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Yoghurt Powder: Processing Technology, Storage And Possible Fields of Use (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 4, 245 - 250, 01.08.2009


The primary objective of drying the yoghurt is to preserve it in a shelf stable powder form of high quality, without a need for refrigeration. In order to extend the shelf life of yoghurt, some traditional applications such as removing of water by straining (strained yoghurt) or sun drying of yoghurt are used , however, yoghurt powder which has the longest shelf life yoghurt product is not produced in an industrial scale in Turkey. Yoghurt can be dried alternatively by spray, microwave, convective or freeze drying methods, taking into consideration the viability and activity of the yoghurt bacteria. The quality of yoghurt powder is affected mainly by the viable yoghurt starter bacteria count. Although the best method for drying the yoghurt is identified to be freeze drying in terms of survival of yoghurt starter bacteria; high cost of application is seen to be the main disadvantage of this method. On the other hand, another drying method - spray drying has advantages such as high moisture removal rate, reduced cost and short process time, compared to the freeze-drying method. Freeze-dried yoghurt can be stored for up to 1-2 years, at 4 ºC whereas spray dried yoghurt cultures, when stored under cool and dry conditions, are guaranteed to preserve its activity up to 1 year. After 1 year of storage, the powder should contain a minimum of total lactic acid bacteria counts of 106 cfu/g. Yoghurt powder can be used in dry dessert mixes, yoghurt drink mixes flavored with natural fruits, soup bases, instant drink mixes and as ingredients in bakery and confectionery industries. It can also be used in reconstituted form as fresh yoghurt. However, poor texture, gel structure and flavor of reconstituted yoghurt are the main problems of yoghurt powder technology and should be improved. In this review, it is aimed to present information on production technology, storage stability and possible fields of use of yoghurt powder and different drying methods used.


  • FAO/WHO. 1977. Report joint FAO/WHO expert committee on the code of principles concerning milk and milk products. Rome.
  • Hamann WT, Marth EH. 1984. Survival of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus in commercial and experimental yogurts. J Food Prot, 47: 781-786.
  • McGregor JU, White CH. 1987. Effect of sweeteners on major volatile compounds and flavor of yogurt. J Da- iry Sci, 70: 7828-1834.
  • Gillihand SE. 1991. Properties of yoghurt, Therapeu- tic Properties of Fermented Milk, RK Robinson (editor),
  • Elsevier Applied Food Science, London, UK, pp. 65-80. Çağlar A, Çakmakçı S. 1994. Yoğurdun insan sağlığı ve beslenmesindeki rolü ve önemi, III. Milli Süt ve Süt ürünleri Sempozyumu, 2-3 Haziran, İstanbul, Milli Pro- düktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 548, s: 205-220.
  • Gilliland SE, Kim H. 1984. Effect of viable starter cul- ture bacteria in yoghurt on lactose utilization in humans. J Dairy Sci, 67: 1-6.
  • Savaino AD, El-Anouar AA, Smith DE, Lewitt MD. Lactose malabsorption from yoghurt, pasteurized yoghurt, sweet acidophilus milk and cultured milk in lactase-deŞcient individuals. Am J Clin Nutr, 40: 1219
  • Kumar P, Mishra HN. 2004. Yoghurt powder- A revi- ew of process technology, storage and utilization. Food
  • Bioprod Process, 82(C2): 133-142. Tamime AY, Robinson RK. 1999. Yoghurt: Science and technology. 2nd Edition, Cambridge, UK: Woodhead.
  • Anon 1983. Friendly’s pie in the sky sales. Dairy Rec, (4): 50.
  • Anon 1982. Yoghurt drinks mix launched in west. Dairy Field, 165(10): 22.
  • Akın N. 2006. Modern Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, Damla Ofset, 456 s.
  • Rasic JL, Kurman JA. 1978. Yogurt, ScientiŞc Gro- unds, Technology, Manufacture and Preparations, Fer- mented Fresh Milk products Vol. 1. Technical Dairy Pub- lishing House, Copenhagen, Denmark, 466 p.
  • Özer BH, Robinson RK, Grandison AS, Bell AE. Rheological characteristics of labneh (concenra- ted yoghurt) produced by various concentration techni- ques. Textural Properties of Fermented Milks and Dairy Desserts, Special Issue 9802: 181-185, International Da- iry Federation, Brussels.
  • Hessabi I. 1995. Process for preparing sour milk, curd and yoghurt products. PCt International Patent Applica- tion, WO 95-16356A1:13.
  • Chehade AAD, Tamime AY, Wade VN. 1992. The qu- ality of strained yoghurt (labneh) made from recombi- nation was influenced by the storage conditions. Proce- edings of 5th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology, Egypt, pp. 249.
  • Groux M. 1973. Flavour components of yoghurt, Lait, 53(523-524):146-153.
  • Nergiz C, Seckin AK. 1998 The losses of nutrients during the production of strained (torba) yoghurt. Food Chem, 61(1-2): 13-16.
  • Özer B. 2006. Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Sidas Med- ya LTD. ŞTİ. 488 s, İzmir.
  • Patır B, Ateş G. 2002. Kurutun mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal bazı nitelikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26 (4): 785-792.
  • Rybka S, Kailasapathy K. 1995. The survival of cultu- re bacteria in fresh and freeze dried AB yoghurts. Aust J Dairy Tech, 50(2): 51-57.
  • Kim SS, Bhowmik SR.1990. Survival of lactic acid bacteria during spray drying of plain yoghurt. J. Food Sci, : 1008-1010, 1048.
  • Rybka S, Kailasapathy K. 1997. Effect of freeze drying and storage on the microbiological and physical proper- ties of AB yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, 52 (7): 390-394.
  • Blanchaud M. 1972. Fermented milk-based food and its preparation, French Patent Application No. 2 093 908.
  • Radaeva IA, Shul’kina SP, Kocherga SI, Efron BG. Effect of freezing regimes in freeze-drying on yog- hurt quality, Molochnaya Promyshlennost, 5: 22-23. Venir E, Del Torre M, Stecchini ML, Maltini E, Di Nardo P. 2007. Preparation of freeze-dried yoghurt as a space food. J Food Eng, 80: 402-407.
  • Sharma MK, Arora CP, Mital BK. 1992. Influence of concentration of milk solids on freeze drying rate of yog- hurt and its quality. J Food Eng, 15(3): 187-198.
  • Sharma MK, Arora CP. 1995. Influence of product thickness, chamber pressure and heating conditions on production rate of freze dried yoghurt. Int J Refrig, 18(5): 307.
  • Radaeva IA, Gorshkov AI, Lopatkin NA Shul’kina SP. Biological and nutritive value of new dried milk products, in XX International Dairy Congress, Vol. E: pp Mitic S, Cuperlovic M. 1989. Effect of freze drying on amino acid transformation and digestibility of the symbotic bacteria S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus. Hrana-i Ishara. 30 (1):35-36.
  • Perez Silva A, Cervantes MAS, Galindo HSG. 1997.
  • Acetaldehyde retention during spray drying of yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, 52 (2): 89-92. Avlesen K, Abrahamsen RK, Steinsholt K. 1979. Pro- duction of yoghurt powder for acidiŞcation of frozen yoghurt. Meieriposten, 68 (6):167-179, 190.
  • Bielecka M, Majkowska A. 2000. Effect of spray drying temperature of yoghurt on the survival of star- ter cultures, moisture content and sensoric properties of yoghurt powder. Nahrung, 4: 257-260.
  • Figueroa ER, Cervantes MAS, Rodriguez GC, Gar- cia HS. 2002. Addition of hydrocolloids to improve the functionality of spray dried yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, (2): 87-89.
  • Johnson JAC, Etzel MR. 1993. Inactivation of lactic acid bacteria during spray drying, in Food Dehydration,
  • Barbosa-Canovas, G.V. and Oleos, M.R. (editors) Volu- me 89, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 98-107. Kim SS, Bhowmik SR. 1994. Effective moisture dif- fusivity of plain yoghurt undergoing microwave vacuum drying. J. Food Eng, 24(1): 137-148.
  • Kim SS, Shin SG, Chang KS, Kim SY, Noh BS, Bhow- mik SR. 1997. Survival of lactic acid bacteria during mic- rowave vacuum drying of plain yoghurt. Lebenmitt Wiss Tech, 30 (6): 573-577.
  • Kumar P, Mishra HN. 2006. Moisture sorption cha- racteristics of mango-soy fortiŞed yoghurt powder. Int J Dairy Tech, 59: 22-28.
  • Hayaloğlu AA, Karabulut I, Alpaslan M, Kelbaliyev G. 2007. Mathematical modelling of drying charcteris- tics of strained yoghurt in a convective type tray-dryer. J Food Eng, 78: 109-117.
  • Pan TA, Xu GH, Gao FY. 1994. Manufacture of yog- hurt powder. Shipin-Kexue 3: 18-21.
  • Gavin M. 1968. Freeze drying of yoghurt. Schweiz Milchzeitg, 94 (57): 55-456.
  • Tamime AY. 1989. Microbiology of starter cultu- res. In: The Microbiology of Milk Products, Robinson RK
  • (editor) Volume 2, Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 203. Kalugin VV.1979. Kinetics of moisture absorption by freeze-dried cultured milk products, Trudy, Vsesoyuzn- yi Nauchno-issledovatel’skii Institut Molochnoi Promys- hlennosti, 49:11-12.
  • Karadimov DS, Murgov ID, Karadimova ZA. 1975.
  • Changes in yoghurt characteristics during freeze-drying and storage. I. Viability of lactic acid bacteria during yog- hurt freeze-drying, Nauchni Trudove, Vissh Institut po Khranitelna i Vkusova Promishlenost, 22 (1): 41-49. Capela P, Hay TKC, Shah NP. 2006. Effect of cryopro- tectantas, prebiotics and microencapsulation on survival of probiotics organisms in yoghurt and freeze dried yog- hurt. Food Res Int, 39: 203-211.

Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 4, 245 - 250, 01.08.2009


Yoğurdun kurutulmasının temel amacı yoğurdu yüksek kalitede, soğutma gereksinimi olmadan, raf ömrünü arttırarak toz formunda saklamaktır. Türkiye’de bölgesel olarak yoğurdun raf ömrünü uzatmak amacıyla süzerek suyunu uzaklaştırma (süzme yoğurt), güneşte kurutma gibi çeşitli yöntemler kullanılmakla birlikte endüstriyel düzeyde yoğurt tozu üretimi yapılmamaktadır. Yoğurdu kurutmak için dondurarak kurutma, püskürtmeli kurutma, mikrodalga kurutma veya konvektif kurutma gibi kurutma yöntemleri uygulanmaktadır. Yoğurt tozu kalitesini canlı yoğurt starter bakteri sayısı önemli ölçüde etkilemektedir. Yoğurt tozu, canlı bakteri sayısı açısından değerlendirildiğinde en iyi kurutma yönteminin dondurarak kurutma olduğu belirtilmekle birlikte, çok pahalı bir yöntem oluşu önemli bir dezavantaj olarak görünmektedir. Diğer taraftan püskürtmeli kurutma yöntemi, yüksek su buharlaşma hızı, daha düşük maliyet ve kısa işlem süresi ile dondurarak kurutma yöntemine karşı avantajlar sağlamaktadır. Dondurarak kurutulmuş yoğurt, 4 ºC’da 1-2 yıl depolanabilmekte, püskürtmeli kurutucuda kurutulmuş yoğurt ise soğuk ve kuru koşullar altında saklandığında aktif kültürler 1 yıl canlılıklarını koruyabilmektedir. 1 yıllık depolama sonrasında, yoğurt tozunun en az 106kob/g düzeyinde toplam canlı yoğurt bakterisi içermesi gerekmektedir. Toz ürün; kuru meyveli karışımlarda, meyve aromalı yoğurt içeceklerinde, hazır içecek karışımlarında, ekmekçilikte, hazır toz çorba karışımlarında kullanılabildiği gibi, rekonstitüe edilerek taze yoğurt formunda da kullanılabilmektedir. Ancak yoğurt tozu teknolojisinde karşılaşılan en önemli problem, rekonstitüe ürünün jel yapısı, tekstür ve aroma özelliklerinin zayıf olmasıdır ve bu mutlaka geliştirilmelidir. Bu derlemede yoğurt tozunun üretim teknolojisi, farklı kurutma yöntemleri, depolama stabilitesi ve kullanım alanları hakkında bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • FAO/WHO. 1977. Report joint FAO/WHO expert committee on the code of principles concerning milk and milk products. Rome.
  • Hamann WT, Marth EH. 1984. Survival of Streptococcus thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus in commercial and experimental yogurts. J Food Prot, 47: 781-786.
  • McGregor JU, White CH. 1987. Effect of sweeteners on major volatile compounds and flavor of yogurt. J Da- iry Sci, 70: 7828-1834.
  • Gillihand SE. 1991. Properties of yoghurt, Therapeu- tic Properties of Fermented Milk, RK Robinson (editor),
  • Elsevier Applied Food Science, London, UK, pp. 65-80. Çağlar A, Çakmakçı S. 1994. Yoğurdun insan sağlığı ve beslenmesindeki rolü ve önemi, III. Milli Süt ve Süt ürünleri Sempozyumu, 2-3 Haziran, İstanbul, Milli Pro- düktivite Merkezi Yayınları No: 548, s: 205-220.
  • Gilliland SE, Kim H. 1984. Effect of viable starter cul- ture bacteria in yoghurt on lactose utilization in humans. J Dairy Sci, 67: 1-6.
  • Savaino AD, El-Anouar AA, Smith DE, Lewitt MD. Lactose malabsorption from yoghurt, pasteurized yoghurt, sweet acidophilus milk and cultured milk in lactase-deŞcient individuals. Am J Clin Nutr, 40: 1219
  • Kumar P, Mishra HN. 2004. Yoghurt powder- A revi- ew of process technology, storage and utilization. Food
  • Bioprod Process, 82(C2): 133-142. Tamime AY, Robinson RK. 1999. Yoghurt: Science and technology. 2nd Edition, Cambridge, UK: Woodhead.
  • Anon 1983. Friendly’s pie in the sky sales. Dairy Rec, (4): 50.
  • Anon 1982. Yoghurt drinks mix launched in west. Dairy Field, 165(10): 22.
  • Akın N. 2006. Modern Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi, Damla Ofset, 456 s.
  • Rasic JL, Kurman JA. 1978. Yogurt, ScientiŞc Gro- unds, Technology, Manufacture and Preparations, Fer- mented Fresh Milk products Vol. 1. Technical Dairy Pub- lishing House, Copenhagen, Denmark, 466 p.
  • Özer BH, Robinson RK, Grandison AS, Bell AE. Rheological characteristics of labneh (concenra- ted yoghurt) produced by various concentration techni- ques. Textural Properties of Fermented Milks and Dairy Desserts, Special Issue 9802: 181-185, International Da- iry Federation, Brussels.
  • Hessabi I. 1995. Process for preparing sour milk, curd and yoghurt products. PCt International Patent Applica- tion, WO 95-16356A1:13.
  • Chehade AAD, Tamime AY, Wade VN. 1992. The qu- ality of strained yoghurt (labneh) made from recombi- nation was influenced by the storage conditions. Proce- edings of 5th Egyptian Conference for Dairy Science and Technology, Egypt, pp. 249.
  • Groux M. 1973. Flavour components of yoghurt, Lait, 53(523-524):146-153.
  • Nergiz C, Seckin AK. 1998 The losses of nutrients during the production of strained (torba) yoghurt. Food Chem, 61(1-2): 13-16.
  • Özer B. 2006. Yoğurt Bilimi ve Teknolojisi. Sidas Med- ya LTD. ŞTİ. 488 s, İzmir.
  • Patır B, Ateş G. 2002. Kurutun mikrobiyolojik ve kimyasal bazı nitelikleri üzerine araştırmalar. Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 26 (4): 785-792.
  • Rybka S, Kailasapathy K. 1995. The survival of cultu- re bacteria in fresh and freeze dried AB yoghurts. Aust J Dairy Tech, 50(2): 51-57.
  • Kim SS, Bhowmik SR.1990. Survival of lactic acid bacteria during spray drying of plain yoghurt. J. Food Sci, : 1008-1010, 1048.
  • Rybka S, Kailasapathy K. 1997. Effect of freeze drying and storage on the microbiological and physical proper- ties of AB yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, 52 (7): 390-394.
  • Blanchaud M. 1972. Fermented milk-based food and its preparation, French Patent Application No. 2 093 908.
  • Radaeva IA, Shul’kina SP, Kocherga SI, Efron BG. Effect of freezing regimes in freeze-drying on yog- hurt quality, Molochnaya Promyshlennost, 5: 22-23. Venir E, Del Torre M, Stecchini ML, Maltini E, Di Nardo P. 2007. Preparation of freeze-dried yoghurt as a space food. J Food Eng, 80: 402-407.
  • Sharma MK, Arora CP, Mital BK. 1992. Influence of concentration of milk solids on freeze drying rate of yog- hurt and its quality. J Food Eng, 15(3): 187-198.
  • Sharma MK, Arora CP. 1995. Influence of product thickness, chamber pressure and heating conditions on production rate of freze dried yoghurt. Int J Refrig, 18(5): 307.
  • Radaeva IA, Gorshkov AI, Lopatkin NA Shul’kina SP. Biological and nutritive value of new dried milk products, in XX International Dairy Congress, Vol. E: pp Mitic S, Cuperlovic M. 1989. Effect of freze drying on amino acid transformation and digestibility of the symbotic bacteria S. thermophilus and L. bulgaricus. Hrana-i Ishara. 30 (1):35-36.
  • Perez Silva A, Cervantes MAS, Galindo HSG. 1997.
  • Acetaldehyde retention during spray drying of yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, 52 (2): 89-92. Avlesen K, Abrahamsen RK, Steinsholt K. 1979. Pro- duction of yoghurt powder for acidiŞcation of frozen yoghurt. Meieriposten, 68 (6):167-179, 190.
  • Bielecka M, Majkowska A. 2000. Effect of spray drying temperature of yoghurt on the survival of star- ter cultures, moisture content and sensoric properties of yoghurt powder. Nahrung, 4: 257-260.
  • Figueroa ER, Cervantes MAS, Rodriguez GC, Gar- cia HS. 2002. Addition of hydrocolloids to improve the functionality of spray dried yoghurt. Milchwissenschaft, (2): 87-89.
  • Johnson JAC, Etzel MR. 1993. Inactivation of lactic acid bacteria during spray drying, in Food Dehydration,
  • Barbosa-Canovas, G.V. and Oleos, M.R. (editors) Volu- me 89, Cambridge University Press, UK, pp. 98-107. Kim SS, Bhowmik SR. 1994. Effective moisture dif- fusivity of plain yoghurt undergoing microwave vacuum drying. J. Food Eng, 24(1): 137-148.
  • Kim SS, Shin SG, Chang KS, Kim SY, Noh BS, Bhow- mik SR. 1997. Survival of lactic acid bacteria during mic- rowave vacuum drying of plain yoghurt. Lebenmitt Wiss Tech, 30 (6): 573-577.
  • Kumar P, Mishra HN. 2006. Moisture sorption cha- racteristics of mango-soy fortiŞed yoghurt powder. Int J Dairy Tech, 59: 22-28.
  • Hayaloğlu AA, Karabulut I, Alpaslan M, Kelbaliyev G. 2007. Mathematical modelling of drying charcteris- tics of strained yoghurt in a convective type tray-dryer. J Food Eng, 78: 109-117.
  • Pan TA, Xu GH, Gao FY. 1994. Manufacture of yog- hurt powder. Shipin-Kexue 3: 18-21.
  • Gavin M. 1968. Freeze drying of yoghurt. Schweiz Milchzeitg, 94 (57): 55-456.
  • Tamime AY. 1989. Microbiology of starter cultu- res. In: The Microbiology of Milk Products, Robinson RK
  • (editor) Volume 2, Elsevier Applied Science, London, pp. 203. Kalugin VV.1979. Kinetics of moisture absorption by freeze-dried cultured milk products, Trudy, Vsesoyuzn- yi Nauchno-issledovatel’skii Institut Molochnoi Promys- hlennosti, 49:11-12.
  • Karadimov DS, Murgov ID, Karadimova ZA. 1975.
  • Changes in yoghurt characteristics during freeze-drying and storage. I. Viability of lactic acid bacteria during yog- hurt freeze-drying, Nauchni Trudove, Vissh Institut po Khranitelna i Vkusova Promishlenost, 22 (1): 41-49. Capela P, Hay TKC, Shah NP. 2006. Effect of cryopro- tectantas, prebiotics and microencapsulation on survival of probiotics organisms in yoghurt and freeze dried yog- hurt. Food Res Int, 39: 203-211.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Banu Koç Bu kişi benim

Melike Sakin Bu kişi benim

Pınar Balkır Bu kişi benim

Figen Kaymak-ertekin Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Koç, B. ., Sakin, M. ., Balkır, P. ., Kaymak-ertekin, F. . (2009). Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları. Gıda, 34(4), 245-250.
AMA Koç B, Sakin M, Balkır P, Kaymak-ertekin F. Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları. GIDA. Ağustos 2009;34(4):245-250.
Chicago Koç, Banu, Melike Sakin, Pınar Balkır, ve Figen Kaymak-ertekin. “Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Gıda 34, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2009): 245-50.
EndNote Koç B, Sakin M, Balkır P, Kaymak-ertekin F (01 Ağustos 2009) Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları. Gıda 34 4 245–250.
IEEE B. . Koç, M. . Sakin, P. . Balkır, ve F. . Kaymak-ertekin, “Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları”, GIDA, c. 34, sy. 4, ss. 245–250, 2009.
ISNAD Koç, Banu vd. “Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Gıda 34/4 (Ağustos 2009), 245-250.
JAMA Koç B, Sakin M, Balkır P, Kaymak-ertekin F. Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları. GIDA. 2009;34:245–250.
MLA Koç, Banu vd. “Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama Ve Kullanım Alanları”. Gıda, c. 34, sy. 4, 2009, ss. 245-50.
Vancouver Koç B, Sakin M, Balkır P, Kaymak-ertekin F. Yoğurt Tozu; İşleme Teknolojisi, Depolama ve Kullanım Alanları. GIDA. 2009;34(4):245-50.


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