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Determination of True Protein In Raw Milk, Milk Powder and Whey Powder and Investıgatıon of Usage Possibilities for Preventing NPN Adulterations

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 25, 30 - 38, 24.02.2021


Objective: True protein (TP) does not contain non-protein nitrogenous substances (NPN), unlike crude protein (CP). Therefore, it is not affected by NPN adulterations as much as crude protein. In this study, determining the amount of TP in milk, milk powder (MP) and whey powder (WP) samples and the possibility of using this parameter to prevent NPN adulterations was investigated.

Materials and Methods:
Method validation/modifications were made for GP analysis using protein and NPN content specific reference material and subsequently infrared device calibrations were performed and samples were analyzed. In the second stage of the study, the effectiveness of the true protein value in NPN adulterances was evaluated by adding urea to MP in different proportions.

Results: Average CP, TP amounts and TP/CP and NPN/CP ratios of analyzed 100 raw milk, 40 MP and 15 high proteinacious and 5 proteinacious WP were 3,25±0,23%, 3,06±0,01%, 94,08%, 5,92%; 32,51±2,25%, 30,35±0,06%, 93,36%, 6,64%; 12,18±0,71%, 8,29±0,04%, 67,84%, 32,16% and 8,05±0,67%, 6,11±0,03%, 75,37%, 24,63% respectively.

In the performed adulteration study it was determined that the amount of CP increased by 35,59, 109,95, 221,09% due to the increased amount of urea (5, 10, 20% respectively) while the amount of true protein decreased by.

Conclusions: As a result, putting the true protein value in the label information of milk and dairy products may contribute to the prevention of NPN adulterations. However, the performance of the method on known NPN substances should be evaluated separately.


  • Anonim, 1999. True Protein vs. Total Protein, (Accessed 01.11.2016).
  • Anonim, 2015. FSSAI Manual of methods of Analysis of Foods: Milk and Milk Products, 1.
  • Anonim, 2016. TS EN ISO 8968-4. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri-Azot Muhtevası Tayini-Bölüm 4: Proteinden Kaynaklanan ve Proteinden Kaynaklanmayan Azot Muhtevası ve Doğru Protein Muhtevasının Hesaplanması (Referans yöntem). Türk Standardı. TSE Necatibey Caddesi No.112 Bakanlıklar/Ankara
  • Anonim, 2016a. Whey Processing. Dairy Processing Handbook, (Accessed 01.12.2016).
  • Anonim, 2016b. USDA- Genetic Evaluation for True Protein, trueprot.htm (Accessed 01.12.2016).
  • Anonim, 2018. From total protein to true protein: Overview and impact, media/1819/18-08-29-true-protein-notice.pdf (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019c. Türkomp, Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyon Veri Tabanı- Süt tozu, yağsız, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019a. Nutritional Composition Of Skim Milk Powder, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019b. The Crude and True Story of Milk Protein, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Cerbulis, J. and Farrell, H.M., 1976. Composition of the Milks of Dairy Cattle. II. Ash, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Journal of Dairy Science, 59(4), 589-593.
  • Demirci, M., 1978. Çiğ Süt Kalitesine Etkili Olan Faktörler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(4).
  • DePeters, E.J. and Ferguson, J.D., 1992. Non Protein Nitrogen and Protein Distribution in the Milk of Cows. J Dairy Sci.75:3192-3209.
  • DeVries, J.W.,Greene, G.W., Payne, A., Zbylut, S., Scholl, P.F., Wehling, P., ... Moore J.C., 2017. Non-Protein Nitrogen Determination: A Screening Tool for Nitrogenous Compound Adulteration of Milk Powder. International Dairy Journal, 68, 46-51.
  • Dzurec, Jr, D.J. and Zall, R.R., 1985. Effect of Heating, Cooling, and Storing Milk on Casein and Whey Proteins. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(2), 273-280.
  • Fox, P.F. and McSweeney, P.L., 1998. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry (No. 637 F6.). London: Blackie Academic & Professional.
  • Gao, P., Li, Z., Zan, L., Yue, T. and Shi, B., 2015. A Non-Protein Nitrogen İndex for Discriminating Raw Milk Protein Adulteration Via the Kjeldahl Method. Analytical Methods, 7(21), 9166-9170.
  • Hafıza, E., 2000. Süt Tozunun Peyniraltı Suyu Tozu ile Tağşişinin Araştırılması. Gıda Müh. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hurst, S., Aplin, R.D. and Barbano, D.M., 1990. Whey Powder and Whey Protein Concentrate Production Technology, Costs and Profitability (No. 640-2016-42991).
  • Kindstedt, P.S., Duthie, A.H. and Nilson, K.M., 1983. Estimation of casein from total protein in commingled milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 66(12), 2459-2463.
  • Kurdal, E., Özcan, T. ve Yılmaz-Ersan, L., 2016. Süt Teknolojisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi.
  • Lynch, J.M., Barbano and D.M., Fleming, J.R., 1998. Indirect and Direct Determination of the Casein Content of Milk by Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analysis: Collaborative Study. Journal of AOAC International, 81(4), 763-774.
  • Matthews, M.E., 1984. Whey Protein Recovery Processes and Products. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(11), 2680-2692.
  • Mihaljev, Ž.A., Jakšić, S.M., Prica, N.B., Ćupić, Ž.N. and Živkov-Baloš, M.M., 2015. Comparison of the Kjeldahl Method, Dumas Method and NIR Method for Total Nitrogen Determination in Meat and Meat Products. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 21(4), 365-370.
  • Moore, J.C., DeVries, J.W., Lipp, M., Griffiths, J.C. and Abernethy, D.R., 2010. Total Protein Methods and Their Potential Utility to Reduce the Risk of Food Protein Adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9: 330–357.
  • Ng-Kwai-Hang, K.F., Hayes, J.F., Moxley, J.E. and Monardes, H.G., 1985. Percentages of Protein and Nonprotein Nitrogen with Varying Fat and Somatic Cells in Bovine Milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(5), 1257-1262.
  • O’Connell, A., Ruegg, P. L., Jordan, K., O’Brien, B. and Gleeson, D., 2016. The Effect of Storage Temperature and Duration on the Microbial Quality of Bulk Tank Milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(5), 3367-3374.
  • O'Brien, B., Meaney, W.J., McDonagh, D. and Kelly, A., 2001. Influence of Somatic Cell Count and Storage İnterval on Composition and Processing Characteristics of Milk from Cows in Late Lactation. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(3), 213.
  • Patel, M.T., Kilara, A., Huffman, L.M., Hewitt, S.A. and Houlihan, A.V., 1990. Studies on whey Protein Concentrates. 1. Compositional and Thermal Properties. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(6), 1439-1449.
  • Patır, B., 2005. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notları. s.:1-12.
  • Patil, M. R., Khedkar, C.D., Chavan, S.D. and Patil, P.S., 2016a. Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of whole Milk Powder Manufactured or Sold in Maharashtra, India. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 35(3), 177-186.
  • Patil, M.R., Khedkar, C.D., Chavan, S.D. and Patil, P.S., 2016b. Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of Skim Milk Powder Sold in Maharashtra. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 35(4), 261-269.
  • Pelegrine, D.H.G. and Gasparetto, C.A., 2005. Whey Proteins Solubility as Function of Temperature and pH. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38(1), 77-80.
  • Regester, G.O., Smithers, G.W., Mangino, M.E. and Pearce, R.J., 1992. Seasonal Changes in the Physical and Functional Properties of whey Protein Concentrates. Journal of dairy science, 75(11), 2928-2936.
  • Ribadeau-Dumas, B. and, Grappin, R., 1989. Milk Protein Analysis. Lait 69:357–416.
  • Ruska, D. and Jonkus, D. 2014. Crude Protein and Non-Protein Nitrogen Content in Dairy Cow Milk. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 32(1), 36-40.
  • Salman, M., Abdel Hameed, E.S.S., Al-Amoudi, M.S., Salman, L., Alghamdi, M.T. and Bazaid, S.A., 2012. Identification and Determination of Melamine in Milk by High Performance Liquid Chromatography – UV Detector. Der Pharma Chemica, 4 (2):737-748.
  • Scheidegger, D., Radici, P.M., Vergara-Roig, V.A., Bosio, N.S., Pesce, S.F., Pecora, R.P., ... Kivatinitz, S.C., 2013. Evaluation of Milk Powder Quality by Protein Oxidative Modifications. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(6), 3414-3423.
  • Şekerden, Ö., Erdem, H., Kankurdan, B. ve Özlü, B., 1999. Anadolu Mandalarında Süt Kompozisyonunu Etkileyen Faktörler ve Süt Kompozisyonunun Laktasyon Dönemlerine Göre Değişimi. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 23, 505-509.
  • Walstra, P., Wouters, J.T.M. and Geurts, T.J., 2006. Dairy Science and Technology Second Edition. CRC Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York. Yang, R., Huang, W., Zhang, L., Thomas, M. and Pei, X., 2009. Milk Adulteration with Melamine in China: Crisis and Response. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 1(2)111-116.
  • Yetişemiyen, A., 2007. Koyulaştırılmış ve Kurutulmuş Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No:1558, Ders Kitabı 511: 49-100, Ankara, (Accessed 25.12.2019).

Çiğ Süt, Süt Tozu ve Peyniraltı Suyu Tozlarında Gerçek Protein Değeri Tayini ve NPN Tağşişlerinin Önlenmesinde Kullanım Olanaklarının Araştırılması

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 25, 30 - 38, 24.02.2021


Amaç: Gerçek protein (GP) kavramı Ham proteinin (HP) aksine protein olmayan azotlu maddeleri (Non-Protein Nitrogenous Substances=NPN) hesaplamaya dahil etmez. Dolayısıyla NPN tağşişlerinden HP kadar etkilenmez. Bu çalışmada, süt, süt tozu ve peyniraltı suyu tozu örneklerindeki gerçek protein miktarının belirlenmesi ve bu parametrenin NPN tağşişlerini önlemede kullanım imkanları araştırılmıştır.

Materyal ve Yöntem: Çalışmada protein ve NPN içeriği belirli referans materyal kullanılarak GP analizi için metot validasyon/modifikasyonları yapılmış ve devamında kızılötesi cihaz kalibrasyonları yapılarak örnekler analiz edilmiştir. İkinci aşamada ise süt tozuna farklı oranlarda üre katılarak gerçek protein değerinin tağşişlerde etkin olup olmadığı değerlendirilmiştir.

Bulgular ve Sonuç:
Analiz edilen örneklere ait ortalama HP, GP miktarları ile GP/HP ve NPN/HP oranları sırasıyla 100 adet çiğ süt örneğinde %3,25±0,23, %3,06±0,01, %94,08, %5,92, 40 adet süt tozu örneğinde %32,51±2,25, %30,35±0,06, %93,36, %6,64, 15 adet yüksek proteinli peyniraltı suyu tozu örneğinde %12,18±%0,71, %8,29±0,04, %67,84, %32,16 ve 5 adet proteinli peyniraltı suyu tozu örneğinde %8,05±0,67, %6,11±0,03, %75,37, %24,63 olarak belirlenmiştir.

Yapılan tağşiş çalışmasında üre miktarındaki artışa (%5, 10, 20) paralel olarak HP miktarı sırasıyla %35,59, 109,95, 221,09 artarken GP miktarı kullanılan NPN miktarına bağlı olarak azalmıştır.

Sonuç olarak süt ve süt ürünlerinin etiket bilgisinde gerçek protein değerine yer verilmesi NPN tağşişlerinin önlenmesine katkı sağlayabilir. Ancak metodun bilinen NPN maddeleri üzerindeki performansının ayrıca değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir.


  • Anonim, 1999. True Protein vs. Total Protein, (Accessed 01.11.2016).
  • Anonim, 2015. FSSAI Manual of methods of Analysis of Foods: Milk and Milk Products, 1.
  • Anonim, 2016. TS EN ISO 8968-4. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri-Azot Muhtevası Tayini-Bölüm 4: Proteinden Kaynaklanan ve Proteinden Kaynaklanmayan Azot Muhtevası ve Doğru Protein Muhtevasının Hesaplanması (Referans yöntem). Türk Standardı. TSE Necatibey Caddesi No.112 Bakanlıklar/Ankara
  • Anonim, 2016a. Whey Processing. Dairy Processing Handbook, (Accessed 01.12.2016).
  • Anonim, 2016b. USDA- Genetic Evaluation for True Protein, trueprot.htm (Accessed 01.12.2016).
  • Anonim, 2018. From total protein to true protein: Overview and impact, media/1819/18-08-29-true-protein-notice.pdf (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019c. Türkomp, Ulusal Gıda Kompozisyon Veri Tabanı- Süt tozu, yağsız, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019a. Nutritional Composition Of Skim Milk Powder, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Anonim, 2019b. The Crude and True Story of Milk Protein, (Accessed 27.12.2019).
  • Cerbulis, J. and Farrell, H.M., 1976. Composition of the Milks of Dairy Cattle. II. Ash, Calcium, Magnesium, and Phosphorus. Journal of Dairy Science, 59(4), 589-593.
  • Demirci, M., 1978. Çiğ Süt Kalitesine Etkili Olan Faktörler. Atatürk Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi Dergisi, 9(4).
  • DePeters, E.J. and Ferguson, J.D., 1992. Non Protein Nitrogen and Protein Distribution in the Milk of Cows. J Dairy Sci.75:3192-3209.
  • DeVries, J.W.,Greene, G.W., Payne, A., Zbylut, S., Scholl, P.F., Wehling, P., ... Moore J.C., 2017. Non-Protein Nitrogen Determination: A Screening Tool for Nitrogenous Compound Adulteration of Milk Powder. International Dairy Journal, 68, 46-51.
  • Dzurec, Jr, D.J. and Zall, R.R., 1985. Effect of Heating, Cooling, and Storing Milk on Casein and Whey Proteins. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(2), 273-280.
  • Fox, P.F. and McSweeney, P.L., 1998. Dairy Chemistry and Biochemistry (No. 637 F6.). London: Blackie Academic & Professional.
  • Gao, P., Li, Z., Zan, L., Yue, T. and Shi, B., 2015. A Non-Protein Nitrogen İndex for Discriminating Raw Milk Protein Adulteration Via the Kjeldahl Method. Analytical Methods, 7(21), 9166-9170.
  • Hafıza, E., 2000. Süt Tozunun Peyniraltı Suyu Tozu ile Tağşişinin Araştırılması. Gıda Müh. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İstanbul Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü.
  • Hurst, S., Aplin, R.D. and Barbano, D.M., 1990. Whey Powder and Whey Protein Concentrate Production Technology, Costs and Profitability (No. 640-2016-42991).
  • Kindstedt, P.S., Duthie, A.H. and Nilson, K.M., 1983. Estimation of casein from total protein in commingled milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 66(12), 2459-2463.
  • Kurdal, E., Özcan, T. ve Yılmaz-Ersan, L., 2016. Süt Teknolojisi. Uludağ Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi.
  • Lynch, J.M., Barbano and D.M., Fleming, J.R., 1998. Indirect and Direct Determination of the Casein Content of Milk by Kjeldahl Nitrogen Analysis: Collaborative Study. Journal of AOAC International, 81(4), 763-774.
  • Matthews, M.E., 1984. Whey Protein Recovery Processes and Products. Journal of Dairy Science, 67(11), 2680-2692.
  • Mihaljev, Ž.A., Jakšić, S.M., Prica, N.B., Ćupić, Ž.N. and Živkov-Baloš, M.M., 2015. Comparison of the Kjeldahl Method, Dumas Method and NIR Method for Total Nitrogen Determination in Meat and Meat Products. Journal of Agroalimentary Processes and Technologies, 21(4), 365-370.
  • Moore, J.C., DeVries, J.W., Lipp, M., Griffiths, J.C. and Abernethy, D.R., 2010. Total Protein Methods and Their Potential Utility to Reduce the Risk of Food Protein Adulteration. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9: 330–357.
  • Ng-Kwai-Hang, K.F., Hayes, J.F., Moxley, J.E. and Monardes, H.G., 1985. Percentages of Protein and Nonprotein Nitrogen with Varying Fat and Somatic Cells in Bovine Milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 68(5), 1257-1262.
  • O’Connell, A., Ruegg, P. L., Jordan, K., O’Brien, B. and Gleeson, D., 2016. The Effect of Storage Temperature and Duration on the Microbial Quality of Bulk Tank Milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 99(5), 3367-3374.
  • O'Brien, B., Meaney, W.J., McDonagh, D. and Kelly, A., 2001. Influence of Somatic Cell Count and Storage İnterval on Composition and Processing Characteristics of Milk from Cows in Late Lactation. Australian Journal of Dairy Technology, 56(3), 213.
  • Patel, M.T., Kilara, A., Huffman, L.M., Hewitt, S.A. and Houlihan, A.V., 1990. Studies on whey Protein Concentrates. 1. Compositional and Thermal Properties. Journal of Dairy Science, 73(6), 1439-1449.
  • Patır, B., 2005. Süt ve Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi Ders Notları. s.:1-12.
  • Patil, M. R., Khedkar, C.D., Chavan, S.D. and Patil, P.S., 2016a. Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of whole Milk Powder Manufactured or Sold in Maharashtra, India. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 35(3), 177-186.
  • Patil, M.R., Khedkar, C.D., Chavan, S.D. and Patil, P.S., 2016b. Studies on Physico-Chemical Properties of Skim Milk Powder Sold in Maharashtra. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research, 35(4), 261-269.
  • Pelegrine, D.H.G. and Gasparetto, C.A., 2005. Whey Proteins Solubility as Function of Temperature and pH. LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38(1), 77-80.
  • Regester, G.O., Smithers, G.W., Mangino, M.E. and Pearce, R.J., 1992. Seasonal Changes in the Physical and Functional Properties of whey Protein Concentrates. Journal of dairy science, 75(11), 2928-2936.
  • Ribadeau-Dumas, B. and, Grappin, R., 1989. Milk Protein Analysis. Lait 69:357–416.
  • Ruska, D. and Jonkus, D. 2014. Crude Protein and Non-Protein Nitrogen Content in Dairy Cow Milk. Proceedings of the Latvia University of Agriculture, 32(1), 36-40.
  • Salman, M., Abdel Hameed, E.S.S., Al-Amoudi, M.S., Salman, L., Alghamdi, M.T. and Bazaid, S.A., 2012. Identification and Determination of Melamine in Milk by High Performance Liquid Chromatography – UV Detector. Der Pharma Chemica, 4 (2):737-748.
  • Scheidegger, D., Radici, P.M., Vergara-Roig, V.A., Bosio, N.S., Pesce, S.F., Pecora, R.P., ... Kivatinitz, S.C., 2013. Evaluation of Milk Powder Quality by Protein Oxidative Modifications. Journal of Dairy Science, 96(6), 3414-3423.
  • Şekerden, Ö., Erdem, H., Kankurdan, B. ve Özlü, B., 1999. Anadolu Mandalarında Süt Kompozisyonunu Etkileyen Faktörler ve Süt Kompozisyonunun Laktasyon Dönemlerine Göre Değişimi. Tr. J. of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, 23, 505-509.
  • Walstra, P., Wouters, J.T.M. and Geurts, T.J., 2006. Dairy Science and Technology Second Edition. CRC Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, London, New York. Yang, R., Huang, W., Zhang, L., Thomas, M. and Pei, X., 2009. Milk Adulteration with Melamine in China: Crisis and Response. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 1(2)111-116.
  • Yetişemiyen, A., 2007. Koyulaştırılmış ve Kurutulmuş Süt Ürünleri Teknolojisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Ziraat Fakültesi, Yayın No:1558, Ders Kitabı 511: 49-100, Ankara, (Accessed 25.12.2019).
Toplam 40 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi

Ferhat Polat Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-6289-1051

Meral Kaygısız Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1250-3679

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Polat, F., & Kaygısız, M. (2021). Çiğ Süt, Süt Tozu ve Peyniraltı Suyu Tozlarında Gerçek Protein Değeri Tayini ve NPN Tağşişlerinin Önlenmesinde Kullanım Olanaklarının Araştırılması. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(25), 30-38.

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 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0