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Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 21, 23 - 51, 31.08.2019


Social policy refers to a set of public policies including collective solidarity mechanisms, regulatory legislation and several institutions. The period of 1945 to early 1970s was the golden age of social policy. Starting in the 1970s the age of Neo-liberalism changed the conventional social policy. Neo-liberalism is a modern interpretation of Adam Smith's economic philosophy. It advocates free trade, free markets, and labor market flexibility. Globalization has become a dominant issue in the age of Neo-liberalism. Neo-liberalism affected not only economic but also social policies since 1980’s. During that period social policy reforms were carried out in many countries such as Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, and Turkey. The Program for Transition to a Strong Economy began in May 2001. The Program has affected widespread and profound change in the Turkish economy and society. The PTSE has meant the transformation of the traditional social policy approach. New social policy approach had two main goals: labor market flexibility, and a sustainable pension system. The aim of this study is to analyze the transformation of social policy in Turkey during the 2000s. The paper is structured in four parts. The first part provides the transformation of social policy is assessed from the perspective of Neo-liberal. In the next part, the effects of Neo-liberalism on social policy in Turkey are examined. Thirdly, the demographic, social and economic factors triggering the reforms in Turkey are investigated. In the last part, the transformation of social policy in Turkey during the 2000s analyzed in the context of labor market flexibility and social security reforms


  • Abbritti, M. ve Weber, S. (2018). Market regulation, cycles and growth in a monetary union. Brussels: International Monetary Fund.
  • Aiginger, K. (2005). Labour market reforms and economic growth: the European experience in the 1990s. Journal of Economic Studies, 32 (5-6), 540-573.
  • Alper, Y. (2007). Kurumsal yapıda “tek çatı” hayata geçti. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 53, 141-171.
  • Alper, Y. (2002). Sosyal güvenlikte yeni bir adım: bireysel emeklilik. Çimento İşverenleri Sendikası Dergisi, 16 (2), 12-32.
  • Altan, Ö., Z., (2007), Sosyal politika. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Arnold, D., ve Bongiovi, J. R. (2013). Precarious, informalizing, and flexible work: transforming concepts and understandings. American Behavioral Scientist, 57 (3), 289–308.
  • Bedir, E. (2014). Sosyal politikaya ilişkin genel bilgiler ve sosyal politikanın araçlar. A. İ. Oral & Y. Şişman (Der.), Sosyal Politika içinde (2-27). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Brook, A.M. ve Whitehouse, E. (2006). The Turkish pension system: further reforms to help solve the informality problem. Paris: OECD Working Paper (No. 529).
  • Brycz, M. (2018). Does efficiency of the Nordic pension system evolve after crisis?. Journal of International Studies, 11 (4), 228-236.
  • Cerami, A. (2006). The reform challenges to the central and eastern European welfare regime. Paper presented at the International Conference of Transformation of Social Policy in Europe: Patterns, Issues and Challenges for the EU-25 and Candidate Countries, Ankara.
  • Chatterjee, S., Wadh, M. ve Patel, D. (2018). A study on employee welfare and its impact on their performance at private hospitals and its research centre-cross sectional descriptive study. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5 (12), 504-536.
  • Daly, M. ve Scheiwe, K. (2010). Individualization and personal obligations–social policy, family policy, and law reform in Germany and the UK. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 24 (2), 177–197.
  • Doruk, Ö. T. ve Yavuz, H. B. (2018), 1980’den sonra Türkiye’de uygulanan istikrar politikalarının ekonomik büyümeye etkisi”. Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8 (15), 2237-2265.
  • Elgrably, N. (2006). The minimum wage and labour market flexibility: economic note on the impact of institutional constraints on the labour market. Montreal: Montreal Economic Institute.
  • Harry, T., Chinyamurindi, W. T. ve Mjoli, T. (2018). Perceptions of factors that affect employability amongst a sample of final-year students at a rural South African University. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 44, 1-10.
  • Hastings, T. ve Heyes, J. (2016). Farewell to flexicurity? austerity and labour policies in the European Union”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 19 (4), 1-23.
  • Hayat, A. ve Shafiai, M. H. M. (2018), Liberalism, Islam and the idea of mankind. Munich: Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
  • Huber, E. ve Stephen, J. D. (2000). The political economy of pension reform: Latin America in comparative perspective. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • ILO (2017). World employment and social outlook: trends for women 2017. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • James, E. (1995). Averting the old-age crisis. Finance and Development, 32 (2), 4-8.
  • Kilponen, J. ve Mayes D. ve Vilmunen J. (2000). Labour market flexibility in the Euro Area. European Business Journal, 12 (2), 100-110.
  • Koray, M. (2000). Sosyal politika. Bursa: Ezgi Kitapevi Yayınları.
  • LPC (2005). National minimum wage report: London: Low Pay Commission.
  • Madsen, P. K. (2006). Labour market flexibility and social protection in European welfare states: contrasts end similarities. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 32 (2), 139-162.
  • Martin, S. J. (2009). Instructional alignment of workplace readiness skills in career and technical education. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Old Dominion University, Virginia.
  • Meagher, G. ve Wilkins, D. P. (2018). Private interests and problem frames in social policy reform: a corpus-assisted critical discourse analytical study. CADAAD Journal, 10 (2), 1-29.
  • OECD (1994). Jobs study. Paris: OECD Report.
  • OECD (2018). Taxing wages 2016-2017: special feature: differences in the disposable incomes of households with and without children. Paris: OECD Report.
  • Perry, L. (2006). Neo-liberal labor market reforms and work stoppages: comparisons of India, Indonesia, The United States and Australia, South Asian Journal of Management, 13 (3), 7-29.
  • Rasmus, J. (2019). Crisis and restoration of neoliberal policy in the USA: 2008–2018. International Critical Thought, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/21598282.2019.1585277.
  • Smith, E. ve Comyn, P. (2003). The development of employability skills in novice workers. Australia: Australian National Training Authority.
  • Stark, C. (2018). The neoliberal ideology, its contradictions, the consequences and challenges for social work. Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 25 (1), 39-63.
  • Stiller, S., (2007). The role of ideational leaders in major social policy reform: The German experience. Vienna: Paper prepared for the ESPAnet Annual Conference.
  • Şenkal, A. (2005). Küreselleşme sürecinde sosyal politika. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • World Bank (1994). Averting the old age crisis: policies to protect the old and promote growth. Washington: The World Bank Report.
  • Timonen (2003). V. Policy maps: Finland and Sweden, Canterbury: University of Kent Working Paper.
  • Tuna, O. ve Yalçıntaş N. (2011). Sosyal siyaset. İstanbul: Filiz Kitapevi.
  • TÜİK, Demografik Göstergeler: 2018, Mart 2019a, adresinden erişildi.
  • TÜİK, Göç İstatistikleri: 2018, Mart 2019b, adresinden erişildi.
  • TÜİK, İşgücü İstatistikleri: 2018, Mart 2019c, adresinden erişildi.
  • Vidlund, M. (2017). Flexible retirement–a model for the future? lessons from Sweden, Norway and Finland. Helsinki: Finnish Centre for Pensions Reports, No: 06/2017.
  • Williams, A. (2006). Minimum wage. The New York Amsterdam News, July 20-26, 13.
  • Zaiceva, A. ve Zimmermann, K. F. (2014), Migration and the demographic shift. Bonn: IZA Discussion Paper, No. 8743.
  • Zaim, S. (1997). Çalışma ekonomisi. İstanbul: Filiz Kitapevi.
  • Zeitlin, J. and Vanhercke, B. (2015). Economic governance in Europe 2020: socialising the European semester against the odds. David Natali and Bart Vanhercke (Der.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play içinde (65-126), Brussels: Brussels, European Social Observatory.


Yıl 2019, Cilt: 8 Sayı: 21, 23 - 51, 31.08.2019


Sosyal politika, bireyi ve toplumu sosyal risklere karşı korumak amacıyla kolektif yardım mekanizmalarını ve düzenleyici mevzuat ile çeşitli kurumlarla geliştirmiş olduğu politikaları tanımlamaktadır. 1945’ten 1970’li yılların ilk dönemine kadarki dönem sosyal politikanın altın çağıdır. 1970’li yıllarda başlayan Neo-liberalizm çağı geleneksel sosyal polikayı değiştirmiştir. Neo-liberalizm, Adam Smith'in ekonomik felsefesinin çağdaş yorumunu temsil etmektedir.  Bu felsefe serbest ticaret, serbest piyasa ekonomisi ve işgücü piyasası esnekliğini savunmaktadır. Küreselleşme, bu dönemde Neo-liberal felsefenin en önemli söylemi haline gelmiştir. 1980’den sonraki dönemde Neo-liberalizm sadece ekonomik politikaları değil aynı zamanda sosyal politikaları da etkilemiştir. Bu periyotta İsveç, Danimarka, Norveç, Avustralya ve Türkiye gibi birçok ülkede Neo-liberalizmin öngördüğü reform programları uygulanmıştır. Türkiye’de Güçlü Ekonomiye Geçiş Programı Mayıs 2001’de uygulamaya konulmuştur. Program Türk ekonomisinde ve toplumunda geniş ve köklü değişimlere yol açmıştır. Güçlü ekonomiye geçiş programı geleneksel sosyal politika yaklaşımının da dönüşümü anlamına gelmekteydi. Yeni sosyal politika yaklaşımının iki temel hedefi öngörülmüştür: işgücü piyasası esnekliği ve sosyal sürdürülebilir bir sosyal güvenlik sistemi. Bu makalenin amacı, Türkiye’de 2000’li yıllarda sosyal politika alanında yaşanan dönüşüm sürecini analiz etmektir. Makale, dört bölümden oluşmaktadır. İlk bölümde sosyal politika alanındaki dönüşüm süreci, Neo-liberal bir perspektiften analiz edilmektedir. Sonraki bölümde Neo-liberalizmin Türkiye’de sosyal politikaya etkisi incelenmektedir. Üçüncü olarak, Türkiye’de reformları harekete geçiren demografik, sosyal ve ekonomik faktörler değerlendirilmiştir. Son bölümde ise, 2000’li yıllarda Türkiye’de sosyal politikanın transformasyonu işgücü piyasası esnekliği ve sosyal politika reformları bağlamında irdelenmektedir.


  • Abbritti, M. ve Weber, S. (2018). Market regulation, cycles and growth in a monetary union. Brussels: International Monetary Fund.
  • Aiginger, K. (2005). Labour market reforms and economic growth: the European experience in the 1990s. Journal of Economic Studies, 32 (5-6), 540-573.
  • Alper, Y. (2007). Kurumsal yapıda “tek çatı” hayata geçti. Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları Dergisi, 53, 141-171.
  • Alper, Y. (2002). Sosyal güvenlikte yeni bir adım: bireysel emeklilik. Çimento İşverenleri Sendikası Dergisi, 16 (2), 12-32.
  • Altan, Ö., Z., (2007), Sosyal politika. Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Arnold, D., ve Bongiovi, J. R. (2013). Precarious, informalizing, and flexible work: transforming concepts and understandings. American Behavioral Scientist, 57 (3), 289–308.
  • Bedir, E. (2014). Sosyal politikaya ilişkin genel bilgiler ve sosyal politikanın araçlar. A. İ. Oral & Y. Şişman (Der.), Sosyal Politika içinde (2-27). Eskişehir: Anadolu Üniversitesi Yayınları.
  • Brook, A.M. ve Whitehouse, E. (2006). The Turkish pension system: further reforms to help solve the informality problem. Paris: OECD Working Paper (No. 529).
  • Brycz, M. (2018). Does efficiency of the Nordic pension system evolve after crisis?. Journal of International Studies, 11 (4), 228-236.
  • Cerami, A. (2006). The reform challenges to the central and eastern European welfare regime. Paper presented at the International Conference of Transformation of Social Policy in Europe: Patterns, Issues and Challenges for the EU-25 and Candidate Countries, Ankara.
  • Chatterjee, S., Wadh, M. ve Patel, D. (2018). A study on employee welfare and its impact on their performance at private hospitals and its research centre-cross sectional descriptive study. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5 (12), 504-536.
  • Daly, M. ve Scheiwe, K. (2010). Individualization and personal obligations–social policy, family policy, and law reform in Germany and the UK. International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 24 (2), 177–197.
  • Doruk, Ö. T. ve Yavuz, H. B. (2018), 1980’den sonra Türkiye’de uygulanan istikrar politikalarının ekonomik büyümeye etkisi”. Uluslararası Toplum Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8 (15), 2237-2265.
  • Elgrably, N. (2006). The minimum wage and labour market flexibility: economic note on the impact of institutional constraints on the labour market. Montreal: Montreal Economic Institute.
  • Harry, T., Chinyamurindi, W. T. ve Mjoli, T. (2018). Perceptions of factors that affect employability amongst a sample of final-year students at a rural South African University. SA Journal of Industrial Psychology, 44, 1-10.
  • Hastings, T. ve Heyes, J. (2016). Farewell to flexicurity? austerity and labour policies in the European Union”, Economic and Industrial Democracy, 19 (4), 1-23.
  • Hayat, A. ve Shafiai, M. H. M. (2018), Liberalism, Islam and the idea of mankind. Munich: Munich Personal RePEc Archive.
  • Huber, E. ve Stephen, J. D. (2000). The political economy of pension reform: Latin America in comparative perspective. Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development.
  • ILO (2017). World employment and social outlook: trends for women 2017. Geneva: International Labour Office.
  • James, E. (1995). Averting the old-age crisis. Finance and Development, 32 (2), 4-8.
  • Kilponen, J. ve Mayes D. ve Vilmunen J. (2000). Labour market flexibility in the Euro Area. European Business Journal, 12 (2), 100-110.
  • Koray, M. (2000). Sosyal politika. Bursa: Ezgi Kitapevi Yayınları.
  • LPC (2005). National minimum wage report: London: Low Pay Commission.
  • Madsen, P. K. (2006). Labour market flexibility and social protection in European welfare states: contrasts end similarities. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 32 (2), 139-162.
  • Martin, S. J. (2009). Instructional alignment of workplace readiness skills in career and technical education. (Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi). Old Dominion University, Virginia.
  • Meagher, G. ve Wilkins, D. P. (2018). Private interests and problem frames in social policy reform: a corpus-assisted critical discourse analytical study. CADAAD Journal, 10 (2), 1-29.
  • OECD (1994). Jobs study. Paris: OECD Report.
  • OECD (2018). Taxing wages 2016-2017: special feature: differences in the disposable incomes of households with and without children. Paris: OECD Report.
  • Perry, L. (2006). Neo-liberal labor market reforms and work stoppages: comparisons of India, Indonesia, The United States and Australia, South Asian Journal of Management, 13 (3), 7-29.
  • Rasmus, J. (2019). Crisis and restoration of neoliberal policy in the USA: 2008–2018. International Critical Thought, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/21598282.2019.1585277.
  • Smith, E. ve Comyn, P. (2003). The development of employability skills in novice workers. Australia: Australian National Training Authority.
  • Stark, C. (2018). The neoliberal ideology, its contradictions, the consequences and challenges for social work. Ljetopis Socijalnog Rada, 25 (1), 39-63.
  • Stiller, S., (2007). The role of ideational leaders in major social policy reform: The German experience. Vienna: Paper prepared for the ESPAnet Annual Conference.
  • Şenkal, A. (2005). Küreselleşme sürecinde sosyal politika. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları.
  • World Bank (1994). Averting the old age crisis: policies to protect the old and promote growth. Washington: The World Bank Report.
  • Timonen (2003). V. Policy maps: Finland and Sweden, Canterbury: University of Kent Working Paper.
  • Tuna, O. ve Yalçıntaş N. (2011). Sosyal siyaset. İstanbul: Filiz Kitapevi.
  • TÜİK, Demografik Göstergeler: 2018, Mart 2019a, adresinden erişildi.
  • TÜİK, Göç İstatistikleri: 2018, Mart 2019b, adresinden erişildi.
  • TÜİK, İşgücü İstatistikleri: 2018, Mart 2019c, adresinden erişildi.
  • Vidlund, M. (2017). Flexible retirement–a model for the future? lessons from Sweden, Norway and Finland. Helsinki: Finnish Centre for Pensions Reports, No: 06/2017.
  • Williams, A. (2006). Minimum wage. The New York Amsterdam News, July 20-26, 13.
  • Zaiceva, A. ve Zimmermann, K. F. (2014), Migration and the demographic shift. Bonn: IZA Discussion Paper, No. 8743.
  • Zaim, S. (1997). Çalışma ekonomisi. İstanbul: Filiz Kitapevi.
  • Zeitlin, J. and Vanhercke, B. (2015). Economic governance in Europe 2020: socialising the European semester against the odds. David Natali and Bart Vanhercke (Der.), Social policy in the European Union: state of play içinde (65-126), Brussels: Brussels, European Social Observatory.
Toplam 45 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Bölüm Makaleler

Tekin Akgeyik 0000-0002-7339-363X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 31 Ağustos 2019
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2019 Cilt: 8 Sayı: 21

Kaynak Göster

APA Akgeyik, T. (2019). 2000’Lİ YILLARDA TÜRKİYE’DE SOSYAL POLİTİKANIN DÖNÜŞÜMÜ: DEĞİŞİM ve REFORM EĞİLİMLERİ. Hak İş Uluslararası Emek Ve Toplum Dergisi, 8(21), 23-51.