The Properties of Cellulose and Derivatives Dietary Fibers and Useability in Bakery Products (Turkish with English Abstract)
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 4, 243 - 250, 01.08.2014
Sultan Arslan
Mustafa Erbaş
Dietary fibers are commonly added in foods due to its decreasing effect of health risks. Cellulose and cellulose derivatives are accepted as dietary fiber because they resist in food process and are not digested in human gastrointestinal system. Cellulose and cellulose derivatives are prevalently used in bakery products with technological properties besides their health beneficial effects. These compounds interact with other macromolecules, which is in structure, during process of bakery product and they increase water absorption, volume and stability of dough by this way. So this polymers improve textural properties of final product thereby they extend the shelf life. Additionally, they are added in bakery products with aim of decreasing calorific value and protection of community health care. It was reviewed in this paper that dietary fiber properties, health improve effects and using possibilities of cellulose and cellulose derivatives in bakery products.
- Perez CD, Denobili MD, Rizzo SA, Gerschenson LN, Descalzo AM, Rojas AM. 2012. High methoxyl pectin-methyl cellulose films with antioxidant activity at a functional food ınterface. J Food Eng, 116(1), 162-169
- Hardy G. 2000. Nutraceuticals and functional foods: Introduction and meaning. Func Foods, 16, 688-697.
- Roberfroid M. 2007. Prebiotics: The concept revisited. J Nutr, 137, 830-837.
- Anon 2004. Position of The American Dietetic Association: Functional Foods J Am Diet Assoc 104: 814-822.
- Noonan WP, Noonan C. 2004. Legal requirements for functional food claims. Toxicol Letter, 150, 19-24.
- Stanson C, Ross RP, Fitzgerald GF, Sinderen D. 2005. Fermented functional foods based on probiotics and their biogenic metabolites. Curr Opinions Biotechnol, 16, 1-6.
- Wang YC, Yu RC, Chou CC. 2002. Growth and survival of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation and storage of cultured soymilk drinks. Food Microbiol, 19, 501-508.
- Cashman K. 2003. Prebiotics and calcium bioavailability. Curr Isr Intest Microbiol, 4, 21-32. 9. Venter CS. 2006. Prebiotics for the ımprovement of human health. Hum Ecol, 14, 1-6.
- Lee, YK, Salminen, S. 2009. Handbook of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 2ndEdition, A John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publication, Canada, 115 p.
- Laparra JM, Sanz Y. 2010. Interactions of gut microbiota with functional food components and nutraceuticals. Pharm Res, 61(3), 219-225.
- Chauvelon G, Buleon A, Thibault JF, Saulnier L. 2003. Preparation of sulfoacetate derivatives of cellulose by direct esterification. Carbohydr Res, 338, 743-750.
- Primo-Martin C, Sanz T, Steringa DW, Salvador A, Fiszman SM, Van Vliet T. 2010. Performance of cellulose derivatives in deep-fried battered snacks oil barrier and crispy properties. Food Hydrocoll, 24(8), 702-708.
- Ako¤lu A, Karahan AG, Çakmakçı ML, Çakır ‹. 2010. Bakteriyel Selülozun Özellikleri Ve Gıda Sanayisinde Kullanımı GIDA 35:127-134.
- Ibrahim AA, Adel AM, Abd El-Wahab ZH, Al-Shemy MT. 2011. Utilization of carboxymethyl cellulose based on bean hulls as chelating agent: synthesis, characterization and biological activity. Carbohydr Polym, 83, 94-115.
- Dhingra D, Michael M, Rajput H, Patil RT. 2012. Dietary fibre in foods: a Review. J Food Sci Technol, 49, 255-66.
- Lavoine N, Desloges I, Dufresne A, Bras J. 2012. Microfibrilated cellulose ıts barrier properties and applications ın celulosic materials: a review. Carbonhydr Polym, 90, 735-764.
- Saldamlı ‹. 2005. Gıda Kimyası. Hacettepe üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, 106 p.
- Chen X, Jie Y, Zhang Z, Lu C. 2011. Study on structure and thermal stability properties of cellulose fibers from rice. Straw Carbohydr Polym, 85, 245-50.
- Kırcı H, Atefl S, Akgül M. 2001. Selüloz Türevleri ve Kullanım Yerleri. Fen Mühendislik Dergisi 4: 119-30.
- Nilsson S, Sundelof LO, Porsch B. 1995. On the characterization principles of some technically important water soluble non-ionic cellulose derivatives. Carbohydr Polym, 28, 265-75.
- Espinoza-Herrera N, Pedroza-Islas R, San Martin-Martinez E, Cruz-Orea A, Tomas SA. 2011. Thermal, mechanical and microstructures properties of cellulose derivatives films: a comparative study. Food Biophys, 6(1), 106-114.
- Asghar A, Anjum FM, Butt MS, Tariq MW, Hussain S. 2007. Rheological and storage effect of hydrophillic gums on the quality of frozen dough pizza. Food Sci Technol Res, 13, 96-102.
- Schuh V, Allard K, Herrmann K, Gibis M, Kohlus R, Weiss J. 2013. Impact of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) on functional characteristics of emulsified sausages. Meat Sci, 93(2), 240-247.
- Burdock GA. 2007. Safety assessment of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a food ingredient. Food Chem Toxicol, 45, 2341-51.
- Rojas J, Kumar V. 2012. Effect of polymorphic form on the functional properties of cellulose: a comparative study. Carbohydr Polym, 87, 2223-30. 27. Manning TS, Gibson GR. 2004. Prebiotics. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol, 18, 287-298.
- Meier RF. 2009. Basics in clinical nutrition: fibre and short chain fatty acids. Eur J Clin Nutr Metab, 4, 69-71.
- Angioloni A, Collar C. 2011. Physicochemical and nutritional properties of reduced-caloric density high-fibre breads. Lwt-Food Sci Technol, 44(3), 747-758.
- Anon 2009. Türkiye’de Kanser Kontrolü. Sa¤lık Bakanlı¤ı Kanserle Savafl Dairesi Baflkanlı¤ı, Ankara. 31. Anon 2011. Türkiye Diyabet Önleme ve Kontrol Programı. Eylem Planı (2011-2014). Sa¤lık Bakanlı¤ı Temel Sa¤lık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü¤ü, Ankara.
- Mckee LH, Latner TA. 2000. Underutilized sources of dietary fiber: a review. Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 55, 285-304.
- Rosell CM, Santos E, Collar C. 2009. Physico-chemical properties of commercial fibres from different sources: a comparative approach. Food Res Int, 42, 176-84.
- Mann JI, Cummings JH. 2009. Possible implications for health of the different definitions of dietary fibre. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 19, 226-29.
- Gupta S, Abu-Ghannam N. 2012. Probiotic fermentation of plant based products: possibilities and opportunities. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 52, 183-99.
- Kaczmarczyk mm, miller mj, freund gg. 2012. The health benefits of dietary fiber: beyond the usual suspects of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer. Metab Clin Exp, 61, 1058-66.
- Paturi G, Butts CA, Monro JA, Hedderley D, Stoklosinski H, Roy NC, Ansell J. 2012. Evaluation of gastrointestinal transit ın rats fed dietary fibres differing ın their susceptibility to large ıntestine fermentation. J Funct Foods, 4, 107-15.
- Satchithanandam S, Klurfeld DM, Calvert RJ, Cassidy MM. 1996. Effects of dietary fibers on gastrointestinal mucin in rats. Nutr Res, 16, 1163-77.
- Alm L. 2009. Probiotics and Human Health Akademik Gıda7 (5): 6-25.
- Elleuch, M., Bedigian D, Roiseux O, Besbes S, Blecker C, Attia H. 2011. Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: characterisation, technological functionality and commercial applications: a review. Food Chem, 124(2), 411-421.
- Mongeau R, Brassard R, Malcolm S, Shah BG. 1991. Effect of dietary cereal brans on body-weight and blood-lipids ın a long-term rat experiment. Cereal Chem, 68, 448-53.
- Uskokovic V. 2008. Composites comprising cholesterol and carboxymethyl cellulose. Colloid Surface Biointerface, 61, 250-61.
- Sudha ML, Rajeswari G, Rao GV. 2012. Effect of wheat and oat brans on the dough rheological and quality characteristics of ınstant vermicelli. J Texture Stud, 43, 195-202.
- Basman A, Koksel H. 1999. Properties And Composition Of Turkish Flat Bread (Bazlama) Supplemented With Barley Flour and Wheat Bran. Cereal Chem, 76, 506-11.
- Majzoobi M, Farahnaky A, Ostovan R. 2007. Effects of microcrystalline cellulose and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose on the properties of dough and flat bread. Iran Agric Res, 25(1), 87-98.
- Mohammadi M, Sadeghnia N, Azizi MH, Neyestani TR, Mortazavian AM. 2013. Development of gluten-free flat bread using hydrocolloids: Xanthan and CMC. J Ind Eng Chem, http://dx.
- Mariotti M, Pagani MA, Lucisano M. 2013. The role of buckwheat and HPMC on the breadmaking properties of some commercial gluten-free bread mixtures. Food Hydrocoll, 30(1), 393-400.
- Toufeili I, Dagher S, Shadarevian S, Noureddine A, Sarakbi M, Farran MT. 1994. Formulation of gluten-free pocket-type flat breads - optimization of methylcellulose, gum-arabic, and egg-albumin levels by response-surface methodology. Cereal Chem, 6, 594-601.
- Rimac-Brncic S, Lelas V, Rade D, Simundic B. 2004. Decreasing of oil absorption in potato strips during deep fat frying. J Food Eng, 64(2), 237-241.
- Salvador A, Hough G, Fiszman SM. 2005. Acceptability of batter-coated squid rings prepared without industrial pre-frying. Eur Food Res Technol, 221(1-2), 36-40.
- Sudha ML, Vetrimani R, Leelavathi K. 2007. Influence of fibre from different cereals on the rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough and on biscuit quality. Food Chem, 100(4), 1365- 1370.
- Chillo S, Laverse J, Falcone PM, Protopapa A, Del Nobile MA. 2008. Influence of the addition of buckwheat flour and durum wheat bran on spaghetti quality. J Cereal Sci, 47(2), 144-152.
- Barros F, Alviola JN. Rooney LW. 2010. Comparison of quality of refined and whole wheat tortillas. J Cereal Sci, 51(1), 50-56.
- Foschia M, Peressini D, Sensidoni A. Brennan CS. 2013. The effects of dietary fibre addition on the quality of common cereal products. J Cereal Sci, 58(2), 216-227.
Selüloz ve Selüloz Türevi Diyet Liflerin Özellikleri ve Fırın Ürünlerinde Kullanım İmkanları
Yıl 2014,
Cilt: 39 Sayı: 4, 243 - 250, 01.08.2014
Sultan Arslan
Mustafa Erbaş
Diyet lifler iyi hali geliştirici ve hastalık oluşma riskini azaltıcı etkilerinden dolayı yaygın olarak gıdalara katkılanmaktadır. Selüloz ve selüloz türevleri insan sindirim sisteminde sindirilmeden kalın bağırsağa geçerek yararlı etki gösterdiklerinden dolayı diyet lif olarak kabul edilmektedir. Selüloz ve selüloz türevi bileşikler, sağlığı iyileştirici etkilerinin yanında fırın ürünlerinde teknolojik yönleri ile de yaygın kullanım imkanı bulmaktadır. Selüloz ve selüloz türevleri, fırın ürünlerinin işlenmesi sırasında yapıdaki diğer makro moleküllerle interaksiyona girerek hamurun su tutma kapasitesini, hacmini ve stabilizasyonunu arttırmaktadır. Böylece bu polimerler, bir taraftan son ürünün tektürünü geliştirirken diğer bir taraftan ise ürünün raf ömrünü uzatmaktadır. Ayrıca diyet lif özelliği taşıyan selüloz ve selüloz türevleri enerji değerini düşürerek toplum sağlığının korunması amacıyla da fırın ürünlerine katkılanmaktadır. Bu makalede selüloz ve selüloz türevi bileşiklerin diyet lif özellikleri, sağlığı geliştirici etkileri ve fırın ürünlerine kullanım imkanları derlenmiştir.
- Perez CD, Denobili MD, Rizzo SA, Gerschenson LN, Descalzo AM, Rojas AM. 2012. High methoxyl pectin-methyl cellulose films with antioxidant activity at a functional food ınterface. J Food Eng, 116(1), 162-169
- Hardy G. 2000. Nutraceuticals and functional foods: Introduction and meaning. Func Foods, 16, 688-697.
- Roberfroid M. 2007. Prebiotics: The concept revisited. J Nutr, 137, 830-837.
- Anon 2004. Position of The American Dietetic Association: Functional Foods J Am Diet Assoc 104: 814-822.
- Noonan WP, Noonan C. 2004. Legal requirements for functional food claims. Toxicol Letter, 150, 19-24.
- Stanson C, Ross RP, Fitzgerald GF, Sinderen D. 2005. Fermented functional foods based on probiotics and their biogenic metabolites. Curr Opinions Biotechnol, 16, 1-6.
- Wang YC, Yu RC, Chou CC. 2002. Growth and survival of bifidobacteria and lactic acid bacteria during the fermentation and storage of cultured soymilk drinks. Food Microbiol, 19, 501-508.
- Cashman K. 2003. Prebiotics and calcium bioavailability. Curr Isr Intest Microbiol, 4, 21-32. 9. Venter CS. 2006. Prebiotics for the ımprovement of human health. Hum Ecol, 14, 1-6.
- Lee, YK, Salminen, S. 2009. Handbook of Probiotics and Prebiotics. 2ndEdition, A John Wiley and Sons Inc. Publication, Canada, 115 p.
- Laparra JM, Sanz Y. 2010. Interactions of gut microbiota with functional food components and nutraceuticals. Pharm Res, 61(3), 219-225.
- Chauvelon G, Buleon A, Thibault JF, Saulnier L. 2003. Preparation of sulfoacetate derivatives of cellulose by direct esterification. Carbohydr Res, 338, 743-750.
- Primo-Martin C, Sanz T, Steringa DW, Salvador A, Fiszman SM, Van Vliet T. 2010. Performance of cellulose derivatives in deep-fried battered snacks oil barrier and crispy properties. Food Hydrocoll, 24(8), 702-708.
- Ako¤lu A, Karahan AG, Çakmakçı ML, Çakır ‹. 2010. Bakteriyel Selülozun Özellikleri Ve Gıda Sanayisinde Kullanımı GIDA 35:127-134.
- Ibrahim AA, Adel AM, Abd El-Wahab ZH, Al-Shemy MT. 2011. Utilization of carboxymethyl cellulose based on bean hulls as chelating agent: synthesis, characterization and biological activity. Carbohydr Polym, 83, 94-115.
- Dhingra D, Michael M, Rajput H, Patil RT. 2012. Dietary fibre in foods: a Review. J Food Sci Technol, 49, 255-66.
- Lavoine N, Desloges I, Dufresne A, Bras J. 2012. Microfibrilated cellulose ıts barrier properties and applications ın celulosic materials: a review. Carbonhydr Polym, 90, 735-764.
- Saldamlı ‹. 2005. Gıda Kimyası. Hacettepe üniversitesi Yayınları, Ankara, 106 p.
- Chen X, Jie Y, Zhang Z, Lu C. 2011. Study on structure and thermal stability properties of cellulose fibers from rice. Straw Carbohydr Polym, 85, 245-50.
- Kırcı H, Atefl S, Akgül M. 2001. Selüloz Türevleri ve Kullanım Yerleri. Fen Mühendislik Dergisi 4: 119-30.
- Nilsson S, Sundelof LO, Porsch B. 1995. On the characterization principles of some technically important water soluble non-ionic cellulose derivatives. Carbohydr Polym, 28, 265-75.
- Espinoza-Herrera N, Pedroza-Islas R, San Martin-Martinez E, Cruz-Orea A, Tomas SA. 2011. Thermal, mechanical and microstructures properties of cellulose derivatives films: a comparative study. Food Biophys, 6(1), 106-114.
- Asghar A, Anjum FM, Butt MS, Tariq MW, Hussain S. 2007. Rheological and storage effect of hydrophillic gums on the quality of frozen dough pizza. Food Sci Technol Res, 13, 96-102.
- Schuh V, Allard K, Herrmann K, Gibis M, Kohlus R, Weiss J. 2013. Impact of carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) on functional characteristics of emulsified sausages. Meat Sci, 93(2), 240-247.
- Burdock GA. 2007. Safety assessment of hydroxypropyl methylcellulose as a food ingredient. Food Chem Toxicol, 45, 2341-51.
- Rojas J, Kumar V. 2012. Effect of polymorphic form on the functional properties of cellulose: a comparative study. Carbohydr Polym, 87, 2223-30. 27. Manning TS, Gibson GR. 2004. Prebiotics. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol, 18, 287-298.
- Meier RF. 2009. Basics in clinical nutrition: fibre and short chain fatty acids. Eur J Clin Nutr Metab, 4, 69-71.
- Angioloni A, Collar C. 2011. Physicochemical and nutritional properties of reduced-caloric density high-fibre breads. Lwt-Food Sci Technol, 44(3), 747-758.
- Anon 2009. Türkiye’de Kanser Kontrolü. Sa¤lık Bakanlı¤ı Kanserle Savafl Dairesi Baflkanlı¤ı, Ankara. 31. Anon 2011. Türkiye Diyabet Önleme ve Kontrol Programı. Eylem Planı (2011-2014). Sa¤lık Bakanlı¤ı Temel Sa¤lık Hizmetleri Genel Müdürlü¤ü, Ankara.
- Mckee LH, Latner TA. 2000. Underutilized sources of dietary fiber: a review. Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 55, 285-304.
- Rosell CM, Santos E, Collar C. 2009. Physico-chemical properties of commercial fibres from different sources: a comparative approach. Food Res Int, 42, 176-84.
- Mann JI, Cummings JH. 2009. Possible implications for health of the different definitions of dietary fibre. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis, 19, 226-29.
- Gupta S, Abu-Ghannam N. 2012. Probiotic fermentation of plant based products: possibilities and opportunities. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 52, 183-99.
- Kaczmarczyk mm, miller mj, freund gg. 2012. The health benefits of dietary fiber: beyond the usual suspects of type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and colon cancer. Metab Clin Exp, 61, 1058-66.
- Paturi G, Butts CA, Monro JA, Hedderley D, Stoklosinski H, Roy NC, Ansell J. 2012. Evaluation of gastrointestinal transit ın rats fed dietary fibres differing ın their susceptibility to large ıntestine fermentation. J Funct Foods, 4, 107-15.
- Satchithanandam S, Klurfeld DM, Calvert RJ, Cassidy MM. 1996. Effects of dietary fibers on gastrointestinal mucin in rats. Nutr Res, 16, 1163-77.
- Alm L. 2009. Probiotics and Human Health Akademik Gıda7 (5): 6-25.
- Elleuch, M., Bedigian D, Roiseux O, Besbes S, Blecker C, Attia H. 2011. Dietary fibre and fibre-rich by-products of food processing: characterisation, technological functionality and commercial applications: a review. Food Chem, 124(2), 411-421.
- Mongeau R, Brassard R, Malcolm S, Shah BG. 1991. Effect of dietary cereal brans on body-weight and blood-lipids ın a long-term rat experiment. Cereal Chem, 68, 448-53.
- Uskokovic V. 2008. Composites comprising cholesterol and carboxymethyl cellulose. Colloid Surface Biointerface, 61, 250-61.
- Sudha ML, Rajeswari G, Rao GV. 2012. Effect of wheat and oat brans on the dough rheological and quality characteristics of ınstant vermicelli. J Texture Stud, 43, 195-202.
- Basman A, Koksel H. 1999. Properties And Composition Of Turkish Flat Bread (Bazlama) Supplemented With Barley Flour and Wheat Bran. Cereal Chem, 76, 506-11.
- Majzoobi M, Farahnaky A, Ostovan R. 2007. Effects of microcrystalline cellulose and hydroxypropylmethyl cellulose on the properties of dough and flat bread. Iran Agric Res, 25(1), 87-98.
- Mohammadi M, Sadeghnia N, Azizi MH, Neyestani TR, Mortazavian AM. 2013. Development of gluten-free flat bread using hydrocolloids: Xanthan and CMC. J Ind Eng Chem, http://dx.
- Mariotti M, Pagani MA, Lucisano M. 2013. The role of buckwheat and HPMC on the breadmaking properties of some commercial gluten-free bread mixtures. Food Hydrocoll, 30(1), 393-400.
- Toufeili I, Dagher S, Shadarevian S, Noureddine A, Sarakbi M, Farran MT. 1994. Formulation of gluten-free pocket-type flat breads - optimization of methylcellulose, gum-arabic, and egg-albumin levels by response-surface methodology. Cereal Chem, 6, 594-601.
- Rimac-Brncic S, Lelas V, Rade D, Simundic B. 2004. Decreasing of oil absorption in potato strips during deep fat frying. J Food Eng, 64(2), 237-241.
- Salvador A, Hough G, Fiszman SM. 2005. Acceptability of batter-coated squid rings prepared without industrial pre-frying. Eur Food Res Technol, 221(1-2), 36-40.
- Sudha ML, Vetrimani R, Leelavathi K. 2007. Influence of fibre from different cereals on the rheological characteristics of wheat flour dough and on biscuit quality. Food Chem, 100(4), 1365- 1370.
- Chillo S, Laverse J, Falcone PM, Protopapa A, Del Nobile MA. 2008. Influence of the addition of buckwheat flour and durum wheat bran on spaghetti quality. J Cereal Sci, 47(2), 144-152.
- Barros F, Alviola JN. Rooney LW. 2010. Comparison of quality of refined and whole wheat tortillas. J Cereal Sci, 51(1), 50-56.
- Foschia M, Peressini D, Sensidoni A. Brennan CS. 2013. The effects of dietary fibre addition on the quality of common cereal products. J Cereal Sci, 58(2), 216-227.