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Yıl 2004, Sayı: 6, - , 19.08.2014


Propolis (arı zamkı ya da prepoli) yapışkan, kendine özgü kokusu olan, açık kahverengiden koyu kahverengiye kadar rengi değişebilen bir maddedir. Propolisin temel bileşenleri terapötik,
biyolojik ve fonksiyonel yararlar göstermektedir. Bunlar; Antimikrobiyal, antikarsinojen, antioksidan ve iltihaplanmayı önleyici etkileri ile birlikte, yanıkların, kalp-damar ve mide-barsak rahatsızlıklarının tedavisidir.


  • ALBAY, R. 2003. Arı Ürünlerinin Tedavi Gücü ve Kullanımı.ll. Marmara Arıcılık Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • -199
  • AMOROS, M., SAUVAGER, E, GİRE, L., CORMIER, 1992a. İn vitro antiviral activity of propolis.
  • Apidologie, 23: 231-240.
  • AMOROS, M., SIMOCS, C.M.O., GİRE, L., SAUVAGER, E, CORMIER, M. 1992b. Synergistic effect
  • of flavones and flavonols against herpes simplex virüs type 1 in celi culture: Comparison vvith
  • the antiviral activity of propolis. J Nat Prod., 55 (12):1732-1740.
  • BASNET, P., MATSUNA, T., NEIDLEIN, R. 1997. Potent free radical scavenging activity of propel
  • isolated from Brazilian propolis. Z. Naturforsch., 52: 828-833.
  • BIANCHI, E.M. 1995. The Preparation of The Tincture, The Soft Extract, The Ointment, The Soap
  • and Other Propolis - Based Products. Apiacta, 3(^): 56-62.
  • BUDAVARI, S. 1989. The Merck lndex. Merck & Co., Rahvvay, NJ.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM 3İLİMİ-TEKN0L0JİSİ Say.: 6
  • CRANE, E. 1990. Bees and beekeeping: Science, practice and world resources. Cornstock Pub., Ithaca,
  • NY„ USA. 593 p.
  • DEBIAGGI, M., ROMERO, E. 1990. Effects of propolis flovonoids on virüs infectivity and replication.
  • Microbiologica 13(3):207-213.
  • DIĞRAK, M..YILMAZ, Ö., ÇELİK, S., YILDIZ, S. 1995. Propolisteki yağ asitleri ve antimikrobiyel etkisi
  • üzerinde in vitro araştırmalar. Gıda, 20 (4): 249-255.
  • ELGHAZALY, M.A., KHAYYAL, M.T. 1995. The use of aqueous propolis extract against radiotion-induced
  • damage. Drugs Exp Clin Res., 21: 229-236.
  • GİRAY, T. 2002. Arılar, arıcılar ve araştırmacılar. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 2(2): 7-24.
  • GRANGE, J.M., DAVEY, R.W. 1990. Antibacterial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal Soc. Medicine,
  • (3): 159-160.
  • GREENAVVAY, W., SCAYSBROOK, T., VVHATLEY, F.R. 1988. Composition of propolis of Oxfordshire,
  • U.K., and its relation to popular bud exudate. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 43: 301-304.
  • GREENAVVAY, W., SCAYSBROOK, T., VVHATLEY, F.R. 1990. The composition and plant origins of
  • propolis: a report of work at Oxford. Bee World, 71:107-118
  • HARISH, Z., RUBINSTEIN, A., GOLODNER, M., ELMALIAH, M., MIZRACHI, Y. 1997. Suppression of
  • HIV_1 replication by propolis and its immunoregulatory effect. Drugs Exp Clia Res., 23: 89-96
  • HASHİMOTO, T., TORI, M., ASAKAVVA, Y., VVOLLENVVEBER, E. 1988. Synthesis of two allergenic
  • constituents of propolis and poplar bud excretion. Zeitschrift flir Naturforschung, 43: 470-472.
  • HEPŞEN, F., TİLGEN, F., ER H. 1996. Propolis: Tıbbi özellikleri ve oftalmolojik kullanımı. Turgut Ozal
  • Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 3(4):386-390.
  • HOLDERNA, E., KEDZİA, F. 1987. Investigations upon the combined action of propolis and antimycotic
  • drugs on Candida albicans. Herba Polonica, 33(2): 145-151
  • IKENO, K., IKENO, T., MYAZAVVA, C. 1991. Effects of propolis on dental caries in rats. Caries Res., 25:
  • -351.
  • KEDZIA, B., IVVASZKIEVVICZ, J., GEPPERT, B. 1988. Pharmacological investigations on ethanolic extract
  • of propolis. Herba Polonica, 34(4): 243-253
  • S., IKEDA, M., KURIMOTO, M. 2000. Renal carcinogenesis induced by ferrin nitrilotriacetate in
  • mice, and protection from it by Brazilian propolis and artepillin C. Pathol Int., 50: 679-689.
  • KRELL, R. 1996. Value-added products from beekeeping. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation,
  • Agriculture Services Bulletin 124.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity of propolis of different geographic origin. J
  • Ethohopharmacol., 64: 235-240.
  • MARCUCCİ, M.C. 1995. Propolis: chemical composition, biological properties and therapeutical activity.
  • Apidologie, 26:83-99
  • MATSUNA, T., JUNG, S.K., MATSUMUTO, Y„ SAITO, M., MORILAVVA, J. 1997. Preferential cytotoxicity
  • to tumor cells of 3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (artepillin C) isolated from propolis.
  • Anticancer Res., 17: 3565-3568.
  • MERESTA, L„ MERESTA, T., BURDZINSKI, J„ CHMURZUNSKI, P. 1989. Treatment of mastitis in cows
  • using an extract of propolis. Medycyna VVeterynaryjna, 45(7): 392-3905
  • MIRZOEVA, O.K., CALDER, P.C. 1996. The effct of propolis and its components on eicosanoid production
  • during the inflammatory response. Prost Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 1655: 441-449.
  • MLAGAN, V., SULIMANOVIC, D. 1982. Action of propolis solutions on Bacillus larvae. Apiacta, 17:16-
  • -
  • MUNSTEDT, K., ZYGMUNT, M. 2002. Propolisin günümüzde ve gelecekte tıbbi kullanımları. Uludağ
  • Arıcılık Dergisi 2 (2): 33-39.
  • PARK, E.H., KİM, S.H., PARK, S.S.1996. Antiinflammatory activity of propolis. Arch Pharm Res., 19:337-
  • -
  • ROJAS-HERNANDEZ, N.M., DE LA. CUETARA-BERNAL, K. 1990. Antibiotic effect of propolis against
  • strains of Staphylococcus aureus of human clinical origin. Revista Cubana de Farmacia, 24(1):
  • -50
  • ROSS, P.B. 1990. The effects of propolis fractions on cells in tissue culture. M.Phil. Thesis, University
  • of Wales Colleae of Cardiff, U.K. 193 p.
  • SCHMIDT, J.O., BUCHMANN, S.L. 1992. Other products of the hive. İn: The Hive and the Honeybee.
  • ed. J.M. Graham, Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, USA. 927-988.
  • STANGACIU, S. 1999. Scientific basis of propolis use in medicine. Proceedings of the XXXVI Congress
  • Apimondia, 99: 77-79.
  • SU, Z.Z., LIN, J., PREVVETT, M., GOLDSTEIN, N.I., FISHER, P.B. 1995. Apoptpsis mediates the selective
  • toxicity of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) tovvard oncogene-transformed rat embryo fibroblast
  • cells. Anticancer Res., 15:1841-1848.
  • VVALKKER, P., CRANE, E. 1987. Constituents propolis. Apidologie, 18:327-334.
Yıl 2004, Sayı: 6, - , 19.08.2014



  • ALBAY, R. 2003. Arı Ürünlerinin Tedavi Gücü ve Kullanımı.ll. Marmara Arıcılık Kongresi Bildiri Kitabı.
  • -199
  • AMOROS, M., SAUVAGER, E, GİRE, L., CORMIER, 1992a. İn vitro antiviral activity of propolis.
  • Apidologie, 23: 231-240.
  • AMOROS, M., SIMOCS, C.M.O., GİRE, L., SAUVAGER, E, CORMIER, M. 1992b. Synergistic effect
  • of flavones and flavonols against herpes simplex virüs type 1 in celi culture: Comparison vvith
  • the antiviral activity of propolis. J Nat Prod., 55 (12):1732-1740.
  • BASNET, P., MATSUNA, T., NEIDLEIN, R. 1997. Potent free radical scavenging activity of propel
  • isolated from Brazilian propolis. Z. Naturforsch., 52: 828-833.
  • BIANCHI, E.M. 1995. The Preparation of The Tincture, The Soft Extract, The Ointment, The Soap
  • and Other Propolis - Based Products. Apiacta, 3(^): 56-62.
  • BUDAVARI, S. 1989. The Merck lndex. Merck & Co., Rahvvay, NJ.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM 3İLİMİ-TEKN0L0JİSİ Say.: 6
  • CRANE, E. 1990. Bees and beekeeping: Science, practice and world resources. Cornstock Pub., Ithaca,
  • NY„ USA. 593 p.
  • DEBIAGGI, M., ROMERO, E. 1990. Effects of propolis flovonoids on virüs infectivity and replication.
  • Microbiologica 13(3):207-213.
  • DIĞRAK, M..YILMAZ, Ö., ÇELİK, S., YILDIZ, S. 1995. Propolisteki yağ asitleri ve antimikrobiyel etkisi
  • üzerinde in vitro araştırmalar. Gıda, 20 (4): 249-255.
  • ELGHAZALY, M.A., KHAYYAL, M.T. 1995. The use of aqueous propolis extract against radiotion-induced
  • damage. Drugs Exp Clin Res., 21: 229-236.
  • GİRAY, T. 2002. Arılar, arıcılar ve araştırmacılar. Uludağ Arıcılık Dergisi, 2(2): 7-24.
  • GRANGE, J.M., DAVEY, R.W. 1990. Antibacterial properties of propolis (bee glue). J. Royal Soc. Medicine,
  • (3): 159-160.
  • GREENAVVAY, W., SCAYSBROOK, T., VVHATLEY, F.R. 1988. Composition of propolis of Oxfordshire,
  • U.K., and its relation to popular bud exudate. Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 43: 301-304.
  • GREENAVVAY, W., SCAYSBROOK, T., VVHATLEY, F.R. 1990. The composition and plant origins of
  • propolis: a report of work at Oxford. Bee World, 71:107-118
  • HARISH, Z., RUBINSTEIN, A., GOLODNER, M., ELMALIAH, M., MIZRACHI, Y. 1997. Suppression of
  • HIV_1 replication by propolis and its immunoregulatory effect. Drugs Exp Clia Res., 23: 89-96
  • HASHİMOTO, T., TORI, M., ASAKAVVA, Y., VVOLLENVVEBER, E. 1988. Synthesis of two allergenic
  • constituents of propolis and poplar bud excretion. Zeitschrift flir Naturforschung, 43: 470-472.
  • HEPŞEN, F., TİLGEN, F., ER H. 1996. Propolis: Tıbbi özellikleri ve oftalmolojik kullanımı. Turgut Ozal
  • Tıp Merkezi Dergisi, 3(4):386-390.
  • HOLDERNA, E., KEDZİA, F. 1987. Investigations upon the combined action of propolis and antimycotic
  • drugs on Candida albicans. Herba Polonica, 33(2): 145-151
  • IKENO, K., IKENO, T., MYAZAVVA, C. 1991. Effects of propolis on dental caries in rats. Caries Res., 25:
  • -351.
  • KEDZIA, B., IVVASZKIEVVICZ, J., GEPPERT, B. 1988. Pharmacological investigations on ethanolic extract
  • of propolis. Herba Polonica, 34(4): 243-253
  • S., IKEDA, M., KURIMOTO, M. 2000. Renal carcinogenesis induced by ferrin nitrilotriacetate in
  • mice, and protection from it by Brazilian propolis and artepillin C. Pathol Int., 50: 679-689.
  • KRELL, R. 1996. Value-added products from beekeeping. UN Food and Agriculture Organisation,
  • Agriculture Services Bulletin 124.
  • Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral activity of propolis of different geographic origin. J
  • Ethohopharmacol., 64: 235-240.
  • MARCUCCİ, M.C. 1995. Propolis: chemical composition, biological properties and therapeutical activity.
  • Apidologie, 26:83-99
  • MATSUNA, T., JUNG, S.K., MATSUMUTO, Y„ SAITO, M., MORILAVVA, J. 1997. Preferential cytotoxicity
  • to tumor cells of 3,5-diprenyl-4-hydroxycinnamic acid (artepillin C) isolated from propolis.
  • Anticancer Res., 17: 3565-3568.
  • MERESTA, L„ MERESTA, T., BURDZINSKI, J„ CHMURZUNSKI, P. 1989. Treatment of mastitis in cows
  • using an extract of propolis. Medycyna VVeterynaryjna, 45(7): 392-3905
  • MIRZOEVA, O.K., CALDER, P.C. 1996. The effct of propolis and its components on eicosanoid production
  • during the inflammatory response. Prost Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 1655: 441-449.
  • MLAGAN, V., SULIMANOVIC, D. 1982. Action of propolis solutions on Bacillus larvae. Apiacta, 17:16-
  • -
  • MUNSTEDT, K., ZYGMUNT, M. 2002. Propolisin günümüzde ve gelecekte tıbbi kullanımları. Uludağ
  • Arıcılık Dergisi 2 (2): 33-39.
  • PARK, E.H., KİM, S.H., PARK, S.S.1996. Antiinflammatory activity of propolis. Arch Pharm Res., 19:337-
  • -
  • ROJAS-HERNANDEZ, N.M., DE LA. CUETARA-BERNAL, K. 1990. Antibiotic effect of propolis against
  • strains of Staphylococcus aureus of human clinical origin. Revista Cubana de Farmacia, 24(1):
  • -50
  • ROSS, P.B. 1990. The effects of propolis fractions on cells in tissue culture. M.Phil. Thesis, University
  • of Wales Colleae of Cardiff, U.K. 193 p.
  • SCHMIDT, J.O., BUCHMANN, S.L. 1992. Other products of the hive. İn: The Hive and the Honeybee.
  • ed. J.M. Graham, Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, USA. 927-988.
  • STANGACIU, S. 1999. Scientific basis of propolis use in medicine. Proceedings of the XXXVI Congress
  • Apimondia, 99: 77-79.
  • SU, Z.Z., LIN, J., PREVVETT, M., GOLDSTEIN, N.I., FISHER, P.B. 1995. Apoptpsis mediates the selective
  • toxicity of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) tovvard oncogene-transformed rat embryo fibroblast
  • cells. Anticancer Res., 15:1841-1848.
  • VVALKKER, P., CRANE, E. 1987. Constituents propolis. Apidologie, 18:327-334.
Toplam 76 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Lütfiye Yılmaz Bu kişi benim

Tülay Özcan Yılsay Bu kişi benim

Arzu Akpınar Bayizit Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Sayı: 6

Kaynak Göster

APA Yılmaz, L., Özcan Yılsay, T., & Akpınar Bayizit, A. (2014). PROPOLİSİN KİMYASAL BİLEŞİMİ, BİYOLOJİK ÖZELLİKLERİ VE İNSAN SAĞLIĞI ÜZERİNE ETKİSİ. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(6).

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 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0