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The Mechanism of Glucose Oxidase Enzyme and Its Effect on the Growth of Probiotic Bacteria in Dairy Products

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 26, 1 - 9, 29.08.2021



Objective: Functional dairy products which have proper environment for growth of probiotic bacteria, show positive effects on intestinal microbiota and immune system with their regular consumption. The health-promoting benefits of probiotic products are provided by preserving a certain number of bacterial viability during shelf life. For this reason, the addition of glucose oxidase enzyme is one of the technologically applied methods in order to maintain the existence of living microorganisms while improving the functional properties of the food. In this review, the mechanism of glucose oxidase enzyme, its applications on foods, effects on the growth and preservation of activity of probiotic bacteria in functional dairy products are explained.


  • Afjeh, M.E.A., Pourahmad, R., Akbari-Adergani, B. and Azin, M. (2019). Use of glucose oxidase immobilized on magnetic chitosan nanoparticles in probiotic drinking yogurt. Food Science of Animal Resources, 39(1): 73-83.
  • Akin, M.B. and Dasnik, F. (2015). Effects of ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase levels on the viability of probiotic bacteria and the physical and sensory characteristics in symbiotic ice-cream. Mljekarstvo, 65(2): 121-129.
  • Bao, J., Furumoto, K., Fukunaga, K. and Nakao, K. (2001). A kinetic study on air oxidation of glucose catalyzed by immobilized glucose oxidase for production of calcium gluconate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 8(2): 91-102.
  • Bao, J., Furumoto, K., Yoshimoto, M., Fukunaga, K. and Nakao, K. (2003). Competitive inhibition by hydrogen peroxide produced in glucose oxidation catalyzed by glucose oxidase. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 13(1): 69-72.
  • Batista, A.L., Silva, R., Cappato, L.P., Almada, C.N., Garcia, R.K., Silva, M.C. and Cruz, A. G. (2015). Quality parameters of probiotic yogurt added to glucose oxidase compared to commercial products through microbiological, physical-chemical and metabolic activity analyses. Food Research International, 7 (3): 627-635.
  • Biyela, B.N.E., Du Toit, W.J., Divol, B., Malherbe, D.F. and Van Rensburg, P. (2009). The production of reduced-alcohol wines using Gluzyme Monor 10.000 BG-treated grape juice. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 30(2): 124-132.
  • Blandino, A., Macı́as, M. and Cantero, D. (2002). Modelling and simulation of a bienzymatic reaction system co-immobilised within hydrogel-membrane liquid-core capsules. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 31(4): 556-565.
  • Castellari, M., Matricardi, L., Arfelli, G., Carpi, G. and Galassi, S. (2000). Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing and of glucose oxidase-catalase addition on the color stability and sensorial score of grape juice. Food Science and Technology International, 6(1): 17-23.
  • Champagne, C.P., Gomes da Cruz, A. and Daga, M. (2018). Strategies to improve the functionality of probiotics in supplements and foods. Current Opinion in Food Science, 22: 160-166.
  • Chang, C.H. and Zhao X.H. (2012). In vitro digestibility and rheological properties of caseinates treated by an oxidative system containing horseradish peroxidase, glucose oxidase and glucose. International Dairy Journal, 27(1-2): 47-52.
  • Clarke, K.G., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Price, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. (2006). Location of glucose oxidase during production by Aspergillus niger. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 70(1): 72-77.
  • Corcoran, B.M., Stanton, C., Fitzgerald, G. and Ross, R.P. (2008). Life under stress: The probiotic stress response and how it may be manipulated. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 14(14): 1382-1399.
  • Cruz, A.G, Walter, E.H.M., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A.F., Bolini, H.M.A. and Sant’Ana, A. (2010b). Survival analysis methodology to predict the shelf-life of probiotic flavored yoghurt. Food Research International, 43(5): 1444-1448.
  • Cruz, A.G., Antunes, A.E.C., Sousa, A.L.O.P., Faria, J.A.F. and Saad, S.M.I. (2009). Ice-cream as a probiotic food carrier. Food Research International, 42(9): 1233-1239. Cruz, A.G., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A., Bolini, H.M., Dantas, C., Ferreira, M.M. and Deliza, R. (2012b). Parafac: Adjustment for modeling consumer study covering probiotic and conventional yogurt. Food Research International, 45(1): 211-215.
  • Cruz, A.G., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A., Oliveira, C.A., Cavalcanti, R.N., Bona, E., Bolini, M.A. and Da Silva, M.A.A. (2011). Consumer acceptability and purchase intent of probiotic yoghurt with added glucose oxidase using sensometrics, artificial neural networks and logistic regression. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64(4): 549-556.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J., Bolini, H.M.A., Celeghini, R.M.S., Raices, R.S.L., Oliveira, C.A.F., Freitas, M.Q., Conte Junior, C.A. and Mársico, E.T. (2013). Stability of probiotic yogurt added with glucose oxidase in plastic materials with different permeability oxygen rates during the refrigerated storage. Food Research International, 51(2): 723-728.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J.A.F., Bogusz, S., Granato, D. and Celeguini, R.M.S. (2012c). Glucose oxidase: A potential option to decrease the oxidative stress in stirred probiotic yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 47(2): 512-515.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J.A.F., Lollo, P.C.B., Amaya-Farfán, J., Freitas, M.Q., Rodrigues, D., Oliveira, C.A.F. and Godoy, H.T. (2012a). Probiotic yogurts manufactured with increased glucose oxidase levels: Postacidification, proteolytic patterns, survival of probiotic microorganisms, production of organic acid and aroma compounds. Journal of Dairy Science, 95(5): 2261-2269.
  • Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F. and Van Dender, A.G.F. (2007). Packaging system and probiotic dairy foods. Food Research International, 40(8): 951-956.
  • Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F., Walter, E.H.M., Andrade, R.R., Cavalcanti, R.N., Oliveira, C.A.F. and Granato, D. (2010a). Processing optimization of probiotic yoghurt containing glucose oxidase using the response surface methodology. Journal of Dairy Science, 93 (11): 5059-5068.
  • Dahm, L. (2006). Enzymes and cultures. Dairy Field, 189(6): 73.
  • Ebel, B., Martin, F., Le, L.D.T., Gervais, P. and Cachon, R. (2011). Use of gases to improve survival of Bifidobacterium bifidum by modifying redox potential in fermented milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(5): 2185-2191.
  • Feng, T. and Wang J. (2020). Oxidative stress tolerance and antioxidant capacity of lactic acid bacteria as probiotic: A systematic review. Gut Microbes, 12(1): 1801944.
  • Fernandes, P. (2018). Enzymatic Processing in The Food Industry. Reference Module in Food Science, 1st ed., Ed: G. Smithers. Elsevier, Portugal, pp.1-11.
  • Figueroa-González, I., Quijano, G., Ramírez, G. and Cruz-Guerrero, A. (2011). Probiotics and prebiotics-Perspectives and challenges. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91(8): 1341-1348.
  • Giraffa, G. (2012). Selection and design of lactic acid bacteria probiotic cultures. Engineering in Life Sciences, 12(4): 391-398.
  • Godjevargova, T., Dayal, R. and Marinov, I. (2004a). Simultaneous covalent immobilization of glucose oxidase and catalase onto chemically modified acrylonitrile copolymer membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 91(6): 4057-4063.
  • Godjevargova, T., Dayal, R. and Turmanova, S. (2004b). Gluconic acid production in bioreactor with immobilized glucose oxidase plus catalase on polymer membrane adjacent to anionexchange membrane. Macromolecular Bioscience, 4(10): 950-956.
  • Goodsell, D.S. (2006). Glucose oxidase. Molecule of the month. PCSB Protein Data Bank.
  • Govender, M., Choonara, Y.K., Kumar, P., du Toit, L.C., van Vuuren, S. ve Pillay, S., 2014. A review of theadvancements in probiotic delivery: Conventional vs non-conventional formulations for intestinal flora supplementation. The Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal, 15(1): 29-43.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F. and Shah, N.P. (2010b). Probiotic dairy products as functional foods. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(5): 455-470.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Nazzaro, F., Cruz, A.G. and Faria, J.A. (2010a). Functional foods and nondairy probiotic food development: trends, concepts, and products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(3): 292-302.
  • Guo, M., Fang, H., Wang, R., Yang, Z. and Xu, X. (2011). Electrodeposition of chitosan-glucose oxidase biocomposite onto Pt–Pb nanoparticles modified stainless steel needle electrode for amperometric glucose biosensor. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 22(8): 1985-1992.
  • Hanft, F. and Koehler, P. (2006). Studies on the effect of glucose oxidase in bread making. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86(11): 1699-1704.
  • Heck, T., Faccio, G., Richter, M. and Thöny-Meyer, L. (2013). Enzyme-catalyzed protein crosslinking. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 97(2): 461-475.
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Glikoz Oksidaz Enzimi Mekanizması ve Süt Ürünlerinde Probiyotik Bakterilerin Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisi

Yıl 2021, Sayı: 26, 1 - 9, 29.08.2021



Probiyotik bakterilerin gelişimi için uygun ortama sahip fonksiyonel süt ürünleri düzenli olarak tüketildiğinde bağırsak mikrobiyotası ve bağışıklık sistemi üzerinde olumlu etkiler göstermektedir. Probiyotik ürünlerin sağlığı geliştirici faydaları raf ömrü süresince bakteri canlılığının belli sayıda korunması ile sağlanmaktadır. Bu sebeple, gıdanın fonksiyonel özellikleri geliştirilirken aynı zamanda canlı mikroorganizmaların varlığının da sürdürülebilmesi için glikoz oksidaz enzimi ilavesi teknolojik olarak uygulanan yöntemlerden birisidir. Bu derlemede, glikoz oksidaz enzimi mekanizmasının, gıdalarda uygulamaları, foksiyonel süt ürünlerinde probiyotik bakterilerin gelişimi ve aktivitesinin korunması üzerine etkileri açıklanmaktadır.



  • Afjeh, M.E.A., Pourahmad, R., Akbari-Adergani, B. and Azin, M. (2019). Use of glucose oxidase immobilized on magnetic chitosan nanoparticles in probiotic drinking yogurt. Food Science of Animal Resources, 39(1): 73-83.
  • Akin, M.B. and Dasnik, F. (2015). Effects of ascorbic acid and glucose oxidase levels on the viability of probiotic bacteria and the physical and sensory characteristics in symbiotic ice-cream. Mljekarstvo, 65(2): 121-129.
  • Bao, J., Furumoto, K., Fukunaga, K. and Nakao, K. (2001). A kinetic study on air oxidation of glucose catalyzed by immobilized glucose oxidase for production of calcium gluconate. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 8(2): 91-102.
  • Bao, J., Furumoto, K., Yoshimoto, M., Fukunaga, K. and Nakao, K. (2003). Competitive inhibition by hydrogen peroxide produced in glucose oxidation catalyzed by glucose oxidase. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 13(1): 69-72.
  • Batista, A.L., Silva, R., Cappato, L.P., Almada, C.N., Garcia, R.K., Silva, M.C. and Cruz, A. G. (2015). Quality parameters of probiotic yogurt added to glucose oxidase compared to commercial products through microbiological, physical-chemical and metabolic activity analyses. Food Research International, 7 (3): 627-635.
  • Biyela, B.N.E., Du Toit, W.J., Divol, B., Malherbe, D.F. and Van Rensburg, P. (2009). The production of reduced-alcohol wines using Gluzyme Monor 10.000 BG-treated grape juice. South African Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 30(2): 124-132.
  • Blandino, A., Macı́as, M. and Cantero, D. (2002). Modelling and simulation of a bienzymatic reaction system co-immobilised within hydrogel-membrane liquid-core capsules. Enzyme and Microbial Technology, 31(4): 556-565.
  • Castellari, M., Matricardi, L., Arfelli, G., Carpi, G. and Galassi, S. (2000). Effects of high hydrostatic pressure processing and of glucose oxidase-catalase addition on the color stability and sensorial score of grape juice. Food Science and Technology International, 6(1): 17-23.
  • Champagne, C.P., Gomes da Cruz, A. and Daga, M. (2018). Strategies to improve the functionality of probiotics in supplements and foods. Current Opinion in Food Science, 22: 160-166.
  • Chang, C.H. and Zhao X.H. (2012). In vitro digestibility and rheological properties of caseinates treated by an oxidative system containing horseradish peroxidase, glucose oxidase and glucose. International Dairy Journal, 27(1-2): 47-52.
  • Clarke, K.G., Johnstone-Robertson, M., Price, B. and Harrison, S.T.L. (2006). Location of glucose oxidase during production by Aspergillus niger. Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 70(1): 72-77.
  • Corcoran, B.M., Stanton, C., Fitzgerald, G. and Ross, R.P. (2008). Life under stress: The probiotic stress response and how it may be manipulated. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 14(14): 1382-1399.
  • Cruz, A.G, Walter, E.H.M., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A.F., Bolini, H.M.A. and Sant’Ana, A. (2010b). Survival analysis methodology to predict the shelf-life of probiotic flavored yoghurt. Food Research International, 43(5): 1444-1448.
  • Cruz, A.G., Antunes, A.E.C., Sousa, A.L.O.P., Faria, J.A.F. and Saad, S.M.I. (2009). Ice-cream as a probiotic food carrier. Food Research International, 42(9): 1233-1239. Cruz, A.G., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A., Bolini, H.M., Dantas, C., Ferreira, M.M. and Deliza, R. (2012b). Parafac: Adjustment for modeling consumer study covering probiotic and conventional yogurt. Food Research International, 45(1): 211-215.
  • Cruz, A.G., Cadena, R.S., Faria, J.A., Oliveira, C.A., Cavalcanti, R.N., Bona, E., Bolini, M.A. and Da Silva, M.A.A. (2011). Consumer acceptability and purchase intent of probiotic yoghurt with added glucose oxidase using sensometrics, artificial neural networks and logistic regression. International Journal of Dairy Technology, 64(4): 549-556.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J., Bolini, H.M.A., Celeghini, R.M.S., Raices, R.S.L., Oliveira, C.A.F., Freitas, M.Q., Conte Junior, C.A. and Mársico, E.T. (2013). Stability of probiotic yogurt added with glucose oxidase in plastic materials with different permeability oxygen rates during the refrigerated storage. Food Research International, 51(2): 723-728.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J.A.F., Bogusz, S., Granato, D. and Celeguini, R.M.S. (2012c). Glucose oxidase: A potential option to decrease the oxidative stress in stirred probiotic yogurt. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 47(2): 512-515.
  • Cruz, A.G., Castro, W.F., Faria, J.A.F., Lollo, P.C.B., Amaya-Farfán, J., Freitas, M.Q., Rodrigues, D., Oliveira, C.A.F. and Godoy, H.T. (2012a). Probiotic yogurts manufactured with increased glucose oxidase levels: Postacidification, proteolytic patterns, survival of probiotic microorganisms, production of organic acid and aroma compounds. Journal of Dairy Science, 95(5): 2261-2269.
  • Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F. and Van Dender, A.G.F. (2007). Packaging system and probiotic dairy foods. Food Research International, 40(8): 951-956.
  • Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F., Walter, E.H.M., Andrade, R.R., Cavalcanti, R.N., Oliveira, C.A.F. and Granato, D. (2010a). Processing optimization of probiotic yoghurt containing glucose oxidase using the response surface methodology. Journal of Dairy Science, 93 (11): 5059-5068.
  • Dahm, L. (2006). Enzymes and cultures. Dairy Field, 189(6): 73.
  • Ebel, B., Martin, F., Le, L.D.T., Gervais, P. and Cachon, R. (2011). Use of gases to improve survival of Bifidobacterium bifidum by modifying redox potential in fermented milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 94(5): 2185-2191.
  • Feng, T. and Wang J. (2020). Oxidative stress tolerance and antioxidant capacity of lactic acid bacteria as probiotic: A systematic review. Gut Microbes, 12(1): 1801944.
  • Fernandes, P. (2018). Enzymatic Processing in The Food Industry. Reference Module in Food Science, 1st ed., Ed: G. Smithers. Elsevier, Portugal, pp.1-11.
  • Figueroa-González, I., Quijano, G., Ramírez, G. and Cruz-Guerrero, A. (2011). Probiotics and prebiotics-Perspectives and challenges. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 91(8): 1341-1348.
  • Giraffa, G. (2012). Selection and design of lactic acid bacteria probiotic cultures. Engineering in Life Sciences, 12(4): 391-398.
  • Godjevargova, T., Dayal, R. and Marinov, I. (2004a). Simultaneous covalent immobilization of glucose oxidase and catalase onto chemically modified acrylonitrile copolymer membranes. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 91(6): 4057-4063.
  • Godjevargova, T., Dayal, R. and Turmanova, S. (2004b). Gluconic acid production in bioreactor with immobilized glucose oxidase plus catalase on polymer membrane adjacent to anionexchange membrane. Macromolecular Bioscience, 4(10): 950-956.
  • Goodsell, D.S. (2006). Glucose oxidase. Molecule of the month. PCSB Protein Data Bank.
  • Govender, M., Choonara, Y.K., Kumar, P., du Toit, L.C., van Vuuren, S. ve Pillay, S., 2014. A review of theadvancements in probiotic delivery: Conventional vs non-conventional formulations for intestinal flora supplementation. The Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists Journal, 15(1): 29-43.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Cruz, A.G., Faria, J.A.F. and Shah, N.P. (2010b). Probiotic dairy products as functional foods. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(5): 455-470.
  • Granato, D., Branco, G.F., Nazzaro, F., Cruz, A.G. and Faria, J.A. (2010a). Functional foods and nondairy probiotic food development: trends, concepts, and products. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 9(3): 292-302.
  • Guo, M., Fang, H., Wang, R., Yang, Z. and Xu, X. (2011). Electrodeposition of chitosan-glucose oxidase biocomposite onto Pt–Pb nanoparticles modified stainless steel needle electrode for amperometric glucose biosensor. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine, 22(8): 1985-1992.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Gıda ve Yem Bilimi-Teknolojisi Dergisi

Hatice Altınkaynak Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-3231-005X

Tülay Özcan Bu kişi benim 0000-0002-0223-3807

Yayımlanma Tarihi 29 Ağustos 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021 Sayı: 26

Kaynak Göster

APA Altınkaynak, H., & Özcan, T. (2021). Glikoz Oksidaz Enzimi Mekanizması ve Süt Ürünlerinde Probiyotik Bakterilerin Gelişimi Üzerine Etkisi. Gıda Ve Yem Bilimi Teknolojisi Dergisi(26), 1-9.

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 Journal of Food and Feed Science-Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0