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Effects of Heat Treatment and Fermentation on the Formation and Activity of Bioactive Peptides in Foods (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 5, 307 - 314, 01.10.2013


Bioactive peptides, which are physiologically useful, result from proteins which exist in foods naturally by enzymatic hydrolysis during digestion or fermentation. Biological activities of these peptides can be listed as antimicrobial activity, antihypertensive activity (Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitors), cholesterol lowering effect, antitrombotic and antioxidant effect, mineral absorption/bioavailability increasing activity, immunomodulatory and opioid activity. Many foods are processed before consumed. Processes such as thermal treatment and fermentation which are commonly used in food technology have an effect on protein structure and thereby bioactive peptides activity. In this review, studies about formation of bioactive peptides and their activities have been investigated and effects of thermal treatment and fermentation on bioactive peptides have been researched.


  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto A. 2006. Bioactive peptides: production and functionality. Int Dairy J,16: 945-960.
  • Hartmann R, Meisel H. 2007. Food derived pepties with biological activity: from research to food applications. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 18: 163-169. 3. Meisel H. 2004. Multifunctional peptides encrypted in milk proteins. Biofactors 21: 55-61.
  • Anantharaman K, Finot P A. 1993. Nutritional aspects of food proteins in relation to technology. Food Rev Int,9: 629-655.
  • Finot, P A. 1997. Effects of processing and storage on the nutritional value of food proteins. In: Food Proteins and Their Applications, Danodaran S (Ed), Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, USA, pp. 551-578.
  • Jang H D, Swaisgood H E. 1990. Disulfide bond formation between thermally denatured b-lactoblobulin and k-casein in casein micelles. J Dairy Sci,73:900–904.
  • Raikos V. 2010. Effect of heat treatment on milk protein functionality at emulsion interfaces. A review, Food Hydrocoll, 24:259-265.
  • Lopez-Fandino R, Otte J, van Camp J. 2006. Physiological, chemical and technological aspects of milk protein derived peptides with antihypertensive and ACE inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J,16:1277-1293.
  • Broersen K, Voragen A G J, Hamer R J, de Jongh H H J. 2004. Glycoforms of beta lactoglobulin with improved thermostability and preserved structural packaging. Biotechnol Bioeng, 86:78-87. 12. Rickert K W, Imperiali B. 1995. Analysis of the conserved glycosylation site in the nicotinic acetylcholine recceptor potential roles in complex assembly. Chem Biol (Lond), 2: 751-775.
  • Leeb E, Kulozik U, Cheison S. 2011. Thermal pre-treatment of E-Lactoglobulin as a tool to steer enzymatic hydrolysis and control the release of peptides. Procedia – Food Science, 1:1540-1546.
  • Phelan M, Kerins D. 2011. The potential role of milk-derived peptides in cardiovascular disease. Food & Function,2: 153-167
  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto-Leppala A, Ranramaki P, Tupasela T. 1998. Impact of processing on bioactive proteins and peptides. Trends in Food Science and Technology,9: 307-319.
  • Da Costa E L, da Rocha Gontijo J A, Netto F M. 2007. Effect of heat and enzymatic treatment on the antihypertensive activity of whey protein hydrolysates. Int Dairy J, 17: 632-640.
  • Hirose M. 1993. Molten globule state of food proteins. Trends in Food Science and Technolgy, 4: 48-51.
  • La Fuente M A, Hemar Y, Tamehana M, Munro P A, Singh H. 2002. Process-induced changes in whey proteins during the manufacture of whey protein concentrates. Int Dairy J, 12: 361-369.
  • Muguruma M, Ahhmed A M, Katayama K, Kawahara S, Maruyama M, Nakamura T. 2009. Identification of pro-drug type ACE inhibitory peptide sourced from porcine myosin B: Evaluation of its antihypertensive effects in vivo. Food Chem,114: 516-522.
  • Rui X, Boye J I, Simpson B K, Prasher S O. 2012. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory properties of Phaseolus vulgaris bean hydrolysates: Effect of different thermal and enzymatic digestion treatments. Food Res Int, 49: 739-746.
  • Akıllıo¤lu H G. 2009. Bazı Kurubaklagillerden Elde Edilen Protein Ekstraktları ve Fraksiyonlarının ADE ‹nhibisyon Aktiviteleri: Isıl ‹fllem ve In Vitro Sindirilirli¤in Etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisli¤i Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ‹zmir, Türkiye, 104 s.
  • Kitts D D, Weiler K. 2003. Bioactive proteins and peptides from food sources: applications of bioprocesses used in isolation and recovery. Curr Pharm Des,9: 1309-1323.
  • Nakahara T, Yamaguchi H, Uchida R. 2012. Effect of temperature on the stability of various peptidases during peptide-enriched soy sauce fermentation. J Biosci Bioeng, 113 (3): 355–359.
  • Randhir R, Kwon Y, Shetty K. 2008. Effect of thermal processing on phenolics, antioxidant activity and healt-relevant functionality of select grain sprouts and seedlings. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,9: 355-364.
  • Siow H, Gan C. 2013. Extraction of Antioxidative and Antihypertensive Bioactive Peptides from Parkia speciosaSeeds. Food Chem, doi: 06.030
  • Zhao C J, Hu Y, Schieber A, Gänzle M. 2013. Fate of ACE-inhibitory peptides during the bread-making process: Quantification of peptides in sourdough, bread crumb, steamed bread and soda crackers. J Cereal Sci, 57:514-519.
  • Majumder K, Wu J. 2009. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of cooked eggs. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 471-477.
  • Miguel M, Recio I, Gomez-Ruiz, J A, Ramos M, Lopez-Fandino R. 2004. Angiotensin I converting enzyme activity of peptides derived from egg white proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis. J Food Prot, 67: 1914-1920.
  • Prasad C, Hilton C W, Lohr J B, Robertson H J R. 1991. Increased cerebrospinal fluid cyclo (His-Pro) content in schizophrenia. Neuropeptides, 20: 187-190.
  • Minelli A, Bellezza I, Grottelli S, Galli F. 2008. Focus on cyclo (His-Pro): History and perspectives as antioxidant peptide. Amino Acids, 35: 283-289.
  • Samaranayaka A G P, Li-Chan E C Y. 2011. Food- derived peptidic antioxidants: A review of their production, assessment, and potential applications. Journal of Functional Foods,3: 229-254.
  • Inouye K, Nakano K, Asaoka K, Yasukawa K. 2009. Effects of thermal treatment on the coagulation of soy proteins induced by subtilisin Carlsberg. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 717–723.
  • Yamamoto N, Akino A, Takano T. 1994. Antihypertensive effect of the peptides derived from casein by an extracellular proteinase from Lactobacillus helveticus CP790. J Dairy Sci, 77: 917-922.
  • Yamamoto N, Maeno M, Takano T. 1999. Purification and characterization of an antihypertensive peptide from a yoghurt-like product fermented by Lactobacillus helveticus CPN4. J Dairy Sci, 82: 1388-1393.
  • Gonzalez-Gonzalez C R, Tuohy K M, Jauregi P. 2011. Production of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity in milk fermented with probiotic strains: Effects of calcium, pH and peptides on the ACE-inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J,21: 615-622.
  • Quiros A, Ramos M, Muguerza B, Delgado M A, Miguel M, Aleixandre A, Recio I. 2007. Identification of novel antihypertensive peptides in milk fermented with Enterococcus faecalis. Int Dairy J,17: 33-41.
  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto-Leppala A. 2003. Food-derived bioactive peptides: opportunities for designing future foods. Curr Pharm Des, 9: 297-1308.
  • Matar C, LeBlanc J G, Martin L, Perdigon G. 2003. Biologically active peptides released in fermented milk: role and functions. In: Handbo- ok of Fermented Functional Foods.Farnworth E R (Ed), CRC Press, USA, pp.177-201.
  • Sharma S, Singh R, Rana S. 2011. Bioactive Peptides: A Review. International Journal of Bioautomation,15: 223-250.
  • Tsai J S, Chen T J, Pan B S , Gong S D, Chung M Y. 2008. Antihypertensive effect of bioactive peptides produced by protease-facilitated lactic acid fermentation of milk. Food Chem, 106: 552–558.
  • Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö, Akbulut N. 2010. Peyniraltı suyunun fonksiyonel özellikleri ve peyniraltı suyu kullanılarak üretilen yeni nesil süt ürünleri. GIDA, 35 (4): 289-296.
  • Didelot S, Bordenave-Juchereau S, Rosenfeld E, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Piot J M, Sannier F. 2006. Preparation of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory hydrolysates from unsupplemented caprine whey fermentation by various cheese microflora. Int Dairy J, 16: 976-983.
  • Saito T, Nakamura T, Kitazawa H, Kawai Y, Itoh, T. 2000. Isolation and structural analysis of antihypertensive peptides that exist naturally in gouda cheese. J Dairy Sci, 83: 1434-1440.
  • Meisel H. 1997. Biochemical properties of bioactive peptides derived from milk proteins: Potential nutraceuticals for food and pharmaceutical applications. Livest Prod Sci, 50: 125-138.
  • Gobbetti M, Minervini F, Rizzello C G. 2004. Angiotensin I-converting-enzyme-inhibitory and antimicrobial bioactive peptides. Int J Dairy Technol, 57: 173-188.
  • Nakamura Y, Yamamoto N, Sakai K, Okubo A, Yamazaki S, Takano T. 1995. Purification and characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors from sour milk. J Dairy Sci, 78: 777-783.
  • Nielsen M S, Martinussen T, Flambard B, S rensen K I, Otte J. 2009. Peptide profiles and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of fermented milk products: Effect of bacterial strain, fermentation pH, and storage time. Int Dairy J,19: 155-165.
  • Kato T, Matsuda T, Tahara T, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Nakamura R. 1994. Effects of meat conditioning and lactic fermentation on pork muscle protein degradation. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 58: 408-410. 49. Dainty R, Blom H. 1995. Flavor chemistry of fermented sausages. In: Fermented Meats, Campbell-Platt G, Cook PE (Eds), Blackie Academic Press, UK, pp. 176-193.
  • Arihara S, Umeyama A, Bando S, Kobuke S, Imoto S, Ono M. 2004. Termiticidal constituents of the black-heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica. Mokuzai Gakkaishi,50: 413-421.
  • Vastag Z, Popovic´ L, Popovic´ S, Petrovic´ L, Pericin D. 2010. Antioxidant and angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory activity in the water-soluble protein extract from petrovac sausage (petrovská kolbása). Food Control, 21: 1298-1302.
  • Akkoç N, fianlıbaba P, Akçelik M. 2009. Bak- teriyosinler: Alternatif gıda koruyucuları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25: 59-70.
  • Zhang W, Xiao S, Samaraweera H, Lee E J, Ahn D U. 2010. Improving functional value of meat products. Meat Sci, 86: 15-31.
  • Torino M I, Lim n R I, Mart nez-Villaluenga C, Mäkinen S, Pihlanto A, Vidal-Valverde C, Frias J. 2013. Antioxidant and antihypertensive proper- ties of liquid and solid state fermented lentils. Fo- od Chem, 136: 1030-1037.
  • Rho S J, Lee J S, Chung Y I, Kim Y W, Lee H G. 2009. Purification and identification of an an- giotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from fermented soybean extract. Process Bioc- hem, 44: 490-493.
  • Gibbs B F, Zougman A, Masse R, Mulligan C. 2004. Production and characterization of bioacti- ve peptides from soy hydrolysate and soy-fer- mented food. Food Res Int, 37: 123-131.
  • Wang H, Li Y, Cheng Y, Yin L, Li L. 2013. Ef- fect of the Maillard reaction on angiotensin I- converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of douchi during fermentation. Food Bioprocess Technol, 6: 297-301.
  • Inoue K, Gotou T, Kitajima H, Mizuno S, Na- kazawa T, Yamamoto N. 2009. Release of antihy- pertensive peptides in miso paste during its fer- mentation, by the addition of casein. J Biosci Bi- oeng, 108:111-115.
  • Kancabafl A, Karakaya S. 2013. Angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of boza, a traditional fermented beverage. J Sci Fo- od Agric, 93: 641-645.
  • Gänzle, M G., Vermeulen N, Vogel R F. 2007. Carbohydrate peptide, and lipid metabolism of lactic acid bacteria in sourdough. Food Microbi- ol, 24:128-138.

Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri

Yıl 2013, Cilt: 38 Sayı: 5, 307 - 314, 01.10.2013


Gıdalarda doğal olarak bulunan proteinlerden sindirim sırasında enzimatik hidrolizle veya fermantasyon yoluyla fizyolojik olarak pek çok faydası bulunan biyoaktif peptitler oluşur. Bu peptitlerin biyolojik aktivitesi antimikrobiyel etki, kan basıncını düşürücü etki (Angiotensin-I Converting Enzyme (ACE) inhibitörü), kolesterol düşürme, antitrombotik ve antioksidan etki, mineral absorbsiyonu/biyoyararlılığını artırma, immunomodülatör ve opioid etkiler olarak sıralanabilir. Birçok gıda tüketime sunulmadan önce çeşitli proseslerden geçer. Gıda teknolojisinde yaygın olarak kullanılan ısıl işlem ve fermantasyon gibi prosesler protein yapısını dolayısıyla biyoaktif peptit aktivitesini etkilemektedir. Bu derlemede gıda işleme proseslerinin biyoaktif peptit oluşumu ve aktivitesi üzerine etkilerinin ele alındığı çalışmalar incelenmiş ve ısıl işlem ve fermantasyonun biyoaktif peptitler üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır.


  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto A. 2006. Bioactive peptides: production and functionality. Int Dairy J,16: 945-960.
  • Hartmann R, Meisel H. 2007. Food derived pepties with biological activity: from research to food applications. Curr Opin Biotechnol, 18: 163-169. 3. Meisel H. 2004. Multifunctional peptides encrypted in milk proteins. Biofactors 21: 55-61.
  • Anantharaman K, Finot P A. 1993. Nutritional aspects of food proteins in relation to technology. Food Rev Int,9: 629-655.
  • Finot, P A. 1997. Effects of processing and storage on the nutritional value of food proteins. In: Food Proteins and Their Applications, Danodaran S (Ed), Marcel Dekker Inc, New York, USA, pp. 551-578.
  • Jang H D, Swaisgood H E. 1990. Disulfide bond formation between thermally denatured b-lactoblobulin and k-casein in casein micelles. J Dairy Sci,73:900–904.
  • Raikos V. 2010. Effect of heat treatment on milk protein functionality at emulsion interfaces. A review, Food Hydrocoll, 24:259-265.
  • Lopez-Fandino R, Otte J, van Camp J. 2006. Physiological, chemical and technological aspects of milk protein derived peptides with antihypertensive and ACE inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J,16:1277-1293.
  • Broersen K, Voragen A G J, Hamer R J, de Jongh H H J. 2004. Glycoforms of beta lactoglobulin with improved thermostability and preserved structural packaging. Biotechnol Bioeng, 86:78-87. 12. Rickert K W, Imperiali B. 1995. Analysis of the conserved glycosylation site in the nicotinic acetylcholine recceptor potential roles in complex assembly. Chem Biol (Lond), 2: 751-775.
  • Leeb E, Kulozik U, Cheison S. 2011. Thermal pre-treatment of E-Lactoglobulin as a tool to steer enzymatic hydrolysis and control the release of peptides. Procedia – Food Science, 1:1540-1546.
  • Phelan M, Kerins D. 2011. The potential role of milk-derived peptides in cardiovascular disease. Food & Function,2: 153-167
  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto-Leppala A, Ranramaki P, Tupasela T. 1998. Impact of processing on bioactive proteins and peptides. Trends in Food Science and Technology,9: 307-319.
  • Da Costa E L, da Rocha Gontijo J A, Netto F M. 2007. Effect of heat and enzymatic treatment on the antihypertensive activity of whey protein hydrolysates. Int Dairy J, 17: 632-640.
  • Hirose M. 1993. Molten globule state of food proteins. Trends in Food Science and Technolgy, 4: 48-51.
  • La Fuente M A, Hemar Y, Tamehana M, Munro P A, Singh H. 2002. Process-induced changes in whey proteins during the manufacture of whey protein concentrates. Int Dairy J, 12: 361-369.
  • Muguruma M, Ahhmed A M, Katayama K, Kawahara S, Maruyama M, Nakamura T. 2009. Identification of pro-drug type ACE inhibitory peptide sourced from porcine myosin B: Evaluation of its antihypertensive effects in vivo. Food Chem,114: 516-522.
  • Rui X, Boye J I, Simpson B K, Prasher S O. 2012. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory properties of Phaseolus vulgaris bean hydrolysates: Effect of different thermal and enzymatic digestion treatments. Food Res Int, 49: 739-746.
  • Akıllıo¤lu H G. 2009. Bazı Kurubaklagillerden Elde Edilen Protein Ekstraktları ve Fraksiyonlarının ADE ‹nhibisyon Aktiviteleri: Isıl ‹fllem ve In Vitro Sindirilirli¤in Etkisi. Ege Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Gıda Mühendisli¤i Anabilim Dalı Yüksek Lisans Tezi, ‹zmir, Türkiye, 104 s.
  • Kitts D D, Weiler K. 2003. Bioactive proteins and peptides from food sources: applications of bioprocesses used in isolation and recovery. Curr Pharm Des,9: 1309-1323.
  • Nakahara T, Yamaguchi H, Uchida R. 2012. Effect of temperature on the stability of various peptidases during peptide-enriched soy sauce fermentation. J Biosci Bioeng, 113 (3): 355–359.
  • Randhir R, Kwon Y, Shetty K. 2008. Effect of thermal processing on phenolics, antioxidant activity and healt-relevant functionality of select grain sprouts and seedlings. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies,9: 355-364.
  • Siow H, Gan C. 2013. Extraction of Antioxidative and Antihypertensive Bioactive Peptides from Parkia speciosaSeeds. Food Chem, doi: 06.030
  • Zhao C J, Hu Y, Schieber A, Gänzle M. 2013. Fate of ACE-inhibitory peptides during the bread-making process: Quantification of peptides in sourdough, bread crumb, steamed bread and soda crackers. J Cereal Sci, 57:514-519.
  • Majumder K, Wu J. 2009. Angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibitory peptides from simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of cooked eggs. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 471-477.
  • Miguel M, Recio I, Gomez-Ruiz, J A, Ramos M, Lopez-Fandino R. 2004. Angiotensin I converting enzyme activity of peptides derived from egg white proteins by enzymatic hydrolysis. J Food Prot, 67: 1914-1920.
  • Prasad C, Hilton C W, Lohr J B, Robertson H J R. 1991. Increased cerebrospinal fluid cyclo (His-Pro) content in schizophrenia. Neuropeptides, 20: 187-190.
  • Minelli A, Bellezza I, Grottelli S, Galli F. 2008. Focus on cyclo (His-Pro): History and perspectives as antioxidant peptide. Amino Acids, 35: 283-289.
  • Samaranayaka A G P, Li-Chan E C Y. 2011. Food- derived peptidic antioxidants: A review of their production, assessment, and potential applications. Journal of Functional Foods,3: 229-254.
  • Inouye K, Nakano K, Asaoka K, Yasukawa K. 2009. Effects of thermal treatment on the coagulation of soy proteins induced by subtilisin Carlsberg. J Agric Food Chem, 57: 717–723.
  • Yamamoto N, Akino A, Takano T. 1994. Antihypertensive effect of the peptides derived from casein by an extracellular proteinase from Lactobacillus helveticus CP790. J Dairy Sci, 77: 917-922.
  • Yamamoto N, Maeno M, Takano T. 1999. Purification and characterization of an antihypertensive peptide from a yoghurt-like product fermented by Lactobacillus helveticus CPN4. J Dairy Sci, 82: 1388-1393.
  • Gonzalez-Gonzalez C R, Tuohy K M, Jauregi P. 2011. Production of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity in milk fermented with probiotic strains: Effects of calcium, pH and peptides on the ACE-inhibitory activity. Int Dairy J,21: 615-622.
  • Quiros A, Ramos M, Muguerza B, Delgado M A, Miguel M, Aleixandre A, Recio I. 2007. Identification of novel antihypertensive peptides in milk fermented with Enterococcus faecalis. Int Dairy J,17: 33-41.
  • Korhonen H, Pihlanto-Leppala A. 2003. Food-derived bioactive peptides: opportunities for designing future foods. Curr Pharm Des, 9: 297-1308.
  • Matar C, LeBlanc J G, Martin L, Perdigon G. 2003. Biologically active peptides released in fermented milk: role and functions. In: Handbo- ok of Fermented Functional Foods.Farnworth E R (Ed), CRC Press, USA, pp.177-201.
  • Sharma S, Singh R, Rana S. 2011. Bioactive Peptides: A Review. International Journal of Bioautomation,15: 223-250.
  • Tsai J S, Chen T J, Pan B S , Gong S D, Chung M Y. 2008. Antihypertensive effect of bioactive peptides produced by protease-facilitated lactic acid fermentation of milk. Food Chem, 106: 552–558.
  • Yerlikaya O, Kınık Ö, Akbulut N. 2010. Peyniraltı suyunun fonksiyonel özellikleri ve peyniraltı suyu kullanılarak üretilen yeni nesil süt ürünleri. GIDA, 35 (4): 289-296.
  • Didelot S, Bordenave-Juchereau S, Rosenfeld E, Fruitier-Arnaudin I, Piot J M, Sannier F. 2006. Preparation of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory hydrolysates from unsupplemented caprine whey fermentation by various cheese microflora. Int Dairy J, 16: 976-983.
  • Saito T, Nakamura T, Kitazawa H, Kawai Y, Itoh, T. 2000. Isolation and structural analysis of antihypertensive peptides that exist naturally in gouda cheese. J Dairy Sci, 83: 1434-1440.
  • Meisel H. 1997. Biochemical properties of bioactive peptides derived from milk proteins: Potential nutraceuticals for food and pharmaceutical applications. Livest Prod Sci, 50: 125-138.
  • Gobbetti M, Minervini F, Rizzello C G. 2004. Angiotensin I-converting-enzyme-inhibitory and antimicrobial bioactive peptides. Int J Dairy Technol, 57: 173-188.
  • Nakamura Y, Yamamoto N, Sakai K, Okubo A, Yamazaki S, Takano T. 1995. Purification and characterization of angiotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitors from sour milk. J Dairy Sci, 78: 777-783.
  • Nielsen M S, Martinussen T, Flambard B, S rensen K I, Otte J. 2009. Peptide profiles and angiotensin-I-converting enzyme inhibitory activity of fermented milk products: Effect of bacterial strain, fermentation pH, and storage time. Int Dairy J,19: 155-165.
  • Kato T, Matsuda T, Tahara T, Sugimoto M, Sato Y, Nakamura R. 1994. Effects of meat conditioning and lactic fermentation on pork muscle protein degradation. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 58: 408-410. 49. Dainty R, Blom H. 1995. Flavor chemistry of fermented sausages. In: Fermented Meats, Campbell-Platt G, Cook PE (Eds), Blackie Academic Press, UK, pp. 176-193.
  • Arihara S, Umeyama A, Bando S, Kobuke S, Imoto S, Ono M. 2004. Termiticidal constituents of the black-heartwood of Cryptomeria japonica. Mokuzai Gakkaishi,50: 413-421.
  • Vastag Z, Popovic´ L, Popovic´ S, Petrovic´ L, Pericin D. 2010. Antioxidant and angiotensin-I converting enzyme inhibitory activity in the water-soluble protein extract from petrovac sausage (petrovská kolbása). Food Control, 21: 1298-1302.
  • Akkoç N, fianlıbaba P, Akçelik M. 2009. Bak- teriyosinler: Alternatif gıda koruyucuları. Erciyes Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 25: 59-70.
  • Zhang W, Xiao S, Samaraweera H, Lee E J, Ahn D U. 2010. Improving functional value of meat products. Meat Sci, 86: 15-31.
  • Torino M I, Lim n R I, Mart nez-Villaluenga C, Mäkinen S, Pihlanto A, Vidal-Valverde C, Frias J. 2013. Antioxidant and antihypertensive proper- ties of liquid and solid state fermented lentils. Fo- od Chem, 136: 1030-1037.
  • Rho S J, Lee J S, Chung Y I, Kim Y W, Lee H G. 2009. Purification and identification of an an- giotensin I-converting enzyme inhibitory peptide from fermented soybean extract. Process Bioc- hem, 44: 490-493.
  • Gibbs B F, Zougman A, Masse R, Mulligan C. 2004. Production and characterization of bioacti- ve peptides from soy hydrolysate and soy-fer- mented food. Food Res Int, 37: 123-131.
  • Wang H, Li Y, Cheng Y, Yin L, Li L. 2013. Ef- fect of the Maillard reaction on angiotensin I- converting enzyme (ACE)-inhibitory activity of douchi during fermentation. Food Bioprocess Technol, 6: 297-301.
  • Inoue K, Gotou T, Kitajima H, Mizuno S, Na- kazawa T, Yamamoto N. 2009. Release of antihy- pertensive peptides in miso paste during its fer- mentation, by the addition of casein. J Biosci Bi- oeng, 108:111-115.
  • Kancabafl A, Karakaya S. 2013. Angiotensin- converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity of boza, a traditional fermented beverage. J Sci Fo- od Agric, 93: 641-645.
  • Gänzle, M G., Vermeulen N, Vogel R F. 2007. Carbohydrate peptide, and lipid metabolism of lactic acid bacteria in sourdough. Food Microbi- ol, 24:128-138.
Toplam 55 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Fadime Begüm Otağ Bu kişi benim

Mehmet Hayta Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ekim 2013
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2013 Cilt: 38 Sayı: 5

Kaynak Göster

APA Otağ, F. B. ., & Hayta, M. . (2013). Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri. Gıda, 38(5), 307-314.
AMA Otağ FB, Hayta M. Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri. GIDA. Ekim 2013;38(5):307-314.
Chicago Otağ, Fadime Begüm, ve Mehmet Hayta. “Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu Ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri”. Gıda 38, sy. 5 (Ekim 2013): 307-14.
EndNote Otağ FB, Hayta M (01 Ekim 2013) Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri. Gıda 38 5 307–314.
IEEE F. B. . Otağ ve M. . Hayta, “Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri”, GIDA, c. 38, sy. 5, ss. 307–314, 2013.
ISNAD Otağ, Fadime Begüm - Hayta, Mehmet. “Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu Ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri”. Gıda 38/5 (Ekim 2013), 307-314.
JAMA Otağ FB, Hayta M. Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri. GIDA. 2013;38:307–314.
MLA Otağ, Fadime Begüm ve Mehmet Hayta. “Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu Ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri”. Gıda, c. 38, sy. 5, 2013, ss. 307-14.
Vancouver Otağ FB, Hayta M. Gıdalarda Biyoaktif Peptit Oluşumu ve Aktivitesi Üzerine Isıl İşlem Ve Fermantasyonun Etkileri. GIDA. 2013;38(5):307-14.


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