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The Effects of Electrical Methods on the Quality of Foods (Turkish with English Abstract)

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4, - , 01.08.2005


In recent years, it seems that the importance of the minimally processing technologies increased for the purpose of enhancing the food quality. The studies on the electrical methods, which are the minimal processing techniques, have a greater extent. Especially, pulsed electric field, ohmic heating, electroplasmolysis, dielectric heating and infrared heating were used as the alternative food processing methods such as; heating, blanching, inactivation etc. They have also some effects on the enhancement of the food quality and process yield.


  • Ade-Omowaye B.I.G., Fiastogi N.K., Angersbacl'ı A ve Knorr D. 2003. Combined effects of pulsed electric field pre—treatment and partial osmotic dehydration on air drying behaviour of red bell pepper. J Food Eng.. 60: 89-98.
  • Barbosa-Canovas G.V.. Pierson M.D , Zhang Q.H. ve Schalfer D.W. 2001. Pulsed electric fields. Journal of Food Science- Special Supplement: Kinetics of Microbial Inactivation for Alternative Food Processing Technologies: 65-79.
  • Baysal T, Içler F ve llıcalı C. 2003a. Gıda sanayinde güncel elektriksel yöntemler. 3. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi Kitapçığı, Eylül 2003, Ankara.
  • Baysal T, lcier F, Ersus S ve Yıldız H. 2003b. European Food Research and Technology, 218: 68-73
  • Bendicho S, Barbosa—Canovas G ve Martin O. 2002. Milk processing by high intensity pulsed electric fields. Trends Food Sci. and Technol., 13: 195-204. *
  • Decereau FLV. 1986. Microwave food processing equipment throughout the world. Food Technet, June: 99-105.
  • Devlieghere F, Vermeiren L ve Debevere J. 2004. New preservation Technologies: possibilities and limitations. int. Dairy J., 14: 273-285.
  • El-Shimi N. M. 1992. influence of microwave and conventional cooking and reheating on sensory and chemical characteris- tics of roast beef. Food Chem., 45: 11-14. .
  • Fasina 0.0., Tyler RT. ve Pickard MD. 1998. Modeling the infrared radiative heating of agricultural crops. Drying Technol.. 16 (98:10): 2065-2082.
  • Fellows P. 2000. Food Processing Technology. 2nd Edition. Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Funebo T ve Ohlsson T. 1998. Microwave-assisted air dehydration of apple and mushroom. J. Food Eng.. 38: 359-387.
  • Halden K, de Alwis A.A.P ve Fryer P.J. 1990. Changes in the electrical conductivity of foods during Ohmic heating. Interna- tional Journal of Food Science and Technology, 25: 9-25.
  • Heinz V, Toepfl S ve Knorr D. 2003. lmpact of tempereture on lethality and energy efficiency of apple juice pasteurization by pulsed electric fields treatment. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 4, 167-175.
  • Hepçimen AZ. 1996. Geleneksel ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleriyle İşlenmiş Ayva Pulplarının Marmelata İşlenmesi Sırasın- da Kaliteye Etkiyen Unsurların Araştırılması. Y. L. Tezi. Ege Ün. Fen Bil. Enst., İzmir.
  • Hill M.A. 1981. The effect of microwave processing on the chemical, physical and organoleptic properties of some foods. In . Developments in Food, Vol.1., S. Thorne (Ed.). Applied Science Publishers, London and New Jersey.
  • |mai T, Uemura K ve Noguchi A. 1998. Heating rate of egg albumin solution and its change during ohmic heating. In Advan- ces ı'rı Experimental Medicine & Biology, Vol. 4. Process-Induced Chemical Changes in Food (Eds) F.. Shadidi, C.T. Ho and N.V. Chayen, Plenum Press. New York, 101-108.
  • içler F ve Baysal T. 2004. Dielectric properties of food materials-1. Industrial uses, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nut- rition, in press .
  • içler F. 2003. Gıdaların Ohmik Isıtma Yöntemiyle lsıtılmasının Deneysel ve Kuramsal Olarak İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, 245 5.
  • Jean F.l., Collin G.J. ve Lord D. 1992. Essential oils and microwave extracts of cultivated plants. Perlumer & Flavorist, 17. May/June: 35-41.
  • ıJia M, Zhang (J.H. ve Min 0.8. 1999. Pulsed electric field processing effects on flavor compounds and microorganisms of orange juice. Food Chem., 65: 445-451.
  • Krokida M.K. ve Maroulis Z.B. 1999. Effect of microwave drying on some quality properties of dehydrated products. Drying Technol.. 17 (3): 449-466.
  • Lima M., Heskitt B.F. ve Sastry S.K. 2001. Diffusion of beet dye during electrical and conventional heating at steady state temperature. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 24 (5): 331-340. '
  • McLeIIan M.FI., Kime H.L. ve Lind LR. 1991, Electroplasmolysis and other treatment to improve applejuice yield. J.Sci. Food and Agr.. 57: 303-306.
  • Mermelstein N.H. 2001. High temperature, short time processing. Food Technology, 55(6): 65, 66, 68, 70, 78.
  • Ohlsson T. 1997. New thermal processing methods, The European Food & Drink Review, Summer, 35-41.
  • Ohlsson T 2002. Minimal processing of foods with thermal methods. In Minimal Processing Technologies in the Food In— dustry, Ch. 2, T. Ohlsson, N Bengtsson (Eds). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge
  • Okilov Ş. 1995. Klasik ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleri İle Elde Edilen Golden Delicious Elmalarının Pres Suyuna İşlenmesi Sırasında Kimi Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Araştırılması. Y. L. Tezi, Ege Ün. Fen Bil. Enst., İzmir, 69 s.
  • Palaniappan S. ve Sastry S.K. 1991. Electrical conductivity of selected juices: influences of temperature, solids content, app- lied voitage, and particle size. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 14: 247-260.
  • Park J. W. Lin T. M. ve Yongsawatdigul J. 1997. New developments in manufacturing of surimi and surimi seafood. Food Reviews International, 13(4): 577- 610.
  • Ponrıe C.T., Baysal T ve Yüksel D. 1994. Blanching Ieaiy vegetables with electromagnetic energy. J. Food Sci., 59(5): 1037- 1041, 1059.
  • Raghavan G.S.V., Alvo P. ve Shivhare U.S. 1993. Microwave drying of cereal'grain: advantages and limitations. Postharvest News and Information, 4(3): 79N- 83N.
  • Flamesh M. Flao P. H. ve Ramadoss C. S. 1995. Microwave treatment of groundnut extractabiiity and quality of oil and its relation to lipase and lipoxygenase activity. Lebensm. —Wiss. u. -Technol., 28: 96- 99.
  • Rawley A.T. 2001. Ftadio frequency heating. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 9, P.Fiicharson (Ed). Wood- head Publication Limited. CRC Press. Cambridge.
  • Regier M. ve Schubert H. 2001. Microwave processing. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 10, P.Richarson (Ed). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Reznick D. 2000. Electroheating. http:/lwww.raztek.comlelectroheating.html
  • Floss A.l.V., Griffiths M.W., Mittal G.S. ve Deeth H.C. 2003. Combining nonthermal techmologies to control foodbcrne mic- roorganisms. Int. J.Food Mic., 89: 125-138.
  • Sakai N. ve HanzaWe. T. 1994. Applications and advances in far-infrared heating in Japan. Trends in Food Science & Tech- nology, November, 5(11): 357-362.
  • Sandeep K.P. 1999. An overview of conventional and alternative processing Technologies used in the food industry. ASAE Paper No. 996032, 1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sapulveda— A—humada D. R., Ortega- Rivas E. Ve Barbosa— Canovas G. V 2000. Quality aspects of Cheddar cheese obtained with milk pasteurized by pulsed electric fields. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 78(02): 65- 71.
  • Shcheglov A. Yu., Fludkovskaya G. V. ve Fiozhko V.S. 1983. Use of electroplasmolysis' ın the manufacture of tomato paste. Konservnaya' I Ovoshchesushil‘ naya Promyshlennost‘, No.5: 8—10.
  • Skjöldebrand C. 2001. Infrared heating. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 11, P.Flicharson (Ed). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Sumnu G. 2000. A review on microwave baking of foods. Int. J. Food Sci.TechnoI.. 36: 117-127.
  • Uemura K., Toyoshima H. ve Okadome H. 1998. High pressure Ohmic heating process for cooking rice. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi (from English summary). 45(9): 533-538.
  • Uhero'va Ft., Hozova B. ve Smirnov V. 1993. The effect of microwave on retention of some B vitamins. Food Chem., 46: 293- 295.
  • Van Loey A., Verachtert 9. ve Hendrickx M. 2002. Effect of high electric field pulses on enzymes. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 12: 94-102. .
  • Yeom H.W., Streaker CB., Zhang Q.H. ve Min D,E. 2000. Effects of pulsed electric fields on the quality orange juice and comparison with heat pasteurization. J. Food Chem., 48: 4597-4605.
  • Yun C.G., Lee D.H. ve Park J. 1998. Ohmic thawing of a frozen meat chunk. Korean Journal of. Food Science and Tech- nology, 30(4): 842-847.
  • Zhao Y., Flugstad B., Kolbe E., Park J.W. ve Wells J.H. 2000. Using capacitive (radio frequency) dielectric heating In food processing and preservation-a review. J. Food Proc.Eng., 23: 25-55.

Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri

Yıl 2005, Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4, - , 01.08.2005


Son yıllarda gıda ürünlerinin kalitesinin arttırılması amacıyla minimum işlem tekniklerine verilen önemin giderek arttığı görülmektedir. Bu teknikler içerisinde yer alan elektriksel yöntemlerle ilgili çalışmaların yoğunluk kazandığı dikkat çekmektedir. Özellikle yüksek voltaj elektrik alan, ohmik ısıtma, elektroplazmoliz, dielektrik ısıtma ve infrared ısıtma gibi elektriksel yöntemlerin gıdaların işlenmesinde ısıtma, haşlama ve inaktivasyon gibi amaçlar için alternatif oluşturabileceği üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu işlemlerin gıdaların kalite özelliklerinin iyileştirilmesi ve verimin arttırılması üzerinde olumlu etkileri olduğu bildirilmektedir.


  • Ade-Omowaye B.I.G., Fiastogi N.K., Angersbacl'ı A ve Knorr D. 2003. Combined effects of pulsed electric field pre—treatment and partial osmotic dehydration on air drying behaviour of red bell pepper. J Food Eng.. 60: 89-98.
  • Barbosa-Canovas G.V.. Pierson M.D , Zhang Q.H. ve Schalfer D.W. 2001. Pulsed electric fields. Journal of Food Science- Special Supplement: Kinetics of Microbial Inactivation for Alternative Food Processing Technologies: 65-79.
  • Baysal T, Içler F ve llıcalı C. 2003a. Gıda sanayinde güncel elektriksel yöntemler. 3. Gıda Mühendisliği Kongresi Kitapçığı, Eylül 2003, Ankara.
  • Baysal T, lcier F, Ersus S ve Yıldız H. 2003b. European Food Research and Technology, 218: 68-73
  • Bendicho S, Barbosa—Canovas G ve Martin O. 2002. Milk processing by high intensity pulsed electric fields. Trends Food Sci. and Technol., 13: 195-204. *
  • Decereau FLV. 1986. Microwave food processing equipment throughout the world. Food Technet, June: 99-105.
  • Devlieghere F, Vermeiren L ve Debevere J. 2004. New preservation Technologies: possibilities and limitations. int. Dairy J., 14: 273-285.
  • El-Shimi N. M. 1992. influence of microwave and conventional cooking and reheating on sensory and chemical characteris- tics of roast beef. Food Chem., 45: 11-14. .
  • Fasina 0.0., Tyler RT. ve Pickard MD. 1998. Modeling the infrared radiative heating of agricultural crops. Drying Technol.. 16 (98:10): 2065-2082.
  • Fellows P. 2000. Food Processing Technology. 2nd Edition. Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Funebo T ve Ohlsson T. 1998. Microwave-assisted air dehydration of apple and mushroom. J. Food Eng.. 38: 359-387.
  • Halden K, de Alwis A.A.P ve Fryer P.J. 1990. Changes in the electrical conductivity of foods during Ohmic heating. Interna- tional Journal of Food Science and Technology, 25: 9-25.
  • Heinz V, Toepfl S ve Knorr D. 2003. lmpact of tempereture on lethality and energy efficiency of apple juice pasteurization by pulsed electric fields treatment. Innovative Food Science and Emerging Technologies 4, 167-175.
  • Hepçimen AZ. 1996. Geleneksel ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleriyle İşlenmiş Ayva Pulplarının Marmelata İşlenmesi Sırasın- da Kaliteye Etkiyen Unsurların Araştırılması. Y. L. Tezi. Ege Ün. Fen Bil. Enst., İzmir.
  • Hill M.A. 1981. The effect of microwave processing on the chemical, physical and organoleptic properties of some foods. In . Developments in Food, Vol.1., S. Thorne (Ed.). Applied Science Publishers, London and New Jersey.
  • |mai T, Uemura K ve Noguchi A. 1998. Heating rate of egg albumin solution and its change during ohmic heating. In Advan- ces ı'rı Experimental Medicine & Biology, Vol. 4. Process-Induced Chemical Changes in Food (Eds) F.. Shadidi, C.T. Ho and N.V. Chayen, Plenum Press. New York, 101-108.
  • içler F ve Baysal T. 2004. Dielectric properties of food materials-1. Industrial uses, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nut- rition, in press .
  • içler F. 2003. Gıdaların Ohmik Isıtma Yöntemiyle lsıtılmasının Deneysel ve Kuramsal Olarak İncelenmesi. Doktora Tezi. Ege Üniversitesi, İzmir, 245 5.
  • Jean F.l., Collin G.J. ve Lord D. 1992. Essential oils and microwave extracts of cultivated plants. Perlumer & Flavorist, 17. May/June: 35-41.
  • ıJia M, Zhang (J.H. ve Min 0.8. 1999. Pulsed electric field processing effects on flavor compounds and microorganisms of orange juice. Food Chem., 65: 445-451.
  • Krokida M.K. ve Maroulis Z.B. 1999. Effect of microwave drying on some quality properties of dehydrated products. Drying Technol.. 17 (3): 449-466.
  • Lima M., Heskitt B.F. ve Sastry S.K. 2001. Diffusion of beet dye during electrical and conventional heating at steady state temperature. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 24 (5): 331-340. '
  • McLeIIan M.FI., Kime H.L. ve Lind LR. 1991, Electroplasmolysis and other treatment to improve applejuice yield. J.Sci. Food and Agr.. 57: 303-306.
  • Mermelstein N.H. 2001. High temperature, short time processing. Food Technology, 55(6): 65, 66, 68, 70, 78.
  • Ohlsson T. 1997. New thermal processing methods, The European Food & Drink Review, Summer, 35-41.
  • Ohlsson T 2002. Minimal processing of foods with thermal methods. In Minimal Processing Technologies in the Food In— dustry, Ch. 2, T. Ohlsson, N Bengtsson (Eds). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge
  • Okilov Ş. 1995. Klasik ve Elektroplazmoliz Yöntemleri İle Elde Edilen Golden Delicious Elmalarının Pres Suyuna İşlenmesi Sırasında Kimi Özelliklerine Etki Eden Faktörlerin Araştırılması. Y. L. Tezi, Ege Ün. Fen Bil. Enst., İzmir, 69 s.
  • Palaniappan S. ve Sastry S.K. 1991. Electrical conductivity of selected juices: influences of temperature, solids content, app- lied voitage, and particle size. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 14: 247-260.
  • Park J. W. Lin T. M. ve Yongsawatdigul J. 1997. New developments in manufacturing of surimi and surimi seafood. Food Reviews International, 13(4): 577- 610.
  • Ponrıe C.T., Baysal T ve Yüksel D. 1994. Blanching Ieaiy vegetables with electromagnetic energy. J. Food Sci., 59(5): 1037- 1041, 1059.
  • Raghavan G.S.V., Alvo P. ve Shivhare U.S. 1993. Microwave drying of cereal'grain: advantages and limitations. Postharvest News and Information, 4(3): 79N- 83N.
  • Flamesh M. Flao P. H. ve Ramadoss C. S. 1995. Microwave treatment of groundnut extractabiiity and quality of oil and its relation to lipase and lipoxygenase activity. Lebensm. —Wiss. u. -Technol., 28: 96- 99.
  • Rawley A.T. 2001. Ftadio frequency heating. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 9, P.Fiicharson (Ed). Wood- head Publication Limited. CRC Press. Cambridge.
  • Regier M. ve Schubert H. 2001. Microwave processing. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 10, P.Richarson (Ed). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Reznick D. 2000. Electroheating. http:/lwww.raztek.comlelectroheating.html
  • Floss A.l.V., Griffiths M.W., Mittal G.S. ve Deeth H.C. 2003. Combining nonthermal techmologies to control foodbcrne mic- roorganisms. Int. J.Food Mic., 89: 125-138.
  • Sakai N. ve HanzaWe. T. 1994. Applications and advances in far-infrared heating in Japan. Trends in Food Science & Tech- nology, November, 5(11): 357-362.
  • Sandeep K.P. 1999. An overview of conventional and alternative processing Technologies used in the food industry. ASAE Paper No. 996032, 1999 ASAE Annual International Meeting, Toronto, Canada.
  • Sapulveda— A—humada D. R., Ortega- Rivas E. Ve Barbosa— Canovas G. V 2000. Quality aspects of Cheddar cheese obtained with milk pasteurized by pulsed electric fields. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 78(02): 65- 71.
  • Shcheglov A. Yu., Fludkovskaya G. V. ve Fiozhko V.S. 1983. Use of electroplasmolysis' ın the manufacture of tomato paste. Konservnaya' I Ovoshchesushil‘ naya Promyshlennost‘, No.5: 8—10.
  • Skjöldebrand C. 2001. Infrared heating. In Thermal Technologies in Food Processing, Ch. 11, P.Flicharson (Ed). Woodhead Publication Limited, CRC Press, Cambridge.
  • Sumnu G. 2000. A review on microwave baking of foods. Int. J. Food Sci.TechnoI.. 36: 117-127.
  • Uemura K., Toyoshima H. ve Okadome H. 1998. High pressure Ohmic heating process for cooking rice. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi (from English summary). 45(9): 533-538.
  • Uhero'va Ft., Hozova B. ve Smirnov V. 1993. The effect of microwave on retention of some B vitamins. Food Chem., 46: 293- 295.
  • Van Loey A., Verachtert 9. ve Hendrickx M. 2002. Effect of high electric field pulses on enzymes. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 12: 94-102. .
  • Yeom H.W., Streaker CB., Zhang Q.H. ve Min D,E. 2000. Effects of pulsed electric fields on the quality orange juice and comparison with heat pasteurization. J. Food Chem., 48: 4597-4605.
  • Yun C.G., Lee D.H. ve Park J. 1998. Ohmic thawing of a frozen meat chunk. Korean Journal of. Food Science and Tech- nology, 30(4): 842-847.
  • Zhao Y., Flugstad B., Kolbe E., Park J.W. ve Wells J.H. 2000. Using capacitive (radio frequency) dielectric heating In food processing and preservation-a review. J. Food Proc.Eng., 23: 25-55.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Filiz İçier Hasan Yıldız Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Ağustos 2005
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2005 Cilt: 30 Sayı: 4

Kaynak Göster

APA Yıldız, F. İ. H. . (2005). Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. Gıda, 30(4).
AMA Yıldız FİH. Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. GIDA. Ağustos 2005;30(4).
Chicago Yıldız, Filiz İçier Hasan. “Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Gıda 30, sy. 4 (Ağustos 2005).
EndNote Yıldız FİH (01 Ağustos 2005) Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. Gıda 30 4
IEEE F. İ. H. . Yıldız, “Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”, GIDA, c. 30, sy. 4, 2005.
ISNAD Yıldız, Filiz İçier Hasan. “Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Gıda 30/4 (Ağustos 2005).
JAMA Yıldız FİH. Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. GIDA. 2005;30.
MLA Yıldız, Filiz İçier Hasan. “Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri”. Gıda, c. 30, sy. 4, 2005.
Vancouver Yıldız FİH. Elektriksel Yöntemlerin Gıdaların Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkileri. GIDA. 2005;30(4).


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