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Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses

Yıl 2021, , 264 - 272, 28.06.2021


This study was conducted as a descriptive study to determine the relationship between quality of work life, burnout and spiritual well-being in intensive care nurses. The research has been carried out on 211 nurses who work in the intensive care units in three public hospitals located in Turkey's Eastern Anatolia Region. In data collection, a form containing questions about the socio-demographic characteristics of individuals (age, gender, education level, marital status, economic status and receiving spiritual care education), “Spiritual Well-being Scale”, “Nursing Work Life Scale” and “Maslach Burnout Scale” were used. T test was used for independent variables in the analysis of the data. In addition, the effect of independent variables on the dependent variable in numerical data was made using multiple regression analysis. In this study, it was determined that the spiritual well-being and emotional exhaustion levels of the nurses were above the middle level, and the mean scores of the nurses' quality of life, depersonalization and personal accomplishment were below the middle level. As a result, it was found that as the spiritual well-being levels of nurses working in intensive care increased, their burnout levels decreased and their work life quality increased. In addition, it was found that nurses who received spiritual care training had higher work life quality and lower burnout levels than nurses who did not receive training.


  • 1. Terzi, B. and Kaya, N. (2011). “Nursing Care in Intensive Care Patients”. Journal of Intensive Care Association, (1), 2-5.
  • 2. Telci, L. (2002). “How Should Intensive Care Be”. Journal of Intensive Care Association, (13), 4-5.
  • 3. Avcı, G.G, Türker, S. Çifçi, M. and Sürücü, Ş. (2013). “Determining The Workload of Intensive Care Nurses”. J Intensive Care Med, 4(21), 3-4.
  • 4. Kavaklı, Ö. Uzun, Ş. and Arslan, F. (2009). “Determining The Professional Behavior of Intensive Care Nurses”. Gulhane Medical Journal, 51(3), 168-173.
  • 5. Bostan, S. and Köse, A. (2011). “Nurses' Evaluation of Administrative Services and Work Environments - An Example of A University Hospital”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 1(3), 177-178.
  • 6. Ayaz, S. and Beydağ, K.D. (2014). “Factors Affecting The Quality of Work Life of Nurses: Balıkesir Example”. Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 1(2), 60-69.
  • 7. Aksoy, N. M. (2013). “Job Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Nurses Working in Surgical Units of Three Different Hospitals in A City in The Mediterranean Region”, Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 10(2), 45-53.
  • 8. Şentürk, S. (2014). “Investigation of the Relationship Between Burnout Levels and Sleep Quality of Intensive Care Nurses”. Bozok Medical Journal, 4(3), 48-56.
  • 9. Dizer, B. İyigün, E. and Kılıç, S. (2008). “Determining The Burnout Levels of Intensive Care Nurses”. Journal of Intensive Care Nursing, 12(1), 1-11.
  • 10. Zaybak, A. and Çevik, K. (2015). “Stressors in the Intensive Care Unit: Perceptions of Patients and Nurses”. Journal of Critical and Intensive Care, 6(1),4-9.doi: 10.5152/dcbybd.2015.652,
  • 11. Dossey, B.M. (2013). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 20-30.
  • 12. Adegbola, M.A. (2006). Spirituality and Quality of Life in Chronic Illness. Master Thesis, University of Texas, USA.
  • 13. Baldacchino, D.R. (2011). “Teaching on Spiritual Care: The Perceived Impact on Qualified Nurses”. Nurse Educ Pract, 11(1), 47-53.
  • 14. Danbolt, L, Engedal, L, Stifoss-Hanssen, H. and Hestad, K. (2014). “Religionspsykologi”. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, 1, 397-407.
  • 15. Coyle, J. (2002). “Spirituality and Health: Towards A Framework For Exploring The Relationship Between Spirituality and Health”. Journal of advanced nursing, 37(6), 589-597.
  • 16. Koenig, H.G. (2004). “Religion, Spirituality, and Medicine: Research Findings and Implications for Clinical Practice”. South Med J, 97(12), 1194-1200.
  • 17. Como, J.M. (2007). “Spiritual Practice: A Literature Review Related To Spiritual Health and Health Outcomes”. Holist Nurs Pract, 21(5), 224-236.
  • 18. Cohen, L, Manion L. and Morrison, K. (2013). Research Methods in Education: Routledge.
  • 19. Ekşi, H. and Kardaş, S. (2017). “Spiritual Well-being: Scale Development and Validation”. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 73-88. doi:10.12738/spc.2017.1.00 22
  • 20. Brooks, B and Gawel, S. (2001). “Development and Psychometric Evaluation of The Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey”. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: Sciences & Engineering, 62, 1314.
  • 21. Şirin, M. (2011). Validity and Reliability Study of Nursing Work Quality of Life Scale. Master Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Health Sciences, Erzurum.
  • 22. Maslach, C. and Jackson, S.E. (1981). “The mMasurement of Experienced Burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior”, 2(2), 99-113.
  • 23. Ergin, C. (1992). “Adaptation of Burnout and Maslach Burnout Scale in Doctors and Nurses”. VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Ankara- Turkey.
  • 24. Durmuş, M. Gerçek, A. and Çiftci, N. (2018). “A Study To Evaluate Nurses' Quality of Life and Burnout Levels”. Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 279-286.
  • 25. Tunçel, Y.İ. Kaya, M. Kuru, R.N. and Menteş, S. (2014). “Nurses' Burnout Syndrome in Oncology Hospital Intensive Care Unit”. Journal of the Turkish Society of Intensive Care, 12(2), 51-56.
  • 26. Yıldırım, A. ve Hacıhasanoğlu, R. (2011). “Quality of Life and Influencing Variables in Healthcare Professionals”. J Psychiatr Nurs, 2(2), 61-68.
  • 27. Kavlu, I. and Pınar, R. (2009). “The Effect of Burnout and Job Satisfaction of Nurses Working in Emergency Services on Quality of Life”. Turkey Journal of Medical Sciences, 29(6), 1543-1555.
  • 28. Bae, S.J. and Sung, M.H. (2016). “Effects of perception of Death and Spiritual Well-Being on Quality of Life among Nurses in Emergency Room”. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 22(2), 129- 137. doi:/10.14370/jewnr.2016.22.2.129
  • 29. Osarrodi, A.A, Golafshani, A. and Akaberi, S.A. (2012). “Relationship Between Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life in Nurses”. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. 3(4), 88-89.
  • 30. Grant, D. (2004). “Spiritual Interventions: How, When, and Why Nurses Use Them”. Holist Nurs Pract, 18(1), 36-41.
  • 31. Pesut, B. (2002). “The Development of Nursing Students' Spirituality and Spiritual Care-Giving”. Nurse Educ Today, 22(2), 128-35.
  • 32. Lewis, M.M. (2001). “Spirituality, Counseling, and Elderly: An Introduction To The Spiritual Life Review”. Journal of Adult Development, 8(4), 231-240.
  • 33. Musick, M.A, Traphagan, J.W, Koeing, H.G. and Larson, D.B. (2000). “Spirituality in Physical Health and Aging”. Journal of Adult Development, 7(2), 73-86.
  • 34. Çetinkaya, B, Altundag, S. and Azak, A. (2007). “Spiritual Care and Nursing”. Meandros Medical and Dental Journal, 8(1), 47-50.
  • 35. Musa, A.S, Pevalin, D.J. ve Al Khalaileh, M.A. (2018). “Spiritual Well-being, Depression, and Stress among Hemodialysis Patients in Jordan”. J Holist Nurs, 36(4), 354-365. doi:10.1177/0898010117736686
  • 36. Naimi, E, Eilami, O, Babuei A, ve Rezaei, K. (2020). “The Effect of Religious Intervention Using Prayer For Quality of Life and Psychological Status of Patients With Permanent Pacemaker”. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(2), 920-927.
  • 37. Karagöz, E. (2019). Examination of the Relationship Between Work-Life Quality and Burnout Levels of Nurses Working in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Master's Thesis, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep.
  • 38. Çatak, T. ve Bahçecik, N. (2015). “Determination of Nurses' Work Life Quality and Influencing Factors”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 5(2), 85-95. doi:10.5455/musbed.20150309010354

Yoğun Bakım Hemşirelerinde İş Yaşam Kalitesi, Tükenmişlik ve Spiritüel İyi Oluş Arasındaki İlişkinin İncelenmesi

Yıl 2021, , 264 - 272, 28.06.2021


Bu çalışma yoğun bakım hemşirelerinde iş yaşam kalitesi, tükenmişlik ve spiritüel iyi oluş arasındaki ilişkiyi belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı olarak yapıldı. Araştırma Türkiye’nin Doğu Anadolu Bölgesinde yer alan üç devlet hastanesinin yoğun bakım ünitelerinde çalışan 211 hemşire ile gerçekleştirildi. Veri toplamada bireylerin sosyo-demografik özelliklerine (yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim düzeyi, medeni durum, ekonomik durum ve manevi bakım eğitimi alma) ait soruları içeren bir form, “Spiritüel İyi Oluş Ölçeği”, “Hemşirelik İş Yaşamı Kalitesi Ölçeği” ve “Maslach Tükenmişlik Ölçeği” kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde bağımsız değişkenlerde T testinin yanı sıra; sayısal verilerde bağımsız değişkenlerin bağımlı değişken üzerine etkisi çoklu regresyon analizi kullanılarak yapıldı. Bu çalışmada hemşirelerin spiritüel iyi oluş ile duygusal tükenme düzeylerinin orta seviyenin üstünde, hemşirelerin yaşam kaliteleri, duyarsızlaşma ve kişisel başarıda düşme hissi puan ortalamalarının orta düzeyin altında olduğu saptanmıştır. Sonuç olarak yoğun bakımda çalışan hemşirelerin spiritüel iyi oluş düzeyleri arttıkça tükenmişlik düzeylerinin azaldığı ve iş yaşam kalitelerinin arttığı bulunmuştur. Ayrıca spiritüel bakım eğitimi alan hemşirelerin eğitim almayan hemşirelerden daha yüksek iş yaşam kalitesine ve daha düşük tükenmişlik düzeyine sahip oldukları saptanmıştır.


  • 1. Terzi, B. and Kaya, N. (2011). “Nursing Care in Intensive Care Patients”. Journal of Intensive Care Association, (1), 2-5.
  • 2. Telci, L. (2002). “How Should Intensive Care Be”. Journal of Intensive Care Association, (13), 4-5.
  • 3. Avcı, G.G, Türker, S. Çifçi, M. and Sürücü, Ş. (2013). “Determining The Workload of Intensive Care Nurses”. J Intensive Care Med, 4(21), 3-4.
  • 4. Kavaklı, Ö. Uzun, Ş. and Arslan, F. (2009). “Determining The Professional Behavior of Intensive Care Nurses”. Gulhane Medical Journal, 51(3), 168-173.
  • 5. Bostan, S. and Köse, A. (2011). “Nurses' Evaluation of Administrative Services and Work Environments - An Example of A University Hospital”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 1(3), 177-178.
  • 6. Ayaz, S. and Beydağ, K.D. (2014). “Factors Affecting The Quality of Work Life of Nurses: Balıkesir Example”. Journal of Health and Nursing Management, 1(2), 60-69.
  • 7. Aksoy, N. M. (2013). “Job Satisfaction and Influencing Factors of Nurses Working in Surgical Units of Three Different Hospitals in A City in The Mediterranean Region”, Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, 10(2), 45-53.
  • 8. Şentürk, S. (2014). “Investigation of the Relationship Between Burnout Levels and Sleep Quality of Intensive Care Nurses”. Bozok Medical Journal, 4(3), 48-56.
  • 9. Dizer, B. İyigün, E. and Kılıç, S. (2008). “Determining The Burnout Levels of Intensive Care Nurses”. Journal of Intensive Care Nursing, 12(1), 1-11.
  • 10. Zaybak, A. and Çevik, K. (2015). “Stressors in the Intensive Care Unit: Perceptions of Patients and Nurses”. Journal of Critical and Intensive Care, 6(1),4-9.doi: 10.5152/dcbybd.2015.652,
  • 11. Dossey, B.M. (2013). Holistic Nursing: A Handbook for Practice: Jones & Bartlett Publishers, 20-30.
  • 12. Adegbola, M.A. (2006). Spirituality and Quality of Life in Chronic Illness. Master Thesis, University of Texas, USA.
  • 13. Baldacchino, D.R. (2011). “Teaching on Spiritual Care: The Perceived Impact on Qualified Nurses”. Nurse Educ Pract, 11(1), 47-53.
  • 14. Danbolt, L, Engedal, L, Stifoss-Hanssen, H. and Hestad, K. (2014). “Religionspsykologi”. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS, 1, 397-407.
  • 15. Coyle, J. (2002). “Spirituality and Health: Towards A Framework For Exploring The Relationship Between Spirituality and Health”. Journal of advanced nursing, 37(6), 589-597.
  • 16. Koenig, H.G. (2004). “Religion, Spirituality, and Medicine: Research Findings and Implications for Clinical Practice”. South Med J, 97(12), 1194-1200.
  • 17. Como, J.M. (2007). “Spiritual Practice: A Literature Review Related To Spiritual Health and Health Outcomes”. Holist Nurs Pract, 21(5), 224-236.
  • 18. Cohen, L, Manion L. and Morrison, K. (2013). Research Methods in Education: Routledge.
  • 19. Ekşi, H. and Kardaş, S. (2017). “Spiritual Well-being: Scale Development and Validation”. Spiritual Psychology and Counseling, 2(1), 73-88. doi:10.12738/spc.2017.1.00 22
  • 20. Brooks, B and Gawel, S. (2001). “Development and Psychometric Evaluation of The Quality of Nursing Work Life Survey”. Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: Sciences & Engineering, 62, 1314.
  • 21. Şirin, M. (2011). Validity and Reliability Study of Nursing Work Quality of Life Scale. Master Thesis, Atatürk University Institute of Health Sciences, Erzurum.
  • 22. Maslach, C. and Jackson, S.E. (1981). “The mMasurement of Experienced Burnout. Journal of Organizational Behavior”, 2(2), 99-113.
  • 23. Ergin, C. (1992). “Adaptation of Burnout and Maslach Burnout Scale in Doctors and Nurses”. VII. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, Ankara- Turkey.
  • 24. Durmuş, M. Gerçek, A. and Çiftci, N. (2018). “A Study To Evaluate Nurses' Quality of Life and Burnout Levels”. Anemon Muş Alparslan University Journal of Social Sciences, 6(2), 279-286.
  • 25. Tunçel, Y.İ. Kaya, M. Kuru, R.N. and Menteş, S. (2014). “Nurses' Burnout Syndrome in Oncology Hospital Intensive Care Unit”. Journal of the Turkish Society of Intensive Care, 12(2), 51-56.
  • 26. Yıldırım, A. ve Hacıhasanoğlu, R. (2011). “Quality of Life and Influencing Variables in Healthcare Professionals”. J Psychiatr Nurs, 2(2), 61-68.
  • 27. Kavlu, I. and Pınar, R. (2009). “The Effect of Burnout and Job Satisfaction of Nurses Working in Emergency Services on Quality of Life”. Turkey Journal of Medical Sciences, 29(6), 1543-1555.
  • 28. Bae, S.J. and Sung, M.H. (2016). “Effects of perception of Death and Spiritual Well-Being on Quality of Life among Nurses in Emergency Room”. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 22(2), 129- 137. doi:/10.14370/jewnr.2016.22.2.129
  • 29. Osarrodi, A.A, Golafshani, A. and Akaberi, S.A. (2012). “Relationship Between Spiritual Well-Being and Quality of Life in Nurses”. Journal of North Khorasan University of Medical Sciences. 3(4), 88-89.
  • 30. Grant, D. (2004). “Spiritual Interventions: How, When, and Why Nurses Use Them”. Holist Nurs Pract, 18(1), 36-41.
  • 31. Pesut, B. (2002). “The Development of Nursing Students' Spirituality and Spiritual Care-Giving”. Nurse Educ Today, 22(2), 128-35.
  • 32. Lewis, M.M. (2001). “Spirituality, Counseling, and Elderly: An Introduction To The Spiritual Life Review”. Journal of Adult Development, 8(4), 231-240.
  • 33. Musick, M.A, Traphagan, J.W, Koeing, H.G. and Larson, D.B. (2000). “Spirituality in Physical Health and Aging”. Journal of Adult Development, 7(2), 73-86.
  • 34. Çetinkaya, B, Altundag, S. and Azak, A. (2007). “Spiritual Care and Nursing”. Meandros Medical and Dental Journal, 8(1), 47-50.
  • 35. Musa, A.S, Pevalin, D.J. ve Al Khalaileh, M.A. (2018). “Spiritual Well-being, Depression, and Stress among Hemodialysis Patients in Jordan”. J Holist Nurs, 36(4), 354-365. doi:10.1177/0898010117736686
  • 36. Naimi, E, Eilami, O, Babuei A, ve Rezaei, K. (2020). “The Effect of Religious Intervention Using Prayer For Quality of Life and Psychological Status of Patients With Permanent Pacemaker”. Journal of Religion and Health, 59(2), 920-927.
  • 37. Karagöz, E. (2019). Examination of the Relationship Between Work-Life Quality and Burnout Levels of Nurses Working in The Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Master's Thesis, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Gaziantep.
  • 38. Çatak, T. ve Bahçecik, N. (2015). “Determination of Nurses' Work Life Quality and Influencing Factors”. Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences, 5(2), 85-95. doi:10.5455/musbed.20150309010354
Toplam 38 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Sağlık Kurumları Yönetimi
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Mustafa Durmuş 0000-0002-7559-4187

Halil Alkan 0000-0001-6895-2495

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Haziran 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmuş, M., & Alkan, H. (2021). Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 10(2), 264-272.
AMA Durmuş M, Alkan H. Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. Haziran 2021;10(2):264-272. doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.889760
Chicago Durmuş, Mustafa, ve Halil Alkan. “Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-Being in Intensive Care Nurses”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10, sy. 2 (Haziran 2021): 264-72.
EndNote Durmuş M, Alkan H (01 Haziran 2021) Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10 2 264–272.
IEEE M. Durmuş ve H. Alkan, “Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses”, Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, ss. 264–272, 2021, doi: 10.37989/gumussagbil.889760.
ISNAD Durmuş, Mustafa - Alkan, Halil. “Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-Being in Intensive Care Nurses”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi 10/2 (Haziran 2021), 264-272.
JAMA Durmuş M, Alkan H. Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;10:264–272.
MLA Durmuş, Mustafa ve Halil Alkan. “Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-Being in Intensive Care Nurses”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, c. 10, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 264-72, doi:10.37989/gumussagbil.889760.
Vancouver Durmuş M, Alkan H. Investigation of the Relationship Between Quality of Work Life, Burnout and Spiritual Well-being in Intensive Care Nurses. Gümüşhane Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi. 2021;10(2):264-72.