM. 1999. Yeast Physiology and Biotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, 321 p.
  • Sakaki K, Tashiro K, Kuhara S, Mihara K. 2003. Response of genes associated with mitochondrial function to mild heat stress in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biochem, 134 (3) 373-384.
  • Rasmussen AK, Chatterjee A, Rasmussen LJ, Singh KK. 2003. Mitochondria-Mediated nuclear mutator phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Researchs, Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press, 31 (14) 3909-3917.
  • Ersoy E, Baysu N. 1986. Biyokimya, Ders Kitabı, Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 408, Ankara.
  • Hammond JRM. 1996. Yeast Genetics. In Brewing Microbiology, Second Edition, FG Priest and I Campbell (eds), pp. 43-75, Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Groth C, Petersen RF, Pi J. 2000. Diversity in organization and the origin of gene orders in the mitochondrial DNA molecules of the genus Saccharomyces. Mol Biol Evol, 17: 1833-1841.
  • Thieman WJ, Palladino MA. 2004. Introduction to Biotechnology, Pearson, Benjamin Cummings (ed), pp. 45-49.
  • Hough JS, Briggs DE, Stevens R, Young TW. 1982. Malting and Brewing Science, Volume II. Hopped Wort and Beer, Second Edition, 914 p, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Yamamura M, Kamihara T. 1990. Respiratory deficient mutation at elevated temperature in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: stimulatory effect of inorganic salts. Agric Biol Chem. 54 (3) 827-828.
  • Netter P, Robineau S. 1989. The differential overamplification of short sequences in the mitochondrial dna of rho_ petites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae stimulates recombination. Gene, 83 (1) 25-38.
  • Giudice LD, Massardo DR, Pontieri P, Wolf K. 2005. Interaction between yeast mitochondrial and nuclear genomes: null alleles of rtg genes affect resistance to the alkaloid lycorine in rhoo petites of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene: Cross- Talk Between Nucleus and Organelles, 354: 9-14, Elsevier B.V., London,.
  • Gyllang H, Martinson E, 1971. Properties of some spontaneous mutants from brewers yeast with increased sedimentation rate. Proceedings of European Brewery Convention, pp. 265-271.
  • Yüreğir GT. 1985. Temel Biyokimya, Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Kennedy AI, Taidi B, Aitchison A, Green X. 2003. Management of multi-strain, multi-site yeast storage and supply. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 131-137, Blackwell Science, London
  • Morrison KB, Suggett A. 1983. Yeast handling, petite mutants and lager flavour. European Brewery Convention Congress, pp. 489-496, London.
  • Berry DR, Watson, DC. 1987. Production of organoleptic compounds. In Yeast Biotechnology, DR Berry, I Russell and GG Stewart (eds), pp. 345-368, Allanand Unwin, London.
  • Younis OS, Stewart GG. 1998. Sugar uptake and subsequent ester and higher alcohol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Inst Brew, 104: 255-264.
  • Vanderhaegen B, Neven H, Verachtert H, Derdelinckx G. 2006. The Chemistry of beer - A critical rewiev. Food Chem, 95: 357-381.
  • Verstrepen KJ, Derdelinckx G, Dufour J-P, Winderickx J, Thevelein JM, Pretorius IS, Delvaux FR. 2003 (a). Flavor-active esters: Adding fruitiness to beer. J Biosci & Bioeng, 96 (2) 110-118.
  • Henschke PA, Jiranek V. 1993. Yeasts-Metabolism of Nitrogen Compounds. In Wine Microbiology and Biotechnology, GM Fleet (ed), pp. 77-164, Harword, Chur.
  • Berry DR, Slaughter JC. 2003. Alcoholic beverage fermentations. In Fermented Beverage Production, 2nd edition, Andrew GH Lea and John R Piggott (eds), pp. 25-39, Kluwer Academic, New York.
  • Good L, Dowhanick TM, Ernandes JE, Russell I, Steawart GG. 1993. Rho- mitochondrial genomes and their influence on adaptation to nutrient stress in lager yeast strains. J Am Soc Brew Chem, 51 (1) 35-39.
  • Erten H, Canbaş A. 2003. Alkol fermantasyonu sırasında oluşan aroma maddeleri. Gıda, 28 (6) 615-619.
  • Angelino SAGF. 1991. Beer. In Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages, Henk Maarse (ed), pp. 581-616, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Engan S. 1982. The role of esters in beer flavour. monograph-VII, E.B.C.-Flavour Symposium, European Brewery Convention, p. 238, Copenhagen, Brauwelt-Verlag Nürnberg/Germany.
  • Peddie HAB. 1990. Ester formation in brewery fermentations. J Inst Brew, 96: 327-331.
  • Verstrepen KJ, Moonjai N, Bauer FF, Derdelinckx G, Dufuor JP, Winderickx JM, Thevelein JM, Pretorius IS, Delvaux FR. 2003 (b). Genetic regulation of ester synthesis in yeast: new facts, insights and implications for the brewer. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 234-247, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Hammond JRM, Pye J. 1996. Acetate ester synthesis: the role of alcohol acetyl transferase. In Brewing Technology, The Market and the Environment-Proceedings of the Sixth International Brewing Technology Conference, JA Irvine and RV Wenn (eds), pp. 421-430, Brewing Technology Services, Surrey.
  • Lyness CA, Stewart GG, Steele GM. 1996. Investigating ester synthesis in distilling and brewing strains of yeast. In Brewing Technology, The Market and the Environment-Proceedings of the Sixth International Brewing Technology Conference, JA Irvine and RV Wenn (eds), pp. 390-398, Brewing Technology Services, Surrey.
  • Waites MJ, Morgan NL, Rockey JS, Higton G. 2001. Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction. 288 p, Blackwell Science Ltd. London.
  • Rojas V, Gil JV, Piñaga F, Manzanares P. 2001. Studies on acetate ester production by non- Saccharomyces wine yeasts. Int J Food Microbiol, 70: 283-289.
  • Varnam AH, Sutherland JP. 1994. Beverages: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology. 2: 296-352, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Nykänen L, Suomalainen, H. 1983. Aroma of Beer, Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages, Dordrecht, D. Reidel.
  • Iserentant D. 2003. Beers: recent technological ınnovations in brewing. In Fermented Beverage Production, Second Edition, Andrew GH Lea and John R Piggott (eds), pp. 41-58, Kluwer Academic, New York.
  • Berry DR. 1995. Alcoholic beverage fermentation. In Fermented Beverage Production, AGH Lea and JR Piggott (eds), pp. 32-61, Blackie, London.
  • Boulton C, Box W. 2003. Formation and disappearance of diacetyl during lager fermentation. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 183-195, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Green PJ. 2002. Introduction to Food Biotechnology, pp. 182-195, CRC Pres.
  • Jenkins CL, Kennedy AI, Thurston P, Hodgson JA, Smart KA. 2003. Serial repitching fermentation performance and functional biomarkers. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 257-271, Blackwell Science, London.

Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5, 251 - 257, 01.10.2007


Biradaki aroma maddeleri üzerine kullanılan bira mayasının önemli bir rolü vardır. Bira mayasının sitoplazmasında çeşitli organeller bulunur ve bu organellerden biri de mitokondridir. Mitokondri, trikarboksilik asit döngüsü ve elektron taşıma zinciri enzimlerini içerir ve böylece hücreye enerji sağlar. Bira mayasında en sık rastlanan ve kendiliğinden ortaya çıkan mutasyon mitokondriyal mutasyondur. Bu mutasyon sonucunda mitokondriyal DNA'sı eksik ya da mitokondriyal DNA'dan tamamen yoksun mutantlar meydana gelir.  Bira mayası mitokondriyal mutasyona uğradığında mayanın fermantasyon hızı, çökelme yeteneği ve aroma maddeleri üretimi ve böylece elde edilen biranın kalitesi önemli derecede etkilenir. Bu nedenle, biracılıkta kullanılacak mayanın mutasyona uğramamış olması tercih edilir. Bu derlemede, mitokondriyal mutasyonun bira aroma maddeleri üzerine etkisi ele alınmıştır.


  • Lewis JM, Young TW. 1995. Brewing. Chapman and Hall, 252 p, London.
  • Young TW. 1996. The biochemistry and physiology of yeast growth, In Brewing Microbiology, FG Priest and I Campbell (eds), pp. 13-42, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Türker İ, Canbaş A. 2001. Malt ve Bira Teknolojisi. Ç.Ü. Ziraat Fakültesi, Genel Yayın No: 4, Ders Kitapları Yayın No : A-2, 300 s. Adana.
  • Stewart GG, Russell I. 1998. Brewing Science and Technology-Brewers Yeast, The Institute of Brewing, 108 p, London.
  • Guido, LF, Rodrigues PG, Rodrigues JA, Goncalves CR, Barros AA. 2003. The impact of the physiological condition of the pitching yeast on beer flavour stability: an industrial approach. Food Chem, 87: 187-193.
  • Walker G. 2004. The 4th brewing yeast fermentation performance congress, FEMS Yeast Res, 4 (4-5): 567-570.
  • Silhankova L, Mostek J, Savel J, Salinova H. 1970 (b). Respiratory deficient mutants of bottom brewer’s yeast. II. Technological properties of some Rd mutants. J Inst Brew, 76: 289-295.
  • Pearson S. 1996. Fermentation with Petite Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Honours Project, Heriot-Watt University, 47 p.
  • Arda M. 1995. Biyoteknoloji: Bazı Temel İlkeler. Kükem Derneği Bilimsel Yayınları, Ankara.
  • Bernardi G. 1979. The petite mutation in yeast. Trends in Biochem Sci, 4:197-201.
  • Ernandes JR, Williams JW, Russell, Stewart GG. 1993. Respiratory deficiency in brewing yeast strains- effects on fermantation, flocculation and beer flavor components. J Am Soc Brew Chem, 51:16-20.
  • Silhankova L, Savel J, Mostek J. 1970 (a). Respiratory deficient mutants of bottom brewer’s yeast. I. Frequencies and types of mutant in various strains. J Inst Brew, 76 280-288.
  • Boekhout T, Robert V. 2003. Yeast in Food: Beneficial and Detrimental Aspects. Chapman and Hall, pp. 347-383, New York.
  • Şahin İ. 1995. Endüstriyel Mikrobiyoloji. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Ders Notları, No:64, 151s, Bursa.
  • Tuiete MF. 1989. Protein synthesis. In The Yeasts: Metabolism and Physiology, Second Edition, AH Rose and JS Harrison (eds), pp. 194-199, Academic Press, London,.
  • Walker GM. 1999. Yeast Physiology and Biotechnology, John Wiley & Sons, 321 p.
  • Sakaki K, Tashiro K, Kuhara S, Mihara K. 2003. Response of genes associated with mitochondrial function to mild heat stress in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Biochem, 134 (3) 373-384.
  • Rasmussen AK, Chatterjee A, Rasmussen LJ, Singh KK. 2003. Mitochondria-Mediated nuclear mutator phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Nucleic Acids Researchs, Oxford Journals, Oxford University Press, 31 (14) 3909-3917.
  • Ersoy E, Baysu N. 1986. Biyokimya, Ders Kitabı, Ankara Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Yayınları, No: 408, Ankara.
  • Hammond JRM. 1996. Yeast Genetics. In Brewing Microbiology, Second Edition, FG Priest and I Campbell (eds), pp. 43-75, Chapman & Hall, London.
  • Groth C, Petersen RF, Pi J. 2000. Diversity in organization and the origin of gene orders in the mitochondrial DNA molecules of the genus Saccharomyces. Mol Biol Evol, 17: 1833-1841.
  • Thieman WJ, Palladino MA. 2004. Introduction to Biotechnology, Pearson, Benjamin Cummings (ed), pp. 45-49.
  • Hough JS, Briggs DE, Stevens R, Young TW. 1982. Malting and Brewing Science, Volume II. Hopped Wort and Beer, Second Edition, 914 p, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Yamamura M, Kamihara T. 1990. Respiratory deficient mutation at elevated temperature in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: stimulatory effect of inorganic salts. Agric Biol Chem. 54 (3) 827-828.
  • Netter P, Robineau S. 1989. The differential overamplification of short sequences in the mitochondrial dna of rho_ petites in Saccharomyces cerevisiae stimulates recombination. Gene, 83 (1) 25-38.
  • Giudice LD, Massardo DR, Pontieri P, Wolf K. 2005. Interaction between yeast mitochondrial and nuclear genomes: null alleles of rtg genes affect resistance to the alkaloid lycorine in rhoo petites of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gene: Cross- Talk Between Nucleus and Organelles, 354: 9-14, Elsevier B.V., London,.
  • Gyllang H, Martinson E, 1971. Properties of some spontaneous mutants from brewers yeast with increased sedimentation rate. Proceedings of European Brewery Convention, pp. 265-271.
  • Yüreğir GT. 1985. Temel Biyokimya, Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Yayınları.
  • Kennedy AI, Taidi B, Aitchison A, Green X. 2003. Management of multi-strain, multi-site yeast storage and supply. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 131-137, Blackwell Science, London
  • Morrison KB, Suggett A. 1983. Yeast handling, petite mutants and lager flavour. European Brewery Convention Congress, pp. 489-496, London.
  • Berry DR, Watson, DC. 1987. Production of organoleptic compounds. In Yeast Biotechnology, DR Berry, I Russell and GG Stewart (eds), pp. 345-368, Allanand Unwin, London.
  • Younis OS, Stewart GG. 1998. Sugar uptake and subsequent ester and higher alcohol production by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. J Inst Brew, 104: 255-264.
  • Vanderhaegen B, Neven H, Verachtert H, Derdelinckx G. 2006. The Chemistry of beer - A critical rewiev. Food Chem, 95: 357-381.
  • Verstrepen KJ, Derdelinckx G, Dufour J-P, Winderickx J, Thevelein JM, Pretorius IS, Delvaux FR. 2003 (a). Flavor-active esters: Adding fruitiness to beer. J Biosci & Bioeng, 96 (2) 110-118.
  • Henschke PA, Jiranek V. 1993. Yeasts-Metabolism of Nitrogen Compounds. In Wine Microbiology and Biotechnology, GM Fleet (ed), pp. 77-164, Harword, Chur.
  • Berry DR, Slaughter JC. 2003. Alcoholic beverage fermentations. In Fermented Beverage Production, 2nd edition, Andrew GH Lea and John R Piggott (eds), pp. 25-39, Kluwer Academic, New York.
  • Good L, Dowhanick TM, Ernandes JE, Russell I, Steawart GG. 1993. Rho- mitochondrial genomes and their influence on adaptation to nutrient stress in lager yeast strains. J Am Soc Brew Chem, 51 (1) 35-39.
  • Erten H, Canbaş A. 2003. Alkol fermantasyonu sırasında oluşan aroma maddeleri. Gıda, 28 (6) 615-619.
  • Angelino SAGF. 1991. Beer. In Volatile Compounds in Foods and Beverages, Henk Maarse (ed), pp. 581-616, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York.
  • Engan S. 1982. The role of esters in beer flavour. monograph-VII, E.B.C.-Flavour Symposium, European Brewery Convention, p. 238, Copenhagen, Brauwelt-Verlag Nürnberg/Germany.
  • Peddie HAB. 1990. Ester formation in brewery fermentations. J Inst Brew, 96: 327-331.
  • Verstrepen KJ, Moonjai N, Bauer FF, Derdelinckx G, Dufuor JP, Winderickx JM, Thevelein JM, Pretorius IS, Delvaux FR. 2003 (b). Genetic regulation of ester synthesis in yeast: new facts, insights and implications for the brewer. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 234-247, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Hammond JRM, Pye J. 1996. Acetate ester synthesis: the role of alcohol acetyl transferase. In Brewing Technology, The Market and the Environment-Proceedings of the Sixth International Brewing Technology Conference, JA Irvine and RV Wenn (eds), pp. 421-430, Brewing Technology Services, Surrey.
  • Lyness CA, Stewart GG, Steele GM. 1996. Investigating ester synthesis in distilling and brewing strains of yeast. In Brewing Technology, The Market and the Environment-Proceedings of the Sixth International Brewing Technology Conference, JA Irvine and RV Wenn (eds), pp. 390-398, Brewing Technology Services, Surrey.
  • Waites MJ, Morgan NL, Rockey JS, Higton G. 2001. Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction. 288 p, Blackwell Science Ltd. London.
  • Rojas V, Gil JV, Piñaga F, Manzanares P. 2001. Studies on acetate ester production by non- Saccharomyces wine yeasts. Int J Food Microbiol, 70: 283-289.
  • Varnam AH, Sutherland JP. 1994. Beverages: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology. 2: 296-352, Chapman and Hall, London.
  • Nykänen L, Suomalainen, H. 1983. Aroma of Beer, Wine and Distilled Alcoholic Beverages, Dordrecht, D. Reidel.
  • Iserentant D. 2003. Beers: recent technological ınnovations in brewing. In Fermented Beverage Production, Second Edition, Andrew GH Lea and John R Piggott (eds), pp. 41-58, Kluwer Academic, New York.
  • Berry DR. 1995. Alcoholic beverage fermentation. In Fermented Beverage Production, AGH Lea and JR Piggott (eds), pp. 32-61, Blackie, London.
  • Boulton C, Box W. 2003. Formation and disappearance of diacetyl during lager fermentation. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 183-195, Blackwell Science, London.
  • Green PJ. 2002. Introduction to Food Biotechnology, pp. 182-195, CRC Pres.
  • Jenkins CL, Kennedy AI, Thurston P, Hodgson JA, Smart KA. 2003. Serial repitching fermentation performance and functional biomarkers. In Brewing Yeast Fermentation Performance, Second Edition, Katherine Smart (ed), pp. 257-271, Blackwell Science, London.
Toplam 53 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Hasan Tangüler Bu kişi benim

Gülten Yağmur Bu kişi benim

Hüseyin Erten Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Tangüler, H. ., Yağmur, G. ., & Erten, H. . (2007). Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda, 32(5), 251-257.
AMA Tangüler H, Yağmur G, Erten H. Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi. GIDA. Ekim 2007;32(5):251-257.
Chicago Tangüler, Hasan, Gülten Yağmur, ve Hüseyin Erten. “Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda 32, sy. 5 (Ekim 2007): 251-57.
EndNote Tangüler H, Yağmur G, Erten H (01 Ekim 2007) Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda 32 5 251–257.
IEEE H. . Tangüler, G. . Yağmur, ve H. . Erten, “Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi”, GIDA, c. 32, sy. 5, ss. 251–257, 2007.
ISNAD Tangüler, Hasan vd. “Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda 32/5 (Ekim 2007), 251-257.
JAMA Tangüler H, Yağmur G, Erten H. Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi. GIDA. 2007;32:251–257.
MLA Tangüler, Hasan vd. “Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Gıda, c. 32, sy. 5, 2007, ss. 251-7.
Vancouver Tangüler H, Yağmur G, Erten H. Mitokondriyal Mutantların Bira Aroma Maddeleri Üzerine Etkisi. GIDA. 2007;32(5):251-7.


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