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Natural Plant Antibiotics: Resveratrol (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5, 259 - 262, 01.10.2007


Phytoalexins are low molecular weight secondary metabolites made by plants as a defense response to microbial infections, wounding and UV radiation. Resveratrol (trans-3, 4', 5-trihydroxystilbene), is a phytoalexin found in at least 72 species of plants distributed among 31 genera and 12 families. It is a naturally occurring antioxidant found in grapes, grape products such as red wine and some other botanical sources like peanuts and peanut butter, pistachio, dark chocolate and cocoa liquor. Resveratrol exhibits a wide range of biological effects, including anti-platelet, anti-cancer, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. Most of the agricultural products that contain resveratrol are produced in Turkey. Thus, it will be a new challenge for the pharmaceutical industry when it is extracted from these products and turned into drug form.


  • Takoako M. 1940. Of the phenolic substances of white hellebore (Veratrum grandiflorum Loes.fil.). J.Fac.Sci.Hokkaido Imp.Univ.Ser, 111( 3) 1-16.
  • Langcake P, Pryce RJ. 1977. A new class of phytoalexins from grapevines. Experientia, 33: 151-152.
  • Arichi H , Kimura Y , Okuda H , Baba K , Kozawa M, Arichi S. 1982. Effects of stilbene components of the roots of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb et Zucc.on lipid metabolism. Chem.Pharm.Bull, 30: 1766-1770.
  • Vastano BC, Chen Y, Zhu N, Zhou Z, Rosen RT. 2000. Isolatıon and identification of stilbenes in two varieties of Polygonum cuspidatum. Journal of Agric.and Food Chemistry, 48: 253-256.
  • Soleas GJ , Angelini M , Grass L , Diamandis EP , Goldberg DM. 2001 . Absorption of trans resveratrol in rats. Methods Enzymology, 335: 145-154.
  • Yan W, Florentina C, Yanan Y, Robin R, Richard B, Von B .2002. An LC-MS Method for analyzing total resveratrol in Grape Juice, Cranberry Juice,and in wine. J.Agric.Food.Chem, 50: 431-435.
  • Victor SS , Richard JC. 1999. Trans-resveratrol content in commercial peanuts and peanut products. J. Agric. Food.Chem, 47: 1435-1439.
  • Maita IG , Sonia RP, Rosa M, Lamuela R. 2000. Resveratrol and piceid levels in natural and blended peanut butters. J.Agric.Food.Chem, 48: 6352-6354.
  • Callemien D, Counet C, Cawet Q, Collin S. 2003. Hop as a determinant nutrition key for health. In proceedings of the 29th European brewery convention congress pp.1375-1382. Germany:Fachverlag Hans Karl.
  • Chen RS, Wu PL, Robin YY. 2002. Peanut roots as a source of resveratrol . J.Agric.Food.Chem, 50: 1665-1667.
  • Christine C, Calleminen D, Collin S. 2006. Chocolate and cocoa: New sources of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid. Food Chemistry, 98: 649-657.
  • Özlem T, Mustafa KÜ, Fadim Y. 2005. Determination of the phytoalexin resveratrol (3,5,4’-Trihydroxystilbene) in Peanuts and Pistachios by High performance liquid chromatographic diode array (HPLC-DAD) and Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). J.Agric.Food.Chem, 53: 5003-5009.
  • Cantos E , Garcia VC, Pascual TS, Tomas B . 2000. Effects of postharvest UV radiation on resveratrol and other phenolics of cv. Napoleon table grapes . J.Agric.Food.Chem, 48: 4606-4612.
  • Douillet B, Jeandet P, Adrian M, Bessis R. 1999. Changes in the pytoalexin content of various vitis spp in response to ultraviolet C elicitation. J.Agric.Food.Chem ,47: 4456-4461.
  • Soleas GJ, Diamondis EP, Goldberg DM. 1997. Resveratrol a molecule whose time has come? And gone?. Clinical Biochemistry, 30: 91-113.
  • Romero P, Maite IG, Roza M, Lamuela RM. 1999. Piceid, the major resveratrol derivative in grape juices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47: 1533-1536.
  • Romero P, Lamuela RM, 1996. Levels of cis- and trans-resveratrol and their glucosides in white and rose Vitis vinifera wines from Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44: 2124-2128.
  • Prokop J, Abrman P, Seligson AL, Sovak M . 2006. Resveratrol and ıts glycon piceid are stable polyphenols. Journal of Medicinal Food, 9 (1) 11-14.
  • Sobolev VS, Cole RJ, Dorner JW, Yagen B. 1995. Isolatıon, purification and liquid chromatographic determination of stilbene phytoalexins in peanuts. J., Int ,78:1177-1182.
  • Wu JM, Wang ZR, Hsieh TCH, Bruder JL, Zou JG, Huang YZ. 2001. Mechanism of cardioprotection by resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in red wine. Inter J Mol Med , 8:3-17.
  • Marion Man YC. 2002. Antimicrobial effect of resveratrol on dermatophytes and bacterial pathogen of the skin. Biochemical Pharmacology, 63:99-104.
  • Mahady GB, Pendland SL. 2000. Resveratrol inhibits the growth of Helicobacter pylori in vitro. Am.J.Gastroenterol, 95:1849.
  • Docherty JJ, Fu MM, Tsai M. 2001. Resveratrol selectively inhibits Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhaeae. J.Antimicrob Chemother , 47:243-244.
  • Docherty JJ, Fu MMH, Stiffler BS , Limperos RJ , Pokabla CM , Delucia AL. 1999. Resveratrol inhibition of Herpes simplex virus replication. Antiviral Res, 43:135-45.
  • Filip V, Plockova M, midrkal J, pi-kova Z, Melzoch K, Schmidt. 2003. Resveratrol and ıts antioxidant and antimicrobial effectiveness. Food Chemistry, 83:585-593.
  • Dobrydneva Y, Williams RL, Blackmore PF. 1999. Trans-resveratrol inhibits calcium influx in thrombin-stimulated human platelets. Br. J. Pharmacol, 128:149-157.

Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5, 259 - 262, 01.10.2007


Fitoaleksinler, bitkilerde mikrobiyal enfeksiyon, yaralanma ve ultraviyole ışınlara tepki olarak sentezlenen düşük molekül ağırlığındaki ikincil metabolik maddelerdir. Resveratrol (trans-3, 4', 5-trihydroxystilbene), 72 adet bitki türünde bulunan 31 cins ve 12 familyada dağılım gösteren bir fitoaleksindir. Üzüm ve kırmızı şarap gibi üzüm ürünleri ile yer fıstığı, yer fıstığı yağı, şam fıstığı, siyah çikolata ve kakao likörü gibi diğer bitkisel ürünlerde doğal olarak bulunan antioksidandır. Resveratrol'ün pıhtı önleyici, çeşitli fungus ile virüs gelişimini durdurucu ve kansere karşı engelleyici etkisi vardır. Resveratrol içeren ürünlerin birçoğu yurdumuzda yetiştirilmektedir. Bu nedenle, bu ürünlerden özütlenerek ilaç formuna getirilmesi, ülkemizdeki ilaç firmaları için yeni fırsatlar yaratabilecektir.


  • Takoako M. 1940. Of the phenolic substances of white hellebore (Veratrum grandiflorum Loes.fil.). J.Fac.Sci.Hokkaido Imp.Univ.Ser, 111( 3) 1-16.
  • Langcake P, Pryce RJ. 1977. A new class of phytoalexins from grapevines. Experientia, 33: 151-152.
  • Arichi H , Kimura Y , Okuda H , Baba K , Kozawa M, Arichi S. 1982. Effects of stilbene components of the roots of Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb et Zucc.on lipid metabolism. Chem.Pharm.Bull, 30: 1766-1770.
  • Vastano BC, Chen Y, Zhu N, Zhou Z, Rosen RT. 2000. Isolatıon and identification of stilbenes in two varieties of Polygonum cuspidatum. Journal of Agric.and Food Chemistry, 48: 253-256.
  • Soleas GJ , Angelini M , Grass L , Diamandis EP , Goldberg DM. 2001 . Absorption of trans resveratrol in rats. Methods Enzymology, 335: 145-154.
  • Yan W, Florentina C, Yanan Y, Robin R, Richard B, Von B .2002. An LC-MS Method for analyzing total resveratrol in Grape Juice, Cranberry Juice,and in wine. J.Agric.Food.Chem, 50: 431-435.
  • Victor SS , Richard JC. 1999. Trans-resveratrol content in commercial peanuts and peanut products. J. Agric. Food.Chem, 47: 1435-1439.
  • Maita IG , Sonia RP, Rosa M, Lamuela R. 2000. Resveratrol and piceid levels in natural and blended peanut butters. J.Agric.Food.Chem, 48: 6352-6354.
  • Callemien D, Counet C, Cawet Q, Collin S. 2003. Hop as a determinant nutrition key for health. In proceedings of the 29th European brewery convention congress pp.1375-1382. Germany:Fachverlag Hans Karl.
  • Chen RS, Wu PL, Robin YY. 2002. Peanut roots as a source of resveratrol . J.Agric.Food.Chem, 50: 1665-1667.
  • Christine C, Calleminen D, Collin S. 2006. Chocolate and cocoa: New sources of trans-resveratrol and trans-piceid. Food Chemistry, 98: 649-657.
  • Özlem T, Mustafa KÜ, Fadim Y. 2005. Determination of the phytoalexin resveratrol (3,5,4’-Trihydroxystilbene) in Peanuts and Pistachios by High performance liquid chromatographic diode array (HPLC-DAD) and Gas Chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). J.Agric.Food.Chem, 53: 5003-5009.
  • Cantos E , Garcia VC, Pascual TS, Tomas B . 2000. Effects of postharvest UV radiation on resveratrol and other phenolics of cv. Napoleon table grapes . J.Agric.Food.Chem, 48: 4606-4612.
  • Douillet B, Jeandet P, Adrian M, Bessis R. 1999. Changes in the pytoalexin content of various vitis spp in response to ultraviolet C elicitation. J.Agric.Food.Chem ,47: 4456-4461.
  • Soleas GJ, Diamondis EP, Goldberg DM. 1997. Resveratrol a molecule whose time has come? And gone?. Clinical Biochemistry, 30: 91-113.
  • Romero P, Maite IG, Roza M, Lamuela RM. 1999. Piceid, the major resveratrol derivative in grape juices. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 47: 1533-1536.
  • Romero P, Lamuela RM, 1996. Levels of cis- and trans-resveratrol and their glucosides in white and rose Vitis vinifera wines from Spain. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 44: 2124-2128.
  • Prokop J, Abrman P, Seligson AL, Sovak M . 2006. Resveratrol and ıts glycon piceid are stable polyphenols. Journal of Medicinal Food, 9 (1) 11-14.
  • Sobolev VS, Cole RJ, Dorner JW, Yagen B. 1995. Isolatıon, purification and liquid chromatographic determination of stilbene phytoalexins in peanuts. J., Int ,78:1177-1182.
  • Wu JM, Wang ZR, Hsieh TCH, Bruder JL, Zou JG, Huang YZ. 2001. Mechanism of cardioprotection by resveratrol, a phenolic antioxidant present in red wine. Inter J Mol Med , 8:3-17.
  • Marion Man YC. 2002. Antimicrobial effect of resveratrol on dermatophytes and bacterial pathogen of the skin. Biochemical Pharmacology, 63:99-104.
  • Mahady GB, Pendland SL. 2000. Resveratrol inhibits the growth of Helicobacter pylori in vitro. Am.J.Gastroenterol, 95:1849.
  • Docherty JJ, Fu MM, Tsai M. 2001. Resveratrol selectively inhibits Neisseria meningitidis and Neisseria gonorrhaeae. J.Antimicrob Chemother , 47:243-244.
  • Docherty JJ, Fu MMH, Stiffler BS , Limperos RJ , Pokabla CM , Delucia AL. 1999. Resveratrol inhibition of Herpes simplex virus replication. Antiviral Res, 43:135-45.
  • Filip V, Plockova M, midrkal J, pi-kova Z, Melzoch K, Schmidt. 2003. Resveratrol and ıts antioxidant and antimicrobial effectiveness. Food Chemistry, 83:585-593.
  • Dobrydneva Y, Williams RL, Blackmore PF. 1999. Trans-resveratrol inhibits calcium influx in thrombin-stimulated human platelets. Br. J. Pharmacol, 128:149-157.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Rezan Alkan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Alkan, R. . (2007). Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol. Gıda, 32(5), 259-262.
AMA Alkan R. Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol. GIDA. Ekim 2007;32(5):259-262.
Chicago Alkan, Rezan. “Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol”. Gıda 32, sy. 5 (Ekim 2007): 259-62.
EndNote Alkan R (01 Ekim 2007) Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol. Gıda 32 5 259–262.
IEEE R. . Alkan, “Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol”, GIDA, c. 32, sy. 5, ss. 259–262, 2007.
ISNAD Alkan, Rezan. “Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol”. Gıda 32/5 (Ekim 2007), 259-262.
JAMA Alkan R. Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol. GIDA. 2007;32:259–262.
MLA Alkan, Rezan. “Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol”. Gıda, c. 32, sy. 5, 2007, ss. 259-62.
Vancouver Alkan R. Doğal Bitki Antibiyotiği: Resveratrol. GIDA. 2007;32(5):259-62.


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