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Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirliklerinde Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Sosyal Girişimcilik

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18, 70 - 85, 30.12.2019


sorunların doğası ve değişen nedenleri, yenilikçi düşünme ve girişimcilik
eylemleri gerektirmektedir. Toplumlar sürekli olarak sosyal, ekonomik ve
politik değişikliklere uğramaktadır. Yeni ihtiyaçlar doğmakta veya kentsel
dönüşüm, uyuşturucu, suç, kötü barınma koşulları, gençler veya yaşlılar için
rehabilitasyon tesislerinin yokluğu gibi eski sorunlar yeniden
şekillenmektedir. Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirlikleri (KÖSİ) ve sosyal girişimciler
bu tür zorlukların üstesinden gelmede önem kazanmaktadır. Mevcut KÖSİ
literatürü, KÖSİ'lerin mekanik gerekliliklerinin ötesine geçememekte ve
bunların uygulamasının altında yatan sosyal dinamiklere yer verilmemektedir.
Bir KÖSİ projesi başlatmak ve uygulamak için çeşitli sosyal aktörlerin
faaliyetlerini ve stratejilerini araştırmak suretiyle bu açığı ele almak
oldukça önemlidir. KÖSİ’ler s
osyal organizasyonlarda veya kar amacı gütmeyen motifleri olan alanlarda
yenilikçi ve girişimci değişikliklere etkili bir şekilde öncülük ederler.
Sosyal girişimciler, topluluk işletmeleri, kooperatifler, KÖSİ’ler gibi
kuruluşlar aracılığıyla sosyal ve ticari hedefleri bağdaştırmaktadırlar.  Ayrıca sosyal girişimciler KÖSİ’ler
aracılığıyla sosyal sermayenin yaratılmasında önemli bir rol oynamaktadırlar.
Çalışmada KÖSİ
projelerinde sosyal aktörlerin önemi vurgulanmaktadır. KÖSİ projelerinde sosyal
sorumluluk faktörlerinin dikkate alınmasının önemi deskriptif yöntemle


  • Abramov, I. (2009). Building Peace in Fragile States – Building Trust is Essential for Effective Public–Private Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(S4), 481-494.
  • Akintoye A., Beck M. & Hardcastle C. (2003). Public–Private Partnerships: Managing Risks and Opportunities. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
  • Amelio, S. (2017). CSR and Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of the European Union. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 5(3), 335-354.
  • Bergere, F. (2015). Ten Years of PPP: an Initial Assessment. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 15(1), 31–123.
  • Biygautane M., Neesham, C., & Al-Yahya, K. O. (2019). Institutional Entrepreneurship and Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (PPP): Unpacking the Role of Social Actors in Implementing PPP Projects. International Journal of Project Management 37, 192-219.
  • Bruton, G. D., Ketchen, D. & Ireland, D. (2013). Entrepreneurship as a Solution to Poverty. Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 683-689.
  • Chan, A. P. C., Lam, P. T. I., Chan, D. W. M., Cheung, E. & Ke, Y. (2009). Drivers for Adopting Public Private Partnerships—Empirical Comparison Between China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(11), 1115-1124.
  • Chan, A. P. C., Lam, P. T. I., Chan, D. W. M., Cheung, E. & Ke, Y. (2010). Potential Obstacles to Successful Implementation of Public-Private Partnerships in Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Journal of Management in Engineering, 26(1), 30-40.
  • Dacin, M. T., Dacin, P. A., & Tracey, P. (2011). Social Entrepreneurship: A Critique and Future Directions. Organization Science, 22(5), 1203-1213.
  • Defourny, J., ve Nyssens, M. (2010). Social Enterprise in Europe: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Third Sector. Policy and Society, 29(3), 231-242.
  • Gediz Oral, B. (2017). Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirlikleri Finansmanı Rant Vergisi. ISBN 978-605344-491-6, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • George, G., McGahan, A. M. & Prabhu, J. (2012). Innovation for Inclusive Growth: Towards a Theoretical Framework and a Research Agenda. Journal of Management Studies, 49(4), 661-683.
  • George, G., Rao-Nicholson, R., Corbishley, C. & Bansal, R. (2015). Institutional Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Poverty: Insights from Emergency Medical Response Services in India. Asia Pac J Manag 32, 39-65.
  • Grimsey D. ve Lewis M. (2004). Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution in Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Hall, J., Matos, S., Sheehan, L., & Silvestre, B. (2012). Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: A Recipe for Inclusive Growth or Social Exclusion?. Journal of Management Studies, 49(4), 785-812.
  • Hofmeister A. ve Borchert H. (2004). Public-Private Partnership in Switzerland: Crossing the Bridge with the Aid of a New Governance Approach. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 70(2), 217-232.
  • Kivleniece, I., ve Quelin, B. V. (2012). Creating and Capturing Value in Public-Private Ties: A Private Actor’s Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 37(2), 272-299.
  • Kyvelou, S., Marava, N. & Kokkoni, G. (2011). Perspectives of Local Public‐Private Partnerships towards Urban Sustainability in Greece. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 14(1/2), 95-11.
  • Lamy, E. (2019). How to Make Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable? A Diagnosis and a Few Elements of a Response. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(3), 645-662.
  • Lund-Thomsen, P. (2009). Assessing the impact of public–private partnerships in the Global South: The Case of the Kasur Tanneries Pollution Control Project. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(1), 57-78.
  • Mahoney, J. T., McGahan, A. M., & Pitelis, C. N. (2009). Perspective—The Interdependence of Private and Public Interests. Organization Science, 20(6), 1034-1052.
  • McDermott, G. A., Corredoira, R., & Kruse, G. (2009). Public-Private Institutions as Catalysts of Upgrading in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 1270-1296.
  • McQuaid, R.W. (2002). Social Entrepreneurship and Public Private Partnerships. in: Montanheiro, L., Berger, S. and G. Skomsoy (eds), Public and Private Sector Partnerships – Exploring Co-operation, Sheffield Hallam University Press, Sheffiel, 291-300.
  • Mendel, S. C. (2019). Social Enterprise. Chapter Proposal for "Teaching Nonprofit Management",, Erişim tarihi: 21.02.2019.
  • Mouraviev N. ve Kakabadse N. (2014). Public-Private Partnerships in Russia: Dynamics Contributing to an Emerging Policy Paradigm. Policy Studies, 35(1), 79-96.
  • Mouraviev, N. ve Kakabadse, N. K. (2016). Public–Private Partnerships in Kazakhstan and Russia: The Interplay Between Social Value, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. In: Nicolopoulou, K., Karatas Ozkan, M., Janssen, F. and Jermier, J. (eds.) Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, ISBN 9781138812666, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Nyssens, M. (Ed.). (2006). Social Enterprise: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society. London: Routledge.
  • Osei-Kyei, R. ve Chan, A. P. C. (2016). Developing Transport Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa through Public–Private Partnerships: Policy Practice and Implications. Transport Reviews, 36(2), 170-186.
  • Osei-Kyei, R. ve Chan, A. P. C. (2017). Implementation Constraints in Public-Private Partnership: Empirical Comparison Between Developing and Developed Economies/Countries. Journal of Facilities Management, 15(1), 90-106.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Yu, Y., Chen, C., Ke, Y., & Tijani, B. (2019). Social Responsibility Initiatives for Public-Private Partnership Projects: A Comparative Study between China and Ghana. Sustainability, 11, 1338, 1-14.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A.P., Javed, A.A., & Ameyaw, E. E. (2017). Critical Success Criteria for Public-Private Partnership Projects: International Experts Opinion. Int. J. Strateg. Prop. Manag., 21, 87-100.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Dansoh, A. & Ofori‐Kuragu, J. K. (2014). Reasons for Adopting Public–Private Partnership (PPP) for Construction Projects in Ghana. International Journal of Construction Management, 14(4), 227-238.
  • Pardo-Bosch, F. ve Aguado, A. (2016). Sustainability as the Key to Prioritize Investments in Public Infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 60, 40-51.
  • Patil, N.A., Tharun, D. & Laishram, B. (2016). Infrastructure Development Through PPPS in India: Criteria for Sustainability Assessment. J. Environ. Plan. Manag., 59, 708-729.
  • Regan, M., Smith, J. & Love, P. (2011). Infrastructure Procurement: Learning from Private–Public Partnership Experiences Down under. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 29(2), 363-378.
  • Reynaers A.M. ve de Graaf G. (2010). Public Values in Public–Private Partnerships. International Journal of Public Administration, 37, 120-132.
  • Smyth, H. (2008). The Credibility Gap in Stakeholder Management: Ethics and Evidence of Relationship Management. Construction Management and Economics, 26(6), 633-643.
  • Trotsenko, O. S. (2018). Public-Private Partnership as a Complex Interdisciplinary Concept in The Conditions of Modern Industrialization. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol. 240, 2nd International Scientific Conference on New Industrialization: Global, National, Regional Dimension (SICNI 2018), 247-250, Erişim tarihi: 24.02.2019.
  • Urio P. (2010). Public-Private Partnerships: Success and Failure Factors for In-Transition Countries. University Press of America.
  • Van der Wal Z. ve Huberts L. (2008). “Value Solidity in Government and Business: Results of an Empirical Study on Public and Private Sector Organizational Values. The American Review of Public Administration, 38, 264-285.
  • Vining A. ve Boardman A. (2008). Public-Private Partnerships. Eight Rules for Governments. Public Works Management & Policy, 13(2), 149-161.
  • Wilkinson, C., Medhurst, J., Henry, N., & Wihlborg, M. (2014). A Map of Social Enterprises and Their Eco-Systems in Europe. Brussels: A report submitted by ICF Consulting Services, European Commission. Yu, Y. Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Chen, C., & Martek, I. (2018). Review of Social Responsibility Factors for Sustainable Development in Public–Private Partnerships. Sustainable Development, 1-10.
  • Zeng, S. X., Ma, H. Y., Lin, H., Zeng, R. C., & Tam, V. W. Y. (2015). Social Responsibility of Major Infrastructure Projects in China. International Journal of Project Management, 33(3), 537-548.

Social Responsibility And Social Entrepreneurship In Public Private Partnerships

Yıl 2019, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18, 70 - 85, 30.12.2019


nature and changing causes of social problems require innovative consideration
and entrepreneurial actions. Societies are constantly undergoing social,
economic and political changes. New needs are emerging or old problems such as
urban transformation, drugs, crime, poor housing conditions, lack of
rehabilitation facilities for young people or elderly people are being
reshaped. Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) and social entrepreneurs gain
importance in overcoming such challenges. Because the current PPPs literature
does not go beyond the mechanistic requirements of the PPPs and does not
include the social dynamics underlying their implementation. It is important to
address this gap by investigating the activities and strategies of various
social actors to initiate and implement a PPP project. PPPs effectively lead to
innovative and entrepreneurial changes in social organizations or in areas with
non-profit motifs. They link social and commercial goals through organizations
such as social entrepreneurs, community enterprises, cooperatives, and PPPs. In
addition, social entrepreneurs play an important role in the creation of social
capital through the PPPs. In the study, the importance of social actors in PPP
projects is emphasized theoretically. The importance of considering social
responsibility factors in PPP projects is discussed with descriptive method.


  • Abramov, I. (2009). Building Peace in Fragile States – Building Trust is Essential for Effective Public–Private Partnerships. Journal of Business Ethics, 89(S4), 481-494.
  • Akintoye A., Beck M. & Hardcastle C. (2003). Public–Private Partnerships: Managing Risks and Opportunities. Oxford: Blackwell Science.
  • Amelio, S. (2017). CSR and Social Entrepreneurship: The Role of the European Union. Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 5(3), 335-354.
  • Bergere, F. (2015). Ten Years of PPP: an Initial Assessment. OECD Journal on Budgeting, 15(1), 31–123.
  • Biygautane M., Neesham, C., & Al-Yahya, K. O. (2019). Institutional Entrepreneurship and Infrastructure Public-Private Partnership (PPP): Unpacking the Role of Social Actors in Implementing PPP Projects. International Journal of Project Management 37, 192-219.
  • Bruton, G. D., Ketchen, D. & Ireland, D. (2013). Entrepreneurship as a Solution to Poverty. Journal of Business Venturing, 28, 683-689.
  • Chan, A. P. C., Lam, P. T. I., Chan, D. W. M., Cheung, E. & Ke, Y. (2009). Drivers for Adopting Public Private Partnerships—Empirical Comparison Between China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 135(11), 1115-1124.
  • Chan, A. P. C., Lam, P. T. I., Chan, D. W. M., Cheung, E. & Ke, Y. (2010). Potential Obstacles to Successful Implementation of Public-Private Partnerships in Beijing and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Journal of Management in Engineering, 26(1), 30-40.
  • Dacin, M. T., Dacin, P. A., & Tracey, P. (2011). Social Entrepreneurship: A Critique and Future Directions. Organization Science, 22(5), 1203-1213.
  • Defourny, J., ve Nyssens, M. (2010). Social Enterprise in Europe: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Third Sector. Policy and Society, 29(3), 231-242.
  • Gediz Oral, B. (2017). Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirlikleri Finansmanı Rant Vergisi. ISBN 978-605344-491-6, Ankara: Gazi Kitabevi.
  • George, G., McGahan, A. M. & Prabhu, J. (2012). Innovation for Inclusive Growth: Towards a Theoretical Framework and a Research Agenda. Journal of Management Studies, 49(4), 661-683.
  • George, G., Rao-Nicholson, R., Corbishley, C. & Bansal, R. (2015). Institutional Entrepreneurship, Governance, and Poverty: Insights from Emergency Medical Response Services in India. Asia Pac J Manag 32, 39-65.
  • Grimsey D. ve Lewis M. (2004). Public Private Partnerships: The Worldwide Revolution in Infrastructure Provision and Project Finance. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Hall, J., Matos, S., Sheehan, L., & Silvestre, B. (2012). Entrepreneurship and Innovation at the Base of the Pyramid: A Recipe for Inclusive Growth or Social Exclusion?. Journal of Management Studies, 49(4), 785-812.
  • Hofmeister A. ve Borchert H. (2004). Public-Private Partnership in Switzerland: Crossing the Bridge with the Aid of a New Governance Approach. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 70(2), 217-232.
  • Kivleniece, I., ve Quelin, B. V. (2012). Creating and Capturing Value in Public-Private Ties: A Private Actor’s Perspective. Academy of Management Review, 37(2), 272-299.
  • Kyvelou, S., Marava, N. & Kokkoni, G. (2011). Perspectives of Local Public‐Private Partnerships towards Urban Sustainability in Greece. International Journal of Sustainable Development, 14(1/2), 95-11.
  • Lamy, E. (2019). How to Make Social Entrepreneurship Sustainable? A Diagnosis and a Few Elements of a Response. Journal of Business Ethics, 155(3), 645-662.
  • Lund-Thomsen, P. (2009). Assessing the impact of public–private partnerships in the Global South: The Case of the Kasur Tanneries Pollution Control Project. Journal of Business Ethics, 90(1), 57-78.
  • Mahoney, J. T., McGahan, A. M., & Pitelis, C. N. (2009). Perspective—The Interdependence of Private and Public Interests. Organization Science, 20(6), 1034-1052.
  • McDermott, G. A., Corredoira, R., & Kruse, G. (2009). Public-Private Institutions as Catalysts of Upgrading in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Journal, 52, 1270-1296.
  • McQuaid, R.W. (2002). Social Entrepreneurship and Public Private Partnerships. in: Montanheiro, L., Berger, S. and G. Skomsoy (eds), Public and Private Sector Partnerships – Exploring Co-operation, Sheffield Hallam University Press, Sheffiel, 291-300.
  • Mendel, S. C. (2019). Social Enterprise. Chapter Proposal for "Teaching Nonprofit Management",, Erişim tarihi: 21.02.2019.
  • Mouraviev N. ve Kakabadse N. (2014). Public-Private Partnerships in Russia: Dynamics Contributing to an Emerging Policy Paradigm. Policy Studies, 35(1), 79-96.
  • Mouraviev, N. ve Kakabadse, N. K. (2016). Public–Private Partnerships in Kazakhstan and Russia: The Interplay Between Social Value, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability. In: Nicolopoulou, K., Karatas Ozkan, M., Janssen, F. and Jermier, J. (eds.) Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation, ISBN 9781138812666, Abingdon: Routledge.
  • Nyssens, M. (Ed.). (2006). Social Enterprise: At the Crossroads of Market, Public Policies and Civil Society. London: Routledge.
  • Osei-Kyei, R. ve Chan, A. P. C. (2016). Developing Transport Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa through Public–Private Partnerships: Policy Practice and Implications. Transport Reviews, 36(2), 170-186.
  • Osei-Kyei, R. ve Chan, A. P. C. (2017). Implementation Constraints in Public-Private Partnership: Empirical Comparison Between Developing and Developed Economies/Countries. Journal of Facilities Management, 15(1), 90-106.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Yu, Y., Chen, C., Ke, Y., & Tijani, B. (2019). Social Responsibility Initiatives for Public-Private Partnership Projects: A Comparative Study between China and Ghana. Sustainability, 11, 1338, 1-14.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A.P., Javed, A.A., & Ameyaw, E. E. (2017). Critical Success Criteria for Public-Private Partnership Projects: International Experts Opinion. Int. J. Strateg. Prop. Manag., 21, 87-100.
  • Osei-Kyei, R., Dansoh, A. & Ofori‐Kuragu, J. K. (2014). Reasons for Adopting Public–Private Partnership (PPP) for Construction Projects in Ghana. International Journal of Construction Management, 14(4), 227-238.
  • Pardo-Bosch, F. ve Aguado, A. (2016). Sustainability as the Key to Prioritize Investments in Public Infrastructures. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 60, 40-51.
  • Patil, N.A., Tharun, D. & Laishram, B. (2016). Infrastructure Development Through PPPS in India: Criteria for Sustainability Assessment. J. Environ. Plan. Manag., 59, 708-729.
  • Regan, M., Smith, J. & Love, P. (2011). Infrastructure Procurement: Learning from Private–Public Partnership Experiences Down under. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 29(2), 363-378.
  • Reynaers A.M. ve de Graaf G. (2010). Public Values in Public–Private Partnerships. International Journal of Public Administration, 37, 120-132.
  • Smyth, H. (2008). The Credibility Gap in Stakeholder Management: Ethics and Evidence of Relationship Management. Construction Management and Economics, 26(6), 633-643.
  • Trotsenko, O. S. (2018). Public-Private Partnership as a Complex Interdisciplinary Concept in The Conditions of Modern Industrialization. Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, Vol. 240, 2nd International Scientific Conference on New Industrialization: Global, National, Regional Dimension (SICNI 2018), 247-250, Erişim tarihi: 24.02.2019.
  • Urio P. (2010). Public-Private Partnerships: Success and Failure Factors for In-Transition Countries. University Press of America.
  • Van der Wal Z. ve Huberts L. (2008). “Value Solidity in Government and Business: Results of an Empirical Study on Public and Private Sector Organizational Values. The American Review of Public Administration, 38, 264-285.
  • Vining A. ve Boardman A. (2008). Public-Private Partnerships. Eight Rules for Governments. Public Works Management & Policy, 13(2), 149-161.
  • Wilkinson, C., Medhurst, J., Henry, N., & Wihlborg, M. (2014). A Map of Social Enterprises and Their Eco-Systems in Europe. Brussels: A report submitted by ICF Consulting Services, European Commission. Yu, Y. Osei-Kyei, R., Chan, A. P. C., Chen, C., & Martek, I. (2018). Review of Social Responsibility Factors for Sustainable Development in Public–Private Partnerships. Sustainable Development, 1-10.
  • Zeng, S. X., Ma, H. Y., Lin, H., Zeng, R. C., & Tam, V. W. Y. (2015). Social Responsibility of Major Infrastructure Projects in China. International Journal of Project Management, 33(3), 537-548.
Toplam 43 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Burcu Gediz Oral

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 18

Kaynak Göster

APA Gediz Oral, B. (2019). Kamu Özel Sektör İşbirliklerinde Sosyal Sorumluluk ve Sosyal Girişimcilik. Gümrük Ve Ticaret Dergisi, 6(18), 70-85.

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