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Organic Acid, Sugar and Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Capacity of Hicaz Pomegranate Juice (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 6, 439 - 444, 01.12.2010


In this study, organic acids, sugars, phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of pomegranate juices obtained from Hicaz variety were determined. High-performance liquid chromatographic method was used to identify and quantify these compounds. Three organic acid, three sugars, six anthocyanins and eight colorless phenolic compounds were found in the pomegranate juice. In the juice, the major organic acid was citric acid; the major sugar was fructose; the dominant anthocyanin was cyanidin 3,5-diglucoside; and lastly the major colourless phenolic compound was α-punicalagin. The EC50 and antioxidant activity values were in the juice 11ml/mg DPPH and 6.49 (AEx10-3), respectively.


  • Anonymous 1986. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü Nar
  • Standardı (TS 4953), Ankara.
  • Onur C. 1988. Derim, Nar özel sayısı, 5, 4.
  • Gültekin M, Özçoban D, Karaali A, 2007. Antioksidan kaynağı bir içecek: Nar suyu. Dünya GIDA, Temmuz, 85
  • Cerda B, Llorach R, Ceron JJ, Espin JC, Tomas- Barberan FA, 2003. Evaluation of the bioavailability and metabolism in the rat of punicalagin, an antioxidant polyphenol from pomegranate juice. Eur J Nutr, 42:18
  • Maskan, M., 2004. Production of pomegranate (Pu- nica granatum L.) juice concentrate by various heating methods: colour degradation and kinetics. J. Food Eng, , 218-224.
  • Yang R, Tsao R, 2003. Optimization of a new mobile to know the complex and real polyphenolic composition:
  • Towards a tool phenolic index using high performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 1018, 29-40.
  • Çam M, Hışıl Y, Durmaz G, 2009. Classification of eight pomegranate juices based on antioxidant capacity measured by four methods. Food Chem,112, 721–726
  • Pérez-Vicente A, Gil-Izqierdo A, Garcia-Viguera C, In vitro gastrointestinal digestion study of pomeg- ranate juice phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and vi- tamin C. J Agric Food Chem, 50: 2308-2312
  • Mertens-Talcott SU, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Rios J, Hingo- rani L, Derendorf H, 2006. Absorption, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Effects of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Polyphenols after Ingestion of a Standardized Ext- ract in Healthy Human Volunteers. J Agric Food Chem, (23), 8956 -8961.
  • Poyrazoğlu E, Gokmen V, Artik N, 2002. Organic acids and phenolic compounds in pomegranates (Puni- ca granatum L) grown in Turkey. J Food Compos Anal, (5):567–575.
  • Gil M I, Thomas-Barberan F A, Hess-Pierce B, Holc- roft DM, Kader AA, 2000. Antioksidant activity of po- megranate juice and its relationship with phenolic com- position and processing. J Agric Food Chem, 48(10): 4581 4589.
  • Tezcan F, Gultekin-Ozguven M, Diken T, Ozcelik B, Erim FB, 2009. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic, organic acid and sugar content in commercial pomegra- nate juices. Food Chem 115, 873-877.
  • Alighourchi H, Barzegar M, Abbasi S, 2008. Ant- hocyanins characterization of 15 Iranian pomegranate
  • (Punica granatum L.) varieties and their variation after cold storage and pasteurization. Eur Food Res Technol, :881-887. Ünal Ç, Velioğlu S, Cemeroğlu B, 1995. Türk nar su- larının bileşim öğeleri. GIDA, 20 6: 339-345.
  • Ekşi A, Özhamamcı İ, 2009. Chemical composition and guide values of pomegranate juice. GIDA, 34 (5): 270.
  • Cemeroğlu B, Artık N, Yüncüler O, 1988. Nar suyu üzerinde araştırmalar, Doğa 12 (3): 322-334
  • Velioglu Z, Ünal C, Cemeroglu B, 1997. Chemical characterization of pomegranate juice. Fruit Processing, , 307-310.
  • Özgen M, Durgaç C, Serçe S, Kaya C, 2008. Chemi- cal and antioxidant properties of pomegranate cultivars grown in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Food Chem, 111, 703-706.
  • Ough CS, Amerine MA, 1988. Methods for Analysis of Must and Wines, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Lee HS, Coates GA, 2000. Quantitative study of free sugars and myo-inositol in citrus juices by HPLC and literature compilation, J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol, , 2123-2141.
  • Kelebek H, Selli S, Canbas A, Cabaroglu T, 2009.
  • HPLC determination of organic acids, sugars, phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacity of orange Juice and orange wine made from a Turkish cv. Kozan. Mic- rochem J, 91, 187-192. Ribéreau-Gayon P, Glories Y, Maujean A, Dubourdi- eau D, 2000. Handbook of Enology, Volume 2: The Che- mistry of Wine and Stabilization and Treatments. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • Brand-Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C, 1995. An- tioxidative activity of phenolic composition of commer- cial extracts of sage and rosemary. Food Sci Technol, 28: 30.
  • Sanchez-Moreno C, Larrauri JA, Saura-Calixto F, A procedure to measure the antiradical efficiency of polyphenols. J Sci Food Agric, 76, 270–276. Gabbasova LA, Abdurazakova SK, 1969. Chemical composition of pomegranate juice. Izv.Vyssh. Ucheb. Za- ved. Pishch Tekhnology 4, 30-31.

Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi

Yıl 2010, Cilt: 35 Sayı: 6, 439 - 444, 01.12.2010


Bu araştırmada, Hicaz narından elde edilen şıranın organik asit, şeker, fenol bileşikleri ve antioksidan kapasiteleri belirlenmiştir. Bu bileşiklerin analizinde yüksek performanslı sıvı kromatografisi kullanılmıştır. Şırada 3 adet organik asit, 3 adet şeker, 6 adet antosiyanin ve 8 adet renksiz fenol bileşiği belirlenmiştir. Şırada sitrik asitin baskın organik asit, fruktozun baskın şeker, siyanidin-3,5-diglikozitin baskın antosiyanin ve α-punikalajinin baskın renksiz fenol bileşiği olduğu saptanmıştır. Şıradaki EC50 değerinin 11ml/mg DPPH olduğu ve antioksidan kapasitenin ise 6.49 (AEx10-3) olduğu belirlenmiştir.


  • Anonymous 1986. Türk Standartları Enstitüsü Nar
  • Standardı (TS 4953), Ankara.
  • Onur C. 1988. Derim, Nar özel sayısı, 5, 4.
  • Gültekin M, Özçoban D, Karaali A, 2007. Antioksidan kaynağı bir içecek: Nar suyu. Dünya GIDA, Temmuz, 85
  • Cerda B, Llorach R, Ceron JJ, Espin JC, Tomas- Barberan FA, 2003. Evaluation of the bioavailability and metabolism in the rat of punicalagin, an antioxidant polyphenol from pomegranate juice. Eur J Nutr, 42:18
  • Maskan, M., 2004. Production of pomegranate (Pu- nica granatum L.) juice concentrate by various heating methods: colour degradation and kinetics. J. Food Eng, , 218-224.
  • Yang R, Tsao R, 2003. Optimization of a new mobile to know the complex and real polyphenolic composition:
  • Towards a tool phenolic index using high performance liquid chromatography. J Chromatogr A, 1018, 29-40.
  • Çam M, Hışıl Y, Durmaz G, 2009. Classification of eight pomegranate juices based on antioxidant capacity measured by four methods. Food Chem,112, 721–726
  • Pérez-Vicente A, Gil-Izqierdo A, Garcia-Viguera C, In vitro gastrointestinal digestion study of pomeg- ranate juice phenolic compounds, anthocyanins and vi- tamin C. J Agric Food Chem, 50: 2308-2312
  • Mertens-Talcott SU, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Rios J, Hingo- rani L, Derendorf H, 2006. Absorption, Metabolism, and Antioxidant Effects of Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Polyphenols after Ingestion of a Standardized Ext- ract in Healthy Human Volunteers. J Agric Food Chem, (23), 8956 -8961.
  • Poyrazoğlu E, Gokmen V, Artik N, 2002. Organic acids and phenolic compounds in pomegranates (Puni- ca granatum L) grown in Turkey. J Food Compos Anal, (5):567–575.
  • Gil M I, Thomas-Barberan F A, Hess-Pierce B, Holc- roft DM, Kader AA, 2000. Antioksidant activity of po- megranate juice and its relationship with phenolic com- position and processing. J Agric Food Chem, 48(10): 4581 4589.
  • Tezcan F, Gultekin-Ozguven M, Diken T, Ozcelik B, Erim FB, 2009. Antioxidant activity and total phenolic, organic acid and sugar content in commercial pomegra- nate juices. Food Chem 115, 873-877.
  • Alighourchi H, Barzegar M, Abbasi S, 2008. Ant- hocyanins characterization of 15 Iranian pomegranate
  • (Punica granatum L.) varieties and their variation after cold storage and pasteurization. Eur Food Res Technol, :881-887. Ünal Ç, Velioğlu S, Cemeroğlu B, 1995. Türk nar su- larının bileşim öğeleri. GIDA, 20 6: 339-345.
  • Ekşi A, Özhamamcı İ, 2009. Chemical composition and guide values of pomegranate juice. GIDA, 34 (5): 270.
  • Cemeroğlu B, Artık N, Yüncüler O, 1988. Nar suyu üzerinde araştırmalar, Doğa 12 (3): 322-334
  • Velioglu Z, Ünal C, Cemeroglu B, 1997. Chemical characterization of pomegranate juice. Fruit Processing, , 307-310.
  • Özgen M, Durgaç C, Serçe S, Kaya C, 2008. Chemi- cal and antioxidant properties of pomegranate cultivars grown in the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Food Chem, 111, 703-706.
  • Ough CS, Amerine MA, 1988. Methods for Analysis of Must and Wines, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
  • Lee HS, Coates GA, 2000. Quantitative study of free sugars and myo-inositol in citrus juices by HPLC and literature compilation, J Liq Chromatogr Relat Technol, , 2123-2141.
  • Kelebek H, Selli S, Canbas A, Cabaroglu T, 2009.
  • HPLC determination of organic acids, sugars, phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacity of orange Juice and orange wine made from a Turkish cv. Kozan. Mic- rochem J, 91, 187-192. Ribéreau-Gayon P, Glories Y, Maujean A, Dubourdi- eau D, 2000. Handbook of Enology, Volume 2: The Che- mistry of Wine and Stabilization and Treatments. John Wiley and Sons Ltd.
  • Brand-Williams W, Cuvelier ME, Berset C, 1995. An- tioxidative activity of phenolic composition of commer- cial extracts of sage and rosemary. Food Sci Technol, 28: 30.
  • Sanchez-Moreno C, Larrauri JA, Saura-Calixto F, A procedure to measure the antiradical efficiency of polyphenols. J Sci Food Agric, 76, 270–276. Gabbasova LA, Abdurazakova SK, 1969. Chemical composition of pomegranate juice. Izv.Vyssh. Ucheb. Za- ved. Pishch Tekhnology 4, 30-31.
Toplam 26 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Haşim Kelebek Bu kişi benim

Ahmet Canbaş Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Aralık 2010
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2010 Cilt: 35 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Kelebek, H. ., & Canbaş, A. . (2010). Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. Gıda, 35(6), 439-444.
AMA Kelebek H, Canbaş A. Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. GIDA. Aralık 2010;35(6):439-444.
Chicago Kelebek, Haşim, ve Ahmet Canbaş. “Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker Ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi”. Gıda 35, sy. 6 (Aralık 2010): 439-44.
EndNote Kelebek H, Canbaş A (01 Aralık 2010) Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. Gıda 35 6 439–444.
IEEE H. . Kelebek ve A. . Canbaş, “Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi”, GIDA, c. 35, sy. 6, ss. 439–444, 2010.
ISNAD Kelebek, Haşim - Canbaş, Ahmet. “Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker Ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi”. Gıda 35/6 (Aralık 2010), 439-444.
JAMA Kelebek H, Canbaş A. Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. GIDA. 2010;35:439–444.
MLA Kelebek, Haşim ve Ahmet Canbaş. “Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker Ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi”. Gıda, c. 35, sy. 6, 2010, ss. 439-44.
Vancouver Kelebek H, Canbaş A. Hicaz Narı Şırasının Organik Asit Şeker ve Fenol Bileşikleri İçeriği Ve Antioksidan Kapasitesi. GIDA. 2010;35(6):439-44.


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