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Semi-Mechanical Harvesting Method Effect on Oil Content and Fat Composition of Sesame

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 25, 39 - 47, 24.02.2021


Objective: Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) seed is a high-quality oil plant with high oleic, linoleic fatty acid composition and sesamol content. However, due to the morphological and physiological characteristics combine harvesting are almost impossible in Turkey. The objective of our experiment was to determine the oil content and fatty acid composition of sesame semi-mechanized harvesting in main and second crop growing conditions.

Materials and methods:
This study was conducted at the experimental area of Eastern Mediterranean Agricultural Research Institute, Adana in Turkey. Semi-mechanized harvest and traditional harvest were a randomized block design with 4 replications for 2 years as a main and second crop growing conditions

Results and conclusion:
At the end of the study, it was determined that the semi-mechanized harvest had not negative effect on oil and fatty acid composition. It was observed that reaper-binder (semi-mechanized method) could be practicable for sesame harvesting in Turkey.


  • Adil, A. and Ahmed, H.Y., 2015. The Economics of Sesame Production in Gadarif Mechanized Rainfed Sector. MSc. thesis. Univrsity of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Ahmad, A. and Abdin, Z.M., 2000. Effect of Sulphur Aplplication on Lipid, RNA and Fatty Acid Content in Developing Seed of Rapeseed. Plant Science, 150: 71-76
  • Anonymous, 2012. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. (Accessed 12.02.2007).
  • Anonymous, 2014. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Zeytinyağı ve Pirina Yağı Analiz Metotları Tebliği. Tebliğ No: 2014/53. Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 29181.
  • Ashri, A., 2007. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). In: Genetics Resources, Chromosome Engineering and Crop Improvement, Oilseed Crops, Vol.4, ed. Singh R.J., 231-289, CRC Press, Boca Raton
  • Baydar, H., 2000. Bitkilerde Yağ Sentezi. Kalitesi ve Kaliteyi Artırmada Islahın Önemi. Ekin Dergisi. 11: sf: 50-57
  • Bhunia, R.K., Chakraborty, A., Kaur, R., Gayatri, T., Bhat, K.V., Basu, A., Maiti, M.K. and Sen, S.K., 2015. Analysis of Fatty Acid and Lignan Composition of Indian Germplasm of Sesame to Evaluate Their Nutritional Merits. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 92(1): 65-76 DOI: 10.1007/s11746-014-2566-3
  • Dataem, 2017. Doğu Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğüne ait İklim Verileri. (Accessed 01.02.2017).
  • Dwivedi, S., Nigam, S.N., Nagswara., R., Singh, U. and Rao, K.V.S., 1996. Effect of Drought on Oil, Fatty Acids and Protein Contents of Grounnut Seed. Field Crops Research, 48: 124-133
  • Dubey, S.D., Husain, K. and Vajpeyi, M., 2001. Yield and Quality of Linseed under Saline Condition. Indian Journal Agricultural Biochemical, 14 (1&2): 75-76
  • Dossa, K., Wei, X., Niang, Mareme, Liu P., Zhang, Y., Wang, L., Liao, B., Cisse, N, Zhang, X. and Diouf, D., 2018. Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Reveals Wide Variation İn Major Components of Sesame Seeds From Africa and Asia. The Crop Journal Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 202-206
  • Georgiev, S., Stamatov, S. and Deshev, M., 2008. Requirements to Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivars Breeding For Mechanized Harvesting. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 14:616-620.
  • Gharby, S., Harhar, H., Bouzoubaa, Z., Asdadi, A., El Yadini, A. and Charrouf, Z., 2018. Chemical Characterization and Oxidative Stability of Seed and Oil of Sesame Grown in Morocco. Journal of Saudi Socienty of Agricultural Sci. Vol 6 (2): 105-111.
  • Hwang, L.S., 2005. Sesame oil. In Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 6th ed.; Shahidi, F., Ed.; John Wiley and Sons Inc.: New York, NY, USA, pp. 538–577. ISBN 047167849X
  • Haris, H.C., Mc William, J.R. and Mason, W.K., 2006. Influence of Temperature on Oil Content and Composition of Sunflower Seed. Australin Journal of Agricultural Research, 29(6): 1203-1212
  • Flagella, Z., Royunno, T., Tarantino, E., Caterina, A. and De Caro, A., 2002. Changes in Seed Yield and Oil Fatty Acid Composition Of High Oleic Sunflower Hybrids in Relation To The Sowing Date and Woter Regime. Europan Journal of Agronomy, 17: 221-230
  • Karaca, E. and Aytac, S., 2007. The Factors Affecting on Fatty Acid Composition 0f Oil Crops. J. of Fac. of Agric., OMÜ, 2007, 22(1): 123-131.
  • Kurt, C., 2018. Variation in Oil Content And Fatty Acid Composition of Sesame Accessions from Different Origins. Grasas Y Aceıtes 69 (1) January–March 2018, e241 ISSN-L: 0017-3495
  • Langham, R., 1985. USA- Growing Sesame in the Desert Soutwest. Sesame and Sunflower: Status and Potentials. FAO. Paper no: 66 Rome. p: 75-79.
  • Langham, D.R. and Wiemers, T., 2002. Progress in Mechanizing Sesame İn US Through Breeding. In : Janick, J. And Whipkey, A.(eds.) Ternd in New Crops and New Uses. American Society for Horticultural Scince Press, Alexandria, VA.157-173
  • Mondal, N., Bhat, V.K. and Srivastava, S.P., 2010. Variation in Fatty Acid Composition in Indian Germplasm of Sesame. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 87, 1263–1269. s11746-010-1615-9
  • Nobre, D.A.C., Trogello, E., Morais, D.L.B. and e Brandão Junior, D.S., 2013. Qualidade da Semente do Gergelim Preto (Sesamum indicum L.) em Diferentes Epocas de Colheita. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais 15:609-616.
  • Uğurluay, S., 2002. A Research On Determination of Harvesting Mechanization Possiblities of Sesame Plant. Çukurova Uni. Deparment of Agricultural Machinery Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences.Number: 119859
  • Uzun, B., Ulger, S. and Çağırgan, M.N., 2002. Comparison of Determinate and Indeterminate Types of Sesame for Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition. Turk J Agric For 26 (2002) 269-274
  • Tripathy, S.K., Kar, J. and Sahu, D., 2019. Advances in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Breeding. In Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Industrial and Food Crops; Al-Khayri, J.M., Jain, S.M., Johnson, D.V., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland; pp. 577–635.
  • Vurarak, Y., Angın, N. ve Bilgili, E.M., 2014. Çukurova Koşullarında Biçerbağların Ana ve II. Ürün Susam Hasadında Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Sonuç Raporu. TAGEM/10/05/01/004, yayın No: 12.01DATAEM.N.N20/2014/01
  • Queiroga, V.P., Gondim, T.M.S. and Queiroga, D.A.N., 2009. Tecnologias Sobre Operações de Semeadura e Colheita Para a Cultura do Gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) Revista Agro Ambiente 3:106-121.
  • Weiss, E. A., 1971. Castor, Sesame and Sunflower; Barnes & Noble: New York, NY, USA.

Yarı Mekanik Hasat Yönteminin Susam Yağ İçeriği ve Yağ Bileşimi Üzerindeki Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 25, 39 - 47, 24.02.2021


Amaç: Susam (Sesamum indicum L.), yüksek oleik, linoleik yağ asidi bileşimi ve sesamol içeriğine sahip yüksek kaliteli bir yağ bitkisidir. Ancak, morfolojik ve fizyolojik özelliklerinden dolayı Türkiye'de biçerdöver ile hasat etmek neredeyse imkansızdır. Bu çalışmada, yarı mekanize ve geleneksel hasat yöntemlerinin ana ve ikinci ürün koşullarında yağ ve yağ asitleri açısından etkisinin belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır.

Materyal ve Yöntem:
Denemeler, Türkiye’de Doğu akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü’nün deneme alanlarında yürütülmüştür. Çalışmada, 2 yıl süresince 4 tekrarlı olarak tesadüf blokları deneme desenine göre yarı mekanize ve geleneksel hasat yöntemleri ana ve ikinci ürün koşullarında karşılaştırılmıştır.

Bulgular ve Sonuç:
Çalışmanın sonunda yarı mekanize hasadın yağ ve yağ asidi kompozisyonu üzerinde olumsuz bir etkisi olmadığı belirlenmiştir. Biçerbağların (yarı mekanize yöntem) susam hasadında kullanılabileceği belirlenmiştir.


  • Adil, A. and Ahmed, H.Y., 2015. The Economics of Sesame Production in Gadarif Mechanized Rainfed Sector. MSc. thesis. Univrsity of Khartoum, Sudan.
  • Ahmad, A. and Abdin, Z.M., 2000. Effect of Sulphur Aplplication on Lipid, RNA and Fatty Acid Content in Developing Seed of Rapeseed. Plant Science, 150: 71-76
  • Anonymous, 2012. Türk Gıda Kodeksi. (Accessed 12.02.2007).
  • Anonymous, 2014. Türk Gıda Kodeksi Zeytinyağı ve Pirina Yağı Analiz Metotları Tebliği. Tebliğ No: 2014/53. Resmi Gazete, Sayı: 29181.
  • Ashri, A., 2007. Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.). In: Genetics Resources, Chromosome Engineering and Crop Improvement, Oilseed Crops, Vol.4, ed. Singh R.J., 231-289, CRC Press, Boca Raton
  • Baydar, H., 2000. Bitkilerde Yağ Sentezi. Kalitesi ve Kaliteyi Artırmada Islahın Önemi. Ekin Dergisi. 11: sf: 50-57
  • Bhunia, R.K., Chakraborty, A., Kaur, R., Gayatri, T., Bhat, K.V., Basu, A., Maiti, M.K. and Sen, S.K., 2015. Analysis of Fatty Acid and Lignan Composition of Indian Germplasm of Sesame to Evaluate Their Nutritional Merits. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 92(1): 65-76 DOI: 10.1007/s11746-014-2566-3
  • Dataem, 2017. Doğu Akdeniz Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğüne ait İklim Verileri. (Accessed 01.02.2017).
  • Dwivedi, S., Nigam, S.N., Nagswara., R., Singh, U. and Rao, K.V.S., 1996. Effect of Drought on Oil, Fatty Acids and Protein Contents of Grounnut Seed. Field Crops Research, 48: 124-133
  • Dubey, S.D., Husain, K. and Vajpeyi, M., 2001. Yield and Quality of Linseed under Saline Condition. Indian Journal Agricultural Biochemical, 14 (1&2): 75-76
  • Dossa, K., Wei, X., Niang, Mareme, Liu P., Zhang, Y., Wang, L., Liao, B., Cisse, N, Zhang, X. and Diouf, D., 2018. Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Reveals Wide Variation İn Major Components of Sesame Seeds From Africa and Asia. The Crop Journal Volume 6, Issue 2, pp 202-206
  • Georgiev, S., Stamatov, S. and Deshev, M., 2008. Requirements to Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Cultivars Breeding For Mechanized Harvesting. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 14:616-620.
  • Gharby, S., Harhar, H., Bouzoubaa, Z., Asdadi, A., El Yadini, A. and Charrouf, Z., 2018. Chemical Characterization and Oxidative Stability of Seed and Oil of Sesame Grown in Morocco. Journal of Saudi Socienty of Agricultural Sci. Vol 6 (2): 105-111.
  • Hwang, L.S., 2005. Sesame oil. In Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 6th ed.; Shahidi, F., Ed.; John Wiley and Sons Inc.: New York, NY, USA, pp. 538–577. ISBN 047167849X
  • Haris, H.C., Mc William, J.R. and Mason, W.K., 2006. Influence of Temperature on Oil Content and Composition of Sunflower Seed. Australin Journal of Agricultural Research, 29(6): 1203-1212
  • Flagella, Z., Royunno, T., Tarantino, E., Caterina, A. and De Caro, A., 2002. Changes in Seed Yield and Oil Fatty Acid Composition Of High Oleic Sunflower Hybrids in Relation To The Sowing Date and Woter Regime. Europan Journal of Agronomy, 17: 221-230
  • Karaca, E. and Aytac, S., 2007. The Factors Affecting on Fatty Acid Composition 0f Oil Crops. J. of Fac. of Agric., OMÜ, 2007, 22(1): 123-131.
  • Kurt, C., 2018. Variation in Oil Content And Fatty Acid Composition of Sesame Accessions from Different Origins. Grasas Y Aceıtes 69 (1) January–March 2018, e241 ISSN-L: 0017-3495
  • Langham, R., 1985. USA- Growing Sesame in the Desert Soutwest. Sesame and Sunflower: Status and Potentials. FAO. Paper no: 66 Rome. p: 75-79.
  • Langham, D.R. and Wiemers, T., 2002. Progress in Mechanizing Sesame İn US Through Breeding. In : Janick, J. And Whipkey, A.(eds.) Ternd in New Crops and New Uses. American Society for Horticultural Scince Press, Alexandria, VA.157-173
  • Mondal, N., Bhat, V.K. and Srivastava, S.P., 2010. Variation in Fatty Acid Composition in Indian Germplasm of Sesame. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 87, 1263–1269. s11746-010-1615-9
  • Nobre, D.A.C., Trogello, E., Morais, D.L.B. and e Brandão Junior, D.S., 2013. Qualidade da Semente do Gergelim Preto (Sesamum indicum L.) em Diferentes Epocas de Colheita. Revista Brasileira de Plantas Medicinais 15:609-616.
  • Uğurluay, S., 2002. A Research On Determination of Harvesting Mechanization Possiblities of Sesame Plant. Çukurova Uni. Deparment of Agricultural Machinery Instıtute of Natural and Applied Sciences.Number: 119859
  • Uzun, B., Ulger, S. and Çağırgan, M.N., 2002. Comparison of Determinate and Indeterminate Types of Sesame for Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition. Turk J Agric For 26 (2002) 269-274
  • Tripathy, S.K., Kar, J. and Sahu, D., 2019. Advances in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Breeding. In Advances in Plant Breeding Strategies: Industrial and Food Crops; Al-Khayri, J.M., Jain, S.M., Johnson, D.V., Eds.; Springer: Cham, Switzerland; pp. 577–635.
  • Vurarak, Y., Angın, N. ve Bilgili, E.M., 2014. Çukurova Koşullarında Biçerbağların Ana ve II. Ürün Susam Hasadında Kullanılabilirliğinin Araştırılması. Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı Tarımsal Araştırmalar ve Politikalar Genel Müdürlüğü, Sonuç Raporu. TAGEM/10/05/01/004, yayın No: 12.01DATAEM.N.N20/2014/01
  • Queiroga, V.P., Gondim, T.M.S. and Queiroga, D.A.N., 2009. Tecnologias Sobre Operações de Semeadura e Colheita Para a Cultura do Gergelim (Sesamum indicum L.) Revista Agro Ambiente 3:106-121.
  • Weiss, E. A., 1971. Castor, Sesame and Sunflower; Barnes & Noble: New York, NY, USA.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Bölüm Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi

Yasemin Vurarak Bu kişi benim 0000-0003-1048-788X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 24 Şubat 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 25

Kaynak Göster

APA Vurarak, Y. (2021). Semi-Mechanical Harvesting Method Effect on Oil Content and Fat Composition of Sesame. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(25), 39-47.

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 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0