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Yıl 2004, Sayı: 5, - , 19.08.2014


Gıda ve yem maddelerinin mikotoksinlerle kontamine olması önemli sağlık sorunlarına ve
ekonomik kayıplara neden olabilmektedir. Bu nedenle mikotoksinlerin keşfinden beri, gıda ve yem maddelerinden mikotoksinlerin uzaklaştırılması amacıyla çeşitli detoksifikasyon yöntemleri geliştirilmeye başlanmıştır. Mikotoksinlerin detoksifikasyonu amacıyla çeşitli fiziksel, kimyasal ve biyolojik yöntemler kullanılmaktadır. Mikotoksinlerin gıda ve yem maddelerinden uzaklaştırılması için önerilen fiziksel ve kimyasal yöntemlerin çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı yaygın ve etkin olarak kullanılamaması nedeniyle, son yıllarda bu amaçla biyolojik ajanların kullanımını gündeme getirmektedir. Mikotoksinlerin gıda
maddelerinden uzaklaştırılması amacıyla çeşitli bakteri, maya ve küf suşlarının kullanıldığı bildirilmektedir.


  • BATA, A.; LASZTİTY, R., 1999. Detoxification of Mycotoxin-Contaminated Food and Feed by
  • Microorganisms. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 10: 223-228.
  • BATISH, V.K.; ROY, U.; GROVER, S., 1997. Antifungal Attributes of Lactic Acid Bacteria -A Revievv.
  • Critical Revievvs in Biotechnology, 17(3): 209-225.
  • BOLOGNANI, F.; RUMNEY, C. J.; ROVVLAND, I. R„ 1997. Influence of Carcinogen binding by Lactic
  • Acid-Producing Bacteria on Tissue Distribution and İn Vivo Mutagenity of Dietary Carcinogens.
  • Food and Chemical Toxicology, 35: 535-545.
  • COALLIER-ASCAH, J.; IDZIAK, E.S., 1985. Interaction betvveen Streptococcus lactis and Aspergillus
  • flavus on Production of Aflatoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 49(1): 163-167.
  • COTTY, P. J.; BHATNAGAR, D., 1994. Variability Among Atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Strains in
  • Ability to Prevent Aflatoxin Contamination and Production of Aflatoxin Biosynthetic Pathvvay
  • Enzymes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60: 2248-2251.
  • CROCI, L.; TOTI, L.; PASOUALLE, S. D.; MIRAGLIA, M.; BRERA, C.,1995. Lactic Acid Bacteria
  • Influence in Variability of Production and Biotransformation of Aflatoxins from Aspergillus
  • paraciticus. Rivista di Scienza Dell Alimentazione, 24(1): 59-66.
  • CREPPY, E. E., 2002. Update of Survey, Regulation and Toxic Effects of Mycotoxins in Europe.
  • Toxicology Letters, 127: 19-28.
  • DELAGE, N.; D’HARLINGUE, A.; CECCALDI, B. C.; BOMPEIX., 2003. Occurrence of Mycotoxins
  • in Fruit Juices and Wine. Food Control, 14: 225-227.
  • D’MELLO, J. P. F.; MACDONALD, A. M. C., 1997. Mycotoxins. Animal Feed Sicence Technology,
  • : 155-166.
  • DORNER, J. W., COLE, R. J., BLANKENSHIP, P. D., 1992. Use of a Biocompetitive Agent to
  • Control Preharvest Aflatoxin in Drought Stressed Peanuts. Journal of Food Protection,
  • (11): 888-892.
  • Evaluation of Biological Control Formulations to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination in
  • Peanuts. Biological Control, 26: 318-324.
  • DORNER, J. W.; COLE, R. J.; WICKLOW, D. T., 1999. Aflatoxin Reduction in Corn Through Field
  • Application of Competitive Fungi. Journal of Food Protection, 62(6): 650-656.
  • DOYLE, M. P.; BEUCHAT, L. R.; MONTVILLE, T. J „ 1997. Food Microbiology Fundamentals and
  • Frontiers. 768 p.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKMOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • D’SOUZA, D. H.; BRACKETT, R. E., 1998. The Role of Trace Metal lons in Aflatoxin B1 Degradation
  • by Flavobacterium aurantiacum. Journal of Food Protection, 61: 1666-1669.
  • EL-GENDY, S. M.; MARTH, E. H., 1981. Growth of Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus paraciticus
  • in the Presence of Lactobacillus casei. Journal of Food Protection, 44(3): 211-212.
  • EL-NEZAMI, H., KANKAANPAA, P., SALMINEN, S., AHOKAS, J. 1998. Physicochemical Alterations
  • Enhance the Ability of Dairy Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Remove Aflatoxin from
  • Contaminated Media. Journal of Food Protection, 61(4): 466-468.
  • Lactobacillus and Propionibacterium Strains to Remove Aflatoxin B1 from the Chicken
  • Duodenum. Journal of Food Protection., 63(4):549-552.
  • FLORİANOVVİCZ, T., 2001. Antifungal Activity of Some Microorganisms Against Penicillium expansum.
  • Eur. Food Technol, 212: 282-286.
  • GALVANO, F.; PIVA, A.; RITIENI, A.; GALVANO, G., 2001. Dietary Strategies to Counteract the
  • Effects of Mycotoxins: A Revievv. Journal of Food Protection, 64(1): 120-131.
  • GOURAMA, H., 1997. Inhibition of Grovvth and Mycotoxin Production of Penicillium by Lactobacillus
  • Species. Lebensm-VViss. u.-Technol, 30: 279-283.
  • GOURAMA, H.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1995. Antimycotic and Antiaflatoxigenic Effect of Lactic Acid
  • Bacteria. Journal of Food Protection, 58(11): 1275-1280.
  • GOURAMA, H.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1997. Anti-Aflatoxigenic Activity of Lactobacillus casei subsp.
  • pseudoplantarum. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 34(2): 131-143.
  • HASKARD, C., BINNION, C., AHOKAS, J., 2000. Factors Affecting the Sequestration of Aflatoxin
  • by Lactobacillus rhamnosus Strain GG. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 128: 39-49.
  • HOSODA, M.; HASHIMOTO, H.; FANG, H.; YAMAZAKI, K.; HOSONO, A., 1997. Inhibitory Effect of
  • Milk Cultured vvith Lactobacillus Strains on the Aflatoxin Mutagenity. Animal Science and
  • Technology, 68 (6): 555-562.
  • HOSODA, M.; HASHIMOTO, H.; HIRIMATSU, M.; MORITA, H.; HOSONA, A., 1993. Inhibitory Effect
  • of Milk Cultured vvith Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 106 (LA2) on Mutagenity of aflatoxin B1.
  • Japanese Journal of Dairy and Food Science, 42 (1): 1-5.
  • HUSSEIN, H. S.; BRASEL, J. M., 2001). Toxicity, Metabolism and ımpact of Mycotoxins on Humans
  • and Animals. Toxicology 167, 101-134.
  • JAY, J. M., 1992. Modern Food Microbiology. Chapman and Hail, London. 675. p
  • KABAK, B., 2002. Lactobacillus acidophilus ve Bifidobacterium bifidum’un Aspergillus flavus Gelişimi
  • ve Aflatoksin B1 ve Aflatoksin M1 Üzerine Etkisinin İn Vitro Şartlarda Araştırılması. Çukurova
  • Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana 88 s.
  • of Aflatoxin B1 Alters the Adhesion Properties of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Strain GG in a
  • Caco-2 Model. Journal of Food Protection, 63(3): 412-414.
  • KARLOVSKY, P., 1999. Biological Detoxification of Fungal Toxins and Its Use in Plant Breeding,
  • Feet, and Food Production. Natural Toxins, 7: 1-23.
  • KARUNARATNE, A.; VVEZENBERG, E.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1990. Inhibition of Mold Grovvth and
  • Aflatoxin Production by Lactobacillus spp. Journal of Food Protection, 53(3): 230-236.
  • KIMURA, N.; HIRANO, S., 1988. Inhibitory Strains of Bacillus subtilis for Grovvth and Aflatoxin
  • Production of Aflatoxigenic Fungi. (alınmıştır: MUNİMBAZİ, C.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1998.
  • Inhibition of Aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 by Bacillus pumilus.
  • Mycopathologia, 140: 163-169.
  • LE BARS, J.; GALTIER, P., 1998. Mycotox 98, International Symposium. Toulouse, July 2-4.
  • LINE, J. E.; BRACKETT, R. E., 1995. Factors Affecting Aflatoxin B1 Removal by Flavobacterium
  • aurantiacum. Journal of Food Protection, 58: 91-94.
  • LUCHESE, R. H.; MARTINS, J. F. P.; HARRIGAN, W. F., 1992. Aflatoxin Production in a Meat Mix
  • Model System in the Presence of Pediococcus and Lactobacillus. Journal of Food Protection,
  • : 538-587.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKMOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • MOSS, M. O., 1992. Secondary Metabolism and Food lntoxication-Moulds. Journal of Applied
  • Bacteriology Symposium Supplement 73, 80-88.
  • MUNIMBAZI, C.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1998. Inhibition of Aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus
  • NRRL 2999 by Bacillus pumilus. Mycopathologia, 140: 163-169.
  • OATLEY, J. T., RARICK, M.D., JI, G. E., LINZ, J.E., 2000. Binding of Aflatoxin B1 to Bifidobacteria
  • İn Vitro. Journal of Food Protection, 63(8): 1133-1136.
  • ÖZÇELİK, N.; ÖZÇELİK, S., 2000. Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Antifungal ve Antiaflatoksijenik Etkileri.
  • Biyoteknoloji Kükem Dergisi, 24(2): 9-13.
  • ÖZKAYA, Ş., 2001. Ülkemizde Aflatoksin Sorunu Yaşanan Bazı Gıdalarda Aflatoksin B1’in Azaltılması
  • veya Giderilmesinde Flavobacterium aurantiacum’un Etkinliğinin Araştırılması. Hacettepe
  • Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZKAYA, Ş.; TAYDAŞ, E. E.; BAŞARAN, A.; AVCI, B.; HIZLI, S., 1999. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı
  • Ankara II Kontrol Laboratuvarı Aflatoksin Analiz Kurs Notları. 7-14 Ağustos, Ankara.
  • PELTONEN, K., EL-NEZAMİ, H „ HASKARD, C., AHOKAS, J „ SALMINEN, S. 2001. Aflatoxin B1
  • Binding by Dairy Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science,
  • : 2152-2156.
  • PELTONEN, K.; EL-NEZAMİ, H.; PIERIDES, M.; SALMINEN, S.; AHOKAS, J. T., 2000. Binding of
  • Aflatoxin B1 by Probiotic Bacteria. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80: 1942
  • -
  • PIERIDES, M., EL-NEZAMİ, H„ PELTONEN, K., SALMINEN, S., AHOKAS, J. 2000. Ability of Dairy
  • Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Bind Aflatoxin M1 in a Food Model. Journal of Food
  • Protection, 63(5): 645-650.
  • PIVA, G.; GALVANO, F.; PIETRI, A.; PIVA, A., 1995. Detoxification Methods of Aflatoxins. A Revievv.
  • Nutrition Research, 15(5): 767-776.
  • REES, T. J., 1997. The Development of A Novel Antifungal Silage Inoculant. Doctoral Research
  • Thesis, Cranfield University Biotechnology Centre, UK, 8-23.
  • ROY, U.; BATISH, V. K.; GROVER, S.; NEELAKANTAN, S., 1996. Production of Antifungal Substance
  • by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CHD-28.3. International Journal of Food Microbiology,
  • : 27-34.
  • SHANTHA, T., 1999. Fungal Degradation of Aflatoxin B1. Natural Toxins, 7: 175-178.
  • SKRINJAR, M.; RASIC, J. L.; STOJICIC, V., 1996. Lovvering of Ochratoxin A level in Milk by Yoğurt
  • Bacteria and Bifidobacteria (Alınmıştır: GALVANO, F.; PIVA, A.; RITIENI, A.; GALVANO, G.,
  • Dietary Strategies to Counteract the Effects of Mycotoxins: A Revievv. Journal of Food
  • Protection, 64(1): 120-131.
  • SVVEENEY, M. C., DOBSON, A. D. W., 1999. Molecular Biology of Mycotoxin Biosynthesis. FEMS
  • Microbiology Letters, 175: 149-163.
  • TOPAL, Ş.; ARAN, N.; PEMBEZI, C., 1999. Türkiye’nin Tarımsal Mikroflorasının Mikotoksin Profilleri.
  • Gıda, 24(2): 129-137.
  • VARGA, J., RIGO, K., TEREN, J., 2000. Degradation of Ochratoxin A by Aspergillus Species.
  • International Journal of Food Microbiology, 59:1-7.
  • WANG, J., GROOPMAN, J. D., 1999. DNA Damage by Mycotoxins. Mutation Research.
  • : 167 181.
  • YILMAZ, A.; ÖZAY, G., 2001. Gıda ve Yemlerde Mikotoksinlerin Detoksifikasyonu. Gıda Dergisi.
  • Temmuz, 80-84.
Yıl 2004, Sayı: 5, - , 19.08.2014



  • BATA, A.; LASZTİTY, R., 1999. Detoxification of Mycotoxin-Contaminated Food and Feed by
  • Microorganisms. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 10: 223-228.
  • BATISH, V.K.; ROY, U.; GROVER, S., 1997. Antifungal Attributes of Lactic Acid Bacteria -A Revievv.
  • Critical Revievvs in Biotechnology, 17(3): 209-225.
  • BOLOGNANI, F.; RUMNEY, C. J.; ROVVLAND, I. R„ 1997. Influence of Carcinogen binding by Lactic
  • Acid-Producing Bacteria on Tissue Distribution and İn Vivo Mutagenity of Dietary Carcinogens.
  • Food and Chemical Toxicology, 35: 535-545.
  • COALLIER-ASCAH, J.; IDZIAK, E.S., 1985. Interaction betvveen Streptococcus lactis and Aspergillus
  • flavus on Production of Aflatoxin. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 49(1): 163-167.
  • COTTY, P. J.; BHATNAGAR, D., 1994. Variability Among Atoxigenic Aspergillus flavus Strains in
  • Ability to Prevent Aflatoxin Contamination and Production of Aflatoxin Biosynthetic Pathvvay
  • Enzymes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 60: 2248-2251.
  • CROCI, L.; TOTI, L.; PASOUALLE, S. D.; MIRAGLIA, M.; BRERA, C.,1995. Lactic Acid Bacteria
  • Influence in Variability of Production and Biotransformation of Aflatoxins from Aspergillus
  • paraciticus. Rivista di Scienza Dell Alimentazione, 24(1): 59-66.
  • CREPPY, E. E., 2002. Update of Survey, Regulation and Toxic Effects of Mycotoxins in Europe.
  • Toxicology Letters, 127: 19-28.
  • DELAGE, N.; D’HARLINGUE, A.; CECCALDI, B. C.; BOMPEIX., 2003. Occurrence of Mycotoxins
  • in Fruit Juices and Wine. Food Control, 14: 225-227.
  • D’MELLO, J. P. F.; MACDONALD, A. M. C., 1997. Mycotoxins. Animal Feed Sicence Technology,
  • : 155-166.
  • DORNER, J. W., COLE, R. J., BLANKENSHIP, P. D., 1992. Use of a Biocompetitive Agent to
  • Control Preharvest Aflatoxin in Drought Stressed Peanuts. Journal of Food Protection,
  • (11): 888-892.
  • Evaluation of Biological Control Formulations to Reduce Aflatoxin Contamination in
  • Peanuts. Biological Control, 26: 318-324.
  • DORNER, J. W.; COLE, R. J.; WICKLOW, D. T., 1999. Aflatoxin Reduction in Corn Through Field
  • Application of Competitive Fungi. Journal of Food Protection, 62(6): 650-656.
  • DOYLE, M. P.; BEUCHAT, L. R.; MONTVILLE, T. J „ 1997. Food Microbiology Fundamentals and
  • Frontiers. 768 p.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKMOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • D’SOUZA, D. H.; BRACKETT, R. E., 1998. The Role of Trace Metal lons in Aflatoxin B1 Degradation
  • by Flavobacterium aurantiacum. Journal of Food Protection, 61: 1666-1669.
  • EL-GENDY, S. M.; MARTH, E. H., 1981. Growth of Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus paraciticus
  • in the Presence of Lactobacillus casei. Journal of Food Protection, 44(3): 211-212.
  • EL-NEZAMI, H., KANKAANPAA, P., SALMINEN, S., AHOKAS, J. 1998. Physicochemical Alterations
  • Enhance the Ability of Dairy Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Remove Aflatoxin from
  • Contaminated Media. Journal of Food Protection, 61(4): 466-468.
  • Lactobacillus and Propionibacterium Strains to Remove Aflatoxin B1 from the Chicken
  • Duodenum. Journal of Food Protection., 63(4):549-552.
  • FLORİANOVVİCZ, T., 2001. Antifungal Activity of Some Microorganisms Against Penicillium expansum.
  • Eur. Food Technol, 212: 282-286.
  • GALVANO, F.; PIVA, A.; RITIENI, A.; GALVANO, G., 2001. Dietary Strategies to Counteract the
  • Effects of Mycotoxins: A Revievv. Journal of Food Protection, 64(1): 120-131.
  • GOURAMA, H., 1997. Inhibition of Grovvth and Mycotoxin Production of Penicillium by Lactobacillus
  • Species. Lebensm-VViss. u.-Technol, 30: 279-283.
  • GOURAMA, H.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1995. Antimycotic and Antiaflatoxigenic Effect of Lactic Acid
  • Bacteria. Journal of Food Protection, 58(11): 1275-1280.
  • GOURAMA, H.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1997. Anti-Aflatoxigenic Activity of Lactobacillus casei subsp.
  • pseudoplantarum. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 34(2): 131-143.
  • HASKARD, C., BINNION, C., AHOKAS, J., 2000. Factors Affecting the Sequestration of Aflatoxin
  • by Lactobacillus rhamnosus Strain GG. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 128: 39-49.
  • HOSODA, M.; HASHIMOTO, H.; FANG, H.; YAMAZAKI, K.; HOSONO, A., 1997. Inhibitory Effect of
  • Milk Cultured vvith Lactobacillus Strains on the Aflatoxin Mutagenity. Animal Science and
  • Technology, 68 (6): 555-562.
  • HOSODA, M.; HASHIMOTO, H.; HIRIMATSU, M.; MORITA, H.; HOSONA, A., 1993. Inhibitory Effect
  • of Milk Cultured vvith Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 106 (LA2) on Mutagenity of aflatoxin B1.
  • Japanese Journal of Dairy and Food Science, 42 (1): 1-5.
  • HUSSEIN, H. S.; BRASEL, J. M., 2001). Toxicity, Metabolism and ımpact of Mycotoxins on Humans
  • and Animals. Toxicology 167, 101-134.
  • JAY, J. M., 1992. Modern Food Microbiology. Chapman and Hail, London. 675. p
  • KABAK, B., 2002. Lactobacillus acidophilus ve Bifidobacterium bifidum’un Aspergillus flavus Gelişimi
  • ve Aflatoksin B1 ve Aflatoksin M1 Üzerine Etkisinin İn Vitro Şartlarda Araştırılması. Çukurova
  • Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Adana 88 s.
  • of Aflatoxin B1 Alters the Adhesion Properties of Lactobacillus rhamnosus Strain GG in a
  • Caco-2 Model. Journal of Food Protection, 63(3): 412-414.
  • KARLOVSKY, P., 1999. Biological Detoxification of Fungal Toxins and Its Use in Plant Breeding,
  • Feet, and Food Production. Natural Toxins, 7: 1-23.
  • KARUNARATNE, A.; VVEZENBERG, E.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1990. Inhibition of Mold Grovvth and
  • Aflatoxin Production by Lactobacillus spp. Journal of Food Protection, 53(3): 230-236.
  • KIMURA, N.; HIRANO, S., 1988. Inhibitory Strains of Bacillus subtilis for Grovvth and Aflatoxin
  • Production of Aflatoxigenic Fungi. (alınmıştır: MUNİMBAZİ, C.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1998.
  • Inhibition of Aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus NRRL 2999 by Bacillus pumilus.
  • Mycopathologia, 140: 163-169.
  • LE BARS, J.; GALTIER, P., 1998. Mycotox 98, International Symposium. Toulouse, July 2-4.
  • LINE, J. E.; BRACKETT, R. E., 1995. Factors Affecting Aflatoxin B1 Removal by Flavobacterium
  • aurantiacum. Journal of Food Protection, 58: 91-94.
  • LUCHESE, R. H.; MARTINS, J. F. P.; HARRIGAN, W. F., 1992. Aflatoxin Production in a Meat Mix
  • Model System in the Presence of Pediococcus and Lactobacillus. Journal of Food Protection,
  • : 538-587.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKMOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • MOSS, M. O., 1992. Secondary Metabolism and Food lntoxication-Moulds. Journal of Applied
  • Bacteriology Symposium Supplement 73, 80-88.
  • MUNIMBAZI, C.; BULLERMAN, L. B., 1998. Inhibition of Aflatoxin production of Aspergillus parasiticus
  • NRRL 2999 by Bacillus pumilus. Mycopathologia, 140: 163-169.
  • OATLEY, J. T., RARICK, M.D., JI, G. E., LINZ, J.E., 2000. Binding of Aflatoxin B1 to Bifidobacteria
  • İn Vitro. Journal of Food Protection, 63(8): 1133-1136.
  • ÖZÇELİK, N.; ÖZÇELİK, S., 2000. Laktik Asit Bakterilerinin Antifungal ve Antiaflatoksijenik Etkileri.
  • Biyoteknoloji Kükem Dergisi, 24(2): 9-13.
  • ÖZKAYA, Ş., 2001. Ülkemizde Aflatoksin Sorunu Yaşanan Bazı Gıdalarda Aflatoksin B1’in Azaltılması
  • veya Giderilmesinde Flavobacterium aurantiacum’un Etkinliğinin Araştırılması. Hacettepe
  • Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi.
  • ÖZKAYA, Ş.; TAYDAŞ, E. E.; BAŞARAN, A.; AVCI, B.; HIZLI, S., 1999. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı
  • Ankara II Kontrol Laboratuvarı Aflatoksin Analiz Kurs Notları. 7-14 Ağustos, Ankara.
  • PELTONEN, K., EL-NEZAMİ, H „ HASKARD, C., AHOKAS, J „ SALMINEN, S. 2001. Aflatoxin B1
  • Binding by Dairy Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria. Journal of Dairy Science,
  • : 2152-2156.
  • PELTONEN, K.; EL-NEZAMİ, H.; PIERIDES, M.; SALMINEN, S.; AHOKAS, J. T., 2000. Binding of
  • Aflatoxin B1 by Probiotic Bacteria. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80: 1942
  • -
  • PIERIDES, M., EL-NEZAMİ, H„ PELTONEN, K., SALMINEN, S., AHOKAS, J. 2000. Ability of Dairy
  • Strains of Lactic Acid Bacteria to Bind Aflatoxin M1 in a Food Model. Journal of Food
  • Protection, 63(5): 645-650.
  • PIVA, G.; GALVANO, F.; PIETRI, A.; PIVA, A., 1995. Detoxification Methods of Aflatoxins. A Revievv.
  • Nutrition Research, 15(5): 767-776.
  • REES, T. J., 1997. The Development of A Novel Antifungal Silage Inoculant. Doctoral Research
  • Thesis, Cranfield University Biotechnology Centre, UK, 8-23.
  • ROY, U.; BATISH, V. K.; GROVER, S.; NEELAKANTAN, S., 1996. Production of Antifungal Substance
  • by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CHD-28.3. International Journal of Food Microbiology,
  • : 27-34.
  • SHANTHA, T., 1999. Fungal Degradation of Aflatoxin B1. Natural Toxins, 7: 175-178.
  • SKRINJAR, M.; RASIC, J. L.; STOJICIC, V., 1996. Lovvering of Ochratoxin A level in Milk by Yoğurt
  • Bacteria and Bifidobacteria (Alınmıştır: GALVANO, F.; PIVA, A.; RITIENI, A.; GALVANO, G.,
  • Dietary Strategies to Counteract the Effects of Mycotoxins: A Revievv. Journal of Food
  • Protection, 64(1): 120-131.
  • SVVEENEY, M. C., DOBSON, A. D. W., 1999. Molecular Biology of Mycotoxin Biosynthesis. FEMS
  • Microbiology Letters, 175: 149-163.
  • TOPAL, Ş.; ARAN, N.; PEMBEZI, C., 1999. Türkiye’nin Tarımsal Mikroflorasının Mikotoksin Profilleri.
  • Gıda, 24(2): 129-137.
  • VARGA, J., RIGO, K., TEREN, J., 2000. Degradation of Ochratoxin A by Aspergillus Species.
  • International Journal of Food Microbiology, 59:1-7.
  • WANG, J., GROOPMAN, J. D., 1999. DNA Damage by Mycotoxins. Mutation Research.
  • : 167 181.
  • YILMAZ, A.; ÖZAY, G., 2001. Gıda ve Yemlerde Mikotoksinlerin Detoksifikasyonu. Gıda Dergisi.
  • Temmuz, 80-84.
Toplam 128 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Sayı: 5

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Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 lisansı altında lisanslanmıştır
 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0