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Bread Staling and Methods for Measuring Degree of Staling: I (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 6, 305 - 315, 01.12.2007


The most of the methods used to measure bread staling depend on the mesurement of starch rerogradation. Starch retrogradation is the major factor for the staling of bread but according to a widespread idea, this event is not equal with staling of bread. Bread staling may be caused by the changes in another components and the interaction between they and starch. In this review, the methods which are connected with changes in starch and water content of bread have been discussed. X-ray diffraction and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance techniques have frequently used in the bread staling measurements.


  • Elgün A, Ertugay Z. 2003. Tahıl İşleme Teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları No:718, s:376.
  • Hug-Iten S, Escher F, Conde-Petit B. 2003. Staling of bread: role of amylose and amylopectin and influence of starch- degrading enzymes. Cereal Chem, 80 (6) 654–661.
  • Short AL, Roberts EA. 1971. Pattern of firmness within a bread loaf. J. Sci. Food Agric. 22: 470.
  • Fessas D, Schiraldi A. 1998. Texture and staling of wheat bread crumb: effects of water extractable proteins and pentosans. Termochimica Acta, 323: 17–26.
  • He H, Hoseney RC. 1990. Changes in bread firmness and moisture during long-term storage. Cereal Chem, 67 (6) 603–605.
  • Ribotta PD, Cuffini S, Leon AE, Anon MC. 2004. The staling of bread: an X-ray diffraction study. European Food Research and Technology, 218: 219–223.
  • Ankara Ticaret Odası (ATO) 28.08.2004 tarihli “Ekmekteki Kayıp Ekonomi” raporu. (03.04.2006).
  • Chen PL, Long Z, Ruan R, Labuza TP. 1997. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of water mobility in bread during storage. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 30: 178-183.
  • Sidhu JS, Al-Saqer J, Al-Zenki S. 1997. Comparison of methods for assessment of the extent of staling in bread. Food Chem, 58: 161–167.
  • Rasmussen PH, Hansen A. 2001. Staling of wheat bread stored in modified atmosphere. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 34: 487-491.
  • Boyacıoğlu H. 1993. Ekmeğin bayatlaması, tanımı, teoriler, tayin yöntemleri ve yavaşlatma yolları. Unlu Mamuller Dünyası, 2 (2) 15–18.
  • Boussingault JB. 1852. Experiments to determine the transformation of fresh bread into stale bread. Ann. Chim. Phys, 36, 490.
  • Del Nobile MA, Martoriello T, Mocci G, La Notte E. 2003. Modeling the starch retrogradation kinetic of durum wheat bread. Journal of Food Engineering, 59: 123–128.
  • Goesaert H, Brijs K, Veraverbeke WS, Courtin CM, Gebruers K, Delcour JA. 2005. Wheat flour constituents: how they impact bread quality, and how to impact their functionality. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 16: 12–30.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS, Somashekar R. 1998. Differential scanning calorimetry and wide-angle X-ray scattering studies of bread staling. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67: 1597–1603.
  • Herz KO. 1965. Staling of bread. A review. Food Technol, 19: 1828.
  • Martin ML, Zeleznak KJ, Hoseney RC. 1991. A mechanism of bread firming.I. Role of starch swelling. Cereal Chem, 68 (5) 498–503.
  • Karim AA, Norziah MH, Seow CC. 2000. Methods for the study of starch retrogradation. Food Chem, 71: 9–36.
  • AACC. 2000. Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. 10th Ed. Vol. II. AACC Methods 74–09, 74-10A and 74–30. American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, Minn.
  • Baker AE, Walker CE, Kemp K. 1988. An optimum compression depth for measuring bread crumb firmness. Cereal Chem, 65: 302.
  • Gray JA, Bemiller JN. 2003. Bread staling: molecular basis and control. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2: 1–21.
  • Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM,Gerçekaslan KE, Uysal P. 2006. Ekşi Hamur Sisteminin Beyaz Tava Ekmeğinin Bayatlaması Üzerine Etkisi Ziraat Dergisi, 37(1) 103-110.
  • Baruch DW, Atkins TD. 1989. Using the wheat research institute chomper to assess crumb flexibility of staling bread. Cereal Chem, 66: 59–64.
  • Kulp K, Ponte JG Jr. 1981. Staling of white pan bread: fundamental causes. CRC Critical Rev. Food Sci. Nutr, 15: 1.
  • Schiraldi A, Piazza L, Riva M. 1996. Bread staling: a calorimetric approach. Cereal Chem, 73: 32.
  • Carr LG, Tadini CC. 2003. Influence of yeast and vegetable shortening on physical and textural parameters of frozen part baked French bread. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 36: 609–614.
  • Gerçekaslan KE. 2006. Trabzon Vakfıkebir ekmeğinin bayatlamasının çeşitli yöntemlerle takibi ve Francala ekmeği ile mukayesesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 104 s, Erzurum.
  • Campas-Baypoli ON, Rosas-Burgos EC, Torres-Chavez PI, Ramirez-Wong B, Serna-Saldivar SO. 2002. Pysicochemical changes of starch in maize totillas during storage at room and refrigeration temperatures. Starch, 54: 358–363.
  • Varriano-Marston E, Ke V, Huang G, Ponte JG Jr. 1980. Comparison of methods to determine starch gelatinization in bakery foods. Cereal Chem, 57: 242.
  • Yasunaga T, Bushuk W, Irvine GN. 1968. Gelatinization of starch during baking. Cereal Chem, 45: 269.
  • Toufeili I, Sleiman G, Salman RA, Brockway B. 1994. Effect of staling on viscoelastic properties of pastes prepared from Arabic bread. J Sci Food Agric, 64: 271.
  • Banecki H. 1972. Veränderungen der während des Altbackenwerdens des Weizen-und Roggenbrotes enzymetisch isolierten Stärke. Getreide Mehl Brot, 26: 6.
  • Kim SK, D’Appolonia BL. 1977. Bread staling studies. I. Effect of protein content on staling rate and bread crumb pasting properties. Cereal Chem, 54 (2) 207–215.
  • Morad MM, D’Appolonia, B.L., 1980. Effect of baking procedure and surfactants on the pasting properties of bread crumb. Cereal Chem, 57 (4) 239–241.
  • D’Appolonia BL, Morad MM. 1981. Bread staling. Cereal Chem, 58 (3) 186–190.
  • Karaoğlu MM. 2006. Effect of baking procedure and storage on the pasting properties and staling of part-baked and rebaked white pan bread crumb. Int. Journal of Food Properties. (Baskıda).
  • Karaoğlu MM. 2006. Effect of initial baking and storage time on the pasting properties and aging of part-baked and rebaked rye bread. Int. Journal of Food Properties. (Baskıda).
  • Yıldız A, Genç Ö, Bektaş S. 1997. Enstrümental analiz yöntemleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 273–283.
  • Vodovotz Y, Hallberg L, Chinachoti P. 1996. Effect of aging and drying on thermomechanical properties of white bread as characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Cereal Chem, 73(2) 264–270.
  • Baik MY, Chinachoti P. 2000. Moisture redistribution and phase transitions during bread staling. Cereal Chem, 77 (4) 484–488.
  • Schenz TW, Davis EA. 1998. Thermal analysis. In: Neilsen SS, editor. Food Analysis, 2nd ed. p 587-98.
  • Sahlström S, Brathen E. 1997. Effects of enzyme preparations for baking, mixing time and resting time on bread quality and bread staling. Food Chem, 58: 75-80.
  • Bárcenas ME, Haros M, Benedito C, Rosell CM. 2003. Effect of freezing and frozen storage on the staling of part-baked bread. Food Res. Int, 36: 863–869.
  • Shaikh IM, Ghodke SK, Ananthanarayan L. 2007. Staling of chapatti (Indian unleavened flat bread). Food Chem, 101: 113–119.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS. 1999. Studies on glass transition temperature during staling of bread containing different monomeric and polymeric additives. J Appl Polym Sci, 71: 1147–1152.
  • Vodovotz Y, Baik M, Vittadini E, Chinachoti P. 2001. Instrumental techniques used in bread staling analysis. In: Chinachoti P, Vodovotz Y, editors. Bread Staling. New York: CRC Press. p 93–111.
  • Zeleznak KJ, Hoseney RC. 1986. The role of water in the retrogradation of wheat starch gels and bread crumb. Cereal Chem, 63 (5) 407–411.
  • Axford DWE, Colwell KH. 1967. Thermal investigation of bread staling. Chem Ind London, 467
  • Fearn T, Russell PL. 1982. A kinetic study of bread staling by differential calorimetry. The effect of loaf specific volume. J Sci Food Agric, 33: 537.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS. 1999. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of chapati and phulka (Indian unleavened bread). Food Chem, 64: 571–576.

Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I

Yıl 2007, Cilt: 32 Sayı: 6, 305 - 315, 01.12.2007


Ekmek bayatlamasını ölçmede kullanılan metotların çoğu temelde nişasta retrogradasyonunun boyutunun ölçülmesine dayanmaktadır. Ekmeğin bayatlamasında nişasta retrogradasyonunun başlıca etken olduğu, fakat bunun ekmek bayatlamasıyla eş anlamlı olmadığı görüşü yaygındır. Diğer bileşenlerdeki değişimlerin ve bu bileşenlerin nişasta ile ilişkilerinin de bayatlama prosesinde önemli roller oynaması muhtemeldir. Bu yayında genel itibariyle ekmekteki nişastada ve su içeriğinde meydana gelen değişimlerin incelendiği analiz yöntemlerine değinilmiştir. Bu analiz yöntemlerinin en sık kullanılanları X-ışını kırınım ve Nükleer Manyetik Rezonans teknikleridir. 


  • Elgün A, Ertugay Z. 2003. Tahıl İşleme Teknolojisi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Yayınları No:718, s:376.
  • Hug-Iten S, Escher F, Conde-Petit B. 2003. Staling of bread: role of amylose and amylopectin and influence of starch- degrading enzymes. Cereal Chem, 80 (6) 654–661.
  • Short AL, Roberts EA. 1971. Pattern of firmness within a bread loaf. J. Sci. Food Agric. 22: 470.
  • Fessas D, Schiraldi A. 1998. Texture and staling of wheat bread crumb: effects of water extractable proteins and pentosans. Termochimica Acta, 323: 17–26.
  • He H, Hoseney RC. 1990. Changes in bread firmness and moisture during long-term storage. Cereal Chem, 67 (6) 603–605.
  • Ribotta PD, Cuffini S, Leon AE, Anon MC. 2004. The staling of bread: an X-ray diffraction study. European Food Research and Technology, 218: 219–223.
  • Ankara Ticaret Odası (ATO) 28.08.2004 tarihli “Ekmekteki Kayıp Ekonomi” raporu. (03.04.2006).
  • Chen PL, Long Z, Ruan R, Labuza TP. 1997. Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of water mobility in bread during storage. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 30: 178-183.
  • Sidhu JS, Al-Saqer J, Al-Zenki S. 1997. Comparison of methods for assessment of the extent of staling in bread. Food Chem, 58: 161–167.
  • Rasmussen PH, Hansen A. 2001. Staling of wheat bread stored in modified atmosphere. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 34: 487-491.
  • Boyacıoğlu H. 1993. Ekmeğin bayatlaması, tanımı, teoriler, tayin yöntemleri ve yavaşlatma yolları. Unlu Mamuller Dünyası, 2 (2) 15–18.
  • Boussingault JB. 1852. Experiments to determine the transformation of fresh bread into stale bread. Ann. Chim. Phys, 36, 490.
  • Del Nobile MA, Martoriello T, Mocci G, La Notte E. 2003. Modeling the starch retrogradation kinetic of durum wheat bread. Journal of Food Engineering, 59: 123–128.
  • Goesaert H, Brijs K, Veraverbeke WS, Courtin CM, Gebruers K, Delcour JA. 2005. Wheat flour constituents: how they impact bread quality, and how to impact their functionality. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 16: 12–30.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS, Somashekar R. 1998. Differential scanning calorimetry and wide-angle X-ray scattering studies of bread staling. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 67: 1597–1603.
  • Herz KO. 1965. Staling of bread. A review. Food Technol, 19: 1828.
  • Martin ML, Zeleznak KJ, Hoseney RC. 1991. A mechanism of bread firming.I. Role of starch swelling. Cereal Chem, 68 (5) 498–503.
  • Karim AA, Norziah MH, Seow CC. 2000. Methods for the study of starch retrogradation. Food Chem, 71: 9–36.
  • AACC. 2000. Approved Methods of the American Association of Cereal Chemists. 10th Ed. Vol. II. AACC Methods 74–09, 74-10A and 74–30. American Association of Cereal Chemists. St. Paul, Minn.
  • Baker AE, Walker CE, Kemp K. 1988. An optimum compression depth for measuring bread crumb firmness. Cereal Chem, 65: 302.
  • Gray JA, Bemiller JN. 2003. Bread staling: molecular basis and control. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 2: 1–21.
  • Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM,Gerçekaslan KE, Uysal P. 2006. Ekşi Hamur Sisteminin Beyaz Tava Ekmeğinin Bayatlaması Üzerine Etkisi Ziraat Dergisi, 37(1) 103-110.
  • Baruch DW, Atkins TD. 1989. Using the wheat research institute chomper to assess crumb flexibility of staling bread. Cereal Chem, 66: 59–64.
  • Kulp K, Ponte JG Jr. 1981. Staling of white pan bread: fundamental causes. CRC Critical Rev. Food Sci. Nutr, 15: 1.
  • Schiraldi A, Piazza L, Riva M. 1996. Bread staling: a calorimetric approach. Cereal Chem, 73: 32.
  • Carr LG, Tadini CC. 2003. Influence of yeast and vegetable shortening on physical and textural parameters of frozen part baked French bread. Lebensm.-Wiss.u.-Technol, 36: 609–614.
  • Gerçekaslan KE. 2006. Trabzon Vakfıkebir ekmeğinin bayatlamasının çeşitli yöntemlerle takibi ve Francala ekmeği ile mukayesesi. Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, 104 s, Erzurum.
  • Campas-Baypoli ON, Rosas-Burgos EC, Torres-Chavez PI, Ramirez-Wong B, Serna-Saldivar SO. 2002. Pysicochemical changes of starch in maize totillas during storage at room and refrigeration temperatures. Starch, 54: 358–363.
  • Varriano-Marston E, Ke V, Huang G, Ponte JG Jr. 1980. Comparison of methods to determine starch gelatinization in bakery foods. Cereal Chem, 57: 242.
  • Yasunaga T, Bushuk W, Irvine GN. 1968. Gelatinization of starch during baking. Cereal Chem, 45: 269.
  • Toufeili I, Sleiman G, Salman RA, Brockway B. 1994. Effect of staling on viscoelastic properties of pastes prepared from Arabic bread. J Sci Food Agric, 64: 271.
  • Banecki H. 1972. Veränderungen der während des Altbackenwerdens des Weizen-und Roggenbrotes enzymetisch isolierten Stärke. Getreide Mehl Brot, 26: 6.
  • Kim SK, D’Appolonia BL. 1977. Bread staling studies. I. Effect of protein content on staling rate and bread crumb pasting properties. Cereal Chem, 54 (2) 207–215.
  • Morad MM, D’Appolonia, B.L., 1980. Effect of baking procedure and surfactants on the pasting properties of bread crumb. Cereal Chem, 57 (4) 239–241.
  • D’Appolonia BL, Morad MM. 1981. Bread staling. Cereal Chem, 58 (3) 186–190.
  • Karaoğlu MM. 2006. Effect of baking procedure and storage on the pasting properties and staling of part-baked and rebaked white pan bread crumb. Int. Journal of Food Properties. (Baskıda).
  • Karaoğlu MM. 2006. Effect of initial baking and storage time on the pasting properties and aging of part-baked and rebaked rye bread. Int. Journal of Food Properties. (Baskıda).
  • Yıldız A, Genç Ö, Bektaş S. 1997. Enstrümental analiz yöntemleri. Hacettepe Üniversitesi Yayınları, 273–283.
  • Vodovotz Y, Hallberg L, Chinachoti P. 1996. Effect of aging and drying on thermomechanical properties of white bread as characterized by dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Cereal Chem, 73(2) 264–270.
  • Baik MY, Chinachoti P. 2000. Moisture redistribution and phase transitions during bread staling. Cereal Chem, 77 (4) 484–488.
  • Schenz TW, Davis EA. 1998. Thermal analysis. In: Neilsen SS, editor. Food Analysis, 2nd ed. p 587-98.
  • Sahlström S, Brathen E. 1997. Effects of enzyme preparations for baking, mixing time and resting time on bread quality and bread staling. Food Chem, 58: 75-80.
  • Bárcenas ME, Haros M, Benedito C, Rosell CM. 2003. Effect of freezing and frozen storage on the staling of part-baked bread. Food Res. Int, 36: 863–869.
  • Shaikh IM, Ghodke SK, Ananthanarayan L. 2007. Staling of chapatti (Indian unleavened flat bread). Food Chem, 101: 113–119.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS. 1999. Studies on glass transition temperature during staling of bread containing different monomeric and polymeric additives. J Appl Polym Sci, 71: 1147–1152.
  • Vodovotz Y, Baik M, Vittadini E, Chinachoti P. 2001. Instrumental techniques used in bread staling analysis. In: Chinachoti P, Vodovotz Y, editors. Bread Staling. New York: CRC Press. p 93–111.
  • Zeleznak KJ, Hoseney RC. 1986. The role of water in the retrogradation of wheat starch gels and bread crumb. Cereal Chem, 63 (5) 407–411.
  • Axford DWE, Colwell KH. 1967. Thermal investigation of bread staling. Chem Ind London, 467
  • Fearn T, Russell PL. 1982. A kinetic study of bread staling by differential calorimetry. The effect of loaf specific volume. J Sci Food Agric, 33: 537.
  • Jagannath JH, Jayaraman KS, Arya SS. 1999. Dynamic mechanical thermal analysis of chapati and phulka (Indian unleavened bread). Food Chem, 64: 571–576.
Toplam 50 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

K. Emre Gerçekaslan Bu kişi benim

H. Gürbüz Kotancılar Bu kişi benim

M. Murat Karaoğlu Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2007
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2007 Cilt: 32 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Gerçekaslan, K. E. ., Kotancılar, H. G. ., & Karaoğlu, M. M. . (2007). Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I. Gıda, 32(6), 305-315.
AMA Gerçekaslan KE, Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM. Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I. GIDA. Aralık 2007;32(6):305-315.
Chicago Gerçekaslan, K. Emre, H. Gürbüz Kotancılar, ve M. Murat Karaoğlu. “Ekmek Bayatlaması Ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I”. Gıda 32, sy. 6 (Aralık 2007): 305-15.
EndNote Gerçekaslan KE, Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM (01 Aralık 2007) Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I. Gıda 32 6 305–315.
IEEE K. E. . Gerçekaslan, H. G. . Kotancılar, ve M. M. . Karaoğlu, “Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I”, GIDA, c. 32, sy. 6, ss. 305–315, 2007.
ISNAD Gerçekaslan, K. Emre vd. “Ekmek Bayatlaması Ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I”. Gıda 32/6 (Aralık 2007), 305-315.
JAMA Gerçekaslan KE, Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM. Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I. GIDA. 2007;32:305–315.
MLA Gerçekaslan, K. Emre vd. “Ekmek Bayatlaması Ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I”. Gıda, c. 32, sy. 6, 2007, ss. 305-1.
Vancouver Gerçekaslan KE, Kotancılar HG, Karaoğlu MM. Ekmek Bayatlaması ve Bayatlama Derecesini Ölçmede Kullanılan Yöntemler: I. GIDA. 2007;32(6):305-1.


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