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The Effect of Modified Atmosphere Packaging on Some Properties of Various Types of Cheese (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 5, 309 - 316, 01.10.2009


Modified atmosphere packaging applications may create different interactions and changes according to the cheese types. It was determined that while lactic and mesophilic flora were not affected, mould-yeast development was inhibited in cheeses. Formation of aflatoxin can be blocked because of controlling the mould development. While shelf-life of cheese increases 50-150 %, weight loss may occur during storage. It may be seen sticking in sliced cheese and collapsing and fragiling in block cheese. According to the CIE color system it was determined that a* value was increased and L* and b* values were decreased. In this review, results of recent articles regarding to the effect of MAP application on various types of cheese were evaluated.


  • 1. Marilley L, Casey MG. 2004. Flavours of cheese products: metabolic pathways, analytical tools and identification of producing strains, Int J Food Microbiol, 90 : 139-159.
  • 2. Church JJ, Parsons AL. 1995. A review: Modified atmosphere packaging technology. J Food Agric, 67 : 143-152.
  • 3. Farber JM. 1991. Microbiological aspects of modifiedatmosphere packaging technology - A review. J Food Prot, 54 (1), 58-70.
  • 4. Phillps CA. 1996. Review: modified atmosphere packaging and its effects on the microbiological quality and safety of produce. Int J Food Sci Technol, 31: 463-79.
  • 5. Devlieghere F, Debevere J, Van Impe J. 1998. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the water-phase as a parameter to model the effect of a modified atmosphere on microorganisms Int J Food Microbiol, 43 : 105-113.
  • 6. Debs-Louka E, Louka N, Abraham G, Chabot V, Allaf K. 1999. Effect of compressed carbon dioxide on microbial cell viability. Appl Environ Microbiol, 65 (2), 626- 631.
  • 7. Hotchkiss JH, Werner BG, Lee EYC. 2006. Addition of carbon dioxide to dairy products to improve quality : A comprehensive review. Comprehensive Reviews. Food Sci and Food Safety, 5 : 158 - 168.
  • 8. Kader AA, Whatkins CB. 2007. Modified atmosphere packaging. Toward 2000 and beyond. (Erişim tarihi 21.10.2007).
  • 9. Parry RT. 1993. Introduction. In: Parry RT, editor. Principles and applications of MAP of foods. New York, USA: Blackie Academic and Professional. 1-18.
  • 10. Grove TM, Marcy JE, Hackney CR, Duncan SE. 2007. Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on fungal spoilage in dairy products. PDF (Erişim tarihi 15.09.2007).
  • 11. Üçüncü M. 2007. Gıdaların Modifiye atmosferde ambalajlanması. Gıdaların Ambalajlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 690 s.
  • 12. Gonzalez-Fandos E, Sanz S, Olarte C. 2000. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Cameros cheese packaged under modified atmospheres. Food Microbiol, 17 : 407- 414 .
  • 13. Jakobsen M, Risbo J. 2009. Carbon dioxide equilibrium between product and gas phase of modified atmosphere packaging systems: Exemplified by semihard cheese. J Food Eng, 92 : 285-290
  • 14. O’Mahony FC, O’Riordan TC, Papkovskaia N, Kerry JP, Papkovsky DB. 2006. Non-destructive assessment of oxygen levels in industrial modified atmosphere packaged cheddar cheese. Food Control, 17 : 286-292.
  • 15. Dermiki M, Ntzimani A, Badeka A, Savvaidis IN, Kontominas MG. 2007. Shelf-life extension and quality attributes of the whey cheese ‘‘Myzithra Kalathaki’’ using modified atmosphere packaging J Food Sci and Techno, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2007.02.014
  • 16. Oyugi E, Buys EM. 2007. Microbiological quality of shredded cheddar cheese packaged in modified atmospheres. Int. J Dairy Technol, 60 : 89 - 95.
  • 17. Favati F, Galgano F, Pace AM. 2007. Shelf-life evaluation of portioned Provolone cheese packaged in protective atmosphere. LWT , 40 : 480-488
  • 18. Whitley E, Muir D, Waites WM. 2000. The growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cheese packed under a modified atmosphere. J Appl Microbiol, 88 : 52-57.
  • 19. Gammariello D, Conte A, Di Giulio S, Attanasio M. Del Nobile MA. 2009. Shelf life of Stracciatella cheese under modified-atmosphere packaging J Dairy Sci, 92 : 483-490.
  • 20. Mannheim CH, Soffer T. 1996. Shelf-life extension of Cottage cheese by modified atmosphere packaging Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technol, 29 (8), 767-771.
  • 21. Pintado ME, Malcata FX. 2000. The Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the microbial ecology in Requezjao, A Portuguese whey cheese. J Food Proces Preserv, 24 : 107-124 s.
  • 22. Romani S, Sacchetti G, Pittia P, Pinnavaia GG, Dalla Rosa M. 2002. Physical, chemical, textural and sensorial changes of portioned Parmigiano Reggiano cheese packed under different conditions. Food Sci Technol Int, 8 (4), 203-211.
  • 23. Eliot SC, Vuillemard JC, Emond JP. 1998. Stability of shredded Mozzarella cheese under modified atmospheres. J Food Sci, 63 (6), 1075-1080.
  • 24. Papaioannou G, Chouliara I, Karatapanis AE, Kontominas MG, Savvaidis IN. 2007. Shelf-life of a Greek whey cheese under modified atmosphere packaging. Int Dairy J, 17 : 358-364.
  • 25. Juric M, Bertelsen G, Mortensen G, Petersen MA. 2003. Light-induced colour and aroma changes in sliced, modified atmosphere packaged semi-hard cheeses. Int Dairy J, 13 : 239 - 249.
  • 26. Erkan ME, Aksu H, 2006. Modifiye atmosfer paketleme tekniğinin dilimlenmiş taze kaşar peynirinin mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 32 (1) : 15.
  • 27. Daniels JA, Krishnamurth R and Rizvi SSH. 1985. A review of effects of CO2 on microbial growth and food quality. J Food Protect 48 : 532-537.
  • 28. Colchin LM, Owens SL, Lyubachevskaya G, BoyleRoden E, Russek-Cohen E, Rankin SA. 2001. Modified atmosphere packaged Cheddar cheese shreds: Influence of fluorescent light exposure and gas type on color and production of volatile compounds . J Agric Food Chem, 49 (5), 2277 -2282.
  • 29. Kristensen D, Orlien V, Mortensen G, Brockhoff P, Skibsted LH. 2000. Light-induced oxidation in sliced Havarti cheese packaged in modified atmosphere. Int Dairy J, 10: 95-103.
  • 30. Taniwaki MH, Hocking AD, Pitt JI, Fleet GH. 2001. Growth of fungi and mycotoxin on cheese under modified atmosphere. Int J Food Microbiol , 68 : 125-133.
  • 31. Vercelino RM, Grigoli CI, Fernandes AG, Jose FF. 1996. Stability of sliced mozzarella cheese in modified atmosphere packaging. J Food Prot, 59 : 838-844.
  • 32. Del Nobile MA, Conte A, Incoronato AL, Panza O. 2009. Modified atmosphere packaging to improve the microbial stability of Ricotta. African J Microbiol Res, 3 (4), 137-142.
  • 33. Moir CJ, Eyles MJ, Davey JA. 1993. Inhibition of pseudomonads in cottage cheese by packaging in atmospheres containing carbon dioxide. Food Microbiol, 10 : 345-351.
  • 34. Chen JH, Hotchkiss JH. 1993. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium sporogenes in Cottage cheese in modified atmosphere packaging. J Dairy Sci, 76 : 972-977.
  • 35. Kırgın C, Güneş G, Akyılmaz MC. 2009. Modifiye atmosferde paketlemenin dilimlenmiş taze Beyaz peynirin kalitesine etkisi. Pamukkale Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 21-23 Mayıs, Denizli, Türkiye, 93

Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi

Yıl 2009, Cilt: 34 Sayı: 5, 309 - 316, 01.10.2009


Modifiye atmosferde paketleme (MAP) uygulamaları peynir çeşitliliğine göre farklı etkileşim ve değişimler oluşturabilmektedir. MAP uygulamasının birçok peynir tipinde laktik ve mezofilik florayı etkilemediği, maya-küf gelişimini yavaşlattığı gözlenmiştir. Küf gelişimi kontrol altına alındığından, aflatoksin oluşumu da engellenebilmektedir. Peynirlerin raf ömürleri %50-150 oranında artış gösterirken, depolama süresince ağırlık kaybı olabilmektedir. MAP uygulamasının dilimlenmiş peynirlerde yapışma, kalıp peynirlerde çökme ve kırılganlık görülmesi gibi bazı dezavantajları da vardır. Peynirlerin CIE renk sistemine göre a* değerinin arttığı, L* ve b* değerinin azaldığı saptanmıştır. Bu derlemede farklı tip peynirler üzerine MAP uygulamaları ile ilgili güncel araştırma sonuçları incelenerek bu konuyla ilgili detaylı bilgi verilmesi amaçlanmıştır.


  • 1. Marilley L, Casey MG. 2004. Flavours of cheese products: metabolic pathways, analytical tools and identification of producing strains, Int J Food Microbiol, 90 : 139-159.
  • 2. Church JJ, Parsons AL. 1995. A review: Modified atmosphere packaging technology. J Food Agric, 67 : 143-152.
  • 3. Farber JM. 1991. Microbiological aspects of modifiedatmosphere packaging technology - A review. J Food Prot, 54 (1), 58-70.
  • 4. Phillps CA. 1996. Review: modified atmosphere packaging and its effects on the microbiological quality and safety of produce. Int J Food Sci Technol, 31: 463-79.
  • 5. Devlieghere F, Debevere J, Van Impe J. 1998. Concentration of carbon dioxide in the water-phase as a parameter to model the effect of a modified atmosphere on microorganisms Int J Food Microbiol, 43 : 105-113.
  • 6. Debs-Louka E, Louka N, Abraham G, Chabot V, Allaf K. 1999. Effect of compressed carbon dioxide on microbial cell viability. Appl Environ Microbiol, 65 (2), 626- 631.
  • 7. Hotchkiss JH, Werner BG, Lee EYC. 2006. Addition of carbon dioxide to dairy products to improve quality : A comprehensive review. Comprehensive Reviews. Food Sci and Food Safety, 5 : 158 - 168.
  • 8. Kader AA, Whatkins CB. 2007. Modified atmosphere packaging. Toward 2000 and beyond. (Erişim tarihi 21.10.2007).
  • 9. Parry RT. 1993. Introduction. In: Parry RT, editor. Principles and applications of MAP of foods. New York, USA: Blackie Academic and Professional. 1-18.
  • 10. Grove TM, Marcy JE, Hackney CR, Duncan SE. 2007. Influence of modified atmosphere packaging on fungal spoilage in dairy products. PDF (Erişim tarihi 15.09.2007).
  • 11. Üçüncü M. 2007. Gıdaların Modifiye atmosferde ambalajlanması. Gıdaların Ambalajlanması. Ege Üniversitesi Basımevi, 690 s.
  • 12. Gonzalez-Fandos E, Sanz S, Olarte C. 2000. Microbiological, physicochemical and sensory characteristics of Cameros cheese packaged under modified atmospheres. Food Microbiol, 17 : 407- 414 .
  • 13. Jakobsen M, Risbo J. 2009. Carbon dioxide equilibrium between product and gas phase of modified atmosphere packaging systems: Exemplified by semihard cheese. J Food Eng, 92 : 285-290
  • 14. O’Mahony FC, O’Riordan TC, Papkovskaia N, Kerry JP, Papkovsky DB. 2006. Non-destructive assessment of oxygen levels in industrial modified atmosphere packaged cheddar cheese. Food Control, 17 : 286-292.
  • 15. Dermiki M, Ntzimani A, Badeka A, Savvaidis IN, Kontominas MG. 2007. Shelf-life extension and quality attributes of the whey cheese ‘‘Myzithra Kalathaki’’ using modified atmosphere packaging J Food Sci and Techno, doi:10.1016/j.lwt.2007.02.014
  • 16. Oyugi E, Buys EM. 2007. Microbiological quality of shredded cheddar cheese packaged in modified atmospheres. Int. J Dairy Technol, 60 : 89 - 95.
  • 17. Favati F, Galgano F, Pace AM. 2007. Shelf-life evaluation of portioned Provolone cheese packaged in protective atmosphere. LWT , 40 : 480-488
  • 18. Whitley E, Muir D, Waites WM. 2000. The growth of Listeria monocytogenes in cheese packed under a modified atmosphere. J Appl Microbiol, 88 : 52-57.
  • 19. Gammariello D, Conte A, Di Giulio S, Attanasio M. Del Nobile MA. 2009. Shelf life of Stracciatella cheese under modified-atmosphere packaging J Dairy Sci, 92 : 483-490.
  • 20. Mannheim CH, Soffer T. 1996. Shelf-life extension of Cottage cheese by modified atmosphere packaging Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und-Technol, 29 (8), 767-771.
  • 21. Pintado ME, Malcata FX. 2000. The Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the microbial ecology in Requezjao, A Portuguese whey cheese. J Food Proces Preserv, 24 : 107-124 s.
  • 22. Romani S, Sacchetti G, Pittia P, Pinnavaia GG, Dalla Rosa M. 2002. Physical, chemical, textural and sensorial changes of portioned Parmigiano Reggiano cheese packed under different conditions. Food Sci Technol Int, 8 (4), 203-211.
  • 23. Eliot SC, Vuillemard JC, Emond JP. 1998. Stability of shredded Mozzarella cheese under modified atmospheres. J Food Sci, 63 (6), 1075-1080.
  • 24. Papaioannou G, Chouliara I, Karatapanis AE, Kontominas MG, Savvaidis IN. 2007. Shelf-life of a Greek whey cheese under modified atmosphere packaging. Int Dairy J, 17 : 358-364.
  • 25. Juric M, Bertelsen G, Mortensen G, Petersen MA. 2003. Light-induced colour and aroma changes in sliced, modified atmosphere packaged semi-hard cheeses. Int Dairy J, 13 : 239 - 249.
  • 26. Erkan ME, Aksu H, 2006. Modifiye atmosfer paketleme tekniğinin dilimlenmiş taze kaşar peynirinin mikrobiyolojik ve duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkisi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Veteriner Fak. Dergisi, 32 (1) : 15.
  • 27. Daniels JA, Krishnamurth R and Rizvi SSH. 1985. A review of effects of CO2 on microbial growth and food quality. J Food Protect 48 : 532-537.
  • 28. Colchin LM, Owens SL, Lyubachevskaya G, BoyleRoden E, Russek-Cohen E, Rankin SA. 2001. Modified atmosphere packaged Cheddar cheese shreds: Influence of fluorescent light exposure and gas type on color and production of volatile compounds . J Agric Food Chem, 49 (5), 2277 -2282.
  • 29. Kristensen D, Orlien V, Mortensen G, Brockhoff P, Skibsted LH. 2000. Light-induced oxidation in sliced Havarti cheese packaged in modified atmosphere. Int Dairy J, 10: 95-103.
  • 30. Taniwaki MH, Hocking AD, Pitt JI, Fleet GH. 2001. Growth of fungi and mycotoxin on cheese under modified atmosphere. Int J Food Microbiol , 68 : 125-133.
  • 31. Vercelino RM, Grigoli CI, Fernandes AG, Jose FF. 1996. Stability of sliced mozzarella cheese in modified atmosphere packaging. J Food Prot, 59 : 838-844.
  • 32. Del Nobile MA, Conte A, Incoronato AL, Panza O. 2009. Modified atmosphere packaging to improve the microbial stability of Ricotta. African J Microbiol Res, 3 (4), 137-142.
  • 33. Moir CJ, Eyles MJ, Davey JA. 1993. Inhibition of pseudomonads in cottage cheese by packaging in atmospheres containing carbon dioxide. Food Microbiol, 10 : 345-351.
  • 34. Chen JH, Hotchkiss JH. 1993. Growth of Listeria monocytogenes and Clostridium sporogenes in Cottage cheese in modified atmosphere packaging. J Dairy Sci, 76 : 972-977.
  • 35. Kırgın C, Güneş G, Akyılmaz MC. 2009. Modifiye atmosferde paketlemenin dilimlenmiş taze Beyaz peynirin kalitesine etkisi. Pamukkale Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Sempozyumu, 21-23 Mayıs, Denizli, Türkiye, 93
Toplam 35 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

İlhan Gün Bu kişi benim

Zeynep Güzel-seydim Bu kişi benim

Atıf Can Seydim Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2009
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2009 Cilt: 34 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Gün, İ. ., Güzel-seydim, Z. ., & Seydim, A. C. . (2009). Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi. Gıda, 34(5), 309-316.
AMA Gün İ, Güzel-seydim Z, Seydim AC. Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi. GIDA. Ekim 2009;34(5):309-316.
Chicago Gün, İlhan, Zeynep Güzel-seydim, ve Atıf Can Seydim. “Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi”. Gıda 34, sy. 5 (Ekim 2009): 309-16.
EndNote Gün İ, Güzel-seydim Z, Seydim AC (01 Ekim 2009) Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi. Gıda 34 5 309–316.
IEEE İ. . Gün, Z. . Güzel-seydim, ve A. C. . Seydim, “Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi”, GIDA, c. 34, sy. 5, ss. 309–316, 2009.
ISNAD Gün, İlhan vd. “Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi”. Gıda 34/5 (Ekim 2009), 309-316.
JAMA Gün İ, Güzel-seydim Z, Seydim AC. Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi. GIDA. 2009;34:309–316.
MLA Gün, İlhan vd. “Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi”. Gıda, c. 34, sy. 5, 2009, ss. 309-16.
Vancouver Gün İ, Güzel-seydim Z, Seydim AC. Modifiye Atmosferde Paketlemenin Farklı Tipteki Peynirlerin Bazı Niteliklerine Etkisi. GIDA. 2009;34(5):309-16.


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