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Farklı yağ içeriklerinde pirinç proteini-ksantan zamkı nanopartiküllerinden Pickering emülsiyonları: emülsiyon özellikleri ve yağ ikame maddesi olarak kek üretiminde kullanımı

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 162 - 176


Pirinç protein izolatı (RPI) ve ksantan gum (XG) kullanılarak üretilen nanopartiküller ile farklı yağ oranlarına sahip (%15(PE15),30 (PE30), 45(PE45) ve60 (PE60)) Pickering emülsiyonlar oluşturulmuştur. Üretilen bu emülsiyonlar ile yağ oranı düşürülmüş kekler üretilmesi hedeflenmiştir. Bu amaçla ilk olarak emülsiyon özellikleri değerlendirilmiştir. Emülsiyonların emülsiyon aktivite-stabilite indeksleri (EAI-ESI), Zeta(ζ)-potansiyelleri ve partikül yapıları incelenmiştir. EAI değeri %15 va 30 (w/w) yağ içeren PE15 ve PE30 emülsiyonları için sırasıyla 54.14±3.19 m2/g ve 54.15±0.95 m2/g olarak belirlenirken en düşük EAI değeri 30.12±0.89 m2/g olarak %60 yağ içeren PE60 emülsiyon için belirlenmştir. (ζ)-potansiyel değeri artan yağ konsantrasyonu ile birlikte azalırken yağ parçacık çapları artmıştır. Üretilen Pickering emülsiyonları, yağ yerine kek formülasyonunda kullanılmıştır. Bu amaçla, %15, 30, 45 ve 60 yağ içeren Pickering emülsiyonları (C-kontrol, C-PE15, C-PE30, C-PE45 ve C-PE60) kek üretmek için kullanılmıştır ve kontrol olarak sadece yağ içeren kek örneği hazırlanmıştır. Farklı yağ içeriklerine sahip emülsiyonlar kullanılarak yapılan keklerin özellikleri, hamurun viskozitesi, pişirme kaybı, simetri indeksi, nem içeriği ve kül içeriğinin ölçülmesi incelenmiştir. Viskozite değerleri incelendiğinde genel olarak en düşük değerin %15 yağ içeren emülsiyon ile hazırlanan kek hamurunda olduğu söylenebilir. Kek hamuru içerisinde ki yağ oranı arttıkça pH değerlerinin düştüğü görülmüştür. Pişirme kaybı ve simetri indeksi açısından kontrol formülasyonu ile emülsiyon bazlı kekler arasında kayda değer bir fark (p>0,05) olmamıştır. Emülsiyondaki yağ oranının azalması ve RPI-XG nanopartikül çözelti oranının artması nem değerlerini artırmıştır. Sonuç olarak, RPI-XG nanopartikülleri Pickering emülsiyonu üretmek için uygun bir malzemedir. Ek olarak, üretilen emülsiyonlar yağı azaltılmış kek üretimi için uygundur. Minimum yağ içeriğine sahip ürün kompozisyonları için PE15 emülsiyonunun kullanımı önerilebilir.


  • Abbaszadeh, F., M. Aalami, R. Kadkhodaee, Y. Maghsoudlou and A. Sadeghi Mahoonak (2023). "Effect of Pickering Emulsion Stabilized by Soy Protein Nanoparticles on Physical and Rheological Properties of Gluten‐Free Cake Batter." Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2023(1): 3348944.
  • Amagliani, L., J. O’Regan, A. L. Kelly and J. A. O’Mahony (2017). "Composition and protein profile analysis of rice protein ingredients." Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59: 18-26.
  • Azadfar, E., A. H. Elhami Rad, A. Sharifi and M. Armin (2023). "Effect of olive pomace fiber on the baking properties of wheat flour and flat bread (barbari bread) quality." Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2023(1): 1405758.
  • Azmoon, E., F. Saberi, F. Kouhsari, M. Akbari, M. Kieliszek and A. Vakilinezam (2021). "The effects of hydrocolloids-protein mixture as a fat replacer on physicochemical characteristics of sugar-free muffin cake: Modeling and optimization." Foods 10(7): 1549.
  • Baik, O., M. Marcotte and F. Castaigne (2000). "Cake baking in tunnel type multi-zone industrial ovens Part II. Evaluation of quality parameters." Food Research International 33(7): 599-607.
  • Baltacıoğlu, C., B. Temzisoy, M. Kanbur, M. Doğan and S. İbili (2020). "Hindiba (Cichorium Intybus L.) Kökü Ekstrakti Ve Trabzon Hurmasi (Diospyros Kaki L.) Tozunun Kek Üretiminde Kullanilmasi Ve Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi." Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 9(1): 297-307.
  • Baltacıoğlu, C. and M. Uyar (2017). Kabak (Cucubita pepo L.) tozunun kek üretiminde potansiyel kullanımı ve kek kalite parametrelerine etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 15 (3), 274-280.
  • Bath, D., K. Shelke and R. Hoseney (1992). "Fat replacers in high-ratio layer cakes." Cereal Foods World 37(7): 495-500.
  • Bedoya-Perales, N. S. and C. J. Steel (2014). "Effect of the concentrations of maltogenic α-amylase and fat on the technological and sensory quality of cakes." Food Science and Technology 34: 760-766.
  • Dickinson, E. and M. Golding (1997). "Rheology of sodium caseinate stabilized oil-in-water emulsions." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 191(1): 166-176.
  • Grossi Bovi Karatay, G., A. P. Rebellato, C. Joy Steel and M. Dupas Hubinger (2022). "Chickpea aquafaba-based emulsions as a fat replacer in pound cake: Impact on cake properties and sensory analysis." Foods 11(16): 2484.
  • Handleman, A. R., J. F. Conn and J. W. Lyons (1961). "Bubble mechanics in thick foams and their effects on cake quality." Cereal Chem 38(3): 294.
  • Igartúa, D. E., M. C. Dichano, M. N. Morales Huanca, G. G. Palazolo and D. M. Cabezas (2024). "Rice proteins – Gum arabic coacervates: Effect of pH and polysaccharide concentration in oil-in-water emulsion stability." Food Research International 188: 114399.
  • Kohajdová, Z., J. Karovičová and Š. Schmidt (2009). "Significance of emulsifiers and hydrocolloids in bakery industry." Acta Chimica Slovaca 2(1): 46-61.
  • Krstonošić, V., L. Dokić, I. Nikolić and M. Milanović (2015). "Influence of xanthan gum on oil-in-water emulsion characteristics stabilized by OSA starch." Food Hydrocolloids 45: 9-17.
  • Kumari, R., T. Jeyarani, C. Soumya and D. Indrani (2011). "Use of vegetable oils, emulsifiers and hydrocolloids on rheological, fatty acid profile and quality characteristics of pound cake." Journal of Texture Studies 42(5): 377-386.
  • Lakshminarayan, S. M., V. Rathinam and L. KrishnaRau (2006). "Effect of maltodextrin and emulsifiers on the viscosity of cake batter and on the quality of cakes." Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86(5): 706-712.
  • Li, H., X. Wu and W. Wu (2024). "Natural protein-polysaccharide-phenol complex particles from rice bran as novel food-grade Pickering emulsion stabilizers." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 277: 134314.
  • Li, Y., J. Wang, R. Ying, M. Huang and K. Hayat (2024). "Protein-stabilized Pickering emulsion interacting with inulin, xanthan gum and chitosan: Rheological behavior and 3D printing." Carbohydrate Polymers 326: 121658.
  • López-Monterrubio, D., C. Lobato-Calleros, J. Alvarez-Ramirez and E. Vernon-Carter (2020). "Huauzontle (Chenopodium nuttalliae Saff.) protein: Composition, structure, physicochemical and functional properties." Food Hydrocolloids 108: 106043.
  • Masoodi, F., B. Sharma and G. Chauhan (2002). "Use of apple pomace as a source of dietary fiber in cakes." Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 57: 121-128.
  • Matsuyama, S., M. Kazuhiro, M. Nakauma, T. Funami, Y. Nambu, K. Matsumiya and Y. Matsumura (2021). "Stabilization of whey protein isolate-based emulsions via complexation with xanthan gum under acidic conditions." Food Hydrocolloids 111: 106365.
  • Moirangthem, K., D. Jenkins, P. Ramakrishna, R. Rajkumari and D. Cook (2020). "Indian black rice: A brewing raw material with novel functionality." Journal of the Institute of Brewing 126(1): 35-45.
  • Mustafa, R., Y. He, Y. Y. Shim and M. J. Reaney (2018). "Aquafaba, wastewater from chickpea canning, functions as an egg replacer in sponge cake." International journal of food science & technology 53(10): 2247-2255.
  • Peanparkdee, M. and S. Iwamoto (2019). "Bioactive compounds from by-products of rice cultivation and rice processing: Extraction and application in the food and pharmaceutical industries." Trends in Food Science & Technology 86: 109-117.
  • Roy, T., A. Singh, T. P. Sari and S. Homroy (2023). "Rice protein: Emerging insights of extraction, structural characteristics, functionality, and application in the food industry." Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123: 105581.
  • Shi, A., X. Feng, Q. Wang and B. Adhikari (2020). "Pickering and high internal phase Pickering emulsions stabilized by protein-based particles: A review of synthesis, application and prospective." Food Hydrocolloids 109: 106117.
  • Soleimanpour, M., A. Koocheki and R. Kadkhodaee (2013). "Influence of main emulsion components on the physical properties of corn oil in water emulsion: Effect of oil volume fraction, whey protein concentrate and Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum." Food Research International 50(1): 457-466.
  • Song, X., Y. Pei, M. Qiao, F. Ma, H. Ren and Q. Zhao (2015). "Preparation and characterizations of Pickering emulsions stabilized by hydrophobic starch particles." Food Hydrocolloids 45: 256-263.
  • Sui, X., S. Bi, B. Qi, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Li and L. Jiang (2017). "Impact of ultrasonic treatment on an emulsion system stabilized with soybean protein isolate and lecithin: Its emulsifying property and emulsion stability." Food Hydrocolloids 63: 727-734.
  • Sun, C. and S. Gunasekaran (2009). "Effects of protein concentration and oil-phase volume fraction on the stability and rheology of menhaden oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by whey protein isolate with xanthan gum." Food Hydrocolloids 23(1): 165-174.
  • Tan, H., L. Han and C. Yang (2021). "Effect of oil type and β-carotene incorporation on the properties of gelatin nanoparticle-stabilized pickering emulsions." Lwt 141: 110903.
  • Tang, M.-G., M. Yang, L.-K. Xu, Y.-L. Wang, L. Tao, J.-H. Dai, J. Sheng and Y. Tian (2024). Covalent interactions between walnut protein isolate and chlorogenic acid impact the formation, structure, functionality and emulsions stability of the isolates, Elsevier: 115991.
  • Thorne, M. F., F. Simkovic and A. G. Slater (2019). "Production of monodisperse polyurea microcapsules using microfluidics." Scientific reports 9(1): 17983.
  • Tu, Y., X. Zhang and L. Wang (2023). "Effect of salt treatment on the stabilization of Pickering emulsions prepared with rice bran protein." Food Research International 166: 112537.
  • Wu, D., L. Tang, Z. Zeng, J. Zhang, X. Hu, Q. Pan, F. Geng and H. Li (2022). "Delivery of hyperoside by using a soybean protein isolated-soy soluble polysaccharide nanocomplex: Fabrication, characterization, and in vitro release properties." Food Chemistry 386: 132837.
  • Xie, H., J. Huang, M. W. Woo, J. Hu, H. Xiong and Q. Zhao (2021). "Effect of cold and hot enzyme deactivation on the structural and functional properties of rice dreg protein hydrolysates." Food Chemistry 345: 128784.
  • Xie, H., K. Ouyang, W. Shi, W. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Xiong and Q. Zhao (2023). "Enhancing the interfacial stability of O/W emulsion by adjusting interactions of chitosan and rice protein hydrolysate." Food Hydrocolloids 137: 108406.
  • Xie, Y., Y. Lei, J. Rong, X. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Chen, H. Liang, Y. Li, B. Li and Z. Fang (2021). "Physico-chemical properties of reduced-fat biscuits prepared using O/W cellulose-based Pickering emulsion." Lwt 148: 111745.
  • Xing, X., B. Chitrakar, S. Hati, S. Xie, H. Li, C. Li, Z. Liu and H. Mo (2022). "Development of black fungus-based 3D printed foods as dysphagia diet: Effect of gums incorporation." Food Hydrocolloids 123: 107173.
  • Xu, D., Z. Liu, Z. An, L. Hu, H. Li, H. Mo and S. Hati (2023). "Incorporation of probiotics into 3D printed Pickering emulsion gel stabilized by tea protein/xanthan gum." Food Chemistry 409: 135289.
  • Xu, X., L. Li, C. Ma, D. Li, Y. Yang, X. Bian, J. Fan, N. Zhang and F. Zuo (2023). "Soy protein isolate-citrus pectin-gallic acid ternary composite high internal phase Pickering emulsion for delivery of β-carotene: Physicochemical, structural and digestive properties." Food Research International 169: 112910.
  • Zarzycki, P., A. Wirkijowska, A. Nawrocka, K. Kozłowicz, M. Krajewska, K. Kłosok and A. Krawęcka (2022). "Effect of Moldavian dragonhead seed residue on the baking properties of wheat flour and bread quality." LWT 155: 112967.
  • Zhao, J., T. Wei, Z. Wei, F. Yuan and Y. Gao (2015). "Influence of soybean soluble polysaccharides and beet pectin on the physicochemical properties of lactoferrin-coated orange oil emulsion." Food Hydrocolloids 44: 443-452.

Pickering emulsions from rice protein-xanthan gum nanoparticles at different oil content: emulsion properties and using producing cake as a fat replacer

Yıl 2025, Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1, 162 - 176


In the present study, Pickering emulsions with different oil content (15%(PE15),30 (PE30), 45(PE45), and 60 (PE60)) were created with nanoparticles produced from rice protein isolate (RPI) and xanthan gum (XG). The aim was to produce cakes with reduced oil content with these emulsions. For this purpose, firstly the emulsion properties were evaluated. Emulsion activity (EAI)-stability indexes (ESI), ζ-potentials, and nanoparticle structures of the emulsions were investigated. The EAI value was determined as 54.14±3.19 m2/g and 54.15±0.95 m2/g for the emulsions containing 15% and 30 (w/w) oil, respectively, while the lowest EAI value was determined as 30.12±0.89 m2/g for the emulsion containing 60% oil. While the ζ-potential value decreased with increasing oil concentration, oil globule diameters increased. Pickering emulsions with 15%, 30, 45, and 60 oil (C-PE15, C-PE30, C-PE45, and C-PE60) and a control sample were produced with oil. The features of cakes made using emulsions with different oil contents were examined, including measuring the viscosity of batter, baking loss, symmetry index, moisture content, ash content, and sensory analysis. When viscosity values are examined, it can be said that the lowest value was generally recorded in the cake batter prepared with PE15. The pH values decreased as the oil content in the cake batter increased. Baking loss and symmetry index did not significantly differ (p>0.05) between cakes made with emulsion and control. The decrease in the oil ratio in the emulsion and the increase in the RPI-XG nanoparticle solution ratio increased moisture. As a result, RPI-XG nanoparticles are a suitable material for producing Pickering emulsion. Additionally, cakes can be made with the emulsions that are formed. For product compositions with minimal oil content, the usage of PE15 emulsion can be suggested.


  • Abbaszadeh, F., M. Aalami, R. Kadkhodaee, Y. Maghsoudlou and A. Sadeghi Mahoonak (2023). "Effect of Pickering Emulsion Stabilized by Soy Protein Nanoparticles on Physical and Rheological Properties of Gluten‐Free Cake Batter." Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2023(1): 3348944.
  • Amagliani, L., J. O’Regan, A. L. Kelly and J. A. O’Mahony (2017). "Composition and protein profile analysis of rice protein ingredients." Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 59: 18-26.
  • Azadfar, E., A. H. Elhami Rad, A. Sharifi and M. Armin (2023). "Effect of olive pomace fiber on the baking properties of wheat flour and flat bread (barbari bread) quality." Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 2023(1): 1405758.
  • Azmoon, E., F. Saberi, F. Kouhsari, M. Akbari, M. Kieliszek and A. Vakilinezam (2021). "The effects of hydrocolloids-protein mixture as a fat replacer on physicochemical characteristics of sugar-free muffin cake: Modeling and optimization." Foods 10(7): 1549.
  • Baik, O., M. Marcotte and F. Castaigne (2000). "Cake baking in tunnel type multi-zone industrial ovens Part II. Evaluation of quality parameters." Food Research International 33(7): 599-607.
  • Baltacıoğlu, C., B. Temzisoy, M. Kanbur, M. Doğan and S. İbili (2020). "Hindiba (Cichorium Intybus L.) Kökü Ekstrakti Ve Trabzon Hurmasi (Diospyros Kaki L.) Tozunun Kek Üretiminde Kullanilmasi Ve Kalite Parametreleri Üzerine Etkisinin İncelenmesi." Niğde Ömer Halisdemir Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 9(1): 297-307.
  • Baltacıoğlu, C. and M. Uyar (2017). Kabak (Cucubita pepo L.) tozunun kek üretiminde potansiyel kullanımı ve kek kalite parametrelerine etkisi. Akademik Gıda, 15 (3), 274-280.
  • Bath, D., K. Shelke and R. Hoseney (1992). "Fat replacers in high-ratio layer cakes." Cereal Foods World 37(7): 495-500.
  • Bedoya-Perales, N. S. and C. J. Steel (2014). "Effect of the concentrations of maltogenic α-amylase and fat on the technological and sensory quality of cakes." Food Science and Technology 34: 760-766.
  • Dickinson, E. and M. Golding (1997). "Rheology of sodium caseinate stabilized oil-in-water emulsions." Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 191(1): 166-176.
  • Grossi Bovi Karatay, G., A. P. Rebellato, C. Joy Steel and M. Dupas Hubinger (2022). "Chickpea aquafaba-based emulsions as a fat replacer in pound cake: Impact on cake properties and sensory analysis." Foods 11(16): 2484.
  • Handleman, A. R., J. F. Conn and J. W. Lyons (1961). "Bubble mechanics in thick foams and their effects on cake quality." Cereal Chem 38(3): 294.
  • Igartúa, D. E., M. C. Dichano, M. N. Morales Huanca, G. G. Palazolo and D. M. Cabezas (2024). "Rice proteins – Gum arabic coacervates: Effect of pH and polysaccharide concentration in oil-in-water emulsion stability." Food Research International 188: 114399.
  • Kohajdová, Z., J. Karovičová and Š. Schmidt (2009). "Significance of emulsifiers and hydrocolloids in bakery industry." Acta Chimica Slovaca 2(1): 46-61.
  • Krstonošić, V., L. Dokić, I. Nikolić and M. Milanović (2015). "Influence of xanthan gum on oil-in-water emulsion characteristics stabilized by OSA starch." Food Hydrocolloids 45: 9-17.
  • Kumari, R., T. Jeyarani, C. Soumya and D. Indrani (2011). "Use of vegetable oils, emulsifiers and hydrocolloids on rheological, fatty acid profile and quality characteristics of pound cake." Journal of Texture Studies 42(5): 377-386.
  • Lakshminarayan, S. M., V. Rathinam and L. KrishnaRau (2006). "Effect of maltodextrin and emulsifiers on the viscosity of cake batter and on the quality of cakes." Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86(5): 706-712.
  • Li, H., X. Wu and W. Wu (2024). "Natural protein-polysaccharide-phenol complex particles from rice bran as novel food-grade Pickering emulsion stabilizers." International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 277: 134314.
  • Li, Y., J. Wang, R. Ying, M. Huang and K. Hayat (2024). "Protein-stabilized Pickering emulsion interacting with inulin, xanthan gum and chitosan: Rheological behavior and 3D printing." Carbohydrate Polymers 326: 121658.
  • López-Monterrubio, D., C. Lobato-Calleros, J. Alvarez-Ramirez and E. Vernon-Carter (2020). "Huauzontle (Chenopodium nuttalliae Saff.) protein: Composition, structure, physicochemical and functional properties." Food Hydrocolloids 108: 106043.
  • Masoodi, F., B. Sharma and G. Chauhan (2002). "Use of apple pomace as a source of dietary fiber in cakes." Plant Foods for Human Nutrition 57: 121-128.
  • Matsuyama, S., M. Kazuhiro, M. Nakauma, T. Funami, Y. Nambu, K. Matsumiya and Y. Matsumura (2021). "Stabilization of whey protein isolate-based emulsions via complexation with xanthan gum under acidic conditions." Food Hydrocolloids 111: 106365.
  • Moirangthem, K., D. Jenkins, P. Ramakrishna, R. Rajkumari and D. Cook (2020). "Indian black rice: A brewing raw material with novel functionality." Journal of the Institute of Brewing 126(1): 35-45.
  • Mustafa, R., Y. He, Y. Y. Shim and M. J. Reaney (2018). "Aquafaba, wastewater from chickpea canning, functions as an egg replacer in sponge cake." International journal of food science & technology 53(10): 2247-2255.
  • Peanparkdee, M. and S. Iwamoto (2019). "Bioactive compounds from by-products of rice cultivation and rice processing: Extraction and application in the food and pharmaceutical industries." Trends in Food Science & Technology 86: 109-117.
  • Roy, T., A. Singh, T. P. Sari and S. Homroy (2023). "Rice protein: Emerging insights of extraction, structural characteristics, functionality, and application in the food industry." Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 123: 105581.
  • Shi, A., X. Feng, Q. Wang and B. Adhikari (2020). "Pickering and high internal phase Pickering emulsions stabilized by protein-based particles: A review of synthesis, application and prospective." Food Hydrocolloids 109: 106117.
  • Soleimanpour, M., A. Koocheki and R. Kadkhodaee (2013). "Influence of main emulsion components on the physical properties of corn oil in water emulsion: Effect of oil volume fraction, whey protein concentrate and Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum." Food Research International 50(1): 457-466.
  • Song, X., Y. Pei, M. Qiao, F. Ma, H. Ren and Q. Zhao (2015). "Preparation and characterizations of Pickering emulsions stabilized by hydrophobic starch particles." Food Hydrocolloids 45: 256-263.
  • Sui, X., S. Bi, B. Qi, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, Y. Li and L. Jiang (2017). "Impact of ultrasonic treatment on an emulsion system stabilized with soybean protein isolate and lecithin: Its emulsifying property and emulsion stability." Food Hydrocolloids 63: 727-734.
  • Sun, C. and S. Gunasekaran (2009). "Effects of protein concentration and oil-phase volume fraction on the stability and rheology of menhaden oil-in-water emulsions stabilized by whey protein isolate with xanthan gum." Food Hydrocolloids 23(1): 165-174.
  • Tan, H., L. Han and C. Yang (2021). "Effect of oil type and β-carotene incorporation on the properties of gelatin nanoparticle-stabilized pickering emulsions." Lwt 141: 110903.
  • Tang, M.-G., M. Yang, L.-K. Xu, Y.-L. Wang, L. Tao, J.-H. Dai, J. Sheng and Y. Tian (2024). Covalent interactions between walnut protein isolate and chlorogenic acid impact the formation, structure, functionality and emulsions stability of the isolates, Elsevier: 115991.
  • Thorne, M. F., F. Simkovic and A. G. Slater (2019). "Production of monodisperse polyurea microcapsules using microfluidics." Scientific reports 9(1): 17983.
  • Tu, Y., X. Zhang and L. Wang (2023). "Effect of salt treatment on the stabilization of Pickering emulsions prepared with rice bran protein." Food Research International 166: 112537.
  • Wu, D., L. Tang, Z. Zeng, J. Zhang, X. Hu, Q. Pan, F. Geng and H. Li (2022). "Delivery of hyperoside by using a soybean protein isolated-soy soluble polysaccharide nanocomplex: Fabrication, characterization, and in vitro release properties." Food Chemistry 386: 132837.
  • Xie, H., J. Huang, M. W. Woo, J. Hu, H. Xiong and Q. Zhao (2021). "Effect of cold and hot enzyme deactivation on the structural and functional properties of rice dreg protein hydrolysates." Food Chemistry 345: 128784.
  • Xie, H., K. Ouyang, W. Shi, W. Wang, Y. Wang, H. Xiong and Q. Zhao (2023). "Enhancing the interfacial stability of O/W emulsion by adjusting interactions of chitosan and rice protein hydrolysate." Food Hydrocolloids 137: 108406.
  • Xie, Y., Y. Lei, J. Rong, X. Zhang, J. Li, Y. Chen, H. Liang, Y. Li, B. Li and Z. Fang (2021). "Physico-chemical properties of reduced-fat biscuits prepared using O/W cellulose-based Pickering emulsion." Lwt 148: 111745.
  • Xing, X., B. Chitrakar, S. Hati, S. Xie, H. Li, C. Li, Z. Liu and H. Mo (2022). "Development of black fungus-based 3D printed foods as dysphagia diet: Effect of gums incorporation." Food Hydrocolloids 123: 107173.
  • Xu, D., Z. Liu, Z. An, L. Hu, H. Li, H. Mo and S. Hati (2023). "Incorporation of probiotics into 3D printed Pickering emulsion gel stabilized by tea protein/xanthan gum." Food Chemistry 409: 135289.
  • Xu, X., L. Li, C. Ma, D. Li, Y. Yang, X. Bian, J. Fan, N. Zhang and F. Zuo (2023). "Soy protein isolate-citrus pectin-gallic acid ternary composite high internal phase Pickering emulsion for delivery of β-carotene: Physicochemical, structural and digestive properties." Food Research International 169: 112910.
  • Zarzycki, P., A. Wirkijowska, A. Nawrocka, K. Kozłowicz, M. Krajewska, K. Kłosok and A. Krawęcka (2022). "Effect of Moldavian dragonhead seed residue on the baking properties of wheat flour and bread quality." LWT 155: 112967.
  • Zhao, J., T. Wei, Z. Wei, F. Yuan and Y. Gao (2015). "Influence of soybean soluble polysaccharides and beet pectin on the physicochemical properties of lactoferrin-coated orange oil emulsion." Food Hydrocolloids 44: 443-452.
Toplam 44 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce
Konular Gıda Teknolojileri
Bölüm Araştırma Makaleleri

Elif Meltem İşçimen 0000-0002-9849-6352

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 17 Mart 2025
Yayımlanma Tarihi
Gönderilme Tarihi 16 Ekim 2024
Kabul Tarihi 20 Şubat 2025
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2025 Cilt: 29 Sayı: 1

Kaynak Göster

APA İşçimen, E. M. (2025). Pickering emulsions from rice protein-xanthan gum nanoparticles at different oil content: emulsion properties and using producing cake as a fat replacer. Harran Tarım Ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi, 29(1), 162-176.

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13435  19617   22065  13436  1344013445  13464  22066   22069  13466 

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