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Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 14, 68 - 88, 30.04.2017


as one of the first industrialized countries in Europe, had faced severe
housing problems in 19th century. From that time to mid 20th century, no
extensive housing policy had been implemented against this problem, which was
tried to be handled as a health issue. But after the damage and destruction of
World War II, the state had started to play a major role in housing sector. In
this context the governments had implemented extensive housing policies through
various policy instruments and had removed the housing problem to some extent. On
the other hand, neoliberal ideas and policies have caused a retrenchment in
terms of the role of the state in housing sector since 1970’s. After the
unintended consequences of this retrenchment process, the state has been back
in housing again through limited intervention since 1990’s. As a consequence,
although the French housing policy is effected by the neoliberal wave, a strong
tradition of social housing still continues its existence.  


  • AMZALLAG, M. and TAFFIN, C. (2010), Social Rental Housing in France, The World Bank: Social Union for Housing.
  • AVELINE, N. (1997), “Urban Land Markets and Land Policy in France”, Comprehensive Urban Studies, 62, 139-152.
  • BÉGUIN, H. and BERTRAND, L. (2009), Adjusting Social Policies to their Beneficiaries: Paradoxes and Limits. The Case of Social Policies of Housing in France, Urbino: 7th ESPAnet Conference.
  • BLANC, M. (2004), “The Changing Role of the State in French Housing Policies: A Roll-Out Without Roll-Back?”, European Journal of Housing Policy, 4 (3), 283-302.
  • BLANC, M. and BERTRAND, L. (1996), “France”, Housing Policy in Europe, (Ed.) P. Balchin. London and New York: Routledge, 125-145.
  • BONNEVILLE, M. (2005), “The Ambiguity of Urban Renewal in France: Between Continuity and Rupture”, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 20, 229-242.
  • BOOTH, P. (2003), “Promoting Radical Change: The Loi Relative à la Solidarité et au Renouvellement Urbains in France”, European Planning Studies, 11 (8), 949-963.
  • CHODORGE, M., FILIPPI, B. and TUTIN, C. (2009), Social Housing and Metropolitan Urban Dynamics: The Case of Paris, Prague: ENHR Annual Conference.
  • COMMISSARIAT GÉNÉRAL AU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (2012), Comptes du Logement, Service de l’Observation et des Statistiques.
  • DRIANT, J-C. (2012), “Why Isn’t There Enough Housing in France?”, (Translated by O. Waine),, Erişim: 20.6.2013.
  • DRIANT, J-C and LI, M. (2012), “The Ongoing Transformation of Social Housing Finance in France: Towards a Self-financing System?”, International Journal of Housing Policy, 12 (1), 91-103. FACK, G. (2006), “Are Housing Benefit an Effective Way to Redistribute Income? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in France”, Labour Economics, 13 (6), 747-771.
  • GANDAIS, L. (2011), “Fransız Banliyölerinde Sosyal Konut Mülkiyeti Anlayışının Gerilemesi”, (Çev. İ. Soysüren), Toplumbilim, 26, 39-48.
  •, Erişim: 30.5.2013.
  •, Erişim: 27.5.2013.
  • KOWALSKI, A. (2007), From Cathedrals to Teaspoons: The Inventaire General and the Cultural Wealth of the French Nation, Ann Arbor-Michigan: UMI Dissertation Publishing.
  • LAFERRÉRE, A. and LE BLANC, D. (2004), “How Do Housing Allowances Affect Rents? An Empirical Analysis of the French Case”, Journal of Housing Economics, 13 (1), 36-67.
  • LAGMAN, J. F. (2010), “Anatomy of the Nation’s Housing Problems”, In Focus, 10, 103-124.
  • LANGLEY, E. (2002), “The Changing Visage of French Housing Policy and Finance: A Half-Century of Comprehensive, Complex and Compelling Home Building”,, Erişim: 23.5.2012.
  • LEVY-VROELANT, C. and TUTIN, C. (2007), “Social Housing in France”, Social Housing in Europe, (Eds.) C. Whitehead and K. Scanlon. London: The London School of Economics and Political Science, 70-89.
  • NEWMAN, S. (2000), Growth Pressure and the Consolidation Mentality: Immigration and the French, Australian Population Association Conference.
  • NEWSOME, W. B. (2009), French Urban Planning 1940-1968: The Construction and Deconstruction of an Authoritarian System, New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • OECD (2011), OECD Economic Surveys: France 2011, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • PEPPERCORN, I. and TAFFIN, C. (2009), “Social Housing in the USA and France: Lessons from Convergences and Divergences”, Urban Planning International, 3, 26-33.
  • PITTINI, A. and LAINO, E. (2011), Housing Europe Review 2012: The Nuts and Bolts of European Social Housing Systems, Brussels: CECODHAS.
  • PLOUIN, M. E. (2007), “Chicken Coops and Machines of Interminable Errors: A History of the Grands Ensembles in Parisian Suburbs”, Berkeley Planning Journal, 20 (1), 43-59.
  • POLLARD, J. (2010), “How the State is Handling the Property Crisis in France: A Perspective on Recent Government Measures”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34 (3), 686-692.
  • POYRAZ, M. (2011), “İstanbul ve Paris’in Yoksul Kenarları ile Merkez Arasındaki Bağlar ve Kopma Noktaları”, Toplumbilim, 26, 15-30.
  • PRIEMUS, H. and METSELAAR, G. (1992), Urban Renewal Policy in a European Perspective: An International Comparative Analysis, Delft: Delft University Press.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2011), “France to End Scellier Housing Tax Break Next Year”,, Erişim: 10.1.2013.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2012a), “France to Cut Property Gains Tax in 2013 to Boost Housing”,, Erişim: 9.1.2013.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2012b), “French Presidential Rivals Put Housing at Heart of Campaigns”, -campaigns, Erişim: 11.1.2013.
  • SCANLON, K. and WHITEHEAD, C. (2011), French Social Housing in an International Context, OECD Economics Department, Working Papers No. 862, OECD Publishing.
  • SCHAEFER, J-P. (2008), “The Demand for and Supply of Social Housing in France: Hopes and Fears”, Social Housing in Europe II: A Review of Policies and Outcomes, (Eds.) K. Scanlon and C. Whitehead. London: The London School of Economics and Political Science, 95-103.
  • SCHWARTZ, N. H. (1991), “French Housing Policies in the Eighties: Complexity, Continuity, and Ideology”, The French Welfare State: Surviving Social and Ideological Change, (Ed.) J. S. Ambler. USA: New York University Press, 187-231.
  • SILVERSTEIN, P. A. (2004), Algeria in France: Transpolitics, Race, and Nation, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • TAFFIN, C. (1998), “‘Epargne-Logement’ in France”, Housing Finance International, 13 (2), 27-33.
  • TEUFEL, J. L. (2007), A Comparative Study of the French and U.S. Housing Markets, Oregon State University: Bachelors of Arts in International Studies in Business Administration.
  • TUTIN, C. (2008), Social Housing: Another French Exception?, Budapest: Central and East European Workshop on Social Housing.
  • WAKEMAN, R. (1999), “Reconstruction and the Self-help Housing Movement: The French Experience”, Housing Studies, 14 (3), 355-366.


Yıl 2017, Cilt: 6 Sayı: 14, 68 - 88, 30.04.2017


ilk sanayileşen ülkelerinden biri olan Fransa, henüz 19. yüzyılda şiddetli bir
konut sorunuyla karşı karşıya kalmıştır. O dönemden 20. yüzyılın ortalarına
kadar hıfzıssıhha siyasetinin bir parçası olarak ele alınabilen bu soruna karşı
kapsamlı bir politika uygulanamamıştır. Devletin, konut sektöründe faal bir
aktör olarak rol almaya başlaması, II. Dünya Savaşı sonrasına denk düşer. Bu
dönemden itibaren devlet, muhtelif enstrümanlar aracılığıyla kapsamlı bir konut
politikası uygulamış ve konut sorununu bir ölçüde ortadan kaldırmıştır. Ancak 1970’li
yıllar, neoliberal fikir ve politikaların tesiriyle, devletin konut sektöründen
çekilişine sahne olmuştur. Bu çekilmenin sektörde yarattığı sorunlar, 1990’lı
yıllardan itibaren, sınırlı da olsa devlet müdahalesini geri getirmiştir. Sonuç
olarak Fransız konut politikası neoliberal dalgadan etkilenmekte, ancak güçlü
bir sosyal konut geleneği hâlen varlığını sürdürmektedir.


  • AMZALLAG, M. and TAFFIN, C. (2010), Social Rental Housing in France, The World Bank: Social Union for Housing.
  • AVELINE, N. (1997), “Urban Land Markets and Land Policy in France”, Comprehensive Urban Studies, 62, 139-152.
  • BÉGUIN, H. and BERTRAND, L. (2009), Adjusting Social Policies to their Beneficiaries: Paradoxes and Limits. The Case of Social Policies of Housing in France, Urbino: 7th ESPAnet Conference.
  • BLANC, M. (2004), “The Changing Role of the State in French Housing Policies: A Roll-Out Without Roll-Back?”, European Journal of Housing Policy, 4 (3), 283-302.
  • BLANC, M. and BERTRAND, L. (1996), “France”, Housing Policy in Europe, (Ed.) P. Balchin. London and New York: Routledge, 125-145.
  • BONNEVILLE, M. (2005), “The Ambiguity of Urban Renewal in France: Between Continuity and Rupture”, Journal of Housing and Built Environment, 20, 229-242.
  • BOOTH, P. (2003), “Promoting Radical Change: The Loi Relative à la Solidarité et au Renouvellement Urbains in France”, European Planning Studies, 11 (8), 949-963.
  • CHODORGE, M., FILIPPI, B. and TUTIN, C. (2009), Social Housing and Metropolitan Urban Dynamics: The Case of Paris, Prague: ENHR Annual Conference.
  • COMMISSARIAT GÉNÉRAL AU DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE (2012), Comptes du Logement, Service de l’Observation et des Statistiques.
  • DRIANT, J-C. (2012), “Why Isn’t There Enough Housing in France?”, (Translated by O. Waine),, Erişim: 20.6.2013.
  • DRIANT, J-C and LI, M. (2012), “The Ongoing Transformation of Social Housing Finance in France: Towards a Self-financing System?”, International Journal of Housing Policy, 12 (1), 91-103. FACK, G. (2006), “Are Housing Benefit an Effective Way to Redistribute Income? Evidence from a Natural Experiment in France”, Labour Economics, 13 (6), 747-771.
  • GANDAIS, L. (2011), “Fransız Banliyölerinde Sosyal Konut Mülkiyeti Anlayışının Gerilemesi”, (Çev. İ. Soysüren), Toplumbilim, 26, 39-48.
  •, Erişim: 30.5.2013.
  •, Erişim: 27.5.2013.
  • KOWALSKI, A. (2007), From Cathedrals to Teaspoons: The Inventaire General and the Cultural Wealth of the French Nation, Ann Arbor-Michigan: UMI Dissertation Publishing.
  • LAFERRÉRE, A. and LE BLANC, D. (2004), “How Do Housing Allowances Affect Rents? An Empirical Analysis of the French Case”, Journal of Housing Economics, 13 (1), 36-67.
  • LAGMAN, J. F. (2010), “Anatomy of the Nation’s Housing Problems”, In Focus, 10, 103-124.
  • LANGLEY, E. (2002), “The Changing Visage of French Housing Policy and Finance: A Half-Century of Comprehensive, Complex and Compelling Home Building”,, Erişim: 23.5.2012.
  • LEVY-VROELANT, C. and TUTIN, C. (2007), “Social Housing in France”, Social Housing in Europe, (Eds.) C. Whitehead and K. Scanlon. London: The London School of Economics and Political Science, 70-89.
  • NEWMAN, S. (2000), Growth Pressure and the Consolidation Mentality: Immigration and the French, Australian Population Association Conference.
  • NEWSOME, W. B. (2009), French Urban Planning 1940-1968: The Construction and Deconstruction of an Authoritarian System, New York: Peter Lang Publishing.
  • OECD (2011), OECD Economic Surveys: France 2011, Paris: OECD Publishing.
  • PEPPERCORN, I. and TAFFIN, C. (2009), “Social Housing in the USA and France: Lessons from Convergences and Divergences”, Urban Planning International, 3, 26-33.
  • PITTINI, A. and LAINO, E. (2011), Housing Europe Review 2012: The Nuts and Bolts of European Social Housing Systems, Brussels: CECODHAS.
  • PLOUIN, M. E. (2007), “Chicken Coops and Machines of Interminable Errors: A History of the Grands Ensembles in Parisian Suburbs”, Berkeley Planning Journal, 20 (1), 43-59.
  • POLLARD, J. (2010), “How the State is Handling the Property Crisis in France: A Perspective on Recent Government Measures”, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 34 (3), 686-692.
  • POYRAZ, M. (2011), “İstanbul ve Paris’in Yoksul Kenarları ile Merkez Arasındaki Bağlar ve Kopma Noktaları”, Toplumbilim, 26, 15-30.
  • PRIEMUS, H. and METSELAAR, G. (1992), Urban Renewal Policy in a European Perspective: An International Comparative Analysis, Delft: Delft University Press.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2011), “France to End Scellier Housing Tax Break Next Year”,, Erişim: 10.1.2013.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2012a), “France to Cut Property Gains Tax in 2013 to Boost Housing”,, Erişim: 9.1.2013.
  • PROPERTY INVESTOR EUROPE (2012b), “French Presidential Rivals Put Housing at Heart of Campaigns”, -campaigns, Erişim: 11.1.2013.
  • SCANLON, K. and WHITEHEAD, C. (2011), French Social Housing in an International Context, OECD Economics Department, Working Papers No. 862, OECD Publishing.
  • SCHAEFER, J-P. (2008), “The Demand for and Supply of Social Housing in France: Hopes and Fears”, Social Housing in Europe II: A Review of Policies and Outcomes, (Eds.) K. Scanlon and C. Whitehead. London: The London School of Economics and Political Science, 95-103.
  • SCHWARTZ, N. H. (1991), “French Housing Policies in the Eighties: Complexity, Continuity, and Ideology”, The French Welfare State: Surviving Social and Ideological Change, (Ed.) J. S. Ambler. USA: New York University Press, 187-231.
  • SILVERSTEIN, P. A. (2004), Algeria in France: Transpolitics, Race, and Nation, Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
  • TAFFIN, C. (1998), “‘Epargne-Logement’ in France”, Housing Finance International, 13 (2), 27-33.
  • TEUFEL, J. L. (2007), A Comparative Study of the French and U.S. Housing Markets, Oregon State University: Bachelors of Arts in International Studies in Business Administration.
  • TUTIN, C. (2008), Social Housing: Another French Exception?, Budapest: Central and East European Workshop on Social Housing.
  • WAKEMAN, R. (1999), “Reconstruction and the Self-help Housing Movement: The French Experience”, Housing Studies, 14 (3), 355-366.
Toplam 39 adet kaynakça vardır.


Bölüm Makaleler

Hakan Olgun

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Nisan 2017
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2017 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 14

Kaynak Göster

APA Olgun, H. (2017). FRANSA’DA KONUT POLİTİKASI: TARİHİ SÜREÇ VE BUGÜNKÜ DURUM. Hak İş Uluslararası Emek Ve Toplum Dergisi, 6(14), 68-88.