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Yıl 2004, Sayı: 5, - , 19.08.2014


Dioksinler, klor içeren plastiklerin ve organik kimyasal maddelerin yanması sonucu oluşan yüksek toksisiteye sahip yan ürünlerdir. Bu bileşikler potansiyel kanser yapıcı ajanlar olup, insanlar için kanserojen olarak değerlendirilmektedir. Dioksinler yanma sonucunda oluşur ve küçük zerrecikler
halinde ekinler üzerinde birikirler. İnek, sığır, domuz, tavuk gibi çiftlik hayvanlarının bu ekinleri tüketmesiyle dioksinler bu hayvanlar tarafından alınır. Ayrıca, kontamine hayvan yemleri dioksinlerin hayvanlara bulaşmasında önemli diğer bir kaynaktır. İnsanların dioksin ve dioksin benzeri kimyasallara
maruz kalması hayvansal yağlar başta olmak üzere kontamine gıdaların tüketimi ile olmaktadır. Bu derlemede, dioksinlerin gıdalara bulaşma kaynakları ve halk sağlığı açısından önemi son literatürler de değerlendirilerek ele alınmıştır.

Anahtar Kelimeler: Dioksin, PCDD, PCDF, Gıda, Yem


  • ANONYMOUS, 1991. Commission Decision of 9 Sep. 1991 establishing a list of ingredients whose
  • use is prohibited in compound feeding-stuffs 91/516/EC. Official Journal L 281, 09/10/1991
  • PP.0023-0024
  • ANONYMOUS, 1997a. İARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol.
  • , Poliklor Dibenzo-para-Dioxins and poliklor Dibenzofurans, Lyon, France.
  • ANONYMOUS, 1997b. World Health Organisation , 1997. European Centre for Environment and
  • Health, Consultation in the fourth round of the interlaboratory quality assessment study on
  • levels of PCBs. PCDDs and PCDFs in human milk and blood plasma, Prague, Czech Republic,
  • -26 November.
  • ANONYMOUS, 2000. Health Assessment Document for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD)
  • and related compounds, volüme III of III, USEPA, Office of Research and Development,
  • EPA/600/BP-92/001c, External Revievv Draft, June.
  • ANONYMOUS, 2001. Council Directive 2001/102/Ec of 27 Nov.2001 Directive 1999/29/EC on the
  • undesirible substances and products in animal nutrition. Official Journal L 006, 10/01/2002,
  • PP. 0045-0049.
  • ARFİ, C., SETA N., FRAİSSE, D., REVEL. A., 2001. Dioxins in adipose tissue of non-occupationally
  • exposed persons in France: correlation vvith individual food exposure. Chemosphere 44,
  • -1352.
  • BROUVVER, A., AHLBORG, U.G., VANDENBERG, M., BİRNBAUM, L.S., 1995. Functional aspects
  • of developmental toxicity of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in experimental animals
  • and human infants. European Journal of Pharmacology-Environmental Toxicology and
  • Pharmacology Section 293, 1-40.
  • CHANG, R., HAYVVARD, D., GOLDMAN, L.. HARNLY, M., 1989. foraging fram animals as biomonitors
  • fordioxin contamination. Chemosphere 19, 481-486.
  • COHEN, M., COMMONER, B., RİCHARDSON, J., FLACK, S., 1998. Dioxin sources air transport
  • and contamination in dairy feed crops and milk. Çenter for Biology of Natural Systems, Oueen
  • Collage, Flushing NY.
  • COMMONER, B., BARTLETT, P.W., EİSL, H„ COUCHOT, K„ 2000. Long rangeair transport of dioxin
  • from North American sources to ecologically vulnerable receptors in Nunavut, Arctic Canada.
  • Çenter for the Biology of Natural System, Oueen Collage, City University of Nevv York.
  • ERİCKSON, J.D., MULİNARE, J., MCCLAİN, P.W., FİTCH, T.G., 1984. Vietnam veterans risks for
  • fathering babies vvith birth defects. Journal of American Medical Association 252, 903-912.
  • FERRARİO, J.B., BYRNE, C.J., CLEVERY, D.H., 2000. 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in mined
  • clay products from the United States: evidence for possible natural origin. Environmentai
  • Science Technology 34, 4524-4532.
  • GRAY, L.E., WOLF, C., OSTBY, J.S., 1997. İn utero exposure to low doses of 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo
  • p-dioxin alters reproductive development of female Long Evans hooded rat offspring. Toxicology
  • and Applied Pharmacology 146, 235-237.
  • HUİSMAN, M., KOOPMAN-ESSEBOOM, C., LANTİNG, C.I., Van der PAAUVV, C.G., 1995. Neurological
  • condition in 18-month-old children perinatally exposed to poliklor biphenyls and dioxins. Early
  • Human Development 43, 165-176.
  • HUTZİNGER, O., FİELDER, H., 1993. From source to exposure, some öpen questions. Chemosphere
  • , 121-129.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKNOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • LAREBEKE van, N., HENS, L., SCHEPENS, P., COVACİ, A., 2001. The Belgian PCB and dioxin
  • incident of January- June 1999: exposure data and potential impacf on health. Environmental
  • Health Perspectives 109, 265-273.
  • LLERENA, J.J., ABAD, E., CAİXACH, J., RİVERA, J., 2003. An episode of dioxin contamination in
  • feedingstuff: the choline chloride case. Chemosphere, basım aşamasında.
  • MALİSCH, R., VVELLER, E.B., KNOLL, A., 2000. Result of an “emergency quality control study" as
  • confirmation of a PCDD/PCDF-contamination of milk and butter samples. Chemosphere 40,
  • -1040.
  • MALİSCH, R., 2000. Increase of the PCDD/F-contamination of milk, butter and meat samples by use
  • of contaminated citrus pulp. Chemosphere 40, 1041-1053.
  • MALİSCH, R.( 2000b. PCDD/F in kaolinitic clays and its relevance for feedingstuff, food and cosmetics.
  • Organohalogen Compd. 47, 326-329.
  • MANZ, A., BERGER, J., DVVYER, J.H., FLESCH-JANYS, D., 1991. Cancer mortality among vvorkers
  • in a chemicals plant contaminated with dioxin. Lancet 38, 959-964.
  • MOORE, R.W„ PARSONS, J.A., BOOKSTAFF, R.C., PETERSON, R.E., 1985. Androgenic
  • deficiency in male rats treated with 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Toxicology and
  • Applied Pharmacology 79, 99-111.
  • MURRAY, F.J., SMİTH, F.A., NİTSCHKE K.D., HUMİSTON, C.G., 1979. Three- generation reproduction
  • study of rats given 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in the diet. Toxicology and
  • Applied Pharmacology 50, 241-252.
  • NEMERY, B„ FISCHLER, B„ BOOGAERTS, M., LISON, D., 1999. The Coca-Cola incident in Belgium,
  • June 1999. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40, 1657 - 1667.
  • NEUBERGER, M., GROSSGUT, R„ GYİMOTHY, J., LEİBETSEDER, J., 2000. Dioxin contamination
  • of feed and food. The Lancet, 335, 1883.
  • OVERMEİRE, I.V., CLARK, G.C., BROVVN, D.J., CHU, M.D., 2001. Trace contamination with dioxin
  • like chemicals: evaluation of bioassay-based TEQ determination for hazard assessment and
  • regulatory responses. Environmental Science & Policy 4, 345-357.PARZEFALL, W., 2002.
  • Risk assessment of dioxin contamination in human food. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40,
  • -1189.
  • PATANDİN, S., LANTİNG, C.I., MULDER. P.G.H., BOERSMA, E.R., 1999. Effects of environmental
  • exposure to poliklor biphenyls and dioxins oncognitive abilities in Dutch children at 42 months
  • of age. Journal of pediatrics 134, 33-41.
  • PAZDEROVA-VEJLUPKOVA, J., NEMCOVA, M., PİCKOVA, J., JİRASEK, L., 1981. The development
  • and prognosis of chronic intoxicationh by tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in men. Archives of
  • Environmental Health 36, 5-11.
  • PLUİM, H.J., VİJLEDER, J.J., OLİE, K., KOK, J.H., 1993. Effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to
  • chlorinated dioxins and furans on the human neonatal thyroid hormone concentrations.
  • Environmental Health Perspectives 101, 504-508.
  • SCHANTZ, S,L., BOVVMAN, R.E., 1989. Learning in monkeys exposed perinatally to 2,3,7,8-
  • tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Neurotoxicology and Teratology 11, 13-19.
  • SCHECTER, A., KOOKE, R., SERNE, P., OLİE, K., 1989. Chlorinated dioxin and dibenzofuran levels
  • in food samples collected betvveen 1985-1987 in the north and south of Vietnam. Chemosphere
  • , 627-634.
  • SEO, B-W., SPARKS, A.J., MEDORA, K., AMİN, S., 1999. Learning and memory in rats gestationally
  • and lactationally exposed to 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Neurotoxicology
  • and Teratology 21, 231-239.
Yıl 2004, Sayı: 5, - , 19.08.2014



  • ANONYMOUS, 1991. Commission Decision of 9 Sep. 1991 establishing a list of ingredients whose
  • use is prohibited in compound feeding-stuffs 91/516/EC. Official Journal L 281, 09/10/1991
  • PP.0023-0024
  • ANONYMOUS, 1997a. İARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans, Vol.
  • , Poliklor Dibenzo-para-Dioxins and poliklor Dibenzofurans, Lyon, France.
  • ANONYMOUS, 1997b. World Health Organisation , 1997. European Centre for Environment and
  • Health, Consultation in the fourth round of the interlaboratory quality assessment study on
  • levels of PCBs. PCDDs and PCDFs in human milk and blood plasma, Prague, Czech Republic,
  • -26 November.
  • ANONYMOUS, 2000. Health Assessment Document for 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-Dioxin (TCDD)
  • and related compounds, volüme III of III, USEPA, Office of Research and Development,
  • EPA/600/BP-92/001c, External Revievv Draft, June.
  • ANONYMOUS, 2001. Council Directive 2001/102/Ec of 27 Nov.2001 Directive 1999/29/EC on the
  • undesirible substances and products in animal nutrition. Official Journal L 006, 10/01/2002,
  • PP. 0045-0049.
  • ARFİ, C., SETA N., FRAİSSE, D., REVEL. A., 2001. Dioxins in adipose tissue of non-occupationally
  • exposed persons in France: correlation vvith individual food exposure. Chemosphere 44,
  • -1352.
  • BROUVVER, A., AHLBORG, U.G., VANDENBERG, M., BİRNBAUM, L.S., 1995. Functional aspects
  • of developmental toxicity of polyhalogenated aromatic hydrocarbons in experimental animals
  • and human infants. European Journal of Pharmacology-Environmental Toxicology and
  • Pharmacology Section 293, 1-40.
  • CHANG, R., HAYVVARD, D., GOLDMAN, L.. HARNLY, M., 1989. foraging fram animals as biomonitors
  • fordioxin contamination. Chemosphere 19, 481-486.
  • COHEN, M., COMMONER, B., RİCHARDSON, J., FLACK, S., 1998. Dioxin sources air transport
  • and contamination in dairy feed crops and milk. Çenter for Biology of Natural Systems, Oueen
  • Collage, Flushing NY.
  • COMMONER, B., BARTLETT, P.W., EİSL, H„ COUCHOT, K„ 2000. Long rangeair transport of dioxin
  • from North American sources to ecologically vulnerable receptors in Nunavut, Arctic Canada.
  • Çenter for the Biology of Natural System, Oueen Collage, City University of Nevv York.
  • ERİCKSON, J.D., MULİNARE, J., MCCLAİN, P.W., FİTCH, T.G., 1984. Vietnam veterans risks for
  • fathering babies vvith birth defects. Journal of American Medical Association 252, 903-912.
  • FERRARİO, J.B., BYRNE, C.J., CLEVERY, D.H., 2000. 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in mined
  • clay products from the United States: evidence for possible natural origin. Environmentai
  • Science Technology 34, 4524-4532.
  • GRAY, L.E., WOLF, C., OSTBY, J.S., 1997. İn utero exposure to low doses of 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo
  • p-dioxin alters reproductive development of female Long Evans hooded rat offspring. Toxicology
  • and Applied Pharmacology 146, 235-237.
  • HUİSMAN, M., KOOPMAN-ESSEBOOM, C., LANTİNG, C.I., Van der PAAUVV, C.G., 1995. Neurological
  • condition in 18-month-old children perinatally exposed to poliklor biphenyls and dioxins. Early
  • Human Development 43, 165-176.
  • HUTZİNGER, O., FİELDER, H., 1993. From source to exposure, some öpen questions. Chemosphere
  • , 121-129.
  • (2004) GIDA ve YEM BİLİMİ-TEKNOLOJİ5İ Sayı: 5
  • LAREBEKE van, N., HENS, L., SCHEPENS, P., COVACİ, A., 2001. The Belgian PCB and dioxin
  • incident of January- June 1999: exposure data and potential impacf on health. Environmental
  • Health Perspectives 109, 265-273.
  • LLERENA, J.J., ABAD, E., CAİXACH, J., RİVERA, J., 2003. An episode of dioxin contamination in
  • feedingstuff: the choline chloride case. Chemosphere, basım aşamasında.
  • MALİSCH, R., VVELLER, E.B., KNOLL, A., 2000. Result of an “emergency quality control study" as
  • confirmation of a PCDD/PCDF-contamination of milk and butter samples. Chemosphere 40,
  • -1040.
  • MALİSCH, R., 2000. Increase of the PCDD/F-contamination of milk, butter and meat samples by use
  • of contaminated citrus pulp. Chemosphere 40, 1041-1053.
  • MALİSCH, R.( 2000b. PCDD/F in kaolinitic clays and its relevance for feedingstuff, food and cosmetics.
  • Organohalogen Compd. 47, 326-329.
  • MANZ, A., BERGER, J., DVVYER, J.H., FLESCH-JANYS, D., 1991. Cancer mortality among vvorkers
  • in a chemicals plant contaminated with dioxin. Lancet 38, 959-964.
  • MOORE, R.W„ PARSONS, J.A., BOOKSTAFF, R.C., PETERSON, R.E., 1985. Androgenic
  • deficiency in male rats treated with 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Toxicology and
  • Applied Pharmacology 79, 99-111.
  • MURRAY, F.J., SMİTH, F.A., NİTSCHKE K.D., HUMİSTON, C.G., 1979. Three- generation reproduction
  • study of rats given 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) in the diet. Toxicology and
  • Applied Pharmacology 50, 241-252.
  • NEMERY, B„ FISCHLER, B„ BOOGAERTS, M., LISON, D., 1999. The Coca-Cola incident in Belgium,
  • June 1999. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40, 1657 - 1667.
  • NEUBERGER, M., GROSSGUT, R„ GYİMOTHY, J., LEİBETSEDER, J., 2000. Dioxin contamination
  • of feed and food. The Lancet, 335, 1883.
  • OVERMEİRE, I.V., CLARK, G.C., BROVVN, D.J., CHU, M.D., 2001. Trace contamination with dioxin
  • like chemicals: evaluation of bioassay-based TEQ determination for hazard assessment and
  • regulatory responses. Environmental Science & Policy 4, 345-357.PARZEFALL, W., 2002.
  • Risk assessment of dioxin contamination in human food. Food and Chemical Toxicology 40,
  • -1189.
  • PATANDİN, S., LANTİNG, C.I., MULDER. P.G.H., BOERSMA, E.R., 1999. Effects of environmental
  • exposure to poliklor biphenyls and dioxins oncognitive abilities in Dutch children at 42 months
  • of age. Journal of pediatrics 134, 33-41.
  • PAZDEROVA-VEJLUPKOVA, J., NEMCOVA, M., PİCKOVA, J., JİRASEK, L., 1981. The development
  • and prognosis of chronic intoxicationh by tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin in men. Archives of
  • Environmental Health 36, 5-11.
  • PLUİM, H.J., VİJLEDER, J.J., OLİE, K., KOK, J.H., 1993. Effects of pre- and postnatal exposure to
  • chlorinated dioxins and furans on the human neonatal thyroid hormone concentrations.
  • Environmental Health Perspectives 101, 504-508.
  • SCHANTZ, S,L., BOVVMAN, R.E., 1989. Learning in monkeys exposed perinatally to 2,3,7,8-
  • tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Neurotoxicology and Teratology 11, 13-19.
  • SCHECTER, A., KOOKE, R., SERNE, P., OLİE, K., 1989. Chlorinated dioxin and dibenzofuran levels
  • in food samples collected betvveen 1985-1987 in the north and south of Vietnam. Chemosphere
  • , 627-634.
  • SEO, B-W., SPARKS, A.J., MEDORA, K., AMİN, S., 1999. Learning and memory in rats gestationally
  • and lactationally exposed to 2,3,7,8- tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). Neurotoxicology
  • and Teratology 21, 231-239.
Toplam 90 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Hamparsun Hampikyan Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 19 Ağustos 2014
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2004 Sayı: 5

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Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi  CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 lisansı altında lisanslanmıştır
 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0