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Thin Layer Drying Models in Food Systems

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 39 - 46, 01.03.2015


Drying is one of the most complicated food processes which include simultaneous heat and masstransfer. It is generally defined as the removal of moisture from food. The microbial and enzyme activity indry food products are quite low due to reduced water activity. Therefore, drying is widely preferred inlong term storage of foods. The drying mechanism, common drying techniques used in industry andthin layer drying models were summarized in this review. Thin layer drying models can be classified astheoretical, semi-theoretical and empirical. Theoretical models can be applied to all process conditions.However, due to their practical inconvenience, semi-theoretical and empirical models are widelypreferred in drying studies. Among the models studied in food drying, semi-theoretical models, Pageand Midilli, were found to be the best fitting models. In addition, the effective diffusion coefficientcalculated from Fick’s Second Law and the activation energy, which is determined using Arrheniusequation, give valuable information regarding drying. The effective diffusivities and activation energyvalues in foods were reported in the range of 10-7-10-11m2/s and 10-80 kJ/mol, respectively


  • Cemero¤lu B, Özkan M. 2004. Kurutma teknolojisi, Meyve Sebze ‹sleme Teknolojisi, 2. Cilt, Cemero¤lu B (bafl editör), Bizim Büro Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 479-613.
  • Saldamlı ‹, Saldamlı E. 2004. Gıda Endüstrisi Makineleri. Savas Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, 547 s. 3. Aytaç G. 2008. T.C. Kurutulmufl Sebzeler. Baflbakanlık Dıfl Ticaret Müsteflarlı¤ı, ‹hracatı gelifltirme etüt merkezi.
  • Kuru meyve üretim miktarları. http://www. (Eriflim 01 Temmuz 2014).
  • Kuru et ürünleri üretim miktarı. http://www. (Eriflim 04 Temmuz 2014).
  • Özdemir M, Devres YO. 1999. The thin layer drying characteristics of hazelnuts during roasting. J Food Eng, 42, 225-233.
  • Fortes M, Okos MR. 1981. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to heat and mass transfer in corn kernels. Trans. ASAE, 22, 761-769.
  • Sarsılmaz C. 1998. Günefl Enerjisi Destekli Kayısı Kurutma Sistemi. Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazı¤, Türkiye, 49-51 s.
  • Demirtafl C, Ayhan T, Kaygusuz K. 1998. Drying behaviour of hazelnuts. J Sci Food Agric, 76, 559-564. 10. Geankoplis CJ. 2011. Taflınma Süreçleri ve Ayırma Süreci ‹lkeleri, Yapıcı S (Çeviren), ‹zmir Güven Kitabevi, ‹zmir, Türkiye.
  • Hall CW, Kunze OR, Calderwood DL, Hall CW, Maddex RL, Shove GC, Davis DC.1980. Drying and storage of agricultural crops. Washington State Univ, Pullman, WA 99164, 381 p, USA.
  • Roberts JS. 1999. Understanding The Heat and Mass Transfer of Hygroscopic PorousMaterials, Doktora Tezi, The State University Of New Jersey, Food Science, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
  • Zhu A, Shen X. 2014. The model and mass transfer characteristics of convection drying of peach slices. Int J Heat and Mass Trans, 72, 345-351. 14. Chen XD, Mujumdar AS. 2008. Drying Technologies in Food Processing. Blackwell Publishing, OX, UK.
  • Doymaz ‹. 2007. The kinetics of forced convective air-drying of pumpkin slices. J Food Eng, 79, 243-248.
  • Ertekin C, Yaldiz O. 2004. Drying of eggplant and selection of a suitable thin layer drying model. J Food Eng, 63, 349-359.
  • Doymaz ‹, ‹smail O. 2011. Drying Characteristics of sweet cherry, Food Bioprod Process, 89, 31-38. 18. Cemero¤lu B, Soyer A. 2004. Kurutma, Gıda Mühendisli¤inde Temel ‹fllemler, Cemero¤lu B (bafl editör), Bizim Grup Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 347-466.
  • Fissore D, Pisano R, Barresi AA. 2014. Applying quality-by-design to develop a coffee freeze-drying process. J Food Eng, 123, 179-187.
  • Kim EHJ, Chen XD, Pearce D. 2009. Surface composition of industrial spray-dried milkpowders. J Food Eng, 94, 169-181.
  • Madhiyanon T, Phila A, Soponronnarit S. 2009. Models of fluidized bed drying for thin-layer chopped coconut. Appl Therm Eng, 29, 2849-2854. 22. Zielinska M, Zapotoczny P, Alves-Filho O, Eikevik TM, Blaszczak W. 2013. A multi-stage combined heat pump and microwave vacuum drying of green peas. J Food Eng, 115, 347-356.
  • Karaaslan SN. 2008. Sebze ve Endüstri Bitkilerinin Mikrodalgayla Kurutulması Üzerine Çalıflmalar. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tarım Makinaları Anabilim Dalı, Adana, Türkiye, 195 s. 24. Li Z, Raghavan GSV, Wang N, Vigneault C. 2011. Drying rate control in the middle stage of microwave drying. J Food Eng, 104, 234-238.
  • Sumnu G. 2001.A review on microwave baking of foods. Int J Food Sci Technol, 36, 117-127.
  • Tunçer ‹K. 1990. Characterization And Drying of Vegetables By Hot Air And Microwave Energy. In Proceedings of The 4th Int Congress On Mechanization And Energy In Agri, Adana, Turkey (In Turkish).1-4 October 1990, 472-480.
  • Shinde A, Das S, Datta AK. 2013. Quality improvement of orthodox and CTC tea and performance enhancement by hybrid hot air–radio frequency (RF) dryer. J Food Eng, 116, 444-449.
  • Baysal AH, ‹çier F, Baysal T. 2011. Güncel Elektriksel Isıtma Yöntemleri. Sidafl Yayınevi, Türkiye 348 s.
  • Zhu X, Guo W, Wu X, Wang S. 2012. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. J Food Eng, 113, 143-150.
  • Keey RB. 1972. Introduction. In: Drying Principles and Practice. Pergamon Press. Oxford, 1-18.
  • Bengston G, Rahman MS, Stanley R, Perera CO. 1998. Effect Specific Pretreatment on the Drying Behaviour of Apple Rings. New Zeland Inst Food Sci and New Zeland Conference, Nelson, 10 s. 32. Sarsavadiva P, Sawhney R, Pangavhane DR, Sing I. 1999. Drying Behaviour of Brined Onion Slices. J Food Eng, 40, 219-226.
  • Yaldız O, Ertekin C, Uzun H‹. 2000. Çekirdeksiz Üzümün ‹nce Tabaka Halinde Günefl Enerji ‹se Kurutulmasının Matematiksel Modellemesi Üzerinde Bir Arafltırma. 19. Ulusal Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Erzurum, 345-350 s.
  • Yaldız O, Ertekin C. 2001. Thin Layer Solar Drying of Some Vegetables. Drying Technol, 19, 583-597. 35. Doymaz ‹. 2011. Drying of Eggplant Slices in Thin Layers at Different Air Tempreratures. J Food Process Preservation, 35, 280-289.
  • Madamba PS, Driscoll RH, Buckle KA. 1996. Thin Layer Drying Characteristics of Garlic Slices. J Food Eng, 29, 75-97.
  • Sharaf-Eldeen YI, Blaisdell JL, Hamdy MY. 1980. A model for Ear Corn. Drying Technol ASAE, 23, 1261-1271.
  • Wang CY, Sing RP. 1978. A Single Layer Drying Equation for Rough Rice. Am. Soc. Agr. Eng, St. Joseph, MI, 78, 3001.
  • Sacilik K, Keskin R, Elicin AK. 2006. Mathematical modeling of solar tunnel drying of thin layer organic tomato. J Food Eng, 73, 231-238.
  • Verma LR, Bucklin JB, Endan F, Wratten T. 1985. Effects of Drying Air Parameters on Rice Drying Models. Technol ASAE, 28, 296-301.
  • Karathanos VT. 1999. Determination od Water Content of Dried Fruits by Drying Kinetics. J Food Eng, 39, 337-344.
  • Midilli A, Küçük H, Yapar Z. 2002. A New Model for Single-Layer Drying. Drying Technol, 20, 1503-1513.
  • Pangavhane DR, Sawhney PN, Sarsavadia PN. 1999. Effect of Various Dipping Pretreatments on Drying Kinetics of Thompson Seedless Grapes. J Food Eng, 39, 211-216.
  • Vega-Galvez A, Miranda M, Diaz LP, Lopez L, Rodriguez K, Di-Scala K. 2010. Effective moisture diffusivity determination and mathematical modelling of the drying curves of the olive-waste cake. Bioresour Technol, 101, 7265-7270.
  • Vega-Galvez A, Puente-Diaz L, Lemus-Mondaca R, Miranda M, Torres MJ. 2012. Mathematical Modelling of Thin-layer Drying Kinetics of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). J Food Process Preservation, 38, 728-736.
  • Arslan D, Özcan MM. 2010. Study the effect of sun, oven and microwave drying on quality of onion slices. LWT- Food Sci Technol, 43, 1121-1127.
  • Kouchakzadeh A, Shafeei S. 2010. Modelling of microwave-convective drying of pistachios. Energy Conver Manag, 51, 2012-2015.
  • Darvishi H, Rezaeiasl A, Asghari A, Azadbakht M, Najafi G, Khodaei J. 2014. Study of the drying kinetics of pepper. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 13, 130-138. 49. Zielinska M, Markowski M. 2010. Air drying characteristics and moisture diffusivity of carrots. Chem Eng Process: Process Intensification, 49, 212-218.
  • Aghbashlo M, Kianmehr MH, Arabhosseini A. 2009. Modeling of thin-layer drying of potato slices in length of continuous band dryer. Energy Conver Manag, 50, 1348-1355.
  • El-Sebaii AA, Shalaby SM. 2013. Experimental investigation of an indirect-mode forced convection solar dryer for drying thymus and mint. Energy Conver Manag, 74, 109-116.
  • Taheri-Garavand A, Rafiee A, Keyhani A. 2011. Mathematical Modeling of Thin Layer Drying Kinetics of Tomato Influence of Air Dryer Conditions. Int Trans J Eng, Manag& Appl Sci&Technol, 2, 147-160.
  • Doymaz ‹. 2012. Evaluation of some thin-layer drying models of persimmon slices (Diospyros kakiL.). Energy Conver Manag, 56, 199-205.
  • Sarimeseli A. 2011. Microwave drying characteristics of coriander leaves. Energy Conver Manag, 52, 1449-1453.
  • Silva WP, Silva CMDPS, Gama FJA, Gomes JP. 2014. Math. models to describe thin-layer drying and to determine drying rate of whole bananas. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 13, 67-74.
  • Crank J. 1975. The mathematics of diffusion. Oxford University Press, OX, UK.
  • Aghbashlo M, Kianmehr MH, Beygi SRH. 2010. Drying and Rehtdration Characteristics of Sour Cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.). J Food Process Preservation, 34, 351-365.
  • Demiray E, Tülek Y. 2014. Drying characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum L) slices in a convective hot air dryer. Heat and Mass Trans, 50, 779-786. 61. Darvishi H, Azadbakht M, Rezaeiasl A, Farhang A. 2013. Drying characteristics of sardine fish dried with microwave heating. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 12, 121-127.

Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri

Yıl 2015, Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1, 39 - 46, 01.03.2015


Kurutma, ısı ve kütle aktarımıyla geçekleflen en karmaflık proseslerden biridir. En genel tanımı ilekurutma, gıdadan suyun uzaklafltırılmasıdır. Kurutma ifllemi ile su aktivitesi azalan gıda ürünlerinde,mikrobiyel aktivite ve enzim aktivitesi oldukça düflük seviyededir. Bu sebeple gıdaların kurutulması,uzun süreli depolamalarda ço¤unlukla tercih edilir. Bu derlemede kurutma iflleminin mekanizması,endüstride sıklıkla kullanılan kurutma yöntemleri ve ince tabaka kurutma modelleri özetlenmifltir. ‹ncetabaka eflitlikleri teorik, yarı teorik ve ampirik modeller olarak sınıflandırılabilir. Her ne kadar teorikmodeller tüm proses koflulları için kullanılabilir olsa da, pratik olmayıflları sebebiyle gıdalarda yapılankurutma çalıflmalarında genellikle yarı teorik ve ampirik modeller tercih edilmektedir. Bu modellerincelendi¤inde, gıdaların kurutma verilerine en iyi uyum sa¤layanların, yarı teorik modellerden Page veMidilli oldu¤u görülmüfltür. Ayrıca, Fick’in ikinci yasasından elde edilen efektif difüzyon katsayısı veArrhenius ba¤ıntısı kullanılarak hesaplanan aktivasyon enerjisi, kurutma ifllemi hakkında önemli bilgilersa¤lamaktadır. Literatürdeki farklı çalıflmalarda efektif difüzyon katsayısının ve aktivasyon enerjisininsırasıyla 10-7-10-11m2/s ve 10-80 kJ/mol aralı¤ında de¤iflti¤i bildirilmifltir


  • Cemero¤lu B, Özkan M. 2004. Kurutma teknolojisi, Meyve Sebze ‹sleme Teknolojisi, 2. Cilt, Cemero¤lu B (bafl editör), Bizim Büro Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 479-613.
  • Saldamlı ‹, Saldamlı E. 2004. Gıda Endüstrisi Makineleri. Savas Yayınları, Ankara, Türkiye, 547 s. 3. Aytaç G. 2008. T.C. Kurutulmufl Sebzeler. Baflbakanlık Dıfl Ticaret Müsteflarlı¤ı, ‹hracatı gelifltirme etüt merkezi.
  • Kuru meyve üretim miktarları. http://www. (Eriflim 01 Temmuz 2014).
  • Kuru et ürünleri üretim miktarı. http://www. (Eriflim 04 Temmuz 2014).
  • Özdemir M, Devres YO. 1999. The thin layer drying characteristics of hazelnuts during roasting. J Food Eng, 42, 225-233.
  • Fortes M, Okos MR. 1981. Non-equilibrium thermodynamics approach to heat and mass transfer in corn kernels. Trans. ASAE, 22, 761-769.
  • Sarsılmaz C. 1998. Günefl Enerjisi Destekli Kayısı Kurutma Sistemi. Doktora Tezi, Fırat Üniversitesi, Elazı¤, Türkiye, 49-51 s.
  • Demirtafl C, Ayhan T, Kaygusuz K. 1998. Drying behaviour of hazelnuts. J Sci Food Agric, 76, 559-564. 10. Geankoplis CJ. 2011. Taflınma Süreçleri ve Ayırma Süreci ‹lkeleri, Yapıcı S (Çeviren), ‹zmir Güven Kitabevi, ‹zmir, Türkiye.
  • Hall CW, Kunze OR, Calderwood DL, Hall CW, Maddex RL, Shove GC, Davis DC.1980. Drying and storage of agricultural crops. Washington State Univ, Pullman, WA 99164, 381 p, USA.
  • Roberts JS. 1999. Understanding The Heat and Mass Transfer of Hygroscopic PorousMaterials, Doktora Tezi, The State University Of New Jersey, Food Science, New Brunswick, NJ, USA.
  • Zhu A, Shen X. 2014. The model and mass transfer characteristics of convection drying of peach slices. Int J Heat and Mass Trans, 72, 345-351. 14. Chen XD, Mujumdar AS. 2008. Drying Technologies in Food Processing. Blackwell Publishing, OX, UK.
  • Doymaz ‹. 2007. The kinetics of forced convective air-drying of pumpkin slices. J Food Eng, 79, 243-248.
  • Ertekin C, Yaldiz O. 2004. Drying of eggplant and selection of a suitable thin layer drying model. J Food Eng, 63, 349-359.
  • Doymaz ‹, ‹smail O. 2011. Drying Characteristics of sweet cherry, Food Bioprod Process, 89, 31-38. 18. Cemero¤lu B, Soyer A. 2004. Kurutma, Gıda Mühendisli¤inde Temel ‹fllemler, Cemero¤lu B (bafl editör), Bizim Grup Yayınevi, Ankara, Türkiye, s. 347-466.
  • Fissore D, Pisano R, Barresi AA. 2014. Applying quality-by-design to develop a coffee freeze-drying process. J Food Eng, 123, 179-187.
  • Kim EHJ, Chen XD, Pearce D. 2009. Surface composition of industrial spray-dried milkpowders. J Food Eng, 94, 169-181.
  • Madhiyanon T, Phila A, Soponronnarit S. 2009. Models of fluidized bed drying for thin-layer chopped coconut. Appl Therm Eng, 29, 2849-2854. 22. Zielinska M, Zapotoczny P, Alves-Filho O, Eikevik TM, Blaszczak W. 2013. A multi-stage combined heat pump and microwave vacuum drying of green peas. J Food Eng, 115, 347-356.
  • Karaaslan SN. 2008. Sebze ve Endüstri Bitkilerinin Mikrodalgayla Kurutulması Üzerine Çalıflmalar. Doktora Tezi, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Tarım Makinaları Anabilim Dalı, Adana, Türkiye, 195 s. 24. Li Z, Raghavan GSV, Wang N, Vigneault C. 2011. Drying rate control in the middle stage of microwave drying. J Food Eng, 104, 234-238.
  • Sumnu G. 2001.A review on microwave baking of foods. Int J Food Sci Technol, 36, 117-127.
  • Tunçer ‹K. 1990. Characterization And Drying of Vegetables By Hot Air And Microwave Energy. In Proceedings of The 4th Int Congress On Mechanization And Energy In Agri, Adana, Turkey (In Turkish).1-4 October 1990, 472-480.
  • Shinde A, Das S, Datta AK. 2013. Quality improvement of orthodox and CTC tea and performance enhancement by hybrid hot air–radio frequency (RF) dryer. J Food Eng, 116, 444-449.
  • Baysal AH, ‹çier F, Baysal T. 2011. Güncel Elektriksel Isıtma Yöntemleri. Sidafl Yayınevi, Türkiye 348 s.
  • Zhu X, Guo W, Wu X, Wang S. 2012. Dielectric properties of chestnut flour relevant to drying with radio-frequency and microwave energy. J Food Eng, 113, 143-150.
  • Keey RB. 1972. Introduction. In: Drying Principles and Practice. Pergamon Press. Oxford, 1-18.
  • Bengston G, Rahman MS, Stanley R, Perera CO. 1998. Effect Specific Pretreatment on the Drying Behaviour of Apple Rings. New Zeland Inst Food Sci and New Zeland Conference, Nelson, 10 s. 32. Sarsavadiva P, Sawhney R, Pangavhane DR, Sing I. 1999. Drying Behaviour of Brined Onion Slices. J Food Eng, 40, 219-226.
  • Yaldız O, Ertekin C, Uzun H‹. 2000. Çekirdeksiz Üzümün ‹nce Tabaka Halinde Günefl Enerji ‹se Kurutulmasının Matematiksel Modellemesi Üzerinde Bir Arafltırma. 19. Ulusal Tarımsal Mekanizasyon Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı, Erzurum, 345-350 s.
  • Yaldız O, Ertekin C. 2001. Thin Layer Solar Drying of Some Vegetables. Drying Technol, 19, 583-597. 35. Doymaz ‹. 2011. Drying of Eggplant Slices in Thin Layers at Different Air Tempreratures. J Food Process Preservation, 35, 280-289.
  • Madamba PS, Driscoll RH, Buckle KA. 1996. Thin Layer Drying Characteristics of Garlic Slices. J Food Eng, 29, 75-97.
  • Sharaf-Eldeen YI, Blaisdell JL, Hamdy MY. 1980. A model for Ear Corn. Drying Technol ASAE, 23, 1261-1271.
  • Wang CY, Sing RP. 1978. A Single Layer Drying Equation for Rough Rice. Am. Soc. Agr. Eng, St. Joseph, MI, 78, 3001.
  • Sacilik K, Keskin R, Elicin AK. 2006. Mathematical modeling of solar tunnel drying of thin layer organic tomato. J Food Eng, 73, 231-238.
  • Verma LR, Bucklin JB, Endan F, Wratten T. 1985. Effects of Drying Air Parameters on Rice Drying Models. Technol ASAE, 28, 296-301.
  • Karathanos VT. 1999. Determination od Water Content of Dried Fruits by Drying Kinetics. J Food Eng, 39, 337-344.
  • Midilli A, Küçük H, Yapar Z. 2002. A New Model for Single-Layer Drying. Drying Technol, 20, 1503-1513.
  • Pangavhane DR, Sawhney PN, Sarsavadia PN. 1999. Effect of Various Dipping Pretreatments on Drying Kinetics of Thompson Seedless Grapes. J Food Eng, 39, 211-216.
  • Vega-Galvez A, Miranda M, Diaz LP, Lopez L, Rodriguez K, Di-Scala K. 2010. Effective moisture diffusivity determination and mathematical modelling of the drying curves of the olive-waste cake. Bioresour Technol, 101, 7265-7270.
  • Vega-Galvez A, Puente-Diaz L, Lemus-Mondaca R, Miranda M, Torres MJ. 2012. Mathematical Modelling of Thin-layer Drying Kinetics of Cape Gooseberry (Physalis peruviana L.). J Food Process Preservation, 38, 728-736.
  • Arslan D, Özcan MM. 2010. Study the effect of sun, oven and microwave drying on quality of onion slices. LWT- Food Sci Technol, 43, 1121-1127.
  • Kouchakzadeh A, Shafeei S. 2010. Modelling of microwave-convective drying of pistachios. Energy Conver Manag, 51, 2012-2015.
  • Darvishi H, Rezaeiasl A, Asghari A, Azadbakht M, Najafi G, Khodaei J. 2014. Study of the drying kinetics of pepper. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 13, 130-138. 49. Zielinska M, Markowski M. 2010. Air drying characteristics and moisture diffusivity of carrots. Chem Eng Process: Process Intensification, 49, 212-218.
  • Aghbashlo M, Kianmehr MH, Arabhosseini A. 2009. Modeling of thin-layer drying of potato slices in length of continuous band dryer. Energy Conver Manag, 50, 1348-1355.
  • El-Sebaii AA, Shalaby SM. 2013. Experimental investigation of an indirect-mode forced convection solar dryer for drying thymus and mint. Energy Conver Manag, 74, 109-116.
  • Taheri-Garavand A, Rafiee A, Keyhani A. 2011. Mathematical Modeling of Thin Layer Drying Kinetics of Tomato Influence of Air Dryer Conditions. Int Trans J Eng, Manag& Appl Sci&Technol, 2, 147-160.
  • Doymaz ‹. 2012. Evaluation of some thin-layer drying models of persimmon slices (Diospyros kakiL.). Energy Conver Manag, 56, 199-205.
  • Sarimeseli A. 2011. Microwave drying characteristics of coriander leaves. Energy Conver Manag, 52, 1449-1453.
  • Silva WP, Silva CMDPS, Gama FJA, Gomes JP. 2014. Math. models to describe thin-layer drying and to determine drying rate of whole bananas. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 13, 67-74.
  • Crank J. 1975. The mathematics of diffusion. Oxford University Press, OX, UK.
  • Aghbashlo M, Kianmehr MH, Beygi SRH. 2010. Drying and Rehtdration Characteristics of Sour Cherry (Prunus Cerasus L.). J Food Process Preservation, 34, 351-365.
  • Demiray E, Tülek Y. 2014. Drying characteristics of garlic (Allium sativum L) slices in a convective hot air dryer. Heat and Mass Trans, 50, 779-786. 61. Darvishi H, Azadbakht M, Rezaeiasl A, Farhang A. 2013. Drying characteristics of sardine fish dried with microwave heating. J Saudi Soc Agri Sci, 12, 121-127.
Toplam 49 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Naciye Kutlu, Aslı İşçi, Özge Şakıyan Demirkol

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Mart 2015
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2015 Cilt: 40 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Demirkol, N. K. A. İ. Ö. Ş. (2015). Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri. Gıda, 40(1), 39-46.
AMA Demirkol NKAİÖŞ. Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri. GIDA. Mart 2015;40(1):39-46.
Chicago Demirkol, Naciye Kutlu, Aslı İşçi, Özge Şakıyan. “Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri”. Gıda 40, sy. 1 (Mart 2015): 39-46.
EndNote Demirkol NKAİÖŞ (01 Mart 2015) Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri. Gıda 40 1 39–46.
IEEE N. K. A. İ. Ö. Ş. Demirkol, “Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri”, GIDA, c. 40, sy. 1, ss. 39–46, 2015.
ISNAD Demirkol, Naciye Kutlu, Aslı İşçi, Özge Şakıyan. “Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri”. Gıda 40/1 (Mart 2015), 39-46.
JAMA Demirkol NKAİÖŞ. Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri. GIDA. 2015;40:39–46.
MLA Demirkol, Naciye Kutlu, Aslı İşçi, Özge Şakıyan. “Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri”. Gıda, c. 40, sy. 1, 2015, ss. 39-46.
Vancouver Demirkol NKAİÖŞ. Gıdalarda İnce Tabaka Kurutma Modelleri. GIDA. 2015;40(1):39-46.


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GIDA / The Journal of FOOD is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0).