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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16, 50 - 63, 06.01.2020


Financial health condition, refers to the process of financial socialization that continues until the age of 20, starting with the age range of 4-5, thus from the 20s to the financial education process of university life, individuals covering their financial attitudes and awareness of complex multi-dimensional and interdependent these dimensions It is a statement. If the feeding behaviours and lifestyle have a direct effect on the health of the individual, these factors also affect the economic situation of the individual positively or negatively. Graduate education is the last step prior to beginning the individual's business life. Therefore, determining the financial needs of the students during their education, borrowing status, the financial experiences obtained from the family while making the income and income management and determining the general financial attitudes are important for both the individual and the economic capacity in the future. Especially in regions where economic and social opportunities are partially sufficient, establishing the financial difficulties experienced by the students is of special importance for the next generation. In this study, it had been aimed the determination of the student’s financial state of conducting a survey to 421 students who have received education in the academic year of 2019 at University of Gumushane. Five variables were included in the study to determine borrowing decisions, financial socialization, financial information and education, financial stress and anxiety structures, and financial self-efficacy levels. In the evaluations made, it was observed that students experienced both financial and academic stress and anxiety, depending on their borrowing status.


  • BRITT, Sonya; Anthony CANALE; Fred FERNATT; Kristen STUTZ ve Racquel TIBBETTS (2015), Financial Stress and Financial Counseling: Helping College Students. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 172-186.
  • CELLINI, R. Stephanie ve Rajeev DAROLIA (2017), High Costs, Low Resources, and Missing Information: Explaining Student Borrowing in the For-Profit Sector, First Published.
  • CHOI,Shinae; Clinton G. GUDMUNSON; Timothy S. GRIESDORN ve Gong-Soog HONG (2016), Assessing College Student Needs for Comprehensive Financial Counseling, Journal of Financial Counseling and Plannig; Columbus, 27(2), 158-171.
  • DOREA, F. Fabiana; Monoel C. SILVA ve Jose Abel A. BAPTISTA (2018), The Importance of Financial Education for The Individual in Brazil, South American Development Society Journal, 66-79
  • DURANT,Will (1965), The story of philosophy. New York: Pocket Books.
  • GROHMANN, Antonia; Roy KOUWENBERG ve Lukas MENKHOFF (2015), Childhood roots of financial literacy. Journal of Economic Psychology, 51, 114–133.
  • HECKMAN, Stuart; Hanna LIM ve Catherine MONTALTO (2014), Factors related to financial stress among college students. Journal of Financial Therapy, 5(1), 19–39.
  • HIRT, B. Joan (1999), How Students Manage Money: Some Developmental Implications. NASPA Journal, 37(1), 5.
  • JOO, So-Hyun; Dorothy B.DURBAND ve Jogn GRABLE (2008), The academic impact of financial stress on college students. Journal of College Student Retention, 10(3), 287–305.
  • JOO,Sohyun (2008), Personal financial wellness. In J.J. Xiao (Ed.), Advances in consumer finance behavior research , 21-33, New York: Springer.
  • KARLAN, Dean; Aishwarya L. RATAN ve Jonathan ZINMAN (2014), Savings by and for the poor: A research review and agenda. Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1), 36-78.
  • LAJUNI, Nelson; Imbarine BUJANG ve Aziz KARİA (2018), The Effect of Religiosity, Financial Knowledge, and Financial Behaviour on Financial Distress Among Undergraduate Students, 179-186.
  • LAVENTURE, Kelly (2018), Financial Wellness Applied Market Research: Review of Financial Wellness Literature and Budgeting Apps, Financial Wellness Applied Market Research, 1-18.
  • LEBARON, Ashley B.; Samuel D. RUNYAN; Btyce L. JORGENSEN; Loren D.MARKS; Xiaohui Lİ ve Jeffrey E.HİLL (2019), Practice Makes Perfect: Experiential Learning as a Method for Financial Socialization, Journal of Family Issues, 29s.
  • LYONS, C. Angela; Erik SCHERPF ve Helen ROBERTS (2006), Financial education and communication between parents and children. The Journal of Consumer Education, 23, 64–76.
  • PASMANTIER, Anita; Maryann J.F.DI LIBERTO (2012), Financial Illiteracy: The Need to Educate Students on the Financial Implications of Withdrawing or Dropping a College Course. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 257-260.
  • SERIDO, Joyce; Soyeon SHIM; Jing J. XIAO; Chuanyi TANG ve Noel A. CARD (2014), Financial adaptation among college students: Helping students cope with financial strain. Journal of College Student Development, 55(3), 310–316.
  • SHAH, Mohsin; Shahid HASAN; Samina MALİK ve Chandrashekhar T. SREERAMAREDDY (2010), Perceived Stress, Sources and Severity of Stress among medical undergraduates in a Pakistani Medical School, BMC Medical Education, 2-8.
  • SHAULSKIY, Stephanie; Kirstan DUCKETT; Lance K.PHILLIPS ve Anne MCDANIEL (2015), Exploring differences in college student financial wellness by institution type. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 52(3), 250–261.
  • XIOA, J.jing; Cheng CHEN ve Fuzhong CHEN (2014), Consumer financial capability and financial satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 118(1), 415–432.
  • İNTERNET KAYNAKLARIşim Tarihi:15.03.2019)
  • (Erişim Tarihi:20.03.2019)


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16, 50 - 63, 06.01.2020


Finansal sağlık
durumu, bireyin 4-5 yaş aralığı ile başlayan 20’li yaşlara kadar devam eden
finansal sosyalizasyon sürecini, 20’li yaşlardan sonra üniversite hayatındaki
finansal eğitim sürecini, bireyin kendi finansal tutumlarını ve
farkındalıklarını kapsayan çok boyutlu ve bu boyutların birbirine bağlı olduğu
karmaşık bir ifadedir. Beslenme alışkanlıkları ve yaşam biçimi gibi davranışlar
nasıl bireyin sağlığına direkt etki yapıyorsa, bu faktörler de bireyin ekonomik
yaşantısına olumlu ya da olumsuz etki yapmaktadır. Bireyin çalışma hayatına
başlamadan önceki son basamağıdır üniversite eğitimi. Dolayısıyla bu eğitim süresince
öğrencilerin maddi ihtiyaçlarını nasıl karşıladıkları, borçlanma durumları,
gelir gider yönetimini yaparken aileden aldığı finansal deneyimleri ve genel
finansal tutumlarının belirlenmesi gelecek adına hem birey için hem de ekonomik
kapasite için önem arz etmektedir. Özellikle de ekonomik ve sosyal imkânların
kısmen yeterli olduğu bölgelerde öğrencilerin yaşadıkları finansal zorlukların
belirlenmesi de gelecek nesil adına ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. Çalışmada,
Gümüşhane Üniversitesinde eğitim almakta olan 421 öğrenciye anket uygulaması
yapılarak öğrencilerin finansal sağlık durumlarının tespit edilmesi
amaçlanmıştır. Yapılan değerlendirmelerde öğrencilerin borçlanma durumlarına
bağlı olarak bir takım hem finansal hem de akademik stres ve endişe yaşadıkları


  • BRITT, Sonya; Anthony CANALE; Fred FERNATT; Kristen STUTZ ve Racquel TIBBETTS (2015), Financial Stress and Financial Counseling: Helping College Students. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 172-186.
  • CELLINI, R. Stephanie ve Rajeev DAROLIA (2017), High Costs, Low Resources, and Missing Information: Explaining Student Borrowing in the For-Profit Sector, First Published.
  • CHOI,Shinae; Clinton G. GUDMUNSON; Timothy S. GRIESDORN ve Gong-Soog HONG (2016), Assessing College Student Needs for Comprehensive Financial Counseling, Journal of Financial Counseling and Plannig; Columbus, 27(2), 158-171.
  • DOREA, F. Fabiana; Monoel C. SILVA ve Jose Abel A. BAPTISTA (2018), The Importance of Financial Education for The Individual in Brazil, South American Development Society Journal, 66-79
  • DURANT,Will (1965), The story of philosophy. New York: Pocket Books.
  • GROHMANN, Antonia; Roy KOUWENBERG ve Lukas MENKHOFF (2015), Childhood roots of financial literacy. Journal of Economic Psychology, 51, 114–133.
  • HECKMAN, Stuart; Hanna LIM ve Catherine MONTALTO (2014), Factors related to financial stress among college students. Journal of Financial Therapy, 5(1), 19–39.
  • HIRT, B. Joan (1999), How Students Manage Money: Some Developmental Implications. NASPA Journal, 37(1), 5.
  • JOO, So-Hyun; Dorothy B.DURBAND ve Jogn GRABLE (2008), The academic impact of financial stress on college students. Journal of College Student Retention, 10(3), 287–305.
  • JOO,Sohyun (2008), Personal financial wellness. In J.J. Xiao (Ed.), Advances in consumer finance behavior research , 21-33, New York: Springer.
  • KARLAN, Dean; Aishwarya L. RATAN ve Jonathan ZINMAN (2014), Savings by and for the poor: A research review and agenda. Review of Income and Wealth, 60(1), 36-78.
  • LAJUNI, Nelson; Imbarine BUJANG ve Aziz KARİA (2018), The Effect of Religiosity, Financial Knowledge, and Financial Behaviour on Financial Distress Among Undergraduate Students, 179-186.
  • LAVENTURE, Kelly (2018), Financial Wellness Applied Market Research: Review of Financial Wellness Literature and Budgeting Apps, Financial Wellness Applied Market Research, 1-18.
  • LEBARON, Ashley B.; Samuel D. RUNYAN; Btyce L. JORGENSEN; Loren D.MARKS; Xiaohui Lİ ve Jeffrey E.HİLL (2019), Practice Makes Perfect: Experiential Learning as a Method for Financial Socialization, Journal of Family Issues, 29s.
  • LYONS, C. Angela; Erik SCHERPF ve Helen ROBERTS (2006), Financial education and communication between parents and children. The Journal of Consumer Education, 23, 64–76.
  • PASMANTIER, Anita; Maryann J.F.DI LIBERTO (2012), Financial Illiteracy: The Need to Educate Students on the Financial Implications of Withdrawing or Dropping a College Course. Proceedings of the Northeast Business & Economics Association, 257-260.
  • SERIDO, Joyce; Soyeon SHIM; Jing J. XIAO; Chuanyi TANG ve Noel A. CARD (2014), Financial adaptation among college students: Helping students cope with financial strain. Journal of College Student Development, 55(3), 310–316.
  • SHAH, Mohsin; Shahid HASAN; Samina MALİK ve Chandrashekhar T. SREERAMAREDDY (2010), Perceived Stress, Sources and Severity of Stress among medical undergraduates in a Pakistani Medical School, BMC Medical Education, 2-8.
  • SHAULSKIY, Stephanie; Kirstan DUCKETT; Lance K.PHILLIPS ve Anne MCDANIEL (2015), Exploring differences in college student financial wellness by institution type. Journal of Student Affairs Research and Practice, 52(3), 250–261.
  • XIOA, J.jing; Cheng CHEN ve Fuzhong CHEN (2014), Consumer financial capability and financial satisfaction. Social Indicators Research, 118(1), 415–432.
  • İNTERNET KAYNAKLARIşim Tarihi:15.03.2019)
  • (Erişim Tarihi:20.03.2019)
Toplam 22 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Adem Özbek 0000-0001-6599-6337

Yayımlanma Tarihi 6 Ocak 2020
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 16

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