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An Analysis of the Sivrihisar Traditional Dövme Sucuk Festival: Participant Motivations and Tourist Experiences

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 132 - 158, 18.03.2025


Due to the increasing demand for gastronomy tourism, both local governments and tourism stakeholders have started to organize festivals named after gastronomic elements in the region by revealing the gastronomic elements in the region. The festivals, which consist of different contents, have an important place in terms of keeping the traditions of the society alive and transferring cultural elements to future generations. Participants in festivals may be residents or visiting tourists, and their motivations for participating in festivals and the experiences they gain vary from one festival to another. The aim of this study is to reveal the opinions, satisfaction, motivation and experiences of the tourists coming to the region about the festival. It also aims to determine the contribution of the festival to the promotion and image of the region. For this purpose, 17 people who visited the 8th Traditional Dövme Sucuk Festival were selected as a convenience sample. Sample data were collected by in-depth interview method. The collected data were subjected to MAXQDA Analytics Pro qualitative data analysis program. The study found that the physical, personal, social and interpersonal motivation of the festival participants was proportional. According to the MAXQDA word cloud, the words culture and history, fun, different flavors, local, experiencing, socializing were shown as motivators by the participants. The most common experiences of the participants during the festival were having fun and being informed.


  • Akyıldız, M., & Argan, M. (2010). Leisure experience dimensions: A study on participants of Ankara Festival. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(2), 25-36.
  • Akyıldız, M., Argan, M. T., Argan, M., & Sevil, T. (2013). Thematic events as an experiential marketing tool: Kite Festival on the experience stage. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism, 12, 17-28
  • Anil, N. K. (2012). Festival visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty: an example of small, local, and municipality organized festival. Turizam: Znanstveno-Stručni Časopis. 60(3), 255-271.
  • Báez, A., & Devesa, M. (2014). Segmenting and profiling attendees of a film festival. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5(2),96-115.
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  • Chiang, C. C., Wang, M. Y., Lee, C. F., & Chen, Y. C. (2015). Assessing travel motivations of cultural tourists: A factor-cluster segmentation analysis. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 36(3), 269-282.
  • Chwe, M. S. Y. (1998). Culture, circles, and commercils: publıcıty, common knowledge, and socıal coordınatıon. Rationality and Society, 10(1), 47-75.
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  • Csapo, J. (2012). The role and Importance of Cultural Tourism in Modern Tourism Industry. M. Kasımoğlu (ed.), Strategies for Tourism İndustry- Micro and Macro Perspectives (201-249). InTech
  • Cudny, W. (2013). Festival Tourism-The concept, key functions, and dysfunctions in the context of geography studies. Geographical Journal, 65(2),105-118. ISSN 0016-7193
  • Dalgın, T., Atak, O., & Çeken, H. (2016). Festivallerin bir kırsal turizm çekiciliği olarak önemi. Journal of International Social Research, 9(47).
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  • Driscoll, A., Lawson, R., & Niven, B. (1994). Measuring tourists' destination perceptions. Annals of Tourism Re-Travel and Tourism Marketing, 8(21), 499–511
  • Engelbrecht, W. H., Kruger, M. & Saayman, M (2014). Analysıs of crıtıcal success factors ın managıng the tourıst experıence at Kruger Natıonal Park. Tourism Review International, 17, 237–251.
  • Esu, B. B., & Arrey, V. M. E. (2009). Tourists’ satisfaction with cultural tourism festival: A case study of Calabar Carnival Festival, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), 116-125.
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  • Finkel, R. (2004). McFestivalisation? The Roles of Combined Arts Festival in the UK Cultural Economy. Paper presented at journey of expresssion III: Tourism and festivals as transnational practice, May 2004, Innsbruck.
  • Formica, S., & Murrmann, S. (1998). The effects of group membership and motivation on attendance: An international festival case. Tourism Analysis, 3,197-207.
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Sivrihisar Geleneksel Dövme Sucuk Festivali Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Katılımcı Motivasyonları ve Turistik Deneyimleri

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1, 132 - 158, 18.03.2025


Gastronomi turizmine talebin artması dolayısıyla hem yerel yönetimler hem de turizm paydaşları bölgedeki gastronomik unsurları ortaya çıkararak, bu unsurların adlarıyla anılan festivaller düzenlemeye başlamışlardır. Farklı içeriklerden oluşan festivaller, topluma özgü geleneklerin yaşatılması ve kültürel unsurların gelecek nesillere aktarılması açısından da önemli bir yere sahiptir. Festivallere katılan kişiler gerek o bölgede yaşayanlardan gerekse ziyarete gelen turistlerden oluşabilmektedir. Ziyaretçilerin festivallere katılım motivasyonları ve elde ettikleri deneyimleri de birbirinden farklılık göstermektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı ise gerçekleştirilen festivalin bölgeye gelen turistlerin, festival ile ilgili görüşlerini, memnuniyetlerini, motivasyon ve deneyimlerini ortaya koymaktır. Ayrıca festivalin bölgenin tanıtımı ve imajına olan katkısını belirtilmektedir. Bu amaçla 8. Geleneksel Dövme Sucuk Festivalini ziyaret eden 17 kişi, kolayda örneklem olarak seçilmiştir. Örneklem verileri derinlemesine görüşme yöntemi ile toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler MAXQDA Analytics Pro nitel veri analizi programı aracılığıyla analizine tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucu, festival katılımcılarının fiziksel, kişisel ve toplumsal ve kişiler arası motivasyonlarının orantılı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. MAXQDA kelime bulutuna göre de kültür ve tarih, eğlenceli, farklı lezzetler, yöresel, deneyimlemek, sosyalleşmek kelimeleri katılımcılar tarafından motivasyon kaynağı olarak gösterilmiştir. Katılımcıların festival sırasında en fazla deneyimledikleri eğlenme ve bilgilenme olmuştur.


  • Akyıldız, M., & Argan, M. (2010). Leisure experience dimensions: A study on participants of Ankara Festival. Pamukkale Journal of Sport Sciences, 1(2), 25-36.
  • Akyıldız, M., Argan, M. T., Argan, M., & Sevil, T. (2013). Thematic events as an experiential marketing tool: Kite Festival on the experience stage. International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation and Tourism, 12, 17-28
  • Anil, N. K. (2012). Festival visitors’ satisfaction and loyalty: an example of small, local, and municipality organized festival. Turizam: Znanstveno-Stručni Časopis. 60(3), 255-271.
  • Báez, A., & Devesa, M. (2014). Segmenting and profiling attendees of a film festival. International Journal of Event and Festival Management, 5(2),96-115.
  • Baltacı, A. (2019). Nitel araştırma süreci: Nitel bir araştırma nasıl yapılır? Ahi Evran Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 5(2), 368-388.
  • Chang, W., & Yuan, J. J. (2011). A taste of tourism: visitors’ motivations to attenda food festival. Event Management, 15, 13–23.
  • Chiang, C. C., Wang, M. Y., Lee, C. F., & Chen, Y. C. (2015). Assessing travel motivations of cultural tourists: A factor-cluster segmentation analysis. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, 36(3), 269-282.
  • Chwe, M. S. Y. (1998). Culture, circles, and commercils: publıcıty, common knowledge, and socıal coordınatıon. Rationality and Society, 10(1), 47-75.
  • Congcong, T. (2014). The study of festival tourism development of Shanghai. International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5, 52-58.
  • Correia, A., Valle, P., & Moço, C. (2007). Modeling Motivations and Perceptions of Portuguese Tourists. Journal of Business Research. 60, 76–80.
  • Creswell, J. W. (1994). Research Design; Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches. Sage Publications
  • Crompton, L. J., & McKay, S. L. (1997). Motives of visitors attending festival events. Annals of Tourism Research, 24(2), 425-439
  • Csapo, J. (2012). The role and Importance of Cultural Tourism in Modern Tourism Industry. M. Kasımoğlu (ed.), Strategies for Tourism İndustry- Micro and Macro Perspectives (201-249). InTech
  • Cudny, W. (2013). Festival Tourism-The concept, key functions, and dysfunctions in the context of geography studies. Geographical Journal, 65(2),105-118. ISSN 0016-7193
  • Dalgın, T., Atak, O., & Çeken, H. (2016). Festivallerin bir kırsal turizm çekiciliği olarak önemi. Journal of International Social Research, 9(47).
  • De Bres, K., & Davis, J. (2001). Celebrating group and place ıdentity: A case study of a new regional festival. Tourism Geographies, 3(3), 326-337.
  • De Rojas, C., & Camarero, C. (2008). Visitors’ experience, mood and satisfaction in a heritage context, Evidence from an interpretation center. Tourism Management, 29(3), 1–13.
  • Driscoll, A., Lawson, R., & Niven, B. (1994). Measuring tourists' destination perceptions. Annals of Tourism Re-Travel and Tourism Marketing, 8(21), 499–511
  • Engelbrecht, W. H., Kruger, M. & Saayman, M (2014). Analysıs of crıtıcal success factors ın managıng the tourıst experıence at Kruger Natıonal Park. Tourism Review International, 17, 237–251.
  • Esu, B. B., & Arrey, V. M. E. (2009). Tourists’ satisfaction with cultural tourism festival: A case study of Calabar Carnival Festival, Nigeria. International Journal of Business and Management, 4(3), 116-125.
  • Filipova, M. (2010). Peculiarities of project planning in tourism. Perspectives of Innovations, Economics and Business, 1(4), 57-59.
  • Finkel, R. (2004). McFestivalisation? The Roles of Combined Arts Festival in the UK Cultural Economy. Paper presented at journey of expresssion III: Tourism and festivals as transnational practice, May 2004, Innsbruck.
  • Formica, S., & Murrmann, S. (1998). The effects of group membership and motivation on attendance: An international festival case. Tourism Analysis, 3,197-207.
  • Gelder, G., & Robinson, P. (2009). A critical comparative study of visitor motivations for attending music festivals: A case study of Glastonbury and Festival. Event Management, 13(3), 181-196.
  • Getz, D. (1991). Festivals, special events, and tourism (2nd ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York.
  • Getz, D. (1997). Event Management and Event Tourism. New York: Cognizant Communications Corporation
  • Getz, D. (2008). Event tourism: Definition, evolution, and research. Tourism Management 29, 403–428.
  • Getz, D. (2010). The Nature and Scope of Festival Studies. International Journal of Event Management Research, 5(1), 1-47.
  • Geus, S. D., Richards, G. & Toepoel, V. (2015). Conceptualisation and operationalisation of event and festival experiences: creation of an event experience scale. Scandinavian. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 16(3), 274–296.
  • Goeldner, C. R., Ritchie, J. R. B. & Macintosh, R. W. (2011). Tourism: principles, practices, philosophies (12th Edition). New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons
  • Goldblatt, J. (2002) Special Events Best Practices in Modern Event Management 3rd Ed. New York: International Thompson Publishing Company
  • Hall, C. (1992) Hallmark Tourist Events: Impacts, Management and Planning Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Ltd
  • Hall, C. M., & Sharples, L. (2003). The consumption of experiences or the experiences ofconsumption? An introduction to the tourism of taste. In C. M.
  • Holloway, I., & Wheeler, S. (1996). Qualitative research for nurses (2nd ed). Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd.
  • Iwasaki, Y. (2007). Leisure and quality of life in an international and multicultural context: What are major pathways linking leisure to quality of life? Social Indicators Research, 82(2). 233-264.
  • Jackson, C. (2006). The experiential impact of events. In S. Fleming & F. Jordan (Eds.), Events and festivals: Education, impacts and experiences (LSA Publication (93),131-145. Eastbourne: Leisure Studies Association Publications
  • Kaplanidou, K., & Vogt, C. (2010). The meaning and measurement of a sport event experience among active sport tourists. Journal of Sport Management, 24(5), 544-566.
  • Kim, H., Borges, M. J., & Chon, J. (2006). Impacts of environmental values on tourism motivation: The case of FICA, Brazil. Tourism Management, 27(5), 957–967.
  • Kim, K., Uysal, M., & Chen, J. S. (2001). Festival visitor motivation from the organizers' points of view. Event Management, 7(2), 127-134.
  • Kim, S. E. (2013). Experience and perceived value for participants of cultural and art festivals organized for persons with a disability: A Korean perspective (Doctoral dissertation, Purdue University).
  • Kooistra, S. (2011, 13 Agust). Festivalganger wil intimiteit. De Volkskrant.
  • Kozak, M. (2021). Bilimsel araştırma: tasarım, yazım ve yayım teknikleri (5.Baskı). Ankara: Detay Yayıncılık
  • Lee, S. Y., Petrick, J. F., & Crompton, J. (2007). The Roles of Quality and ıntermediary constructs in determining festival attendees' behavioral ıntention. Journal of Travel Research. 45(4), 402-412.
  • Lee, T. H., Fu, C. J., & Chang, P. S. (2015). The support of attendees for tourism development: Evidence from religious festivals, Taiwan. Tourism Geographies, 17(2), 223-243.
  • Leenders, M. A., Van Telgen, J., Gemser, G., & Van der Wurff, R. (2005). Success in the Dutch Music Festival Market: The Role of Format and Content. International Journal on Media Management, 7(3-4), 148-157.
  • Leone, L., & Montanari, F. (2022). The ımpact of festivals on the ımage of a cultural ındustry: The case of the new ıtalian dance platform. Poetics, 92, 1-15.
  • Li, X., Liu, J., & Su, X. (2021). Effects of motivation and emotion on experiential value and festival brand equity: The moderating effect of self-congruity. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 49, 601-611.
  • Lincoln, Y. S., & Guba, E. G. (1986). But is it rigorous? Trustworthiness and authenticity in naturalistic evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, (30), 73-84.
  • Mason, M. C., & Paggiaro, A. (2012). Investigating the role of festivalscape in culinary tourism: The case of food and wine events. Tourism Management, 33(6), 1329-1336.
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Toplam 88 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Turizm (Diğer)
Bölüm Makaleler

Banu Zencir 0000-0001-7511-4932

Yayımlanma Tarihi 18 Mart 2025
Gönderilme Tarihi 22 Temmuz 2024
Kabul Tarihi 10 Ocak 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 9 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA Zencir, B. (2025). Sivrihisar Geleneksel Dövme Sucuk Festivali Üzerine Bir İnceleme: Katılımcı Motivasyonları ve Turistik Deneyimleri. Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 9(1), 132-158.

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