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Applications of Nanaotechnology in Food Science and Technology (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3, 219 - 225, 01.06.2010


Nanoscience and nanotechnology is developing rapidly as being one of the most important research and application area. This technology has various applications primarily for electronic, computer, material, textile and drug industry, in beside of the potential food and agricultural applications. Food processing, development of novel functional foods, transport and controlled release of bioactive materials, detection of pathogens, and extension of shelf-life by the improvement of novel packaging materials are some of the potential food applications of nanotechnology. Protein, carbohydrate and lipid based nanostructures can provide desired properties to food products in the meaning of content, texture and flavor. In this article, the researches and the foresights related to the applications of nanotechnology in food systems are reviewed. Besides, some information for food grade nanoparticles, their production and characterization, and safety of food products produced by nanotechnology are involved.


  • Chen H, Weiss J, Shadidi F. 2006. Nanotechnology in nutraceuticals and functional foods. Food Technol, 60(3): 36.
  • Mason TG, Wilking JN, Meleson K, Chang CB, Gra- ves SM. 2006. Nanoemulsions: formation, structure, and physical properties. J Phys.: Condens. Matter, 18: 635–
  • Nakajima M. 2005. Development of nanotechnology and materials for innovative utilization of biological functions. Proceedings of the 34th United States and Japan Natural Resources (UJNR) Food and Agriculture Panel, Susono, Japan. van Nieuwenhuyzen W, Szuhaj BF. 1998. Effects of le- cithins and proteins on the stability of emulsions. Fett/ Lipid, 100: 282-291.
  • Santipanichwong R, Suphantharika M, Weiss J, McClements DJ. 2008. Core-shell biopolymer nanopar- ticles produced by electrostatic deposition of beet pec- tin onto heat-denatured beta-lactoglobulin aggregates. J Food Sci, 73(6): 23-30.
  • Weiss J, Takhistov P, Mcclements DJ. 2006. Functio- nal materials in food nanotechnology. J Food Sci, 71 (9): 116.
  • Sorrentino A, Gorrasi G, Vittoria V. 2007. Potential perspectives of bio-nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 18: 84-95.
  • Moraru CI, Panchapakesan CP, Huang Q, Takhistov P, Liu S, Kokini JL. 2003. Nanotechnology: a new frontier in food science. Food Technol,, 57(12): 24-29.
  • Ipsen R, Otte J. 2003. Nano-structuring by means of proteolysis, rheology of novel gels from α-lactalbumin.
  • Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 11: 93. Graveland-Bikker JF, Fritz G, Glatter O, de Kruif CG. Growth and structure of α-lactalbumin nanotubes. J Appl. Crystallography, 39: 180–184. Liu H, Bachand GD, Kim H, Hayden CC, Abate EA, Sasaki DY. 2008. Lipid nanotube formation from strepta- vidin−membrane binding. Langmuir, 24 (8): 3686-3689.
  • Sozer N, Kokini JL. 2008. Nanotechnology and its applications in the food sector. Trends in Biotechnol, 27 (2): 82-89.
  • Baeumner A. 2004. Nanosensors identify pathogens in food. Food Technol, 58 (8): 51-55.
  • Vo-Dinh T, Cullum BM, Stokes DL. 2001. Nanosen- sors and biochips: frontiers in biomolecular diagnostics.
  • Sensors and Actuators B, 74: 2-11. Canel C. et al. 2006. Micro and nanotechnologies for food safety and quality applications. MNE’06 Micro-and
  • Nano-Engineering, 5C-3INVMicrosystems and their fabrication 2 Proceedings, 17-20 September 2006 Bar- celona, Spain
  • Föster S, Konrad M. 2003. From self-organising poly- mers to nano and biomaterials. J Materials Chem, 13: 2688.
  • Sanguansri P,Augustin MA. 2006. Nanoscale materi- als development - a food industry perspective. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 17: 547-556.
  • Dion M, Luykx AM, Peters RJB, Van Ruth SM, Bo- uwmeester H. 2008. A review of analytical methods for the identification and characterization of nano delivery systems in food. J Agricultural and Food Chem, 56: 8231
  • Chau CF, Wu SH, Yen GC. 2007. The development of regulations for food nanotechnology. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 18: 269-280.
  • ETC Group, Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration. 2005. The potential impacts of nano- scale technologies on commodity markets: the implicati- ons for commodity dependent developing countries. uthcentre.commodities.pdf
  • Decker K J. 2003. Wonder waters: fortified and flavo- ured waters. Food Product Design, 13(5): 57-74.
  • Hazen C. 2003. Formulating function into beverages.
  • Food Product Design, 12 (10): 36-70. ElAmin A. 2005. Claim: nanofood patents could clo- se down innovation. ng.asp?id¼61973
  • INNI, Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative. Researchers in Israel and U.S. select top four na- notech projects. US-IL%20NanoWater%20Workshop%20Press%20Rele- ase%20JUL-06.pdf Gardner E. 2003. Brainy food: academia, industry sink their teeth into edible nano. Small time correspon- dent.
  • Fletcher A. 2006. Nanotech antioxidant system: food ingredients of the future.¼64914
  • Heller L. 2006. Flavor firm uses nanotechnology for new ingredient solutions. ng.asp?id¼69008
  • ElAmin A. 2006. Nanocantilevers studied for quick pathogen detection. ng.asp?id¼70159
  • Roach S. 2006a. Instant, portable, simultaneous pat- hogen inspection. http://www.foodproductiondaily-usa. com/news/ng.asp?id¼69938
  • ElAmin A. 2005b. Nanotechnology targets new food packaging products. ng.asp?id¼63147
  • Roach S. 2006b Nanotechnology passes first toxicity hurdle. ng.asp?id¼69557
  • IFST (Institute of Food Science and Technology), Nanotechnology. ATTACHMENTS/Nanotechnology.pdf Sherman LM. 2005. Chasing nanocomposites.
  • Semo E, Kesselman E, Danino D, Livney YD. 2007.
  • Casein micelle as a natural nano-capsular vehicle for nutraceuticals, Food Hydrocolloids, 21: 936-942. Kaittanis C, Naser SA, Perez JM. 2007. One-step, nanoparticle-mediated bacterial detection with magne- tic relaxation, Nano Letters, 7(2): 380-383.
  • Graveland-Bikkera JF, de Kruif CG. 2006. Unique milk protein based nanotubes: food and nanotechnology meet, Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 17: 196-203.
  • Allianz & OECD. 2005. Opportunities and risks of nanotechnology, Munich: Allianz.
  • EU Nanofoods Project “Development of foods con- taining nanoencapsulated ingredient” (Grant agreement no. 222006)
  • Joseph T, Morrison M. 2006. Nanotechnology in ag- riculture and food. A nanoforum report, May. pp. 1-14. reportpdf/report61.pdf.
  • Nel A, Xia T, Madler L, Li N. 2006. Toxic potential of materials at the nanolevel. Science, 311, 622-627.
  • Oberdorster G, Maynard A, Donaldson K, Castra- nova V, Fitzpatrick J, Ausman K. 2005. Principles for characterizing the potential human health effects from exposure to nanomaterials: elements of a screening stra- tegy. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. content/2/1/8
  • Bouwmeester H, Dekkers S, Noordam MY, Hagens WI, Bulder AS, de Heer C, ten Voorde SECG, Wijn- hoven SWP, Marvin HJP, Sips AJAM. 2009. Review of health safety aspects of nanotechnologies in food pro- duction, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 53 (1): 52-62.

Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3, 219 - 225, 01.06.2010


Nanobilim ve nanoteknoloji çağımızın en önemli araştırma ve uygulama alanlarından biri olarak hızla gelişmektedir. Başlıca, elektronik, bilgisayar, malzeme, tekstil ve ilaç sanayinde kullanımına yönelik çalışmaların yürütüldüğü bu teknolojinin, gıda ve ziraat alanlarında da çok çeşitli uygulamaları öngörülmektedir. Gıda işleme, yeni fonksiyonel ürünlerin geliştirilmesi, biyoaktif maddelerin taşınması ve kontrollü salınımı, patojenlerin tesbiti, yeni paketleme ürünlerinin geliştirilerek raf ömrünün uzatılması gibi uygulamalar nanoteknolojinin potansiyel gıda uygulamaları arasında yer almaktadır. Protein, karbonhidrat ve yağ kaynaklı nanoparçacıklarla, gıda ürünlerine içerik, tekstür, aroma anlamında istenilen özelliklerin kazandırılması sağlanabilecektir. Bu makalede; nanoteknolojinin gıda alanına uygulamaları üzerine yapılan araştırmalar ve öngörüler derlenmiştir. Bunun yanısıra gıda kaynaklı nanoparçacıklar, üretim ve karakterizasyon yöntemleri ve nanoteknoloji ürünü gıdaların güvenliğine ilişkin bilgilerde sunulan derlemede yer almaktadırlar.


  • Chen H, Weiss J, Shadidi F. 2006. Nanotechnology in nutraceuticals and functional foods. Food Technol, 60(3): 36.
  • Mason TG, Wilking JN, Meleson K, Chang CB, Gra- ves SM. 2006. Nanoemulsions: formation, structure, and physical properties. J Phys.: Condens. Matter, 18: 635–
  • Nakajima M. 2005. Development of nanotechnology and materials for innovative utilization of biological functions. Proceedings of the 34th United States and Japan Natural Resources (UJNR) Food and Agriculture Panel, Susono, Japan. van Nieuwenhuyzen W, Szuhaj BF. 1998. Effects of le- cithins and proteins on the stability of emulsions. Fett/ Lipid, 100: 282-291.
  • Santipanichwong R, Suphantharika M, Weiss J, McClements DJ. 2008. Core-shell biopolymer nanopar- ticles produced by electrostatic deposition of beet pec- tin onto heat-denatured beta-lactoglobulin aggregates. J Food Sci, 73(6): 23-30.
  • Weiss J, Takhistov P, Mcclements DJ. 2006. Functio- nal materials in food nanotechnology. J Food Sci, 71 (9): 116.
  • Sorrentino A, Gorrasi G, Vittoria V. 2007. Potential perspectives of bio-nanocomposites for food packaging applications. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 18: 84-95.
  • Moraru CI, Panchapakesan CP, Huang Q, Takhistov P, Liu S, Kokini JL. 2003. Nanotechnology: a new frontier in food science. Food Technol,, 57(12): 24-29.
  • Ipsen R, Otte J. 2003. Nano-structuring by means of proteolysis, rheology of novel gels from α-lactalbumin.
  • Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, 11: 93. Graveland-Bikker JF, Fritz G, Glatter O, de Kruif CG. Growth and structure of α-lactalbumin nanotubes. J Appl. Crystallography, 39: 180–184. Liu H, Bachand GD, Kim H, Hayden CC, Abate EA, Sasaki DY. 2008. Lipid nanotube formation from strepta- vidin−membrane binding. Langmuir, 24 (8): 3686-3689.
  • Sozer N, Kokini JL. 2008. Nanotechnology and its applications in the food sector. Trends in Biotechnol, 27 (2): 82-89.
  • Baeumner A. 2004. Nanosensors identify pathogens in food. Food Technol, 58 (8): 51-55.
  • Vo-Dinh T, Cullum BM, Stokes DL. 2001. Nanosen- sors and biochips: frontiers in biomolecular diagnostics.
  • Sensors and Actuators B, 74: 2-11. Canel C. et al. 2006. Micro and nanotechnologies for food safety and quality applications. MNE’06 Micro-and
  • Nano-Engineering, 5C-3INVMicrosystems and their fabrication 2 Proceedings, 17-20 September 2006 Bar- celona, Spain
  • Föster S, Konrad M. 2003. From self-organising poly- mers to nano and biomaterials. J Materials Chem, 13: 2688.
  • Sanguansri P,Augustin MA. 2006. Nanoscale materi- als development - a food industry perspective. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 17: 547-556.
  • Dion M, Luykx AM, Peters RJB, Van Ruth SM, Bo- uwmeester H. 2008. A review of analytical methods for the identification and characterization of nano delivery systems in food. J Agricultural and Food Chem, 56: 8231
  • Chau CF, Wu SH, Yen GC. 2007. The development of regulations for food nanotechnology. Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 18: 269-280.
  • ETC Group, Action Group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration. 2005. The potential impacts of nano- scale technologies on commodity markets: the implicati- ons for commodity dependent developing countries. uthcentre.commodities.pdf
  • Decker K J. 2003. Wonder waters: fortified and flavo- ured waters. Food Product Design, 13(5): 57-74.
  • Hazen C. 2003. Formulating function into beverages.
  • Food Product Design, 12 (10): 36-70. ElAmin A. 2005. Claim: nanofood patents could clo- se down innovation. ng.asp?id¼61973
  • INNI, Israel National Nanotechnology Initiative. Researchers in Israel and U.S. select top four na- notech projects. US-IL%20NanoWater%20Workshop%20Press%20Rele- ase%20JUL-06.pdf Gardner E. 2003. Brainy food: academia, industry sink their teeth into edible nano. Small time correspon- dent.
  • Fletcher A. 2006. Nanotech antioxidant system: food ingredients of the future.¼64914
  • Heller L. 2006. Flavor firm uses nanotechnology for new ingredient solutions. ng.asp?id¼69008
  • ElAmin A. 2006. Nanocantilevers studied for quick pathogen detection. ng.asp?id¼70159
  • Roach S. 2006a. Instant, portable, simultaneous pat- hogen inspection. http://www.foodproductiondaily-usa. com/news/ng.asp?id¼69938
  • ElAmin A. 2005b. Nanotechnology targets new food packaging products. ng.asp?id¼63147
  • Roach S. 2006b Nanotechnology passes first toxicity hurdle. ng.asp?id¼69557
  • IFST (Institute of Food Science and Technology), Nanotechnology. ATTACHMENTS/Nanotechnology.pdf Sherman LM. 2005. Chasing nanocomposites.
  • Semo E, Kesselman E, Danino D, Livney YD. 2007.
  • Casein micelle as a natural nano-capsular vehicle for nutraceuticals, Food Hydrocolloids, 21: 936-942. Kaittanis C, Naser SA, Perez JM. 2007. One-step, nanoparticle-mediated bacterial detection with magne- tic relaxation, Nano Letters, 7(2): 380-383.
  • Graveland-Bikkera JF, de Kruif CG. 2006. Unique milk protein based nanotubes: food and nanotechnology meet, Trends in Food Sci & Tech, 17: 196-203.
  • Allianz & OECD. 2005. Opportunities and risks of nanotechnology, Munich: Allianz.
  • EU Nanofoods Project “Development of foods con- taining nanoencapsulated ingredient” (Grant agreement no. 222006)
  • Joseph T, Morrison M. 2006. Nanotechnology in ag- riculture and food. A nanoforum report, May. pp. 1-14. reportpdf/report61.pdf.
  • Nel A, Xia T, Madler L, Li N. 2006. Toxic potential of materials at the nanolevel. Science, 311, 622-627.
  • Oberdorster G, Maynard A, Donaldson K, Castra- nova V, Fitzpatrick J, Ausman K. 2005. Principles for characterizing the potential human health effects from exposure to nanomaterials: elements of a screening stra- tegy. Particle and Fibre Toxicology. content/2/1/8
  • Bouwmeester H, Dekkers S, Noordam MY, Hagens WI, Bulder AS, de Heer C, ten Voorde SECG, Wijn- hoven SWP, Marvin HJP, Sips AJAM. 2009. Review of health safety aspects of nanotechnologies in food pro- duction, Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 53 (1): 52-62.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Özgür Tarhan Bu kişi benim

Vural Gökmen Bu kişi benim

Şebnem Harsa Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Tarhan, Ö. ., Gökmen, V. ., & Harsa, Ş. . (2010). Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları. Gıda, 35(3), 219-225.
AMA Tarhan Ö, Gökmen V, Harsa Ş. Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları. GIDA. Haziran 2010;35(3):219-225.
Chicago Tarhan, Özgür, Vural Gökmen, ve Şebnem Harsa. “Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim Ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları”. Gıda 35, sy. 3 (Haziran 2010): 219-25.
EndNote Tarhan Ö, Gökmen V, Harsa Ş (01 Haziran 2010) Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları. Gıda 35 3 219–225.
IEEE Ö. . Tarhan, V. . Gökmen, ve Ş. . Harsa, “Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları”, GIDA, c. 35, sy. 3, ss. 219–225, 2010.
ISNAD Tarhan, Özgür vd. “Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim Ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları”. Gıda 35/3 (Haziran 2010), 219-225.
JAMA Tarhan Ö, Gökmen V, Harsa Ş. Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları. GIDA. 2010;35:219–225.
MLA Tarhan, Özgür vd. “Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim Ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları”. Gıda, c. 35, sy. 3, 2010, ss. 219-25.
Vancouver Tarhan Ö, Gökmen V, Harsa Ş. Nanoteknolojinin Gıda Bilim ve Teknolojisi Alanındaki Uygulamaları. GIDA. 2010;35(3):219-25.


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