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Microencapsulation of Probiotic Microorganisms (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 4, 297 - 304, 01.08.2010


Probiotics are defined as live microorganisms that have beneficial effects on their hosts when administered in adequate amounts. For having beneficial effects of probiotics, it is necessary that probiotic microorganisms maintain the adequate number of viable cells during the shelf life of the product as well as during the gastrointestinal (GI)-tract transit after consumption. It was reported that one of the new methods is microencapsulation technique to enhance the survival of microorganisms used in production of probiotic food. Mostly, techniques of extrusion and emulsion have been used as a microencapsulation method. In this review, it was informed about microencapsulation techniques used in food production, new alternative methods and some researches. 


  • De Vuyst L, Falony G, Leroy F. 2008. Probiotics in fermented sausages. Meat Sci, 80, 75–78.
  • Cruz AG, Antunes A, Sousa AL, Faria J, Susana S. Ice-cream as a probiotic food carrier. Food Res Int, Article in press. Ranadheera RDCS, Baines SK, Adams MC. 2009. Im- portance of food in probiotic efficacy. Food Res Int, Ar- ticle in press.
  • Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2006. Survival of probiotics encapsulated in chitosan-coated alginate beads in yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally trea- ted milk during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 39, –183.
  • Vasiljevic T, Shah, NP. 2008. Probiotics—from metc- hnikoff to bioactives. Int Dairy J, 18, 714–728.
  • Mattila-Sandholm T, Arinena PM, Crittenden R, Mogensen AG, Fond R, Saarela, M. 2002. Technologi- cal challenges for future probiotic foods. Int Dairy J, 12, –182.
  • Shah NP. 2007. Functional cultures and health bene- fits. Int Dairy J, 17, 1262–1277.
  • Knorr D. 1998. Technology aspects related to micro- organisms in functional foods. Trends Food Sci Tech, 9, 306.
  • Ouwehand,AC, Isolauri SSE. 2002. Probiotics: an overview of beneficial effects. A Van Leeuw J Microb, , 279–289.
  • Argin S. 2007. Microencapsulation of probiotic bac- teria in xanthan-chitosan polyelectrolyte complex gels.
  • Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, Amerika, 70p. Mosilhey SH. 2003. Influence of different capsule ma- terials on the physiological properties of microencapsu- lated Lactobacillus acidophilus. Rheinischen Friedrich
  • Wilhelms-Universität, Hohen Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät, Institut für lebensmitteltechnologie, Doctor- Ingenieur, El-Beheira, Agypten, 154p. Gouin S. 2004. Microencapsulation: Industrial App- raisal of Existing Technologies and Trends. Trends Food Sci Tech, 15, 330–347.
  • Anal AK, Singh H, 2007. Recent advances in micro- encapsulation of probiotics for industrial applications and targeted delivery. Trends Food Sci Tech, 18, 240-251.
  • Hsieh YP, Ofori JA. 2007. Innovations in food tech- nology for health. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 16 (1), 65-73.
  • Qi WT, Ma J, Yu WT, Xie YB, Wang W, Ma X. 2006.
  • Behavior of microbial growth and metabolism in algi- nate–chitosan–alginate (ACA) microcapsules. Enzyme Microb Tech, 38, 697–704. Champagne C, Fustier P. 2007. Microencapsulation for the improved delivery of bioactive compounds into foods. Curr Opin Biotech, 18, 184–190.
  • Lacroix C, Yildirim S. 2007. Fermentation technolo- gies for the production of probiotics with high viability and functionality. Curr Opin Biotech, 18, 176–183.
  • Kailasapathy K. 2002. Microencapsulation of pro- biotic bacteria: Technology and Potential Applications.
  • Curr Iss Intest Microbiol, 3, 39-48. Hsieh CW, Lu WC, Hsieh WC, Huang YP, Lai CH, Ko WC. 2009. Improvement of the stability of nattokinase using g-polyglutamic acid as a coating material for mic- roencapsulation. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 42, 144–149.
  • Dubey R., Shami TC, Bhasker Rao KU. 2009. Mic- roencapsulation Technology and Applications. Defence Sci J, 59(1), 82-95.
  • Park JK, Chang HN. 2000. Microencapsulation of microbial cells. Biotechnol Adv, 18, 303–319.
  • Öztürk N. 2006. Hidrofobik nanoyapılarda Candida rugosa lipaz immobilizasyonu. Adnan Menderes Üni- versitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Bölümü Yüksek
  • Lisans Tezi, Aydın, Türkiye, 116s. Kabaharnup Y. 2004. İmmobilize Saccharomyces ce- revisiae mayasıyla şarap üretimi, Çukurova Üniversite- si, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim
  • Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana, Türkiye, 47s. Uyan Ersus S. 2004. Kara havuç antsiyanin ekstrak- tının püskürtmeli kurutucu kullanılarak mikroenkapsü- lasyonu, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda
  • Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, İzmir, Türki- ye, 167s. Pianoa MD, Morellic L, Strozzib GP, Allesinab S, Barbab M, Deiddab F, Lorenzinib P, Ballar´ea M, Monti- noa F, Orselloa M, Sartoria M, Garelloa E, Carmagnolaa S, Pagliaruloa M, Capurso L. 2006. Probiotics: from Re- search to Consumer. Digest Liver Dis, 38 (2): 248–255.
  • Kim S, Cho SY, Kim SH, Song O, Shin S, Cha DS, Park HJ. 2008. Effect of microencapsulation on viability and other characteristics in Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • ATCC-43121. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 41, 493–500
  • Nazzaro F, Fratianni F, Coppola R, Sada A, Orlando P. Fermentative ability of alginate-prebiotic encapsu- lated Lactobacillus acidophilus and survival under simu- lated gastrointestinal conditions. Journal of Functional Foods, 1, 319–323. Capela P, Hay TKC, Shah NP. 2006. Effect of cryop- rotectants, prebiotics and microencapsulation on survi- val of probiotic organisms in yoghurt and freeze-dried yoghurt. Food Res Int, 39, 203–211.
  • Homayouni A, Azizi A, Ehsani MR, Yarmand MS, Razavi SH. 2008. Effect of microencapsulation and re- sistant starch on the probiotic survival and sensory pro- perties of synbiotic ice cream. Food Chem, 111, 50–55.
  • Heidebach T, Först P, Kulozik U. 2009. Transglutami- nase-induced caseinate gelation for the microencapsula- tion of probiotic cells. Int Dairy J, 19, 77–84.
  • Kailasapathy K. 2006. Survival of free and encapsu- lated probiotic bacteria and their effect on the sensory properties of yoghurt. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 39, 1221–
  • Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2003. Evalu- ation of encapsulation techniques of probiotics for yog- hurt. Int Dairy J, 13, 3–13.
  • Heidebach T, Först P, Kulozik U. 2009. Microencap- sulation of probiotic cells by means of rennet-gelation of milk proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 1670–1677.
  • Özer B, Kirmaci HA, Şenel E, Atamer M, Hayaloğlu A. 2009. Improving the viability of Bifidobacterium bifi- dum BB-12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 in whi- te-brined cheese by microencapsulation. Int Dairy J, 19, –29.
  • Papagianni M, Anastasiadou S. 2009. Encapsulati- on of Pediococcus acidilactici cells in corn and olive oil microcapsules emulsified by peptides and stabilized with xanthan in oil-in-water emulsions: studies on cell viabi- lity under gastro-intestinal simulating conditions. Enz- yme Microb Tech, 45, 514–522.
  • Capela P, Hay B, Shah NP. 2007. Effect of homogeni- sation on bead size and survival of encapsulated probio- tic bacteria. Food Res Int, 40, 1261–1269.
  • Ding WK, Shah NP. 2009. Effect of homogenization techniques on reducing the size of microcapsules and the survival of probiotic bacteria therein. J Food Sci, (6), 231-236.
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, Kailasapathya K. 2000. Encapsulation of pro- biotic bacteria with alginate–starch and evaluation of survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions and in yoghurt. Int J Food Microbiol, 62, 47–55.
  • Chandramoulia V, Kailasapathya K, Peiris P, Jones M. An improved method of microencapsulation and its evaluation to protect Lactobacillus spp. in simulated gastric conditions. J Microbiol Meth, 56, 27– 35. Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2004. The inf- luence of coating materials on some properties of algina- te beads and survivability of microencapsulated probio- tic bacteria. Int Dairy J, 14, 737–743.
  • Ding WK, Shah NP. 2009. An improved method of microencapsulation of probiotic bacteria for their stabi- lity in acidic and bile conditions during storage. J Food Sci, 74(2).
  • Annan NT, Borza AD, Hansen LT. 2008. Encapsu- lation in alginate-coated gelatin microspheres improves survival of the probiotic Bifidobacterium adolescentis
  • T during exposure to simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. Food Res Int, 41, 184–193. Mokarram RR, Mortazavi SA, Najafi MBH, Shahidi F. 2009. The influence of multi stage alginate coating on survivability of potential probiotic bacteria in simulated gastric and intestinal juice. Food Res Int, 42, 1040–1045.
  • Thantsha MS, Cloete TE, Moolman FS, Labuschag- ne PW. 2009. Supercritical carbon dioxide interpolymer complexes improve survival of B. longum BB-46 in simu- lated gastrointestinal fluids. Int J Food Microbiol, 129, –92.
  • Pimentel-González DJ, Campos-Montiel RG, Loba- to-Calleros C, Pedroza-Islas R, Vernon-Carter EJ. 2009.
  • Encapsulation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in double emulsions formulated with sweet whey as emulsifier and survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Food Res Int, 42, 292–297. Gbassi GK, Vandamme T, Ennahar S, Marchioni E. Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum spp in an alginate matrix coated with whey proteins. Int J Food Microbiol, 129, 103–105. Mandal S, Puniya AK, Singh K. 2006. Effect of algina- te concentrations on survival of microencapsulated Lac- tobacillus casei NCDC-298. Int Dairy J, 16, 1190–1195.
  • Chen KN, Chen MJ, Lin CW. 2006. Optimal combi- nation of the encapsulating materials for probiotic mic- rocapsules and its experimental verification (R1). J Food Eng, 76, 313–320.
  • Muthukumarasamy P, Holley RA. 2006. Microbio- logical and sensory quality of dry fermented sausages containing alginate-microencapsulated Lactobacillus reuteri. Int J Food Microbiol, 111, 164–169.
  • Allan-Wojtas P, Truelstrup Hansen L, Paulson AT. Microstructural studies of probiotic bacteria-loa- ded alginate microcapsules using Standard electron mic- roscopy techniques and anhydrous fixation, LWT-Food Sci Technol, 41, 101-108.

Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 4, 297 - 304, 01.08.2010


Probiyotikler yeterli sayıda alındıklarında, konakçı sağlığı üzerinde olumlu etkiler gösteren canlı mikroorganizmalar olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Probiyotik mikroorganizmalardan beklenen yararlı etkinin görülmesi için üründe raf ömrü sonuna kadar belirli sayıda canlı mikroorganizmanın bulunması ve sindirim sisteminden etkilenmeden bağırsaklara geçmesi gerekmektedir. Probiyotik gıda üretiminde söz konusu mikroorganizmaların canlılığını korumada mikroenkapsülasyon tekniğinin, yeni yöntemlerden biri olduğu bildirilmiştir. Mikroenkapsülasyon işleminde kaplama yöntemi olarak çoğunlukla ekstrüzyon ve emülsiyon teknikleri kullanılmaktadır. Bu derlemede, probiyotik gıda üretiminde kullanılan mikroenkapsülasyon tekniklerinin yanı sıra mikroenkapsülasyonla ilgili geliştirilen alternatif yöntemler ve konu ile ilgili yapılan çalışmalar hakkında bilgi verilmeye çalışılmıştır.


  • De Vuyst L, Falony G, Leroy F. 2008. Probiotics in fermented sausages. Meat Sci, 80, 75–78.
  • Cruz AG, Antunes A, Sousa AL, Faria J, Susana S. Ice-cream as a probiotic food carrier. Food Res Int, Article in press. Ranadheera RDCS, Baines SK, Adams MC. 2009. Im- portance of food in probiotic efficacy. Food Res Int, Ar- ticle in press.
  • Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2006. Survival of probiotics encapsulated in chitosan-coated alginate beads in yoghurt from UHT- and conventionally trea- ted milk during storage. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 39, –183.
  • Vasiljevic T, Shah, NP. 2008. Probiotics—from metc- hnikoff to bioactives. Int Dairy J, 18, 714–728.
  • Mattila-Sandholm T, Arinena PM, Crittenden R, Mogensen AG, Fond R, Saarela, M. 2002. Technologi- cal challenges for future probiotic foods. Int Dairy J, 12, –182.
  • Shah NP. 2007. Functional cultures and health bene- fits. Int Dairy J, 17, 1262–1277.
  • Knorr D. 1998. Technology aspects related to micro- organisms in functional foods. Trends Food Sci Tech, 9, 306.
  • Ouwehand,AC, Isolauri SSE. 2002. Probiotics: an overview of beneficial effects. A Van Leeuw J Microb, , 279–289.
  • Argin S. 2007. Microencapsulation of probiotic bac- teria in xanthan-chitosan polyelectrolyte complex gels.
  • Ph. D. Dissertation, University of Maryland, College Park, Amerika, 70p. Mosilhey SH. 2003. Influence of different capsule ma- terials on the physiological properties of microencapsu- lated Lactobacillus acidophilus. Rheinischen Friedrich
  • Wilhelms-Universität, Hohen Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät, Institut für lebensmitteltechnologie, Doctor- Ingenieur, El-Beheira, Agypten, 154p. Gouin S. 2004. Microencapsulation: Industrial App- raisal of Existing Technologies and Trends. Trends Food Sci Tech, 15, 330–347.
  • Anal AK, Singh H, 2007. Recent advances in micro- encapsulation of probiotics for industrial applications and targeted delivery. Trends Food Sci Tech, 18, 240-251.
  • Hsieh YP, Ofori JA. 2007. Innovations in food tech- nology for health. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 16 (1), 65-73.
  • Qi WT, Ma J, Yu WT, Xie YB, Wang W, Ma X. 2006.
  • Behavior of microbial growth and metabolism in algi- nate–chitosan–alginate (ACA) microcapsules. Enzyme Microb Tech, 38, 697–704. Champagne C, Fustier P. 2007. Microencapsulation for the improved delivery of bioactive compounds into foods. Curr Opin Biotech, 18, 184–190.
  • Lacroix C, Yildirim S. 2007. Fermentation technolo- gies for the production of probiotics with high viability and functionality. Curr Opin Biotech, 18, 176–183.
  • Kailasapathy K. 2002. Microencapsulation of pro- biotic bacteria: Technology and Potential Applications.
  • Curr Iss Intest Microbiol, 3, 39-48. Hsieh CW, Lu WC, Hsieh WC, Huang YP, Lai CH, Ko WC. 2009. Improvement of the stability of nattokinase using g-polyglutamic acid as a coating material for mic- roencapsulation. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 42, 144–149.
  • Dubey R., Shami TC, Bhasker Rao KU. 2009. Mic- roencapsulation Technology and Applications. Defence Sci J, 59(1), 82-95.
  • Park JK, Chang HN. 2000. Microencapsulation of microbial cells. Biotechnol Adv, 18, 303–319.
  • Öztürk N. 2006. Hidrofobik nanoyapılarda Candida rugosa lipaz immobilizasyonu. Adnan Menderes Üni- versitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Kimya Bölümü Yüksek
  • Lisans Tezi, Aydın, Türkiye, 116s. Kabaharnup Y. 2004. İmmobilize Saccharomyces ce- revisiae mayasıyla şarap üretimi, Çukurova Üniversite- si, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda Mühendisliği Anabilim
  • Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana, Türkiye, 47s. Uyan Ersus S. 2004. Kara havuç antsiyanin ekstrak- tının püskürtmeli kurutucu kullanılarak mikroenkapsü- lasyonu, Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Gıda
  • Mühendisliği Anabilim Dalı Doktora Tezi, İzmir, Türki- ye, 167s. Pianoa MD, Morellic L, Strozzib GP, Allesinab S, Barbab M, Deiddab F, Lorenzinib P, Ballar´ea M, Monti- noa F, Orselloa M, Sartoria M, Garelloa E, Carmagnolaa S, Pagliaruloa M, Capurso L. 2006. Probiotics: from Re- search to Consumer. Digest Liver Dis, 38 (2): 248–255.
  • Kim S, Cho SY, Kim SH, Song O, Shin S, Cha DS, Park HJ. 2008. Effect of microencapsulation on viability and other characteristics in Lactobacillus acidophilus
  • ATCC-43121. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 41, 493–500
  • Nazzaro F, Fratianni F, Coppola R, Sada A, Orlando P. Fermentative ability of alginate-prebiotic encapsu- lated Lactobacillus acidophilus and survival under simu- lated gastrointestinal conditions. Journal of Functional Foods, 1, 319–323. Capela P, Hay TKC, Shah NP. 2006. Effect of cryop- rotectants, prebiotics and microencapsulation on survi- val of probiotic organisms in yoghurt and freeze-dried yoghurt. Food Res Int, 39, 203–211.
  • Homayouni A, Azizi A, Ehsani MR, Yarmand MS, Razavi SH. 2008. Effect of microencapsulation and re- sistant starch on the probiotic survival and sensory pro- perties of synbiotic ice cream. Food Chem, 111, 50–55.
  • Heidebach T, Först P, Kulozik U. 2009. Transglutami- nase-induced caseinate gelation for the microencapsula- tion of probiotic cells. Int Dairy J, 19, 77–84.
  • Kailasapathy K. 2006. Survival of free and encapsu- lated probiotic bacteria and their effect on the sensory properties of yoghurt. LWT-Food Sci Technol, 39, 1221–
  • Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2003. Evalu- ation of encapsulation techniques of probiotics for yog- hurt. Int Dairy J, 13, 3–13.
  • Heidebach T, Först P, Kulozik U. 2009. Microencap- sulation of probiotic cells by means of rennet-gelation of milk proteins. Food Hydrocolloids, 23, 1670–1677.
  • Özer B, Kirmaci HA, Şenel E, Atamer M, Hayaloğlu A. 2009. Improving the viability of Bifidobacterium bifi- dum BB-12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 in whi- te-brined cheese by microencapsulation. Int Dairy J, 19, –29.
  • Papagianni M, Anastasiadou S. 2009. Encapsulati- on of Pediococcus acidilactici cells in corn and olive oil microcapsules emulsified by peptides and stabilized with xanthan in oil-in-water emulsions: studies on cell viabi- lity under gastro-intestinal simulating conditions. Enz- yme Microb Tech, 45, 514–522.
  • Capela P, Hay B, Shah NP. 2007. Effect of homogeni- sation on bead size and survival of encapsulated probio- tic bacteria. Food Res Int, 40, 1261–1269.
  • Ding WK, Shah NP. 2009. Effect of homogenization techniques on reducing the size of microcapsules and the survival of probiotic bacteria therein. J Food Sci, (6), 231-236.
  • Sultana K, Godward G, Reynolds N, Arumugaswamy R, Peiris P, Kailasapathya K. 2000. Encapsulation of pro- biotic bacteria with alginate–starch and evaluation of survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions and in yoghurt. Int J Food Microbiol, 62, 47–55.
  • Chandramoulia V, Kailasapathya K, Peiris P, Jones M. An improved method of microencapsulation and its evaluation to protect Lactobacillus spp. in simulated gastric conditions. J Microbiol Meth, 56, 27– 35. Krasaekoopt W, Bhandari B, Deeth H. 2004. The inf- luence of coating materials on some properties of algina- te beads and survivability of microencapsulated probio- tic bacteria. Int Dairy J, 14, 737–743.
  • Ding WK, Shah NP. 2009. An improved method of microencapsulation of probiotic bacteria for their stabi- lity in acidic and bile conditions during storage. J Food Sci, 74(2).
  • Annan NT, Borza AD, Hansen LT. 2008. Encapsu- lation in alginate-coated gelatin microspheres improves survival of the probiotic Bifidobacterium adolescentis
  • T during exposure to simulated gastro-intestinal conditions. Food Res Int, 41, 184–193. Mokarram RR, Mortazavi SA, Najafi MBH, Shahidi F. 2009. The influence of multi stage alginate coating on survivability of potential probiotic bacteria in simulated gastric and intestinal juice. Food Res Int, 42, 1040–1045.
  • Thantsha MS, Cloete TE, Moolman FS, Labuschag- ne PW. 2009. Supercritical carbon dioxide interpolymer complexes improve survival of B. longum BB-46 in simu- lated gastrointestinal fluids. Int J Food Microbiol, 129, –92.
  • Pimentel-González DJ, Campos-Montiel RG, Loba- to-Calleros C, Pedroza-Islas R, Vernon-Carter EJ. 2009.
  • Encapsulation of Lactobacillus rhamnosus in double emulsions formulated with sweet whey as emulsifier and survival in simulated gastrointestinal conditions. Food Res Int, 42, 292–297. Gbassi GK, Vandamme T, Ennahar S, Marchioni E. Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus plantarum spp in an alginate matrix coated with whey proteins. Int J Food Microbiol, 129, 103–105. Mandal S, Puniya AK, Singh K. 2006. Effect of algina- te concentrations on survival of microencapsulated Lac- tobacillus casei NCDC-298. Int Dairy J, 16, 1190–1195.
  • Chen KN, Chen MJ, Lin CW. 2006. Optimal combi- nation of the encapsulating materials for probiotic mic- rocapsules and its experimental verification (R1). J Food Eng, 76, 313–320.
  • Muthukumarasamy P, Holley RA. 2006. Microbio- logical and sensory quality of dry fermented sausages containing alginate-microencapsulated Lactobacillus reuteri. Int J Food Microbiol, 111, 164–169.
  • Allan-Wojtas P, Truelstrup Hansen L, Paulson AT. Microstructural studies of probiotic bacteria-loa- ded alginate microcapsules using Standard electron mic- roscopy techniques and anhydrous fixation, LWT-Food Sci Technol, 41, 101-108.
Toplam 47 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Emel Ünal Bu kişi benim

Zerrin Erginkaya Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Ünal, E. ., & Erginkaya, Z. . (2010). Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu. Gıda, 35(4), 297-304.
AMA Ünal E, Erginkaya Z. Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu. GIDA. Ağustos 2010;35(4):297-304.
Chicago Ünal, Emel, ve Zerrin Erginkaya. “Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu”. Gıda 35, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2010): 297-304.
EndNote Ünal E, Erginkaya Z (01 Ağustos 2010) Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu. Gıda 35 4 297–304.
IEEE E. . Ünal ve Z. . Erginkaya, “Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu”, GIDA, c. 35, sy. 4, ss. 297–304, 2010.
ISNAD Ünal, Emel - Erginkaya, Zerrin. “Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu”. Gıda 35/4 (Ağustos 2010), 297-304.
JAMA Ünal E, Erginkaya Z. Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu. GIDA. 2010;35:297–304.
MLA Ünal, Emel ve Zerrin Erginkaya. “Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu”. Gıda, c. 35, sy. 4, 2010, ss. 297-04.
Vancouver Ünal E, Erginkaya Z. Probiyotik Mikroorganizmaların Mikroenkapsülasyonu. GIDA. 2010;35(4):297-304.


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GIDA / The Journal of FOOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).