Bu çalışma kapsamında Yeniyol (Borçka-Artvin)
Mahallesi’deki yeni devlet hastanesinin inşaatı için açılan zemin şevinde
meydana gelen duraysızlık problemi mühendislik jeolojisi açısından
incelenmiştir. Yapılan çalışmalar sırasıyla arazi, laboratuvar ve duraylılık
analizi çalışmaları olmak üzere üç aşamada yürütülmüştür. Bu amaçla toplam 108
m derinliğinde 3 adet sondaj kuyusu açılmış, 1 profilde jeofizik çalışmalar
gerçekleştirilmiş ve 1 sondaj kuyusunda inklinometre ölçümleri yapılmıştır.
Arazi çalışmaları sonucunda ana kayayı Eosen yaşlı Kabaköy Formasyonu’na ait volkanik
kayaçların oluşturduğu ve bu birimlerin üzerine alttan üstte doğru
kumlu-çakıllı ve killi-siltli olmak üzere iki seviyeden oluşan yamaç molozunun
geldiği saptanmıştır. Yamaç molozunun fiziko-mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek
için araştırma sondajlarından örselenmemiş örnekler alınmıştır. Arazi ve
laboratuvar çalışmalarından elde edilen veriler yardımıyla sonlu elemanlar
tabanlı 2D ve 3D Kayma Dayanımı Azaltma Yaklaşımı (FEM-SSR) yöntemleri
kullanılarak duraylılık analizleri yapılmış ve sonuçlarının birbiriyle uyumlu
olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak kazı şevinde önlem alınmaması durumunda önüne
geçilemez mühendislik sorunlarıyla karşılaşılacağı belirlenmiştir. Destekleme
yöntemi olarak ise fore
kazık uygulamasının yapılması önerilmektedir.
Alemdağ, S., Akgün, A., Kaya, A. ve Gökceoğlu, C., 2014. A large and rapid planar failure: causes, mechanism and consequences (Mordut, Gumushane, Turkey). Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 7 (3), 1205-1221.
Alemdağ, S., Kaya, A., Karadağ, M., Gürocak, Z. ve Bulut F., 2015. Utilization of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods for the stability analysis of the slope debris: an example of the Kalebasi district (NE Turkey). Journal of African Earth Science, 106, 134-146.
ASTM, 2005. Standard test methods for liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D4318, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2006. Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D2487, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2007. Standard test method for particle-size analysis of soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D422, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2009. Standard test methods for laboratory determination of density (unit weight) of soil specimens. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D7263-09, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2017. Standard test method for consolidated undrained direct simple shear testing of fine grain soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D6528-17, Philedelphia, USA.
Cheng, Y.M., Liu, H.T., Wei, W.B. ve Au, S.K., 2005. Location of critical three-dimensional non-spherical failure surface by NURBS functions and ellipsoid with applications to highway slopes. Computers and Geotechnics, 32 (6), 387-399.
Griffiths, D.V. ve Marquez, R.M., 2007. Three-dimensional slope stability analysis by elasto-plastic finite elements. Geotechnique, 57 (6), 537-546.
Gürocak, Z., Alemdağ, S. ve Musharraf, Z., 2008. Rock slope stability and excavatability assessment of rocks at the Kapikaya dam site Turkey. Engineering Geology, 96 (1-2),17-27.
Güven, İ.H., 1993. Doğu Pontidlerin jeolojisi ve 1/250000 ölçekli komplikasyonu. MTA, Ankara.
Kaya A., 2017. Geotechnical assessment of a slope stability problem in the Citlakkale residential area (Giresun, NE Turkey). Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 76,875-889.
Kaya, A. , Akgun, A., Karaman, K. ve Bulut, F., 2016. Understanding the mechanism of slope failure on a nearby highway tunnel route by different slope stability analysis methods: a case from NE Turkey. Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 75, 945-958.
Kaya, A., Alemdağ, S., Dağ, S. ve Gürocak, Z., 2016. Stability assessment of high-steep cut slope debris on a landslide (Gumushane, NE Turkey). Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 75, 89-99.
Kaya, A., Bulut, F.ve Dağ S., 2018. Bearing capacity and slope stability assessment of rock masses at the Subasi viaduct site, NE Turkey. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3477-7.
Kaya, A., Karaman K. ve Bulut, F., 2017. Geotechnical investigations and remediation design for failure of tunnel portal section: a case study in northern Turkey. Journal of Mountain Science, 14, 1140-1160.
Ketin, İ., 1966. Tectonic units of Anatolia. Journal of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), 66, 23-34.
Mines Branch, Canada, 1972. Tentative design guide for mine waste embankments in Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada.
Rocscience Inc., 2016. RS3 v1.0 3D finite element analysis for rock and soil. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Rocscience Inc., 2017. RS2 v9.0 finite element analysis for excavations and slopes. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Singh, R., Kumar, U.R. ve Singh, T.N., 2017. Hill slope stability analysis using two and three dimensions analysis: A comparative study. Journal Geological Society of India, 89, 295-302.
Hunt, R.E., 1986. Geotechnical engineering techniques and practices. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Limited, 729 s.
Wei, W.B., Cheng, Y.M. ve Li, L., 2009. Three-dimensional slope failure analysis by the strength reduction and limit equilibrium methods. Computers and Geotechnics, 36 (1-2), 70-80.
Xiaolei, Q., Yunpeng, Ren., Suhe, Gao. ve Guoqiang, Wang., 2013. The 2D and 3D stability analysis of spreader for open-pit iron mine. Advanced Materials Research, 813, 263-268.
Application of the 2D and 3D FEM-SSR Methods in Slope Stability Investigations: A Case Study from Borçka (Artvin) Region
In the scope
of this study, the stability problem in the soil slope excavated for the
construction of the new government hospital in the Yeniyol (Borçka-Artvin) quarter
was investigated in terms of engineering geology. The studies were performed in
three stages as field, laboratory works and stability analyses. For this
purpose, three boreholes with a total of 108 meters in length were drilled,
geophysical studies were performed along the one line and inclinometer
measurements were taken in one borehole. The talus consisting of two levels as
sandy-gravelly and silty-clayey soils overlies the Eocene-aged Kabaköy
Formation comprising the volcanic rocks. To determine the physico-mechanical
properties of talus, undisturbed samples were taken from boreholes. 2D and 3D FEM-SSR
stability analyses were evaluated using the obtained data from field and
laboratory studies. It was determined that the stability analyses results are compatible
with each other. As a result, it was determined that unforeseen engineering
problems will be encountered if measures are not taken in the slope. It is
suggested to apply fore pile application as support method.
Alemdağ, S., Akgün, A., Kaya, A. ve Gökceoğlu, C., 2014. A large and rapid planar failure: causes, mechanism and consequences (Mordut, Gumushane, Turkey). Arabian Journal of Geoscience, 7 (3), 1205-1221.
Alemdağ, S., Kaya, A., Karadağ, M., Gürocak, Z. ve Bulut F., 2015. Utilization of the limit equilibrium and finite element methods for the stability analysis of the slope debris: an example of the Kalebasi district (NE Turkey). Journal of African Earth Science, 106, 134-146.
ASTM, 2005. Standard test methods for liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D4318, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2006. Standard practice for classification of soils for engineering purposes (Unified Soil Classification System). Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D2487, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2007. Standard test method for particle-size analysis of soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D422, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2009. Standard test methods for laboratory determination of density (unit weight) of soil specimens. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D7263-09, Philedelphia, USA.
ASTM, 2017. Standard test method for consolidated undrained direct simple shear testing of fine grain soils. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, ASTM D6528-17, Philedelphia, USA.
Cheng, Y.M., Liu, H.T., Wei, W.B. ve Au, S.K., 2005. Location of critical three-dimensional non-spherical failure surface by NURBS functions and ellipsoid with applications to highway slopes. Computers and Geotechnics, 32 (6), 387-399.
Griffiths, D.V. ve Marquez, R.M., 2007. Three-dimensional slope stability analysis by elasto-plastic finite elements. Geotechnique, 57 (6), 537-546.
Gürocak, Z., Alemdağ, S. ve Musharraf, Z., 2008. Rock slope stability and excavatability assessment of rocks at the Kapikaya dam site Turkey. Engineering Geology, 96 (1-2),17-27.
Güven, İ.H., 1993. Doğu Pontidlerin jeolojisi ve 1/250000 ölçekli komplikasyonu. MTA, Ankara.
Kaya A., 2017. Geotechnical assessment of a slope stability problem in the Citlakkale residential area (Giresun, NE Turkey). Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 76,875-889.
Kaya, A. , Akgun, A., Karaman, K. ve Bulut, F., 2016. Understanding the mechanism of slope failure on a nearby highway tunnel route by different slope stability analysis methods: a case from NE Turkey. Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 75, 945-958.
Kaya, A., Alemdağ, S., Dağ, S. ve Gürocak, Z., 2016. Stability assessment of high-steep cut slope debris on a landslide (Gumushane, NE Turkey). Bulletin of Engineerıng Geology and the Environment, 75, 89-99.
Kaya, A., Bulut, F.ve Dağ S., 2018. Bearing capacity and slope stability assessment of rock masses at the Subasi viaduct site, NE Turkey. Arabian Journal of Geoscience, doi: 10.1007/s12517-018-3477-7.
Kaya, A., Karaman K. ve Bulut, F., 2017. Geotechnical investigations and remediation design for failure of tunnel portal section: a case study in northern Turkey. Journal of Mountain Science, 14, 1140-1160.
Ketin, İ., 1966. Tectonic units of Anatolia. Journal of General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA), 66, 23-34.
Mines Branch, Canada, 1972. Tentative design guide for mine waste embankments in Canada. Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada.
Rocscience Inc., 2016. RS3 v1.0 3D finite element analysis for rock and soil. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Rocscience Inc., 2017. RS2 v9.0 finite element analysis for excavations and slopes. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Singh, R., Kumar, U.R. ve Singh, T.N., 2017. Hill slope stability analysis using two and three dimensions analysis: A comparative study. Journal Geological Society of India, 89, 295-302.
Hunt, R.E., 1986. Geotechnical engineering techniques and practices. McGraw-Hill Ryerson, Limited, 729 s.
Wei, W.B., Cheng, Y.M. ve Li, L., 2009. Three-dimensional slope failure analysis by the strength reduction and limit equilibrium methods. Computers and Geotechnics, 36 (1-2), 70-80.
Xiaolei, Q., Yunpeng, Ren., Suhe, Gao. ve Guoqiang, Wang., 2013. The 2D and 3D stability analysis of spreader for open-pit iron mine. Advanced Materials Research, 813, 263-268.
Kaya, A. (2019). Yamaç Duraylılığı Araştırmalarında 2D ve 3D FEM-SSR Yöntemlerinin Uygulanması: Borçka (Artvin) Yöresinden Örnek Bir Çalışma. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 272-283. https://doi.org/10.17714/gumusfenbil.428667