The Effect of Corn Zein Edible Film Coating on Quality of Intermediate Moisture Tomatoes (Turkish with English Abstract)
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 34 Sayı: 6, 359 - 366, 01.12.2009
Taner Baysal
Seda Ersus
Elif Apaydın
Dried tomatoe samples were dipped into 2.5% citric acid solution at 80 ºC for 2 minutes for achieving the intermediate moisture content. Then the samples were coated with natural corn protein zein based films. Different treatments were applied on the intermediate moisture tomatoes to compare the effects of coating process on the quality of tomatoes over 10 months storage at 5 and 20 ºC. Treatments were as follows: (1) control group (not coated), (2) potassium sorbate containing zein film coating, (3) potassium sorbate and ascorbic acid containing zein film coating and (4) (only) zein film coating. Coating was found to be effective on weight loss of samples during storage period. It as also identified that sorbate addition to the films decreased the rate of microbial growth. The effect of storage temperature on total aerobic mesophilic bacteria count was found statistically significant (P<0.05). However, no significant differences in color values of all samples was observed.
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- 7. Cha DS, Chinnan MS. 2004. Biopolymer-Based Antimicrobial Packaging: A Review, Crit Rev Food Sci and Nutr, 44: 223-237.
- 8. Petersen K, Nielsen P, Bertelsen G, Lawter M, Olsen MB, Nilsson NH, Mortensen G. 1999. Potential of Biobased Materials for Food Packaging. Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 10: 52-68.
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- 11. Miller KS, Krochta JM. 1997. Oxygen and Aroma Barrier Properties in Edible Films, Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 8: 228-237.
- 12. Trahantan RN. 2003. Biodegradable Films and Composite Coatings: Past, Present and Future, Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 14: 71-78.
- 13. Anker M. 1996. Edible and biodegradable films and coating for food packaging, The Swedish Institue for Food and Biotechnology, Goteborg, Sweden.
- 14. Baldwin E. A. 1999. Surface Treatments and Edible Coatings in Food Preservation In: Handbook of Food Preservation, (ed). M. S. Rahman. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York., 577-609.
- 15. Debeaufort F, Quezada-Gallo JA, Voilley A. 1998. Edible films and coatings: tomorrow packaging: a review, Crit Rev Food Sci, 38 (4): 299–313.
- 16. Kester JJ, Fennema OR. 1986. Edible film and coating: A review, Food Techn 40 (12): 47-59.
- 17. Guilbert S. 1986. Technology and Application of Edible Protective Films. In: Food Packaging and Preservation, M. Matothlouthi (ed). Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York, 371–394.
- 18. Padgett T, Han IY, Dawson PL. 1998. Incorporation of food- grade antimicrobial compound into biodegradable packaging films, J Food Protec, 61 (10): 1330-1335.
- 19. Cemeroğlu B. 1992. Meyve Sebze Endüstrisinde Temel Analiz Metodları, BİLTAV Üniversite Kitapları Serisi no:02-2, Ankara, 381 s.
- 20. Anon 1995. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis of the Association Agricultural Chemists, ed. Board Willliam Harwitz, Chairman and Ed. Committee on Editting Methods of Analysis. Chichilo P, Clifford PA, Reynolds H, 10th Edition.
- 21. BAM 1998. Bacteriological Analytical Manuel FDA, 8th Edition, Revision A, AOAC Gaithersburg, MD 20877, USA
- 22. Çakmak AE, Atacan EB. 1998. Orta Nemde Kurutulmuş Domates Üretimi, Ege Üniversitesi, Lisans Tezi, Bornova-İzmir, 39 s.
- 23. Park HJ, Chinnan MS, Shewfelt RL. 1994. Edible Coating Effects on Storage Life and Quality of Tomatoes, J Food Sci, 59 (3): 568-570.
Yenilebilir Mısır Zeini Filmi Kaplamanın Orta Nemli Domates Kalitesi Üzerine Etkisi
Yıl 2009,
Cilt: 34 Sayı: 6, 359 - 366, 01.12.2009
Taner Baysal
Seda Ersus
Elif Apaydın
Kurutulmuş domates örnekleri ön işlemlerden geçirildikten sonra %2.5 sitrik asit içeren 80 ºC’deki çözeltiye 2 dk daldırılarak orta nemli hale getirilmiştir. Orta nemli hale getirilen domateslerin kalitesi üzerine doğal mısır proteini zein film ile kaplamanın araştırıldığı bu çalışmada, örnekler (1) kontrol, (2) potasyum sorbat eklenmiş zein film, (3) potasyum sorbat + askorbik asit eklenmiş zein film ve (4) sadece zein film ile kaplama işlemlerine tabi tutularak gruplandırılmıştır. İşleme sonrası örnekler iki farklı depolama sıcaklığında (5 ve 20 ºC) 10 ay süre ile depolanmıştır. Orta nemli domates örneklerine zein ile kaplama uygulamasının depolama süresinde ağırlık kaybını azalttığı ayrıca film içeriğine sorbat eklenmesi ile mikrobiyal gelişimin yavaşladığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca orta nemli domateslerin toplam aerobik mezofilik canlı sayısı değerleri üzerinde depolama sıcaklığının etkisi istatistiksel bakımdan önemli (P<0.05) olarak bulunmuştur. Ancak örneklerin renginde kaplamanın belirgin bir etkisine rastlanmamıştır.
- 1. Vural H, Duman İ. 2001. Güneşte Kurutulmuş Domates Üretimi ve Bu Üretimin Sanayi Domatesi Üretimi İçindeki Yeri, TİGEM
- 2. Multon FL. 1981. L’Etat actuel des travaux de la commision, Aliments a humidite, intermedicine du C.N.E.R.N.A Ind. Aliment. April, 98: 291-302.
- 3. Aksay S. 1996. Kuru Kayısı ve İncirden Rehidrasyon Yöntemiyle Orta Nemli Meyve Üretimi, Ege Üniversitesi, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İzmir, 86 s.
- 4. Vermeiren L, Devlieghere F, Van Beest M, De Kruijf N, Debevere J. 1999. Developments in the active packaging of foods, Trends Food Sci Tech, 10: 77-86
- 5. Appendini P, Hotchkiss JH. 2002. Review of Antimicrobial Food Packaging. Innov Food Sci & Emerg Tech, 3: 113-126.
- 6. Quintavalla S, Vicini L. 2002. Antimicrobial food packaging in meat industry. Meat Sci, 62: 373–380.
- 7. Cha DS, Chinnan MS. 2004. Biopolymer-Based Antimicrobial Packaging: A Review, Crit Rev Food Sci and Nutr, 44: 223-237.
- 8. Petersen K, Nielsen P, Bertelsen G, Lawter M, Olsen MB, Nilsson NH, Mortensen G. 1999. Potential of Biobased Materials for Food Packaging. Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 10: 52-68.
- 9. Guilbert S, Gontard N. 1995. Edible and Biodegradable Food Packaging, In: Foods and Packaging MaterialsChemical Interractions, Ackerman P, Jargestad M. And Ohlsson T. (ed). The Royal Society Chemistry, Cambridge, pp. 159-168.
- 10. Guilbert S, Gontard N, Gorris LGM. 1996. Prolongation of the Shelf Life of Perishable Food Products using Biodegradable Films and Coatings. Lebensmittel-Wiss u-Technology, 29: 10-17.
- 11. Miller KS, Krochta JM. 1997. Oxygen and Aroma Barrier Properties in Edible Films, Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 8: 228-237.
- 12. Trahantan RN. 2003. Biodegradable Films and Composite Coatings: Past, Present and Future, Trends in Food Sci and Tech, 14: 71-78.
- 13. Anker M. 1996. Edible and biodegradable films and coating for food packaging, The Swedish Institue for Food and Biotechnology, Goteborg, Sweden.
- 14. Baldwin E. A. 1999. Surface Treatments and Edible Coatings in Food Preservation In: Handbook of Food Preservation, (ed). M. S. Rahman. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York., 577-609.
- 15. Debeaufort F, Quezada-Gallo JA, Voilley A. 1998. Edible films and coatings: tomorrow packaging: a review, Crit Rev Food Sci, 38 (4): 299–313.
- 16. Kester JJ, Fennema OR. 1986. Edible film and coating: A review, Food Techn 40 (12): 47-59.
- 17. Guilbert S. 1986. Technology and Application of Edible Protective Films. In: Food Packaging and Preservation, M. Matothlouthi (ed). Elsevier Applied Science Publishers, New York, 371–394.
- 18. Padgett T, Han IY, Dawson PL. 1998. Incorporation of food- grade antimicrobial compound into biodegradable packaging films, J Food Protec, 61 (10): 1330-1335.
- 19. Cemeroğlu B. 1992. Meyve Sebze Endüstrisinde Temel Analiz Metodları, BİLTAV Üniversite Kitapları Serisi no:02-2, Ankara, 381 s.
- 20. Anon 1995. AOAC Official Methods of Analysis of the Association Agricultural Chemists, ed. Board Willliam Harwitz, Chairman and Ed. Committee on Editting Methods of Analysis. Chichilo P, Clifford PA, Reynolds H, 10th Edition.
- 21. BAM 1998. Bacteriological Analytical Manuel FDA, 8th Edition, Revision A, AOAC Gaithersburg, MD 20877, USA
- 22. Çakmak AE, Atacan EB. 1998. Orta Nemde Kurutulmuş Domates Üretimi, Ege Üniversitesi, Lisans Tezi, Bornova-İzmir, 39 s.
- 23. Park HJ, Chinnan MS, Shewfelt RL. 1994. Edible Coating Effects on Storage Life and Quality of Tomatoes, J Food Sci, 59 (3): 568-570.