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Residual Feed Intake in Animal Nutrition

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 2, 85 - 92, 23.01.2024


Although there are different units used in the evaluation of feed by animals, the studies that used the residual feed intake is noted to be quite limited. Residual feed intake is defined as the difference between an animal's actual feed intake and expected feed intake depending on its size and growth. This study aims to present the current situation regarding residual feed intake in animal nutrition and to provide information about the usability of residual feed intake. In this context, the subject is discussed in detail by focusing on the physiological basis of residual feed intake, some units in defining feed efficiency, residual feed intake calculation models, residual feed intake practices in some livestock, and the economic and environmental benefits of residual feed intake selection. In the limited study conducted on residual feed intake, it is reported that breeding studies can be carried out by using residual feed intake (animal selection), that the animals with the least dry matter intake can be determined among the animals with the same yield, and that positive effects on the growth rate can be achieved by using the residual feed intake unit. In addition, it is thought that residual feed intake can be preferred in ruminants in terms of providing very important contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and considering the advantages and successful results in animal nutrition, the use of residual feed intake will become widespread worldwide.


  • Archer JA, Arthur PF, Herd RM, Parnell PF, Pitchford WS. 1997. Optimum postweaning test for measurement of growth rate, feed intake and feed efficiency in British breed cattle. Journal of Animal Science 75(8):2024–2032.
  • Archer JA, Reverter A, Herd RM, Johnston DJ, Arthur PF. 2002. Genetic variation in feed intake and efficiency of mature beef cows and relationships with postweaning measurements. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. August 19-23, 2002. Montpellier, France. Communication N°10-07.
  • Archer JA, Richardson EC, Herd RM, Arthur PF. 1999. Potential for selection to improve efficiency of feed use in beef cattle: a review. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50(2):147.
  • Arthur JPF, Herd RM. 2008. Residual feed intake in beef cattle. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 37(Special issue):269–279.
  • Arthur PF, Archer JA, Johnston DJ, Herd RM, Richardson EC, Parnell PF. 2001. Genetic and phenotypic variance and covariance components for feed intake, feed efficiency, and other postweaning traits in Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 79(11):2805.
  • Arthur PF, Herd RM, Wilkins JF, Archer JA. 2005. Maternal productivity of Angus cows divergently selected for post-weaning residual feed intake. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(8):985.
  • Basarab JA, Price MA, Aalhus JL, Okine EK, Snelling WM, Lyle KL. 2003. Residual feed intake and body composition in young growing cattle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 83(2):189–204.
  • Carstens GE, Theis CM, White MB, Welsh Jr TH, Warrington BG, Randel RD, Forbes TDA, Lippke H, Greene LW, Lunt DK. 2002. Residual feed intake in beef steers: I. Correlations with performance traits and ultrasound measures of body composition. In Proceedings-American Society of Animal Science Western Section 53:552–555.
  • Carstens GE, Tedeschi LO. 2006. Defining feed efficiency in beef cattle. In Proceedings of Beef Improvement Federation 38th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Choctaw, Mississippi, April 2006, s. 12-21.
  • François D, Bibé B, Bouix J, Brunel JC, Weisbecker JL, Ricard E. 2002. Genetic parameters of feeding traits on meat sheep. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. August 19-23, 2002. Montpellier, France. 7:19–23.
  • Green TC, Jago JG, Macdonald KA, Waghorn GC. 2013. Relationships between residual feed intake, average daily gain, and feeding behavior in growing dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 96(5):3098–3107.
  • Hegarty RS, Goopy JP, Herd RM, McCorkell B. 2007. Cattle selected for lower residual feed intake have reduced daily methane production. Journal of Animal Science 85(6):1479–1486.
  • Herd RM, Oddy VH, Richardson EC. 2004. Biological basis for variation in residual feed intake in beef cattle. 1. Review of potential mechanisms. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 44(5):423.
  • Johnson JL, Lee RP, Saini A, Grohmann B. 2003. Market-focused strategic flexibility: conceptual advances and an integrative model. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(1):74–89.
  • Koch RM, Swiger LA, Chambers D, Gregory KE. 1963. Efficiency of feed use in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 22(2):486–494.
  • Lancaster PA, Carstens GE, Ribeiro FRB, Tedeschi LO, Crews DH. 2009. Characterization of feed efficiency traits and relationships with feeding behavior and ultrasound carcass traits in growing bulls. Journal of Animal Science 87(4):1528–1539.
  • Montanholi YR, Swanson KC, Palme R, Schenkel FS, McBride BW, Lu D, Miller SP. 2010. Assessing feed efficiency in beef steers through feeding behavior, infrared thermography and glucocorticoids. Animal 4(5):692–701.
  • Nkrumah JD, Basarab JA, Wang Z, Li C, Price MA, Okine EK, Crews DH, Moore SS. 2007. Genetic and phenotypic relationships of feed intake and measures of efficiency with growth and carcass merit of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 85(10):2711–2720.
  • Nkrumah JD, Okine EK, Mathison GW, Schmid K, Li C, Basarab JA, Price MA, Wang Z, Moore SS. 2006. Relationships of feedlot feed efficiency, performance, and feeding behavior with metabolic rate, methane production, and energy partitioning in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84(1):145–153.
  • Prakash A, Saxena VK, Singh MK. 2020. Genetic analysis of residual feed intake, feed conversion ratio and related growth parameters in broiler chicken: a review. World’s Poultry Science Journal 76(2):304–317.
  • Redden RR, Surber LMM, Grove AV, Kott RW. 2013. Growth efficiency of ewe lambs classified into residual feed intake groups and pen fed a restricted amount of feed. Small Ruminant Research 114(2–3):214–219.
  • Richardson EC, Herd RM. 2004. Biological basis for variation in residual feed intake in beef cattle. 2. Synthesis of results following divergent selection. Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 44:431–440.
  • Sainz RD, Paulino PV. 2004. Residual Feed Inake. Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center, 1–4.
  • Standing Committee on Agriculture (SCA), 1990. Feeding standards for Australian livestock. Ruminants. (CSIRO) East Melbourne).
  • Smith SN, Davis ME, Loerch SC. 2010. Residual feed intake of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for feed conversion ratio. Livestock Science 132(1–3):41–47.
  • Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar TD, Castel V, Rosales M, Rosales M, de Haan C. 2006. Livestock’s long shadow: environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Org. ISBN 978-92-5-105571-7
  • Steyn Y, Van Marle-Köster E, Theron HE. 2014. Residual feed intake as selection tool in South African Bonsmara cattle. Livestock Science, 164(1):35–38.
  • Subhashchandra Bose BK, Kundu SS, Tho NTB, Sharma VK, Sontakke UB. 2014. Residual feed intake as a feed efficiency selection tool and its relationship with feed intake, performance and nutrient utilization in Murrah buffalo calves. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46(4):615–621.
  • Tixier-Boichard M, Bordas A, Renand G, Bidanel JP. 2002. Residual food consumption as a tool to unravel genetic components of food intake. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France, August, 2002. pp :10–18.
  • Williams YJ, Pryce JE, Grainger C, Wales WJ, Linden N, Porker M, Hayes BJ. 2011. Variation in residual feed intake in Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers in southern Australia. Journal of Dairy Science 94(9):4715–4725.
  • Yi Z, Li X, Luo W, Xu Z, Ji C, Zhang Y, Nie Q, Zhang D, Zhang X. 2018. Feed conversion ratio, residual feed intake and cholecystokinin type A receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with feed intake and average daily gain in a Chinese local chicken population. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 9(1):1–9.

Hayvan Beslemede Rezidüel Yem Tüketimi

Yıl 2023, Cilt: 64 Sayı: 2, 85 - 92, 23.01.2024


Yemlerin hayvanlar tarafından değerlendirilmesinde kullanılan farklı birimler bulunmakla birlikte, rezidüel yem tüketiminin kullanıldığı çalışmaların oldukça sınırlı olduğu dikkati çekmektedir. Rezidüel yem tüketimi bir hayvanın gerçek yem tüketimi ile onun cüssesine ve büyümesine bağlı olarak beklenen yem tüketimi arasındaki fark olarak tanımlanmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, hayvan beslemede rezidüel yem tüketimine ilişkin mevcut durumu ortaya koymak ve rezidüel yem tüketiminin kullanılabilirliği hakkında bilgi vermektir. Bu bağlamda rezidüel yem tüketiminde fizyolojik temeller, yemin kullanım etkinliğini tanımlamada bazı birimler, rezidüel yem tüketimi hesaplama modelleri, bazı çiftlik hayvanlarında rezidüel yem tüketimi uygulamaları, rezidüel yem tüketimi seçiminin ekonomik ve çevresel faydaları üzerinde durularak konu detaylı olarak ele alınmıştır. Yapılan sınırlı sayıdaki çalışmada rezidüel yem tüketiminden faydalanılarak hayvan ıslah çalışmalarının yürütülebileceği (hayvan seçimi), aynı verime sahip olan hayvanlar arasında kuru madde tüketimi en az olanların belirlenebileceği ve rezidüel yem tüketimi biriminin kullanılması sayesinde büyüme oranı üzerinde olumlu etkilerin sağlanabileceği bildirilmektedir. Ayrıca rezidüel yem tüketiminin sera gazı emisyonunu azaltmada oldukça önemli katkılar sağlaması bakımından da ruminantlarda tercih edilebilir nitelikte olduğu, hayvan beslemedeki avantajları ve başarılı sonuçlar da dikkate alındığında rezidüel yem tüketimi kullanımının dünya çapında yaygınlaşacağı düşünülmektedir.


  • Archer JA, Arthur PF, Herd RM, Parnell PF, Pitchford WS. 1997. Optimum postweaning test for measurement of growth rate, feed intake and feed efficiency in British breed cattle. Journal of Animal Science 75(8):2024–2032.
  • Archer JA, Reverter A, Herd RM, Johnston DJ, Arthur PF. 2002. Genetic variation in feed intake and efficiency of mature beef cows and relationships with postweaning measurements. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. August 19-23, 2002. Montpellier, France. Communication N°10-07.
  • Archer JA, Richardson EC, Herd RM, Arthur PF. 1999. Potential for selection to improve efficiency of feed use in beef cattle: a review. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 50(2):147.
  • Arthur JPF, Herd RM. 2008. Residual feed intake in beef cattle. Revista Brasileira de Zootecnia 37(Special issue):269–279.
  • Arthur PF, Archer JA, Johnston DJ, Herd RM, Richardson EC, Parnell PF. 2001. Genetic and phenotypic variance and covariance components for feed intake, feed efficiency, and other postweaning traits in Angus cattle. Journal of Animal Science 79(11):2805.
  • Arthur PF, Herd RM, Wilkins JF, Archer JA. 2005. Maternal productivity of Angus cows divergently selected for post-weaning residual feed intake. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 45(8):985.
  • Basarab JA, Price MA, Aalhus JL, Okine EK, Snelling WM, Lyle KL. 2003. Residual feed intake and body composition in young growing cattle. Canadian Journal of Animal Science 83(2):189–204.
  • Carstens GE, Theis CM, White MB, Welsh Jr TH, Warrington BG, Randel RD, Forbes TDA, Lippke H, Greene LW, Lunt DK. 2002. Residual feed intake in beef steers: I. Correlations with performance traits and ultrasound measures of body composition. In Proceedings-American Society of Animal Science Western Section 53:552–555.
  • Carstens GE, Tedeschi LO. 2006. Defining feed efficiency in beef cattle. In Proceedings of Beef Improvement Federation 38th Annual Research Symposium and Annual Meeting, Choctaw, Mississippi, April 2006, s. 12-21.
  • François D, Bibé B, Bouix J, Brunel JC, Weisbecker JL, Ricard E. 2002. Genetic parameters of feeding traits on meat sheep. 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. August 19-23, 2002. Montpellier, France. 7:19–23.
  • Green TC, Jago JG, Macdonald KA, Waghorn GC. 2013. Relationships between residual feed intake, average daily gain, and feeding behavior in growing dairy heifers. Journal of Dairy Science 96(5):3098–3107.
  • Hegarty RS, Goopy JP, Herd RM, McCorkell B. 2007. Cattle selected for lower residual feed intake have reduced daily methane production. Journal of Animal Science 85(6):1479–1486.
  • Herd RM, Oddy VH, Richardson EC. 2004. Biological basis for variation in residual feed intake in beef cattle. 1. Review of potential mechanisms. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 44(5):423.
  • Johnson JL, Lee RP, Saini A, Grohmann B. 2003. Market-focused strategic flexibility: conceptual advances and an integrative model. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 31(1):74–89.
  • Koch RM, Swiger LA, Chambers D, Gregory KE. 1963. Efficiency of feed use in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 22(2):486–494.
  • Lancaster PA, Carstens GE, Ribeiro FRB, Tedeschi LO, Crews DH. 2009. Characterization of feed efficiency traits and relationships with feeding behavior and ultrasound carcass traits in growing bulls. Journal of Animal Science 87(4):1528–1539.
  • Montanholi YR, Swanson KC, Palme R, Schenkel FS, McBride BW, Lu D, Miller SP. 2010. Assessing feed efficiency in beef steers through feeding behavior, infrared thermography and glucocorticoids. Animal 4(5):692–701.
  • Nkrumah JD, Basarab JA, Wang Z, Li C, Price MA, Okine EK, Crews DH, Moore SS. 2007. Genetic and phenotypic relationships of feed intake and measures of efficiency with growth and carcass merit of beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 85(10):2711–2720.
  • Nkrumah JD, Okine EK, Mathison GW, Schmid K, Li C, Basarab JA, Price MA, Wang Z, Moore SS. 2006. Relationships of feedlot feed efficiency, performance, and feeding behavior with metabolic rate, methane production, and energy partitioning in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 84(1):145–153.
  • Prakash A, Saxena VK, Singh MK. 2020. Genetic analysis of residual feed intake, feed conversion ratio and related growth parameters in broiler chicken: a review. World’s Poultry Science Journal 76(2):304–317.
  • Redden RR, Surber LMM, Grove AV, Kott RW. 2013. Growth efficiency of ewe lambs classified into residual feed intake groups and pen fed a restricted amount of feed. Small Ruminant Research 114(2–3):214–219.
  • Richardson EC, Herd RM. 2004. Biological basis for variation in residual feed intake in beef cattle. 2. Synthesis of results following divergent selection. Cooperative Research Centre for Cattle and Beef Quality. Australian Journal of Experimental Agriculture 44:431–440.
  • Sainz RD, Paulino PV. 2004. Residual Feed Inake. Sierra Foothill Research and Extension Center, 1–4.
  • Standing Committee on Agriculture (SCA), 1990. Feeding standards for Australian livestock. Ruminants. (CSIRO) East Melbourne).
  • Smith SN, Davis ME, Loerch SC. 2010. Residual feed intake of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for feed conversion ratio. Livestock Science 132(1–3):41–47.
  • Steinfeld H, Gerber P, Wassenaar TD, Castel V, Rosales M, Rosales M, de Haan C. 2006. Livestock’s long shadow: environmental issues and options. Food and Agriculture Org. ISBN 978-92-5-105571-7
  • Steyn Y, Van Marle-Köster E, Theron HE. 2014. Residual feed intake as selection tool in South African Bonsmara cattle. Livestock Science, 164(1):35–38.
  • Subhashchandra Bose BK, Kundu SS, Tho NTB, Sharma VK, Sontakke UB. 2014. Residual feed intake as a feed efficiency selection tool and its relationship with feed intake, performance and nutrient utilization in Murrah buffalo calves. Tropical Animal Health and Production 46(4):615–621.
  • Tixier-Boichard M, Bordas A, Renand G, Bidanel JP. 2002. Residual food consumption as a tool to unravel genetic components of food intake. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Montpellier, France, August, 2002. pp :10–18.
  • Williams YJ, Pryce JE, Grainger C, Wales WJ, Linden N, Porker M, Hayes BJ. 2011. Variation in residual feed intake in Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers in southern Australia. Journal of Dairy Science 94(9):4715–4725.
  • Yi Z, Li X, Luo W, Xu Z, Ji C, Zhang Y, Nie Q, Zhang D, Zhang X. 2018. Feed conversion ratio, residual feed intake and cholecystokinin type A receptor gene polymorphisms are associated with feed intake and average daily gain in a Chinese local chicken population. Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology 9(1):1–9.
Toplam 31 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil Türkçe
Konular Hayvan Besleme
Bölüm Derlemeler

Mahmoud O. A. Elfaki 0000-0002-5951-2962

Ünal Kılıç 0000-0003-3909-799X

Erken Görünüm Tarihi 11 Ocak 2024
Yayımlanma Tarihi 23 Ocak 2024
Gönderilme Tarihi 9 Nisan 2022
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023 Cilt: 64 Sayı: 2

Kaynak Göster

APA Elfaki, M. O. A., & Kılıç, Ü. (2024). Hayvan Beslemede Rezidüel Yem Tüketimi. Journal of Animal Production, 64(2), 85-92.


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